Gen Math STEM B Daily Lesson Log

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School SCHOOL Grade level GRADE 11 - STEM B

SEPTEMBER 26-30, 2016, 1:30-2:30
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
PM Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of simple and compound interests, and simple and general
B. Performance The learner is able to investigate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and compound interests and simple and
Standards general annuities using appropriate business and financial instruments.
C. Learning
Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
lesson, the learner lesson, the learner is lesson, the learner is
is able to solve able to illustrate able to illustrate simple
(Write the LC Code for problems involving simple and general and general annuities,
rate of interest and annuities, distinguish distinguish between
each) time in compound between simple and simple and general
interest. general annuities, and annuities, and find the
find the future and future and present
present values of values of simple
simple annuities. annuities.

M11GM-II-a-b-1b M11GM0IIc-1, c-2, and M11GM0IIc-1, c-2, and

and b-2b c-d-1 c-d-1

Basic Business Basic Business Basic Business

II. CONTENT Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
(Lesson 27) (Lesson 28) (Lesson 28)
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages General General Mathematics General Mathematics
Mathematics TG: TG: TG:
pp. 178-187 pp. 188-200 pp. 188-200
2. Learners Materials General General Mathematics General Mathematics
pages Mathematics LM: LM: LM:
pp. 158-168 pp. 168-183 pp. 168-183
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning www.analyzemath.c
Resources om m m
A. Reviewing previous Review the concepts Review the concepts Review the concepts
lesson or presenting the discussed last discussed last discussed last meeting
new lesson meeting meeting

Simple Annuity
Finding Interest Simple Annuity
Rate and Time in
Compound Interest
B. Establishing a purpose -Interest and time in -Definition of terms -Definition of terms
for the lesson compound interest -Time diagrams -Time diagrams
-Equivalent interest -Future value of a -Future value of a
rate simple annuity simple annuity
-Present value of a -Present value of a
simple annuity simple annuity
-Periodic payment of a -Periodic payment of a
simple annuity simple annuity
C. Presenting examples/ Example 1: By definition: By definition:
Annuity - a sequence of Annuity - a sequence of
How long will it take payments made at equal payments made at equal
P3,000 to accumulate (fixed) intervals or (fixed) intervals or periods
to P3,500 in a bank periods of time. of time.
savings account
at 0.25% compounded Examples of annuity Examples of annuity
monthly? certain: certain:
Installment basis of Installment basis of paying
Given: P=3,000 paying a: a:
F=3,500 1. car 1. car
i(12) 2. appliance 2. appliance
3. house and lot 3. house and lot
0.25% = 0.0025 4. tuition fee 4. tuition fee

Examples of contingent Examples of contingent
m = 12 j= i annuity : annuity :
/m = 0.0025/12 1. life insurance 1. life insurance
2. pension payments 2. pension payments
Find: t
Solution: F = P(1 + Examples: Examples:
j)n Suppose Mrs. Remoto Suppose Mrs. Remoto
n = 740.00 would like to save P3, would like to save P3, 000
periods 000 at the end of each at the end of each month,
month, for six months, in for six months, in a fund
t = n/m = 740/12 = a fund that gives 9% that gives 9% compounded
61.67 years compounded monthly. monthly. How much is the
(Example 2 at page How much is the amount amount or future value of
180 to 184 or future value of her her savings after 6
savings after 6 months? months?

(Hint: Cash flow in time (Hint: Cash flow in time

diagram) diagram)
Answer: P 18,340.89 Answer: P 18,340.89
D. Discussing new Concepts: One basic concept is the One basic concept is the
1. As shown in the time value of money. An time value of money. An
concepts and practicing
previous example, we amount such as 3000.00 amount such as 3000.00 t=1
new skills #1 t=1 has a different value has a different value than
use logarithms to solve
unknowns that appear in than 3000 at t=2 or 3000 at 3000 at t=2 or 3000 at t=3,
the exponent. t=3, and so on. and so on.

2. The value of n, which This means that if we This means that if we

refers to the number of consider interest, we cannot consider interest, we cannot
periods, should be a just multiply 3000x6 = just multiply 3000x6 = 18000
whole number. Thus, in 18000 because each of the because each of the
the previous example, individual 3000 payments is individual 3000 payments is
we used n = 5 rather valued differently from the valued differently from the
than n = 4.503 to others. others.
compute for t.

E. Discussing new Concepts (Definition of Concepts (Definition of Concepts (Definition of

Terms): Terms): Terms):
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
Note: Tell the students 1. Simple Annuity - 1. Simple Annuity -
that investors are also An annuity where the An annuity where the
interested to know the payment payment
interest rate before
interval is the same as interval is the same as
investing a certain
the interest period. the interest period.
2. General Annuity - 2. General Annuity -
1. Equivalent rates - two An annuity where the An annuity where the
annual rates with payment payment
different conversion Interval is not the same Interval is not the same as
periods that will earn the
as the interest period. the interest period.
same compound amount
3. Annuity Due - 3. Annuity Due -
at the end of a given
number of years.
A type of annuity in A type of annuity in which
which the payments are made at
2. Nominal rate - annual the payments are made beginning of each
interest rate (may be at payment
compounded more than beginning of each interval.
once a year). payment 4. Annuity Certain -
interval. An annuity in which
3. Effective rate - the 4. Annuity Certain - payments
rate compounded
An annuity in which begin and end at definite
annually that will give
the same compound
payments times.
amount begin and end at definite 5. Contingent Annuity -
as a given nominal rate; times. An annuity in which the
5. Contingent Annuity - payments extend over an
denoted by i(1) . An annuity in which the indi-
payments extend over finite (or indeterminate)
an indi- length of time
finite (or indeterminate)
length of time
F. Developing mastery
(Seatwork in pages (Seatwork in pages 199) (Seatwork in pages 199)
(Leads to Formative
185 to 186)
Assessment 2)
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about Simplify the concepts Simplify the concepts Simplify the concepts
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for Homework: Homework:
(Solve problems at page (Solve problems at page
201) 201)
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

Cesar M. del Rosario, CE Calick D. Arrieta, PhD

SHS T-1 School Principal I

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