Quadrilaterals:: Rebecca Mcgraw
Quadrilaterals:: Rebecca Mcgraw
Quadrilaterals:: Rebecca Mcgraw
Rebecca McGraw
he task I share here provides geometry taxes. A method used by the ancient Egyptians
students with opportunities to recall and and Mesopotamians to estimate the area of a
use basic geometry vocabulary, extend four-sided plot of land was to measure each of
their knowledge of area relationships, the four sides, find the average lengths of the
and create area formulas. It is character- opposite sides, and then multiply the averages.
ized by reasoning and sense making (NCTM 2009) Ancient peoples often thought of area in terms
and the “Construct viable arguments and critique of the boundaries of shapes. One advantage of
the reasoning of others” Mathematical Practice this method is that all of the needed measure-
from CCSSI (2010). ments can be taken without walking across
Geometry students should engage in rich the land itself; however, for many shapes, the
mathematical tasks that help them develop sense- method of averaging opposite sides overesti-
making and problem-solving skills while building mates the area of the shape.
knowledge of geometry concepts and vocabulary
(Principles and Standards for School Mathematics For which shapes would the ancient method pro-
[NCTM 2000]; Common Core State Standards for duce accurate area measurements? Students will
Mathematics [CCSSI 2010]). Characteristics of rich discover that the method works only for squares
tasks include multiple entry points, connections and rectangles. Even if time is not spent investigat-
across representations and mathematical concepts, ing the ancient method, it is still useful to share this
multiple solution paths, and interesting and per- connection to the real world with students before
haps surprising results that illuminate important continuing to present the task in the following way:
mathematical ideas.
What if we assume that we can walk across
THE DIAGONAL AND AREA TASK the land, perhaps diagonally from one corner
The following description of how people in ancient to the opposite corner? Can we come up with
civilizations determined the areas of a plot of land a more accurate way to measure the area of
offers one way to introduce the task by making a four-sided shapes? Today, we will explore
connection to real life. (The mathematical method the following statement and question: “Some-
described can be found in Crawford [1971]; see also times, if I know the lengths of the diagonals
Robson [2008].) of a quadrilateral, then I can find its area. Is
this statement true or false?”
Determining area has been a real-life problem
for humankind since ancient times. Finding The goal at this stage is to agree on what is being
the area of a field is important for planting asked and to clarify the meaning of the term diago-
crops, estimating harvests, and determining nal. Allow students to think about the statement
for a few minutes and then select students to share of the task, each group will have investigated two
their thoughts. Students typically ask questions to four different quadrilaterals, including at least
such as these: “What counts as a diagonal?” “What one for which it is possible to determine the area
kind of quadrilateral?” and “Do we know the side and one for which it is not. It is not necessary that
lengths, too?” According to the given statement, students work through the shapes in a particular
the quadrilateral could be any size or shape and the order. Plan at least 45 minutes for student investi-
side lengths are not known, although it may be pos- gation in small groups.
sible to find the lengths based on the lengths of the Students will need to revisit the definitions of
diagonals. Next, ask students what tools they might terms such as rhombus, isosceles trapezoid, and kite.
use to investigate the statement. Protractors and Rather than front-loading vocabulary practice,
rulers are all that is needed, although software such teachers can create opportunities for practice within
as GeoGebra could be used. the mathematical task by encouraging students to
Working in groups, students should investigate look up definitions as needed and by attaching new
the problem for various quadrilaterals: squares, vocabulary (e.g., mutually bisecting) to student think-
rectangles, rhombuses, kites, and so on. By the end ing. Students will need to be able to calculate the
area of a rectangle with specified length and width.
Drawing a square and its diagonals, students
quickly conclude that the diagonals are cut in half
where they cross and that the diagonals cross at 90°
angles to each other. Students can create arguments
for these conclusions by proving that the diagonals
cut the square into four congruent 45°-45°-90° tri-
angles. At this stage, students may decide to use a
dissect-and-rearrange method to organize the pieces
of the square so that the diagonals become side
lengths of a rectangle whose area is half the product
of the diagonal lengths (see fig. 1).
Alternatively, students could use the Pythagorean
Fig. 1 If I know the lengths of the diagonals of a square, then I can always find the theorem to determine the side lengths of the square
area of the square: Area = d1d2/2. for a given length diagonal, and then multiply to
find the square’s area. In either case, students dis-
cover that, for squares, it is possible to determine
area based upon the lengths of the diagonals.
Students initially may spend time attempting to
determine the rectangle’s side lengths based on a
particular diagonal length, which is a useful struggle
for them to experience. Students’ work provides con-
crete examples of varying areas that can be shared
with the class. Ask each group member to draw,
without looking at other group members’ work, a
rectangle with 10 cm diagonals. Provide scaffolding,
if needed, by suggesting that students draw one 10
cm segment and then draw a right triangle using the
segment as the hypotenuse. The triangle formed will
be half of the rectangle. Asking students to deter-
mine the rectangles’ areas by measuring the side
lengths and multiplying ensures that students realize
that different areas are possible.
Students are often surprised that it is possible
to draw noncongruent rectangles that have equal-
length diagonals (as shown in fig. 2); they may
Fig. 2 Noncongruent rectangles may have equal-length believe that the resulting rectangles have equal area
diagonals. or that the diagonals must not be the same length.
Unnecessary frustration can lead to fewer oppor-
tunities for students to engage with an otherwise
rich task. After giving students some initial time
for investigation, the teacher might choose to pro-
vide scaffolding for creating accurate drawings. For
example, a rhombus can be constructed quickly
with compass and straightedge or by drawing an
isosceles triangle and then reflecting the triangle
across its base (see fig. 4). Another method for
differentiating instruction would be to provide stu-
dents with predrawn shapes.
Comparing diagonals across differently shaped
rhombuses, students discover that the diagonals of
the rhombus are perpendicular to each other and
are mutually bisecting.
Angelica: No, they have to be the same; we the heart of mathematics. A justification could be
measured. similar to this:
Lucas: But your rectangle is longer.
Gerardo: All the rectangles look different. The The two isosceles triangles that form the
diagonals are the same, though. rhombus are congruent (reflection preserves
Angelica: The area? I don’t know. distance), so the diagonal AA′ must be split
Students’ intuition accompanied by careful drawings
can lead them to conjecture that the diagonals of a
kite are perpendicular and that one diagonal bisects
the other. An argument proving this conjecture can
be developed using triangle congruence and proper-
ties of reflections. In figure 7, triangles ABD and
CBD are congruent (side-side-side), so BD is a sym-
metry line of the kite and also the perpendicular
bisector of segment AC.
Thinking of the area of the kite as composed
of four right triangles, students can then use the
dissect-and-rearrange method or the surround-and-
subtract method, or define variables (fig. 7) to deter-
mine a formula for the area of a kite in terms of its
Fig. 6 If I know the lengths of the diagonals of a par- diagonals. Students can then consider whether their
allelogram, then I cannot always find the area of the reasoning and conclusions also hold for nonconvex
parallelogram. kites, or darts.
d1 = AC d 2 = BD
d1 = AC d 2 = BD
area( ABCD ) = area(ABC ) + area(ADC ) area( ABCD ) = area( EFGH )
1 1 11
= (x + w )• y + (x + w )• z
area( ABCD ) =2area(ABC ) +2area(ADC ) area( ABCD )==2 AC area• (BD
11 11
area( ABCD )===area ( x( x+
( z1)( x(+ADC
w) •) •( y)y+++area
+wABC w ) • z) area( ABCD )== 1daread 2 (•EFGH
=22 1AC BD
22 2 2
11 ( x + w ) • y + 1 ( x + w ) • z 1
=== 21AC • BD
( x + w ) • ( y +2z ) = 1AC • BD
= 2 d1d 2
22 2
11( x + w ) • ( y + z ) 1
== 2d1AC d • BD = dd
2 1 2
22 2
= 1AC • BD
= 2 d d2
Fig. 8 Multiple strategies can2be1 used to find an area formula for an irregular quadrilateral with perpendicular diagonals.
= d1d 2
2 Vol. 110, No. 7 • March 2017 | MATHEMATICS TEACHER 503
and (2) the identity sin = sin (180 – ) for a given
value in degrees—allows additional extension.
With this information, students can find a formula
for the area of a triangle in terms of two sides and
the sine of the included angle. They can then use
this formula to find a formula for the area of any
quadrilateral in terms of the lengths of the diago-
nals and the angle formed by the diagonals (fig. 9).
When the diagonals are perpendicular, the included
angle measures 90 , and the more general area for-
mula reduces to (1/2)d1d2.
For any convex quadrilateral, divided into four triangles, with
d1 = x + w, d2 = y + z, Geometry students need rich, engaging tasks that
A1 = (1/2) xz sin , build knowledge while allowing for review of
A2 = (1/2) xy sin(180 – ) = (1/2) xy sin( ), vocabulary, measurement, and shape relationships.
A3 = (1/2) yw sin , The quadrilateral diagonal task provides opportuni-
A4 = (1/2) wz sin(180 – ) = (1/2) wz sin( ); ties for students to apply important principles and
results, such as the Pythagorean theorem or the
We find equivalence of areas by dissection; solve challenging
problems; use triangle relationships and congruence
areaquad = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 conditions to justify conclusions; develop robust
= (1/2) sin (xz + xy + yw + wz) mental images of shapes by examining nonstandard
= (1/2) sin [x(z + y) + w(y + z)] representations of quadrilaterals; pose conjectures;
= (1/2) sin (x + w)(y + z) and generalize findings. In addition to these valu-
= (1/2) sin d1d2. able mathematical outcomes, I have found that this
task truly engages students and helps to set norms
Fig. 9 The area of a convex quadrilateral is determined by the lengths of its diago- and expectations including active participation in
nals and the measure of the angle formed by the diagonals. Subtraction of areas problem solving, reasoning, and communication.
would be needed for a nonconvex quadrilateral.
To engage students in critically examining one Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).
another’s claims, gather the various findings on the 2010. Common Core State Standards for Math-
whiteboard without judging their correctness with ematics. Washington, DC: National Governors
respect to the mathematics itself or the way a find- Association Center for Best Practices and the
ing is stated. Ask students to spend approximately Council of Chief State School Officers. http://
ten minutes in their groups deciding whether www.corestandards.org/wp-content/uploads/
they would agree or disagree with each statement Math_Standards.pdf
and why. Students might also consider whether Crawford, Dorothy J. 1971. Kerkeosiris: An Egyptian
they think a statement would benefit from being Village in the Ptolemaic Period. London: Cambridge
reworded in some way. University Press.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
EXTENSIONS BASED ON PERPENDICULAR (NCTM). 2000. Principles and Standards for School
The discussion can be extended with these ques- ———. 2009. Focus in High School Mathematics:
tions: “Is it possible for a quadrilateral to have per- Reasoning and Sense Making. Reston, VA: NCTM.
pendicular diagonals and not be a kite? If so, can I Robson, Eleanor. 2008. Mathematics in Ancient Iraq:
find its area based only on the lengths of the diago- A Social History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
nals?” Students can draw a pair of perpendicular University Press.
diagonals in such a way as to create an irregular
quadrilateral and, based on their previous work,
attempt to find an area formula. Two methods for REBECCA MCGRAW, rmcgraw@math
determining the area are shown in figure 8. .arizona.edu, is a faculty member in the
Some knowledge of trigonometry—specifically, Department of Mathematics at the
(1) the definition of the sine of an acute angle in University of Arizona. She teaches
a right triangle as the ratio of the length of the side mathematics and education courses and conducts
opposite the angle and the length of the hypotenuse, research on the teaching and learning of mathematics.