Indian Private Agro-Investments in Zambia: A Case Study

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Indian Private

in Zambia
a case study

Author: Prof. Aparajita Biswas, Policy Research Institute of the African
Studies Association and Prof. Ajay Dubey, Policy Research Institute of the
African Studies Association

Acknowledgment: Dr. Sachin Chaturvedi, Research and Information System

for Developing Countries, for his valuable feedback on the draft of this report.

April, 2014

Supported by
Oxfam India

Oxfam India April, 2014

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Section 1 Introduction to the Study 2

Section 2 Overview 4
2.1 India-Africa Relations 4
2.2 Indian FDI Policies 4

Section 3 India in Africas agricultural sector 10

3.1 Development Cooperation and Agriculture 10
3.2 Indian Investments in Agriculture in Africa 12

Section 4 India Zambia Engagement 16

4.1 Zambian Agricultural Policies 61
4.2 Indian Agricultural Investments in Zambia 18
4.3 Field visit in Zambia 19

Section 5 Outline of India Team Research Findings 21

5.1 Methodology 21
5.2 Zambia Development Agency 21
5.3 Zambia Land Alliance 24
5.4 Observations and Findings from the field visit in Zambia 24

Section 6 Interviews in Delhi 25

6.1 Promoting India-Africa Economic Cooperation 25
6.2 Beyond Food Security 26
6.3 Indian Investment in Zambian Agriculture 26
6.4 The Other Side of the Engagement 27
6.5 India, a crucial player 27

References 29

Annexe 1: What research was done and how 32

Annexe 2: Log of those who responded 33

Annexe 3: List of experts contacted in Delhi 34

Annexe 4: Agencies unreachable 36

Section 1: Introduction to the business organisations to examine proposals
it has received from several countries to farm
Study on leased land in their countries. Countries
Indian scholars are researching various facets of that have invited India, through the ministry,
Indian engagement in Africa at present. Most of include Egypt, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Senegal,
these studies tend to examine issues at a pan- Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago and Tunisia, among
Africa level, often addressing broad questions. others. This department is receiving a number
This is primarily due to two reasons: one, African of proposals from several countries offering
studies as an important geopolitical subject is opportunities for acquisition of land for farming
beginning to gain traction; and two, the amount by companies, for meeting their commercial
of data available to conduct an issue or country- objectives, as well as Indian farmers or their
specific research is negligible. This could be conglomeration for taking up smallholdings
attributed to the lack of funding to carry out for agriculture, states a letter issued in late
focused studies. In such circumstances, the December 2009 by the joint secretary of the
opportunity provided by Oxfam to analyse the role Department of Agriculture and Cooperation,
of Indian private players in Zambias agriculture Ministry of Agriculture. The objective of such
sector is significant and well timed. offers is to increase agricultural production in
the respective countries to result in reduced
The purpose of this study is to not only assess dependence on foodgrain import as well as
Indias growing footprint in Zambia as an surplus foodgrain export to third world countries
increasingly significant investor, trading partner (Goswami 2010).
and donor, but also to analyse the nature and
sustainability of foreign direct investment (FDI) While analysing Indias involvement in Zambias
in Zambias agriculture sector. The study is agriculture sector, the study covered various
pertinent from the point of view of Indias larger aspects. At the outset the Indian players in
Africa policy, given that Indias approach to Africa Zambias agriculture sector and the quantum of
has changed considerably since 2000. Instead their holdings were identified. The stakeholders
of relying on historical goodwill alone to further in the sector in Zambia were listed and their role
relations, economic rationale has also been established. Additionally, the impact of FDI on
given pre-eminence. Government of Indias (GoI) the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, especially
reinvigorated policy toward Africa emphasises rural women, and communities in Zambia, was
on a sustainable and organic development looked into. The repercussions of inflow of FDI
model. This means New Delhis relations with into the agriculture sector in Zambia including
Zambian capital Lusaka will involve helping the the various rewards such as agricultural
country steer away from excessive economic development and poverty reduction and risks
dependence on the extractive sector and focus such as forced evictions and increasing conflicts
on the development and promotion of other over land and water were examined closely,
economic activities such as agriculture. and other technical aspects of FDI such as the
nature, scope, drivers and modalities, assessed.
This does not, however, ignore the fact that the The various administrative and governance
post-globalised society in India saw immense structures present in Zambia and India to
potential for its own entrepreneurs in Zambia. facilitate these investments were also analysed.
The focus on the agriculture sector in Zambia
becomes significant not only because it has This literature review is a first step towards
presented Indian corporate entities with an addressing the knowledge gaps present in this
untapped investment opportunity but also due domain. This report is divided into four sections.
to the issue of food insecurity in India. GoI has Section 2 provides an overview of India-Africa
gone on record to state that it is effectively relations and Indias FDI policy. The overview of
considering private purchases of farm land India-Africa relations provides a summary of the
overseas to ensure food security for India (The evolution of India-Africa relations from historical
Economic Times, 2012). times to contemporary times and the latter
provides a synoptic view of the Indian FDI policies
Indias Ministry of Agriculture has asked its pre- and post-liberalisation. The overview lays
domestic farmers associations and agri- the foundation for the report.

Section 3, titled India in Africas agricultural
sector, comprises a summary of GoIs initiatives
such as treaties and conventions, lines of
credit etc on the one hand, and Indian private
investments and FDI in agriculture on the other.
Section 4, IndiaZambia Engagement, has two
sub sections. The first sub section reviews the
literature available on some of the Zambian
policies, incentives, regulations, tax incentives
etc. to encourage Indian private investments,
particularly in the agriculture sector; the second
focuses on Indian investments in agriculture
in Zambia.

Most literature used in this review is from

secondary non-Indian sources since there is
a dearth of studies conducted on this topic
in India. It is also pertinent to highlight that
the analysis provided in this literature review
is limited, due to lack of specific information
available to answer the questions posed by this
research. The study relies heavily on primary data
collected during the field visit to gain a more
comprehensive understanding of
ground realities.

Section 2: Overview as a vital element in Indias quest for strategic
minerals and other natural resources needed
to feed its burgeoning economy (Mawdsely and
2.1 India-Africa relations
Gerard, 2011). Similarly, African countries have
Indias involvement with Africa goes back been interested in acquiring cost effective and
a long way to the countrys early days of intermediate technology from India in the areas
independence movement in the 1960s and of information technology, agriculture, health and
before. The current level and intent of Indias pharmacy. Third, as its economic prowess grows,
involvement is on a different plane though. In India has decided to project its military power
the early days, India looked towards African in the Indian Ocean region, which it has long
countries in the context of an emerging Afro- considered to be within its sphere of influence.
Asian solidarity among the Third World countries. Given the existence of extremist organisations
Indias presence was notable in infrastructure and criminal syndicates that traffic drugs, arms
projects, with finance and building of railroads and people, as well as pirates in the Indian Ocean
in East African countries, besides its assistance region, India has begun to dramatically expand its
in setting up small scale industries in Tanzania military presence in the Horn of Africa and Indian
and Kenya, joint ventures in textiles, etc. In the Ocean, reportedly to include the establishment
subsequent decades, India provided technical of listening posts in the Seychelles, Madagascar
expertise, doctors, educational scholarships and Mauritius; in late 2009, it successfully co-
and various other forms of aid under the opted The Republic of Maldives as part of its
Indian Technical and Economic Co-operation southern naval command. Furthermore, India
programme. imports about 70 per cent of its oil through the
Indian Ocean to its various ports (Mawdsely and
Over the first decade of the 21st century, the
Gerard, 2011).
scope of India-Africa cooperation has expanded
significantly, especially with Indias emergence
as an important player in the world economy Africa therefore is crucial and strategic for Indias
and Indias own important need for oil and priorities and needs, and these have ensured
other natural resources. This is evident given growth in relationship between India and Africa.
that in India-Africa Forum summits India offers
significant loans, grants and development 2.2 Indian FDI Policies
assistance to woo African countries. The most
FDI is a natural extension of globalisation,
important initiative that India has taken to
which often begins with exports. In the process,
advance its relationship with African countries
countries try to access markets or resources
is its Focus Africa Programme. Ministry of
and gradually reduce the cost of production
Commerce and Industry, GoI, launched the
and transaction, by expanding overseas
programme under the Export Import (EXIM) Policy
manufacturing operations in countries where
in 2002 to help Indian companies do business in
certain ownership-specific advantages can
Africa. The primary objective of the programme
help them to compete globally. Adoption of such
is to increase interaction among the two, by
strategies helps them catch up with competing
identifying potential areas of bilateral trade and
economies (H R Khan, Speech, 2012). A significant
investment. Effective April 1, 2003, the Focus
uptrend in outward FDI has also been observed
Africa programme was extended to cover the
in the case of India in recent years. Since
entire African continent (Ministry of Commerce
globalisation is a two-way process, integration
and Industry). Through this programme, GoI
of the Indian economy with the rest of the world
provides financial assistance to various trade
is evident not only in terms of higher level of FDI
promotion organisations, export promotion
inflows but also in terms of increasing level of
councils and apex chambers and Indian missions
FDI inflows and outflows. In 200507 the total
Ministry of Commerce and Industry).
FDI inflow to India was $17,766 million while the
India is increasingly courting the continent for FDI outflow from India was $11,501 million. The
a number of reasons. At the forefront of Indias same trend continued in 2011 due to an increase
foreign policy priorities is energy security. in the inflow of $36,190 million. Similarly, in 2012
Second, Africa has emerged as an important the FDI inflow was $25,543 with the outflow at
market for Indian goods and services, as well $8,583 (UNCTAD, 2013). The overseas investment

of domestic corporate sector through FDI has and simplification of the procedures for
provided them better access to global networks outbound investments from India. Three distinct
and markets, transfer of technology and skills overlapping phases can be discerned in the
and also enables them to share research and evolution of the Indian outward FDI policies (H R
development efforts and outcomes. It can also Khan, 2012):
be seen as a corporate strategy to promote the
brand image and utilisation of raw materials Phase 1 (1992-1995): Period of liberalisation of
available in the host country. In the Indian Indian economy
context, overseas investments have been Phase 2 (1995-2000): Creation of Fast Track
primarily driven by either resource seeking or Route leading up to the creation of the Foreign
market seeking or technology seeking motives. Of Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
late, there has been a surge in resource seeking
Phase 3 (2000-present): Liberalised framework
overseas investments by Indian companies,
under FEMA
especially to acquire energy resources in
Australia, Indonesia and more importantly Africa Outward FDI from India has mainly been by way
(Reserve Bank of India, 2012). of equities and loans. According to UNCTADs
World Investment Report 2011, based on the
However, this is not to suggest that overseas
magnitude of FDI outflows, India was placed 21st
investment by Indian companies is a
in the world. In terms of value of net purchases
phenomenon of 1990s. Indian firms began
i.e. cross border acquisition deals by Indian
to invest overseas in the 1960s, but Indias
companies in 2010, India was placed fifth in
restrictive policies for overseas investment
the world after USA, Canada, Japan and China.
limited them to small, minority joint ventures in
Importantly, the scale of overseas investment by
developing economies. The first major overseas
domestic companies has also expanded as India
Indian venture was a textile mill set up in
was placed second in 2010 only after China in
Ethiopia in 1959 by the Birla Group of companies
terms of average size of net purchase deals
(Authkorala, 2009). Overseas investment
$190 million in India as compared to $ 197 million
operations were primarily concentrated in West
in China (UNCTAD, 2011).
and East Africa, Middle East and South and East
Asia with which India shared a colonial heritage
India also figures among the top five emerging
and historical linkages.
and developing economies whose state
Change in policy environment across economies owned enterprises are increasingly becoming
has greatly influenced the outward investment transnational corporations. It is not surprising
pattern in the global economy. Nonetheless, that in recent years, Indias public sector units
recognising the concerns of capital outflows, (PSUs), viz. National Thermal Power Corporation
governments in different countries, particularly (NTPC), Gas authority (of) India Limited (GAIL), Oil
emerging and developing economies, have been and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and
relatively more circumspect on undertaking National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO),
policy liberalisation of outward investment. have undertaken significant overseas green-field
Therefore, it is important to highlight how the investments (H R Khan, 2012).
Indian policy in this regard has evolved over time.
Even though policy changes with respect to
In the Indian context, entrepreneurs recognise overseas investments have facilitated the
overseas investments in joint ventures and growing cross-border acquisitions by the Indian
wholly owned subsidiaries as important channels corporate sector, other structural reforms
to promote global business. The broad approach undertaken since 1992, such as industrial
has been to facilitate outward FDI through deregulation, trade liberalisation and relaxation
joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries of regulations governing inward FDI led to major
and provision of financial support to promote restructuring in the Indian industry. A trend
exports, including project exports from India. analysis shows that the level of outward FDI from
With a steady rise in capital inflows, particularly India has increased manifold since 1999-2000.
in the second half of 2000s, the overall foreign The level of net outward FDI flows recorded a
exchange reserve position provided comfort to sharp upswing at $74.3 billion during the second
progressive relaxation of the capital controls half of 2000s (2005-06 to 2009-10) compared to

Table 1: Yearwise position of actual outflows in respect of outward FDI and guarantees

Period Equity Loan Guarantee Total Guarantee

Invoked Issued
2000-2001 602.12 70.58 4.97 677.67 112.55
2001-2002 878.83 120.82 0.42 1000.07 155.86
2002-2003 1746.28 102.10 0.00 1848.38 139.63
2003-2004 1250.01 316.57 0.00 1566.58 440.53
2004-2005 1481.97 513.19 0.00 1995.16 315.96
2005-2006 6657.82 1195.33 3.34 7856.49 546.78
2006-2007 12062.92 1246.98 0.00 13309.90 2260.96
2007-2008 15431.51 3074.97 0.00 18506.48 6553.47
2008-2009 12477.14 6101.56 0.00 18578.70 3322.45
2009-2010 9392.98 4296.91 24.18 13714.07 7603.04
2010-2011 9234.58 7556.30 52.49 16843.37 27059.02
2011-12* 4031.45 4830.01 0.00 8861.46 14993.80
Total 75247.61 29425.32 85.40 104758.30 63504.05
* April 2011 to February 22, 2012

Table 2: Sector wise Indian investments abroad between 2000 and 2010: (Figures in US $ Millions)

Year Manufacturing Financial Non- Trading Others Total

Services financial
2000-01 169 6 470 52 12 709
(23.84) (00.85) (66.29) (07.33) (01.69) (100)
2001-02 528 4 350 79 20 981
(53.82) (00.41) (35.68) (08.05) (02.04) (100)
2002-03 1271 3 404 82 38 1798
(70.69) (00.17) (22.47) (04.56) (02.11) (100)
2003-04 893 1 456 113 31 1494
(59.77) (00.07) (30.52) (07.56) (02.07) (100)
2004-05 1170 7 304 192 100 1776
(65.88) (00.39) (17.12) (10.81) (05.63) (100)
2005-06 3407 160 895 377 207 5050
(67.46) (03.17) (17.72) (07.46) (04.10) (100)
2006-07 3545 28 7486 1739 656 13459
(26.34) (00.21) (55.62) (12.92) (04.87) (1000
2007-08 6240 26 1635 8993 1010 17910
(34.84) (00.14) (09.13) (50.21) (05.64) (100)
2008-09 6817.0 174.9 1068.0 640.1 7247.8 15947.8
(42.74) (01.97) (06.70) (04.01) (45.44) (100)
2009-10 4443 - 2895 1174 1794 10306
(43.11) (28.09) (11.39) (17.41) (100)
Source: RBI Annual Reports at

$8.2 billion in the first half of 2000s (2000-01 to a fully-owned subsidiary of ONGC, has overseas
2004-05). Even though Indias outward FDI was assets in 33 projects in 14 countries of Middle
moderately affected during 2009-10, a sharp East, Africa, Commonwealth of Independent
rebound was seen in 2010-11. States and Far East and Latin America at present.
Oil India Limited has exploration blocks in eight
In recent years, outward FDI continued to be countries Libya, Gabon, Iran, Nigeria and
mainly financed through equity and loans. Sudan. Similarly, Coal India Limited has formed
Although guarantees issued have been rising, a subsidiary Coal Videsh Ltd. to acquire coal
their invocation has been negligible during abroad and also set up a joint venture called
2009-10 and 2010-11. It has been observed that International Coal Ventures Ltd with other
the number of outward FDI proposals under the companies to acquire metallurgical and thermal
Automatic Route during 2000s was on the rise, coal assets outside India. Overseas investment
indicating the growing appetite of the Indian by Indian companies in extractive industries
companies to establish their footprint abroad assumes importance as it is required to support
under a liberal regulatory regime. rapid economic growth, industrialisation
and urbanisation in the domestic sector and
The sectoral distribution of Indias outward FDI guarantee long-term and stable supply of natural
reveals that during the period 2000-01 to 2009- resources to the country against a background of
10, the manufacturing sector accounted for most rising commodity prices (H R Khan, 2012).
of Indias outward FDI, barring 2000-01 and 2006-
07. The share of manufacturing sector increased Substantive research has gone into tracking the
from 23.84 per cent to 43.11 per cent during the evolution of Indian corporate in the globalised
period 2000-01 to 2009-10. The share of non- world order, their increasing influence and the
financial services, which was as high as 66.29 role of outward FDI in enhancing India-Africa
per cent in 2000-01, registered a steep decline in relations. Singh, Lakhwinder and Jain Varinders,
subsequent years, but improved considerably in Emerging Pattern of Indias Outward Foreign
2009-10 (28.09 per cent). The share of financial Direct Investment under Influence of State
services was negligible throughout the period. Policy: a Macro-view, states that the emerging
growth dynamism of Indian economy in a
Sectoral pattern also suggests that greater rapidly globalising world is well recognised and
outward investment by the Indian corporate critiqued by several researchers. In fact, India
sector seems to have been motivated by long- has long made a concerted effort to develop
term strategic considerations rather than short- strategic and competitive capabilities in the
term profitability. For instance, ONGC Videsh Ltd., agents of production. These capabilities have

Table 3: Sector wise overseas investments by Indian companies 2008-2012

(in billion US $)
Period 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12* Total
Manufacturing 10.18 5.35 5.04 2.74 23.31
Financial Insurance, Real Estate Business & 3.55 4.41 6.53 2.53 17.03
Business Services
Wholesale & Retail Trade, Restaurants & Hotels 1.17 1.13 1.89 1.00 5.19
Agriculture & Allied Activities 2.38 0.95 1.21 0.41 4.94
Transport, Communication & Storage Services 0.31 0.38 0.82 1.34 2.85
Construction 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.37 1.46
Community, Social & Personal Services 0.39 0.18 0.70 0.18 1.45
Electricity, Gas & Water 0.14 0.84 0.10 0.04 1.19
Miscellaneous 0.12 0.11 0.18 0.10 0.51
Total 18.58 13.71 16.84 8.73 57.86

* April 2011 to February 22, 2012

started paying of late. Such trends became and 21st globally in 2008. Outward FDI from India
more lucid with the strengthening of Indian increased to over $79 billion in 2010 from a mere
capital, especially abroad, as the Indian capital $0.2 billion in 1990. The growth of outward FDI
has initiated collaborations and mergers with is spectacular (more than 2,000 times, as per
global players. The study provides insights into UNCTAD OFDI data) over the past decade and
such achievements of the Indian economy. ranked third after United Arab Emirates and Egypt
Besides providing a review of theory and practice during 2000 and 2008 (Chowdhury, 2011).
of emerging multinationals from developing
countries, the paper examines Indias outward FDI Investments have increased phenomenally in
in an evolutionary perspective. In its endeavour, select sectors, viz., chemicals and oil and gas
the study, besides tracing the emerging pattern industries contributing around half of the total
of Indias outward FDI, hints at the facilitating flows during 2000-07. Indian state owned oil
role of state policy to encourage the outflow of companies are wielding an increased presence in
FDI (Singh Lakhwinder, Jain Varinder, 2010). natural resource based industries and becoming
an established trend in African countries. In fact,
Pattanaik, R. K. and Bhargavi, J. in Outward the authors of another study perceive African
Foreign Direct Investment: An Indian Perspective, region as an increasingly contested economic
explain that Indias outward FDI is one of the battleground due to its resource richness and
key outcomes of globalisation and has been improved growth prospects (Sauvant K, Pradhan
contributing significantly to the economic J, 2010). Jorgrn Dige Pedersens article, The
growth and development in recent years. Second Wave of Indian Investments Abroad,
Although the vast flow of outward FDI from assesses the recent international expansion of
developing countries at an international level Indian companies by contrasting it to the earlier
is relatively a new phenomenon, a few large much more modest wave of investments
Indian conglomerates, namely the Tata and the abroad. It also traces the evolution of the
Birla, have been investing overseas from the Indian governments policy towards outward
early 1960s. However, the full scale emergence investments and claims that an important reason
of outward FDI from India was limited until the for the rise of investments abroad is the gradual
mid 1990s as India followed a more restrictive relaxation of the Indian governments restrictions
foreign trade and investment policy regime since on capital outflow after the economic reforms of
independence in 1947. Nevertheless, outward FDI the 1990s. The new Indian investments abroad
from India gained momentum after the gradual are characterised by being dispersed over a very
liberalisation of trade and investment regime large number of countries and economic sectors
from the early 1990s. The surge in Indian outward andmost remarkableIndian companies are
FDI since the 1990s, and its various new features, now also targeting markets in Africa along with
appears to be a result of the interactions among Europe and USA through acquisitions of local
changes in national policy, corporate behaviour companies. At the same time, Indian companies
and international developments in trade and have continued to expand their presence in
investment. The removal of the restrictive other developing countries, where their activities
measures on the growth of firms (like FERA), may contribute to both economic progress and
removal of the licensing regime, dismantling of reduction of economic dependence on relations
product reservation systems for public-owned with developed countries (Pedersen J, 2008).
and small- and medium-sized enterprises,
facilitative measures for foreign firms, and a Jaya Prakash Pradhan in his article, Trends
massive reduction in import duties led to intense and Patterns of Overseas Acquisition by Indian
competition in Indian markets (Pattanaik, R. K. Multinational, wrote overseas acquisitions by
and Bhargavi, 2011). Indian firms can also be seen as their response
to a globalised competition since 1990s. With
Consequently, the past decade has experienced liberalisation and changes in trade, industry,
a marked increase in outward FDI, mergers foreign investment and technology policy
and acquisitions in terms of both quality and regime, previously protected Indian companies
magnitude. According to Pattanaik and Bhargavi, got exposed to global competition at once.
India became the seventh largest outward foreign Indian firms increasingly realised their existing
direct investor among emerging Asian nations technological and other capabilities accumulated

with predominant dependence on protected
home markets and the import substitution policy
regime of the past were clearly inadequate to
cope with this new competition unleashed by
a more liberalised business environment. They
were forced to improve their competitive strength
immediately and enlarge their position in the
world markets. Indian companies realised that
adopting long-term competencies with large
investment in R&D, advertising, etc was
relatively more risky and costly than pursuing the
route of overseas acquisitions (Pradhan, Jaya
Prakash, 2007).

Ravi Ramamurti and Jitendra V. Singhs edited

book, Emerging Multinationals in Emerging
Markets, makes an outstanding contribution
to understanding the new configuration
of world markets and its new competitive
structure. As the different country studies show,
multinationals from emerging economies share a
number of common structural features, as well as
the imprinting of specific local experiences. For
managers and business practitioners, the book
offers valuable tips on how to shape the new
international order (Ramamurti, R, Singh, J, 2010).

Kinfu Adisu, Thomas Sharkey, Sam Okoroafo in

their paper, Analyzing Indian Policies and Firm
Strategies in Africa, investigate Indias policy
and Indian firms strategic presence in Africa.
Recognising the historical link between the two
entities, they say foreign investment outlays to
Africa are sustainable. Further examination using
FDI and Porters Competitive Advantage theories1
suggest some advantages enjoyed by Indian
firms there. Three Indian companies, Tata Group,
Bharti Enterprises and Reliance, have made
extensive use of strategic alliances to penetrate
and quickly accelerate activities (Kinfu, A.,
Sharkey, T. and Okoroafo, S, 2013).

Michael Porter's famous Five Forces of Competitive
Position model provides a simple perspective for assessing
and analysing the competitive strength and position of a
corporation or business organization. The five forces are
Existing competitive rivalry between suppliers, Threat of
new market entrants, Bargaining power of buyers, Power
of suppliers and Threat of substitute products (including
technology change). Porter's Five Forces model provides
suggested points under each main heading, by which you can
develop a broad and sophisticated analysis of competitive
position, as might be used when creating strategy, plans,
or making investment decisions about a business or

Section 3: India in Africas Union-Africa India Framework for
Cooperation, 2008).
Agriculture Sector
India-Africa cooperation in agriculture is on
3.1 Development Cooperation and multiple levels. At one level, it is an effort to
Agriculture boost diplomatic ties and facilitate South-South
cooperation based on mutual benefits. India
Cooperation in the field of agriculture between
has offered aid, set up agricultural institutions,
India and Africa, which dates back four decades,
and provided scholarships to African students
is one of the pillars that support the India-
in various agricultural universities in India. As a
Africa relationship. This cooperation has been
result of decisions taken during the first India
strengthened and furthered with the impetus
Africa Forum Summit 2008, it was decided that
given by the two consecutive India-Africa
300 special agriculture scholarships would be
Forum Summits held in New Delhi in 2008 and
offered to African scholars (Indian Embassy,
Addis Ababa in 2011. Both summits prioritised
Addis Ababa). As part of the Indo-African
cooperation in the agriculture sector which,
programme, 49 students of African origin are
according to Indian and African leaders, has
at present studying in different agriculture
great potential in the backdrop of the strong
universities in India (Stein Sunstol Eriksen,
complementarities between India and Africa.
Aparajita Biswas and Ajay Dubey).
Leaders of both Indian and African countries were
enthusiastic about developing the agriculture At another level there is a new collaboration
sector in Africa to ensure food security (Ministry focused on agriculture between India and USA
of External Affairs). in Liberia, Malawi and Kenya to enhance food
security. The three-year India-US-Africa triangular
Indias cooperation in Africas agriculture sector
partnership programme is expected to share
is noteworthy, for the purpose of building Africas
proven innovations from Indias private and public
long-term trade and production capacity. At the
sectors to address food insecurity, malnutrition
India-Africa Forum Summit 2008, India committed
and poverty in the target countries. India has
to ensure greater cooperation in these sectors.
emerged as a hub for low-cost, effective local
Moreover, Indias move towards economic and
innovations to deal with challenges arising
technical cooperation in African agriculture
from factors like climate change, shrinking
over the past decade must be seen against the
natural resources, decline in cultivable land
backdrop of declining support from traditional
and rising demand for food. The US Agency for
donors such as Canada, Germany, Japan,
International Developments (USAID) food security
Netherlands and the United States to this sector
office director Bahiru Duguma launched the
(DFID, 2004).
programme, which is being supported by the US
In fact, there has been a substantial drop in governments global hunger and food security
the share of agriculture expenditure in the total initiative Feed the Future. This partnership aims
government spending in most African countries. to improve agricultural productivity and support
In the Africa India Framework for Cooperation, market institutions in Kenya, Liberia and Malawi.
which was adopted during the India-Africa The programme plans to train 180 agriculture
Forum Summit 2008, Africa and India agreed that professionals from the three African countries by
development of agriculture was an effective providing marketing and extension management
approach to ensure food security, eradicating training at the Chaudhury Charan Singh National
poverty and improving peoples livelihood, and Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) in
agreed to strengthen cooperation in this sector Jaipur and National Institute of Agricultural
to improve food security in Africa and increase Extension Management (MANAGE) in Hyderabad.
its exports to world markets. It was also The initiative is led by USAID and NIAM. The first
decided that cooperation would be extended triangular partnership in agricultural training was
to land development, water management, inaugurated at MANAGE in January 2013 for 30
agricultural plantation, breeding technologies, trainees from Africa (Business Standard, 2013).
food security, agro-processing machinery, Japan and other countries are also seeking
combating agro-base diseases, experimental similar partnerships with India to work in the
and demonstrative projects and training (African agriculture sector.

India also made a commitment to raise Lines of get firsthand knowledge of how African countries
Credit (LoC) facilities to the African agriculture explore ways of improving their agricultural
sector. According to the EXIM bank report, the practices (MEA).
largest single LoC approved by the bank so
far is the one to Ethiopia ($ 640 million) for its Moreover, Platform for India-Africa Partnership
Tindaho Sugar Project, which is expected to in Agriculture (PIAPA) has been set up by The
facilitate Indian investments. This LoC is not International Crops Research Institute for the
only for Tendaho project but also for revival Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), the International
of Wonji/Shoa, Fincha sugar unit. The EXIM Agriculture Consulting Group (IACG) and Indian
bank also extended an LoC of $27 million to Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to bring
Senegal for export of equipment for irrigation various stakeholders on board as consortium
projects in 2006. Moreover, at the Second partners to create better policies, more effective
India-Africa Summit, Prime Minister Manmohan institutions, improved infrastructure and better
Singh announced a grant of 75 billion CFA ($160 access to markets and higher quality inputs,
million) to Senegal for the second phase of the particularly for dry land farmers in India
programme of mechanisation of agriculture and Africa.
(Second Africa-India Forum Summit, 2011). Then, ICRISAT has set up ICRISAT South-South
According to the EXIM bank report, there are 140 Initiative (IS-SI) to provide a systematic and
LoC currently being made available to foreign effective cooperation between India and Africa in
governments or financial entities with nearly 100 the agriculture sector. It has already established
in Africa, mostly in the agriculture sector. In 2013, strong and successful India-Africa partnerships
the EXIM bank opened a $217 million credit line to to scale up its role as a driver of prosperity and
finance infrastructure projects in Mozambique (All economic opportunities in the dry-land tropics
Africa, 2013). (ICRISAT, 2013). According to the report published
At the Second Africa-India Forum Summit 2011, by ICAR in December 2011, an MoU for cooperation
Africa and India reaffirmed their commitment in the field of agricultural research and
to cooperate to increase agricultural output education was signed between the Department
and achieve the Millennium Development Goal of Agricultural and Research (DAER) and ICAR
of reducing by half the proportion of people and the Director General of Ethiopian Institute
suffering from hunger and malnutrition by 2015. of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ethiopia. The
Leaders at the summit also focused on the priority areas of cooperation include agricultural
need to develop scientific research for raising research in horticulture, crop science, fisheries,
agricultural productivity on the one hand, and animal science, agricultural engineering and
conservation of land and environment on the natural resource management, agricultural
other. The aim is to ensure food security for their extension and agricultural education. Both
people and to bring down the currently rising countries agreed to extend cooperation through
cost of food prices so as to make food for the exchange of scientists, scholars, technologies,
implementation of the Comprehensive Africa literature, information and germplasm, as well as
Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) pursue collaborative research projects. Precise
(Second Africa-India Forum Summit, 2011). areas of collaboration were also discussed and
a draft biennial work plan was developed and
One of the main features of India-Africa shared (ICAR, 2011).
cooperation in agriculture is India has actively
pursued capacity building and sharing its To further develop human resources, the Prime
experiences to help develop the African Minister of India proposed to establish new
agriculture sector. Particular attention has institutions in the areas of agriculture and rural
been given to research and knowledge sharing development. He stressed on the need to form
methods on various agricultural practices. an India-Africa integrated textile cluster, to
According to the document titled, India & Africa support the cotton industry, an Africa-India food
Partners in Development: Capacity Building processing cluster to contribute to value addition
Programmes & Lines of Credit, in 2011, India sent and creation of regional and export markets, and
teams of farm experts from the Indian Council of an India-Africa centre for medium range weather
Agricultural Research (ICAR) to Zambia, Ethiopia forecasting to harness satellite technology for
and South Africa and several African countries to agriculture and fisheries.

The document titled Key Assertions Ghana, Nigeria and Mozambique alone covered 23
and Documentations, by EXIM bank and per cent of the global land investment projects
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), pointed during 2002-2009 (World Bank 2010).
out that five key areas received special
attention during the course of deliberations at According to Food and Agriculture Organization
the conclave: bilateral trade expansion, Indian (FAO) of the United Nations, the main form
investments in Africa, capacity building, food of recent investments is acquisition mostly
security and energy security. The document through long term leasing of up to 99 years of
states that delegates from both the regions agricultural land. The land investments can be
deliberated on the need for greater cooperation large scale with many involving more than 10,000
in agriculture and agro-processing, which hectares and some more than 500,000 hectares.
would have a great bearing on the food security A particular pattern of bilateral investment flows
situation in Africa and India. Africas farm sector also emerged following established cultural,
is expected to grow to the tune of $1 trillion by political and business ties and geographical
2030, although this growth will depend largely restrictions on investment funds. For example,
on adequate technology infusion (EXIM bank and Gulf countries prefer investments in Sudan
CII). The delegates also spoke about how Africa and other, mainly African, OIC member states,
could learn from Indias Green Revolution, White while Asian countries prefer Zambia, Angola and
Revolution and expansion of its agri-processing Mozambique. However, the pattern is becoming
industries. Tractorisation of African farm sectors more diffused (Hallam, 2009).
was cited as an important area to be addressed. A recent database on land deals reports that
While some parts of northern and southern almost 5 per cent of Africas agricultural land
Africa have increasingly inducted tractors for has been bought or leased by investors since
agriculture, farmers in most parts of Africa still 2000. Researchers estimate that more than 200m
depend on hand-held implements for farming. hectares of landroughly eight times the size
of the UKwere sold or leased between 2000
The experts suggested that Indian companies
and 2010. New international land deals database
could help Africas agriculture sector in
reveals rush to buy Africa (The Guardian, 2012).
the following ways: farm mechanisation,
agro-processing and storage, investments The disquieting factor is there is as yet no
in training and development of human detailed data on the extent, nature and impact
resources for the farm sector, and employment of these investments. Available FDI data lack
generation, greenfield investments, local sufficient details and are too aggregated
vendor development and agriculture exports to to determine just how much investment in
neighbouring countries, setting up agro parks agriculture there has been and what form it
in Africa, setting up horticulture industries and takes. It is therefore difficult to say with any
floriculture units and contract farming (CII-EXIM precision whether the recent investments are
Bank Conclave on India-Africa, 2013). a totally new development or a continuation of
existing trends (FAO, David Hallam, 2009).
3.2. Indias Investment in Agriculture in A study conducted by the FAO titled, Resource-
Africa seeking Foreign Direct Investment in African
The past few years have seen rapid increase Agriculture, reviews the main findings of
in the demand for land suitable for agriculture eight case studies in select African countries:
by foreign investors in Africa. Although foreign Uganda, Mali, Madagascar, Sudan, Morocco,
investments in agriculture and land are not a Ghana, Senegal and Egypt. It shows a mixed
new phenomenon, the issue of growing edible picture, as the impacts vary significantly across
food crops primarily for the purpose of shipping countries and locations within a given country.
back home to domestic markets as part of a They depend on many factors, including the
food security strategy have provoked debate contents of the investment contract, the
in various international forums. A World Bank type of business model implemented and
report points out that majority of the foreign the institutional framework in place in the
investments in agricultural land have taken host country. The main benefits that can be
place in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sudan, Ethiopia, expected for the host country are economic

benefits such as employment creation, higher countries for producing pulses and edible oils.
productivity, improved access to finance and We should seriously consider these options, the
markets for smallholders, technology transfer committee recommended, for at least 2 million
and enforcement of production standards. tons of pulses and 5 million tons of edible oil for
However, some studies found that FDI had 15-20 years (The Times of India, Biraj Patnaik,
not generated the expected benefits and The new shifting agriculture: Shopping for fields
two studies even observed that investment overseas, July 9, 2010).
projects removed income opportunities for
local farmers. The studies also found that the The Indian government facilitates the process of
legal framework and procedures governing outsourcing food production overseas by Indian
land acquisition, land registration, land-use firms in a number of ways. The government
and the rights of smallholders are generally has led many trade missions of its farmers to
unclear and not transparent. The granting of various countries and regions, and supported
land without undertaking the relevant studies efforts to facilitate the entry of Indian foreign
and public consultations to ensure the social, agricultural investors at major regional trade
environmental and economic feasibility of and business summits. The Indian government
an investment project was seen as a critical has supported a host of various initiatives to
problem likely to have adverse effects on local facilitate Indian agricultural companies in their
communities. To maximise the positive impacts overseas investments in Africa and elsewhere,
of international investment while minimising including thorough support for conventional
the risks, governments should verify that the new greenfield FDI; merger and acquisition
existing policies, regulations and institutions (M&A); purchases of existing firms; public-
are adequate and that preliminary studies private partnerships (PPPs); specific tariff
and consultations are conducted with all reductions on agricultural goods imported to
stakeholders (Christin Gerlach and India; negotiation of regional bilateral trade and
Pascal Liu, 2010). investment treaties (BITs); and double taxation
(avoidance) agreements (DTAs).
Indian companies have leased or acquired
significant portions of land in Africa, South Another major way in which the Indian
America and South East Asia to grow foodgrain, government has financially facilitated the
pulses and edible oils. A major underlying process is by giving concessional Lines of Credit
concern of the recent upturn in Indian (LoC) to various developing country governments,
investments in agricultural land abroad is banks and financial institutions, as well as
its concern for food security. Its foodgrain regional financial institutions, through the Indian
production is unable to match its growing EXIM bank. Often such LoC are for the purpose of
population. The import of edible oils is the national development projects, and where these
second largest drain on Indias foreign exchange projects involve agricultural development, Indian
after crude oil. The situation is even more critical foreign investors stand ready to win concessions
in the case of pulses (lentils), which provide most and contracts for agricultural development in the
Indians the protein component in their food. form of their FDI.

The situation has become so critical that Indias The EXIM bank also gives soft loans and LoC
prime minister constituted three high-powered directly to Indian companies, although it is
committees of chief ministers and central difficult for the public to obtain details on this
ministers to recommend ways of containing activity for specific companies. For example,
inflation and boosting agricultural production. India has allotted $75 million LoC to Zambia for its
The working group on agricultural production development project; and a grant of $5 million for
was chaired by Haryana chief minister B S Hooda, projects on health, education and social sectors
with chief ministers of West Bengal, Punjab and a loan agreement between EXIM bank and
and Bihar as members. The Hooda Committee the Zambian Ministry of Finance and National
suggested that, like many other countries that Planning was signed to extend to Zambias $50
have shopped for land abroad for growing crops million LoC for Itezhi Tezhi hydropower project in
to meet consumption needs, Indian companies which TATA and Zesco are joint venture partners
could also be encouraged to buy land in other (High Commission of India, Lusaka).

Then, Tata group has been given a land lease enterprises in sectors ranging from spices and
in Uganda to run a pilot agricultural project, tea to chemicals are looking at entering the
while the Jaipurias of RJ Corp have a lease of a commercial agriculture space in Africa.
50-acre model dairy farm. Construction major
Shapoorji Pallonji & Co has acquired the lease Indian companies entering into contracts to
for 50,000 hectares of land in Ethiopia and may work in Africa stand to benefit because they are
look at agricultural projects in future. And its not being given all support, but they do little in return
just large Indian companies, small and medium to ensure African farmers benefit or safeguard

Table 4: A Sample of Indian Companies Investing in Agricultural Land in Africa

Sl Company Country Details

1 Karuturi Ago Ethiopia Acquired 100,000 ha in the Jikao and Itang districts of the
Products Plc. Gambela region for growing palm, cereal and pulses, with
conditional option to acquire another 200,000 ha. Karuturi
Ago Products is a subsidiary ofKaruturi Global Ltd.
2 Ruchi Soya Ethiopia Acquired a 25-year lease for soyabean and processing unit
on 152,649 ha in Gambela and Benishangul Gumaz states
3 Verdanta Ethiopia Acquired a 50-year lease for 5,000 ha in the Gambela region
Harvests Plc. for a tea and spice plantation
4 Chadha Agro Plc Ethiopia Acquired up to 100,000 ha in Guji Zone in Oromia regional
state for a sugar development project
5 Varun Madagascar Subsidiary Varun Agriculture Sarl leased or purchased
International 232,000 ha to grow rice, corn and pulses
6 Uttam Sucrotech Ethiopia Won a $100-million contract to expand the Wonji-Shoa sugar
7 McLeod Russel Uganda Purchased tea plantations worth $25 million, including
India Ugandas Rwenzori Tea Investments; McLeod Russel India is
owned by BM Khaitan
8 ACIL Cotton Brazil, Congo Plans to invest nearly $15 million (Rs 68 crore) for land leases
Industries and to start contract farming pulses and coffee in Brazil, Congo
Ethiopia and Ethiopia
9 Adani Group Africa, Brazil, Plans to (as of October 2010) set up farms to cultivate edible
Argentina, oil and pulses
Indonesia and
10 Sannati Agro Ethiopia Acquired a 25-year lease on 10,000 ha in Dimi District,
Farm Enterprise Gambela region, for cultivation of rice, pulses and cereals
Pvt. Ltd.
11 Jay Shree Tea & Rwanda, Acquired two tea plantations in Rwanda and one in Uganda;
Industries Uganda Jay Shree Tea & Industries is controlled by BK Birla
12 ACIL Cotton Brazil, Congo Announced plans in January 2011 to invest nearly $15 million
Industries and (Rs 68 crore) to start contract farming of crops like pulses
Ethiopia. and coffee in Brazil, Congo and Ethiopia.
13 BHO Bio Ethiopia Acquired 27,000 ha to grow cereal, pulses and edible oil
Products Plc. crops
14 MMTC Ltd Kenya and Plans to (as of October 2010) grow pulses
(state-owned) Tanzania

Source: Rowden, R. Grain and Economics Research Foundation

the environment. There are virtually no limits on The team contacted Mr. R. Sreedhar at Mines,
groundwater use or environmental pollution, or Minerals and People too. He is a legal petitioner
obligations related to labour, wages or working against Vedanta resources. He told the author
conditions, transfers of technology or purchases that investors sought tie ups with the local
of local goods or services (Rowden 2011). governor and tribal chiefs offering them
incentives who in turn do not seek consensus
Indian perspective on such investments from local people. Investors are seeking soft
targets like Ethiopia and Mozambique, he
During the course of this study the team
said. He further stated that under the name
contacted several Indian company heads for their
of empowerment there is a resource curse.
inputs on this issue. The team contacted Ms.
He foresees a bleak future as companies are
Indrayani Mulay from the Confederation of Indian
destroying natural resources to raise their own
Industry (CII) and Ms. Shiela Sudhakaran from
investments and profits.
the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
and Industry (FICCI). Ms. Mulay provided details The team also held meetings with Ms. Kavery
regarding the ninth CII-EXIM Bank Conclave on Ganguly at Food and Agriculture Centre of
India Africa Project Partnership held from March Excellence, Mr. Abhilash Puljal at Avignam Group
17-19, 2013 in New Delhi, which presented a and Mr. Sriram Subramaniam at the EXIM bank.
different dimension to the India Africa relations Mr. Puljal spoke about the China factor. African
in the economic sector. The event witnessed countries like Ethiopia preferred Indian investors
the presence of various dignitaries from India to investors from China and western countries.
and various African nations, especially Zambia, The reason is Indian firms work with locals and
Burundi and Cameroon. A few sessions were they believe in capacity building, while China
dedicated to the agriculture sector. Ms. Mulay imports its population. In fact they bring their
mentioned that the organisation creates a prisoners for intensive labour work. He agreed
platform to bring various delegates and investors that there is certain kind of land grab but the
onto a common table through conferences and picture presented in media was extreme and a bit
conclaves in which CII acts as a mediator and far from the real picture.
highlights the opportunities.

Ms. Sudhakaran highlighted that Zambia holds

huge potential for Indian investment as the
country has a stable political and emerging
economic environment. She further apprised
that FICCI has been actively associated with the
energy auditing team of Vedanta Group, a major
Indian investor in Konkola Copper Mines. The
organisation is working towards contributing to
promote IndiaAfrica investment in agriculture.
In this regard, FICCI organised India-Africa
Agribusiness Forum in February this year, which
saw several African nations participating in it,
including Zambia.

In addition to this the team also contacted Mr.

Wilfred at the Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF),
Mr. Ashish Kothari at Kalpavriksh and Mr. Anil
Chowdhary at PEACE. They apprised the author
regarding the land grabbing issue in Africa. Mr.
Kothari furnished a few reports regarding land
grabbing in Africa but since most of their work
has been on Ethiopia, they regretted not being
able to provide anything in particular on Zambia.
Mr. Chowdhary provided various reports and
research findings on land grabbing in Africa.

Section 4: India Zambia operatives (MACO) is expected to focus on its
core functions (policy formulation, enforcement
Engagement of legislation and regulation) while developing
partnerships with other stakeholders in the
4.1 Zambian Agriculture policies sector to ensure extension services, agricultural
In Zambia, agriculture plays a key role in research, and monitoring and evaluation. Donors
the economy and could be a major driver of are encouraged to provide financial, technical
growth and poverty reduction. The sector and other support in the implementation of
is characterised by a dual structure, where agricultural policies and programmes and
a small number of large commercial farms, capacity building for stakeholders (Bonaglia,
concentrated along the railway line, co-exist 2008). MACO uses its staff from the national level
with scattered subsistence smallholders and a down to the field level to implement extension
few small commercial farmers who face severe programmes. At the national level, Zambia public
difficulties accessing input and output markets. extension comprises 742 staff members and is
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of rural managed by a team of 308 senior staff according
households are engaged solely in subsistence to the MEAS report (2011). Seven of the senior
agriculture. While the agriculture sector has long staff members have a PhD and 31 were trained at
been neglected by the governments urban bias the Master of Science level. Women account for
and single-minded emphasis on maize for food 13 per cent of senior management staff. There
self-sufficiency, the countrys infrastructure, are 64 subject matter specialists, 323 field-
extension services and agricultural research and level extension staff and 26 ICT staff. The report
development remain underdeveloped, especially indicated that the public sector does not employ
in remote rural areas (Bonaglia, 2008). in-service training staff.
Since the early 1990s, Zambian agricultural policy There are several Zambian government sources
has undergone a major change, shifting from that showcase Zambia as a viable investment
heavy government intervention to a liberalised opportunity. The office of the Minister of
system aimed at bolstering private sector Commerce, Trade and Industry and organisations
participation in various aspects of agricultural such as the Zambian Development Agency (ZDA)
production including input supply, processing, and Zambian International Trade and Investment
marketing and extension service provision. As Centre publish various reports and studies that
part of the government disengagement, the highlight the great investment potential of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry country. The United Nations came out with a
ventured into public-private partnerships by comprehensive study titled, Investment Guide to
creating agricultural trusts with the mandate Zambia Opportunities and Conditions, in 2011
to manage public assets on a commercial basis that provides in depth information on various
and provide research, advisory and training variables. The report suggests that three good
services (Bonaglia, 2008). However, the 1996- reasons to invest in Zambia are investment
2001 Agricultural Sector Investment Program friendly environment, market access and
(ASIP) designed by the Government of Zambia resources and opportunities29. There are different
and donors to facilitate the transition to a arguments on how Zambia can work towards
market economy in agriculture did not produce wealth creation and distribution, economic
the desired outcome. A series of droughts growth, employment creation and improve the
coupled with an unsupportive and unpredictable livelihood of Zambian people. One common thread
business environment contributed to reducing that runs through them all is the understanding
the incentives for the private sector to fill that foreign investment is a crucial component.
the void left by public intervention (Katharina With India increasing its engagement in most
Felgenhauer, 2007). parts of Africa, various official bodies in Zambia
have made available data and information that
The new National Agricultural Policy (NAP) 2004-
will aid potential investors.
2015 provides the overall vision and policy
framework for the agriculture sector and assigns A comprehensive report put together by NEPAD
a pivotal role to the private sector, which is and OECD titled, Accelerating reform in Africa:
expected to engage increasingly in service Mobilising investment in infrastructure and
provision. The Ministry of Agriculture and Co- agriculture - Highlights of the Policy Framework

for Investment in Zambia, covers a wide range of Governance System: Actors and Institutions in
topics related to Zambia. It discusses the various the Case of Zambia, also provides interesting
reforms put in place by the Zambian government insights. The report scrutinised the Zambian
in its transition from a state dominated to a land governance system and its evolution, the
private sector driven economy. The reforms process that an investor has to go through to
were designed to introduce a market-based acquire land and the actors responsible for
and private sector-driven economy, rather than shaping the process. The study highlights that
the state-dominated economic system that enforcement of formal rules is weak when it
prevailed. Various pieces of legislation were comes to the processes involved in acquiring
enacted and statutory institutions created to land. This study also conducted power analyses
implement the reforms. Among these institutions of all the stakeholders including the investors,
were the Zambia Investment Centre (ZIC), local authorities, government and contends
the Export Board of Zambia (EBZ), the Zambia that the local land users play an increasingly
Privatization Agency (ZPA), the Zambia Export negligible role. The report also stresses that
Processing Zone Authority (ZEPZA) and the Small there is a great development opportunity with
Enterprises Development Board, each with these land deals and that to categorise them as
specific mandates focused on promoting trade land grabs by affluent powerful actors would
and investment in the country. Additionally, it be oversimplification (German Institute of Global
also details the various agreements made to and Area Studies, GIGA, 2013).
protect investors, various strategies made to
Mujenja, Fison and Wonani, Charlott in their
promote investment, steps taken to ensure the
paper, Long-term outcomes of agricultural
basis for a corporate governance framework that
investments: Lessons from Zambia, discuss
promotes overall economic performance and
two agricultural investments in Zambia: Kaleya
transparent and efficient markets and so forth
Smallholders Company Ltd (KASCOL) and
(OECD, 2011).
Mpongwe Development Company Ltd (MDC) and
A report prepared by Steven Haggblade for its successors ETC Bio Energy and Zambeef. The
Food Security Research Project-Zambia titled, two projects started in the 1970s and early 1980s
Returns to Investment in Agriculture, begins as joint ventures between the government of
by emphasising the significance of investment Zambia and the Commonwealth Development
in agriculture as it is necessary to ensure rapid Corporation (CDC), and were privatised
economic growth and poverty reduction in recently. The involvement of CDC reflected the
Zambia. He explains in great detail the various development orientation of both projects at
policy measures in place since the NEPAD their inception. Given this circumstance and
initiative and the structural flaws that hold back the significant implementation time behind
development. For instance, in allocating these these two experiences, the case studies can
funds, Zambia spends majority of its discretionary provide valuable insights on the longer-term
agricultural budget on recurrent subsidies for development outcomes of best-practice
private farm inputs, primarily fertiliser, while investments in agriculture. These insights may
spending far less on rural infrastructure and be a useful contribution to todays international
technology development (Haggblade SJ, 2007). debates about agricultural investment (Mujenja
Fison, Wonani Charlott 2012).
Organisations such as the Oakland Institute
The government of Zambia has provided the
provide in depth analyses of the various facets
following general investment incentives and
of investment deals in Africa. Its country report
allowances for the agricultural sector (Zambia
on Zambia focuses on under-researched
Development Agency, 2011):
aspects such as the nature of land acquisition
by various actors and the economic, social and Corporation tax at 15 per cent on income from
environmental impact on Zambian society among farming and non-traditional exports
others (The Oakland Institute, 2013).
Farm works allowance of 100 per cent for
Correspondingly, the working paper published by expenditure on stumping, clearing, prevention
the German Institute of Global and Area Studies of soil erosion, bore holes, aerial and
(GIGA) authored by Kerstin Nolte titled, Large- geophysical surveys and water conservation
Scale Agricultural Investments under Poor Land Development allowance of 10 per cent of the
cost of capital expenditure on growing coffee, enhancement of this sector by allocating vast
banana plants, citrus fruits or similar plants tracts of land near the rail and road networks
Farm improvement allowance, which for prospective investors and electrification of
includes capital expenditure incurred on these blocks is underway. Agro-processing of
farm improvement, is allowable in the year of wheat, soyabean, cotton, tobacco, spices, sugar
incurring the expenditure and vegetables is encouraged to add value to
local produce. Special incentives are offered to
Dividends paid out of farming profits are
commercial and small-holder farmers. Zambia
exempt for the first five years the distributing
has rich forestry reserves consisting of pine and
company commences business
eucalyptus, but logging is threatening the natural
Carry forward losses for five years resources. In terms of fisheries, commercial fish
Furthermore the Zambia Development Act production is about 70,000 tonnes per year. Both
provides additional incentives for investors government and the private sector are involved
investing not less than $500,000 in the following in the fisheries industry and are working to
agricultural related priority subsectors implement programmes of sustainable fishing
floriculture, horticulture, processed foods, practice (Government of India, Focus Africa).
beverages and stimulants, production and the The government of India has categorised Zambia
processing of the following products in the as one of the important countries in the Focus
textiles sector: cotton, cotton yarn, fabric, agro Africa programme. One of the major platforms
processing, production and processing of the that has facilitated the creation of various new
following products in the leather sector: cattle policies is the India Africa Forum Summit. Detailed
hide, crust leather, leather products reports that list out the various inducements
and garments. for trade are easily available. For instance, India
The priority sector incentives provided for under Africa Forum summit increased existing credit
the ZDA are: lines to Africa from $ 2.15 billion to $ 5.4 billion
till 2012. The funds are disbursed through Indias
A corporate tax of 0 per cent for an initial EXIM bank. Additional measures include duty
period of five years from the first year profits free access to 85 per cent of Indias total tariff
are made lines; duty access to 9 per cent of Indias total
For years six to eight, corporate tax will be paid tariff lines by Africas 33 LDCs; Zambian Minister
on 50 per cent of profits and in year nine to 10 for Commerce, Trade and Industry signing the
on 75 per cent of the profits letter of intent to utilise Indias Duty Free Tariff
Dividends shall be exempt from tax for five Preference Scheme (DFTP) in May 2010. With
years from the year of first declaration the signing of this letter and on completion
of documentation, Zambian products gained
Capital expenditure on improvement or for
access up to 94 per cent of the Indian market.
the upgrading of infrastructure shall qualify
Moreover, three institutions are proposed to
for improvement allowance of 100 per cent of
be established in Zambia: Human Settlement
such expenditure
Centre, Entrepreneurship Development Institute
Suspended customs duty to zero for five years and Cluster of Biomass Gasifier Systems (High
on machinery and equipment Commission of India, Lusaka).
Both nations have a consistent flow of high
4.2 Indian Agricultural Investments in level political and business delegations
Zambia visiting each other. Such meetings result in
Zambia possesses huge potential in the new policies to attract entrepreneurs. For
agriculture sector. Gifted with good soil and instance, on August 17, 2007, India and Zambia
an area of 60 million hectares of arable land, successfully concluded review of the convention
out of which only 15 per cent is in use, ample between India and Zambia for avoidance of
amount of surface and underground water, double taxation. Another case in point is when
climate conditions are appropriate for cultivating the Zambian delegation visited India from
a wide variety of crops like wheat, soyabean, July 29-August 5, 2010 with the objective of
coffee, cotton, tobacco, sugar, paprika etc. The attracting investments from India through
Zambian government is also contributing to the public private partnerships (PPP). The delegation

included Deputy Minister of Finance and National which works out to about 400 kwa per month.
Planning David Phiri and Deputy Minister of They are members of Zambian National
Commerce Trade and Industry Lwipa Puma. They Farmers Union.
visited Delhi and Mumbai. Around 30 Indian
The next company the team approached was the
companies took advantage of the PPP model and
Export Trading Group (ETG). Over the past 40 years,
entered into various investment portfolios.
ETG has studied agriculture in Ethiopia, Kenya,
According to Commerce, Trade and Industry Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique and
Minister Felix Mutati, Zambia has benefited from Zambia. Founded in 1967 and purchased by its
Indian investment worth over $3 billion over current directors in 1986, ETG owns and manages
the past three years. For instance, an Indian a vertically integrated agriculture supply chain
company, Shree Renuka, is to invest about $200 in Africa, with operations in procurement,
billion on a turn-key sugarcane plantation and processing, warehousing, distribution and
factory to be sited in the southern province of merchandising. ETG is based in 45 countries in
Zambia, which suffers chronic sugar shortage. the world with its group headquarters in Dal-e-
The company has granted the Mazabuka council Salaam and financial headquarter in Mauritius.
an undertaking that it will create 6,000 new jobs ETG has 6,500 employees in total, with 73 in
in the rural district and build a sugar factory Zambia. The company is also involved in mid and
that will also produce ethanol from sugarcane downstream agriculture processing, cleaning
residues as well as generate power. and packaging businesses. ETG currently has
26 such plants operating in Africa and Asia,
4.3 Field visit in Zambia transforming maize, rice, cashew nuts, wheat,
pulses, soybean, sesame seeds, coffee and
During the field visit, the author of this
fertiliser into marketable products for regional
report spoke to several companies that have
and international distribution.
invested in Zambia. Danma Corporation Ltd, a
horticulture enterprise, started operations in The companys production is over 25 million
January 2011. The owners were earlier in the tonnes a year. It is primarily an agro trading
construction business. They hold 25 acres of corporation, which imports fertilisers and
land which includes four greenhouse facilities, facilitates crop diversification. ETG focuses on
land, packaging and cold storage. They plant procurement and movement of agricultural goods
tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, cabbage, as well as supply of agricultural inputs and best
carrots, cauliflower and broccoli. The profitable farming practice support.
crops are red and yellow bell peppers and
strawberries. The seeds used are imported from In 2002, the group substantially increased
Korea and South Africa. They have not conducted investment in agricultural processing. Currently,
social or environmental impact assessments to ETG has 21 processing centres in Zambia,
date nor invested in any major infrastructure. Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, India and
Various aspects of the supply chain were: Mozambique. The agro-processing plants help
four greenhouses and irrigation facilities were create jobs for the local communities, earn
imported from South Korea; coco-peat imported foreign currency for the countries in which the
from India and Sri Lanka; red cabbage seeds group operates.
sourced from Israel; tomato seeds from South
Africa; and strawberry plants from local suppliers This agro trading firm utilises contract farming:
under a patents related agreement with the maize procured from small holder farmers, stored
University of California. They sought consultancy in warehouses and then exported to South Africa
services from an Israeli agronomist. Their produce and Malawi. Seeds and fertilisers at subsidised
is supplied to local markets especially Shoprite, and fixed rates are provided to small holder
Spar and Pick and Pay and second grade produce agriculture farmers. They are looking to establish
goes to the Soweto market. Their plan is to a sugar factory soon where they plan to procure
increase the volume of production and export to sugar from the small holder agriculture farmers.
Angola at higher prices. With regard to labour, They own a sugar plantation which is about
they employ 80 people of which 70 per cent are 12,000 ha, of which only 4,000 ha is farmable.
women. One-fourth of them are permanent and Of the 12,000 ha, only 100 ha is being used for
they pay labourers 16 kwa a day plus one meal, production.

Motherson was another firm the team met with. countries catering to 13,600 customers across
They initially started in the cement manufacturing the world. The companys team comprises 23,000
industry but are now looking to produce wheat and people and deals in cocoa, coffee, cashew,
maize. They got involved in agriculture last year. sesame, rice, cotton and wood products, says
They own 234 ha on a 99-year lease. They produce the companys website.
maize and soya. The owners are planning to bring
Olam is a multinational company, headquartered
machinery from India while seed is imported from
in Singapore, but it was started in Nigeria by
Thailand and India. To facilitate land acquisition,
people of Indian origin. It has presence in 66
customary land had to be converted into privately
countries, of which 24 are in Africa. It employs
owned state land (Mumbwa, Zambia). More than
1,200 workers at any point in time; of which 200
200 ha (234 ha) were leased at $500 per ha. They
are permanent. Its turnover is $5.5 billion. They
had to negotiate with the headman as well as the
have strong links, including a cashew processing
chief and paid about $600 per ha. They are unclear
factory in Tanzania. Environmental and social
about the role of the ZDA in this negotiation. They
impact assessments are conducted and IFC
also pointed out that equipment is more expensive
requirements are followed because there are
in Zambia because it is a land locked country.
no local laws in Zambia to safeguard rights. CSR
Another company the team approached was activities include license from communities,
Olam. It claims to be a global leader in the supply alternate employment opportunities, work on
chain management of agricultural products and education and health by partnering with NGOs
food ingredients. Olam has a direct sourcing and (Solidaridad and others).
processing presence in most major producing

Table 5: Stakeholders in Zambias Agriculture Sector

Indian Companies in Zambia Government and Public Research Farmer Based organisations
and Educational Institutions
Neha International Ltd. ASTI Agricultural Research and Zambia Export Growers
Development Association (ZEGA)
Sterling Agriculture Zambia Development Zambia National Farmers Union
Enterprise Zambia limited Agency (ZDA) (ZNFU)
(SAEL) - a subsidiary
company of SP Group of India
Vedanta Resources Zambia Agricultural Organic Producers and
Commodities Exchange (ZAMACE) Processors Association of
Zambia (OPPAZ)
Mohan Exports Ministry of Agriculture and Grain Traders Association of
Cooperatives (MACO) Zambia (GTAZ)
Zambia Land Alliance Zambia Cotton Ginners
Association (ZCGA)
Zambia Agricultural Research Zambia Seed Traders Association
Institute (ZARI) (ZSTA)
National Institute for Scientific and Conservation Farming Unit (CFU)
Industrial Research (NISIR)
Department of National Agricultural Farmer Organisation Support
Information Services (NAIS) Program (FOSUP)
University of Zambia, School of National Peasants and Small-
Agricultural Sciences Scale Farmers Association
Department of Agricultural
Economics and Extension
Large-Scale Commercial

Section 5: Outline of India Team For the purpose of critical assessment of the
larger impacts of these companies, it was decided
Research Findings not to use the yardsticks provided in the NVGs
(National Voluntary Guidelines) of the Ministry
5.1 Methodology of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, 2011.
For the purpose of this study the research team These Guidelines are inappropriate as they
elaborated the definition of an Indian company. were expressly designed for the Indian context,
The team approached companies that are taking into consideration mandatory Indian laws
owned and managed by Indians or members of related to land acquisition, labour, minimum
the Indian Diaspora in Zambia. These companies wage, environment etc. The same Guidelines
are not necessarily based in India, with most have been extended to cover the activities of
of them headquartered overseas and their companies operating outside India, where such
activities extending to various parts of the laws are either entirely absent, weak or different.
world including India. For instance, Danma Besides, these Guidelines were primarily framed
Corporation Ltd started operations in January by corporate India, in consultation with (and not in
2011 in Lusaka. Similarly, ETG is headquartered agreement with) other stake holders and notified
in Dar-e-Salaam, with its financial headquarters as such by Government of India. In terms of
in Mauritius. enforcement, even within India, they are required

Table 6: Information on the companies interviewed

Company Danma Corporation Limited ETG Trading Company Motherson Enterprises Olam International Limited
Limited Limited
Back ground Company started operations East African company Initially started in the Multinational company
in January 2011; Group HQ Dar-e- cement manufacturing (HQ: Singapore) but Indian
Earlier involved in Salaam, Financial industry management and PIOs
construction business Headquarters Mauritius Started in Nigeria by people of
25 acres of land; Looking to produce Indian origin
First sale/yield in September Based in 45 countries in wheat and maize
2011; the world- 30 in Africa Got involved in Based in 66 countries, 24 in
Four greenhouses facilities, 6,500 employees in agriculture last year Africa
land, packaging and cold total: 73 in Zambia - 1,200 workers at any point in
storage; ETG increases local 234 hectares of land- 99 time; 200 are permanent
Horticulture: tomatoes, employment and year lease Supply chain managers/
peppers, strawberries, adds value to local contract farming model link
cabbage, carrots, economies by investing Produce: Maize, soya between SHA farmers and raw
cauliflower, broccoli; in mid- and downstream material consumers (Nestle,
Profitable crops: red agriculture processing, The firm is planning to Kraft and Mars)
and yellow bell peppers, cleaning and packaging bring machinery from
strawberries; businesses. ETG India Turnover $5.5 billion- Present
Plans for agro-processing currently has 26 such in 66 countries 26 African
soon (tomato sauce), plants operating in Africa Seed is imported from Strong forward linkages They
providing salad packs and Asia, transforming Thailand and India have a cashew processing
Seeds are imported from maize, rice, cashew factory in Tanzania
Korea, South Africa; nuts, wheat, pulses, In Zambia: maize, wheat, sugar
25 acres purchased at USD soybean, sesame and cotton produced locally,
8,000/acre; seeds, coffee and inputs provided by Olam
Sub-leased land, state land: fertiliser into marketable Services provided to SHA
76 years left (original title products for regional farmers: inputs, training,
holder local Zambian farmer. and international knowledge in best practice
Unclear who holds the title) distribution. Production
over 25 million tonnes/ Agro-processing: cotton,
year cashews
Agro trading- Import Own coffee plantation near
fertilizers They Kasama 2000 ha. Brownfield
facilitate crop site but without infrastructure
diversification 12,000 Environmental and social
hectares of land, impact assessments
cultivate sugar cane and conducted, followed IFC
pigeon peas. requirements, requirements as
No agreements with ZDA per national law are weak
They facilitate crop CSR activities 'license from
diversification. They are communities: alternate
actively following up employment opportunities,
various CSR activities. education, health through NGO
partnerships (Solidaridad and

Company Danma Corporation Limited ETG Trading Company Motherson Enterprises Olam International Limited
Limited Limited
Supply chains Four greenhouses and It owns and It has included small scale
irrigation facilities imported manages the most farmers within their supply
from South Korea vertically integrated chain. This is aimed to improve
Coco-peat imported from agriculture supply farmers income, transfer
India and Sri Lanka chain on the African agriculture and business
Red cabbage seeds sourced subcontinent with skill to farmers, developing
from Israel, tomato seeds operations spanning thriving communities
from South Africa in procurement, through improvement in local
Strawberry plants: processing, infrastructure and providing
agreement with local warehousing, practical solutions to issues
suppliers (who have an distribution and such as food security, water
agreement with University of merchandising. constrains etc.
California) They work with large-scale
Consultancy services sought farmers to embed sustainable
from an Israeli agronomist agricultural practice specialty
Produce is supplied to local in the areas of water, carbon
markets and energy. The goal is to
Major: Shoprite, Spar and increase yield so as to maximise
Pick and Pay agricultural land utilisation.
Also second grade produce These yield increases a need to
goes to the Soweto market be achieved without increasing
Future plans: to increase the use of fertiliser and water.
volume of production and Trageted drip irrigation facilities
export to Angola (higher are used to ensure more crop
prices) per drop.
Labour 80 people employed, 70% 120 Zambian labourers
women20/80 (one fourth): 80 permanent.
permanent They pay casual labourer
Member of Zambian National 30 Kwacha/per diem.
Farmers Union
Pay labourers 16 kwa/day
plus one meal (works out to
about 400 kwa per month)
Production Agro-trading: maize, sugar, Agro-processing and Phasing out production One of the leading players in
Model soya, groundnut packaging are its 40 ha (ready for the global rice trade, OLAM
Contract farming: (upto specialisation. They cultivation) out of 234 is involved across the entire
10,000 hectares; there is no also facilitate crop ha value chain from origination
regulation) Maize procured diversification and Anticipated volume: $ to distribution; has several
from small holder farmers, import fertilisers. They 2,500 per yield of maizeinnovative ideas. For example,
stored in warehouses and buy seed and produce its Nigerian operation, Olam
then exported to South it locally but it is Plans to import Nigeria Limited, recently
Africa, Malawi made for international equipment from India; adopted a production model
Seeds and fertilisers at consumption. Therefore seeds from Thailand and endorsed by the Rockefeller
subsidised and fixed rates a large chunk of the India Foundation which is poised to
provided to SHA farmers produce is exported. For the 40 ha, looking deliver 16,000 tonnes of rice
Looking to establish a sugar They engage small scale to invest $40,000; annually by 2018.
factory (agro-processing) farmers. expecting to earn 2.5
soon (procuring sugar from times as much, recoup
the small holder agriculture) in four months (maize)
Owns a sugar plantation Maize to be supplied to
which is about 12,000 ha local chains
of which only 4,000 ha is
Of the 12,000 ha only 100 ha
is being used for production
ZDAs role in facilitating
investments limited in
In the future - crop
diversification as a means
to reduce fertiliser use
(partnering with local NGO)
and promote production of
Four crucial steps to ensure
sustainable growth in the
Providing Bigger Markets
for Existing Small Growers
New Products and Regions
Adding Value via Vertical

Company Danma Corporation Limited ETG Trading Company Motherson Enterprises Olam International Limited
Limited Limited
Land Customary land had
acquisition to be converted into
privately owned - state
land (Mumbwa)
234 ha leased at 500
Had to negotiate with
the headman as well as
the chief, paid approx. $
Unclear about the
role of the ZDA in this
Displacement of
people - has promised
electricity, construction
of schools, outgrowing
Equipment more
expensive in Zambia
because it is a land
locked country

to operate on apply or explain basis. Therefore, The amalgamated agency is therefore a semi
the imperatives for their compliance overseas autonomous institution with its board of directors
are either nonexistent or very weak. As a result, appointed by the Minister of Commerce Trade and
the methodology to understand the impacts of Industry. The board comprises members of the
private sector investment in agriculture was to public and private sector as well as civil society
examine them within the statutory, legal and local organisations, while both the chairperson and
regulations as given and monitored by bodies like the vice chairperson are appointed from the
Zambia Land Development Agency and others. private sector. The organisation has its head
office in Lusaka and regional offices in Chipata,
5.2 Zambia Development Agency Kitwe, Kasama, Livingstone, Mansa, Solwezi and
The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) was Mongu. The functions of ZDA are as follows.
established in 2006 by an act of Parliament The ZDA is responsible for fostering economic
and became operational in January 2007 after growth and development in Zambia by
the amalgamation of five statutory bodies promoting trade and investment and an
that hitherto operated independently to efficient, effective and coordinated private
foster economic growth and development by sector led economic development strategy.
promoting trade and investment through an The agency also has the challenge to develop
efficient, effective and coordinated private an internationally competitive Zambian
sector led economic development strategy. economy through innovations that promote
These institutions were the Zambia Investment high skills, productive investment and
Centre (ZIC), Zambia Privatisation Agency (ZPA), increased trade.
Export Board of Zambia (EBZ), Small Enterprise
The ZDA principally furthers the economic
Development Board (SEDB) and Zambia Export
development by promoting efficiency,
Processing Zones Authority (ZEPZA). Their mandate
investment and competitiveness in
is to monitor pre- and pro-investment facilities,
businesses, as well as promoting exports. It
bring investors and train and pursue them. They
also addresses the high cost of doing business
are active in diversification of economic resources
in the country by simplifying the processing of
and looking at developing other sectors besides
various business formalities, such
copper. They are also keen on building PPPs.
as licensing.
The act gives powers to the ZDA in key areas It builds and enhances the countrys
of trade development, investment promotion, investment profile for increased capital
enterprise restructuring, development of inflows, capital formation and employment
green fields projects, small and enterprise creation. It also promotes the growth of the
development, trade and industry fund SME sector by providing incentives that can
management, and contributing to skills training propel long-term sustainable domestic growth.

ZDA is a one stop shop for all investors and it is investment and investment by Indian diaspora
evident that Zambia is open for all to population in Zambia.
do business. South African and Zimbabwean farmers are
During the teams interactions with various main competitors of Indian farms.
company heads it was pointed out that ZDA Indian farmers suffer losses because of
has assisted and facilitated several investors. fluctuation of market price for agricultural
They also facilitate and make available work produce and lack of forward linkages.
permits. One of the functions of ZDA is to convert Only 6 per cent of Zambias land belongs to
customary land to statutory land. In the district the State. The remaining is customary. The
level there are two committees that carry out government of Zambia is looking to reformulate
random survey of land. According to an official land policies to facilitate privatisation of
in the ZDA, the chiefs can give only 250 ha and customary land rights. In 1995, Zambian
the rest is up to the state. They also encourage government enacted a pro-investment law
integrated farming, involving growing, processing to attract foreign investment. Consequently,
and marketing. They have introduced farming large tracts of customary land were converted
blocs in 10 provinces. Government facilitates to private tenure because of increasing foreign
infrastructure building for farm blocs. investments.
Investors access land by acquiring leasehold
5.3 Zambia Land Alliance title in the form of provisional certificate which
Zambia Land Alliance is a network of seven NGOs is valid not exceeding 14 years. After six years
working for just land policies and laws that take upon submission of the boundary survey in
into account the interests of the poor in Zambia. accordance with the procedure stipulated in
The NGOs have branches in different districts. It the 1971 survey procedure investors may apply
was formed in 1997 primarily in response to the for 99 years certificate title which is non-
government land law. NGOs wanted to protect contestable.
customary land. They did not want multinational
While land act recognises existing rights
companies to invest in these lands. Although
to land in customary areas, it also enables
under customary law an individual has no right to
foreign investors to convert land in customary
buy or sell land, it was found that certain chiefs
areas to leasehold and to acquire title.
were selling land to private companies.
For acquiring land, investors either seek
The natives of the customary land believed
consent directly from the chief with
they had a right over their land. However,
consultation of the village headman or a lands
the customary system is informal and the
working group with the ministry of lands and
government is seeking to systematise the
ZDA negotiates land transfer on behalf of
process and bring it under state control. The
the investors. If acquisition is approved, the
alliance promotes secured access, ownership
chief issues an approval letter. The investors
and control over land through lobbying and
then carry out physical demarcation of the
advocacy, research and community participation.
area with a sketch map in the presence of
According to the organisations website,
village headman. Both are submitted to the
the overall objectives include lobbying and
district council. The council issues a letter of
advocating for inclusive policies, laws and
recommendation to the commissioner of lands,
administrative systems; conducting research
who either recommends or sends it to the
on land related issues; stepping up awareness
president for approval.
on land rights, gender etc; and networking and
collaborating with a range of organisations to In recent years the government has embarked
share experiences on land issues. on a number of initiatives to encourage foreign
investors under Private Sector Development
5.4 Observations and Findings from the Reform Programme. These include:
Field Visit: A land working group comprising ZDA and
The share of Indias investment in agriculture Ministry of Land
sector in Zambia is very small. It is not backed Supporting farm block development
by Indian government. These are mainly programme
individual investments. No protests have been recorded arising from
One has to differentiate between Indias re-allotment or displacement of land so far.

Section 6: Interviews in Delhi African countries step up cooperation in
agriculture R&D, were raised.
As part of the field visit in Delhi the research
team interviewed government officials, A session on Zambia was held which focused
private agencies and NGOs. Observations after on how the bilateral trade and investment
interacting with them have been thematically could be enhanced.
arranged in this section. The respondents Officials of Zambia from different ministries
provided insights on Indian investments in Africa including Dr. Guy Scott, Vice President,
and Zambia. While CII and FICCI were optimistic Republic of Zambia attended the conclave.
about the Indian governments engagement
in Africa and have taken several initiatives to Dr Guy Scott, Vice President, Republic
promote this, the NGOs views were quite the ofZambia,said in his address that African
contrary. Officials from the Ministry of External economies should look to emulate Indias
Affairs were difficult to reach even after repeated industrial growth experience. He urged
attempts of getting in touch with them. The Indian companies to invest in Africa and in
Zambian consulate in Mumbai and the embassy in particularZambia, by adding thatAfricaoffers
Delhi were not cooperative either. No documents the highest returns.
were available at the consulate in Mumbai on this
Day three of the conclave witnessed a session
topic. on Developing Partnership in Mobility, Power
and Farm Tech Prosperity.
6.1 Promoting India-Africa Economic
The conclave was declared a success since
at the end of the conference since there were
According to Ms. Indrayani Mulay, Deputy Director, 475 projects worth $64 billion on the table,
CII, it is one of the most important organisations compared to the 8th edition where projects
that provides a platform for cooperation between worth $30 billion were declared.
India and Africa. Ms. Mulay provided details
regarding the 9th CII-EXIM Bank Conclave on India CII though could not provide concrete figures
Africa Project Partnership held from March 17-19, of the post conclave events and follow ups
2013 in New Delhi which presented a different because the delegates did not come back
dimension to the India Africa Relations in the to them to confirm their partnership. Ms.
economic sector. The outcomes of the sessions Mulay further stated that Indian aid to African
on agriculture included: countries especially in agriculture sector is not
properly channelled. Alongside investments,
A session on Building Partnerships for India should also empower and train locals,
Infrastructure and Agricultural Projects especially rural women as this would add a
headed by Mr. Naresh Kumar Sharma, Head social element and create a positive India
Marketing Communications, Tata Projects Ltd. branding if India is considering long term
and Mr. Amit Sridharan, GM and Business Head business opportunities. She also spoke of CIIs
Pulses, Tata Chemicals. Mission Africa, where CII Regional Business
Delegation visited Zambia, South Africa and
A plenary session, moderated by Mr. Sanjay Kenya from June 22July 2, 2013. In an attempt
Kirloskar, Chairman and Managing Director, to make a strong case for India, particularly
Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., on the theme Achieving the eastern region, and to facilitate regular
Food Sufficiency in Africa Opportunity for exchanges of dialogues, promote deeper
Collaboration, focused on food security as a understanding and forge strategic partnerships,
common concern for both India and Africa. a 14- member delegation, led by Mr Sandipan
Chakravortty, former chairman, CII eastern
Discussions took place on the various steps
region, went on a business mission. During the
needed to boost Indian investments in Africas
11-day visit, the delegation interacted with
agriculture sector.
local industry leaders, chambers of commerce,
Questions such as: Are Indian farm government officials and diplomats. The aim
technologies suited for making Africa a global of the mission was to enhance bilateral trade
food basket and in what ways can India and and business, interact with local industry

leaders, chambers of commerce, government various factors that are driving the India-foreign
officials in South Africa, Zambia and Kenya, investments in agriculture. These include Indias
and also explore investment opportunities for food security concerns, mounting water shortage
Indian companies. The focus was on getting the in India and profit motive.
African countries to engage more deeply
with India. 6.3 Indian Investment in Zambian
The CII delegation rounded off its visit to Agriculture
Zambia with an MoU with the Lusaka Chamber Food security is not the only driving factor
of Commerce & Industry (LCCI). On behalf of CII, of India outsourcing food production. Indian
Mission Leader Mr Sandipan Chakravortty and companies are attracted to Africa because of
Mr G Rossi, President, LCCI, signed the MoU. CII low cost of farming there. Developing countries
and LCCI agreed that as part of their common like Zambia are also inviting foreign firms to
commitment to developing bilateral trade and invest in the country. Zambias move towards
commerce and promoting investments, they economic diversification is important to reduce
would assist each other in promotion and reliance on a single commodity (copper). Other
development of business opportunities. They stated reasons for investment in agriculture
would exchange information on all economic, focus include: to improve food security (at
commercial, industrial and agricultural matters national and household level); to increase
and promote investment. exports earnings; and to continue economic
reforms required under World Banks Structural
According to Ms. Kaveri Ganguly from CII- FACE, Adjustment Programme.
with technical partner as USAID, they endeavour
to build capacity while leveraging technology Zambia has created an attractive investment
and innovation to improve productivity and climate through numerous incentives, including
the environmental footprint of agriculture. Ms. low levels of taxation. The relative low cost of
Ganguly gave a brief of their present venture land (particularly if obtained directly from chiefs)
which is working towards capacity building in the absence of a well-established land market,
measures in collaboration with Tata Motors in as well as the lack of limitations on water,
agriculture sector of Kenya, Malawi and Liberia. perceived abundance of land and water with
But they would pursue their future ventures in favourable growing conditions, central location
Zambia, Kenya and Ethiopia as well. to Southern African markets and political stability
are also cited as reasons that make Zambia
6.2 Beyond Food Security attractive to investors.

On February 6, 2013 the Indian Social Action Numerous incentives are available to investors in
Forum (INSAF), Kalpavriksh, PEACE, and The the agriculture sector:
Oakland Institute convened aday-long civil
society summitat the India International Centre, No tax on profits for a period of five years from
New Delhi,bringing together activists resisting the first year the profits are made. From years
land grab across India and Ethiopia. According six to eight, only 50 per cent of the profits will
to the aforementioned institutions the meeting be taxed, and from years nine to 10, 75 per
provided a groundbreaking opportunity for cent of the profits will be taxed
dialogue among Ethiopian small farmers and land
No tax on dividends for a period of five years
rights activists and their Indian counterparts,
from the first year dividends are declared
providing space for those directly affected by
landgrab to share their experiences, suffering Customs duty exemption on capital equipment
and collectively strategise to challenge and machinery
institutional and corporate land grabbers.
Reduced or free duty on imports of certain
Mr. Chowdhary divulged that they have been raw materials including organic and inorganic
working on the issue of land grabbing extensively fertilisers and pesticides
and the purpose of the meeting was to provide
a platform to the affected countries to voice Numerous other tax incentives including
their opinions. He also put in the picture of wear and tear allowance of 50 per cent per

year on machinery used for farming; capital structures are fragile and weak. In 2007 Vedanta
expenditure allowance of 20 per cent per year Resources bought stakes in Konkola Copper
for the first five years on farming improvement; Mines in Zambia for $48.3 million and paid $25.3
capital expenditure allowance on the growing million and signed a contract in which every year
of coffee, tea, bananas, citrus fruits or similar $5 million has to be paid. In 2008, the company
plants qualify for a development allowance of earned a profit worth $208 million. Since the
10 per cent per year up to the second year of past few years Indian companies have not been
production; and farm work allowance of 100 very eagerly investing in Zambia as the mining
per cent for expenditure on farm land such as Industry in India is also going through a bad
stumping, clearing prevention of soil erosion, phase. India should not advance aggressively
boreholes, wells water conservation and aerial through corporate sector as India has the
or geophysical survey. capacity of global stewardship for it possesses
the potential to work on organic and skill
Fifty per cent depreciation allowance per year
development, he concluded.
for the first two years on machinery used for
farming. Mr Puljal enlightened that the reason African
Twenty per cent capital expenditure allowance countries are lacking in land investments is due
per year for the first five years on farm to non-mapping of land before making it available
improvements. for lease. He added that small land acquisitions
are more successful than large acquisitions.
Ten per cent development allowance per He even named some companies which have
year, up to the first year of production, on acquired 100,000 hectares of land are not being
capital expenditure incurred for the purpose of able to fully capitalise the potential thus proving
growing coffee, tea, bananas, citrus fruits or a farce deal for the host country. In addition,
similar plants. the pessimistic milieu created under the name
These are only a handful of packages provided to of land grabbing to an extent has been due to
the investors according to the ZDA Act. projection of technology and investment of seed
capital followed by raising funds and eventually
Mr. Chowdhary said according to the work not investing them in projects.
done by their NGO, Indian government has
supported a host of various initiatives to Mr. Puljal believes there are some lacunae in
facilitate Indian agriculture companies in their policies that should be addressed urgently. He
overseas investments in Africa through support suggested that the government should help and
for conventional new greenfield foreign direct promote SMEs more in land investment. Another
investment, mergers and acquisitions, purchase point he referred was that the Banda regime in
of existing firms, tariff reductions on import of Zambia was pro-China due to which the influx
agriculture products, public private partnership, of Chinese investors in land and agriculture was
double taxation avoidance agreements and lines prominent but the present regime is open to all
of credit where foreign investors win concessions investors especially India which was apparent in
and contracts. the recent CII-EXIM bank conclave.

The brunt of land acquisitions have been borne 6.5 India, a crucial player
by the local people. As reported by different
India holds 4.5 million hectares of African land
sources the daily labourers complain of inhuman
and is perceived to be a significant player
behaviour and low wages, issues created due
in farmland acquisitions. Its investments in
to highly mechanised technologies with limited
Zambia though are still in a nascent stage.
employment creation, the environment is
Nevertheless it would seem that there is
depleting due to chemical contamination and
growing investor interest due to a number of
adverse effects on land and water due to poor
incentives offered by the Zambian government.
production practices.
Also, Indian investments in Zambia appear
to be less controversial, relative to Ethiopia
6.4 The Other Side of the Engagement or Madagascar, where large-scale land
Mr. R. Sreedhar said the corporate sector is acquisitions by foreign countries have led to
looking for countries in which government visible cases of land related displacements.

Zambia has the gift of large tracts of agricultural
land on offer and the opportunity to acquire
land is enormous. Add to that the fact that
the Zambian government has created an
attractive investment climate through numerous
incentives, including low levels of taxation. The
National Agricultural Policy too has facilitated
an increase of FDI in the countrys agricultural
sector. Consequently, foreign companies are
investing in large numbers. In the case of India,
organisations such as FICCI and CII as well as
government programmes such as Focus Africa
have furthered Indian industrys interests in
Zambia. Zambia has a comparatively more stable
political and economic environment, which
serves an important incentive for industry.

Indian agriculture companies are in various

stages of operation in Zambia. Some, such
as Champions Food Limited, are not fully
functional, while others, such as Danma
Corporation Ltd., have only recently begun
their operations in Zambia. Whilst this study
offers a preliminary, conceptual framework to
better understand the nature and modalities
of Indian agro-investments in Zambia, there
is a need to conduct further analytical and
detailed socio-economic impact assessments
of these investments. Anecdotal evidence
collected during field visits suggests that
negative impacts such as displacements may
have been limited in Zambia so far. However,
systematic evidence is lacking, making it
difficult to assess whether and how these
investments have reduced rural poverty and
improved the livelihoods of small holder farmers.
Furthermore, in the absence of both a coherent
land acquisition-related displacement and
resettlement policy in Zambian law, and binding
mechanisms within the Indian context that
regulates Indian corporate activity overseas ,
the risk of land grabbing in the future remains
quite high. Whilst not an immediate threat, it
may well become one if current investment
trends continue and Indian corporates are not
held accountable for compliance with social,
economic and environmental safeguards.

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Annexe 1: What research was done and how
Dates and details of contacts and meetings (farm visits, and others etc.); name of contact and contact
information (email, phone number etc).

Company Action and Response Name of contact/ Contact information

Danma 16 September 2013/Formal Dhruv Singh/ +260 973 310 738
Corporation meeting/ Farm Visit Managing Director [email protected]
Olam 19 September 2013/ Formal Varun Mahajan/ +260 974 770631
International meeting/ Visited their office Country Head varun.mahajan@olamnet.
Limited com
Astro Holdings 17 September/ Formal SM Arora/ Executive +260 211 229939
Ltd Meeting/ Visited their office Director [email protected]
ETG 17 September/ Formal Mahesh Patel
Meeting/ Visited their office
Indian Business 17 September 2013/ Formal Teza Sikasula and + 260 977 781168
Council of Zambia Meeting/ Visited their office Binod P. Menon/ [email protected]
Manager/ Executive
Indian High 18 September 2013/ Formal Mr. J.S. Variaah / [email protected]
Commission Meeting/ Visited their office Acting High
Motherson 16 September 2013/ Formal Gunasingh Prabahar/ +260 0967 204173
Enterprises Meeting/ Visited their office Managing Director mothersonenterprises@
Zambia 19 September 2013/ Formal Moses K. +260 9778 77683
Development Meeting/ Visited their office Mwanakatwe/ [email protected]
Agency (ZDA) Manager Business
Zambia Land 18 September 2013/ Formal Henry Machina/ +260 977 240823
Alliance (ZLA) Meeting/ Visited their office Dimuna Phiri / [email protected]
Executive Director/
University of 17 September 2013/ Formal Kamini Krishna [email protected]
Zambia Meeting/ Visited their office J.B.Phiri +260977804459
[email protected]

Annexe 2 Log of those who responded: F. In Zambia, the research team contacted the
A. Companies following:

Danma Corporation Limited i) Companies

ETG Trading Company Limited Danma Corporation Limited

Motherson Enterprises Limited ETG Trading Company Limited

Olam International Limited Motherson Enterprises Limited

Astro Holdings (Ex-director of Tata Zambia) Olam International Limited

B. Government/public bodies ii) Government/public bodies

Zambian Development Agency Zambian Development Agency

India Business Council of Zambia India Business Council of Zambia

Indian High Commission Indian High Commission

University of Zambia University of Zambia

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce iii) Civil society organisation
and Industry (FICCI) Zambia Land Alliance
Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF)
PEACE iv) Information was collected through the
Kalpavriksh following sources:

Zambia Embassy Patents and Companies Registration

Agency (PACRA), Government of Zambia
National Foundation for India (NFI),
Indian Business Council of Zambia (IBCZ)
Ministry of External Affairs
Internet Search
Mines, Minerals and People
Information also received from other
Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence
sources such as university and academia
Avignam Group
EXIM Bank India
The research team could not reach the
C. Civil society organisation Export Trading Group
Zambia Land Alliance S. P. Group
Continental Ginery
D. Parameters used for selecting companies: Savanna Streams
Indian origin Crown Millers Ltd
Involvement in agriculture sector in Zambia Zambian National Farmers Union
Registered in the Patents and Companies Satkar Limited
Registration Agency
Earthstone Limited
Good and quick response to enquiry
Induszam Limited
Champions Limited
E. Some companies were omitted because they:
Did not respond to calls and e-mails
Are not registered in India

Annexe 3: List of experts contacted in Delhi

Institution/ Company Response Name of contact/ Contact information

Confederation of Indian Positive Ms. Indrayani Mulay, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII),
Industry (CII) Deputy Director, The Mantosh Sondhi Centre
International Division 23 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New
Delhi 110003
Tel: 91 11 24629994-7 Extn 368 /
24653092 (D)
Fax: 91 11 24601298
Mob: 91 9810750611
Email:[email protected]
Federation of Positive Ms. Shiela FICCI, Federation House,
Indian Chambers Sudhakaran. Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110001
of Commerce and Assistant Secretary Phone:+91 11 23738760-70 Ext.: 380,
Industry (FICCI) General 23322564(D)
FICCI Africa Desk Fax: +91 11 23765316(D), 23320714
Email: [email protected]
Indian Social Action Positive Mr. Wilfred A 124/6 Katwaria Sarai,
Forum (INSAF) New Delhi 110016
Phone: +91 11 26517814
Fax: +91 11 26517814
Email: [email protected]
PEACE Positive Mr. Anil Chowdhary F- 93, Katwaria Sarai
New Delhi 110016
Mobile: 9811119347
Email: [email protected]
Kalpavriksh Positive Mr. Ashish Kothari Flat no 5, 2nd Floor,
Shri Dutta Krupa,
908, Deccan Gymkhana,
Pune 411004,
Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91-20-25670979, 25675450
Fax: +91-20-25654239
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Zambia Embassy Unresponsive Address
Zambian High Commission in
New Delhi, India
D/54, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi
(+91) 11-2615 0271
(+91) 11- 26150270
E-mail: [email protected]

Institution/ Company Response Name of contact/ Contact information
National Foundation Does not Mr. Amitabh Behar, [email protected]
for India (NFI), have the Executive Director,
pertaining to
this study
Ministry of External Follow up Mr. Alok Ranjan Jha, Ministry of External Affairs
Affairs underway Deputy Secretary (E& Room 67-C, South Block
SA) New Delhi-110 011
Phone: 011-23010364
Email: [email protected]
Mines, Minerals and Positive Mr. R. Sreedhar
Food and Agriculture Positive Ms. Kavery Ganguly India Habitat Centre,
Centre of Excellence Core 4A, 4th Floor,
Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Phone: 2468 2230-35
Fax: 24682226
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
By mail: [email protected]
Avignam Group Positive Mr. Abhilash Puljal, Mr. Abhilash Puljal,
Managing Director Managing Director
Avignam group
Address: First Floor,
8 School Lane, Bengali Market,
New Delhi-110001, India
Phone: +91 8800969966
Facsimile: +91 9873109966
Mobile: +91 9871133726
Email:[email protected]
twitter: @
EXIM Bank Mr.Sriram Phone: 91-11-23326375
Subramaniam E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 91-11-23322758

Annexe 4: Agencies unreachable

The research team contacted Mr. Alok Ranjan Jha,

Deputy Secretary (E& SA) via email. He suggested
contacting Mr. Mahaveer Singhvi, Director (E&SA)
and Mr. Srikant Chaterjee, Under Secretary (SAF)
who heads Zambia division. The team contacted
both but due to their schedules they were unable
to give an appointment.

Several attempts were also made to establish

contact, telephonically, via email and even by a
personal visit, but without success. They were
not receptive about scheduling a meeting.


Officials were contacted via email but there was

no response.


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