HS2 Post Royal Assent Leaflet Feb 2017
HS2 Post Royal Assent Leaflet Feb 2017
HS2 Post Royal Assent Leaflet Feb 2017
Phase One of the new High Speed Two (HS2) railway
the part of the route between the West Midlands
and London has received legal approval to go ahead.
What is
happening with
the HS2 railway?
The hybrid Bill for Phase
One of HS2 has received
Royal Assent.
This means that
Parliament has approved
the Bill, making it an Act
of Parliament, which
gives the Government
permission to build a
new high speed railway
between Birmingham
and London.
HS2 Ltd has now been
instructed to begin the
What will I see in my local area? construction of the new
To enable construction to begin, we will be undertaking some works railway. This leaflet has
along the Phase One route such as ground investigations, ecology been sent to everyone
surveys, archaeological works, utility diversions and some demolitions. living near the Phase
We will keep you updated about what is happening in your area One route.
through regular engagement and communications, which will include
newsletters, regular events or local meetings. To find out more about
when we will be visiting your community, you can call our 24-hour
Helpdesk on 020 7944 4908 or email us at [email protected].
Our commitments to you How could my land or
HS2 is Europes largest infrastructure project, with more than property be affected?
140 miles of new railway being built in Phase One between
You may have already talked
Birmingham and London. HS2 Ltd is committed to being a good
to HS2 Ltd, or one of our
neighbour by treating those in our communities with respect and
representatives about your land
compassion, and building the railway with care and consideration.
or property. If any of your land
We aim to reduce the impact of construction activity in our or property is directly affected
communities as much as possible. The Code of Construction by the new railway, HS2 Ltd
Practice sets out the standards and commitments we will follow, will be writing to you personally.
and how we will monitor progress. To find out more please visit If you want to talk to someone
www.gov.uk/hs2 or contact the helpline. at HS2 before we get in touch,
Some of the commitments we have made to you include: you can call our Helpdesk on
020 7944 4908 or email us at
Continuing to build respectful, long-term relationships with [email protected].
our communities and actively encouraging our workforce to
be considerate and accountable for their actions at all times; For independent advice about
property matters, you can call
Working with our communities to develop local two-way the Royal Institution of Chartered
engagement and communication programmes tailored Surveyors helpline on 02476 868
to local needs; 555. They will put you in touch
Making sure communities are aware of any construction with surveyors in your area, who
activities taking place in their area; can provide up to 30 minutes
of free professional advice.
Operating a community helpline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
providing a direct line to the community engagement team;
Making safety a priority for our communities and our workforce;
Respecting the wellbeing of our communities, minimising
disruption to their lives with local environmental and traffic
management plans;
Leaving a positive and sustainable legacy for the communities
where we operate;
Managing and reducing waste across our construction sites; and
Encouraging our workforce to use modes of transport
which are environmentally friendly to travel to work.
If you have any questions or you would like to find out more, Please contact us if you would
you can get in touch with our helpline (open 24/7): like a free copy of this leaflet in:
Large print
CS791 HS2 Ltd. Images: HS2 Ltd/Bob Martin