Using Geoboard in Primary Mathematics

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Some key takeaways are that geoboards are manipulative tools that can be used to teach geometry and spatial concepts. They allow students to physically arrange rubber bands to represent shapes and explore their properties. While they may have been forgotten, the article argues they are still relevant teaching tools.

A geoboard is a board with pegs/nails and rubber bands used to form shapes. It was designed to teach primary geometry concepts. Rubber bands are wrapped around pegs to create shapes and explore their properties. It allows even young students to physically represent and investigate shapes.

The article suggests geoboards can be used to teach concepts in measurement, geometry, patterns, symmetry, translations and more. They support investigational and problem solving approaches. They are versatile and can be used across different math units and levels.

Using Geoboards in

Primary Mathematics

ntil recently, I had forgotten what a
geoboard was and how it was used.
HILARY SCANDRETT Upon reintroduction, fond memories
of using it as an investigative tool in primary
reminds us of school, were triggered. It seems that geoboards
have also been forgotten by mathematics
geoboards and asks educators and there is little reference to them
in recent literature. This led me to question:
whether or not they Are geoboards a forgotten tool? Are they still
relevant in todays classrooms? Has modern
still have a place in technology replaced geoboards and made
them obsolete?
todays classrooms.

For those of us who have forgotten,

what is a geoboard?

Invented by English mathematician and

pedagogist, Caleb Gattegno (19111988),
the geoboard was designed as a manipulative
tool for teaching primary geometry in
schools (Williams, 1999). Traditionally made
out of plywood and nails, geoboards today
are usually made out of plastic and come in
a variety of different sizes and colours.
Rubber bands are placed around the nails or
pegs to form different shapes (see Figure 1).
As a learning tool, it provides a means to act
upon the world and can be used as a cogni-
tive scaffold that facilitates the extension of
knowledge (Salomon & Perkins, 1998, in
McInerney & McInerney, 2002).

APMC 13 (2) 2008 29

and work can be recorded
easily. The areas of mathe-
matics in which geoboards
can be used in include:
plane shapes
right angles
Figure 1. Photo of a geoboard.

From this it can be seen that geoboards,

How can geoboards be used can particularly support learning in the
in teaching? measurement, space and geometry strands
of the primary mathematics curriculum. The
The geoboard is versatile and can be used at following example illustrates the versatility of
all levels for teaching and learning about geoboards and how they can be used to
different areas of mathematics. It has been develop students understanding in the
found to be a particularly useful aid for strands of space and geometry.
investigational and problem solving The K6 mathematics syllabus document
approaches (Carroll, 1992). There is no set (Board of Studies New South Wales, 2002)
sequence to use with geoboards when using classifies space and geometry as the study of
them to teach a mathematical concept and spatial forms and is organised into three sub-
so, is an easy tool to incorporate into mathe- strands: three-dimensional space, two-dimen-
matic units and learning sequences. Like sional space and position. It considers recog-
every tool, however, time needs to be allowed nising, visualising and drawing shapes, and
for free play, so that students have the oppor- describing the features and properties of three
tunity to explore and experiment with new and two-dimensional objects, as important and
equipment. Another advantage of the critical skills for students to acquire. The devel-
geoboard is its design, as it allows for even opment of geometric understanding as set out
young children, and those who may experi- by the syllabus document, incorporates the
ence difficulty in drawing shapes, to first three levels of van Hieles theory
construct and investigate the properties of (Clements & Battista, 1992). Table 1 describes
plane shapes (Carroll, 1992). these three levels and provides examples of
Carroll (1992) suggests that geoboards activities which can be used to assist students
can be used in different areas of mathe- progress through the levels.
matics. It is suggested that geoboards be From Table 1, it can be seen that
used in conjunction with isometric dot geoboards can be used to support all three
paper, so that exploration can be furthered levels of geometric thought and of course

30 APMC 13 (2) 2008

Using Geoboards in Primary Mathematics

Table 1. Activities appropriate to van Hieles levels of geometric thought.


One: Identifies and operates on Making shapes on the

Visualisation shapes and other geometric geoboard, followed by
configurations according to discussion
their appearance Make as many as you can of
Reasoning is dominated by the same shape on the
perception geoboard, differing in size and
Objects are recognised position
visually as the same shape Ask students to follow
instructions and then ask
them what shape they have

Two: Recognises and characterises Present differing shapes on

Descriptive/Analytic shapes by their properties the geoboard discuss the
See figures as wholes, but ways in which in which the
now as collections of shapes are similar and
properties rather visual different
gestalts Ask students to make a shape
Properties are established with a certain property; e.g.,
experimentally by observing, four sides and discuss the
measuring, drawing and similarities and differences in
modelling the shapes made

Three: Forms abstract definitions Ask students to sort shapes

Abstract/Relational Distinguishes between on the geoboard according to
necessary and sufficient sets their properties (allow children
of conditions for a concept to select the criteria)
Reasons with the properties Reflecting and rotating shapes
of classes of figures Investigating the symmetry of
Reorganises ideas by shapes, using mirrors
interrelating properties of
figures and classes of figures

there are many other activities that could be Standards for School Mathematics (2000)
done. Furthermore, through using provide insight into the ways that calculators
geoboards, students can not only work and computers are reshaping the mathemat-
towards space and geometry outcomes, but ical landscape. They suggest that the
also be engaged in working mathematically appropriate and responsible use of tech-
(Board of Studies New South Wales, 2002). nology can enhance student learning. Bobis,
Mulligan and Lowrie (2004), support this
view and further suggest that, with appro-
Have computers made priate software, the computer can become a
geoboards obsolete? very powerful tool that enables students to
manipulate spatial arrangements and
The National Council of Teachers of construct visual images that would be usually
Mathematics (NCTM) in their Principles and limited by their drawing capabilities. Many of

APMC 13 (2) 2008 31

the activities in Table 1, for example, could References
be undertaken using software or websites Board of Studies New South Wales. (2002).
which feature geoboards as a virtual manipu- Mathematics K6 Syllabus. Sydney: Author.
lative. Bobis, J., Mulligan, J. & Lowrie, T. (2004). Challenging
Children to Think Mathematically. Sydney: Pearson
Technology, however, cannot replace the Education Australia.
mathematics teacher, nor can it be used as Carroll, J. (1992). Using the geoboard for teaching
the sole resource for developing basic under- primary mathematics. In M. Horne & M. Supple
(Eds), Mathematics: Meeting the Challenge (pp.
standings and intuitions. Instead the teacher 283288). Brunswick: The Mathematical
must make prudent decisions about when Association of Victoria.
Clements, D. & Battista, M. (1992). Geometry and
and how to use technology and should
spatial reasoning. In D. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of
ensure that the technology is enhancing Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning (pp.
students mathematical thinking (NCTM, 420464). New York: Macmillan Publishing
2000). This view is endorsed by Way (2006) McInerney, D. & McInerney, V. (2002). Educational
who recommends that hands-on activities Psychology: Constructing Learning. Sydney: Pearson
should be used to help students form mental Education Australia.
National Council of Teacher of Mathematics. (2000).
images before commencing abstract tasks on Principles and Standards of School Mathematics.
the computer. Retrieved 25 August 2007 from
Way, J. (2006). Hot ideas: Polygons on the computer.
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom,
Conclusions 11(2),1517.
Williams, S. (1999). Mathematicians of the African
Diaspara. Retrieved 12 May 2008 from:
Overall geoboards have the potential to
develop students understandings in the Gattegno_Galeb1911-1988.htm/
mathematical strands of measurement, space
and geometry. This learning can be further
enhanced when students, under the guid-
ance of their teacher, have the opportunity
to engage in the hands-on experience of Hilary Scandrett
using geoboards, followed up by the more University of Sydney (student)
abstract experiences accessible through tech- <[email protected]>
nology. Geoboards should not be forgotten
in the mathematics classroom, but like other
tools, should be used to engage students and
facilitate their learning. APMC

32 APMC 13 (2) 2008

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