Syallabus algorithms and data structure
Syallabus algorithms and data structure
Syallabus algorithms and data structure
UNIT I: Introduction 7
Introduction: Function, Recursion, Array, Introduction to data structures- Need of data structures,
Types of data structures, recursion, Arrays, sorting – Bubble sort , Insertion sort, Selection sort,
Merge sort, Quick sort and searching techniques- Linear Search and Binary Search , Algorithmic
analysis, finding complexity of small code .
UNIT II: Stack and Queue 7
The stack as an ADT, Representation, Stack operation, Application. Queue: The Queue as an ADT,
Representation, Queue operation, Circular and Priority queue, Applications of stacks and queues
UNIT III: Linked List 7
Linked list as an ADT, Singly-linked lists, doubly linked lists and circular linked lists. Operations on
linked list etc., Linked stacks and Queues, Applications of lists in polynomial representation,
UNIT IV: Trees and Graphs 7
Binary trees, binary trees- basic algorithms and various traversals. Binary Search Trees (BSTs) and
insertion, deletion in BSTs, Introduction to Graphs: Graph Terminologies, Graph Traversal Methods.
Total Lectures