A Toy Prolog Interpreter in C++ - Dabbling Seriously

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A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

Dabbling Seriously
Code, Coffee, and other Stuff.

A toy prolog interpreter inc++


One of my old mentors told me that he thought you were never a real computer
programmer until youve written a compiler. I was still at high school at that
time and a few years later I had the opportunity to implement a compiler as
part of a university paper. That idea has stuck with me and a few years back I
got interested in the inner workings of prolog. I had used prolog briefly at
university but hadnt ever attempted to understand how that was implemented and
set about implementing an interpreter rather than a compiler, just to
understand the details and problems that come about when you try to execute

In this article Im going to give you a brief tour of some of the parts of an
implementation of a logic and inference algorithm. The kinds of logic used in
this program can be used as a basis of a logic programming language, or a type
inference system. Obviously a real prolog implementation would have many more

Download Link

If all you want is to peek at my source code feel free to download it from here:

little_logic.zip (11 kB)


The program is split into two main parts, the parser, and the interpreter.
First you parse the program, and then process the clauses into compressed
clauses that use integers for identifiers rather than strings, and then you can

1 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

execute the clauses. Heres a sample main:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

std::string program = ""
"parent(great_grandad, nana).\n"
"parent(great_nana, nana).\n"
"parent(great_pop, grandad).\n"
"parent(great_grandma, grandad).\n"
"parent(grandad, dad).\n"
"parent(nana, dad).\n"
"parent(grandad, uncle).\n"
"parent(nana, uncle).\n"
"parent(dad, miss).\n"
"parent(dad, master).\n"
"ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).\n"
"ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).\n";

runtime rt;
std::stringstream ssprogram(program);
parser p;
execute_program(p.parse_program(ssprogram), rt);

run_predicate("ancestor(dad,B)", rt);
enumerate_predicate("ancestor(Ancestor, master)", rt);
return 0;

This code creates a runtime and parses the program and then executes it in the
runtime. This will install the clauses into the runtime.

The very next thing the sample does, is dumps the program out to the console,
this helps me see what is actually loaded.

the final two things that the program does are running a predicate to get one
answer using run_predicate, and then running another predicate to list all of
the answers using enumerate_predicate.

How it works

Prolog clauses are made up of a left side, and a right side. The left side
might be considered a goal that you might be wanting to prove, and the right
side would be one possible list of things that if true would mean that the left
side is true. Clauses can have variables, beginning with a capital that can
match any value.

2 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

#if You're happy and you know it clap your hands

clap_your_hands(You) :- happy(You), know_it(You).

One of the first problems you encounter when executing prolog, is how when you
attempt to prove a clause and find a solution, you may need to attempt several
possible candidate clauses to check which of those might lead to an answer. In
the example above, there might be several reasons to be happy, but you might
not know it.

Unification of Values

Solving a clause with two predicates on the right side might mean delving deep
into one predicate before you can know the parameters that can be passed into
the second predicate, especially in the case that the clause specifies
variables rather than values. Basically what we need to do is specify some
things that we want to do for every possible match, and we can do that with a

Prologs unification mechanism, means that you can specify a variable at one
point in a clause, which will bind to the first value you specify, and which
later when you use that variable again the same value will be used.

The following process will attempt to unify either two values, or two
variables. If either variable or both are not bound, then the unification
passes, otherwise the values must be identical. Note the function thenwhat,
which is used to continue execution once values are unified. Once execution is
finished, the unifications are rolled back so that another one can be

The point Im trying to stress to you here, is that its more difficult than
returning yes/no answer to a question, you might also have other things you
need to take care of before you know the actual answer.

3 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

bool unify_variants(
int base,
variable_handle v1,
variable_handle v2,
const std::function<bool()>& thenwhat)
variable_handle v1_root = obtain_root_index(v1);
variable_handle v2_root = obtain_root_index(v2);

if(v1_root == v2_root)
return thenwhat(); //already are

variable* v1_value = v1_root.get_value(stack);

variable* v2_value = v2_root.get_value(stack);

bool result = false;

if(v1_value == nullptr)
auto bound_variable =
v1_root.set_value(stack, bound_variable);
result = thenwhat();
else if(v2_value == nullptr)
auto bound_variable =
v2_root.set_value(stack, bound_variable);
result = thenwhat();
result = thenwhat();
return result;

Unification of Parameters

4 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

In order to solve a clause you first need to be able to pass arguments into the
formal parameters of the clause. Some of the arguments might be constrained,
and some might not.

The following functions take arguments and attempt to unify those arguments
with the parameters of a clause. Performing the unifications recursively allows
the interpreter to keep track of the variables and unifications already

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A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

bool unify_parameter(
int base,
variable_handle argument,
parameter parameter,
const std::function& thenwhat)
variable_handle new_argument =
parameter.instantiate_argument(base, stack);
bool result = unify_variants(
base, argument, new_argument, thenwhat);
return result;

bool unify_parameters(
int base, int parameter_index,
const std::vector<parameter>& parameters,
const std::vector<variable_handle>& arguments,
const std::function<bool()>& thenwhat)
if(parameter_index == parameters.size())
if(parameter_index == arguments.size())
return thenwhat();
return false; //argument list too long
else if(parameter_index == arguments.size())
return false; //argument list too short
return unify_parameter(
return unify_parameters(
parameter_index + 1,

6 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

Proving Conjunctions

In my implementation, parameters specify where in the clause or in the value

database a variable or value should come from. The following code pushes values
onto the stack for each formal parameter and then unifies the arguments with
the parameters as above.

The unify_conjunction method will instantiate all arguments, and then attempt
to prove each clause in the conjunction.

7 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

int base,
const std::vector<parameter>& parameters)
std::vector<variable_handle> arguments;
for(auto p : parameters)
p.instantiate_argument(base, stack));
return arguments;

const compiled_predicate& predicate)
return instantiate_predicate_arguments(
stack.size(), predicate.parameters);

void unstack_arguments(
const std::vector<variable_handle>& arguments)
for(int n = 0; n < arguments.size(); n++)

bool unify_conjunction(
int base,
int index,
const conjunction& conj,
const std::function<bool()>& thenwhat)
if(index == conj.size())
return thenwhat();
std::vector<variable_handle> arguments =
base, conj[index].parameters);

bool result = unify_clause(


8 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

return unify_conjunction(
index + 1,
conj, thenwhat);

return result;

Proving Clauses

The last piece of the interpretation puzzle is unification of clauses. In

order to prove a clause, you need to first check that the arguments passed to
the goal match, and then you need to prove the conjunction. The following code
goes through each clause in the clause dictionary and attempts to match the
arguments with the parameters of the clause. If they match, then the next thing
it does is attempt to prove the conjunction.

bool unify_clause(
int predicate,
const std::vector<variable_handle>& arguments,
const std::function<bool()>& thenwhat)
int base = stack.size();
for(const auto& clause: clause_db[predicate])
return unify_conjunction(
return true;
return false;

9 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...


In this article Ive given you a tour of some of the complicated parts of a toy
implementation of the inference part of prolog. Hopefully you found something
of use in here, and if you have any comments or questions, let me know either
by commenting here or by sending me an email at
[email protected]

Thanks for reading.


4 comments on A toy prolog interpreter inc++

November 17, 2015

This was interesting to read, and was well written. I am still unsure as to what Prolog is exactly,
be it a compiler, interpreter, or parser. The logic is great and the code was easy to follow and
understand. At first I thought, after reading some of the code, that maybe you were writing it for
a Genealogy Listing type program, but in the title you had the word toy, and then thought
maybe you had robotics in mind

Sebastian Godelet
January 4, 2016

Hello Phillip, Id to add the following includes to compile this code with
VC++ 2015 (cl /EHsc main.cpp variant.cpp)
variant.h: #include

10 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

A toy prolog interpreter in c++ | Dabbling Seriously https://dabblingseriously.wordpress.com/2015/11/15/a-toy-prolog-i...

runtime.h: #include
and for gcc 4.8.2 (g++ std=c++11 -o main main.cpp variant.cpp)
parser.h: #include

I suppose you used clang for Mac OSX to compile this.

Hope this helps,

cheers, Sebastian

Sebastian Godelet
January 4, 2016

seems that wordpress ate my includes (with the angle brackets),

variant.h: memory
runtime.h: functional

parser.h: cstdio (for EOF)

Phillip Voyle
January 4, 2016

Hi Sebastian. Yes Im using Clang. WordPress does that to my blog posts too which is a bit
of a pain. I work around it at the moment but suspect there is a plug in I should be using.
Thanks for the feedback. I am away from my computer for a few qeeks so wont be able to
make the changes right now but Ill try to remember when I get back. January is a fairly
popular time for feedback though so I might need to bring organise a laptop for my
summer holiday (I live in New Zealand) next year.

This entry was posted on November 15, 2015 by Phillip Voyle in c++, CodeProject, coding, prolog
and tagged c++, coding, programming, prolog.
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11 sur 11 26/03/2017 07:32

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