Using Geoboard in Primary Mathematics
Using Geoboard in Primary Mathematics
Using Geoboard in Primary Mathematics
Primary Mathematics
ntil recently, I had forgotten what a
geoboard was and how it was used.
HILARY SCANDRETT Upon reintroduction, fond memories
of using it as an investigative tool in primary
reminds us of school, were triggered. It seems that geoboards
have also been forgotten by mathematics
geoboards and asks educators and there is little reference to them
in recent literature. This led me to question:
whether or not they Are geoboards a forgotten tool? Are they still
relevant in todays classrooms? Has modern
still have a place in technology replaced geoboards and made
them obsolete?
todays classrooms.
there are many other activities that could be Standards for School Mathematics (2000)
done. Furthermore, through using provide insight into the ways that calculators
geoboards, students can not only work and computers are reshaping the mathemat-
towards space and geometry outcomes, but ical landscape. They suggest that the
also be engaged in working mathematically appropriate and responsible use of tech-
(Board of Studies New South Wales, 2002). nology can enhance student learning. Bobis,
Mulligan and Lowrie (2004), support this
view and further suggest that, with appro-
Have computers made priate software, the computer can become a
geoboards obsolete? very powerful tool that enables students to
manipulate spatial arrangements and
The National Council of Teachers of construct visual images that would be usually
Mathematics (NCTM) in their Principles and limited by their drawing capabilities. Many of