EPC Arborfield Application Leaflet 2013

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Hampshire County Council has raised detailed objections on technical issues and on the Transport Assessment that accompanies the application - its errors, its unfounded assumptions, the lack of detail and the complete absence of any measures to address the problems caused by increased traffic levels in Hampshire. It is notable that the applicant has put forward no proposals to relieve any of the adverse impacts that the development and its traffic will bring to Hampshire.

Dear Resident,

Wokingham Borough Council has received a planning application for part of the Arborfield New Town. It wants your views and it has sent you a letter with some details of the application: 2,000 new houses;

There are things that could be done in Eversley, such as: highway

a care home for the elderly; district and neighbourhood centres; a supermarket, other retail, leisure and office uses; primary and secondary schools; and, public open space.

and/or junction improvements to ease traffic flows; wider pavements for pedestrian safety; off-road cycle-ways and bridleways to protect vulnerable users; measures to reduce road speeds and enforce speed limits; and, new bus services to help reduce traffic volumes, amongst others.

For Eversley, that adds up to a whole lot more traffic on our roads and our country lanes.

The impacts of the additional traffic in Eversley could include: increased congestion and queuing at junctions; more rat-

running; increased danger to all road users cyclists, horse riders and motorists; more noise and fumes; more vibration damage to old buildings; detrimental impacts on our historic Conservation Areas; a change to the rural character of the village; difficulties in driving out of your property or getting across the road, especially in the longer rush hours; more danger to those walking to school, the shop, etc.; and, a diminished quality of life for everybody.

What do you think the applicants should be helping to provide in Eversley? Wokingham Borough Councillors need to know. So, you need to tell them.
This is the first of two planning applications and only covers the new development in the north of the site. The vast majority of the land is being sold by a Government Agency. Wokingham Borough Council needs sufficient feedback to enable it to require the Government to take less in profits and to enable greater sums to be spent offsetting the damage that this development will cause to neighbouring communities. There is also the problem of 12 years of construction traffic, with the possibility of many more HGVs on Eversley roads. If you think that there need to be routing & timing agreements to protect Eversley, then

How is the increase in traffic likely to affect you? Wokingham Borough Councillors need to know. So, you need to tell them.

Wokingham Borough Councillors need to know. So, you need to tell them.

Hart District Council has raised detailed environmental objections and our local Parish and Town Councils are also objecting to the plans. The technical arguments are being covered, but Wokingham Borough Council wants your views on how you think the plans will affect you.

If you wish to comment, however briefly, you should do so straight away, because the consultation closes soon.

There are 3 ways to comment: Send an e.mail to [email protected] Send a letter to Development Management, PO Box 157, Shute End, Wokingham, Berkshire. RG40 1WR. Complete an on-line comments form on WBCs web-site at http://www.wokingham.gov.uk/planning/planningapplications/ commentplanningapplications/planningcomment/ Appl. No. O/2013/0600 Arborfield Garrison and land adjoining. Wokingham Borough Council, its members and its officers have all given assurances that a nil detriment approach will be taken towards capacity of the highway network, in line with national policy. This requires that the transport network should be no worse off with the development than it would be without. The evidence of the latest Wokingham Strategic Transport Model (WSTM3) and the Transport Assessment that accompanies this application is that nil detriment is not going to be achieved in Hampshire. Wokingham Borough Council must honour its written commitment that where the evidence supports any mitigation (in Hampshire) this will be required at the time that any planning application for the AG SDL is determined.


Wokingham Borough Councillors need to know. So, you need to tell them. Tell them NOW.

This leaflet has been produced by Eversley Parish Council and Eversley Matters and has been funded by public donations. [email protected]

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