ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International - January 2024
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International - January 2024
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International - January 2024
January 2024
Driver monitoring systems
continue to mature and
grow in sophistication
04 Tech insider: ZF Group COVER STORY:
Alexander Makowski, head of the autonomous mobility DRIVER MONITORING
product line at ZF Group, discusses the increasing Robust driver monitoring is coming
popularity of self-driving shuttles under ever sharper scrutiny as more
08 Tech insider: EZTow capable assistance features reach the
market – and the most advanced
EasyMile’s Marion Ferré on the latest from the company’s systems could offer advantages
autonomous baggage tractor deployment at Toulouse- beyond occupant safety
Blagnac Airport in France
10 Project brief: WHILL
An autonomous wheelchair is just the ticket for those
flying with a disability or reduced mobility
22 Data operations
Mastering the ADAS/AV data pipeline is crucial to
the successful deployment of self-driving vehicles 34 V2X
V2X is often cited as a cornerstone of autonomous
28 Mapping driving, but with misaligned standards and delayed
HD maps have long been synonymous with 5G rollout, is it also becoming a bottleneck?
autonomous driving. Could the latest technology
mark a fundamental shift? 40 evolvAD
A UK project seeks to boost autonomous driving
on rural and urban residential roads, partly by
training AVs to act more assertively
46 AI: LLMs
Large language models are coming to
self-driving cars
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International January 2024 01
53 Supplier interview:
I really enjoyed talking to the team behind Nissan’s evolvAD project (see page 40).
Bojan Contala, business development manager,
Launched in September 2023, this test program will see Nissan Leaf EVs kitted out with
describes Dewesoft’s recently released Obsidian
autonomous driving software and hardware take to select London roads to see how
autonomous data recording product line
they cope with the demands of an urban residential environment.
54 Family affair The self-driving cars will have a safety driver on board at all times, and will benefit
Simulation software and real-time hardware from added V2I data captured by cameras integrated into the test zone, which is run
from IPG Automotive offer support for all stages by TRL. Nissan’s safety pilots/drivers have all taken part in Nissan A2 training (the
of testing highest level of vehicle handling training for Nissan vehicle development in Europe),
56 Team effort as well as roadcraft training (defensive driver training and road awareness in the UK)
and system failure mode training.
How the Sim4CAMSens project aims to forge
a robust perception sensor ecosystem The project builds on the OEM’s previous projects, HumanDrive and ServCity, and will
help advance AD technologies at Nissan as it accelerates toward its Nissan Ambition
57 Park better 2030 long-term vision. At the project’s launch, the manufacturer was particularly keen
Advanced automated parking systems can to emphasize just how ‘long term’ its vision is: “There are still challenges to overcome
save time, effort and lives, says Applied Intuition in terms of technology and reliability, particularly when it comes to creating fully
automated vehicles that can carry out complete door-to-door journeys in all driving
58 On reflection scenarios,” it said in a company statement. “Even when the technology is deemed
Gentex offers mirror-integrated driver monitoring
ready, there may still be potential legal hurdles, as well as questions over insurance
as a quick, cost-effective way to meet impending
liability, cybersecurity and public acceptance.”
regulatory requirements
Although the evolvAD vehicles are equipped with 100% autonomous drive capability,
60 Sound and vision Nissan says this should not be misinterpreted, and that it has “no intention to launch
VBOX’s new test tool enables engineers to check a fully autonomous vehicle in the UK and Europe in the near future”. Instead, evolvAD
the safety of L3+ driving controls and features fits into the OEM’s wider autonomous driving research and development program
that is taking place across its R&D facilities worldwide. As such, the findings will help
61 Mind the gap inform future Nissan AD systems for passenger vehicles with a focus on how Nissan
How ASAM seeks to close the gap between can ensure its systems integrate into urban environments.
standard specifications and their implementation,
through expert advice and a range of tools Such a methodical, patient and cautious approach may be frustrating for some
investors and tech enthusiasts, but recent events in the US suggest it is the correct
62 Ready for a drive? way to proceed. As this issue went to press, Cruise had been forced to recall 950 of its
Xylon’s all-in-one logging and simulation device self-driving vehicles from cities across the USA for a software update to the collision
supports all stages of development and validation detection subsystem of its automated driving system.
of in-cabin monitoring systems
The recall is the latest development in the ongoing fallout from an impact between
63 Plug−and−play data solution a driverless Cruise robotaxi and a pedestrian in San Francisco in early October
A modular, removable, rugged datalogger with hot 2023. The accident led the California Department of Motor Vehicles to subsequently
plugging capability to ensure a smooth changeover revoke Cruise’s permits to test and operate fully driverless vehicles on the state’s
highways and urban roads.
64 Have you met...? The damage to the image of self-driving vehicles caused by recent events in California
Florens Gressner, CEO and is hard to calculate. Many argue that a safety driver should always be on board to
co-founder, Neurocat
guarantee safety, at least until there is enough data to suggest otherwise. We’d love
to hear your thoughts on whether you agree and how best the industry can move
forward. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the issue!
Anthony James
value Scan the QR code or visit to request exclusive SCAN
Driver monitoring systems
continue to mature and and rapid information about the latest technologies and services featured in this issue QR CODE
grow in sophistication
All aboard
Alexander Makowski,
head of the autonomous
mobility product line at
ZF Group, discusses the
increasing popularity of
self-driving shuttles
By Anthony James
Last October saw leading autonomous (ATS) with Beep’s mobility services and service
transportation system provider ZF announce management platform into a single-source
that it was expanding its relationship with Houston- autonomous mobility solution.
based vehicle manufacturer Oceaneering The new shuttles are equipped with lidar,
International to deliver a “four-digit number” of ZF‘s radar, camera and audio systems to provide
Group Rapid Transport (GRT) shuttles to customers precise environmental detection. This is
in the coming years. complemented by the ZF ProConnect
The company started 2023 by debuting a connectivity platform, which enables
brand-new shuttle developed with US mobility communication with any V2X infrastructure and
services provider Beep at CES, designed specifically the cloud. Meanwhile the Virtual Driver – ZF’s
for autonomous driving in urban environments and AD software – processes the huge volumes of
mixed traffic. The company says this next-generation information, derives safe driving strategies
model complements its established GRT model, using AI, and passes them on as input to the
which is primarily designed for use in segregated onboard actuators, replacing the human driver
lanes. Beep and ZF have plans to deliver “several and rendering the steering wheel and brake
thousand shuttles” to customers over the coming pedal redundant.
years, combining ZF’s autonomous transport system The software stack consists of two
major parts – the performance path
ZF’s original GRT and the safety path. The latter
shuttle (right) and monitors comprehensive situations
shuttle (left)
with care
Marion Ferré, deployment
project manager at EasyMile,
on the EZTow autonomous
baggage tractor deployment
at Toulouse-Blagnac Airport
By Anthony James
EZTow has begun TO THEM”
following a new
2km route
Flight control
Front, side and
rear sensors
ensure collision
THE CONCEPT The device has full 360° object-sensing coverage, enabling
The number of people seeking wheelchair services, it to stop and move around any objects blocking its path, or
specifically in airports, is growing rapidly. Airport prompting an audible alert. “If there’s a large crowd of people
operators are struggling to keep up with the demand of in the way and the device can’t get through, it will audibly ask
maintaining a reliable workforce for push-chair services. Poor people to step aside so the passenger could continue to their
wheelchair availability can lead to delayed flights, destination,” explains Gagnon.
embarrassing headlines and frustrated passengers and family In most cases, WHILL is used in a departure scenario to
members. WHILL provides airports and passengers with a take passengers to the gate. Other services include connecting
one-to-one service that gives passengers the independence passengers within the airport, or international arrival scenarios
and freedom to determine where they want to go within the where there is a long walk from the gate to customs.
airport, reliably and efficiently. “Once the device is secured, the passenger can view
a small screen in the arm of the device,” continues
THE TEAM Gagnon. “Here, a few prompts will come up. They can
select their designated language and it explains
Satoshi Sugie, the founder and CEO of
how the device operates. Then, once a destination
WHILL, was living in Tokyo and working
is confirmed, there’s a five-second countdown
for Nissan as an automotive engineer and
and the device departs.”
designer when his friend unfortunately lost
During the ride, the passenger can hit
his mobility. His friend mentioned he was
a pause button on the screen or call for
unable to get to the grocery store due to his
assistance that will route them to an operator
condition, so they went together to find a
in case they have any questions. An operation
suitable mobility device. However, they couldn’t
team monitors the use, communicates with
find something that could operate in small
passengers and, if needed, can dispatch the
spaces and fit his needs. Sugie decided to design Users can select device to another location.
and build something himself, and asked two friends destinations
or pause the
Once the passenger arrives at the destination,
who worked at Panasonic and Samsung to lead on the
service with the device will return to its original location to pick
tech side. The resulting prototype was a huge success,
a simple click up another passenger.
encouraging Sugie to start a business. He and his two
“Currently, the devices are getting roughly
friends founded WHILL in 2012.
seven- to eight-hour run times on a single charge,” says
The three friends moved from Tokyo to Silicon Valley,
Gagnon. “Each device comes with two batteries that you can
California, where they received some early funds from tech
very easily swap out when needed. A battery takes roughly
investors. In 2019, WHILL was presented at CES, where it
four to five hours for a complete charge, so if managed
received a lot of interest from airports keen to arrange trials.
properly the devices can run 24/7 with no downtime.”
This led to the first commercial application at Haneda Airport
in Tokyo, Japan, in 2020.
THE VEHICLE WHILL is up and running at three major airports in
Japan. In North America, the company has one
WHILL works on-site with an airport to generate a
permanent installation – in Winnipeg, Canada.
digital map of the terminal, complete with specific paths
“We’ve done a lot of trials and pilot programs at major
for the devices to follow. “We create an invisible rail line that
US airports, and expect by the end of this year to have
our devices will follow and stick close to that line. If any
several other programs up and running at airports in major
obstacles get in the device’s way, we can take a small detour
metropolitan areas,” concludes Gagnon. “One of our biggest
and continue our path,” explains Justin Gagnon, WHILL’s VP
challenges in the US market is that all stakeholders need to
of business development.
get on the same page for the program to kick off, and this can
“WHILL works alongside the airport to set specific stations
take some time. We have learned so much along the way and
where our devices will be available for passengers to use. We
will continue to face challenges, especially with the difficulty
set goal destinations throughout the airport, including airport
of airport infrastructure. The device needs to handle multiple
lounges, gates, restaurants and coffee shops, and program
levels and trains/shuttles, and we are implementing solutions
those into the device. The completely autonomous service
to close these gaps. In terms of the passenger experience,
then takes the passengers to their designated locations.”
there’s a survey available for them to complete when the ride
is over. So far, it’s been overwhelmingly positive.” ‹
Get involved online!
JUNE 4, 5 & 6, 2024
With an attentive
driver, and under
the right conditions,
GM’s Super Cruise is
designed to permit
hands-free operation
Public confusion
Consumer awareness is an added
challenge. In 2022, the Insurance Institute
of Highway Safety (IIHS) surveyed 600
drivers, split equally between regular users
of Cadillac, Tesla and Nissan (and Infiniti)
assistance features. Among them, 53%, 42%
and 12% respectively treated their vehicles
as fully self-driving, and there was an
increased tendency to eat, drink or send
text messages while the systems were
active. Almost half of Tesla AutoPilot and
Mercedes-Benz is the
first OEM to use Visa’s
Delegated Authentication
and Visa Cloud Token
Framework technology
to enable secure native
in-car payment, enabling
customers to pay for digital
services and on-demand
hardware upgrades using a
fingerprint sensor in the car
January 2024
download now!
g with
partly by
have long
been synonymous
the latest
HD maps Could shift?
autonomousmark a fundamental
With connected and software-based vehicles, In Europe, GSR2 forbids DMS data being accessible or
Tesla has monitored driver interactions with made available to third parties, and event data recorders
AutoPilot since the system launched in 2015. must not store any personally identifiable information after
Other OEMs are collecting similar data to steer ongoing a collision. By comparison, AAA’s Matthew Lum points out
development. Jeff Miller, Super Cruise lead solution that in NHTSA’s recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
manager at General Motors, says customers must agree to for Advanced Emergency Braking, the organization is
terms and conditions before using the system, including considering requiring “targeted data recording” of AEB
collecting “operational and safety-related information”, activations – including camera data. It doesn’t say whether
but stresses that privacy is a priority. this information could be released.
“In order to operate Super Cruise, you must have an “We feel that consumers should be entitled to determine
active and eligible Connected Services Plan,” he comments. what happens with their data. With driver monitoring
“Vehicles are connected to OnStar Emergency Services, systems, I would say that it’s probably the time to have
so advisors can assist drivers should they become a conversation about that,” says Lum.
non-responsive while Super Cruise is active. “If there are no robust privacy protections, you might
“When active, Super Cruise uses an in-vehicle driver start to see significant instances of people just putting a
attention system with proprietary head pose and eye piece of tape over the cameras. Even if that causes certain
gaze software that helps make sure your eyes are on safety features to be disengaged, some people will consider
the road. The system does not record or share images, that a fair trade-off. Disabling some of these ADAS features,
audio or video.” which took a lot of R&D, is counterproductive.”
Source: Automotive Edge Computing
Consortium (AECC)
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International January 2024 23
A Here 3D map of San Francisco:
offering a simplified view of
the real world, 3D maps can
enhance navigation applications
and help ensure better decisions
in complex situations
what it claims is a much lower cost. “It’s not the raw data
“WE HAVE DEALS WITH NINE CAR that you send to the cloud. It’s processed data – about
10KB per kilometer,” continues Shashua. “We have deals
MAKERS WHO SEND US DATA, AND with nine car makers who send us data, and we have
WE HAVE MILLIONS OF CARS millions of cars every day mapping the entire world at
a very, very low cost.”
EVERY DAY MAPPING THE ENTIRE This is not high definition because of the lack of
WORLD AT A VERY LOW COST” lidar collection, but Shashua claims that it has other
advantages over HD. “There’s also a lot of information
Amnon Shashua, CEO, Mobileye about how humans drive that you don’t find in
high-definition maps.”
The road to autonomous driving is increasingly being The swarm data collected shows how road users
led by ADAS specialists such as Intel’s Mobileye, as they interact with the infrastructure – where they position
add more competence to what started out as simple themselves at junctions, for example. Grabbing
lane-keep and adaptive cruise control systems. 95,000,000km of data daily is not useful solely
THE AUTO for informing Level 3 and 4 autonomy, but also for
Automatic for the people INDUSTRY HAS Mobileye’s Level 2+/Level 3 SuperVision technology
Mobileye has changed the conversation on what HD and, from 2025, the company’s hands-off, eyes-off
mapping means. What started out as a laborious DEFINED A STANDARD Chauffeur technology.
process of running a small fleet of specially adapted PROTOCOL FOR MAP
vehicles to map a defined area has become an DATA INFORMATION Revenue share
exercise in using millions of regular cars to grab EXCHANGE, CALLED Such is Mobileye’s lead in this area that some car
low-data snapshots to build a comprehensive picture ADAS INTERFACE companies are looking for partners who can offer
of the roadways of entire countries. something similar but on a more collaborative basis,
“The conventional way of creating an HD map is to
SPECIFICATION where the revenue is better shared. For example,
drive a lidar- and camera-equipped specialized vehicle (ADASIS) Volkswagen and BMW have turned from Mobileye
around a city, collecting cloud points everywhere,” says to Qualcomm for certain future vehicle platforms.
Amnon Shashua, founder and CEO of Mobileye. “Then Currently a leader in providing connectivity and
someone does some manual work to build it into a map. computer power for infotainment systems, Qualcomm is
It costs about US$10m per city, which is huge. And then expanding its semi-autonomous capability on its Drive
you need to update them because things change.” platform, which includes a plan to use sensors from
Mobileye instead uses its EyeQ camera/sensor, Built from relatively
customer cars to map the roads on which they drive.
which has become an ADAS standard, to create sparse, anonymized, Moving to scenarios where drivers can take their
Road Experience Management (REM) maps for ultra-lightweight data, hands off the wheel and then their eyes off the road
Mobileye’s REM HD
maps are nevertheless
rich in detail
V2X is often cited as a
cornerstone of autonomous
driving, but with misaligned
standards and delayed
5G rollout, is it also
becoming a bottleneck?
By Alex Grant
rom streaming media to delivering new
features over the air, connectivity offers a FIVE-STAR RATING THAT CAN BE EASILY
richer customer experience and opportunities
for vehicles to collaborate. Pooling and sharing UNDERSTOOD BY CONSUMERS”
sensor data could vastly expand the Andrea Leitner, global business segment manager, AVL
situational awareness of connected vehicles, providing
advanced warnings for human drivers and enabling
further automation. Regulations in North America,
China and Europe recognize that vehicle-to-
everything (V2X) can improve road safety, but
the path ahead isn’t entirely straightforward.
Andrea Leitner, global business segment
manager at AVL, believes regulatory influences will
be important. Today’s V2X systems are focused on
providing information, she says, but data
connections are less sensitive to interference from
weather than radar or lidar, and the ecosystem could be
extended to other modes of transportation such as trains
and e-scooters. However, the industry is using two competing
standards – wi-fi-based dedicated short-range communications
(DSRC or ITS-G5) and cellular (C-V2X). This is causing
uncertainty for OEMs and infrastructure suppliers, especially
in Europe where both are commonplace.
“A global consensus on one standard would be a major
driver for V2X in every car,” Leitner says. “This needs to be
addressed on an international level, with consent between
legislators and industry. One push might come from the Euro
Simulating V2X
system received
an ‘Advanced’
award from Euro
NCAP in 2020
The sharpening gaze of regulators and networks. This allows us to replicate realistic
NCAPs means auto makers are increasingly communication scenarios, like dense traffic in
looking for support to validate the narrow inner-city crossings, and test system Below: Soft
performance of V2X systems, while requiring reliability in depth.” target testing
new equipment and robust test processes. AB Dynamics recently supported the three-year of V2X-assisted
ADAS, as part of
Andrea Leitner of AVL says the company SECUR project, led by UTAC, assessing V2X-
the SECUR project
has developed evaluation procedures that can assisted ADAS and creating proposals for Euro
verify vehicle behavior during model-in-the-loop NCAP test protocols. Customers are increasingly
and hardware-in-the-loop testing. Full-scale, demanding that soft targets for ADAS testing not
end-to-end testing is supported by the AVL only ‘look’ like a vehicle to sensors, but also have
DrivingCube, which immerses the vehicle in the same digital signature.
a virtual environment including simulated/injected “There is a standard message that every car
sensor data and V2X messages. The testing not sends out – the Co-operative Awareness Message
only considers protocols but also how modems (CAM) – and other messages
respond to the surrounding environment. that warn of specific events,
“V2X systems use GHz bands, which can be like end of queue or other
impacted by the geometric scenario causing hazards such as collisions,”
reflections and distortions – for example, buildings explains the company’s
and street signs – leading to rapidly changing Andrew Pick. “We need
channel conditions while driving. It is important to be able to trigger those
to verify performance and fault handling under messages on demand, as
such real-life conditions,” she explains. part of our test scenario,
“Together with research partners, AVL has and that’s something we’ve
developed realistic channel models, capturing been able to do from our
such dynamics in real time, using geometry-based platform and incorporated
stochastic channel models and artificial neural into our software.”
The growth of C-V2X presents a new challenge
for the cellular ecosystem, supporting vehicles
that have much longer lifespans than smartphone
handsets. Holger Rosier of Rohde & Schwarz believes this
will result in multiple technology generations operating
simultaneously to ensure systems remain operable.
“Staying within the same technology generation is usually
not a big deal; releases are backward compatible. Going to
a new technology such as 4G to 5G and, in the future, 6G,
requires additional solutions to remain compatible,” he says.
That rollout has its own challenges, adds Holger Rosier, “Having [multiple] technology generations integrated
technology manager, automotive at Rohde & Schwarz. The company into vehicles is a straightforward approach, also used in
is providing equipment for testing V2X conformance and compliance, smartphone devices. Nevertheless, a migration path needs
and 5G offers more reliable data transmission for automated to be in place.”
functions. Some countries require mobile network operators Qualcomm’s Jim Misener foresees similar solutions,
(MNOs) to meet deployment targets along transportation corridors adding that these are already available if manufacturers
when auctioning frequency, but that work isn’t complete yet. want to include them. Most manufacturers are defaulting
Rosier explains, “Providing ubiquitous 5G connectivity with to 5G as the latest technology to ensure longevity, he says,
higher performance even to consumers in rural environments is, but they are also encountering potential obsolescence
business-wise, a challenging task. A feature that demands a new 6G as MNOs decommission 2G and 3G networks to make
technology is the combination of data communication and sensing. spectrum available for newer technologies.
“The case study is eCall in Europe – how do you move on
Both applications will benefit from frequency ranges newly assigned
to more advanced technologies, because the eCall mandate
to mobile communications and sensing [as a] purpose. Data
is 3G? There’s a lot of fretting, hand wringing, hair pulling on
transmission will be improved from integrated sensing applications, how one transitions. One simply has to have a plan as to how
while radar operation may benefit from interference coordination.” you refarm the spectrum. It is an issue, but these refarming
AB Dynamics is also meeting growing demand for soft targets advances are happening now,” he explains.
that can be used to test V2X. Andrew Pick, director of track test Suman Sehra of Harman is similarly confident that 5G
systems, says customers typically favor cellular solutions as they offer will provide long-term operability for C-V2X systems. “I am
ad-hoc local and long-range communications, but compatibility is an seeing 5G go well past a decade and a half, a decade or
issue even within the same two,” he says. “The usable life [of the vehicle] should be
technology type and groups covered within at least two generations of network
of manufacturers. Automotive “ONE OF THE BEST transmission. Our product, technology and [chipset]
applications could learn from USE CASES FOR vendor choices ensure that backward compatibility.”
other sectors, he adds.
“V2X is at its most powerful V2X FOR AVs IS
when every vehicle on the road
has it. One of my interests is
SENSOR SHARING” technology generations, but you don’t have to. The protocols do
sailing, and on boats you’ve got Jim Misener, V2X ecosystem lead, Qualcomm exist, but in North America and China we don’t have much
the automatic identification spectrum. In Europe we do, so there’s a discussion happening.”
system (AIS) [which means] you can track one another and see if The inconsistent pace of global 5G deployment, as a
you’re on a collision course or not. They’ve got it sussed but it’s quite fundamentally different technology from 4G, is also an
a long way from that with road vehicles. There’s actually an analogy influencing factor. Suman Sehra, global vice president of
there where it’s all compatible and standardized.” product and innovation, connected vehicle and infrastructure
at Harman, claims that most customers are pursuing 5G
Protocol potential but the rollout is happening in “pockets”, which makes
Qualcomm’s global V2X ecosystem lead, Jim Misener, V2X-assisted autonomy challenging.
stresses that there are ways to cut that complexity. “We are hearing from early-stage experiments with
Although DSRC and C-V2X are not interoperable, the MNOs to test the quality of service from a network
protocols can be almost identical, which means that only perspective, and I think it will be done in phases. You may
the radio access technology differs. However, regardless not be able to accomplish everything on day one, because
of advances in protocol, the industry is competing for of the quality of service. But situational awareness and
scarce resources. advanced warning systems with 5G today, and the compute
“One of the best use cases for V2x for AVs is sensor sharing infrastructure improving over time, can perhaps result in a more
– not just car sensor sharing but, for example, infrastructure reliable sensor than what is currently available,” he comments.
sensors providing that information for a car. If you start to sensor “Whether that is acted upon is going to be based on the OEM
share, even with really clever protocols you need more and more choice, based on the risk of the situation that is being handled.
spectrum with more and more objects being shared – even Any actuation will likely see the first light of day in a little bit
abstractions of the objects,” Misener explains. more of a controlled environment – a port or big university campus
“More than moving to 5G for V2X, you need spectrum. If you have or dedicated lanes for platooning trucks. That may come prior to
spectrum and the OEMs want, you can advance the radio access some of the consumer auto.” ‹
evolvAD builds on
Nissan’s ServCity
project, which
notched up 3,000
autonomous test
miles on complex
urban roads in
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International January 2024
By Anthony James
further by testing and trialling it in other driving
environments, specifically urban residential and
complex rural roads. The project will also explore
what transport opportunities autonomous mobility
can provide to A roads and minor roads that are
mostly found within rural and intercity communities.”
These types of driving environments present their Five companies make up predict the often-surprising behavior of humans forms
own unique set of challenges for AD technology. For the evolvAD project a key part of the project.
example, drivers in residential areas often face narrow “When we speak to our Japanese colleagues, they
roads, single lanes with parked vehicles on either side Nissan often remark how, until they came to London, they
and slow driving speeds. Rural roads can include Lead partner and leading didn’t realize pedestrians won’t always wait for the
similar conditions but with higher driving speeds, the development of the green man before crossing,” he explains. “Better
winding profiles, blind corners, blind gradients and connected and autonomous prediction algorithms can help the car to understand
few to no road markings. vehicles (CAV) that will be where and when a pedestrian is going to cross. It’s
Delivered by a consortium of five industry partners trialled during the project also about ensuring that when you are in one of our
including Nissan as technical lead, evolvAD is jointly vehicles, it provides a comfortable ride rather than
funded by government and the consortium partners, Connected slamming on the brakes every time it thinks a
with some of the money coming from the government’s Places Catapult pedestrian might cross the road. We’re trying to make
£100m (US$124m) Intelligent Mobility Fund, Applying advanced machine our AD as human-like as possible in how it responds.”
administered by the Centre for Connected and learning techniques to
generate high-definition
Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) and delivered by Test locations
maps from aerial imagery
the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK. Urban residential road testing will be done in
The research project will run for 21 months, partnership with TRL, which will use SMLL’s
Humanising Autonomy
coming to an end in March 2025, and will see six real-world testbed, spread across London roads in
UK supplier with advanced
members of the NTCE team working with around Greenwich and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
vulnerable road user
20 experts from Connected Places Catapult (CPC), (pedestrians, cyclists and The testbed features 24km of instrumented public
Humanising Autonomy, SBD Automotive and TRL. motorcyclists) perception urban roads, both single- and multi-lane, including
“TRL, which manages the Smart Mobility Living and behavior estimation traffic circles. All testing will take place during
Lab (SMLL), is looking at the development of capability daylight hours, mainly between 9:00am and 3:00pm:
infrastructure,” notes Bateman. “It’s also looking at “This is to avoid the school run – but there is an actual
supply chain readiness regarding the test specifications SBD Automotive school on one of the main roads we are using for the
and design specifications that UK suppliers will need Onboard cybersecurity and test, so we will evaluate at the school pick up, as well,”
to deliver an autonomous vehicle to an OEM. CPC is advanced safety case says Bateman.
working on a UK-developed, high-definition map, There are also speed bumps, traffic signals,
and Humanising Autonomy is focused on trying to TRL one-way systems, pedestrian crossings, bridges,
better predict what pedestrians are going to do.” Developing vehicle underpasses and overpasses. SMLL’s extensive test
The latter’s website says the company’s “ethical system validation processes zone has been chosen to enable the project’s partners
computer-vision software analyzes videos to quickly utilizing infrastructure on the to rigorously test and observe the performance of their
classify, interpret and predict human behavior so Smart Mobility Living Lab technologies and vehicles from every angle, as they
that it can better inform automated decision-making (SMLL) testbed take on the everyday challenges of driving down a
engines”. Bateman says improving how an AV can busy urban road.
“Take speed bumps,” continues Bateman. “There are lots Burrage Road, a busy, single-lane route at the heart of
of different types, including those that place three ridges in the testbed – with lots of parked cars down either side – is
a line across the width of the road – but which should you go of particular interest. “The information from the roadside
over? Do you go over the middle or both?” Furthermore, cameras will help the test subject to understand if it needs
“Very few human drivers actually drive fully around a mini to move toward the middle of the road to avoid a vehicle
roundabout [traffic circle], with some going straight over.” that has begun to pull out, for example,” says Shah. “It will
Electric scooters will also be in the mix: “In the last three need to move further out to go around, but in so doing it
or four years we’ve had e-scooters appear alongside cyclists.” will map potentially with an oncoming vehicle – how will
“We’ll be testing even when it is raining or when there the stack deal with that, in comparison to driving on
is light fog,” notes Nirav Shah, an NTCE research engineer a dual carriageway?”
working on the project, when asked for further examples of Bateman shares his colleague’s enthusiasm for
how evolvAD will differ from HumanDrive and ServCity. the challenge ahead. “As part of our 2030 vision,
“We will also be testing on roads where there is no we want to make this technology available to
division between the oncoming vehicle or the test everybody,” he says. “To do that, it’s got to work
vehicle’s direction of travel, whereas in previous projects in rural areas and busy residential roads, whether
there has been a central reservation between lanes.” we’re using it for delivering goods or to help
people visit friends or family – you’ve got to be
Moving picture able to get down those streets.”
The project will also explore and trial vehicle-to- However, he says previous research has revealed
infrastructure (V2I) technology to improve situation that this is far from an easy task for a computer:
awareness, path planning and overall performance. TRL will “Currently, if a parked car started to pull out, the
connect test vehicles to infrastructure and send new sources autonomous vehicle would give way unless there wasn’t
of data to the vehicle to improve its situational awareness. another car coming toward it for quite some distance.
“There are 270 cameras in total across the SMLL testbed,” AVs will need to be more assertive, going forward. In the
explains Shah. “We will use the data from these cameras to previous ServCity trial, the car just wasn’t ready for it.”
better understand whether objects are moving or stationary.” For rural environments, where vehicle speeds mean the
stakes are even higher, testing will initially be conducted
inside proving grounds within the UK, namely UTAC
“WE’RE TRYING TO MAKE OUR Millbrook and Mira. This testing will include the
AD AS HUMAN-LIKE AS development and validation of enhanced autonomous
vehicle motion control in high dynamic use cases, and
POSSIBLE IN HOW IT RESPONDS” will provide lots of useful data to inform further
Robert Bateman, project manager, Nissan Technical Centre Europe simulation modeling.
Use cases such as blind corners, road gradient ascents/
descents and low-quality road lane lines will be used for
optimum vehicle trajectory, speed and motion planning
at heading speeds up to 96km/h with vehicle acceleration
limits increased to 0.5g. Testing will only move to public
roads after an intense period of simulation to fine-tune
performance. “Rural testing has begun at UTAC Proving
Ground in Millbrook utilising its outer handling and
alpine routes,” notes Shah.
Safe operation
Three cars will be used for testing, with some additional
cars set up for data collection. Two of the test cars will be
used for urban testing while the third will cover rural trials.
The vehicles are equipped with cameras, lidar, GPS and
radar, and the computers required to process the incoming
information and steer the vehicle. Localization and path
planning are based on several sensor inputs, as well as a
digital map stored internally in the vehicle, so that the car
is not dependent on any single sensor for its safe operation.
During the trials, the automated vehicles will be
occupied by a trained test driver and operator responsible
for overseeing safe vehicle operation. All test cars will
drive within the regular speed limits of the various roads
that they encounter.
“Before we even put the software into the vehicle, we
ServCity, which do simulations using data previously collected from the
ended February
testbed area and some of the area beyond, so that we get
2023, saw
500,000 lines of an idea of any unique features that will be required to then
code developed update the software,” explains Shah.
Expert input
Shah notes that the safety drivers are integral to the project,
providing valuable input that shapes the AD software. “All the
safety drivers are very well trained not just in test driving but
in every aspect of driving on a public road,” he says. “They all
drive like an expert chauffeur and they help us understand
how the vehicle should behave from their perspective. There’s
a lot of discussion and collaboration with our safety drivers
as this ensures the vehicle doesn’t behave like someone
driving on the road for the first time.”
As to how best to solve the conundrum presented by a
parked car wanting to pull out, Bateman says it’s all a matter
of tuning: “If there is enough space and we want to be
“We then do more simulation and test the software for assertive, then potentially we could go more toward the
any unexpected behavior, and then we take it onto a public middle of the lane, keeping enough space on the right-hand
road with a safety driver, where we run the software offline to side for the oncoming vehicle to pass. In software terms,
compare it with what the safety driver is doing,” he continues. it’s not only longitudinal movement but also lateral
All of evolvAD’s safety drivers are fully qualified and have movement, and deciding when to move laterally is
been trained to react in the event of a system failure. “If the very interesting in those scenarios. A lot of it is
control system of the vehicle fails, then the safety driver down to fine-tuning, which takes up a lot of the
follows the training they have undergone previously at the software engineers’ time.”
proving ground, which includes acceleration or steering Bateman notes that Nissan learned a similar
override,” says Shah. “There are a lot of safety checks, lesson from the previous ServCity project: “When we
protocols and procedures undertaken before the vehicle first started, as the car approached a roundabout, it
can begin testing on the open road.” would slow right down to give way, even when there
The team are reluctant to reveal any safety driver was no oncoming traffic, but that isn’t how humans drive
intervention data, at this stage: “Everything depends on what – we tend to maintain the same speed if the path is clear.
testing we are doing and the maturity of that software and However, the software that first came across from Japan
hardware at the time,” explains Bateman. “However, the plan slowed the car down to give way before then pulling off. If
is that when we get to the end of the project there will be no you were the car behind, and you weren’t paying attention,
intervention from the safety driver.” you’d end up going straight into the back of it.”
He continues, “Nirav and his team immediately began
tuning the software to make it more assertive, so now it says,
“THERE ARE A LOT OF SAFETY ‘I’m at the roundabout. There isn’t a car coming. I don’t need
CHECKS, PROTOCOLS AND to slow down, I can go’. We then began to tune it to take the
same ‘lane’ around the roundabout as a human would take.
PROCEDURES BEFORE THE We used to joke that one of the roundabouts was more of
a ‘square-about’ – you had to straighten up a bit, then go
VEHICLE CAN BEGIN TESTING” around a little bit and then straighten up, etc. In the end,
Nirav Shah, research engineer, Nissan Technical Centre Europe we tuned it so rather than the steering wheel being jerky, it
moved far more naturally.”
Future outlook
While all evolvAD vehicles will be equipped with 100%
autonomous drive capability, Nissan is keen to stress that
the project does not signal any intention to launch a fully
autonomous vehicle in the UK and Europe in the near future.
Instead, evolvAD fits into a wider autonomous drive
research and development program that is taking place across
Nissan’s R&D facilities worldwide. As such, the project’s
findings will help inform future Nissan AD systems for
passenger vehicles, with a focus on how the OEM can
ensure its systems integrate into urban environments.
The company already offers an L4-capable hands-off
ProPILOT 2.0 self-driving system for use on highways under
approved conditions, in certain countries. Research projects
ServCity gathered
5.45m gigabytes such as evolvAD will be vital in taking Nissan’s future
of autonomous technology to the next level, helping to ensure such systems
driving test data better integrate into urban environments. ‹
natural language what the model is paying attention to, at which we collect expert driving data – enabling
and the ‘why’ behind the course of action it takes.” a cost-effective approach to gather another layer
In practical terms, Lingo-1 can explain the car’s of supervision through natural language.”
decisions as it navigates through traffic. It can articulate
why it’s maintaining or changing its speed, braking or Dealing with hallucinations
overtaking another vehicle. Furthermore, it can respond A known issue with LLMs is ‘hallucinations’, a
to user queries about why it performed a certain action, phenomenon that happens when the model generates
the road conditions and visibility, or specific hazards in text that appears plausible but is factually false. For
a given road situation. instance, a model might make incorrect statements about
Shotton believes that the integration of language historical or scientific facts that could mislead someone
into autonomous vehicle systems can lead to more lacking in-depth knowledge in that specific field.
efficient training and a deeper understanding of While hallucinations may not pose significant
end-to-end AI driving systems. “Leveraging language problems in non-sensitive applications where users have
through AI tools like Lingo-1 can increase the safety ample time and resources to verify the information,
of these systems by aligning driving models to natural they can be potentially fatal in time- and safety-critical
language sources of safety-relevant knowledge bases, applications such as driving and healthcare.
such as the UK’s Highway Code, and updating alongside Researchers are striving to solve this problem.
them,” he says. “In turn, language-based interfaces Part of the solution lies in setting boundaries on
will help build confidence in ADAS and AV technology what the model can generate. Nvidia’s Shapiro says,
and the safer, smarter and more sustainable future of “The models used inside vehicles will
transportation they promise.” be fine-tuned on a curated version of
the broad information used in general “HOW DO YOU
Training LLMs for autonomous driving LLMs such as ChatGPT.”
LLMs require vast amounts of high-quality training data, To help tackle challenges such as
which poses a challenge in applications where data is hallucination, Nvidia has developed CORE TECHNOLOGY
not readily available. A common solution to this issue
is to ‘fine-tune’ existing models. In this approach,
NeMo, a framework for customizing
LLMs. With NeMo, developers can
a ‘foundation model’ that has been pre-trained on a fine-tune language models with A WAY THAT
comprehensive corpus of online data is further trained their own data and set guardrails to
on a smaller data set of examples curated for a specific prevent them from straying into areas PREVENTS
application, known as the ‘downstream task’. where they are not safe or reliable. HALLUCINATIONS?”
Collecting data for these downstream tasks is still NeMo is particularly efficient at
Danny Shapiro, VP of automotive, Nvidia
challenging. For instance, models like ChatGPT were working with pre-trained models.
trained on tens of thousands of instruction-following “What we’re focused on is how do
examples manually written by human experts, a costly you leverage the core technology but
and complex effort. When it comes to autonomous do it in a way that prevents hallucinations,” Shapiro
vehicles, the task becomes even more complex because says. “The results are only as good as the data that goes
it requires coordinating natural language instructions, in. So you need to curate the data that goes in and put
visual data and actions. guardrails on the topics that you want the system to be
To train Lingo-1, the Wayve team devised a unique able to cover.”
Wayve is currently
approach. They created a data set that incorporates testing a fleet of
image, language and action data collected with the self-driving Jaguar
help of expert drivers who commented on their actions iPace EVs in London
and the environment as they drove on UK roads.
The team adopted the commentary technique used
by professional driving instructors during their lessons.
These instructors help their students learn by example,
using short phrases to explain interesting aspects of
the scene and their driving actions. Examples include
‘slowing down for a lead vehicle’, ‘slowing down for
a change in traffic lights’, ‘changing lanes to follow a
route’ and ‘accelerating to the speed limit’.
The expert drivers were trained to follow a
commentary protocol, focusing on the relevance and
density of words and ensuring their commentary
matched their driving actions. These phrases were then
synchronized with sensory images recorded by cameras
and low-level driving actions captured by car sensors.
The result was a rich vision-language-action data set that
was used to train the Lingo-1 model for a variety of tasks.
The Wayve researchers highlighted the efficiency of
this approach in a September 2023 paper, stating, “Our
driving commentary data enhances our standard expert
driving data set collection without compromising the rate
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S U P P L I E R I N T E R V I E W: D E W E S O F T
The Obsidian platform is the first product line from
Dewesoft that has an embedded Linux-based real-time
processing core capable of autonomous recording and
real-time processing. Therefore, besides simply storing
analog, digital, vehicle buses, XCP/CCP, positional
information and data from other sources, it can process
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or actions based on a predefined configuration.
Furthermore, combining this with real-time
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ethernet, OPC-UA and CAN(FD), and supporting
millisecond latency on analog and digital outputs, it
is suitable for mission-critical applications and opens
AAVI catches up with Bojan Contala, a whole new world of testing solutions.
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Dewesoft is developing and producing test this with the new real-time core that
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innovative thinking, is in the company’s very simple triggering and tagging of the data.
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worldwide sales, support and service Besides being very innovative and customer centric,
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First, cost of ownership or, even more desirable these
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What’s so special about it? Second, the company offers award-winning, state-of-
With the latest release of the Obsidian the-art, easy-to-use but powerful software that is
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end user feedback to design and develop innovations. Finally, customers can call on outstanding
a product that can be operated easily; worldwide support and service centers that are there to
is equipped with the latest digital serve and fulfill their every need. ‹
can test a range of
automated driving
he automotive industry is currently need to be considered in the operational design other components results in a prolonged
facing particular challenges. In the domain (ODD) of the installed systems. A set development process and high costs.
past, vehicle development focused of scenarios is defined in which the driving On the one hand, the use of simulation
on mechanical and automotive function needs to operate safely. In these solutions reduces the highly cost-intensive
engineering. Today, the software scenarios as well as during the entire system and time-consuming physical test effort.
in use and the associated control units are the lifetime, systems are tested step by step to On the other, real-time-capable vehicle
center of attention. Especially with automated eliminate hazards for the driver, passengers models with all individual components enable
and autonomous driving functions, electronic and road users. the setup of virtual prototypes early in the
systems and software play an increasingly The verification of safety-critical situations development process.
important role in vehicles. is a great challenge as it requires a huge number
Assist systems such as highway pilots or of tests. Reproducing a very large volume of AV-in-the-Loop
valet parking provide the driver with additional scenarios in the real world, on roads or proving With AV-in-the-Loop, IPG Automotive offers a
comfort on board and have a positive impact on grounds, is generally difficult. test method that fits all SAE levels. Depending on
the driving experience. To continuously ensure In addition to the growing system complexity, the use case, it consists of finely tuned software
driving safety, the applied systems have to work the acceleration of the development process due and hardware components and encompasses
correctly at all times. With the growing number to ever-shorter development cycles increases the closed- and open-loop test procedures. The
of software systems and aligned electronics, risk of errors. As the development effort as a components are applied to the holistic
the overall system complexity in vehicles is whole explodes, virtual test driving is regarded development and validation of driving functions
constantly increasing. The more complex the as the indispensable foundation of vehicle in the fields of MIL, SIL, HIL and VIL. Users
systems, the more effort is required to validate development. can thus test and validate automated and
them. Therefore, it is necessary to perform an To avoid complications in the test process, it autonomous driving functions according to
almost infinite number of test cases. is sensible to use a holistic test and simulation their specific requirements.
The evaluation of automated driving platform that covers all test methods. For The testing approach depends on the
functions depends on various components. example, failing to discover before the real test development stage and the specific test priorities.
Among other things, different traffic scenarios drive that the steering system does not match From the perspective of test coverage, software-
in-the-loop simulation is the preferred option. that the extensive number of sensors can be The software supports the early integration
Software development methods such as managed quickly. of driving functions as well as vehicle
continuous integration, testing and deployment Valet parking, urban autonomous driving or components into the full vehicle context.
(CI/CT/CD) help to master challenges during off-highway functions: for every case, experts Virtual prototypes enable the agile development
the entire product lifecycle. The continuous from IPG Automotive create an individual test of components and subsequent virtual test
generation, testing and improvement of software setup. Thanks to its modularity, AV-in-the-Loopdriving in realistic scenarios.
components enables the automation of single can be adapted and extended at any time and The CarMaker product family is geared
process steps to a large extent. additional components can be added during toward seamless model-, software-, hardware-
Idealized perception models allow tests to the test process if necessary. and vehicle-in-the-loop processes and can easily
be scaled cost-efficiently either locally or in the The holistic test approach comprises software
be integrated into existing tool landscapes.
cloud. The highly parallel execution of tests in and hardware geared toward each other, thus Furthermore, it offers flexible possibilities for
the cloud enables running the required enormous enabling seamless development. The AV-in-the- test automation and scaling from cloud options
number of test kilometers virtually in a short Loop method helps to successfully integrate to large HIL test benches. The CarMaker product
time, which increases test range and depth. virtual and real control units into test processes.
family can be enhanced with customer-specific
When testing perception, open-loop tests are Seamless testing from MIL to VIL is simplified add-ons and interfaces.
the most common method. The benefit here is by considering the ODD. Performing failsafe tests In the field of HIL, Xpack4 is used as a
that a detailed setup of virtual environments is also possible to ensure the complete validation
real-time hardware solution. The modular layout
with highly complex sensor models is no longer of automated and autonomous driving functions. enables stationary and mobile use. Different
needed when replaying recorded data from the AV-in-the-Loop is based on a variety of single-board computers, modules, carrier
real test in open loop. products from IPG Automotive. The boards, housings and equipment allow
However, the complete system including CarMaker product family with the configuration of a personalized
perception and hardware is mostly tested in a CarMaker, TruckMaker and hardware platform.
hardware-in-the-loop environment. Powerful MotorcycleMaker is used SensCompute enables
and real-time-capable computing systems ensure as simulation software. fast calculation of multiple
CARMAKER 12, sensor types in simulation.
PACKED WITH Clustering various sensors
accelerates the execution of
NEW FEATURES, computationally expensive
WAS LAUNCHED scenarios. Their optimal
IN MARCH 2023 distribution on multiple
GPUs enables parallel
calculation of camera, radar,
lidar and ultrasonic sensors.
With SensInject, raw sensor data
can be fed directly into control units.
Testing and validation of ADAS and AD
functions including perception and localization
therefore becomes more efficient.
Reliable partner
Around the globe, automated and autonomous
driving functions vary depending on the
manufacturer. No matter whether there are
fundamental or detailed differences, the driving
functions are subject to legal specifications and
also depend on the sensors used. They must
therefore be developed to fit the individual case.
As a reliable and trusted partner, IPG
Automotive supports users to develop and test
automated and autonomous driving functions.
Decades of experience in engineering projects
paired with individually configurable hardware
systems and a seamless simulation platform
enable the setup of toolchains that are tailored
to specific use cases. IPG paves the way for the
Test setups can future of mobility. ‹
be tailored to
meet individual
requirements CONTACT
IPG Automotive | inquiry no. 101
To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
Team effort
How the Sim4CAMSens
will rigorously
test sensor
n a rapidly evolving automotive landscape,
the promise of autonomous vehicles
heralds a new era of mobility
characterized by efficiency, lowered
operational costs and enhanced safety.
Significant investments are being funneled into
the development and deployment of AVs, with
a critical emphasis on ensuring their safety to
satisfy regulators. At the heart of this venture
lies the indispensable role of simulation in
the development and safety assurance of AVs, Catapult and AESIN. It is supported by funding
especially given the vast array of sensor types from the UK’s Centre for Connected and
and the numerous factors affecting sensor Autonomous Vehicles as part of its
performance. The challenges extend to the Commercialising CAM program.
massive and diverse spectrum of training data The project has three key goals. The first
required, and the vital need to establish the is to quantify and simulate the perception
credibility of simulations. The Sim4CAMSens sensors under all conditions to allow sensor
project seeks to address these challenges by suppliers to demonstrate the capabilities of their
developing and maturing a modeling and devices and enable ADS developers to establish
simulation supply chain specifically for a robust process to compare competing devices. The sensor evaluation
perception sensor development and testing. The sensor evaluation framework will also framework will include
synthetic training data
The Sim4CAMSens project is a collaborative support the development and validation of
effort of innovation aimed at nurturing the sensor models.
simulation, modeling and physical testing The second key goal is to enhance synthetic environmental factors. For example, one of the
ecosystem for the developers of connected and training data by improving perception sensor first test activities, which has already started, is to
automated mobility (CAM) perception sensors models. Given the challenges that are associated investigate the effect of clothing on the detection
and systems. The project endeavors to construct with collecting enough real-world training data, of VRUs (vulnerable road users). It has already
a robust supply chain to elevate the quality of the project will develop high-fidelity sensor been observed that lidar sensors can fail to detect
modeling, simulation, test and characterization models that include the same noise factors as pedestrians if they are wearing non-reflective or
capability. This initiative hopes to accelerate and the real devices. dark clothing, and the project will also investigate
de-risk the design, development, validation and Finally, the project aims to provide regulators the effect on radar.
utilization of perception sensors and the with a framework for simulation credibility and The journey of Sim4CAMSens reflects a
algorithms crucial for automated driving AV safety. This is crucial to unlock the path to concerted effort to navigate the complexities and
functions. By forging clear links between tools, type approval and enable AVs to be deployed potential of the autonomous landscape, fostering
methodologies, standards and safety cases, safely on public roads. a cooperative relationship between simulation
Sim4CAMSens is setting a course toward developers and sensor developers and formalizing
state-of-the-art modeling and simulation Test, test, test the test methodologies and frameworks required.
environments. These environments are At the core of the Sim4CAMSens project is a This venture embodies the essence of
anticipated to generate synthetic training rigorous approach to the testing of perception collaborative innovation, driving the industry
data of requisite quality for training the AI sensors to be able to measure and quantify closer to realizing the promise of an autonomous
systems employed in AVs. their performance under a wide range of test future. We see this as the start of a journey to
The collaborative spirit of Sim4CAMSens conditions. This involves lab- and field-based test grow a relevant and competitive modeling and
manifests in its assembly of a world-class work to identify and quantify the noise factors simulation community and supply chain that
consortium of expert partners dedicated to that affect sensor performance. Throughout the will work together in the years to come. ‹
fostering an emerging perception sensors and project, different test campaigns will investigate
systems industry. The project is led by Claytex various factors that affect perception sensor CONTACT
Claytex | inquiry no. 102
and includes rFpro, Oxford RF, Syselek, NPL, performance, covering weather (particularly To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
WMG, Compound Semiconductor Applications snow), material properties and other
Left: Synthetic fish-eye
imagery captured in an
underground parking lot
Below: Procedurally
generated surface
parking lot for use in
simulation. Variations
enable testing across
the parking ODD
n the rapidly evolving landscape of system operating shortly after starting up
advanced driver assistance systems, and at shorter distances doesn’t have the
Level 3 automated parking systems (APS) same opportunity that a highway ADAS has
have emerged as a major differentiator for to see objects as they approach.
auto makers. L3 APS eliminate the need APS must accurately and efficiently fuse
for the driver to control or supervise during data from more than 10 sensors. Localization taxonomies, test suites and maps that work
parking, enabling a whole new experience of algorithms that don’t rely on high-definition from day one and help make development up
stress-free parking. These systems are designed maps are essential as such maps limit the ability to 13 times faster.
to automatically find parking spots in congested to scale globally. An APS’s localization, depth- It supports high-performance multisensor
lots and ensure safe parking in tight spaces, estimation and free-space estimation algorithms software- and hardware-in-the-loop simulation,
saving time and reducing the risk of accidents. must be sufficiently precise to enable confident catering to the various sensor sets needed for
While L3 APS use general ADAS sensing and driving within centimeters of other vehicles. parking. Fish-eye cameras and ultrasonic
perception, automotive engineering teams must Novel algorithms are also required to identify sensor simulation complement rectilinear
overcome unique parking-related challenges parking slots and interpret traffic controls, camera, radar and lidar simulation to ensure
when bringing such systems to production. even without a priori maps. accurate sensor models.
The APS must function well in diverse, Teams might also face challenges with Simulations programmatically generate
unstructured operational design domains planning, prediction and controls. The ground truth annotations for parking lot
(ODDs), including surface lots, street parking, unstructured topography of parking lots, elements, ranging from parking spaces and
residential parking, multilevel, underground where most surfaces are driveable and without traffic controls to depth, disparity and optical
and mechanical parking structures. lanes, makes it challenging to plan paths or flow. Object-level sensors make it possible to
Each ODD includes unique visual elements predict other vehicles’ behavior. Vehicle mock out perception so that teams can test
such as varied line types, surface materials, dynamics often become non-linear at lower planning, prediction and controls efficiently
wheel stops and curbs. Additionally, APS must speeds, making it difficult to predict how the in isolation.
follow specific traffic controls, such as spaces vehicle will react to a given set of controls. The solution includes high-fidelity CarSim
reserved for people with disabilities and arrows Addressing these challenges requires a vehicle dynamics that accurately models
indicating traffic flow. deliberate approach tailored to parking, from low-speed vehicle behavior. It also incorporates
As with any ADAS, sensors are the backbone design and development to testing and parking behaviors for vulnerable road users and
of an APS. While L2 highway ADAS lean heavily validation. Applied Intuition has a leading vehicles. This enables automotive OEMs to
on forward-facing sensors, L3 parking ADAS parking development solution that facilitates measure performance with regard to parking
mandate comprehensive 360° sensor coverage, the development and validation of L3 automated quality, adherence to traffic controls and more.
ensuring the vehicle is constantly aware of its parking systems. The company's automated As the automotive industry shifts its focus
immediate surroundings. Sensor coverage needs parking solution spans diverse parking domains to L3 APS, auto makers and suppliers need
to account for small nearby objects, as a parking and regions and provides preconstructed ODD a solution that addresses the complexities
associated with APS development. Applied
Synthetic camera images captured Intuition's solution not only accelerates
in a surface parking lot, supporting the development process but also offers
editing of parking slot lines, surface customization options as programs mature. In
materials and road markings
the world of automated parking systems, the
solution is the key to navigating the challenges
and ensuring that the future of parking is safe,
efficient and stress-free. Learn more at https:// ‹
Applied Intuition | inquiry no. 103
To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
Visualization of sensor
coverage with ultrasonic,
radar and lidar sensors
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International January 2024 57
Gentex’s DMS
precisely monitors
driver head pose,
eye gaze and other
vision-based metrics
from the unobstructed,
cross-car line view of
the full display mirror Integrating the DMS
into the Gentex Full
Display Mirror (FDM)
enables auto makers
to meet impending
regulations in the
most cost-effective
and visually appealing
way possible
Mirror-integrated driver monitoring is a quick, cost-effective
is also ideal to host future technological
innovation as auto makers look to integrate
additional features and functions.
Embedding DMS into the mirror is a
way to meet impending regulatory requirements cross-platform solution that circumvents
the need to engineer or tool a system upgrade
By Brian Brackenbury, product line director, Gentex Corporation
for each vehicle. It also enables OEMs to
introduce DMS in a quick-to-market solution
or nearly 50 years, Gentex has helped of life. Gentex’s structured-light-based depth while maintaining scalability for future
advance automotive rear vision. Today, mapping with microvibration detection can system enhancements.
the company’s Full Display Mirror sense a child’s respiration, even they are seated
(FDM) – at its core, a digital rearview in a rearward-facing car seat. A digital sense of smell
mirror – helps auto makers introduce Gentex’s mirror-integrated DMS will help Finally, Gentex continues to advance
revenue-producing electronic features to a auto makers meet impending system regulations machine olfaction, a digital sense of smell,
vehicle quickly and affordably in a high- to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries while as the automotive industry progresses toward
performance, cross-platform location. Integrated staying consistent with hands-free driving rideshare and autonomous vehicles. The ongoing
features can include glare elimination, digital legislation gaining popularity across the USA maintenance of autonomous fleets and passenger
video recorders, trailer cams, car-to-home and the rest of the world. safety depends on continuous and consistent
automation, ADAS alerts and notifications, sensing technology.
and now, driver monitoring systems (DMS). Key benefits Gentex’s developments in nanofiber sensing
Gentex DMS uses a mirror-borne camera Embedding DMS technology in the mirror is technology stem from years of experience in the
and emitters to biometrically authenticate the an incredibly practical, safe and cost-effective fire protection industry. Placed in the vehicle’s
driver and track head pose, eye gaze and other option for vehicle integration. The DMS camera ductwork, the company’s emerging particulate
vision-based metrics to determine driver can be discreetly positioned to make it more and chemical sensing system can consistently
distraction, drowsiness, sudden sickness and aesthetically pleasing to the consumer. monitor the air quality of the vehicle cabin to
readiness for the return of manual control. Furthermore, the mirror is mounted high up on detect a wide range of contaminants. The system
Thanks to the mirror’s unique position in the the windshield and is generally driver-adjusted. could eventually help identify explosives,
vehicle, the system can be easily expanded to This allows the DMS to optically align to the biohazards, illicit drugs such as marijuana or
provide 2D and 3D cabin monitoring for detecting driver’s face while maintaining a superior view of fentanyl, pollutants such as ammonia, and many
passengers, behavior, objects and even presence the entire vehicle cabin. This high-up placement other volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Gentex’s holistic yet scalable driver and
in-cabin monitoring technology provides
Gentex uses 2D regulatory compliance today while driving
and 3D in-cabin us closer to an autonomous future. Mirror-
monitoring integrated DMS enables auto makers to proactively
techniques to prepare for inevitable regulation, capitalize on
monitor the driver,
innovation and uphold the bottom line, all while
vehicle occupants,
body pose and creating a safer driving environment for drivers
objects left behind and passengers alike. ‹
Gentex | inquiry no. 104
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January 2024
Driver monitoring systems
continue to mature and
grow in sophistication
clever solution. Admittedly, this is not a
completely original concept; there are other
sensors available that are perfectly capable of
recording the bings and bongs produced by
modern cars. It is their simplicity and robustness
that set the VBox sensors apart. They have been
purposely designed to be accurate, small, easy
to install, quick to move between vehicles, and
A new test tool enables engineers to check the painless to integrate with other equipment.
When a light goes on or a sound is made, the
safety of L3+ driving controls and features user will know about it.
By Jake Durbin, applications engineering manager, Racelogic
Visual alerts and information related to
systems including forward collision warning,
blind spot monitoring and safe exit assist/
s modern vehicles progress through testing and it fulfills all relevant requirements dooring are recorded by the VBox visual sensor.
the levels of automation there has of UNECE and Euro NCAP. The sensor can be mounted directly on the wing
been an increase in the need for VBox Automotive has always believed in mirror or dashboard to capture the warning light
communication between the car and developing solutions that make life easier for activation. These visual warnings can be either
the driver. This communication is test engineers. A big part of this is providing all sent to a datalogger for an instant pass/fail
designed to make it clear who is responsible for the equipment needed to conduct a test and not assessment based on the specific scenario, or
certain elements of the driving task, warning just the core datalogger technology. This ranges directly transmitted to a driving robot for
when action is required by the driver or from whole system testing such as pass-by noise real-time response to the warning.
informing the driver when the vehicle intervenes. to tailored accessories such as the pedal force The VBox audio sensor captures audible
This human-machine interface is delivered sensor for brake testing. warnings such as those given during forward
via a selection of audio and visual cues that have collision warning (FCW), driver status
become an essential safety feature of any vehicle monitoring (DSM) and safe exit assist/ dooring
cabin, and as with all safety features, it requires Below: Easy to install, sensors scenarios. It can also be used to detect
the ability to accurately benchmark, develop and can be mounted directly on the information functions given as part of occupant
test technologies. The new VBox ADAS Sensor wing mirror or dashboard, and status monitoring (OSM), seatbelt reminder
are easy to integrate with other
Pack, comprising an audio and visual sensor, test equipment
(SBR) and intelligent speed assist (ISA).
has been specifically designed for this field of Both sensors have a digital output with an
additional CAN output for the audio sensor.
This enables the synchronization of audio and
visual warnings with any other parameters being
recorded by the vehicle under test.
For now, lights and sounds are the main
method of communication between car and
driver. While it might be a primitive language,
it is undeniably effective and universally
understood. It is also a language in which the
VBox ADAS sensors are fluent. ‹
Racelogic | inquiry no. 105
To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
Enabling consistent
use and interpretation
of ASAM standards
Source: ASAM eV
tandards play a crucial role in the interoperability of its standards and making
promoting efficiency, interoperability them even more accessible.
and consistency across various ASAM is continually growing its toolchains
industries and domains. They and processes to ensure clear, non-ambiguous
simplify data exchange, reduce specifications. Documentation rules, the
development efforts and contribute to cost inclusion of examples and application
savings while ensuring that data remains guidelines, as well as the definition of for a first set of standards, for ASAM
accessible, compatible and secure. As adoption comprehensive rule sets already minimize the OpenDRIVE, ASAM OpenSCENARIO and
of standards continues to grow in the industry, room for interpretation in standards. ASAM OTX Extensions.
there is an ever-increasing need to ensure Additionally, the organization is initiating Framework, implementations, checker rules
consistent understanding and use. special alignment projects to pursue and base suite will be open-source published and
In his recent talk at the ADAS & Autonomous harmonization across a multitude of its continually updated and extended with every
Vehicle Technology Conference in Santa Clara, standards. One of the most recent activities was new project. (You can keep track of the latest
California, Ben Engel, CTO at ASAM, gave some the alignment of the semantics of dynamic developments via
insight into the topic of interoperability and traffic signals in the on-road driving domain, Beyond these activities, ASAM is supporting
harmonization of standards. He explained that which affects ASAM OpenDRIVE, ASAM other organizations to develop a quality
although standards are designed to enable OpenSCENARIO and ASAM OSI. assurance and certification process to increase
interoperability of tools, increase efficiency and As a new initiative, ASAM is also now interoperability.
facilitate collaboration, there remain challenges investing in the creation of a configuration and All these efforts will stand as a robust
in their use, including ambiguities within and reporting framework that will allow users to solution to the current challenges, paving the
between standards, different interpretations of check files and implementations against these way for a more standardized, efficient and
standards and differing levels of implementation rule sets to ensure conformity with the interoperable automotive sector. They will
across tools. All this can lead to a significant standards. This framework will be ‘standard foster greater adoption and understanding
investment of resources for manual validation, agnostic’ and will be developed by a dedicated of the standards and significantly improve
troubleshooting or extensive discussions. ASAM project group. It will enable the interoperability. ‹
ASAM, the organization behind a wide execution of a wide variety of ASAM- and
range of global standards in automotive, user-defined checks for different standards. CONTACT
ASAM | inquiry no. 106
such as ASAM OpenDRIVE and ASAM ASAM is currently setting up a project to To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
OpenSCENARIO, is committed to improving define checker rules and a base suite of checks
a drive?
development and validation of
in-cabin monitoring systems
By Gordan Galic, technical marketing director, Xylon
oday’s in-cabin automotive systems
count passengers, guard babies seated
in rear seats, check drivers for signs of
drowsiness and ensure that they are
alert and ready to take over vehicle
controls. Mostly AI based, they share many
common elements with outside-looking,
driving-oriented autonomous systems and ADAS,
with one exception – humans and their behavior.
The definition of a drowsy or medically
impaired driver is outside of automotive
developers’ expertise, which is where experts
in other fields, such as medical and cognitive
science, must step in. They need to establish
biomedically proven levels of drowsiness or
distraction, usually by using medical devices
such as an EEG, EKG or other biosensor.
Automotive engineers then need to respect the
established thresholds and replicate
measurement results using built-in in-cabin
equipment like video cameras and radars.
Xylon’s logiRECORDER Automotive HIL
Video Logger has been recognized and used The Xylon QUATTRO datalogging and HIL
system (center), used to capture raw data
by several Tier 1s and OEMs as a flexible tool
for ML training data sets and for data
capable of meeting all of the often conflicting injection of control sets into an AI-based The number and variety of sensors make the
requirements from experts of various profiles electronic system. The top left corner shows cumulative logging challenging, yet all possible
involved in in-cabin systems development and biomedical testing in the lab environment sensory channels can be precisely timestamped
testing processes. Experience gained through and the top right corner shows a and logged by a single logiRECORDER or Xylon
synthetically generated 3D model of the
that cooperation has been expanded thanks to QUATTRO datalogger.
driver used in ML. On the bottom left and
internal development of Xylon’s ARTIEYE driver right are screenshots from Xylon’s test The usual inputs into the ML process are
monitoring technology suite ( vehicles that illustrate how the ARTIEYE road-recorded test data, provided in industry-
Based on experience, Xylon was able to recognize AI system monitors drivers and estimates standard and open file formats, as well as
the main challenges that R&D, AI and validation their behavior and driving status synthetic data generated in simulation
teams must overcome. environments. ML results are used for
For example, test fleets for logging data sets mechanisms narrow down the recordings to the implementation of AI-based embedded in-cabin
relevant to driver drowsiness must be equipped interesting data only, improve the quality of the driver and passenger monitoring systems. To test
with loggers that do not need attention from the data sets, save time and cut the cost of further and verify those AI electronic systems, Xylon has
vehicle’s crew. Drivers are carefully selected based on-premises data distilling. developed various automated test benches that
on their height, gender, race, etc, and not on their Test vehicles are equipped with multiple 2D use the logiRECORDER to inject reference data
technical abilities to operate test equipment. NIR video cameras and radars – the likely sensor sets into AI hardware and cross-compare the
Xylon’s loggers are self-monitored – the only thing choices for the final implementation – placed in system’s outputs with the established ground
they require is a full storage media exchange. multiple locations for the purpose of simultaneous truth values. No matter the type of golden data
build-up of data sets for various sensor setups. set, whether it is hand-annotated raw data from
Remote monitoring Good examples of positions for driver monitoring the test vehicle or a fully controlled synthetic
To ensure data collection coherence, the cameras are behind the wheel and in the rearview driver’s face from the simulator, Xylon’s loggers
complete test fleet can be remotely monitored mirror. Additionally, in-cabin systems often need supply it in HIL simulations that are electrically
by skilled engineers via a 4G mobile network. information from a vehicle’s busses, such as the and logically identical to data formats expected
Remote monitoring also enables automatic GPS position or steering wheel angle, from sensors within the vehicle environment. ‹
tracking of the number of driving hours, that monitor the vehicle’s exteriors, and from
recognition of the most interesting test roads biomedical sensors. To make the process less error CONTACT
Xylon | inquiry no. 107
and other valuable inputs into machine learning prone, reference video cameras, 3D cameras and To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
(ML). Xylon’s sophisticated triggering other sensors monitor the data collection process.
InoNet | inquiry no. 108
To learn more about this advertiser, please visit:
Y 2024
contin oring
ue s
grow in to mature
HD maps
autono have long been sophis and
mous driving. synony
mous with Nissan: ticati
logy mark Could
a fundam the latest REM
ental shift?
A UK project on
driving seeks to
on boost
partly by rural and urban autonomous Large
AVs to
act more tial roads, language
g models
betwee down the languag
acceler humans and compu e barrier
ate and ters
AV developcould
Florens Gressner
CEO and co-founder, neurocat
Florens Gressner explains how neurocat’s data augmentation
can enhance the performance of perception systems and
improve autonomous vehicle safety
By Anthony James
Why did you found neurocat What are the main challenges your model can handle a block, you move
and how has your vision for in generating augmentations onto the next. If it fails on a block, we know
the company evolved? that are useful for perception what data we need for retraining.
neurocat was founded to help ML development?
developers make safer AI solutions. Making the augmentations look visually What’s next for neurocat and
Nowhere was the need for greater realistic and accurately reflect reality is the role it will play in the
safety more evident than in ADAS challenging. However, we at neurocat have autonomous driving sector?
perception systems, the failure of built up the expertise for doing this well so We want to do more with fewer, high-
which remains the main reason for our customers don’t need to. What was quality building blocks. Efficient ML-based
autonomous vehicle disengagements. perhaps more difficult was making our perception development will become ever
And every disengagement puts people’s augmentations practical for the most more critical as our ambitions for full
safety at risk. demanding real-world business cases – autonomy in every ODD grow. Simplifying,
Our company evolved as we sought to make aidkit futureproof, the tool that we have scalable augmentation generation
to identify the ultimate reasons for these could enable a company to win the race and a reliable testing solution. We want to
perception failures. The answer came to full autonomy. In this race, even more better leverage the former to enhance the
down to data gaps during model training. augmented data will be needed, all latter; to use our safety metrics to identify
The world is complex and there are requiring time-consuming computations the information-rich datapoints needed to
too many possible combinations of to generate, test and analyze. Thus, we’ve make our service, and thus our customers’
conditions in any given ODD to collect put a lot of effort into engineering our ML-based perception development, more
them all. Once we identified the augmentations to be scalable and run efficient and effective. This is the future
problem, we worked on the solution: faster at less cost. of ML and perception: it’s a move from
our aidkit software. today’s data-intensive approaches to
How can you be sure your leaner augmentation and targeted
How does aidkit fill these data augmentations are good performance approaches. ‹
gaps and improve performance substitutes for real data?
and safety? Augmentations are built using real images
aidkit works by augmenting existing as a basis, unlike simulation, resulting in aidkit enables
the safety
image data to enhance data sets so they a comparatively small simulation gap. validation of
include data with new conditions: rain, This fact allows simpler, understandable AI perception
fog, sun flares and so on. These are all statistical analysis to confirm that the functions
customizable to match any ODD. The augmented data is similar enough to
aidkit software can then test the models real data that we can trust the results
against the new data and discover – before obtained therewith.
deployment – where each would fail, Look at augmentations as a building
saving significant time and money. But block approach. You add one thing, such
testing is only the beginning. The potential as rain, then change it a bit, making it
of our augmentations extends to training, heavier, then add another correlated
validation, you name it. element, such as puddles. Once you know
to request exclusive and rapid information about the latest
technologies and services featured in this issue
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 InoNet Computer GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle International online reader inquiry service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 63 IPG Automotive GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo California 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover Mechanical Simulation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside front cover
ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo Europe 2024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12, 13
neurocat GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
ASAM eV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Claytex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Racelogic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
DEWESoft, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outside back cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Gentex Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Xylon doo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
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N AV I O N ® i 2
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• Dewesoft-X-PRO software included
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