Jason R Graham CV March 2017

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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Jason R. Graham

Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
University of Hawaii at Manoa
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 310
Honolulu, HI 96822
(352) 519-9592
[email protected]

Doctor of Philosophy Entomology and
Honey Bee Research and Extension Nematology (Major)
Laboratory Agricultural Education
Entomology and Nematology and Communication
Department (Minor)
University of Florida Doctoral Dissertation
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA Research Assistantship
Relevant coursework: Experiential Learning Theory & Practice (AEE 6905) Supervised
Teaching (AEE 6940) Advanced Research (ENY 7979) Teaching in College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences (ALS 5032) Statistical Methods in Research II (STA 6167) Advanced
Teaching in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (AEC 6905) Science Instruction in
Informal Settings (SCE 6246) Insect Molecular Genetics (ENY 5820) Doctoral Research
(ENY 7980)

Master of Science
Honey Bee Research and Extension Entomology and
Laboratory Nematology (Major)
Entomology and Nematology Masters Thesis
Department Teaching Assistant
University of Florida Research Assistantship
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA

Relevant coursework: Apiculture Problems (ENY 6905) Field Techniques in IPM (PMA
6228) Graduate Survey of Biochemistry (BCH 5045) Insect Ecology/Lab (ENY 6203/L)
Insect Physiology (ENY 6401C) Statistical Methods in Research (STA 6166) Insect
Societies (ENY 6905) Insect Wildlife Ecology (ENY 6934) Special Topics in Botany (BOT
6935) Masters Research (ENY 6971)

Entomology and Applied

Ecology (Major)
Bachelor of Science Wildlife Conservation
Entomology and Applied Ecology (Minor)
University of Delaware Undergraduate Research
Newark, DE 19711 USA Program with Thesis
Teaching Assistant
Degree with Distinction

Relevant coursework: Apiology and Apiculture/Lab (ENWC 214/ENWC 224) Elements of

Entomology (ENWC 205) Intro to Crop Science (PLSC 151) Entomology Lab (ENWC 305)
Issues in Natural Resources (FREC 167) Insect Structure and Function (ENWC 405)
Wildlife Conservation and Ecology (ENWC 201) Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity 1
(ENWC 444) Debates in Conservation Biology 1 (ENWC 450) Principles of Animal & Plant
Genetics (ANSC 300) General Ecology (BISC 302) Insect Identifi cation (ENWC 406)
Field Experience (ENWC 464) Larval Taxonomy (ENWC 602) Botany II (PLSC 201)
Wildlife Management (ENWC 325) Insect Field Taxonomy (ENWC 408) Entomology
Teaching Experience (ENWC 466)
Study Abroad in Costa Rica

Current research project:
Yellow-Faced Bee Conservation (August 2014-Present)
Title: Junior Researcher Independent Research
Collaborators: Cynthia B. A. Plant and Environmental Protection
King, William Haines, Sheldon Sciences
Plentovich, Karl Magnacca University of Hawaii-Manoa/
Department of Land & Natural Resources
Development of conservation management strategies for critically imperiled,
yellow-faced bees (Hylaeus anthracinus).
Investigation of H. anthracinus nest architecture and developmental stages
and non-native solitary bee interaction
Captive rearing program via grafting H. anthracinus eggs, and rearing
larvae to adults on artificial and natural diet
Testing enhancement of existing H. anthracinus nest and forage habitat via
design, testing and deployment of artificial nest prototypes, and native
forage resource out-plantings
Evaluation of pests, pathogens, and non-native bees to minimize the impact
on native bee populations
Graham, J R; King, C B A; Plentovich, S (in prep) Nest Ecology of an
Endemic Hawaiian Bee, Hylaeus anthracinus (Hymenoptera:
Colletidae), and Implications for Conservation of this Proposed
Endangered Species.
Graham, J R; King, C B A (2016) Developing captive propagation
methodologies for five native Hawaiian yellow-faced bee species: a
novel approach to endangered species mitigation. Department of
Defense Legacy Resource Management Program Final Report, Technical
Note, and Factsheet. Project 13-104.
Graham, J R (2014) Native Bee Conservation in Hawaii. Florida Melitto
Files 8(4) Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services and
University of Florida/ Institute of Food & Agriculture Sciences Joint

Past research projects:

Integrated Crop Pollination (March 2014-July 2014)
Title: Post-Doctoral Research
Technician Supportive Role
Collaborators: Cory Stanley- Entomology and Nematology Department
Stahr, Jaret C. Daniels, James University of Florida/
D. Ellis Florida Museum of Natural History
Supportive role in fieldwork, monitoring and logistics for the Integrated Crop

Pollination (ICP) program led by colleague, Cory Stanley-Stahr, as interim

position between graduation and post-doctoral research.
Establishment, monitoring of field sites in blueberry fields
Deploy and monitor bumble bee quads in fields sites
Field ID, collection, curation of voucher specimens, data collection, entry
and management


Title: Post-Doctoral Research Biosecurity Research and Extension
Technician Laboratory
Collaborators: Stephanie Entomology and Nematology Department
Stocks University of Florida
Objective: Supportive role in research and online learning module development
for the National Plant Detection Network (NPDN) and Protect U.S. Community
Invasive Species Network, led by colleague, Stephanie Stocks, as interim position
between graduation and post-doctoral research.
Research and synthesis of current literature on entomological topics related
to biosecurity
Design and development of scripted presentations for extension technicians
Development of online learning modules for the National Plant Detection
Network (NPDN)
and Protect U.S. Community Invasive Species Network

UF Native Buzz: Citizen Science Project (2012-2014)

Title: Founder/Coordinator/PhD Honey Bee Research and Extension
student/Researcher /Advisor Laboratory
Collaborators: Qin Tan, Linda Entomology and Nematology Department
C. Jones, James D. Ellis, Jennifer University of Florida
Development of a citizen science project to encourage participants to build and
monitor artificial nesting habitats for solitary bees and wasps.
Recruited 655 participants from April 2012 - July 2014
Sites provided over 10,657 potential nests constructed from a variety of
materials and established within a variety of ecosystems during the first
two-year study period
Citizen science provided an effective tool for motivating pollinator
conservation behavior, sharing information, and collecting data form
various ecotypes and over a large geographic region
Graham, J R; Tan, Q; Jones, L C; Ellis, J D (2014) Native Buzz: Citizen
scientists creating nesting habitat for solitary bees and wasps.

Florida Scientist 77(4): 1-15.


Chimney Bee Management (2010-2014)

Title: PhD Honey Bee Research and Extension
student/Researcher/Advisor Laboratory
Collaborators: Everett Wilcox, Entomology and Nematology
James D. Ellis Department
University of Florida
Increase populations of the ground-nesting, chimney bee, Anthophora abrupta
through nest site enhancement, nest aggregation splits, and translocation.
Designed and tested artificial nest materials for acceptance by Anthophora
Conducted pre- and post-manipulation monitoring to understand effects of
nest enhancement and relocation efforts
Split mother nest aggregation, seeding two new areas with daughter
Mother and daughter nest aggregations exhibited population increases
despite any stress due to manipulations
Prescribed considerations for future management programs applicable to
ground-nesting, solitary bees
Graham, J R; Wilcox, E; Ellis, J D (2015) The potential
management of a ground-nesting, solitary bee:
Anthophora abrupta (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Florida
Entomologist 98(2): 528-535.

Solitary Bee and Wasp Nesting Preference (2010-2014)

Title: PhD Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory
student/Researcher Entomology and Nematology Department
Collaborators: James D. University of Florida
Determine nesting preference (material, height, inside diameter, nest type) of
solitary bees and wasps using artificial nest sites.
Description of the nesting preferences of 152 solitary bees and 1,339
solitary wasps
Species specific nest preferences discussed from a pollinator management
Demonstration of the variable effect of nest type, material, ID and height
from the ground to bee or wasp artificial nest site utilization
Graham, J R; Ellis, J D (in prep) Evaluating the nest preferences of solitary

bees and wasps in North Central Florida.

Graham, J R; Ellis, J D (in prep) The life history of tunnel-nesting solitary
bees and wasps (Hymenoptera) in North Central Florida.
Graham, J R; Ellis, J D (in prep) Invaders, pests and parasites in artificial
nest sites designed for solitary bees and wasps.

Screening foraging Hymenoptera for Honey Bee Pathogens (2010-Present)

Title: PhD Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory
student/Researcher Entomology and Nematology Department
Collaborators: Tomas University of Florida
Bustamante, Ashley USDA-ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research
Mortensen, Daniel R. Center
Schmel, Dawn L. Lopez, Bee Research Laboratory
Jay D. Evans, James D. Ellis
Molecular techniques were used to assess the presence of honey bee (Apis
mellifera) associated pathogens among foraging bees and wasps (Hymenoptera)
foraging in various North Central Florida habitats
Target hymenopteran species were collected and screened for honey bee
associated pathogens
Pathogen association was compared to local honey bee populations
Exploration of the distribution of honey bee associated pathogens in the
local forage landscape
Graham, J R; Wedde, A E; Bustamante, T; Mortensen, A; Schmel, D R; Lopez, D
L; Evans, J D; Ellis, J D (in prep) Honey bee pathogens widespread
among various foraging bees and wasps.

Honey Bee VS. Bumble Bee Airborne Volatile Comparison (2008-2010)

Title: MS Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory
student/Researcher Entomology and Nematology Department
Collaborators: Mark J. University of Florida
Carroll, Peter E. A. Teal, USDA-ARS Center for Medical, Agricultural,
James D. Ellis and Veterinary Entomology
Comparison of the chemical signatures of commercial bumble bee and honey bee
colonies and colony components using airborne volatile collection and GCMS
analysis of samples.
Adult bees, brood, honey, pollen, and wax collected from bumble bee and
honey bee colonies
Volatiles analyzed by component at the CMAVE using a Gas Chromatograph
Mass Spectrometer
High level of variability found between the volatiles collected from bumble
bee and honey bee colony components with only 6 of 147 detected volatiles

common to both bee species

Graham, J R; Carroll, M J; Teal, P E A; Ellis, J D (2013) A scientific note on
the comparison of airborne volatiles produced by commercial
bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) and honey bee (Apis mellifera)
colonies. Apidologie 44(1): 110-112.

Detection of SHB attractive yeast in Bumble bee colonies (2008-2010)

Title: MS Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory/
student/Researcher Insect Pathology Laboratory
Collaborators: Nicole D. Entomology and Nematology Department
Benda, Peter E. A. Teal, University of Florida
Cletus P. Kurtzman, Drion USDA-ARS Center for Medical, Agricultural,
G. Boucias, James D. Ellis and Veterinary Entomology
To screen commercial and wild bumble bee (Bombus impatiens and Bombus
pensylvanicus, respectively) colonies, for the presence of Kodamaea ohmeri,
yeast known to attract small hive beetles (SHB) (Aethina tumida).
Yeast were detected in all commercial bumble bee colony swab samples and
through molecular, chemical, and microbiological techniques were found to
be K. ohmeri
Wild bumble bee colonies were excavated and evaluated for the presence of
any SHB life stage (none was found)
Kodamaea ohmeri was isolated in all adult bee and swab samples collected
from wild bumble bee colonies
The presence of K. ohmeri in commercial and feral bumble bee colonies is
of concern, as SHB, are known to harbor K. ohmeri, and are attracted to
the volatiles produced by K. ohmeri growing on bee collected pollen
Graham, J R; Ellis, J D; Benda, N D; Kurtzman, C P; Boucias, D G (2011)
Kodamaea ohmeri (Ascomycota: Saccharomycotina) presence in
commercial Bombus impatiens Cresson and feral Bombus
pensylvanicus DeGeer (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Journal of
Apicultural Research 50(3): 218-226.

SHB attraction to Honey Bee and Bumble bee colonies (2008-2010)

Title: Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory
MS student/Researcher Entomology and Nematology Department
Collaborators: Mark J. University of Florida
Carroll, Peter E. A. Teal, USDA-ARS Center for Medical, Agricultural,
James D. Ellis and Veterinary Entomology
To determine small hive beetles (SHB) (Aethina tumida) attraction to honey bee

and bumble bee colony component volatiles.

Using a 4-way olfactometer choice test, SHB attraction was tested to
volatiles collected from colony components (adult bees, brood, stored
pollen, wax, honey, whole colony) of bumble bees and honey bees
SHB were attracted to all volatiles except bumble bee stored honey
Results suggest that small hive beetle attraction is mediated chemically and
detected via olfactory cues
Graham, J R; Ellis, J D; Carroll, M J; Teal, P E A (2011) Aethina tumida
(Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) attraction to volatiles produced by Apis
mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Bombus impatiens
(Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Apidologie 3(42): 326336.

Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife (2004-2006)

Title: Biological Control of Invasive Plants Research
BS student/Researcher Laboratory
Collaborators: Jamie Entomology and Applied Ecology
Poole, Judith Hough- University of Delaware
To determine Galerucella effectiveness as a biocontrol agent of Purple
Loosestrife in Delaware wetland ecosystems.
Reared and released colonies of coleopteran biological control agents
Sweep net sampled two habitats where beetle releases took place and
compared samples for predator abundance
Tested predation of Galerucella eggs, larva and adults in laboratory
Measured and compared results of biocontrol efforts at two locations

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Graham, J R; Wilcox, E; Ellis, J D (2015) The potential management of a
ground-nesting, solitary bee: Anthophora abrupta (Hymenoptera:
Apidae). Florida Entomologist 98(2): 528-535.

Graham, J R; Tan, Q; Jones, L C; Ellis, J D (2014) Native Buzz: Citizen

scientists creating nesting habitat for solitary bees and wasps.
Florida Scientist 77(4): 1-15.

Ellis, J D; Graham, J R; Mortensen A (2013) Standard methods for wax

moth research. Journal of Apicultural Research 52(1): 1-17.

Graham, J R; Carroll, M J; Teal, P E A; Ellis, J D (2013) A scientific note on

the comparison of airborne volatiles produced by commercial
bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) and honey bee (Apis mellifera)
colonies. Apidologie 44(1): 110-112.

Graham, J R; Ellis, J D; Benda, N D; Kurtzman, C P; Boucias, D G (2011)

Kodamaea ohmeri (Ascomycota: Saccharomycotina) presence in
commercial Bombus impatiens Cresson and feral Bombus
pensylvanicus DeGeer (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Journal of
Apicultural Research 50(3): 218-226.

Graham, J R; Ellis, J D; Carroll, M J; Teal, P E A (2011) Aethina tumida

(Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) attraction to volatiles produced by Apis
mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Bombus impatiens
(Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Apidologie 3(42): 326336.

Book Contributions
Ellis, J D; Atkinson, E; Graham, J R (2014) Honey Bee Biology In W Ritter
(Ed) Bee health and veterinarians. OIE. Chapter 1.3: 15-28. ISBN
9789290449232 9290449233 http://www.nhbs.com/title/197568/

Ellis, J D; Graham, J R; Mortensen, A (2013) Standard Methods for Wax

Moth Research In V Dietemann; J D Ellis; P Neumann (Eds) The COLOSS
BEEBOOK, Volume II: standard methods for Apis mellifera pest and
pathogen research. International Bee Research Association. ISBN-13:
9780860982746 http://www.coloss.org/beebook/II/wax-moth

Extension Publications
Graham, J R (2014) Native Bee Conservation in Hawaii. Florida Melitto
Files 8(4) Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services and
University of Florida/ Institute of Food & Agriculture Sciences Joint

Graham, J R (2012) Bee Involved: learn to keep solitary bees and wasps.
Florida Melitto Files 6(3) Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer
Services and University of Florida/ Institute of Food & Agriculture Sciences
Joint Publication.

Graham, J R; Ellis, J D; Hall, H G; Nalen, C Z (2011) Miner Bee, Chimney

Bee Anthophora abrupta Say. Entomology and Nematology Department,
Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, University of Florida. Publication #EENY-512.

Graham, J R (2011) Incorporating Solitary Wasps and Bees into your

Gardening IPM. First Detector Network News 6(9): 1-12.

Graham, J R (2008) Everything you wanted to know about bee stings but
were afraid to ask. Florida Melitto Files 2(3) Florida Department of
Agriculture & Consumer Services and University of Florida/ Institute of
Food & Agriculture Sciences Joint Publication.

Graham, J R (2010) The Diversity of Bees: Why we need them and
what you can do to help conserve them. Biology Digest 37(4):

Graham, J R (2010) Bee Stings, Exploding Ants, and Termite

Nasal Sprays: How to defend your social insect colony.
Biology Digest 36(6): 10-17.

Graham, J R (2014) Monitoring tunnel nesting, solitary bees and
wasps in North Central Florida using artificial nesting
habitats. Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation, University of Florida.
359 pp.

Graham, J R (2009) The attraction of bumble bee (Hymenoptera:

Apidae, Bombus impatiens Cresson) colonies to small hive
beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae, Aethina tumida Murray).
Master of Science Thesis, University of Florida. 123 pp.

Graham, J R (2006) Predators of the Galerucella beetle:

Biocontrol agent of Purple loosestrife. Bachelor of Science
Thesis, University of Delaware. 46 pp.

Conference and symposia Presentations


Graham, J R (2017) Conservation of Endangered Hawaiian Yellow-faced

The 11th Annual Nhelehele Dryland Forest Symposium, Kailua-Kona, HI USA;
February, 2017. http://www.drylandforest.org/2017-11th-annual-n

Graham, J R (2016) Endangered Hawaiian Yellow-faced Bees.

The Western Apicultural Society Conference, Honolulu, HI USA; October,
2016. http://www.westernapiculturalsociety.org/2016-conference-speakers/

Graham, J R (2016) Pollinators in paradise: saving endemic Hawaiian

yellow-faced bees.
IUCN World Conservation Congress, Honolulu, HI USA; September, 2016.

Graham, J R (2016) Nest ecology of an endemic Hawaiian bee, Hylaeus

anthracinus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), and implications for
The Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, Washington D.C., USA; May, 2016.

Graham, J R (2015) The nest architecture of Hylaeus anthracinus and

other coastal solitary bees. The 23rd Annual Hawai'i Conservation
Conference, Hilo, HI USA. Session 5, August 2015.

Graham, J R (2015) Native Buzz: Solitary bees and wasps in your

backyard. Citizen Science Symposia. XV Pacific Entomology Conference
2015, Honolulu, HI USA; April 2015.

Graham, J R (2015) The nest architecture of Hylaeus anthracinus and

other coastal bees on Oahu. XV Pacific Entomology Conference 2015,
Honolulu, HI USA; April 2015.

Ray, H A; Gillett-Kaufman, J; Graham, J R (2014) Native buzz: How citizen

scientists can help evaluate pollinator diversity. Entomological Society
of America Annual Meeting 2014; Portland, OR, November 2014.

Graham, J R (2013) Native Buzz: Citizen science and social media for the
conservation of solitary bees and wasps. Annual Meeting of the
National Association of Science Writers. Gainesville, FL, 1 November.

Graham, J R (2010) An Introduction to Beekeeping. Teaching in Colleges of

Agricultural and Life Sciences Course Design Poster Presentation.
Gainesville, FL, 29 November.

Graham, J R; Ellis, J D (2009) Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida)

attraction to commercial bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colonies.
41st Apimondia Congress, Montpellier, France, 16-20 September.

Graham, J R (2008) The attraction of bumble bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae,

Bombus impatiens Cresson) colonies to small hive beetles
(Coleoptera: Nitidulidae, Aethina tumida Murray). Entomological
Society of America 56th Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, 18 November.

Graham, J R (2006) Measuring the success of Galerucella Beetle releases

in two distinct habitats in Delaware for control of the plant Purple
Loosestrife. McNair & University Scholars Summer Research Symposium,
Newark, Delaware, 4 August.

Graham, J R (2006) Predators of Galerucella beetles, biocontrol agents of

purple loosestrife. Annual Delaware Water Resource Center Conference
& Poster Session, Newark, Delaware, 23 April.

Graham, J R (2005) Biological control of purple loosestrife at Flat Pond:

Reclaiming a freshwater pond near the C&D Canal. Annual Delaware
Water Resource Center Conference & Poster Session, Newark, DE, 12 April.


Related Coursework Experiential: Learning Theory & Practice (AEE 6905) Supervised
Teaching (AEE 6940) Teaching in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (ALS 5032)
Advanced Teaching in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (AEC 6905) Science
Instruction in Informal Settings (SCE 6246) Entomology Teaching Experience (ENWC 466)

Lecture Design for online course

Introduction to Apiculture (ENY 4573/5572)
Lectures 4, 5 & 6: Honey Bee December 2011-Present
Anatomy, Physiology, and the History Honey Bee Research and Extension
of Beekeeping Laboratory
Professor: James D. Ellis University of Florida/ Entomology and
Nematology Department

College-level Teaching

Directed Research (PEPS 499)

Role: Instructor Spring 2017
Professor: Jason R. Graham University of Hawaii at Manoa/
Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
Lesson plan: Students develop their research proposal Guide students through
research project development and completion Open lines of communication for
constant reflection, discussion and Q&A

Seminar in Place-Based STEM Education (EDCS 640P)

Role: Guest Lecturer Spring 2017
(Teaching about Native Pollinators) Punaluu Hale
Professor: Pauline Chinn University of Hawaii at Manoa/
Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
Lesson plan: Provided overview of yellow-faced bee biology and ecology
Shared activities designed for school-age children Activity demonstration and
review Reflection, discussion and Q&A

Research Methods in Population Management and Conservation

Role: Guest Lecturer Spring 2017
(Pollinator Restoration) Ka Iwi Coastline Yellow-faced Bee
Professor: Melissa Price Field Site
University of Hawaii at Manoa/
Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
Lesson plan: Provided overview of yellow-faced bee biology and ecology
Shared results of restoration attempts Introduced methods of monitoring
pollinators in the field Students engaged in floral resource monitoring and
habitat restoration planning Reflection, discussion and Q&A

World of INsects (PEPS 250)

Role: Guest Lecturer Fall 2016
(Intro to Research) 3050 Maile Way Gilmore Hall
Professor: Helen Spafford University of Hawaii at Manoa/
Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
Lesson plan: Demonstrated differences between bees, wasps and ants
Introduced students to diversity of bees Shared yellow-faced bee research
chronologically Provided roadmap for future research Reflection, discussion
and Q&A

Entomology Seminar (PEPS 690)

Role: Guest Lecturer Fall 2016
(Presenting Research) 3050 Maile Way Gilmore Hall
Professor: Helen Spafford University of Hawaii at Manoa/
Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
Lesson plan: Evaluated student video presentations Facilitated discussion
critiquing student presentations Provided resources to enhance presentation
skills Reflection, discussion and Q&A

Entomology Seminar (PEPS 690)

Role: Guest Lecturer Fall 2016
(Research Ethics) 3050 Maile Way Gilmore Hall
Professor: Helen Spafford University of Hawaii at Manoa/
Department of Plant and
Environmental Protection Sciences
Lesson plan: Presented video on research ethics Students broke into small
groups and completed online module on research ethics Reflection, discussion
and Q&A

Campus Garden Design Practicum (ALS 4932)

Role: Guest Lecturer Spring 2014
(Field Trip to Bee Unit) Bee Biology Unit Apiary
Professor: Anna Prizzia University of Florida/ Entomology and
Nematology Department
Lesson plan: Mini-lecture introduction to bee diversity and importance
Introduced tools to encourage/monitor bees in gardens Open hive demo/intro to
honey bees, beekeeping, bee biology In groups of 2-3, students observe and
collect native bees Reflection discussion and Q&A

Introduction to Apiculture (ENY 4573/5572)

Role: Guest Lecturer Spring, Summer 2012-2014
(Field Day at Bee Unit) Bee Biology Unit Apiary
Professor: James D. Ellis University of Florida/ Entomology and

Nematology Department
Lesson plan: Mini-lecture introduction to parts of the hive Hive and frame
building demo In groups of 2-3, students assemble a super and 10 frames
Open hive demo/intro to honey bees, beekeeping, bee biology Tour of bee unit,
native bee nesting habitat Mini lecture on native bee biology & diversity
Reflection discussion and Q&A
Principles of Entomology (ENY 3005/5006)
Role: Guest Lecturer Fall, Spring, Summer 2009-2014
(Social Insect Lesson) Bee Biology Unit Apiary
Professor(s): Rebecca Baldwin, University of Florida/ Entomology
Heather McAuslane, Carl S. Barfield and Nematology Department
Lesson plan: Mini-lecture introduction to parts of the hive Mini-lecture history
of beekeeping, bee biodiversity, products of the hive, Q&A Observation hive
introduction Open hive demo/intro to honey bees, beekeeping, bee biology
Tour of bee unit, native bee nesting habitat Reflection, discussion, and
question/answer session

Zoo Topics (PAZ 2317)

Role: Guest Lecturer Fall 2011
(Observation Hives and other Insect Lecture Hall
Exhibits) Santa Fe College/ Zoo
Professor(s): Joshua Watson, Animal Technology Department
Jonathan Miot
Lecture topics covered: Insect exhibits in zoos, bee biology, beekeeping, bee
biodiversity, observation hives, insectariums, UF entomology petting zoo

Principles of Entomology Lab (ENY 3005/5006)

Role: Lecturer/Teaching Assistant Spring 2010
Professor(s): Heather McAuslane, Bee Biology Unit Apiary
Carl S. Barfield University of Florida/ Entomology and
Nematology Department
Independent Role: Deliver lectures facilitate activities stimulate and
facilitate discussions lead field trips and night collecting session collect and
grade assignments facilitate quizzes, exams, projects provide open labs and
review sessions communicate with students regarding expectations and
progress throughout semester Lessons facilitated: Lab Policy, Collection,
Curation External Morphology Microscope Use and Dichotomous Key Insect
Orders and Classification Internal Anatomy & Physiology Medical and
Veterinary Entomology Topics in Entomology Integrated Pest Management
Aquatic Entomology Insect Ecology Social Insects Terrestrial Entomology
Insect Conservation Lab Practical

Elements of entomology (ENWC 205)

Role: Teaching Assistant Spring 2006, Fall 2005
Professor(s): Dewey M. Caron, Classroom and Lecture Hall
Charles R. Bartlett University of Delaware/ Entomology

and Applied Ecology

Supportive role: helped with grading assisted in classroom and on field trips
delivered presentation(s) provided review sessions facilitated quizzes and

Mentor and Supervisory Roles

Training and supervision of research assistants: Ben King, Marissa Streifel,
Michelle Kelley, Tomas Bustamante, Jonnie Dietz, Andy Shaffram, Kelly Rogers,
Devon Lundine, Heather Malone, Carley Fuller, Tony Cofrancesco
Training and supervision of research volunteers: Beatriz Cajade, Andrew
Shahan, Ryan Huether, Anna Boggs, Lauren Stewart, James Christian Fleming,
Emma Roulette, Tomas Bustamante, Tony Riggio, Kayla Martin, Ed Williams,
Jackie Smith, Ryan Colle, Jeanne Tanaka.
Adult Education
Master Beekeeping Program
Role: Instructor November 2012
Training: Pests & Diseases; Bee Biology; Tampa, FL
Bee and Wasp ID Honey Bee Research and
Testing: Written exam and Lab Practical Extension Laboratory
55 Master Beekeeper Program Students Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Instructor March 2012

Training: Honey Bee Biology; Bee and Wasp ID Marineland, FL
Testing: Written exam and Lab Practical Honey Bee Research and
60 Master Beekeeper Program Students Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Instructor October 2011

Training: Advanced Bee & Wasp Biology; Orlando, FL
Beekeeping Basics; Pollination Honey Bee Research and
Testing: Written exam and Lab Practical Extension Laboratory
50 Master Beekeeper Program Students Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Instructor March 2011

Training: Pollination; Lecture: Bee & Wasp Marineland, FL
Biology, Honey Bee Biology Honey Bee Research and
Testing: Written exam and Lab Practical Extension Laboratory
60 Master Beekeeper Program Students Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Instructor March 2010

Training: Bee & Wasp Biology, Honey Bee Marineland, FL
Biology Honey Bee Research and
Testing: Written exam and Lab Practical Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology

30 Master Beekeeper Program Students University of Florida

Role: Instructor March 2009

Training: Bee & Wasp Biology, Honey Bee Marineland, FL
Biology Honey Bee Research and
Testing: Written exam and Lab Practical Extension Laboratory
50 Master Beekeeper Program Students Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida
Bee College
Role: Presenter March 2012
Lecture & Workshop: Native Bees & Marineland, FL
Building Nest Habitat Honey Bee Research and
60 Bee College Participants Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Presenter March 2011

Lecture & Workshop: Native Bees & Marineland, FL
Building Nest Habitat; Open Hive Demos Honey Bee Research and
60; 75 Bee College Participants Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Presenter March 2010

Lecture & Workshop: Bumble Bee Ecology; Marineland, FL
Open Hive Demos Honey Bee Research and
30; 60 Bee College Participants Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Role: Presenter March 2009

Lecture: Small Hive Beetle Biology and Apopka, FL
Research Honey Bee Research and
50 Bee College Participants Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology
University of Florida

Childhood Education
School After Care
Role: School After Care Counselor 2004-2006
Supervisor: Dane Hutchinson Classroom and Field Trips
Newark Day Nursery and
Childrens Center
Newark, Delaware
Supportive role: homework assistance transportation to/from school
supervision at facility/field trips developed and delivered lesson plans
mediated confrontations worked with children ages 2-14
Summer Camp

Role: Summer Camp Counselor Summer 2004, 2005

Supervisor(s): Dane Hutchinson, Jasen Classroom and Field Trips
Sylvester Newark Day Nursery and
Childrens Center
Newark, Delaware
Supportive role: transportation to/from field trips supervision at facility/field
trips developed/delivered lesson plans mediated confrontations worked with
children ages 2-14

Community Extension
(2006-Present; +100 events; +10,000 estimated attendance)
The most recent extension events listed below, a full list can be furnished
upon request.

Hauula Elementary Bees and Beekeeping in March 2017

2nd-4th graders (6 classes of 20-25 Hawaii Hauula, HI

Fall in Love with Science Yellow-faced Bees February

Community Event (2,198 in Info Table and Activities 2017
attendance) Honolulu,

S.T.E.M. Teachers Seminar Teaching about Pollinators February

25 S.T.E.M. teachers in Hawaii 2017
Punaluu, HI

Surfjack Hotel & Swimclub Hawaiis Native Yellow- December

Conservation Connections Talk Faced Bees 2016
Story (20) Honolulu,

Iolani School Be a Bee Presentation & December

75 Kindergartners and Teachers (3 Activity 2016
classes) Honolulu,

Iolani Apiary Club Yellow-faced Bee Research November

50 students & Faculty in 2016
attendance Honolulu,

Pearl City Highlands Elementary Bees, Beekeeping & October

School Robotics! 2016
Jr. Robotics Teams (10+) Pearl City,

James Campbell National Wildlife Every Kid in the Park Day November
Refuge 4th grade classes (250+) Hawaiian Bee Conservation 2015
Kahuku, HI

Kipapa Elementary School Bees and Beekeeping in September


3rd grade classes (75+) Hawaii and Bee-yond! 2015

Mililani, HI

James Campbell National Wildlife Yellow-faced Bee September

Refuge Conservation 2015
IUCN Excursion- Russian Kahuku, HI

Honolulu Zoo Pollinator Day Proclamation June 2015

General public (500+) Celebration Honolulu,

Department of Land and Natural Brown Bag Series: February

Resources Hylaeus Bee Research 2014
Employees and researchers (18) Update Honolulu,

Online Extension

Oahu Buzz BeeKeeping Club

Role: Founder, Administrator
A resource for beekeepers on Oahu, Hawaii to meet, learn, and share their
experience with beekeeping. Help each other to overcome challenges with
beekeeping on Oahu. Share beekeeping news, products or ideas. Report or find
swarms. Buy, sell, or trade honey, wax, pollen, books or other beekeeping
products, services or equipment. www.facebook.com/OahuBuzz/

Honey Buzz
Role: Founder, Administrator 2013-Present
A forum dedicated to honey bees and the beekeepers that love them worldwide,
used to update members of the beekeeping community on beekeeping events,
emerging research, educational facts, bee related news in the media, interesting
stories, and pictures representing apiculture worldwide.

UF Native Buzz Citizen Science Project

Role: Founder, Developer, and Advisor 2012-Present
A citizen science project focused on the design, establishment, monitoring and

maintenance of Native Buzz Nest Sites, artificial sites that provide nesting
habitat for solitary bees and wasps. The goals of the project are to encourage the
conservation of solitary bees and wasps, provide educational resources for
interested participants and to collect scientific data on the nesting habitat of
solitary bees and wasps over a large geographical space over time.

Native Bee Nest Site Project

Role: Founder, Administrator 2011-Present
A forum initially created in order to gauge public interest in the citizen science
project that later became UF Native Buzz. The Native Bee Nest Site Project page
remains active and has grown into a support forum for UF Native Buzz and a
global community of solitary bee and wasp conservationists.

Media Interviews

Magazine Interview & Photo Published- TIME Magazine for kids- Endangered
Bees of Hawaii
December 2016- http://www.timeforkids.com/news-archive

Blog Interview- LiveScience.com- The Mysterious Sex Lives of Hawaii's

Endangered Yellow-Faced Bees December 2016-

Blog Interview- TakePart.com- No Bee Is an Island: Hawaii Key to Saving

Americas Bees
October 2016- http://www.takepart.com/article/2016/10/07/bees-hawaii-wild-bees-

Magazine Interview & Photo Published- National Geographic- For the First
Time, Bees Declared Endangered in the U.S. October 2016-

Radio Interview- Hawaii Public Radio on Bytemarks Caf: Protecting Native

September 2016- http://www.bytemarkscafe.org/2016/09/07/episode-419-

Book Interview- Sustainable Food for the Globe: Everyday People Producing
Food in Abundance by Norma Burnson- January 2015-

Book Interview- Citizen Science Guide for Families: Taking Part in Real
Science by Greg Landgraf- February 2013- http://www.amazon.com/Citizen-


Blog Radio Interview- Talkupy Radio with Annie Lindstrom- June 2012- Native
Bee Nest Site Project-

Radio Interview- NPR and Floridas 89.1 WUFT-FM- June 2011- The Plight of
the Bees- www.wuft.org/news/page/269/?id=950

Television Interview- TV20 News- May 2011- UF Research Creates a BUZZ-


Internet Article Interview- UF/IFAS Press Release- March 2011- UF Bee

College will spotlight native pollinators March 11-12-
http://news.ifas.ufl.edu/2011/03/ -

Internet Article Interview- The Scientist- March 2011- Bee College-


Television Interview- TV20 News- March 2011- Technology Spotlight 3/8/11

"Bee Nesting Sites"- http://www.wcjb.com/technology/2011/03/technology-

Supplemental Funding
Amoun Date Funding Source Funding Project Title
t of Type
Award Award

$6,192 10/201 Hawaii Department Continue Captive Rearing of Yellow-

6 of Land and Natural d faced Bees
Resources Research

$150 4/2013 Resonating Bodies Unrestric UF Native Buzz Citizen

Solitary Bee Art ted Gift Science Project
$44,30 2/2013 Florida Department Contract An assessment of pathogens
9 of Agriculture and Grant in Apis mellifera and non-
Consumer Services Apis pollinator communities
in North Florida

$250 6/2011 North East Florida Unrestric Solitary Bee and Wasp
Honey Bee ted Gift Nesting Preference
$200 6/2008 IFAS Travel Grant Travel The attraction of bumble bee
to Entomological Grant colonies to small hive
Society of America beetles
56th Annual
Meeting, Reno, NV

Professional Associations

North American Pollinator Protection Winter 2016-Present

Campaign www.pollinator.org/nappc

Crown Bees Native Bee Network Winter 2016-Present

Advisor http://crownbees.com/nbn-advisors

Xerces Society for Invertebrate Spring 2016-Present

Conservation www.xerces.org

American Beekeeping Federation Summer 2015-Present

Small Scale Member www.abfnet.org

Hawaii Conservation Alliance Spring 2014-Present

Member www.hawaiiconservation.org

COLOSS Honey Bee Research Spring 2014-present

Association www.coloss.org

Society for Conservation Biology Fall 2013- Present

Member www.conbio.org

Gainesville Area Bee Club Fall 2012-2014

Member www.gainesvilleareabeeclub.com

McNair Scholars Program 2006-Present

Member www.mcnairscholars.com

Alpha Zeta National Honors Fraternity 2004-Present

Member; Pledge master www.alphazeta.org/

Entomological Society of America 2005-Present

Member www.entsoc.org

Undergraduate Research Program 2004-2006

Member www.urp.udel.edu

National Honor Society 2004-Present

Member www.nhs.us

Professional References

Cynthia B. A. King
Entomologist, Wildlife Native Invertebrate Program
Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife
Department of Land and Natural Resources
[email protected]
(808) 587-0019

Sheldon Plentovich
Pacific Islands Coastal Program Coordinator
US Fish & Wildlife Service
Honolulu, HI 96850
[email protected]
(808) 792-9428

James D. Ellis
Gahan Associate Professor, University of Florida
Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory
Entomology and Nematology Department
[email protected]
(352) 273-3924

Dewey M. Caron
Emeritus Professor, University of Delaware
Entomology and Applied Ecology
Affiliate Professor, Oregon State University
Department of Horticulture
[email protected]
[email protected]
(302) 831-8883

T. Grady Roberts
Associate Professor, University of Florida
Agricultural Education and Communication
[email protected]
(352) 273-2568

Jeanette Klopchin
Environmental Specialist III, Pollinator Protection
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
[email protected]
(386) 418-5515

Cory Stanley-Stahr
Senior Biologist, Wildlife International
President, Orchard Bee Association
[email protected]

(801) 388-5433

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