Cs 205: Data Structures (Ktu B Tech Iii Sem) : Modul e Hour S

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Modul Contents Hour
e s
I Introduction to Programming Methodologies structured approach, stepwise 9
refinement techniques, programming style, documentation analysis of algorithms:
frequency count, definition of Big O notation, asymptotic analysis of simple
algorithms. Recursive and iterative algorithms.
II Abstract and Concrete Data Structures- Basic data structures vectors and arrays. 9
Applications, Linked lists: singly linked list, doubly linked list, Circular linked list,
operations on linked list, linked list with header nodes, applications of linked list:
III Applications of linked list (continued): Memory management, memory allocation 9
and de-allocation. First-fit, best-fit and worst-fit allocation schemes.
Implementation of Stacks and Queues using arrays and linked list, DEQUEUE
(double ended queue). Multiple Stacks and Queues, Applications.
IV String: representation of strings, concatenation, substring searching and deletion. 10
Trees: m-ary Tree, Binary Trees level and height of the tree, complete-binary tree
representation using array, tree traversals (Recursive and non-recursive),
applications. Binary search tree creation, insertion and deletion and search
operations, applications.
V Graphs representation of graphs, BFS and DFS (analysis not required) 9
Sorting Techniques Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick
sort, Heaps and Heap sort. Searching algorithms (Performance comparison
expected. Detailed analysis not required)
VI Linear and Binary search. (Performance comparison expected. Detailed analysis not 10
Hash Tables Hashing functions Mid square, division, folding, digit analysis,
collusion resolution and Overflow handling techniques.

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