Bando Rev9 Product Selector (Spec Data Pg31) .Compressed

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Power transmission belts selector

we transmit power across space


Since Bando's inception in 1906, we have pursued aggressive development policies in the power
transmission belts and systems fields. Our highly capable staff develops power transmission
belts as well as power transmission systems to meet the unique requirements of various types
of equipment and engines. Their work contributes greatly to the emerging miniaturization
technology responsible for making machines precise, smaller, lighter and more efficient.

Global Network

In 1969, BANDO established overseas liaison offices in America and Europe. In the 1980s
we began strengthening our globalization efforts in Asia. Now, in 21st century, we have grown
into a company with more than 10 sales and/or manufacturing facilities around the world. The
collaboration of these companies forms the foundation of our global network meeting the wider
needs of automobile manufactures and office automation appliance manufactures in response to
their overseas expansion.
More importantly appliance, we will not only focus its efforts on establishing overseas facilities,
but also on training employees who can actively participate in these overseas activities, training
local associates and contributing to communities abroad.


BANDO Power Transmission Belts Table (Industrial / Automotive)4~5
Selection Table for BANDO Power Transmission Belts6~9

King Power Synchronous Belts (KPS ) 10
High Performance STS Belts (HP-STS) 11
Long Synchronous / STS Belts (LSB-R) 12
Bancollan Long Synchronous / STS Belts (LSB-U) 13
Synchronous Belts14~15
Super Torque Synchronous Belts (STS)16~17
Bancollan Double Sided Synchronous / STS Belts 18
Double Sided Synchronous / STS Belts 19
HTS Belts 20
Bancollan Synchronous / STS Belts21~22
Bancollan Synchronous Belts TN-type 23

Fractional H.P. V Belts (FHP) AND MULTIPLE V BELTS24~25
Double V Belts 28
Power Ace29~30
Narrow V Belts SP-type 31
Variable Speed Belts 32
Bancollan V Belts (VC Type) 33
Bancollan V Belts (DC Type) 33
Banflex 34
Bancord V Belts 41

Power Scrum36~37
Banflex Scrum 35

PolyBanrope 38
Bancollan PolyBanrope 39

Bancollan Round Belts (Seamless type) 40
Bancord Round Belts (Openend type) 41

Bancollan Cordless Flat Belts (Seamless type) 41
PS Belts42~43


Wrapped Type44~45
RAF (Raw Edge / Laminated Type)44~45
RPF (Raw Edge / Cogged Type)44~45
Rib Ace44~45
OHC Syncronous / STS Belts44~45

Example of Application47~50
Trouble Shooting51~60
Belt Design Factors 61

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BANDO Power Transmission Belts Table

Description Material Belt Profile Page Description Material Belt Profile Page

Fractional H.P. V
King Power
Belts (FHP) AND
Synchronous Belts P 10 R 24~25
(KPS )

R 26
High Performance V BELTS RED S 
STS Belts (HP- R 11
R 27

Long Synchronous
R 12
/ STS Belts
Double V Belts R 28
Bancollan Long
Synchronous / P 13
STS Belts

Power Ace R 29~30

Synchronous Belts R 14~15

Narrow V Belts
R 31

Super Torque Variable Speed

R 16~17 R 32
Synchronous Belts Belts

Double Sided
Bancollan V Belts
Synchronous / R 18 P 33
(VC Type)
STS Belts

Bancollan Double
Bancollan V Belts
Sided Synchronous P 19 P 33
(DC Type)
/ STS Belts

HTS Belts R 20 Banflex P 34

Synchronous / P 21~23 Bancord V Belts P 41
STS Belts

Material: R=Rubber, P=Polyurethane

BANDO Power Transmission Belts Table

Description Material Belt Profile Page Description Material Belt Profile Page

Power Scrum
R 36~37 Cordless Flat Belts P 41
(V Belt Type)
(Seamless type)

Power Scrum
R 36~37 PS Belts R/P 42~43
(Power Ace Type)


Banflex Scrum P 35
Description Material Belt Profile Page

(Wrapped Type) R 44~45


Description Material Belt Profile Page

Poly Banrope R 38 R 44~45
(Laminated Type)

Bancollan RPF
P 39 R 44~45
Poly Banrope (Cogged Type)

Rib Ace R 44~45
Description Material Belt Profile Page

Bancollan Round
Belts P 40
(Seamless Type) OHC
Synchronous / STS R 44~45

Bancord Round
Belts P 41
(Openend Type)

Selection Table for Bando Power Transmission Belts
Find the Belt type you need in the first column. Then, reading across the page, find the belt that matches your Kilowatt,
speed, elongation and/or center-to-center requirements.
Maximum Recommerdeo
Maximum Kilowatt (KW) Maximum Speed (m/sec) Maximum
center distance (mm)
TYPE OF BELT elongation
0.75~7.5 7.5~75 20~30 1 (%)
0.75 75 20 30 500 2000 2000
Rubber belts
[3L] [4L 5L]
Fractional H.P. [3L] [4L] [5L] 1.5~2.0
15 30
[B] [D] [A~E]
Multiple [A] 1.5~2.0 [A~E]
[C] [E] 30
V Belts Red-s  [SA] 30 1.5~2.0
[BB] [BB]
Double-V [AA] 30 1.5~2.0 [AA]
[CC] [CC]
[5V] Under
Narrow V Belts [3V] 40 [3V] [5V, 8V]
[8V] 1.0
[5V] Under
Narrow V type [3V] 40 [3V] [5V, 8V]
Power Scrum [8V] 1.0
(Banded Belts) [B] [A~E]
Multiple V type [A] [E] 1.5~2.0 [A~E]
[C] 30
Variable Speed Belts [VA~VE] 30 1.0~1.5 [VA, VB] [VC,VD,VE]
RIB-ACE [PK] 1.0~1.5
[J, L, M]
V Ribbed Belts [J] [L] [M] 1.5~2.0
[MXL] [H] Under
Synchronous Belts [L] [XXH] 50
[XL] [XH] 0.15
[S4.5M] Under
STS [S8M] [S14M] 60
[S5M] 0.15
Long Synchronous Belt (LSB-R) 10
Polyurethane Belts
King Power Synchronous Belt Under
[S8M] [S14M] 30
(KPS) 0.1
FHP (2L) [2L] [2L] 1.5~2.0
Cogged V Belts [J]
[J] 1.5~2.0
(VC) 10
Polyurethane Double cogged
[J] 0.5~2.0
V-Belts V Belts (DC)
(Bancolan V Belts)
Open Ended
[M] [A][B] 2.0~3.0
(Bandcord V Belts)
Banflex [3M] [5M] [7M] [11M] 60
Banded Banflex [5MS] [7MS] [11MS] 60
Cordless 1.5~2.0
Flat Belts
Polyurethane V Ribbed Belts [H] [J] 25 2.0~2.5
Endless 10 0.5~1.0
Polyurethane 5
Round Belts Open End 1.5~
10 3.0~5.0
(Bancord) 15
Polyurethane [XL][T5] [L] Under
Synchronous Belts [TN15] [T10] 0.25
Polyurethane Long Under
SynchronousBelt (LSB-u) 0.25
1 As listed above, the numerical value shows permissible range of Elongation
Recommended design area. 2. Numbers shown are maximums under normal operating conditions.
Marginal design area - contact your local Bando distributor 3. Letters in [ ] show belt type.
for further engineering information.
Do not design in this area.

Speed ratio Minimum pulley diameter (mm) Special applications
TYPE OF BELT Drive using
Under Under OVER Shock Horizontal Backside
1:5~1:10 50~100 100~200 backside
1:5 50 200 load drive ldler
of belt
Rubber belts
Fractional H.P. [3L][4L] [5L]
V Belts [B]118 [D]300
Multiple [A]67
[C]180 [E]450
Red-e  [SC]100
Double-V [CC]260
Narrow V Belts 1:10 [3V]67 [5V]150 [8V]300
Narrow V type 1:10 [3V]67 [5V]150 [8V]300
Power Scrum
(Banded Belts) [B]118 [D]300
Multiple V type [A]67
[C]180 [E]450
Variable Speed Belts [VA]45 [VC]70
V Ribbed Belts 20 75 175
[MXL] [XH]
12teeth [H] 22teeth
Synchronous Belts 1:10
[XL] [L] 14teeth [XXH]
10teeth 22teeth
[S4.5M] [S14M]
STS 1:10
12teeth 28teeth
[XL][L] [S8M] [XH]
Long Synchronous Belts (LSB-R) 1:10 [XXH]
[S4.5M] [H] [S14M]
Polyurethane Belts
King Power Synchronous Betl [S8M] [S14M]
(KPS) 18teeth 22teeth
FHP (2L) [2L]
Cogged V Belts [J]16
Double cogged
Polyurethane [J]16
V Belts (DC)
(Bancollan V Belts)
Open Ended [A]100
(Bancord V Belts) [B]150
Banded Banflex [5MS]26 [11MS]
(BANFLEX Scrum) [7MS]40 63
Polyurethane (0.6mmt)6
Flat Belts (1.0mmt)10
Polyurethane V Ribbed Belts
Polyurethane [5mm]30
Round Belts Open End [3mm] [10mm]
(Bancord) 23 80
Polyurethane [XL][L][T5]
Synchronous Belts 15teeth
Polyurethane long [S3M] [S8M]
1:10 [XH] [XXH]
Synchronous Belts (LSB-u) [XL][L] [H]
Recommended design area. Marginal design area - contact your local Bando Do not design in this area.
distributor for further engineering information.


Oil Acid Alkali Ozone Water Flame Low

Vibration BELT TYPE
Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance Noise

Rubber belt
Fractional H.P.
Multiple, RED-S V Belts
Narrow V Belts

Narrow V type
Power Scrum
(Banded Belts)
Multiple V type

Variable Speed Belts

V Ribbed Belts


Synchronous Belts, STS

Long Synchronous Belt (LSB-R)

Polyurethane Belts
King Power Synchronous Belts
FHP (2L)
Cogged V Belts
Double Cogged V Polyurethane
Belts (DC) V-Belts
(Bancollan V Belts)
Open Ended
(Bancord V Belts)

Banded Banflex
Flat Belts
Polyurethane V Ribbed Belts

Open End Round Belts
Synchronous Belts
Polyurethane Long
Synchronous Belts (LSB-u)
Belt is perfectly suitable for conditions shown.
Belt is adequately suitable for conditions shown.
Belt is marginally suitable for conditions shown, but not recommendable.
DO NOT apply belt in these environments.

Selection Table for Bando Power Transmission Belts 2
Find the type of Belt you need in the first clumn. Then, reading across the page, find the belt that matches your operating
Ambient Temperature Range
BELT TYPE Electrical
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 
(-40) (-22) (-4) (14) (32) (50) (68) (86) (104) (122) (140) (158) (176) (194) (212) (230) (248) ()
Rubber Belts

Fractional H.P. less than 6M

V Belts
Multiple RED-S
less than 6M

Narrow V Belts less than 6M

Narrow V type less than 6M

Power Scrum
(Banded Belts)
Multiple V type less than 6M

Variable Speed Belts less than 6M

V Ribbed Belts less than 6M

RIB-ACE less than 6M

Standard less than 6M
Synchronous Belts, STS High Temperature Resistance insulation over 100M

Long Synchronous Belts (LSB-R) less than 6M

Polyurethane Belts

King Power Synchronous Belts 104~106M

FHP (2L) 104~106M

V Belts (VC)
Polyurethane Double Cogged
V Belts V Belts (DC)
(Bancollan V Belts)
Open End
(Bancord V Belts)

Banflex 104~106M

Banded Banflex 104~106M

Cordless 104~106M
Flat Belte

Polyurethane V Ribbed Belts 104~106M

Endless 104~106M
Round Belts Open End

Polyurethane Synchronous Belts 104~106M

Polyurethane Long
Synchronous Belts (LSB-u)


KING POWER Synchronous Belts (KPS)

3 1 2 4
Size mark

600 KPS 14M 1708

Belt pitch length
Belt type
(14mm tooth pitch)
Belt width (mm) 10

number Number
nominal pitch nominal pitch
Type of Type of
length (mm) length (mm)
teeth teeth
S8M640 640 80 S8M1120 1120 140
Construction 680 680 85 1152 1152 144
720 720 90 1200 1200 150
1: Polyurethane backing
2: Aramid tensile member 760 760 95 1280 1280 160
3: Polyamid fiber loaded 800 800 100 1360 1360 170
4: Polyurethane teeth 848 848 106 1440 1440 180
896 896 112 1520 1520 190
Features + Benefits 944 944 118 1600 1600 200
1000 1000 125 1696 1696 212
Exceptional power transmission capability 1024 1024 128 1792 1792 224
The KPS Belt can transmit 1.5 to 5 times more power 1032 1032 129 1960 1960 245
than a standard STS belt drive. This allows the same 1056 1056 132
power transmission capacity to be achieved using
smaller pulleys, saving space and money. KPS 14M
Versatile number Number
nominal pitch nominal pitch
Type of Type of
Utilize standard STS pulleys for a wide ratio selection. length (mm) length (mm)
teeth teeth
S14M994 994 71 S14M1568 1568 112
Wear resistant polyurethane construction reduces
1120 1120 80 1650 1652 118
rubber dust.
1190 1190 85 1708 1708 122
Dimensions 1260 1260 90 1890 1890 135
1400 1400 100 1960 1960 140
1470 1470 105 2380 2380 170

Standard Belt width

H (width mark: Belt width (mm)10)

150 250 400 600 800 1000 1200
Belt width
15 25 40 60 80 100 120
Type P H B (mm)
KPS 8M 8.00 2.86 4.80 KPS 8M
KPS 14M 14.00 5.00 8.50 KPS 14M


High-Performance STS Belts (HP-STS)

4 3 1 2
Responding to needs for "Energy saving" and "High
p owe r t ra n s m i s s i o n " o n i n d u s t r i a l m a c h i n e r y i n
these years, we at BANDO have developed a "High-
performance STS belt" capitalizing on our time-proven
technology and experience.

Construction & Members

1. 3. Rubber:
Features Using synthetic rubber having less tooth deformation
and a high level of hardness.
Exceptionally high power transmission capacity 2. Tensile member:
This "high performance STS belt" achieves power
Using fiber glass tensile member with considerations
transmission approximately 1.4 to 1.8 times as high as
given to dimensional stability and flexibility.
that with conventional STS belts.
4. Tooth canvas:
Compact design
The high power transmission can minimize the width The tooth canvas has asperities on the surface and
of belt, thus making system design as compact as provides a low friction coefficient, accomplishing a low
possible. noise level of operation.
Low noise level Furthermore, the S14M Type provides two-ply tooth
The high power transmission can minimize the width of canvas, which enables further reductions in noise
belt, thus accomplishing a low noise operation. levels and improvement in durability.
The HP-S5M Type is only available for clean
*Conventional standard pulleys are also applicable.
*Standard belt sizes are available for the production of this

Dimensions Size mark

P 600 HP-S8M 1000

W Belt pitch length (mm)
Belt type
Belt width (mm) 10 (60mm)

Type P H1 H2 B
HP-S5M 5.00mm 3.61mm 1.91mm 3.25mm
HP-S8M 8.00mm 5.00mm 3.05mm 5.20mm
HP-S14M 14.00mm 3.70mm 5.30mm 9.10mm

Standard Belt Width

Width Mark 100 150 200 250 400 600 800 1000 1200
Width (mm) 10 15 20 25 40 60 80 100 120


Long Synchronous / STS Belts (LSB-R)

Long STS Belts

Unit: mm ( ) Dimension in seamless
1 2 4
Type P h1 h2
S2M 2.0 0.76 1.31
S3M 3.0 1.14 2.10
S4.5M 4.5 1.71 2.70
S5M 5.0 1.91 3.6
S8M 8.0 3.05 5.30(6.05)
S14M 14.0 5.30 (11.30)

Long Synchronous Belts

3 P


1: Chloroprene rubber backing
Unit: mm ( ) Dimension in seamless
2: Glass Fiber tensile member
3: Chloroprene rubber teeth Type P h1 h2
4: Nylon canvas MXL 2.032 0.51 1.10
XL 5.080 1.25 2.25
L 9.525 1.90 3.50
H 12.700 2.30 5.30(5.30)
Features + Benefits XH 22.225 6.30 (12.30)
XXH 31.75 9.60 (16.10)
A l l o w fo r s y n c h r o n o u s p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d
conveyance over longer spans than those available with
traditional molded belts. Size mark
Compared to chain drives, these belts are lighter,
Seamless (Without Joints) (Synchronous Belts) Seamless (Without Joints) (STS Belts)
produce much less noise, and are much cleaner as they
200 XH 1000 500 S14M 7850
need no lubrication. In factory automation applications, Belt length (mm) Belt length (mm)
these belts are perfectly suited to replace chain, flat Belt Type Belt Type
power transmission belts, and conveyor belts. Belt Nominal width (2': 50.8mm) Belt Nominal width (50mm)
Open-end (Synchronous Belts) Open-end (STS Belts)
Having no joints, they are as capable of transmission XL 025 53M 250 S8M 30M
and conveyance as standard timing belts are. Belt length (m) Belt length (m)
Belts can be manufactured in a length having the Nominal width (0.25': 6.4mm) Belt Type

number of teeth that you specify. Belt Type Nominal width (25mm)

Belts can be manufactured to special specifications

(reverse side logo, white color, etc.).
Standard Sizes
On-site endless processing is available.
Seamless (Without Joints)
Increasing the number of joints allows synchronous
Type Standard Nominal width Range of available belt
conveyance or synchronous transmission over any span H
length. XH 100,200,400,600,800,1000(inch 100)
Open-end XXH 4.7~30m
S8M 250,500,1000,1500,2000,3000
Capable of accurate reciprocating motion in indexing S14M (mm 10)
applications. Unit: m

Nominal width 019 025 031 037 050 075 100 150 200 300 Nominal width 50 60 70 80 100 140 150 200 250 300 400 500 600
Width (mm) 4.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 12.7 19.1 25.4 38.1 50.8 76.2 Width (mm) 5 6 7 8 10 14 15 20 25 30 40 50 60
MXL 42 31 25 41 30 S2M 40 35 30 50
XL 53 43 35 26 33 S3M 50 40
L 49 32 47 S4.5M 45 40 28
H 42 31 40 28 17 S5M 40 40 40 30 24
S8M 40 50 40 30 53 38 29 24


Bancollan Long Synchronous / STS Belts (LSB-U)

Bancollan Long STS Belts

Unit: mm ( )
Type P h1 h2
S2M 2.00 0.76 1.40
S3M 3.00 1.14 2.00
S3M 5.00 1.81 3.81
S8M 8.00 2.85 5.00
1 2 Bancollan Long Synchronous Belts

Unit: mm ( )
Type P h1 h2
XL 5.080 1.25 2.25
Construction L 9.525 1.90 3.50
H 12.700 2.30 4.30
1: Polyurethane teeth T5 5.00 1.20 2.20
T10 10.00 2.50 4.50
2: Polyurethane backing
3: Tensile member
Size mark
25 T10 - 890 S W - J
Features + Benefits joint
cord material (mark)
The polyurethane construction of these long span belts Polyurethane material (mark)
teeth number
make them ideally suited for synchronous transmission Belt Type
and conveyance in food processing machinery and Belt Nominal width (mm)
other applications requiring a clean, dust-free drive.
240 S3M - 1000 L W
Endless cord material (mark)
long-span belts capable of synchronous transmission Polyurethane material (mark)
teeth number
and synchronous conveyance. Belt Type
Open-end Belt Nominal width (240:24mm)
Capable of accurate reciprocating motion in indexing 037 XL - 1015 S W
applications. cord material (mark)
Polyurethane material (mark)
teeth number
Belt Type
Belt Nominal width (0.37inch=9.5mm)

Polyorethane material mark cord mark

S (standard translucent) W steel cord
W(standard milky-white) K aramid cord
L (
low friction milky-white)
M (moisture and heat resistant milky-white)
Standard Sizes
Endless (With Joints) Openend
Standard Nominal Maximum Width in Maximum Minimum Standard Nominal Maximum Width in Max
Type Type
width mm (Nominal width) length (m) length (m) width mm (Nominal width) length (m)
S5M 100,150,200,250,300,400,500 50(500) 50 0.5 S2M 50,100,150,200,250 40(400) 60
150,200,250,300,400,500 1.0 300,350,400
S8M 100(1000) 30
750,1000 2.0 S3M 60,120,180,240,300 48(480) 60
025,031,037,050,075 50 360,420,480
XL 50.8(200) 0.5
100,150,200 S5M 100,150,200,250,300,400,500 50(500) 50
L 050,075,100,150,200 50.8(200) 50 0.5 S8M 150,200,250,300,400,500 100(1000) 30
075,100,150,200 0.5 750,1000
H 101.6(400) 50
300,400 2.0 XL 025,031,037,050,075 50.8(200) 50
T5 7,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 50 50 0.5 100,150,200
15,20,25,30,40,50 0.5 L 050,075,100,150,200 50.8(200) 50
T10 100 50
75,100 2.0 H 075,100,150,200,300,400 101.6(400) 50
T5 7,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 50 50
T10 15,20,25,30,40,75,100 100 50


4 3 1 2
Accurate tooth dimensions and minimal elongation
virtually eliminate slippage and speed variation.
No maintenance
No lubrication is required.
No high initial tension, thus keeping the bearing load
very low.
Space saving
Utilizes small pulleys and short center distances.

Size mark
1: Chloroprene rubber backing.
2: Glass Fiber tensile member. (MXL)
3: Chloroprene rubber tooth. 140 MXL 9.5
4: Nylon canvas Belt width in mm
Belt Type
Number of teeth
P (XL, L, H, XH, XXH)
140 XL 025
Belt width 0.25" (1/4")

Belt Type

Pitch length in inches 10 (14"10-140)


Type P W H1 H2 
2.032mm (0.76) (1.1) (0.51)
MXL Mini Synchro 40
(0.080") 0.030 0.043 0.020
5.08mm (1.35) (2.25) (1.25)
XL Extra Light 50
(0.200") 0.054 0.09 0.050
9.525mm (3.2) (3.5) (1.9)
L Light 40
(0.375") 0.128 0.14 0.075
12.7mm (4.4) (4.3) (2.3)
H Heavy 40
(0.500") 0.175 0.17 0.090
22.225mm (8.0) (11.3) (6.3)
XH Extra Heavy 40
(0.875") 0.313 0.44 0.250
31.75mm (12.2) (15.8) (9.6)
XXH Double Extra Heavy (1.250") 40
0.477 0.62 0.375

Standard Belt Width

Nominal Width 025 031 037 050 075 100 150 200 300 400 500 600
inch 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 4 5 6
mm 3.2 4.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 12.7 19.0 25.4 38.1 50.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4



Standard Sizes


MXL 2.032mm 4 4 4 5 4 8 5 0 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 9 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3
(Rubber) (0.080") 6 4 6 5 6 76 8 6 9 7 0 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 6 7 77 8 7 9
8 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 9 0 9 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5
9 6 9 7 9 8 9 9 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 6 1 0 8 1 0 9
1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 8 1 1 9 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 22 1 23 1 2 4 1 2 5
1 2 6 1 2 7 1 2 8 1 2 9 1 3 0 1 3 1 1 32 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 3 7 1 3 8 1 4 0
1 4 2 1 4 4 1 4 5 1 4 6 1 4 8 1 5 0 1 5 11 5 5 1 5 8 1 5 9 1 6 0 1 6 2
1 6 3 1 6 4 1 6 5 1 6 9 1 7 0 1 7 5 1 7 71 8 0 1 8 4 1 8 8 1 9 0 1 9 2
1 9 5 1 9 6 2 0 0 2 0 4 2 0 5 2 0 8 2 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 5 22 0 22 1 222
22 4 22 5 22 6 22 8 23 0 232 23 4 23 6 23 9 2 4 0 2 4 5 2 4 8
2 4 9 2 5 0 2 51 2 5 5 2 5 6 2 6 0 2 6 2 2 6 5 2 6 8 2 7 1 2 7 3 2 7 5
2 8 0 2 8 1 2 8 5 2 8 8 2 9 0 2 9 5 2 9 7 3 0 0 3 0 5 3 0 8 3 1 0 3 1 2
3 1 5 3 1 8 32 0 323 32 6 32 8 33 0 332 33 4 33 6 33 7 3 4 7
3 5 0 3 5 4 3 5 5 3 5 8 3 5 9 3 6 0 3 6 4 3 6 5 3 7 1 3 7 2 3 8 0 3 8 8
3 9 7 4 0 0 4 0 2 4 0 5 4 1 0 4 1 3 4 2 5 4 3 1 4 3 4 4 3 5 4 4 0 4 4 8
4 5 3 4 6 4 4 6 8 4 7 3 4 7 5 4 8 0 4 8 7 4 9 3 4 9 8 5 0 0 5 1 6 5 22
5 2 4 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 5 0 5 9 1 6 1 2 6 6 5

XL 5.08 5 06 06 46 8 7 07 2 747 6 7 8 8 08 48 8 9 09 2 9 4
(Rubber) (0.200") 9 6 9 8 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 1 0 6 1 0 8 11 0 11 2 11 4 11 6 11 8 1 2 0
1 22 1 2 4 1 2 6 1 2 8 1 3 0 1 32 1 3 4 1 3 6 1 3 8 1 4 0 1 4 2 1 4 4
1 4 6 1 4 8 1 5 0 1 5 2 1 5 4 1 5 6 1 5 8 1 6 0 1 6 2 1 6 4 1 6 6 1 6 8
1 7 0 1 7 2 1 7 4 1 7 6 1 7 8 1 8 0 1 8 2 1 8 4 1 8 8 1 9 0 1 9 4 1 9 6
1 9 8 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 6 2 0 8 2 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 1 6 22 0 222 22 4
22 8 23 0 23 4 2 4 0 2 4 4 2 4 8 2 5 0 2 6 0 2 6 2 2 6 6 2 7 0 2 7 6
2 8 0 2 8 2 2 9 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 1 4 32 0 322 33 0 3 4 0 3 4 4 3 4 8
3 52 3 56 3 6 0 3 6 4 370 372 376 3 8 4 3 8 6 3 8 8 3 9 0 3 9 6
4 0 04 0 84 244 3 04 5 04 5 64 6 04704 9 04 9 6 510 5 4 0
5 6 4 5 9 2 6 0 8 6 3 0 6 3 8 6 8 6 8 2 8 8 6 0 8 8 8 9 0 0 9 0 8 914
9 2 6 10 14 10 2 0


L 9.525mm 9 8 1 0 9 1 2 4 1 3 5 1 5 0 1 6 5 1 6 9 1 7 2 1 8 7 2 0 3 2 1 0 2 1 8
(Rubber) (0.375") 22 5 2 4 0 2 4 8 2 5 5 2 6 3 2 7 0 2 7 7 2 8 5 3 0 0 3 0 4 3 1 5 32 0
322 33 4 33 7 3 4 5 3 6 0 3 6 7 3 7 5 3 8 2 3 9 0 3 9 4 4 2 0 4 2 7
4 3 6 4 3 9 4 4 6 4 5 0 4 6 5 4 8 0 510 514 5 2 5 5 4 0 5 4 8 5 8 1
6 0 0 6 0 5 6 1 9 6 3 0 6 4 0 6 5 3 6 6 0 6 9 7 7 2 8 7 3 1 7 6 7 7 8 0
7 8 8 8 0 6 8 5 5 8 6 3 8 8 1 9 1 5 9 1 9 9 3 8 1 2 9 4

H 12.700mm 1 8 5 22 5 23 0 2 4 0 2 4 5 2 7 0 2 8 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 1 5 32 0 33 0
(Rubber) (0.5") 3 4 0 3 5 0 3 6 0 3 7 0 3 7 5 3 9 0 4 0 0 410 4 2 0 4 3 0 4 5 0 4 6 5
4 8 0 4 9 0 510 5 3 0 5 4 0 5 6 0 5 6 5 5 70 5 8 0 6 0 0 6 0 5 6 3 0
6 4 06 5 06 6 06 8 070 073 075 076 07 70 8 0 0 810 8 20
8 4 0 8 5 0 8 6 0 8 8 0 9 0 0 9 5 0 9 8 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 5 0 11 0 0
11 3 0 11 4 0 1 2 5 0 1 32 5 1 3 5 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 8 0 17 0 0

XH 22.225mm 5 0 7 5 6 0 6 3 0 7 0 0 7 3 5 7 7 0 8 4 0 8 7 5 9 2 7 9 8 0 11 2 0 1 2 6 0
(Rubber) (0.875") 1 4 0 0 1 5 4 0 17 5 0

XXH 31.750mm
7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 16 0 0 18 0 0 19 15
(Rubber) (1.250")

For MXL (only) belt number equals number of teeth. All others refer to pitch length in inches.



4 3 1 2
1: Chloroprene rubber backing
2: Glass Fiber tensile member
3: Chloroprene rubber tooth
4: Nylon canvas


High torque capacity drive H1
Unique tooth profile enables the belt to transmit higher H2
Lower noise level
Smoother tooth engagement and direct contact of tooth Type P h1 h2 W
top with the pulley grooves' enables the belt to run S1.5M 1.5mm 0.57mm 1.12mm 0.98mm
quietly even at high speeds. 2.0mm 1.31mm 0.76mm 1.3mm
Long service life S2M
(0.078") (0.052") (0.029") (0.051")
As the belt tooth meshes with the pulley grooves, the 3.0mm 2.1mm 1.14mm 1.95mm
cord lay forms an almost true circle. This minimizes (0.118") (0.083") (0.044") (0.076")
the cantilever effect on the cords, resulting in reduced S4.5M
4.5mm 2.70mm 1.71mm 2.93mm
bending fatigue and longer service life. (0.177") (0.106") (0.067") (0.115")
No maintenance 5.0mm 3.61mm 1.91mm 3.25mm
No lubrication or retension required. (0.197") (0.142") (0.075") (0.128")
Space saving 8.0mm 5.3mm 3.05mm 5.20mm
(0.315") (0.212") (0.120") (0.205")
Due to Higher Power Transmission Capacity, the belt
14.0mm 10.2mm 5.30mm 9.10mm
width and the pulley width can be designed narrower. S14M
(0.551") (0.402") (0.209") (0.358")
This means machine space can be reduced and the
machine can be designed more compactly.
Size mark

600 S8M 1000

Belt pitch length (1000mm)
Belt type (8mm tooth pitch)
Standard Belt Width Belt width (mm) 10 (60mm)
Width Mark 40 60 100 150 200 250 400 600 800 1000 1200
Width (mm) 4 6 10 15 20 25 40 60 80 100 120



Standard Belt Length

S1.5M 1.5 9 2 9 3 9 5 9 8 9 9 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 8 1 1 9 1 3 4 1 5 0 1 5 8 1 6 1 1 6 4
(Rubber) 1 6 5 1 6 8 1 7 4 1 8 0 1 8 5 1 8 6 2 0 4 2 0 6 2 1 0 22 4 22 5 23 6 2 4 0
2 5 5 2 6 12 6 3 2 7 3 2 8 12 8 8 2 9 0 3 0 3 3 0 5 3 1 5 33 5 3 9 0 4 4 1
4 4 4 4 8 0 111 6
S2M 2.0 8 6 8 8 9 0 9 2 9 4 9 8 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 1 0 6 1 0 8 11 2 11 4 11 6
(Rubber) 118 120 122 124 126 128 13 0 132 13 4 13 8 140 142 14 4 148
150 152 156 158 16 0 162 16 4 16 6 16 8 170 172 174 176 178
180 182 184 186 190 192 194 198 200 202 204 210 212 214
216 218 220 222 224 226 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244
248 250 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 272 274 278 280 282
284 286 288 290 292 296 300 308 310 312 314 316 318 320
322 324 326 328 330 332 338 340 342 344 350 360 364 370
372 374 376 380 386 390 396 400 406 408 416 420 426 428
438 448 452 454 460 468 474 486 490 494 500 520 530 532
540 550 558 560 572 580 594 596 600 604 606 620 630 632
650 652 656 668 676 692 700 710 742 752 754 766 796 800
810 826 898 900 940 946 950 984 1000 1032 1036 1066 1074
1100 1110 1136 1154 1166 1224 1228
S3M 3.0 123 129 14 4 150 156 159 162 16 8 171 174 17 7 18 0 18 3 18 6
(Rubber) 189 192 195 198 201 204 207 210 213 219 222 225 228 234
237 240 243 246 249 252 255 258 264 267 270 273 276 279
282 285 288 291 297 300 303 309 312 315 318 324 327 330
333 336 339 342 351 354 360 363 366 369 372 375 378 384
387 390 396 399 402 405 408 417 420 423 426 432 438 444
447 453 459 468 471 474 480 486 489 492 498 501 507 513
516 519 522 525 534 537 540 549 552 555 564 573 579 588
597 600 609 621 633 648 657 660 666 681 690 699 726 735
741 750 768 771 789 804 810 825 852 882 885 888 900 918
927 936 990 1119 1134 1146 1188 1299 1419 1530
S4.5M 4.5
162 180 198 225 239 252 279 284 315 324 351 383 396 450
491 504 518 558 563 612 630 711 729 801 1031 2111

S5M 5.0 225 230 255 275 295 300 320 325 350 375 380 390 400 410
(Rubber) 420 425 435 440 445 450 475 490 500 520 525 550 560 565
570 575 600 625 635 645 650 665 670 675 695 700 710 725
740 750 765 770 775 800 810 830 850 860 870 900 920 940
950 965 975 1000 1025 1050 1125 1135 1145 1195 1225 1250
1260 1270 1295 1350 1420 1595 1715 1800 2000
S8M 8.0 352 384 408 424 456 480 520 528 560 584 600 632 640 656
(Rubber) 672 680 712 720 728 760 800 824 840 848 880 888 896 920
944 960 976 984 1000 1032 1040 1056 1096 1120 1136 1152 1160
1184 1192 1200 1216 1224 1240 1248 1272 1280 1296 1312 1344
1352 1384 1392 1400 1424 1440 1480 1520 1552 1600 1728 1760
1776 1800 1808 1880 1952 2000 2120 2160 2240 2304 2400 2496
2560 2600 2800 2880 2944 3200 3600 3720 3904 4400
S14M 14.0
(Rubber) 100811201190124614001540161016521778180618901904
1960 2002 2100 2240 2310 2380 2450 2506 2590 2660 2800 3150
3248 3500 3556 3850 4004 4060 4326 4508 5012




2 1 2 1

3 3

1: Nylon Canvas 2: Chloroprene rubber backing 3: Glass fiber tensile member

Dimension and Size mark

250 D - S8M 1400 600 D - H 150
Nominal Length in mm Nominal Width in inch 100
Type Type
DOUBLE SIDED Double sided
Nominal width in mm 10 Nominal length in inch 10

Standard Sizes
Nominal Nominal
Type P(mm) Nominal Length Type P(mm) Nominal Length
Width Width
300 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178,
320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 180, 182, 184, 188, 190, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202,
338 340 342 344 350 354 360 364 370 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 220, 222, 224, 228,
372 374 376 380 386 390 396 400 406 025, 031, 230, 234, 240, 244, 248, 250, 260, 262, 266, 270,
408 410 416 420 426 428 434 436 438 DXL 5.080 037, 050, 276, 280, 282, 290, 300, 310, 314, 320, 322, 330,
440 448 452 454 456 460 468 474 480 340, 344, 348, 352, 356, 360, 364, 370, 372, 376,
40, 60, 486 490 494 500 506 520 524 530 532 384, 386, 388, 390, 396, 400, 408, 424, 430, 450,
DS2M 2
100 540 550 558 560 572 580 594 596 600 456, 460, 470, 490, 496, 510, 540, 564, 592, 608,
604 606 620 630 632 650 652 654 656 630,
660 668 676 692 700 710 726 742 752
165, 169, 172, 187, 203, 210, 218, 225, 240, 248,
754 766 796 800 810 826 828 848 864
255, 263, 270, 277, 285, 300, 304, 315, 320, 322,
898 900 940 946 950 984 1000 1020 1024 050, 075, 334, 337, 345, 360, 367, 375, 382, 390, 394, 420,
1032 1036 1042 1064 1066 1074 1086 1094 1100
DL 9.525 100, 150, 427, 436, 439, 446, 450, 465, 480, 510, 514, 525,
1110 1136 1154
200, 540, 548, 581, 600, 605, 619, 630, 640, 653, 660,
300 303 306 309 309 312 315 318 324 697, 728, 731, 767, 780, 788, 806, 855, 863, 881,
327 330 333 336 339 342 351 354 360 915, 919, 938
363 366 369 372 375 378 384 387 390
185, 225, 230, 240, 245, 270, 280, 300, 310, 315,
396 399 402 405 408 417 420 423 426
320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 375, 390, 400, 410,
432 438 444 447 453 459 468 471 474 075, 100, 420, 430, 450, 465, 480, 490, 510, 530, 540, 560,
60, 480 486 489 492 498 501 507 513 516
DH 12.700 150, 200, 565, 570, 580, 600, 605, 630, 640, 650, 660, 680,
DS3M 3 100, 519 522 525 534 537 540 549 552 555
700, 730, 750, 760, 770, 800, 810, 820, 840, 850,
564 573 579 588 597 600 609 621 633
150 860, 880, 900, 950, 985, 1000, 1020, 1050, 1100,
636 648 657 660 666 681 690 699 720
1130, 1140, 1250, 1325, 1350, 1400, 1680, 1700
726 735 741 750 768 771 789 804 810
825 852 858 882 885 888 900 909 918
927 936 954 990 999 1014 1050 1119 1134
1146 1176 1188 1299 1419 1530
420 425 435 440 445 450 476 490 500
520 525 550 560 565 570 575 600 625
635 645 650 665 670 675 695 700 710
725 740 750 765 770 775 780 800 810
DS5M 5  830 850 860 870 900 920 940 950 965
975 1000 1025 1050 1085 1125 1135 1145 1195
1225 1250 1260 1270 1295 1350 1420 1595 1715
1800 1860 2000
60, 100, 450, 491, 504, 518, 558, 563, 612, 630, 711,
DS4.5M 4.5 729, 801, 1031
480, 520, 528, 560, 584, 600, 632, 640, 656,
672, 680, 712, 720, 728, 760, 800, 824, 840,
848, 880, 888, 896, 920, 944, 960, 976, 984,
1000, 1032, 1040, 1056, 1096, 1120, 1136,
1152, 1160, 1184, 1192, 1200, 1216, 1224,
150, 250,
DS8M 8.0 1240, 1248, 1272, 1280, 1296, 1312, 1344,
400, 600 1352, 1384, 1392, 1400, 1424, 1440, 1480,
1520, 1552, 1600, 1728, 1760, 1776, 1800,
1808, 1880, 1952, 2000, 2120, 2160, 2240,
2304, 2400, 2496, 2560, 2600, 2800, 2880,
2944, 3200, 3500, 3720, 3904, 4400
400, 1008, 1120, 1190, 1246, 1400, 1540, 1610,
600, 1652, 1778, 1806, 1890, 1904, 2002, 2100,
2240, 2310, 2380, 2450, 2506, 2590, 2660,
DS14M 14.0 800,
2800, 3150, 3248, 3500, 3556, 3850, 4004,
1000, 4060, 4326, 4508, 5012

Please contact us.




1 2
1 2

1: Polyurethane Teeth 2: Steel wire tensile member

Dimensions and Size mark

180 D L 037 UK 25 D T 10 1800
Material Mark Pitch length in mm
Nominal width in inch 100 Type
Type Nominal Width in mm
Nominal length in inch 10

Standard Sizes

Nominal Nominal
Type P(mm) Nominal Length Type P(mm) Nominal Length
Width Width
025, 031, 140, 146, 150, 166, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 5, 10, 15, 300, 410, 460, 480, 515, 550, 590, 620, 650,
DT5 5.00
DXL 5.080 037, 050, 220, 230, 240, 270, 290, 300, 320, 376, 400, 20, 25 700, 750, 800, 815, 860, 900, 940, 1075, 1100
075 430, 490
260, 530, 630, 660, 700, 720, 800, 840, 900,
15, 20,
DT10 10.00 980, 1100, 1210, 1240, 1250, 1320, 1350,
25, 30, 50
1420, 1500, 1610, 1800, 1880


HTS Belts
4 3 1 2 Construction
1: Chloroprene rubber backing
2: Glass fiber tensile member
3: Chloroprene rubber tooth
4: Nylon canvas

Dimensions Size mark

1000 8M 50
Belt Width (mm)
Belt Type

Belt Pitch length

Type P H1 H2 Standard Belt Width

8M 8.0mm 5.3mm 3.5mm
14M 14.0mm 10.2mm 6.0mm Width(mm) 20 25 30 40 50 55 60 70 85 100 115 130 150 170
8M      -  -  - - - - -
14M - -   -  -       

Standard Sizes

Belt Type Belt number (Pictch length mm)

8M 384, 424, 480, 560, 600, 624, 640, 656, 680, 720, 760, 800, 840, 856, 880, 896, 920, 960, 1000, 1040, 1056, 1064, 1080, 1120, 1152, 1160, 1184, 1192,
1200, 1224, 1248, 1264, 1280, 1304, 1360, 1392, 1400, 1424, 1440, 1480, 1512, 1520, 1584, 1600, 1680, 1728, 1760, 1800, 1904, 2000, 2056, 2064, 2080,
2104, 2120, 2160, 2180, 2240, 2248, 2272, 2304, 2360, 2400, 2432, 2504, 2584, 2600, 2648, 2660, 2720, 2800, 2904, 2940, 3000, 3048, 3072, 3152,
3200, 3248, 3280, 3352, 3360, 3448, 3552, 3600, 3648, 3752, 3872, 4000, 4120, 4248, 4368, 4400, 4504, 4624, 4752, 4872, 5000
14M 966, 1092, 1190, 1344, 1400, 1456, 1540, 1610, 1680, 1778, 1890, 2002, 2058, 2100, 2114, 2184, 2198, 2240, 2296, 2310, 2366, 2436, 2450, 2506, 2576,
2590, 2646, 2716, 2800, 2898, 2996, 3066, 3150, 3248, 3346, 3360, 3444, 3500, 3556, 3654, 3752, 3850, 3864, 4004, 4116, 4256, 4326, 4368, 4494, 4578,
4620, 4746, 4872, 4956, 4998



3 1 2 We recommend Bando Bancollan Synchronous Belts are
ideal for the following conditions.
For improved performance from the belt i.e. as a conveyor
or print drive, special shapes or indications can be formed
on the backside.
High oil or ozone resistance.
High shock load applications.

Construction P
1: Polyurethane backing
2: Steel cord tensile members (For MXL, Aramid tensile members)

3: Polyurethane teeth

Non-slip W
Accurate tooth dimension and steel cord ensures minimal Type P W H1 H2 
stretching, no slippage and constant spends. 2.032mm 0.76mm 1.2mm 0.51mm
High oil and ozone resistance. MXL 40
(0.080") (0.030") (0.043") (0.020")
Special backside surfaces are available.
5.08mm 1.35mm 2.25mm 1.25mm
Bando can mold virtually any special configuration on the XL 40
(0.200") (0.053") (0.089") (0.049")
belt's backside surface.
9.525mm 3.2mm 3.5mm 1.9mm
L 40
(0.375") (0.126") (0.138") (0.075")
Size mark
2.5mm 1.0mm 1.3mm 0.7mm
T2.5 40
(MXL) (0.098") (0.039") (0.051") (0.028")
140 MXL 9.5 U K 5.0mm 1.80mm 2.2mm 1.2mm
T5 40
Cord mark (0.197") (0.071") (0.087") (0.047")
Material mark (polyurethane) 10.0mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 2.5mm
T10 40
Belt width in mm (0.394") (0.138") (0.177") (0.098")
Belt type (XL, L)
Number of teeth
140 XL - 025 U
(T2.5, T5, T10) Material mark (polyurethane)
10 T5 - 280 Belt width 6.4mm (0.25")
Pitch length mm Belt type
Belt type Pitch length in inches 10 (14" 10=140)
Belt width in mm For XL type, Aramid cord (K) is available.




Size mark
Type P W H1 H2
60 S2M 200 U G Mark
Cord mark S2M 2.0mm 1.3mm 1.4mm 0.76mm K
Material mark (polyurethane) G
S3M 3.0mm 1.95mm 2.0mm 1.14mm K
Pitch length in mm
Cord mark
Belt type
G Glass cord
Belt width in mm 10 (6.0mm) K Aramid cord


Standard Sizes


S2M 2.0 4 0 6 0 1 0 0 76788 0869 09210 010210 6110112114116120122

(Polyurethene) 126128138140142144148158160164166168170172
176180184186190 200 206 214 216 218 220 224 230 234
236 238 240 250 256 258 260 264 266 280 290 296300314
630654710754790800806828  900976 1000  2250
Aramid Cordonly

S3M 3.0 6 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 120144150159162171174177186192195 201 204 210

(Polyurethene) 213 219 222 225 234 237 240 246 252 255 264 267 270 276
285 300 312 318 327 339 342 354 360 378 384 390 396402
405417420432447453459486 501 504 507 513 516 519
537 564 588 600 609 633 660 666 681 699750765774789
804 810 885 900 936 9511005105011461260138315961800


T2.5 2.500 3 5 7 10 120145160177.5200230245265285305317.5330380420

(Polyurethene) 13 480492.5500600620650780915950

T5 5.000 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 165185 200 215 220 225 245 250 255 260 270 275 280 295
(Polyurethene) 25 300 305 325 330 340 350 355 365 375 390400410420425
450455465475480 500 510 525 545 550 560 575 600 610
620 630 640 650 660 675 690 695700720750780 800 815
840 850 900 940 9901000107511001140121513801440

T10 10.000 1 5 2 0 2 5 260 370400410440450 500 530 560 610 630 660 690700
(Polyurethene) 3 0 5 0 720750780 810 840 880 890 900 920 960 970 98010001010

MXL 2.032 3 . 2 4. 8 6.4 30 35 37 40 41 42 45 48 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 63 65

(Polyurethene) 9.512.7 6 7 6 8 7 0 7 17 2 7 3 7 5 7 6 7 9 8 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 5 8 7 8 8
9 0 91 94 95 97 9810 010210310 6110112114115118
160165170175180184190194195 200 205 210 212 215
220 225 230 236 240 250 255 260 265 270 280 295 300 305
310 330 336 340 347 350 360 438 453 468 579 660

XL 5.080 025 031 037 6070 80 84 90 96100110114120130140150154156160
(Polyurethene) 050 075 166168170176180190198 200 202 210 212 220 230 236
240 250 254 260 270 290 300 320 330 376 396414430460
478480490 512 564 630 670 686730

L 9.525 050 075100 124150165187 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 322 345 360
(Polyurethene) 150 200 367 390 420 450 480 510 540 600



Bancollan Synchronous belts TN type is a highly precise, extra light-duty belt with a unique profile.

Features + Benefits
Complete synchronized transmission
Light drive system
Calm and smooth drive

Dimensions Standard Width

P TN15
Type P H1 H2
Nominal Width Width (mm)
TN15 1.5 1.3 0.7

3.0 3.0

TN10 1.0 0.85 0.44 5.0 5.0

R0 unit: mm 7.0 7.0
10.0 10.0
13.0 13.0
Size mark
180 TN15 - 5.0 K CORD MARK TN10
CORD MARK K=Aramid Nominal Width Width (mm)
Nominal width W=Steel wire
1.0 1.0
Belt type T=Polyester
2.0 2.0
Number of teeth (As for TN10, polyester cord is only 3.0 3.0

Standard Sizes
TN15 Type TN10 Type
BELT Pitch length number BELT Pitch length number BELT Pitch length number
NUMBER (mm) of teeth NUMBER (mm) of teeth NUMBER (mm) of teeth
43TN15 64.5 43 270TN15 405.0 270 50TN10 50.0 50
50TN15 75.0 50 271TN15 406.5 271 60TN10 60.0 60
60TN15 90.0 60 290TN15 435.0 290 80TN10 80.0 80
63TN15 94.5 63 298TN15 447.0 298 81TN10 81.0 81
90TN10 90.0 90

79TN15 118.5 79 300TN15 450.0 300 98TN10 98.0 98

82TN15 123.0 82 310TN15 465.0 310 100TN10 100.0 100
100TN15 150.0 100 320TN15 480.0 320 107TN10 107.0 107
110TN15 165.0 110 330TN15 495.0 330 110TN10 110.0 110
114TN15 171.0 114 334TN15 501.0 334 120TN10 120.0 120
120TN15 180.0 120
130TN15 195.0 130 339TN15 508.5 339 130TN10 130.0 130
131TN15 196.5 131 340TN15 510.0 340 140TN10 140.0 140
140TN15 210.0 140 350TN15 525.0 350 150TN10 150.0 150
360TN15 540.0 360 160TN10 160.0 160
370TN15 555.0 370 170TN10 170.0 170

150TN15 225.0 150 380TN15 570.0 380 200TN10 200.0 200

160TN15 240.0 160 390TN15 585.0 390 250TN10 250.0 250
170TN15 255.0 170 400TN15 600.0 400 287TN10 287.0 287
180TN15 270.0 180 421TN15 631.5 421 310TN10 310.0 310
441TN15 661.5 441
186TN15 279.0 186 460TN15 690.0 460
190TN15 285.0 190 480TN15 720.0 480
192TN15 288.0 192 481TN15 721.5 481
196TN15 294.0 196 828TN15 1242.0 828
200TN15 300.0 200

220TN15 330.0 220

230TN15 345.0 230
240TN15 360.0 240
250TN15 375.0 250
260TN15 390.0 260





3 Top width a Thickness b Angle

3L 10.0mm (0.38") 5.5mm (0.22") 40
FHP 4L 13.0mm (0.50") 8.0mm (0.31") 40
5L 17.0mm (0.66") 9.0mm (0.38") 40
A 12.7mm (0.50") 8.0mm (0.31") 40
B 16.7mm (0.66") 10.7mm (0.41") 40
Multiple C 22.2mm (0.88") 13.5mm (0.53") 40
D 32.0mm (1.25") 20.0mm (0.75") 40
1: Rubber impregnated canvas E 40.0mm (1.50") 25.5mm (0.91") 40
2: Polyester tensile members
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber
4: Chloroprene compression rubber

Bando FHP V-Belts are built for maximum tension
control, drive uniformity and long life, with minimum
heat build-up and stretching on low horsepower elec-
tricmotoros and gasoline engines. They are designed
for high speed and short center distance.

For multiple drive, high speed and high torque drives
on light or heavy industrial or automotive machinery.
Bando Multiple V-Belts have exceptional length stability
and drive uniformity. Rigorous testing has shown these
Premium Quality Belts to have twice the service life and
significantly greater transmission capacity than most
other multiple V Belts.



Size mark
3L 150 A 50
Multiply outside length Belt inside length in inches
in inches by 10 Belt type
(15 10=150)
Belt type

Standard Sizes These sizes are in conformity to RMA.

Type Size code

150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
3L 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460
470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620

170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320
330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480
490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640
650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800
810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960
970 980 990 1000

230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380
390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540
5L 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700
710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840 850 860
870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
A 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
96 97 98 105 110 112 120 128 136 144 158 173 180

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 100 101 103
105 108 111 112 120 124 128 133 136 144 158 162 173 180 195 210 225 240 255
270 285 300 315

51 60 68 75 81 85 90 96 105 109 112 115 120 128 136 144 150 158 162
173 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 390 420 450 480

120 128 144 158 162 173 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330
345 360 390 420 450 480 540 600

E 180 195 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 480 540 600



1 2 3 4
Service Life Comparison

Specific Driving Conditions Red-S Multiple V-Belt

reverse-bend drive 450 100
oil contamination 380 100
ambient temperature
450 100
70C Degrees

Numerical values shown above represent indexes with

taking the multiple V belts as 100

Construction Size mark

1: Rubber impregnated canvas SA 50
2: Polyester tensile members
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber Belt pitch length in inches
4: Chloroprene compression rubber Belt type

Features + Benefits
Standard Sizes
Designed specifically for reverse-bend drive by
positioning tensile members closer to the neutral axis Belt ab
Belt pitch length in inches
type (mm)
and by making the belt thickness a little thinner than
that of Conventional Multiple V-Belts A, B, & C Sections. SA 12.77.0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 0 31 32 33 3 4 3 5
3 6 37 3 8 3 9 4 0 41 42 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 47 4 8 4 9 5 0 51
Particularly suitable to agricultural machinery such as 52 5 3 5 4 5 5 56 57 5 8 59 6 0 61 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 67
combine harvester and garden tiller where belts are 6 8 6 9 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 7 7 78 79 8 0 81 8 2 8 3
8 4 8 5 8 6 87 8 8 8 9 9 0 91 92 93 9 4 9 5 9 6 97 9 8 9 9
often driven with backside idler. 100 102 105 108 110 112 115 118 120 122 125 128 130 135 140 145
150 155 160 165 170 180 200 205 210 220 225 230 235 240 250

SB 16.79.0 22 25 26 27 29 3 0 31 32 33 3 4 3 5 3 6 37 3 8 3 9 4 0
Dimensions 41 42 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 47 4 8 4 9 5 0 51 52 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6
57 5 8 59 6 0 61 62 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 67 6 8 6 9 70 71 72
73 74 75 76 7 7 78 79 8 0 81 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 87 8 8
a 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 102 105 108 110
112 115 118 120 122 125 128 130 132 135 138 140 145 150 155 160
165 170 180 190 200 210

b SC 22.211.0 3 5 3 9 4 0 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 47 4 8 49 50 51 52 5 3 5 4 5 5
56 57 5 8 59 6 0 62 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 67 6 8 6 9 70 72 73
74 75 76 7 7 78 79 8 0 81 82 8 5 8 6 87 8 8 8 9 9 0 9 4
95 96 99 100 102 105 108 110 112 115 118 120 122 125 128 130
134 137 139 140 145 150 167 175

Outside length
Type Top width a Thickness b Angle 
SA 12.7mm (0.5") 7.0mm (0.27") 40
Pitch length
SB 16.7mm (0.67") 9.0mm (0.35") 40
SC 22.2mm (0.87") 11.0mm (0.43") 40 Inside length



1 2 3 4
Making full use of the capabilities of agricultural
As the agricultural machinery increasingly enhances
its performance and functions, the quality required
for V belts used in the agricultural machinery is going
On fine quality market, there are cases where the
agricultural machinery should use more than the RED-S
in order to deliver the thorough functions. Now, we at
BANDO launch the Series W800 of the highest quality
among V belts (Series W) for the agricultural machinery
use on the fine quality market.
1: Rubber impregnated canvas
Features Comparison
2: Aramid tensile members
3: Chloroprene insularion rubber
Standard V belt RED-S W800
4: Fiber loaded chloroprence rubber
5: Chloroprene compression rubber Power transmission
100 150 300
Service life against
100 450 1800
Features + Benefits reverse bending
Service life against
The Series W800 has heat and flex resistance superior 100 150 450
to any other V belts, which makes it a top-end V belt Numerical values shown above represent indexes when
for the agricultural machinery use enabling high-load taking the standard V belt as 100.
power transmission. You can be assured to use this V
belt under harsh environments.

Dimensions Standard Sizes

Belt type ab (mm) Belt pitch length in inches

b 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,
12.7 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,
SA 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,
7.0 72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,

Type Top width a Thickness b Angle  57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,
16.7 72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,
SA 12.7mm (0.5") 7.0mm (0.27") 40 SB 87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,
SB 16.7mm (0.67") 9.0mm (0.35") 40 9.0 102,105,108,110,112,115,118,120,122,125,128,
SC 22.2mm (0.87") 11.0mm (0.43") 40 130,132,135,138,140,145,150,155,160,165,170,

Size mark 53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,
22.7 69,70,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,85,86,
SA 50 SC 87,88,89,90,94,95,96,99,100,102,105,108,110,
11.0 112,115,118,120,122,125,128,130,132,135,138,
Belt pitch length in inches 140,142,145,148,150,155,160,165,170,180,190,
Belt type



1   4
Size mark
BB 100
Effective pitch length in inches
Belt type
Typical reverse-bend
serpentine drive

1: Rubber impregnated special woven canvas
2: Polyester tensile members
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber Standard Sizes
4: Chloroprene compression rubber
Type Size number (Effective pitch length in inches)

Features + Benefits AA 5 0 5 3 5 6 6 0 6 3 6 7 71 75 8 0 8 5 9 0 9 5 10 0
106 112 118 125 132 140
Designed for reverse-bend ser pentine drives by
BB 60 63 67 71 75 80 85 90 95 100 106 112 118
covering the belt with special woven fabric. 125 132 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 212 224 236 250
New Cross Section for maintaining proper belt position
in pulley groove even in the case of extreme reverse- CC 132 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 212 224 236 250 265
bend drives. 280 300
Due to greater flexibility created by the special woven These sizes are in conformity to JIS
fabric as well as to the New Cross Section, service life
has increased by about 40% over that of traditional New cross Conventional
double V-Belts. section cross section


pitch line

Type a (mm) b (mm) 

AA 12.5 10.3
BB 16.5 13.5 40
CC 22.0 18.0





5 Type Top width a Thickness b Angle 
3V 9.5mm (0.38") 8.0mm (0.32") 40
5V 16.0mm (0.62") 13.5mm (0.54") 40
8V 25.5mm (1.0") 23.0mm (0.88") 40
Size mark
1: Rubber impregnated canvas
2: Polyester tensile members 5V 1250
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber
4: Special lateral reinforcing cord Effective outside length in
5: Chloroprene compression rubber inches 10
(125 10=1250) (3.175m)
Belt type
High horsepower rating
Requires about 1/3 of the space needed by traditional Use RMA Engineering Standards recommended pulley
Multiple V Belt drive. groove dimensions,
Long life
High heat and oil resistance IP-22 (Specifications for Drives Using Narrow Multiple
Length stability. A matched set of Bando Power Ace V-BELTS).
for multiple belt drives retains superior uniformity
under tension. A Bando matched set remains perfectly
matched even after long periods of storage.
Power Ace raised crookedness nature by making texture
of canvas into 120 degrees instead of 90 degrees of
conventional V-belt.

Power Ace
Outer Jacket.

Conventional V-belt
Outer Jacket.


The superior power transmission capacity of the Bando narrow Power Ace V-belts allows for drive designs with
smaller components reducing machine space and cost. The higher efficiency of the Power Ace V-belts will also result
in decreased operating costs.
Just three types of Bando Power Ace 25.5mm1.0
9.5mm0.38 16.0mm 0.62

8.0mm 0.32

13.5mm 0.54
ideally cover all five sections of multiple

23.0mm 0.88
V-belts. For multiple or single drives,
the 3V replaces A, and B sections; the
5V replaces C and D sections; and the
8Vreplaces D and E sections.
5V 8V
12.7mm0.50 16.7mm0.66 22.2mm0.88 31.7mm1.25 38.0mm 1.50
8.0mm 0.31

13.5mm 0.53
10.3mm 0.41

19.0mm 0.75

23.0mm 0.91
Standard Sizes These sizes are in conformity to RMA.

Effective outside length Effective outside length Effective outside length

Belt number Belt number Belt number
mm inch mm inch mm inch
3V 250 635 25.0 3V 475 1207 47.5 3V 900 2286 90.0
3V 265 673 26.5 3V 500 1270 50.0 3V 950 2413 95.0
3V 280 711 28.0 3V 530 1346 53.0 3V1000 2540 100.0
3V 300 762 30.0 3V 560 1422 56.0 3V1060 2692 106.0
3V 315 800 31.5 3V 600 1524 60.0 3V1120 2845 112.0
3V 335 851 33.5 3V 630 1600 63.0 3V1180 2997 118.0
3V 355 902 35.5 3V 670 1702 67.0 3V1250 3175 125.0
3V 375 953 37.5 3V 710 1803 71.0 3V1320 3353 132.0
3V 400 1016 40.0 3V 750 1905 75.0 3V1400 3556 140.0
3V 425 1080 42.5 3V 800 2032 80.0
3V 450 1143 45.0 3V 850 2159 85.0

5V 500 1270 50.0 5V1000 2540 100.0 5V2000 5080 200.0

5V 530 1346 53.0 5V1060 2692 106.0 5V2120 5385 212.0
5V 560 1422 56.0 5V1120 2845 112.0 5V2240 5690 224.0
5V 600 1524 60.0 5V1180 2997 118.0 5V2360 5994 236.0
5V 630 1600 63.0 5V1250 3175 125.0 5V2500 6350 250.0
5V 670 1702 67.0 5V1320 3353 132.0 5V2650 6731 265.0
5V 710 1803 71.0 5V1400 3556 140.0 5V2800 7112 280.0
5V 750 1905 75.0 5V1500 3810 150.0 5V2800 7620 300.0
5V 800 2032 80.0 5V1600 4064 160.0 5V3000 8001 315.0
5V 850 2159 85.0 5V1700 4318 170.0 5V3150 8509 335.0
5V 900 2286 90.0 5V1800 4572 180.0 5V3550 9017 355.0
5V 950 2413 95.0 5V1900 4826 190.0

8V1000 2540 100.0 8V1800 4572 180.0 8V3150 8001 315.0

8V1060 2692 106.0 8V1900 4826 190.0 8V3350 8509 335.0
8V1120 2845 112.0 8V2000 5080 200.0 8V3550 9017 355.0
8V1180 2997 118.0 8V2120 5385 212.0 8V3750 9525 375.0
8V1250 3175 125.0 8V2240 5690 224.0 8V4000 10160 400.0
8V1320 3353 132.0 8V2360 5994 236.0 8V4250 10795 425.0
8V1400 3556 140.0 8V2500 6350 250.0 8V4500 11430 450.0
8V1500 3810 150.0 8V2650 6731 265.0 8V4750 12065 475.0
8V1600 4064 160.0 8V2800 7112 280.0 8V5000 12700 500.0
8V1700 4318 170.0 8V3000 7620 300.0 8V5600 14224 560.0






Type Top width a Thickness b Angle 
SPZ 9.5 8.0mm 40
SPA 12.5mm 10.0mm 40
Construction SPB 16.0mm 13.5mm 40
SPC 20.0mm 18.0mm 40
1: Rubber impregnated canvas
2: Polyester tensile members
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber
Size mark
4: Special lateral reinforcing cord
5V 1250
5: Chloroprene compression rubber
Effective outside length in
Features inches multiplied by 10.
(125 10=1250) (3.175m)
High horsepower rating
Belt type
Requires about 1/3 of the space needed by traditional
Multiple V Belt drive.
Long life Pulley
High heat and oil resistance
Length stability. A matched set of Bando Narrow V-Belts Use RMA Engineering Standards recommended pulley
for multiple belt drives retains superior uniformity groove dimensions,
under tension. A Bando matched set remains perfectly IP-22 (Specifications for Drives Using Narrow Multiple
matched even after long periods of storage. V-BELTS).
Compared with Conventional V-belt. Bando Narrow V
Belts are thick and realized high load.

Standard Sizes

Effective inside length Effective inside length Effective inside length

Belt number Belt number Belt number
mm mm mm
SPZ 630 SPA 707 SPB 1260
SPZ 670 SPA 732 SPB 1340
SPZ 710 SPA 800 SPB 1410
SPZ 760 SPA 850 SPB 1510
SPZ 800 SPA 900 SPB 1590
SPZ 850 SPA 950 SPB 1690
SPZ 900 SPA 957 SPB 1800
SPZ 950 SPA 982 SPB 1900
SPZ 1010 SPA 1000 SPB 2020
SPZ 1080 SPA 1060 SPB 2150
SPZ 1140 SPA 1120 SPB 2280
SPZ 1200 SPA 1180 SPB 2410
SPZ 1270 SPA 1250
SPZ 1340 SPA 1320
SPZ 1420 SPA 1400
SPZ 1520 SPA 1500
SPZ 1600 SPA 1600
SPZ 1700 SPA 1700
SPZ 1800 SPA 1800
SPZ 1900
SPZ 2030



1 3 2 4 5 Fig.1 Standard Profiles

Thickness (b mm) 8.5 10 11.5 13.5 16
Top width (a mm) 25 31 41 52 66
Pulley Groove Angle () 30~34

Fig.2 Standard Sizes

Nominal Nominal
No. No.
560  1000    
Construction 600  1030  
615  1060    
630   1090   
1: Rubber impregnated canvas 650   1120     
2: Polyester tensile members 670   1150   
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber 690   1180     
710    1220   
4: Chloroprene compression rubber
730    1250    
5: Rubber impregnated canvas 750    1280   
775    1320   
Features + Benefits 800     1360   
825     1400   
850     1450   
875    1500   
Cog pattern gives greater flexibility resulting in efficient 900     1550   
heat dissipation. 925    1600   
High power transmission capacity 950     1700  
975    1800  
Strong tensile members and transverse modulus
provide high horsepower rating.
High heat and oil resistance.
(2) Semi-Standard Sizes
Wide range of speed ratios.
Semi-standard profiles are available within the range of
top width and pulley groove angles shown in Fig.3. Belt
lengths are as per Fig.2
(1) Standard Sizes
Standard belt profiles are shown in Fig.1 and sizes are
listed in Fig.2



Size mark
850 VA 23 22
Pulley groove angle
Size mark Belt top width (mm)
Belt type
850 VA
Nominal number
Belt type (Pitch length in mm)
Nominal number (Pitch length in mm)
Fig.3 Semi-Standard Profiles

Thickness (b mm) 8.5 10 11.5 13.5 16
Top width (a mm) 16~32 20~38 24~45 30~54 37~67
Pulley Groove Angle  22~38



2 2

Construction Size mark

1: Polyester tensile members (VC 2L types)
2: Polyurethane compression section.
2L 080
Features Outside length in inches
Multiplied by 10
Space saving: Pulleys as small as 0.6" OD can be used. (810=080)
Clean operation: No "black rubber dust" problem.
2L type cogged V belts
High oil resistance.
(VC-6 type)
VC 6x 350
a Outside length in mm
6 type
Cogged V belts

(DC-6 type)
Type Top width a Thickness b Angle  DC 6x 350
2L 6.5mm (0.25") 4.0mm (0.16") 40 Outside length in mm
6 6.0mm (0.24") 4.0mm (0.16") 40
6 type
DC 6 6.0mm (0.24") 4.0mm (0.16") 40
Double cogged V belts

Standard Sizes

Outside length Outside length Outside length Outside length

Type Belt number Belt number Belt number Belt number
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
2L 080 203.2 8.0 2L 130 330.2 13.0 2L 180 457.2 18.0 2L 260 660.4 26.0
2L 090 228.6 9.0 2L 140 355.6 14.0 2L 190 482.6 19.0 2L 280 711.2 28.0
VC 2L 2L 100 254.0 10.0 2L 150 381.0 15.0 2L 200 508.0 20.0 2L 300 762.0 30.0
2L 110 279.4 11.0 2L 160 406.4 16.0 2L 220 558.8 22.0 2L 340 863.6 34.0
2L 120 304.8 12.0 2L 170 431.8 17.0 2L 240 609.6 24.0
VC6X207 207.0 8.1 VC6X349 349.0 13.7 VC6X450 450.0 17.7 VC6X613 613.0 24.1
VC6X220 220.0 8.7 VC6X350 350.0 13.8 VC6X460 460.0 18.1 VC6X628 628.0 24.7
VC6X232 232.0 9.1 VC6X360 360.0 14.2 VC6X466 466.0 18.3 VC6X650 650.0 25.6
VC6X250 250.0 9.8 VC6X370 370.0 14.6 VC6X470 470.0 18.5 VC6X663 663.0 26.1
VC6X260 260.0 10.2 VC6X380 380.0 14.96 VC6X480 480.0 18.9 VC6X700 700.0 27.6
VC6X261 261.0 10.3 VC6X381 381.0 15.0 VC6X485 485.0 19.1 VC6X713 713.0 28.1
VC6X280 280.0 11.0 VC6X390 390.0 15.4 VC6X490 490.0 19.3 VC6X730 730.0 28.7
VC6X289 289.0 11.4 VC6X400 400.0 15.7 VC6X500 500.0 19.7 VC6X750 750.0 29.5
VC 6 VC6X297 297.0 11.7 VC6X407 407.0 16.0 VC6X511 511.0 20.1 VC6X760 760.0 29.9
VC6X300 300.0 11.8 VC6X410 410.0 16.1 VC6X520 520.0 20.5 VC6X764 764.0 31.1
VC6X315 315.0 12.4 VC6X414 414.0 16.3 VC6X530 530.0 20.9 VC6X800 800.0 31.5
VC6X320 320.0 12.6 VC6X420 420.0 16.5 VC6X540 540.0 21.3 VC6X821 821.0 32.3
VC6X330 330.0 13.0 VC6X430 430.0 16.9 VC6X550 550.0 21.7 VC6X850 850.0 33.5
VC6X340 340.0 13.4 VC6X432 432.0 17.0 VC6X561 561.0 22.1 VC6X866 866.0 34.1
VC6X343 343.0 13.5 VC6X440 440.0 17.3 VC6X587 587.0 23.1
VC6X345 345.0 13.6 VC6X444 444.0 17.5 VC6X600 600.0 23.6
DC6X200 200.0 7.9 DC6X277 277.0 10.9 DC6X330 330.0 13.0 VC6X380 380.0 15.0
DC6X210 210.0 8.3 DC6X280 280.0 11.0 DC6X340 340.0 13.4 VC6X390 390.0 15.4
DC6X230 230.0 9.1 DC6X290 290.0 11.4 DC6X345 345.0 13.6 VC6X400 400.0 15.7
DC 6 DC6X240 240.0 9.4 DC6X300 300.0 11.8 DC6X350 350.0 13.8 VC6X450 450.0 17.7
DC6X250 250.0 9.8 DC6X310 310.0 12.2 DC6X360 360.0 14.2 VC6X500 500.0 19.7
DC6X260 260.0 10.2 DC6X315 315.0 12.4 DC6X365 365.0 14.4 VC6X540 540.0 21.3
DC6X270 270.0 10.6 DC6X320 320.0 12.6 DC6X370 370.0 14.6



Features + Benefits
Space saving
High horsepower rating and small pulley requirements
permit compact designs.
2 Smooth running
Belt runs very smoothly because of ground side wall.
High speed drive
Because they are very light weight, Banflex belts can
be driven at high speeds without excessive vibration or
1: Polyurethane
2: Polyester tensile members a
3: Polyurethane compression section.

Size mark

5M 1000
Effective outside length in mm Type Top width a Thickness b
Belt type 3M 3.0mm (0.12") 2.1mm (0.08")
5M 5.0mm (0.20") 3.3mm (0.12")
7M 7.0mm (0.28") 5.3mm (0.20")
Standard Sizes 11M 11.0mm (0.43") 6.9mm (0.28")

Effective outside length Type Effective outside length Type Effective outside length Type
mm inch 3M 5M 7M 11M mm inch 3M 5M 7M 11M mm inch 3M 5M 7M 11M
180 7.1  437 17.2   1030 40.6   
185 7.3  450 17.7   1060 41.7   
190 7.5  462 18.2   1090 42.9   
195 7.7  475 18.7   1120 44.1   
200 7.9  487 19.2   1150 45.3   
206 8.1  500 19.7    1180 46.5   
212 8.3  515 20.3    1220 48.0   
218 8.6  518 20.4  1250 49.2   
224 8.8  530 20.9    1280 50.4   
230 9.1  545 21.5    1320 52.0   
236 9.3  560 22.0    1360 53.5   
243 9.6  580 22.8    1400 55.1   
250 9.8  600 23.6    1450 57.1   
258 10.2  615 24.2    1500 59.1   
265 10.4  630 24.8    1550 61.0  
272 10.7  650 25.6    1600 63.0  
280 11.0   670 26.4    1650 65.0  
290 11.4   690 27.2    1700 66.9  
300 11.8   710 28.0     1750 68.9  
307 12.1   730 28.7     1800 70.9  
315 12.4   750 29.5     1850 72.8   
325 12.8   775 30.5    1900 74.8  
335 13.2   800 31.5    1950 76.8  
345 13.6   825 32.5    2000 78.7  
355 14.0   850 33.5    2060 81.1  
365 14.4   875 34.4    2120 83.5  
375 14.8   900 35.4    2180 85.8  
387 15.2   925 36.4    2240 88.2  
400 15.7   950 37.4    2300 90.6  
412 16.2   975 38.4   
425 16.7   1000 39.4   



3 4 Dimensions


Top width a Thickness b

Type Pitch P
mm inch mm inch
2 ribs 9.8 0.39 5.3mm
Construction 5MS
3 ribs 15.1 0.59
3.3 0.13
2 ribs 15.6 0.61 8.5mm
1: Polyurethane 7MS 5.3 0.21
3 ribs 24.1 0.95
2: Tie band 2 ribs 24.4 0.96 13.2mm
11MS 7.0 0.28
3: Polyester tensile members 3 ribs 37.6 1.48 (0.52")
4: Polyurethane compression section
Size mark
Features + Benefits 7 - 5MS 800
Outside length in mm
Smooth high speed drive up to 12,000 feet/min.
Low vibration without spin or jump off. Belt type
Space saving Number of ribs
Small pulleys and high speed ratios make it possible to
More than 4 ribs, we combinate 2 or 3 ribs belts as following.
design compact and lightweight machines.
Ideal for horizontal drive. Standard Standard
Number of ribs Number of ribs
combination combination
High oil and ozone resistance.
4 2+2 8 3+2+3
5 2+3 9 3+3+3
6 3+3 10 2+3+3+2
Standard Sizes
7 2+3+2 12 3+3+3+3

Outside length Type Outside length Type Outside length Type

mm inch 5MS 7MS 11MS mm inch 5MS 7MS 11MS mm inch 5MS 7MS 11MS
280 11.0  580 22.8   1180 46.5   
290 11.4  600 23.6   1220 48.0   
300 11.8  615 24.2   1250 49.2   
307 12.1  630 24.8   1280 50.4   
315 12.4  650 25.6   1320 52.0   
325 12.8  670 26.4   1360 53.5   
335 13.2  690 27.2   1400 55.1   
345 13.6  710 28.0    1450 57.1   
355 14.0  730 28.7    1500 59.1   
365 14.4  750 29.5    1550 61.0  
375 14.8  775 30.5    1600 63.0  
387 15.2  800 31.5    1650 65.0  
400 15.7  825 32.5    1700 66.9  
412 16.2  850 33.5    1750 68.9  
425 16.7  875 34.4    1800 70.9  
437 17.2  900 35.4    1850 72.8   
450 17.7  925 36.4    1900 74.8  
462 18.2  950 37.4    1950 76.8  
475 18.7  975 38.4    2000 78.7  
487 19.2  1000 39.4    2060 81.1  
500 19.7   1030 40.6    2120 83.5  
515 20.3   1060 41.7    2180 85.8  
530 20.9  1090 42.9    2240 88.2  
545 21.5   1120 44.1    2300 90.6  
560 22.0   1150 45.3   


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Multiple V Belt type Power Ace type

Construction Dimensions
1: Tie-band
2: Polyester tensile members a e
3: Chloroprene insulation rubber
4: Rubber impregnated canvas
5: Chloroprene compression rubber.
Features + Benefits
Permanent matched set.
No lateral whip, spin or turn over.
Deep pulley grooves are not required even on horizontal
Heat and oil resistant. Top width of Pitch between
Type Thickness b Angle 
one belt a two belts e
Size mark A 13.0mm (0.5") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
B 17.0mm (0.66") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
(Multiple V type)
C 13.0mm (0.5") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
5 C 100 D 13.0mm (0.5") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
Belt pitch length in inches 3V 13.0mm (0.5") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
5V 13.0mm (0.5") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
8V 13.0mm (0.5") 13.0mm (0.5") 40 13.0mm (0.5")
Number of belts in band
More than 6 ribs, we combinate 2, 3, 4 or 5 ribs belts as
(Power Ace type) following.

5 - 3V 1000 Standard Standard

Number of ribs Number of ribs
combination combination
Outside length in inches 10 - - 11 4+3+4
(100" 10=1000) 2 2 12 4+4+4
Type 3 3 13 4+5+4
4 4 14 5+4+5
Number of belts in band
5 5 15 5+5+5
6 3+3 16 4+4+4+4
7 3+4 17 4+4+5+4
8 4+4 18 5+4+4+5
9 4+5 19 5+4+5+5
10 5+5 20 5+5+5+5



Standard Sizes
Power Ace These sizes are in conformity to JIS.
Outside length Outside length Outside length
Type Belt number Belt number Belt number
mm inch mm inch mm inch
3V 400 1,016 40.0 3V 630 1,600 63.0 3V1000 2,540 100.0
3V 425 1,080 42.5 3V 670 1,702 67.0 3V1060 2,692 106.0
3V 450 1,143 45.0 3V 710 1,803 71.0 3V1120 2,845 112.0
3V 475 1,207 47.5 3V 750 1,905 75.0 3V1180 2,997 118.0
3V 500 1,270 50.0 3V 800 2,032 80.0 3V1250 3,175 125.0
3V 530 1,346 53.0 3V 850 2,159 85.0 3V1320 3,353 132.0
3V 560 1,422 56.0 3V 900 2,286 90.0 3V1400 3,556 140.0
3V 600 1,525 60.0 3V 950 2,413 95.0
5V 600 1,524 60.0 5V1120 2,845 112.0 5V2120 5,385 212.0
5V 630 1,600 63.0 5V1180 2,997 118.0 5V2240 5,690 224.0
5V 670 1,702 67.0 5V1250 3,175 125.0 5V2360 5,994 236.0
5V 710 1,803 71.0 5V1320 3,353 132.0 5V2500 6,350 250.0
5V 750 1,905 75.0 5V1400 3,556 140.0 5V2650 6,731 265.0
5V 5V 800 2,032 80.0 5V1500 3,810 150.0 5V2800 7,112 280.0
5V 850 2,159 85.0 5V1600 4,064 160.0 5V3000 7,620 300.0
5V 900 2,286 90.0 5V1700 4,318 170.0 5V3150 8,001 315.0
5V 950 2,413 95.0 5V1800 4,572 180.0 5V3350 8,509 335.0
5V1000 2,540 100.0 5V1900 4,826 190.0 5V3550 9,017 355.0
5V1060 2,692 106.0 5V2000 5,080 200.0
8V1000 2,540 100.0 8V1800 4,572 180.0 8V3150 8,001 315.0
8V1060 2,692 106.0 8V1900 4,826 190.0 8V3350 8,509 335.0
8V1120 2,845 112.0 8V2000 5,080 200.0 8V3550 9,017 355.0
8V1180 2,997 118.0 8V2120 5,385 212.0 8V3750 9,525 375.0
8V1250 3,175 125.0 8V2240 5,690 224.0 8V4000 10,160 400.0
8V1320 3,353 132.0 8V2360 5,994 236.0 8V4250 10,795 425.0
8V1400 3,556 140.0 8V2500 6,350 250.0 8V4500 11,430 450.0
8V1500 3,810 150.0 8V2650 6,731 265.0 8V4750 12,065 475.0
8V1600 4,064 160.0 8V2800 7,112 280.0 8V5000 12,700 500.0
8V1700 4,318 170.0 8V3000 7,620 300.0 8V5600 14,224 560.0

V Belt type Recommended Pulley Groove Pitch

Minimum effective Maximum effective P
Type pitch length pitch length
mm inch mm inch
A 1,524 60 5,080 200
B 1,524 60 8,890 350
C 2,540 100 8,890 350
D 2,540 100 8,890 350

Pulley pitch P
mm inch
A 15.0 0.59
B 19.0 0.75
C 25.5 1.00
D 37.0 1.46

Pulley pitch P
mm inch
3V 10.3 0.41
5V 17.5 0.69
8V 28.6 1.13


1 2 3 4

Construction Thickness b Pitch (p)

Type Angle 
mm inch mm inch
1: Chloroprene backside rubber J 4.0 0.16 40 2.4 0.092
2: Polyester tensile members L 9.0 0.34 40 4.8 0.185
3: Chloroprene compression rubber
M 16.5 0.65 40 9.6 0.370
4: Rubber impregnated canvas (except J Type)

Features + Benefits Size mark

High horsepower rating. 410 L 5
BANDO POLYBANROPE have a 30-50% higher HP
Number of ribs
rating than multiple V belts.
Space saving Type
Pulleys with outside diameters as small as 0.8" can be Effective pitch length in inches 10
used. (Type J) (41" 10=410)
Lower vibration than flat belts.
Comparable to flat belts.
Oil and heat resistant.

Standard Sizes

Effective length Effective length Effective length

Type belt number belt number belt number
mm inch mm inch mm inch
108J 274.3 10.8 245J 622.3 24.5 360J 114.4 36.0
117J 297.2 11.7 251J 637.5 25.1 370J 939.8 37.0
132J 335.3 13.2 260J 660.4 26.0 380J 965.2 38.0
140J 355.6 14.0 278J 706.1 27.8 390J 990.0 39.0
159J 403.9 15.9 280J 711.2 28.0 400J 1016.0 40.0
180J 457.2 18.0 300J 762.0 30.0 430J 1092.2 43.0
J 190J 482.6 19.0 307J 779.8 30.7 450J 1143.0 45.0
199J 505.5 19.9 315J 800.1 31.5 460J 1168.4 46.0
210J 533.4 21.0 323J 820.4 32.3 470J 1193.8 47.0
220J 558.8 22.0 330J 838.2 33.0 474J 1204.0 47.4
224J 569.0 22.4 337J 856.0 33.7 490J 1244.6 49.0
235J 596.9 23.5 340J 863.6 34.0 520J 1320.8 52.0
240J 609.0 24.0 350J 889.0 35.0 530J 1346.2 53.0
214L 543.6 21.4 410L 1041.4 41.0 730L 1854.2 73.0
241L 612.1 24.1 415L 1054.1 41.5 750L 1905.0 75.0
260L 660.4 26.0 417L 1059.2 41.7 780L 1981.2 78.0
277L 703.6 27.7 423L 1074.4 42.3 815L 2070.1 81.5
290L 736.6 29.0 470L 1193.8 47.0 835L 2120.9 83.5
327L 830.6 32.7 490L 1244.6 49.0 865L 2197.1 86.5
337L 856.0 33.7 515L 1308.1 51.5 932L 2367.3 93.2
L 344L 873.8 34.4 530L 1346.2 53.0 975L 2476.5 97.5
347L 881.4 34.7 540L 1371.6 54.0 1016L 2580.6 101.6
348L 883.9 34.8 570L 1447.8 57.0 1063L 2700.0 106.3
358L 909.3 35.8 600L 1524.0 60.0 1120L 2844.8 112.0
362L 919.5 36.2 615L 1562.1 61.5 1200L 3048.0 120.0
376L 955.0 37.6 650L 1651.0 65.0 1480L 3759.2 148.0
386L 980.4 38.6 680L 1727.2 68.0
395L 1003.3 39.5 690L 1752.6 69.0
417M 1059.2 41.7 851M 2161.5 85.1 1310M 3327.4 131.0
557M 1414.8 55.7 878M 2230.1 87.8 1470M 3733.8 147.0
M 630M 1600.2 63.0 990M 2514.6 99.0 1900M 4826.0 190.0
652M 1656.1 65.2 1150M 2921.0 115.0
756M 1920.2 75.6 1230M 3124.2 123.0



1 2 3
(H type)


(J type)
1: Polyurethane

2: Polyamid tensile members

3: Polyurethane

Features + Benefits Pitch Total thickness Rib thickness Angle

P a b 
Suitable to fixed center distance applications. 1.6mm 2.5mm 1.0mm
Belt's elasticity allows easy installation on fixed center H 40
(0.063") (0.098") (0.039")
distance pulleys without tools. 2.4mm 4.0mm 2.3mm
Withstands high shock load. J 40
(0.094") (0.157") (0.091")
Polyamid tensile members protect belts from shock load
damage, making them well-suited for small machines
and other high speed/high shock load applications.
Size mark
High speed.
108 J 5
Space saving
Small pulley requirement permits smaller, more compact Number of ribs
designs. Type
Nominal Length
Standard Sizes

Pitch length Pitch length Pitch length

Type Belt number Belt number Belt number
mm inch mm inch mm inch
63H 132H 335.3 13.2 200H 508.0 20.0
71H 136H 345.4 13.6 214H 543.2 21.4
80H 203.2 8.0 140H 355.6 14.0 215H 547.0 21.5
85H 215.9 8.5 147H 373.4 14.7 221H 562.0 22.1
90H 228.8 9.0 150H 381.0 15.0 230H 584.2 23.0
95H 241.3 9.5 160H 406.4 16.0 235H 596.9 23.5
(Polyurethane) 100H 254.0 10.0 170H 431.8 17.0 304H 772.2 30.4
106H 269.2 10.6 180H 457.2 18.0
112H 285.4 11.2 190H 482.6 19.0
118H 299.7 11.8
125H 317.5 12.5
81J 205.3 8.1 135J 343.8 13.5 236J 599.4 23.6
82J 209.1 8.2 139J 351.5 13.8 250J 630.8 24.8
85J 215.9 8.5 142J 363.3 14.3 260J 660.4 26.0
90J 228.6 9.0 145J 368.3 14.5 264J 670.0 26.4
95J 241.3 9.5 153J 389.3 15.3 280J 711.2 28.0
97J 247.3 9.7 160J 406.4 16.0 300J 762.0 30.0
99J 251.3 9.9 171J 431.3 17.0 312J 792.5 31.2
(Polyurethane) 108J 273.8 10.8 175J 442.3 17.4 318J 807.7 31.8
116J 293.5 11.6 180J 457.2 18.0 323J 819.3 32.3
117J 297.0 11.7 189J 480.2 18.9
122J 309.9 12.2 194J 492.8 19.4
125J 317.5 12.5 201J 510.5 20.1
130J 330.0 13.0 234J 594.0 23.4

Some sizes are not equal for actual pitch length (inch).



Features + Benefits
Low starting torque
Excellent flexibility, provides smooth slip-free starts
even in low temperatures.
Easy installation
Easy to install by hand.
No retensioning needed.
Minimal tension decay.
High oil and ozone resistance

Construction Size mark

Polyurethane without tensile members 2 100

Belt length
in mm under no tension force
Type (diameter of round belt in mm)
Standard Sizes

Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5

2mm diameter 3mm diameter 4mm diameter 5mm diameter
Belt length Belt length Belt length Belt length
mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
91.0 3.58 115.0 4.53 140.0 5.51 200.0 7.87
100.0 3.94 120.0 4.72 160.0 6.30 210.0 8.27
107.0 4.21 132.0 5.20 170.0 6.69 220.0 8.66
112.0 4.41 138.0 5.43 175.0 6.89 225.0 8.86
120.0 4.72 140.0 5.51 200.0 7.87 230.0 9.06
125.0 4.92 150.0 5.91 213.0 8.39 247.0 9.72
130.0 5.12 153.0 6.02 225.0 8.86 248.0 9.76
134.0 5.28 155.0 6.10 230.0 9.06 250.0 9.84
136.0 5.35 160.0 6.30 235.0 9.25 275.0 10.83
140.0 5.51 165.0 6.50 250.0 9.84 290.0 11.42
145.0 5.71 170.0 6.69 254.0 10.00 300.0 11.81
147.0 5.79 172.0 6.77 258.0 10.16 305.0 12.01
152.0 5.98 180.0 7.09 264.0 10.39 310.0 12.20
160.0 6.30 182.0 7.17 275.0 10.83 330.0 12.99
170.0 6.69 190.0 7.48 284.0 11.18 345.0 13.58
180.0 7.09 200.0 7.87 285.0 11.22 348.0 13.70
183.0 7.20 204.0 8.03 290.0 11.42 363.0 14.29
190.0 7.48 213.0 8.39 300.0 11.81 375.0 14.76
200.0 7.87 223.0 8.78 305.0 12.01 380.0 14.96
213.0 8.39 230.0 9.06 316.0 12.44 384.5 15.18
227.0 8.94 236.0 9.29 323.0 12.72 402.0 15.83
239.0 9.41 240.0 9.45 332.0 13.07 422.0 16.61
244.0 9.61 250.0 9.84 335.0 13.19 440.0 17.32
250.0 9.84 260.0 10.24 346.0 13.62 460.0 18.11
273.0 10.75 275.0 10.83 361.0 14.21 685.0 26.97
290.0 11.42 282.0 11.10 367.0 14.45
444.0 17.48 285.0 11.22 370.0 14.57
470.0 18.50 290.0 11.42 374.0 14.72
305.0 12.01 377.0 14.84
308.0 12.13 385.0 15.16
330.0 12.99 390.0 15.35
347.0 13.66 415.0 16.34
356.0 14.02 474.0 18.66
363.0 14.29 500.0 19.69
376.0 14.80 540.0 21.26
390.0 15.35
400.0 15.75
430.0 16.93
441.0 17.36
450.0 17.72
645.0 25.39




Construction Features
Polyurethane without tensile members Simply cut and heat-splice the belt to the required
Standard Sizes
mm 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15
Diameter of Belt
inch 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.60
#480 Standard               
#489 high modulus      
Length / rail #480 200m/roll #489 100m/roll 100m/roll

V Belts
Type Top width a Thickness b Angle 
M 10.0mm 5.5mm 40
A 12.7mm 8.0mm 40
B 16.7mm 10.3mm 40



Size mark

10 1.0 560
Construction Inside length in mm
Thickness in mm
Polyurethane without tensile members
Width in mm
Feature + Benefits
Smooth constant speed
Standard Sizes
Thickness tolerance is 0.0020 (0.05mm), so there is
virtually no speed variation.
Space saving 170~950
(Please contact to us for detail size)
Minimum pulley diameter is 0.2 (5.0mm). This allows
The above belt should be installed at 6% stretch.
high speed ratios.


PS Belts
BANDO PS Belts is made of seamless woven fabric. The fabric is coated with various kinds of rubber or polyurethane
rubber. This belt is newly developed to meet precision drives such as office automation equipment, computer
peripherals and banking machines.

Construction Available dimensions *-3

Type *-1 Applicable performance Number of tensile Shape of surface *-2 Total Inside perimeter
Material of tone Width
member(ply) Front surface Rear surface thickness length

Low-torque, high-speed power transmission Chloroprene Rough Smooth

A-1C Weather resistance, cold resistance 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 0.22 3~300 100~1900

Low-torque, high-speed power transmission

Rough Smooth White,
A-1U Weather resistance, oil resistance, abrasion 1-ply polyester Polyurethane
surface surface green
0.22 3~300 100~1900
Low-torque, high-speed power transmission
Rough Smooth White,
A-4U Weather resistance, oil resistance, abrasion 1-ply polyester Polyurethane
surface surface green
0.4 5~300 180~5700
Medium-torque, high-speed power
Rough Smooth
A-10N transmission 1-ply polyester Nitrile rubber
surface surface
Black 1.0 5~300 300~5700
Oil resistance, cold resistance
Medium-torque, high-speed power
Chloroprene Rough Smooth
A-13C transmission 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 1.1 5~300 300~5700
Weather resistance, cold resistance
Medium-torque, high-speed power Impregnated
Canvas Canvas *-4 200~1000
A-P transmission 4-ply polyamide chloroprene
surface surface
Black 1.3
10~350 1000~2700
(No unraveling from edges) rubber
Medium-torque, high-speed power Canvas
Canvas Canvas Canvas
A-W transmission 1-ply vinylon
fabric surface surface
natural 2.0 20~200 800~5700
Quiet operation (No unraveling from edges) color
Conveyance of light objects such as sheets of
Chloroprene Rough Smooth
B-2C paper, tickets, etc. 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 0.8 5~300 250~5700
Weather resistance, cold resistance
Conveyance of light objects such as sheets of
Hypalon Rough Smooth
B-2H paper, tickets, etc. 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
White 0.8 5~300 250~5700
Weather resistance, anti-staining properties
Conveyance of light objects such as sheets of
Chloroprene Canvas Smooth
B-2CE paper, tickets, etc. 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 1.1 10~200 250~5700
Superconductivity (a level of 100)
Conveyance of light objects such as sheets of paper, tickets, etc.
Chloroprene Rough Smooth
B-3C Low-torque, high-speed power transmission 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 0.6 10~300 250~5700
Weather resistance, cold resistance
Conveyance of light objects such as sheets of paper, tickets, etc.
Rough Smooth
B-6N Low-torque, high-speed power transmission 1-ply polyester Nitrile rubber
surface surface
Black 1.0 10~300 250~5700
Oil resistance, abrasion resistance
Precision power transmission and
Chloroprene Rough Smooth
C-8C conveyance of light objects on equipment 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 0.7 3~300 160~5700
fixed between axes
Precision power transmission and
Chloroprene Rough Smooth
C-16C conveyance of light objects on equipment 1-ply polyester
rubber surface surface
Black 0.7 3~300 160~5700
fixed between axes
Low-torque power transmission,
1-ply aromatic Silicon Mirror Mirror
Z-H250X conveyance of light objects at high ambient
amide rubber surface surface
Liver 0.9 10~300 460~2000
temperatures (i.e., 250 or less)
Conveyance of light objects such as 0.65
Polyurethane Polished Polished
E-8U banknotes, cards, tickets, etc. on equipment 1-ply polyester
(Millable) surface surface
Black 0.8 8~200 50~1500
fixed between axes 1.0
Conveyance of light objects such as 0.65
Polyurethane Mirror surface Polished
EX-101 banknotes, cards, tickets, etc. on equipment 1-ply polyester
(Millable) (Mold surface) surface
Black 0.8 8~200 50~1250
fixed between axes 1.0
-1 Besides types listed above, available types A-1N, A-4C, A-10C, A-13N, B-2N, B-2UF, B-3N, B-6C, C-8N, C-8U, C-16N, C-16U, and others.
-2 Select proper working surface according to your use conditions. Normally, it is recommended to use the smooth surface as the pulley surface.
Besides the surfaces listed above, rough/polished surface and mirror/mirror (polished on one side) are available. For further information, contact us or your representative.
-3 Any belt dimensions other than standard ones are available on your request. For any dimensions other than available dimensions listed above, contact us or your representative.
-4 10 mm to (0.15Belt's inside perimeter length) mm


PS Belts

1. Compact design Drives are compact because of thin, seamless and flexible belt.
2. Smooth running Seamless belt can give smooth running with no vibration.
3. Maintenance free Belt does not stretch because of specially treated tension member.
4. Energy saver Lightweight and flexible belt minimizes power loss.

:Optimum :Suited :N/A

Tensile Axial load at Min. Weight (approx.)
Abrasion Oil Electrical Flame Ozone
Type *-1 strength N/10 stabilized extension pulley g/10 mm wide
resistance resistance conductivity retardance resistance
Major application
mm width N/10 mm wide diameter m long

A-1C 150 0.5% 30 5 2.5      Take-up of tape

Dial driving
Precision gauge driving
A-1U 150 0.5% 30 5 2.3     Acoustic equipment

Terminal equipment Communication equipment

A-4U 400 0.5% 45 10 4     Card reader
Magnetic disk Acoustic equipment
Grinding machine Textile machinery
A-10N 1000 0.5% 110 15 11     Routing machine Washing machine
Line printer Automatic lathe
Vacuum cleaner Grinding machine
A-13C 1350 0.5% 170 20 12      Rotary burner
Textile machinery
1% 130
Printing machine
A-P 1400 2% 210 50 11     
Automatic control device
3% 280

1% 200 Thread plying machine

A-W 1700
2% 490
30 9  
Cigarette making machine

1% 30 Ticket-issuing machine Bank terminal machine

B-2C 250 2% 50 10 9      Automatic ticket gate Automatic packaging machine
3% 60 Money change machine Cash dispenser
1% 30 Banknote checker Office equipment
B-2H 250 2% 50 10 9     Automatic checker
3% 60 Fare box Ticket vending machine Printing machine

1% 60 Sorter Copying machine

B-2CE 200 2% 80 30 12      Paper conveyance system
3% 110 Cash dispenser
1% 70 Copying machine Motoring amusement machine
B-3C 380 2% 120 10 7      Automatic packaging machine
3% 140 Microfilm equipment
1% 180 Automatic checker
B-6N 600 2% 280 25 11     Printing machine Office equipment
3% 360 Optical reader
1% 9
Floppy disk
C-8C 80 2% 15 5 8     
Office equipment
3% 20

1% 20 Document feeder
C-16C 160 2% 30 7 8      Copying machine Sorter
3% 40 Fish detector
Copying machine Heat sealing machine
Z-H250X 400 1% 120 30 11    Measuring meter Testing machine
Large-sized facsimile
5% 10 10/total Bank terminal equipment
6% 12 Cash dispenser
E-8U - 7% 14 8 thickness      Card reader
8% 16 1.0mm Office equipment
5% 10 Bank terminal equipment
6% 12 Cash dispenser
EX-101 - 7% 14 8 10      Card reader
8% 16 Office equipment

Nomenclature of belt -1 Besides types listed above. available types A-1N, A-4C, A-10C, A-13N, B-2N, B-2UF, B-3N, B-6C, C-8N, C-8U, C-16N, C-16U and others.
B-2 C E Series name of belt A: Mainly used for high-speed power transmission, B: Mainly used for conveyance of light objects such as sheets of paper, tickets, etc., C: Mainly used
for precision power transmission, Z: Mainly used for conveyance at high temperatures, E: Used for conveyance of light objects
Tensile strength of belt Series A & B: Indicating 1/100 of tensile strength, Series C & E: Indicating 1/10 of tensile strength
Material of cover C: Chloroprene, N: Nitrile rubber, U: Polyurethane, H: Hypalon rubber
Additional function E: Electrical conductivity of a level of 100, F: Certified by Food Sanitation Law and Official Notice No.20 of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
P,W: Special textile fabric



Wrapped type
RAF (laminated type)
Cut Edge type
RPF (cogged type)
(Raw Edge) Type

V-Ribbed Belts Rib Ace

OHC Synchronous / STS Belts


Sidewall wear resistance Bending stress resistance Noise level

Good Good Excellent

Wraped type

Excellent Good Excellent


Excellent Excellent Good


Excellent Excellent Excellent


Excellent Excellent Good


Excellent Excellent Excellent


Dimensions and available Size Range

Bando profile
Belt type Top width Thickness Angle Size range
& Size code
9.5mm (0.38") 8.0mm (0.32") 40 20"-60"
Outside length
12.5mm (0.50") 9.5mm (0.38") 40 31.5"-65"
Outside length
13.0mm (0.50") 8.0mm (0.32") 40 20"-80"
Inside length
V-Belts 17.0mm (0.66") 11.0mm (0.44") 40 20"-80"
Inside length
20.0mm (0.80") 11.0mm (0.44") 40 20"-100"
Inside length
22.0mm (0.88") 14.0mm (0.56") 40 20"-100"
Inside length
25.5mm (1.00") 14.0mm (0.56") 40 20"-100"
Inside length

Bando profile
Belt type Rib pitch Thickness Size range
& Size code
RIB ACE PK 3.56mm (0.14") 4.8mm (0.19")

Bando profile
Belt type Tooth pitch Thickness Size range
& Size code
ZA 9.525mm (0.375") 4.10mm (0.16")
ZB 9.525mm (0.375") 4.50mm (0.18")
ZBS 9.525mm (0.375") 4.89mm (0.19")
YH 8.0mm (0.315") 5.2mm (0.21") Please contact to us
Synchronous Belts
ZH 9.525mm (0.375") 5.65mm (0.22")
YU 8.0mm (0.315") 5.02mm (0.20")
RU 9.525mm (0.375") 5.40mm (0.21")

Bando profile
Belt type Tooth pitch Thickness Size range
& Size code
S8M 8.0mm (0.315") 5.2mm (0.21") Please contact to us
STS Belts



Rib Ace
5PK 980
Automotive belt

Automotive belt
for bus
Raw edge

Variable speed belt

for motor bike


for motor bike

Variable speed belt

STS belt
S8M 560

for Automotive
Rib Ace belt
4PK 1542


V Belt Red-S
single drive

V/S Belt

all drives


Video camera
TN 10 1pc.


printer a copying machine

STS 60 S3M537


KPS belt
injection molding

automatic door

light conveyance
LSB-U with profile

Multiple V Belts red B-65



a) Cover: A canvas cover is usually wrapped

V-BELT completely around the belt, sometimes only
on the top and bottom. It provides the proper
The accompanying diagrams show the simple amount of traction and protects the internal
construction of a belt. Each belt has four components. components from oil, dust and other foreign
It also increases belt flexibility.

b) Cushion Rubber: The material surrounding the

Tensile Member. It absorbs the power from the
power (pulley) and helps transmit this power
to the driven sheave. Its high elasticity allows
smooth bending and flexing over even the
smallest pulleys while preventing heat built-up.
a b c d
It is made of synthetic rubber.

c) Adhesion Rubber: Sets the tensile cords in the

right place and firmly bonds the cords with the
cushion rubber.

d) Tensile Member: Cord like material running

around the belt. The 'muscles' of the belt, it
transmits power from one sheave to the next,
(Made of Tetron R)


Also called a "Timing Belt". It consists of four

a) Rubber Backing: A synthetic rubber layer

which gives protection to the tensile member.
It is tough and flexible and completely
bonded to the tensile member. Its excellent
wear resistant backing can also be used for
light duty transportation.
b) Tensile Member: Made of helically wound
glass fiber cord, it is designed to transmit the
power. The small diameter cord possesses
high tensile strength, low stretch and high
resistance to bending fatigue.
c) Rubber Teeth: Special synthetic rubber
which has high shear strength and adequate
hardness. To ensure that the teeth are
compatible with the pulley grooves, they are
precision made with a highly accurate pitch.
(When the teeth in mesh [TIM] is 6 or more,
the teeth shear strength virtually exceeds the
belt's tensile strength).
d) Nylon Facing: A thin nylon cover cloth,
tough with excellent abrasion resistance,
a protects the belt teeth from wear caused by
pulley contact. This gives long belt service
c life.



Normally you will know because the old belts will be Make sure that all equipment is turned off, even if you are
labeled. However, if you cannot read the labels, use only going to touch it for a moment.
Bando Belt and pulley Gauges.


From the same manufacturer, belts from different
manufacturers can have different characteristics. Slight
differences between belts causes strain and shortens belt
service life.
When installing new belts, always replace all the belts.
Old belts become worn and stretched from use; if old and The drive should be fully protected by a guard.
new belts are mixed, the new belts will do more work and This not only ensures safe operation but also protects the
as a result will fail early. drive from debris and keeps the belt running smoothly.

Should also be checked and worn ones replaced. Any
rust should be removed from the sheave surface. It
accelerates belt wear. Paint or wax should never be
applied to the sheave grooves.



Unless belts enter and leave sheave in a relatively Poor storage causes belt deterioration. To prevent this
straight line, wear is accelerated. In Diagram 1 the the following conditions should be observed:
shafts of the two drives are not parallel. In Diagram
2 although the shafts are parallel the sheaves are a) Belts should be stored in a cool dark place, away
incorrectly aligned. from radiators and direct sunlight. Heat will dry out
Use a steel straight edge to ensure correct alignment. the belts and cause them to become brittle and hard.
Optimum conditions, temperature below 85F (30C),
relative humidity below 70%.

b) Belts may be stored either by coiling them on

shelves, or hanging them on wide suppor ts or
multiple hooks.
(Avoid laying them on the floor)

c) Ensure that no oil or chemicals come into contact

with the belts.


This damages the belt internally and greatly shortens
belt service life.
Fingers can also be seriously injured if caught in the
sheave. Always use the motor side (drive take up).


The correct tension can be calculated from the slack
and the load. Or the Bando tension meter can be used.
The Optimum Tension is the lowest tension at which the
belts will not slip under full load.
O ve r - a n d u n d e r - t e n s i o n i n g c a u s e s r e s p e c t i ve l y,
damage to the shaft bearings and belt slippage.
After installation the drive should be run for 15 minutes
to seat the belts before peak load is applied.
If they slip tighten them, check frequently during first
day of operation.



Belts stretch unequally. Misaligned drive. Realign and re-tension the drive.
Belts damaged during installation. Replace with a matched set, properly installed.
Belts stretch about Insufficient take up allowance. Check take up allowance in manual.

equally. Greatly over-or under loaded drive. Redesign using manuals.


Relatively rapid failure no Underdesigned drive. Increase the number of belts, use a wider belt,

Visible reason. a high-power transmission belt or redesign

using manual.
Sheave diameter too small. Redesign using manual.
Belt runs on to sheave flange, due to misalignment. Redesign using manual.
Worn sheave grooves. Replace sheaves.
Belt damaged through improper installation. Replace with matched set properly installed.
Foreign substance caught between belt and Shield the drive.

Sidewalls soft, sticky, Oil or grease on belts or sheaves. Remove source of oil or grease.

and swollen, low adhesion Clean surfaces.

between cover plies.

Sidewalls dry and hard, High temperatures. Remove heat source, ventilate drive better.

low adhesion.
Belt bottom cracked Sheave diameter too small. Redesign using larger sheaves.
Back side idler-pulley diameter too small. Replace with an inside idler-pulley, or

High temperatures. Remove heat source, improve ventilation or

use a heat resistant belt.

Belt slipping because of insufficient tensioning. Re-tension.
Belt bottom cut Improper storage. Store belts properly.
Belt ran off the sheave. Check tension and alignment.
Foreign material fell into drive. Install drive shield.
Improper installation. Install new belts properly.
Deterioration of rubber in Belt dressing. Never use dressing on V-belts.




Extreme cover wear, worn Dust attached to belt. Clean surfaces and re-tension. Install shield.

corners. Belt loosely tensioned. Re-tension.

Too few belts. Increase belt quantity.
Sheave grooves rusted. Remove rust or replace sheave.
Sharp corners or burrs on sheaves. Round corners and remove burrs with a file.
Sheaves misaligned. Re-align.
Angle of sheave groove incorrectly finished or Replace sheave with a new one, with suitable

badly worn. groove angle.

Outside diameter of right and left side of the Replace with an accurately machined one.

sheave differs.
Spin burns on belt. Belt slips under starting or stalling load. Tighten belt until slipping stops.
Belt too loose. Adjust belt tension.
Sheave diameter too small. Replace sheave or use suitable belt.
Belt load miscalculated. Increase number of belts, or use high power

transmission capacity belt.

Water or oil on the belt. Install belt cover. Completely wipe the belt

Belt irregularly deformed. Belts ware piled up or bent when stored. Store belts by hanging them or by coiling on
Excessive lateral belt whip. Use high power transmission capacity belt.
Foreign material in grooves. Install belt cover.
Misaligned sheaves. Realign.
Worn sheave grooves (use gauge). Replace.
Belt loosely tensioned. Adjust tension.
Belt deformed by fluctuating load. Replace with scrum, flat, or poly-V-belt.
Belt demaged through improper installation. Replace with matched set, properly installed.
If multi-strand driven, belt lengths differ. Replace belts with a matched set.
Incorrectly placed flat idler pulley. Carefully align idler on flat side as close as

possible to drive shaft.

Distance between shafts in too long. Install an idler.
Belt too loose. Re-tension.
Belt lengths uneven. Replace with a new matched set belts.



Sheaves are misaligned. Realign.
Belt slips because of under tensioning, start up or Re-tension.

stopping time too abrupt. Lengthen start up and deceleration time.

Drive slower.
Too few belts. Increase belt quantity.
Belt type unsuitable. Replace with wrapped V-belt.
Design error (incorrect ratio between drives). Use correct sizes.
Spin burns on belt. Re-tension drive until slipping stops.
Too few belts. Increase belt quantity.
Contact angle too small. Install back side idler pulley on slack side or

use synchro belt.

Water or oil on the belt. Install belt cover, and clean surfaces.
Drive overtensioned. Worn-grooves, belts bottoming. Replace sheaves, re-tension drive.
Improper tensioning. Re-tension.
Sheaves too small. Design error. Redesign using manuals.
Poor bearing condition. Bearings underdesigned and/or badly maintained. Observe recommended bearing design and

Sheaves too far out Installation error or obstruction. Place sheaves as close to bearings as

possible, remove any obstructions.

Drive undertensioned. Belt slipping, causing heat build up. Re-tension drive.

Teeth broken off Belt skips pulley teeth because its undertensioned. Re-tension.
Pulley teeth poorly machined, or badly worn. Replace pulley with correctly machined one. If

dust on teeth surfaces install cover.

Equipment stopping too quickly. Increase deceleration time, or use a stronger

Fewer than specified belt teeth are gripping the Install back side idler on stack side of belt, or

pulley teeth. redesign.



Belt becomes stiff and Ambient temperature is excessively high. Decrease the temperature or use heat-

cracks generate over the (over 90) resistant belt.

surface of belt.
Belt breaks off without Power transmission capacity of belt is Use a wider belt, increase the diameter of

leaving any fatigue. insufficient. pulley, or trace the belt selection procedure

Belt is unnaturally bent. Pay much attention to the maintenance or

handling of the belt.

Belt is installed by forcible wrenching. Install the belt by loosening the pulley slide or

the tension pulley.

Foreign substance is caught in. Install a belt cover.
Belt runs on to the flange of pulleys due to the Align the pulleys.

excessive misalignment of pulleys.

One or both edges of belt Pulleys are misaligned. Align the pulleys.

are worn out or broken The outside diameter of right and left side Replace the pulley with an accurately

off. pulleys differ. machined pulley.


Tie band separation belt Worn sheaves (check with gauge) Replace with new sheaves.

riding out of sheave Misalignment of sheave. Realign.

Lack of tension. Re-tention.
Foreign object forced belt out. Remove any interference.
Riding outside and above sheave grooves. Properly maintain drive, and install belt

All belts seprated from tie Drive shield loose and interfering with belt. Adjust shielding.

band. Worn idler sheave. Replace.

Top of tie band frayed Obstruction on machine. Realign drive and remove obstruction.
Tie bando top blistered Foreign material accumulating between belts Check shielding on drive.

of power band.
Bottom of belt cracking. Belt slipping causing heat build up and gradual Check tension of power band.

hardening of undercord.


The typical examples of power transmission belt trouble are presented below. These troubles are the result of faulty
designing, handling or matching of belts and sheaves.

1. Cracks at the bottom of belt

2. Break off of Belt

3. Twisting of belt


4. Side wear of belt

5. Break off of Belt

6. Cracks on the belt surface

7. Side wear of belt

Belt Design Factors

(Fill in the blanks and consult with Bando.)

1 Machine type

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2
2 Service factor
2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0

3 Type of drive Motor Engine (PS. KW. kg-m, kg-cm)

4 Transmission characteristics Horse power constant Torque constant Operating hours / Day (hrs.)

5 Speed ratio Acceleration, Reduction : Pulley layout

Describe separately if
details are required.
Outer dia.
6 Drive pulley (mm) (r.p.m.)
Pitch dia.

Outer dia.
7 Driven pulley (mm) (r.p.m.)
Pitch dia.

Yes Inside Slack side

8 Tension pulley ()
No outside tight side

9 Center distance (mm)

Ordinary Horizontal Vertical

10 Drive system

Sudden stop Brake: Time from sudden

Stop to sudden
11 Sudden stop Start or vice versa. (sec)
Yes Input side
No Output side GD2: (kg-m-sec2)

12 Pulley space Any restriction:

Heat resistance, Oil resistance, Cold resistance, Moisture resistance,

Special requirement Low noise, static conductive, Insulation, Others (Speed-up, Compactness,
13 (Circle items and Vibration Non-slip, Light weight etc.)
describe in detail.)

14 Belt Service Life desired (hrs.) Service condition: outdoor, dusty, others

Manufacturer: Type:
General Information on
15 Total quantity: Quantity by size:
Belts now used.
Belt service life Any problems:

Bando reserves the right to change product design, size, specifications, and materials at any time without obligation of replacement or refund on any
products or parts there of which may be in any customers' possession at the time such changes become effective.
Bando Chemical Industries, Ltd. shall not be liable for any damages and/or injuries whatsoever caused by any usage of the belts in this brochure for
purposes other than power transmission.




JAPAN Overseas Business contact:
Overseas Business Administration Department 6-6, Minatojima
Minamimachi 4-chome, Chuoku , Kobe 650-0047, Japan
TEL: 81-78-232-2815 FAX: 81-78-232-2907
E-Mail: [email protected]

NORTH Bando USA, Inc. ASIA Bando Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd.

AMERICA 1149 West Bryn Mawr, Itasca, Illinois 60143, U.S.A. 47/7 Moo 4, Soi Watbangpla, Tambol Bankao, Amphur Muang,
Samutsakorn, 74000, THAILAND
TEL: 1-630-773-6600 FAX: 1-630-773-6912 TEL: 66-3446-8422 FAX: 66-3446-8415

EUROPE Bando Europe Gmbh Banko Korea Co., Ltd

Nikolaus Strasse 59, D-41169 Moenchengladbach, 869-1, Eogok-Dong, Yang San City, Gyung Sang Nam-Do,
TEL: 49-2161-90104-0 FAX: 49-2161-90104-50 TEL: 82-55-371-9200 FAX: 82-55-388-0087

Bando Iberica S.A. Bando Jungkong, Ltd.

Calle Francesc Layret 12-14, Naves 4-5, Poligono Industrial 4BA-705 (Shihwa Indus. Zone, Mechatronics Complex),
Sant Ermengol , 08630 Abrera, (Barcelona), SPAIN Songgok-Dong, Ansan City, Kyongki-Do, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
TEL: 34-93-7778740 FAX: 34-93-7778741 TEL: 82-31-432-98000 FAX: 82-31-432-8198

Bando Kockaya Belt Manufacturing (Turkey), Inc. Sanwu Bando Inc.

Ihasan Dede Cad. 1000 Sokak, Gebze Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, 11FL-2, No.51, Sec.1, Min Sheng E. Road, Taipei, TAIWAN
41480 Gebze, Kocaeli, TURKEY
TEL: 90-262-751-1691 FAX: 90-262-751-1698 TEL: 886-2-2567-8255 FAX: 886-2-2567-2710

ASIA Bando (Signapore) Pte. Ltd. Bando Siix Limited

3C Toh Guan Road East #50-01 SINGAPORE 608832 Room 2210, Shun Tak Centre, West Tower, 200 Connaught
Road Central, HONG KONG
TE: 65-6475-2233 FAX: 65-6479-6261 TEL: 852-2494-4815 FAX: 852-2481-0444

Philippine Belt Manufacturing Corporation Bando Belt (TianJin) Co., Ltd.

2nd Floor, Siemkang Building, 280-282 Dasmarinas Street, No. 37 of HaiTong Avenue, TEDA, Tianjin, 300457, CHINA
Binondo, Manila 1099, PHILIPPINES
TEL: 63-2-241-0794 FAX: 63-2-241-3279 TEL: 86-22-6623-7077 FAX: 86-22-6623-7036

Kee Fatt Industries, Sdn. Bhd. Bando Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
NO.2 Jalan Sengkang, Batu 22, Kulai 81000 Kulai, Johor, Rm.B, First Floor, Block 56, No.199, Riying North Road, Wai
MALAYSIA Gao Qiao Free Trade Zone, Pudong District, Shanghai, China.
TEL: 60-7-663-9661 FAX: 60-7-663-9664 TEL: 86-21-5046-0161 FAX: 86-21-5046-0649

Pengeluaran Getah Bando (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Bando Manufacturing (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
No.2 Jalan SengKang, Batu 22, Kulai 81000 Kulai, Johor, Building ZF8, ZhenAn Industrial Park, ZhenAn Road, ChangAn
MALAYSIA Town, DongGuan City, GuangDong Province, China
TEL:60-7-663-5021 FAX: 60-7-663-5023 TEL: 86-769-8564-5075 FAX: 86-769-8564-5081

P.T. Bando Indonesia Bando (India) Private Limited

JI. Gajah Tunggal, Kel. Pasir Jaya, Kec. Jati Uwung, Tangerang Plot No.255, Sector-7, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon-122050 Haryana
TEL: 62-21-5903920 FAX: 62-21-5901274 TEL: 91-124-436-8951 FAX: 91-124-436-8954


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