Geoboard Activity

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Name _______________________________

Period _________


For this activity, we will start out by using the geoboards from class. For the section that
is completed at home, you will no longer have the geoboard available.

1. If each square represents 1 square unit, what is the area of the entire geoboard?

2. What is the area of the shape shown below? _______________

a. What is the length of this shapes base? _______________

b. What is the height of this shape? _________________

3. What is the area of the shape shown below? _______________

a. What is the length of this shapes base? _______________

b. What is the height of this shape? _________________
Name _______________________________
Period _________

4. What is the area of the shape shown below? _______________

a. What is the length of this shapes base? _______________

b. What is the height of this shape? _________________

5. What observation can be made about how the base and height of a triangle
connects to the area of a triangle? _____________________________________

6. Using this observation, what is the formula for the area of a triangle?

7. Create 3 triangles that have an area of 3 square units.

8. Create 3 triangles that have an area of 4 square units.

Name _______________________________
Period _________

9. Lets look back at the shape from problem #2. Instead of using the formula for
triangles or relating this shape to the square that came before, lets think about
halves and wholes.

a. How many whole squares are there in this shape? ________________

b. How many half squares are there in this shape? __________________
This equals how many whole squares? _______________
c. This all together has an area of ___________________ square units.

10. Find the area of each of the following shapes. Think about halves and wholes.

Figure A (the stairs): _________________________

Figure B (the octagon): _______________________
Figure C (the empty candle holder): ______________________
Figure D (the little diamond): ____________________
Figure E (the sideways head): ___________________________
Figure F (the trapezoid): ______________________________
Name _______________________________
Period _________

11. Now its your turn to create. Make 3 different shapes that each have an area of 8
square units and then name each.

_________________ _________________ ________________

_________________ _________________ ________________
_________________ _________________ ________________

12. Another method we can use to find the area of a shape is to think about the area
of the space not used. For each of the following shapes, figure about how many
square units were not included in the shape. Then subtract this value from the
area of the whole geoboard. Show your work used to solve.

Not used: _______ Not used: _______ Not used: ________

Area: __________ Area: __________ Area: ____________

13. Make the smallest right triangle you can. What is its area? ____________
Name _______________________________
Period _________

14. What is the right triangle on the geoboard with the largest area? _____________

15. On the geoboard, find at least 3 right triangles with the area of 1.

16. Find 3 different shapes with an area of 2.5 squares.

a. Which has the smallest perimeter? ________________________

b. Which has the largest perimeter? _________________________
c. Explain why the shape with the largest perimeter has the largest perimeter?
What can we tell about this shape? _________________________________
Name _______________________________
Period _________

17. On the geoboard, make a hexagon (6 sided figure) with an area of 10 square
units. What is its perimeter? ____________________

18. On the geoboard, make an octoagon (8 sided figure). What is its area?
______________ What is its perimeter? _______________

19. Make 6 different shapes that each have an area of 10 square units. Get creative!

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