Syallabus algorithms and data structure

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III Semester

MDM1: Algorithms and Data structure (Track 1- Image

processing and Computer Vision)
Course Outcome

1.To review programming concepts and understand fundamental concepts in data

2.To apply and analyse algorithms for performing operations on data structures
3.To Evaluate the performance of data structures and its applications.
4.Simulate the algorithms for performing operations on data structures.

UNIT I: Introduction 7
Introduction: Function, Recursion, Array, Introduction to data structures- Need of data structures,
Types of data structures, recursion, Arrays, sorting – Bubble sort , Insertion sort, Selection sort,
Merge sort, Quick sort and searching techniques- Linear Search and Binary Search , Algorithmic
analysis, finding complexity of small code .
UNIT II: Stack and Queue 7
The stack as an ADT, Representation, Stack operation, Application. Queue: The Queue as an ADT,
Representation, Queue operation, Circular and Priority queue, Applications of stacks and queues
UNIT III: Linked List 7

Linked list as an ADT, Singly-linked lists, doubly linked lists and circular linked lists. Operations on
linked list etc., Linked stacks and Queues, Applications of lists in polynomial representation,
UNIT IV: Trees and Graphs 7
Binary trees, binary trees- basic algorithms and various traversals. Binary Search Trees (BSTs) and
insertion, deletion in BSTs, Introduction to Graphs: Graph Terminologies, Graph Traversal Methods.
Total Lectures

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