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Our designers that mastered Urbano can really optimize their work. For example, for a big settlement
with more than 50 km of network, they can draw all long sections in a very short time. Hydraulic
calculations are also easy and fast, so you can change parameters and check results many times.
Another important Canalis & Hydra advantage is the dynamic link between different project parts and
elements, allowing corrections in one part to reflect automatically in other parts. This functionality
provides a fast tool for exploring design alternatives and protects us from unintentional mistakes.
With constantly increasing design requirements, you need a solution that fits right in. Whether you need to import a digital
terrain model, an existing pipe network or hydraulic calculation results, Urbano provides the right functions. During project
design, you can continue to exchange data with external software using a range of options.
Data exchange formats include .dwg, .shp, .tab, .txt, .xml, .rpt, .inp, OLE DB, ISYBAU (ASCII & XML) and more.
The ability to produce large amounts of design data is Configurations provide a great framework to increase
central to any project. But for projects that are developed productivity with Urbano. From simple to advanced, most
over a longer period of time it is even more important to Urbano functions use them. Configurations allow you to
be able to change the drafted drawings quickly. Urbano create custom long sections, labels, reports, data import/
provides superior tools for both tasks. As all the data is export settings, thematic maps, queries, clash detection
stored in a central data model, any design data has to be analyses and trench designs. Most importantly, you can
changed only once. Moreover, a data change in layout will backup, share and import configurations by simply using
cause an automatic update in all associated long sections. drag&drop with the integrated desktop and network
Almost as a side effect, the single data source creates repository options. Similar to other program features,
accurate documentation with matching data in layout, long the equipment catalogs can be adapted and exchanged
sections, labels and reports. Project insight can be further with other users. Finally, country specific functions add
improved with analysis tools like thematic maps, queries the needed local expertise and cover all specific drafting,
and data tables. calculation and documentation needs.
Product portfolio
The Urbano software family offers
the right solution for anyone dealing
with pipe network design.
System requirements
AutoCAD / AutoCAD Map 3D / AutoCAD Civil 3D, from version 2010 to the latest release,
for both *32bit and 64bit
Windows: 8.1, 8, 7, *Vista, *XP
Gabriela Noskov and Miroslav Jlek, JV PROJECT VH s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic
Core features
Urbano comes with an
exceptional user interface.
You can use any data selection as the source and draw one
or more long sections at the same time. Editing is the best
refine the results, you can repeat the procedure multiple
times on any part of the network or move the labels
Conversion of
part with multiple procedures to adjust manhole type, drop manually.
and position, pipe diameter, invert, slope and depth below objects
terrain and representation features like colors, hatches, line The many labeling options are simple to use, and provide
types, label position and type, decorative blocks and data great results. Pipe networks created with
table contents. basic AutoCAD objects like,
lines, polylines and blocks can be
converted to Urbano networks.
The long sections drafting and editing features are a Additional features: Additional information stored
compelling reason to start using Urbano.
in text or block attributes, can
Terrain elevations and DTM be converted to information
Accurate layout drawing is an important part of the Supported DTMs include AutoCAD Civil 3D, 3D Face like pipe diameters or terrain
Urbano project. You can use advanced features like the and Terraform, the Urbano DTM module. Terrain elevations elevations.
automatic setting of pipes, manholes, labels and terrain can be set by direct input, linear interpolation or text file Once part of an Urbano system,
heights to reduce drafting time. Editing is very comfortable import. you can use all the design,
as any position change of pipes and nodes is automatically editing and analysis tools at
reflected in all connected long sections, labels, data tables. Trenches, cross sections and excavation report your disposal. Like in other
The layout pipe network can be displayed in different styles Trench and cross section configurations can be edited and projects, you can use export
like pipes and manholes with real diameters, pipes drawn trench borders displayed in layout. The excavation report configurations to convert the
up to the edge of the manhole and in full 3D. can be made to accurately show the various layer volumes. network to external formats
like .shp, AutoCAD Civil 3D
The layout drafting, editing and styling functions enable Pipe clash and intersection analysis or any OLE DB compatible
quick design changes while preserving overall project A special interface to analyze, label and create reports database.
accuracy. based on complex infrastructure clashes and intersections Conversion tools are part of every
of different Urbano systems like sewage, storm and water or Urbano product and represent
Labels are based on configurations, refresh automatically with other pipe and cable infrastructures like gas, electricity, a powerfull mechanism for
and can be set for sections, nodes, arrays and stations. optical cables etc. restoring and utilizing old pipe
The automatic label repositioning tool will produce a great network drawings.
looking draft of the full layout in a matter of seconds. To Now also with the option to view clashes in 3D!
Urbano Canalis
Sewage & stormwater design,
calculation and analysis software
Urbano Canalis will support your workflow from start to editing functions like insert a manhole directly in the long like lines and polylines. Additional options include setting
finish regardless of project type. You will benefit from the section, adjust the manhole drop or straighten the invert terrain heights and invert elevations, positioning labels and
speed and accuracy of the dynamic design model while by line or by slope. The editing functions can be performed selecting pipe type and diameter.
enjoying great design and drafting flexibility thanks to the before or after the input of pipes and manholes.
configuration system. Data exchange with complementary Automatic pipe invert editing is based on a set of criteria Catchment & influence areas
software is built-in with more than a dozen supported file that will produce a best fit solution. The criteria include Catchment areas for rain flow calculations are created from
formats. To complete the offer, there is a full set of calcula- maximum and minimum depth and slope, the preference closed areas drawn with lines or polylines. This also applies
tion and analysis tools at your disposal. to use drop manholes, existing lateral inlets and previously to sub-areas with different runoff coefficients like roofs or
drawn pipe inverts. All criteria are set in a single window driveways. Influence areas for sanitary and industrial flows
Key functions which makes it simple to retain control. A solution based are created similarly to catchment areas and based on spe-
on the criteria will be calculated and applied to the selected cific inhabitant density.
Long section and Invert design long sections. And the best thing is all the settings can
Urbano Canalis includes a comprehensive set of tools and be stored in a configuration for additional use, editing and
exchange with other team members. Flow & hydraulic calculation
configurations adapted to the specific requirements of The flow calculation manager handles various national and
sewage and stormwater long sections design. Special tools international methods like calculating rain flow with IDF
follow each step of the design process including data selec- Prefabricated manholes curves, waste flow from influence areas, additional rain and
tion, long section and invert editing, long section manage- Urbano includes the option to determine the exact prefab- foreign water flows, transit flows and total flow. Calculation
ment and preparation for plotting. You can move, delete or ricated concrete elements that will be used in the building results are based on configurations allowing you to track all
copy long sections and you can exchange the currently used of a manhole. The included prefabricated elements catalog inputs and outputs. Hydraulic dimensioning is performed
configuration with another one. The change of any feature was created according to EN 1917-2005 and DIN V 4034-1 according to Darcy-Weisbach and Prandtl-Colebrook equa-
like color, text alignment, size, line type, block type, data to standards and can be extended with user created elements. tions.
display etc. can be stored in a new configuration. The composition of elements is based on pipe inverts and
Invert editing is especially powerful. The program offers manhole depth with dynamic control and adjustment of
full interoperability of manual and automatic invert design total manhole height. Based on the composed manholes
tools. This brings unparalleled flexibility to pipe invert you can create element lists and reports.
Manual editing is fully interactive enabling you to draw House connections
directly in the long section and preview the results of any House connections can be created with manual and auto-
editing operation before it is executed. You can use smart matic drafting tools or by a conversion of CAD elements
We use Urbano for more than a year for the
purposes of design and calculation of sewage and
water distribution networks as we can develop our
projects with much less time than before. We are
especially impressed with the ability to import our
old network data to Urbano and edit them according
to our needs.
Urbano Hydra will support your workflow from start to be further refined using post-processing and editing tools. tools follow each step of the design process including data
finish regardless of project type. You will benefit from the Harnessing the power of the new automatic pipe diameter selection, long section and invert editing, long section
speed and accuracy of the dynamic design model while optimization calculation will significantly increase management and preparation for plotting. You can move,
enjoying great design and drafting flexibility thanks to the productivity and quality of the final design. delete or copy long sections and you can exchange the
configuration system. Data exchange with complementary currently used configuration with another one. The change
software is built-in with more than a dozen supported Connection to EPANET and other hydraulic of any feature like color, text alignment, size, line type,
file formats. To complete the offer, there is a full set of block type, table data and more, can be stored in a new
modeling software
calculation and analysis tools at your disposal. configuration.
EPANET is the worldwide standard software for hydraulic
Invert editing is especially powerful offering full
calculations of water distribution networks and most
Key functions hydraulic modeling software use the EPANET file format
interoperability of manual and automatic invert design
tools. You can take advantage of a new function that
to exchange data. Urbano can be used to determine all
Automatic pipe diameter optimization enables the automatic determination of pipe inverts with
pipe network information including water demands, pipes,
For water distribution networks, calculating and respect to reducing the number of needed air release and
valves, pumps, reservoirs etc. The prepared data can then be
determining optimal pipe diameters is no straightforward sludge release valves. This brings unparalleled flexibility to
exported to any EPANET compatible software for hydraulic
task. Depending on network size and topology type, it can pipe invert design.
modeling. The modeling results can be imported to Urbano
become increasingly complex and time consuming. The and become part of the project.
intricate dependencies of flow, velocity, pressure, flow Node assembly schema design
direction and pipe diameter are especially demanding in You can create detailed node schematics based on network
Hydraulic calculation
loop network topologies. nodes and a catalog of assembly elements e.g. fittings and
Urbano uses the EPANET engine for a snapshot hydraulic
Urbano Hydra solves this problem for both branch and loop valves. You can create custom parametric elements or
calculation. This action requires the same data input
network topologies with the use of advanced hydraulic elements from AutoCAD blocks. A table with part name
as if you were to export the data to EPANET. The
calculation methods. The automatic pipe diameter and quantity is generated automatically.
snapshot calculation can be performed to get some basic
optimization procedure is based on a genetic algorithm that
understanding of the network in a short amount of time.
mimics the natural selection process to calculate an optimal
solution. In this case, the algorithm tries to determine
optimal pipe diameters based on a required flow velocity in Long section and invert design
the water distribution network. You set and control all input Urbano Hydra includes a comprehensive set of tools and
values, calculation settings and required results making the configurations adapted to the specific requirements of long
process simpler to understand and manage. The results can section design for water distribution networks. Special
Using Hydra and Canalis we have fast and
reliable results, the ability to view intersections of
systems and hydraulic calculations of the network
in minutes. We estimate the design efficiency with
Hydra and Canalis to be about 10 km of network
per day.
Key functions
Data import and export
Urbano solves the issues of reliable data exchange
between different software systems with import and export
configurations. You can create custom configurations for
every project and data source. This also makes it easy to
test the import or export procedure in case you are dealing
with a complex data structure. The imported data of nodes
and sections is used to draw a pipe network directly. You
can then proceed with editing and analysis in the usual way.
Import and export configurations can be stored, exchanged
with the .dwg file or reused as a starting point for a new
project solution. Supported data exchange formats include
.shp (ESRI ArcGIS), .tab (MapInfo), Text files and OLE DB
databases like Oracle, MS SQL, Access and PostgreSQL.
Key functions
Cross sections
You can create dynamic cross sections that include terrain
features and all infrastructure networks. Cross sections are
based on configurations and are automatically refreshed
on any change in layout or long sections. You can create
multiple terrain lines, hatch cut and fill surfaces and add
custom object symbols. The calculation of surfaces and
volumes is based on the specified terrain lines.
Key functions
Polygon topology Polygon/Pipe intersections
Polygon topology is a special type of data structure used This is a special analysis type that allows you to detect
for creating parcels or zones. You can create a polygon intersection points between pipe networks and parcels.
topology in an automated procedure by converting existing The results of the intersection can be stored in custom
lines and polylines. The automated procedure will always data variables which can be added to long section
create parcels that conform to the requirements. You can configurations. This will, for instance, allow you to control
use post-processing cleanup and editing tools on all non- the type of parcel a pipe run is going through. The Polygon/
conforming lines and polylines. Additional information Pipe connection is dynamic and any change in the pipe
like parcel number, type and owner can be imported from run or the parcel will be refreshed automatically in all data
a database or converted from AutoCAD texts. You can views.
use standard Urbano tools to edit, label, search, query and
analyze the parcels.
Analysis tools
Urbano includes a number of specific parcel analysis tools.
To improve project insight you can perform buffer, union,
intersection and overlay analyses. You can create analysis
reports using thematic maps and data tables.
Urbano Raster & Vector
Urbano Raster&Vector provide productivity tools
for working with large amounts of raster and vector maps.
Key functions
Images can be imported one by one, by reading a folder
structure or from a database. Groups can be made
according to any criteria e.g. image scale, content or
location. Each group is named which makes it easy to select
and display appropriate images.
The synergy of Urbano and Autodesk products creates AutoCAD Conversion of Line, LW Polyline, 2D Polyline, 3D Polyline to Urbano sections.
clear-cut advantages: Conversion of Blocks to Urbano Nodes
Conversion of Text and Block attributes to Urbano data like invert elevations,
pipe diameters, channel names etc.
Use of standard AutoCAD tools for additional annotations and plot preparation.
Project amendment with digital terrain models or terrain heights, long sections,
trenches, cross sections and more
AutoCAD Civil 3D Direct use of AutoCAD Civil 3Ds digital terrain model.
Navisworks Export of Urbano pipe networks as 3D solid objects for additional clash analysis
Urbano Hydra/Canalis is suitable for large
infrastructure projects. The software is
multifunctional and gives freedom to a designer to
develop complex calculations and designs. Urbano
Hydra/Canalis helped us to develop water supply
and sewerage designs with a very short design time
and with the best quality.
Urbano, Canalis, Hydra are registered trademarks of Studio ars d.o.o. in Croatia and/or other countries. All other brand names, product
names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Studio ars reserves the right to change products and services availability,
specifcations and/or pricing at any time without notice.
Studio ars is not responsible for any errors that may appear in this document.
2015 Studio ars d.o.o.
All rights reserved.
StudioARS d.o.o.
Cesta dalmatinskih brigada 24b
51211 Matulji, Croatia
[email protected]