Chromosomal Evolution
Chromosomal Evolution
Chromosomal Evolution
Kingdom Introduction:
This it the largest unit of One of the most interesting fields of interest in the
classification. Initially it was thought study of Biology is taxonomy. Although there are
that there were only two kingdoms, other fields out there such as ecology and
plants and animals. Eventually embryology, taxonomy is easy to comprehend,
microscope and other tools helped restricted to a small set of structural information, and
clarify the existence of other is good to know as reference. Taxonomy, also called
organisms. Now, there are a total of systematics, is the study of the classification of all
5 kingdoms. Animalia - the largest living organisms. The current method of taxonomy
with over 1 million named species, was started by Carlous Linnaeus which features
fish, humans; Plantae - 350,000 organisms arranged into groups within groups within
species, trees, grass; Fungi - groups, on and on until an organism is defined within
100,000 species, mushrooms, it's own species or individual group. This orderly
lichen; Protista - 100,000 species, classification helps scientists in a number of ways.
green, golden, brown, and red algae, One is that it keeps them clearly in sync with other
flagellates; Monera - 10,000 species, scientists because of the existence of a universal
blue-green algae or cyanobacteria. system. It also helps scientists in identifying
evolutionary links between certain species.
The next most specific unit of How it works:
classification. This further divides the Originally, when Linnaues founded taxonomy,
kingdom into 20 or so divisions organisms were divided based on sole visible
based on very distinct and defining physical characteristics. Now they're separated
characteristics. For example, within based on any unique and defining features mainly
the Animal Kingdom, a major division external physical features and secondarily based on
is the chordates that are animals other features such as feeding habits.
with notochords. This includes
humans, fish, mammals, etc. Each organism is based on binomial nomenclature.
Flowering plants are defined into the This is in which an organism has two words to it's
antrophyta division of the Plant name. The first name is the genus and the second
Kingdom. name is the specie. For example, humans are
scientifically called Sapiens - genus Homo, species
Class Sapiens. The words that make up the names for the
This further classifies the organism. individual groups of taxonomy are based on the
It separates them into categories that Greek or Latin language. This makes for a universal
make them very similar in terms of language throughout the world. Otherwise an English
certain basic features. For example scientist mentioning a "cat" to a Chinese person
the class mammalia includes all would be misunderstood because of language
animals that breast-feed, which differences.
includes humans, cows, dolphins,
etc. Another class would be reptilia There are international commissions out there that
which includes cold-blooded and help filter and record an updated listing of the
scaled animals. classifications. Some names are based on the
equivalent characteristics of the organism in Latin, or
Order they could have no meaning at all and are just
Organisms of the same order are named after their founder.
more similar that that of the same
class. A lot of obvious evolutionary The Origins of Taxonomy:
connections can be drawn from Classification has been around on earth ever since
looking at the order; only a few people paid attention to organisms. One primeval
features separate the organisms as system that was developed was based on "harmful"
a breaking in the evolutionary chain. and "non-harmful" organisms. Then, the beloved
One example is that within the class Aristotle was the first to form a useful system of
Mammalia, carnivores are separated classification during the 300s BC. His was first based
into the order Carnivora while Insect- on whether the organism had red blood or didn't
eaters are separated into the order have red blood. Then he subdivided organisms such
Insectivora. as plants by physical characteristics such as size and
features. This system is somewhat crude by today's
Family standards, yet it lasted over 2,000 years.
Even more specific, the animals
within this share a very close Eventually, as communication improved and science
similarity between each other. Most had advanced to a reasonable point, modern
will probably have the same behavior classification started to develop. The most popular
patterns, feeding habits, and general founder was the Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus
functions. An example is the Cat in the 1700s. He developed the system by which
Family (Felidaes) which all have organisms are classified based on the unique
whiskers, sharp claws, and include characteristics that they had. He also invented the
animals such as Lions and Cats. binomial nomenclature for naming. Linnaeus agreed
with scientists that his work was somewhat crude,
Genus but it's purpose and general concepts were
This is the part that makes up the continually applied. Over time, as evolutionary
first word of the binomial studies were extrapolated, the classification system
nomenclature of an organism. All the has become more advanced showing different
organisms within their genus may groups and links. And as time goes on,
look very similar to each other. And classifications continue to change and are ever-
although it is at most times not growing.
healthy, organisms of the same
genus may breed with each other.
The most specific unit of
classification is the species. The
species makes up all the organisms
and their apparent ancestors and
descendants. Members of the
species are much similar to their
parents and can freely breed with
other members of the same species
without much complication.
The draft sequence of the human genome has been integrated into many
existing resources to facilitate biological discovery. The map below
represents the interconnections between different types of public
biological data available at NCBI.
Cellular Chemistry
Hold on to your seat! This document attempts to cover the essentials of several
chemistry courses- general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry- but just
what a beginning biology student needs to know to survive cell biology, anatomy,
physiology, microbiology, and related biology courses. This document assumes you
know NO chemistry. If that is the case- it is normal to feel a bit overwhelmed as you
study this material, but have courage- many students have studied and survived this
material, and succeeded in their biology studies. You can too!
All organisms are made of cells, but cells are made of organelles and other
subcellular components, that are made of molecules- orderly arrangements of atoms,
or elements.
Atoms are so small that only 12 grams of carbon, such a small piece of charcoal,
contains the amazing quantity of 602,300,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms!.
So imagine how small a single atom is! There are many atoms or elements that
exist, such as sodium, oxygen, copper, gold, and carbon. Though atoms differ in
their physical properties, all atoms share similarity in their structure in that they are
really all made of just three varieties of subatomic particles.
The atomic structure is such that an atom has a central region, that is a nucleus,
composed of protons and neutrons, and orbiting electrons.
Protons (symbolized as p) have a mass of 1 atomic mass unit (AMU) and an atomic
electrical charge of +1.
Neutrons (symbolized as n) have a mass of 1 atomic mass unit (AMU) and have no
electrical charge (they are neutral).
Electrons (e-) orbit the nucleus at various distances, or shell levels. These minute
particles, traveling at the speed of light, have a mass of almost zero (about 0.008
atomic mass units [AMUs]), and they have an atomic electrical charge of -1.
Normally their number equals that of the number of protons in the nucleus; in this
way, the atom remains electrically neutral.
Example: an atom with 5 neutrons, 3 protons, and 7 orbiting electrons would have a
net atomic mass of 8 (=5+3) and a net atomic electrical charge of -4 (=3-7).
Example: How many protons and neutrons are there in an atom with a mass of 23
and 12 orbiting electrons if you know that the atom has a net charge of +3?
Solution: Since the charge if +3, then there are 3 more protons than there are
electrons (12), so there must be 15 protons. The number of neutrons is 23-15=8.
The Hydrogen Atom
H atom and H+ ion Hydrogen atoms are the simplest of all atoms, having a
nucleus with a single proton and a single orbiting electron. The mass of the H atom
is 1.008, with the electron contributing only 0.008 atomic mass units. If the electron
is lost from the H atom, then a lone proton, p, remains, and is positively charged.
The resulting particle is a hydrogen ion, electrically charged because the lone
proton is not countered by any electron negativity. The hydrogen ion is symbolized
as H+. Hydrogen ions are very important biologically because they are small and
electrically charged, and can cause havoc to protein structure and cell function; this
is particularly critical when H+ ions interact with enzyme proteins, critical for cell
The scale used to measure the concentration of H+ ions in a solution (blood,
cytoplasm, etc.) is the pH scale. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 7 neutral,
0 to 6.999 acidic, and 7.001 to 14 alkaline or basic.
|(acid pH) ------------(neutral)-------------(basic pH)|
Acids, that is molecules that release H+ ions, lower pH, and a low pH implies high
concentrations of H+ ions. Bases, that is molecules that capture H+ ions, raise pH,
and a high pH implies low concentrations of H+ ions. Water has neutral pH. Blood
has a pH of 7.35. Vinegar has a pH of about 4. Concentrated sulfuric acid has pH of
about 1. Stomach acid has a pH of about 2. Toilet bowel cleaner, or lye, creates an
extremely alkaline (basic) pH when added to a solution, resulting in a pH of about
12-14. Cell cytoplasm typically has a slightly acidic pH.
The pH scale is a log scale, based on powers of 10, so that a pH 6 solution has ten
times the acidity as a pH 7 solution, and a pH 5 solution has ten times the acidity as
a pH 6 solution. A pH 5 solution has one-hundred times the acidity as a pH 7
solution. Note that low pH implies high levels of H+, and that high pH implies low
levels of H+ (most beginning students confuse this, so make a mental note of the
reverse nature of the pH scale).
Empty Space
There is a lot of empty space between an atomic nucleus and orbiting electrons, and
there is a lot of empty space between each e-. Physicists have determined that if all
the empty space were removed from all the atoms of all the people of the planet
earth, the entire earth's population could be condensed into a container smaller than
the size of a thimble! And a single human being such as yourself could in theory be
shrunk to the size of a single hydrogen atom. In fact, protons and neutrons are
themselves made of smaller worlds in themselves, made up of quarks.
Quarks are what actually comprise protons and neutrons. There are a variety of
quarks, including the strawberry quark, the chocolate quark, and the vanilla quark
(no kidding!). They don't really taste like chocolate, but the scientists that discovered
them got a little giddy one night at the lab and decided to make scientific naming of
atomic particles a bit more fun for everyone!
What holds all these subatomic particles together? We do not know exactly, but
there is one possible answer. Gravitons are theoretical particles believed to exist in
the nucleus, causing protons and neutrons to attract all other p and n, hence the
attraction of all matter for all other matter (the reason your feet stay attracted to the
ground and you do not fly off into outer space, and the reason the moon orbits the
Bond types that hold atoms or molecules together, or in close proximity, include (in
order of strongest to weakest): covalent, ionic, hydrogen, and Van der Waals Forces.
Consider a molecule similar to water, hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg gas- stinky!)
composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of sulfur. A molecule of hydrogen
sulfide gas can be written as H2S, or drawn as H-S-H. All of the structures below
represent hydrogen sulfide.
Hydrogen atoms, in stark contrast, are very weak at maintaining their electron in
orbit about the hydrogen proton nucleus; an hydrogen atom's electron can be stolen
away most of the time by other O, N, S, P, Cl, F atoms, causing the hydrogen atom
to take on a partial positive charge density (caused by the proton with the orbiting
electron being absent from the covalent bond most of the time). The result is a
partial negative charge density about O, N, S, P, Cl, or F attracting nearby partial
positive charge densities about H. Voila! A hydrogen bond.
It is hydrogen bonds that cause water molecules to have such strong attractions to
each other, making for the high heating temperature needed to cause water
molecules to escape from a water solution as steam.
Van Der Waal Forces
These are weak attractions between carbon atoms. Alone, each force is weak, but
when stacked they become strong, much like lining up several batteries in series to
create a series current (such as in a flashlight).
Van der Waal Forces are significant in a cell's DNA genetic code, where the coiled
DNA molecules have their carbon atoms stacked. In this way the Van der Waal forces
help hold DNA together in its helical coil arrangement.
Ionic Molecular Bonding This occurs when there are electrical attractions between
electrically charged atoms or molecules, that is between ions. Ions are atoms or
molecules where the number of protons does not equal the number of orbiting
electrons. This creates an electrical imbalance, so that the atom is now an ion,
having either a net positive charge (cation), or a net negative charge (anion).
Ionic bonding, also known as a salt bond, occurs when a cation (positively charged
atom or molecule) is electrically attracted to an anion (negatively charged atom or
molecule). Table salt, sodium chloride or Na+Cl-, is a common example of a
molecule held together by an ionic bond. Often the anionic atom species has stolen
an electron from the cation atom species, creating the charged ions. Anion(-) ::::::
(+)Cation Ions are atoms or molecules that have an inequality in terms of the
number of protons and electrons. The cathode of a battery attracts cations, because
the cathode is negatively charged. The anode of a battery attracts anions because it
is negatively charged. Don't confuse a cathode with a cation- they have opposite
electrical charges and so attract each other. Likewise with an anode and anions.
Salts are combinations of cations and anions, such as ordinary table salt, Na+Cl-,
but the term salt can applied to any combination of cation and anion, including
complex and large molecules, such as Tetracycline Hydrochloride (tetracycline
H+Cl-), where the tetracycline is ionized to form a cation, but is kept stable in
solution by combining with a chloride anion (Cl-).
Important Atoms, Ions, and Small Molecules studied in biology include: (memorize
this list!)
• H Hydrogen atom
• H+ Hydrogen ion (pH is a measure of H+ in a solution)
• C Carbon atom (present in almost all cell molecules)
• Oxygen atom
• Na Sodium atom
• Na+ Sodium ion (vital for cell membrane excitability)
• P Phosphorous atom (don't confuse this with Potassium!)
• K Potassium atom
• K+ Potassium ion (vital for cell membrane excitability)
• Cl Chlorine atom
• Cl- Chloride ion
• S Sulfur atom (present in many proteins)
• N Nitrogen atom (critical for amino acids and proteins)
• Ca++ Calcium ion (bone, cell excitability, and hormone regulation)
• Mn++ Manganese ion (stabilized cell enzymes)
• Mg++ Magnesium ion (stabilized cell enzymes)
• CO2 Carbon dioxide gas
• O2 Oxygen gas
• HCO3- Bicarbonate anion
• Zn++ Zinc ion
• Zn Zinc metal
Symbolic representations of atoms and bonds are commonly seen, or used, when
observing or drawing chemical structures. When you understand the secrets that
wizards use who draw molecules, you too will easily understand how to decipher
molecular representations! So here are a few rules to commit to memory:
1. Remember that carbon atoms almost always form 4 covalent bonds, so each
carbon atom in a molecule should have 4 bonds associated with it. Look at
the 3D molecule of methan below- can you see the carbon atom (black) and
the hydrogen atoms (white)? The carbon atom has formed 4 covalent bonds,
one with each hydrogen atom (note that hydrogen atoms form only 1
covalent bond with whatever they bond with).
2. If you see a molecular drawing where a carbon has less than 4 covalent
bonds, the remaining "unseen" bonds are always hydrogen atoms bonded to
the carbon atom; they are not usually drawn so that wizards can draw
molecules faster. Look at the wizardry representations of a common organic
molecules, benzene.
3. When you see a straight line extending off a carbohydrate molecule (sugar,
starch) into space, with no atoms at the end of the line, it is a wizard's trick
(those sneaky wizards): wizards know that at the end of that line there is
always an oxygen and then a hydrogen atom, this pair otherwise known as a
hydroxyl group (-O-H, or -OH).
4. When you see molecular bonds drawn with angular bends in them, there is
always a carbon atom at the bend or angle, even though the wizards do not
draw it and so it looks like nothing is there; but now you know better!
Common Biological Molecules
• Organic Acids-
abundant during cell metabolism of sugars and fats. Acetic acid is illustrated
below- it is formed during aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates or lipids
within cells.
These biological molecules include the sugars and starches. They always contain a
great deal of O, H and C, with a ratio of [C(H2O)]n, that is 1C:2H:1O Carbohydrates
are important biologically as nutrients, structural components, and as antigens.
Incidentally, the little n subscript is like an algebraic variable- it refers to an
unspecified number of multiples of the molecule to which it is referring, in this case a
molecule containing some multiple of C, H, and O in a specified ratio of 1:2:1.
Sugars combine to form disaccharides (two sugar molecules linked together such as
glucose + fructose forming sucrose cane sugar), polysaccharides (simple chains of
sugars), and then starch (chains of sugars with complex branching patterns). The
most common biological sugar is glucose, a six carbon sugar. Naturally occurring
sugars are what chemists call right-handed, or D sugars, as in D-glucose, D-
galactose, D-fructose. Sugars can also be left-handed, or L sugars. D and L refer to
whether the molecules bend light in a special instrument to the right or left,
respectively, that is, whether the molecules are dextro-rotatory or levo-rototory.
Ribose sugar is illustrated below (3D on left and line drawing on the right)- it is the
sugar used for part of cell genetics, that is for making ribosomes, transfer RNA, and
messenger RNA. By removing only one oxygen atom from ribose, a cell can form
deoxyribose, the sugar used to build deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
Starches are long chains of sugar molecules with complex branching patterns of
bonding between the sugar molecules. The two principle starches encountered in
cells include glycogen and cellulose. Chitin is another starch that also contains
nitrogen components; chitin is very strong structurally, and forms the dense
protective shell of crabs, insects, and other animals as well as certain microbes.
Glycogen is animal starch, stored in animal cells. Cellulose is plant starch. Both can
serve as reserve nutrient sources, because sugar molecules can be cleaved off the
starch and used for fuel. Cellulose starch also functions for cell membrane structural
integrity in certain cells.
These are substances that are not soluble in water. Lipids include dietary fats
(cholesterol, fatty acids in margarine and other foods) as well as oils, grease,
gasoline, steroid hormones, prostaglandin hormones, and many other biological
molecules. Structurally lipids are comprised of lots of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
Attached to the lipid at various points may be other atoms such as oxygen, or a side
group such as a hydroxyl group (OH), but the great majority of lipid composition is
that of lots of C and H.
Amino acids and Proteins
Proteins are very important molecules, functioning both as structural components of
cells and as enzymatic molecules that catalyze (speed up) chemical reactions in cells.
Proteins are made of building blocks called amino acids, there being about 22
different amino acids in found in nature.
Amino acids (and hence proteins) have what chemists call a left handed (L)
configuration, so that naturally occurring amino acids are named L-arginine, L-
glycine, and so on. Nutrisweet artificial sweetener is actually a synthetic substance
consisting of only two amino acids bonded together. So why does it have zero
calories? Because the amino acids that are part of Nutrisweet are right handed (R)
amino acids, unrecognizable by your body, except of course by your taste buds. All
amino acids (abbreviated as AA) have a generic structure with one end of the AA
having an amino (-NH2 group) and one end of the AA having an organic acid (-
COOH) group, sometimes called the carboxyl group.
Hence the name amino acid. Amino acids combine to form small chains of amino
acids called peptides, or even longer AA chains called polypeptides or proteins.
Sometimes the terms peptide, polypeptide, and protein are used interchangeably,
because of the disagreement among scientists as to what constitutes a peptide
versus a polypeptide versus a protein.
The bond that forms between amino acids to form peptides, polypeptides, and
proteins is called the peptide bond, and is formed between amino and carboxyl
groups. During peptide bond formation, water is removed, so the reaction is that of a
dehydration synthesis reaction. The reverse of bond formation is bond breaking, by
addition of water, in what is called a hydrolysis degradation reaction.
Muscle, skin, and connective tissue proteins, as well as intracellular proteins, are all
formed by joining amino acids together with dehydration reactions. During
starvation, hydrolysis of proteins yields free amino acids that are used for
metabolism for help provide energy.
Cellular Genetics
Genetic Encoding
Biochemically, the nucleotide bases of DNA are known as purines and pyrimidines.
It is the nucleotide bases, or rather their sequence, that constitutes the actual
genetic code for all of a cell's proteins. There are four nucleotides in DNA: adenine,
thymine, guanine, and cytosine. They are abbreviated as A,T,G, and C. As you will
learn soon, a codon, that is a sequence of three bases codes for a single amino acid.
{ How many bases along a length of DNA would be needed to code for an enzyme
protein composed of 1000 amino acids? Answer: 3000. }
RNA is very similar to DNA. In RNA the base uracil, U, is substituted for thymine, T.
So there is no thymine in RNA. Also, RNA uses the sugar ribose, not deoxyribose.
Along a molecule of DNA are various sequences of nucleotides coding for various
proteins. Each sequence of nucleic acid coding for a protein is called a gene.
Typically there will be hundreds or thousands of genes along a length of DNA,
interspersed with special nucleotide sequences that are start (e.g. TAC) and stop
(e.g. ACT or ATT) signals for gene reading by the cell.
DNA Arrangements
Viruses sometimes have ssDNA for their genome (or dsDNA, or ssRNA, or dsRNA),
however all cells have double stranded DNA (two strands of DNA twisted on each
other in a helical pattern). Hence the term alpha-helix for the three dimensional
structural description of a double stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecule.
Two opposite strands (lengths) of DNA are able to associate because of the fact that
certain base pairs have a binding affinity for each other. This is known as
complimentary base pairing. A readily pairs with T, and G with C; these are
known as the base pairing rules of DNA. Though two strands of single stranded
DNA (ssDNA) are twisted on each other, each ssDNA carries its own unique genes;
ssDNA is related to its complimentary strand of DNA only spatially, not genetically.
When dsDNA is genetically decoded, the helix is unzipped, a gene is "read" off the
appropriate ssDNA by RNA polymerase enzyme (that creates mRNA), and then the
helix is zippered shut.
dsDNA is always circular in bacteria, but linear in eukaryotic cells. Circular dsDNA
is like taking two lengths of string, twisting them on each other, and then closing off
the ends. Linear dsDNA is like taking two lengths of string and then twisting them on
each other.
Gene Decoding
By consulting a table of codons coding for each amino acid, you can decipher a
genetic sequence of DNA nucleotides or mRNA nucleotides to determine the resulting
gene product, that is a protein (structural or enzymatic). For example, the nucleotide
base sequence on mRNA (transcribed from the DNA sequence AGC) of UCG codes for
the amino acid serine.
Binary fission is the normal method of replication among bacteria; in this method of
cell replication, the bacterial cells simply increase their cell mass slightly, replicate
their cellular genome (DNA) and several other cell components, and then each cell
divides equally into two cells.
Binary fission as a method of cell replication is very efficient, with division possible
every 5 or 10 minutes! Consider the number of cells formed from 1 cell that divides
every 10 minutes: in just a matter of hours millions of cells may form from just a
single cell!
Mitosis is the common form of cell replication for tissue growth and regeneration
among all multi-cellular organisms. The image panel below shows various phases of
mitosis occurring among plant cells of an onion root tip. Each phase of cell division
will be discussed individually.
During cell division, replication of cell genetic and cytoplasmic material occurs,
followed by a highly organized splitting of the cell's contents. The two cells formed
following mitosis, called daughter cells (lower right image in the six-panel image
seen above), are genetically identical, and each has about 1/2 the cell mass of the
original cell; shortly, however, each daughter cell will increase its size to that of a
typical cell of the type from whence each daughter cell originated.
The process of mitosis is divided for human convenience into discrete stages or
phases (also divisible into early, middle, and late phases) known as interphase,
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and finally daughter cells.
These six phases of mitosis can be seen in the photo below, if you read the photos as
you would two lines in a book (left to right, then down to the second row and again
left to right).
Animal Cells Plant Cells
Daughter Cells. When mitosis is complete, the cell divides into two new cells, each resembling
the original interphase resting cells, but smaller. Two cells now exist as a result of mitosis. One cell
contains the newly synthesized DNA. The other cell contains the original DNA. Each cell has about
one half the biomass of the original cells. Soon each cell will acquire nutrients and will grow in size
so as to acquire the size that is normal for the cell type.
Allium. Seen below are phases of mitosis as seen in tissue sections of onion (Allium)
root tip. Root tips are excellent tissue sections to study to learn mitosis, since root
tips are rapidly growing and thus have many cells in stages of replication. Test your
knowledge- can you spot the cells undergoing cellular mitosis? Can you name the
phase for such cells? Click on an image to see an enlargement.
Meiosis is a mode of cell replication that occurs only in the gonads (testis and
ovary) of eukaryotes, in order to produce germ cells (sperm and egg cells, not
'germs' such as bacteria). Meiosis is a reduction division, where a cell's content of
genetic material is reduced to form daughter cells having 1/2 the amount of DNA
(and genes) found in regular body cells. Following meiosis, sperm and egg cells
potentially combine during fertilization to form a fertilized egg called a zygote. The
zygote now has the full complement of genetic material (1/2 + 1/2=1). When viewed
under the microscope, the stages of meiosis can appear very similar to those of
mitosis, so phases of meiosis will not be shown here.
Uncontrolled replication of cells leads to cell overgrowths, that is tumors. Tumors
can be classified as benign or malignant. Benign tumors are simply excessive cell
growths that will not cause any significant harm. Malignant tumors, that is
cancers, are cell growths where the cells are replicating without any inhibition of cell
growth, and they will cause death to the organism if allowed to continue growing.
Here are the naming conventions used for the more common tumors:
Agents that can trigger cells to become tumorous include: environmental carcinogens in
food, water, or air; cancer-causing genes called oncogenes that are transmitted by certain
viruses; and inherent oncogenes, triggered by repeated trauma to a cell.
Cellular Arrangements
There are four tissue types: nervous tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, and
epithelial tissue. All multi-celled animal life forms are composed of various
combinations of these four tissues.
Remember-- you are only to learn to differentiate the four basic tissue types! You
are NOT expected to learn each of the specific tissue subtypes of the four basic
tissues. So don't panic when you view all the different tissue subtypes.
NOTE: For more experience studying tissues, visit the histology lab center where
you can learn more about cell arrangements and tissue types. Many digital images
are available their for your viewing.
Tissue Development
Development of tissues occurs from primitive embryonic cell layers called germ
layers. There are 3 germ layers that form in the embryonic cell mass:
When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell, a fertilized egg or zygote is formed.
The zygote then divides into 2 cells, then 4 cells, then 16 cells, then 32 cells, then 64
cells, then 128 cells. Note that growth is at a geometric rate. The cell numbers of a
developing embryo increases at a fantastic rate as a single fertilized cell matures into
an embryo and then a fetus (nymphs or larvae in the case of insects, worms, and so
Morula Formation
As cell mass increases from a fertilized egg dividing and with geometric cell mass
increase, the embryo begins looking like a bunch of mulberries (well, sort of if you
use some imagination), so that is what it is called. Except "mulberry" is translated
into Latin, the universal scientific language, to form the word morula.
Blastula Formation
Soon the mulberry (morula) hollows out, forming a hollow cavity, sort of like a
blown-up balloon, and it is then called a blastula.
Gastrula Formation
One end of the blastula invaginates, sort of like pushing your finger into the blown-
up balloon. Now the embryo is said to be a gastrula; gastrulation has occurred. Note
that there are now two cavities- the cavity in the balloon filled with air (call this
cavity #1) and the cavity formed by gastrulation (call this cavity #2). Cavity #1 will
become the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and cavity #2 will become the
gastrointestinal tract (Did you notice the "gast-" prefix in both gastrulation and
gastrointestinal tract?).
The outer layer of cells, that is the outer skin of the balloon, is what is called the
ectoderm germ layer of cells, and as the embryo continues to grow and differentiate
into a fetus the ectoderm cells will form tissues and organs such as skin, nervous
tissue, brain, and the eye.
The middle layer of cells, that is the inner skin of the balloon, is what is called the
mesoderm germ layer of cells, and as the embryo continues to grow and differentiate
into a fetus the mesoderm cells will form tissues such as muscle, blood vessels,
cartilage, bone, ligaments, and other connective tissues.
The layer of cells lining the gastrulation cavity (cavity #2), that is the skin of the balloon
surrounding your finger that you poked into the balloon, is what is called the endoderm germ layer
of cells, and as the embryo continues to grow and differentiate into a fetus the endoderm cells will
form epithelium lining the entire gut.
Tissue Components
Tissues are made of matrix and cells. Matrix is the non-cellular material between
tissue cells, secreted by cells; matrix consists of both organic components (such as
collagen and elastic proteins to give tissues strength and elasticity) and inorganic
components (such as water and minerals).
Useful Suffixes. Cells of tissues are named according their tissue type, but many
cells share common suffixes that reveal clues about their function. "- cytes" are
mature cells that perform common tissue functions. "- blasts" are immature tissue
cells that give rise to other mature tissue cells. "- clasts" are tissue destroying cells.
Homo sapiens Map View
[ 1 ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y
Master: Genes On Sequence Map Display settings
Total Genes On Chromosome: 955
Region Displayed: 0-220467 Kbp
Genes Labeled: 20 Total Genes in Region: 955
symbol orient. links cyto. full name
DKFZP564C186 + av sv 1pter-1p12 DKFZP564C186 protein
One strand of DNA holds the information that codes for various genes; this strand is
often called the template strand or antisense strand (containing anticodons). The other,
and complementary, strand is called the coding strand or sense strand (containing
codons). Since mRNA is made from the template strand, it has the same information as
the coding strand. The table above refers to triplet nucleotide codons along the sequence
of the coding or sense strand of DNA as it runs 5' -> 3'; the code for the mRNA would be
identical but for the fact that RNA contains U (uridine) rather than T.
Since amino acid residues of proteins are specified as triplet codons, the protein sequence
made from the above example would be Met-Glu-Phe-Ser-Leu... (MEFSL...).
Practically, codons are "decoded" by transfer RNAs (tRNA) which interact with a
ribosome-bound messenger RNA (mRNA) containing the coding sequence. There are 64
different tRNAs, each of which has an anticodon loop (used to recognize codons in the
mRNA). 61 of these have a bound amino acyl residue; the appropriate "charged" tRNA
binds to the respective next codon in the mRNA and the ribosome catalyzes the transfer
of the amino acid from the tRNA to the growing (nascent) protein/polypeptide chain. The
remaining 3 codons are used for "punctuation"; that is, they signal the termination (the
end) of the growing polypeptide chain.
Lastly, the Genetic Code in the table above has also been called "The Universal Genetic
Code". It is known as "universal", because it is used by all known organisms as a code for
DNA, mRNA, and tRNA. The universality of the genetic code encompases animals
(including humans), plants, fungi, archaea, bacteria, and viruses. However, all rules have
their exceptions, and such is the case with the Genetic Code; small variations in the code
exist in mitochondria and certain microbes. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that
these variances represent only a small fraction of known cases, and that the Genetic Code
applies quite broadly, certainly to all known nuclear genes.
Codon Tables
Third Position
AA | Lys Asn Lys Asn
F AC | Thr Thr Thr Thr
i AG | Arg Ser Arg Ser
r AU | Ile Ile MET Ile
s P CA | Gln His Gln His
t o CC | Pro Pro Pro Pro
s CG | Arg Arg Arg Arg
& i CU | Leu Leu Leu Leu
t GA | Glu Asp Glu Asp
S i GC | Ala Ala Ala Ala
e o GG | Gly Gly Gly Gly
c n GU | Val Val Val Val
o UA | . Tyr . Tyr
n UC | Ser Ser Ser Ser
d UG | . Cys Trp Cys
UU | Leu Phe Leu Phe
MET Ala Arg Lys MET Ala Arg Lys MET Ala Arg Lys MET Ala Arg Lys
=============== =============== =============== ===============
Chromosome The term was proposed by Waldeyer (1888) for the individual threads
within a cell nucleus (gk. chroma, colour; soma, body). The self-
replicating genetic structures of cells containing the cellular DNA that
bears in its nucleotide sequence the linear array of genes. In prokaryotes,
chromosomal DNA is circular, and the entire genome is carried on one
chromosome. Eukaryotic genomes consist of a number of chromosomes
whose DNA is associated with different kinds of proteins.
Related Terms:
Nucleus The term introduced by Brown (1833) for the more or less spherical structure
which occures in cells and stains deeply with basic dyes. The cellular organelle
in eukaryotes that contains the genetic material.
Nucleotide A subunit of DNA or RNA consisting of a nitrogenous base (purine in adenine
and guanine, pyrimidine in thymine, or cytosine for DNA and uracil cytosine
for RNA), a phosphate molecule, and a sugar molecule (deoxyribose in DNA
and ribose in RNA). Depending one the sugar the nucleotides are called
deoxyribonucleotides or ribonucleotides. Thousands of nucleotides are linked
to form a DNA or RNA molecule. See also base pair.
Gene The term coined by Johannsen (1909) for the fundamental physical and
functional unit of heredity. The word gene was derived from De Vries' term
pangen, itself a derivative of the word pangenesis which Darwin (1868) had
coined. A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular
position (locus) on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional
product (the gene product, i.e. a protein or RNA molecule). It includes regions
involved in regulation of expression and regions that code for a specific
functional product. See gene expression, allele.
Prokaryote Cell or organism lacking a membrane-bound, structurally discrete nucleus and
other subcellular compartments. Bacteria are prokaryotes. Compare eukaryote.
See chromosomes.
Eukaryote Cell or organism with membrane-bound, structurally discrete nucleus and other
well-developed subcellular compartments. Eukaryotes include all organisms
except viruses, bacteria, and blue-green algae. Compare prokaryote. See
Protein A large molecule composed of one or more chains of amino acids in a specific
order; the order is determined by the base sequence of nucleotides in the gene
coding for the protein. Proteins are required for the structure, function, and
regulation of the bodys cells, tissues, and organs, and each protein has unique
functions. Examples are hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
Related Terms:
Genetic The sequence of nucleotides, coded in triplets (codons) along the mRNA, that
code determines the sequence of amino acids in protein synthesis. The DNA
sequence of a gene can be used to predict the mRNA sequence, and the genetic
code can in turn be used to predict the amino acid sequence.
Related Terms:
Nucleotide A subunit of DNA or RNA consisting of a nitrogenous base (purine in
adenine and guanine, pyrimidine in thymine, or cytosine for DNA and
uracil cytosine for RNA), a phosphate molecule, and a sugar molecule
(deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA). Depending one the sugar
the nucleotides are called deoxyribonucleotides or ribonucleotides.
Thousands of nucleotides are linked to form a DNA or RNA
molecule. See also base pair.
Codon The term proposed by Crick (1963) for the sequence of nucleotides in
DNA or RNA.which is responsible for determining that a specific
amino acid shall be inserted into a polypeptide chain. There is more
than one codon for most amino acids. It has now been established that
the codon is a triplet of nitrogenous bases in DNA or RNA that
specifies a single amino acid. See genetic code.
Messenger RNA RNA that serves as a template for protein synthesis or for synthesis of
(mRNA) cDNA. See genetic code.
Amino acid Any of a class of 20 molecules that are combined to form proteins in
living things. The sequence of amino acids in a protein and hence
protein function are determined by the genetic code.
Amino acids contain a basic amino (NH2) group, an acidic carboxyl
(COOH) group and a side chain (R - of a number of different kinds)
attached to an alpha carbon atom.
Related Terms:
Yeast artificial A vector used to clone DNA fragments (up to 400 kb); it is constructed
chromosome from the telomeric, centromeric, and replication origin sequences
(YAC) needed for replication in yeast cells. The inserts can be much larger than
those accepted by other vectors such as plasmids or cosmids. (Cf.
cloning vector).
Related Terms:
Sequence Short (200 to 500 base pairs) sequence of genomic DNA that has a single
tagged site occurrence in the human genome and whose location and base sequence are
(STS) known. Detectable by polymerase chain reaction, STSs are useful for
localizing and orienting the mapping and sequence data reported from many
different laboratories and serve as landmarks on the developing physical
map of the human genome.
Related Terms:
Single nucleotide Sequence polymorphism differing in a single base pair.
polymorphism (SNP)
Example for a single nucleotide substitution:
Rice cultivars with 18% or less amylose had the sequence
AGTTATA at the putative leader intron 5' splice site, while all
cultivars with ahigher proportion of amylose had AGGTATA.
See abstract of publication.
The sequence of bases along a strand of DNA determines the genetic code.
When the product of a particular gene is needed, the portion of the DNA
molecule that contains that gene will split. A strand of RNA with bases
complementary to those of the gene is created from the free nucleotides in the
cell. (RNA has the base uracil [U] instead of thymine, so A and U form base pairs
during RNA synthesis.) This single chain of RNA, called messenger RNA (mRNA),
then passes to the organelles called ribosomes, where protein synthesis takes
place. A second type of RNA, transfer RNA (tRNA), matches up the nucleotides
on mRNA with specific amino acids. Each set of three nucleotides codes for one
amino acid. The series of amino acids built according to the sequence of
nucleotides forms a polypeptide chain; all proteins are made from one or more
linked polypeptide chains.
Experiments indicate that one gene is responsible for the assembly of one
polypeptide chain. This is known as the one-gene-one-polypeptide hypothesis.
Other experiments have shown that many of the genes within a cell are inactive
much or even all of the time. Thus, at any time, it seems that a gene can be
switched on or off. The process by which genes are activated and deactivated in
bacteria has been determined. Bacteria actually have three types of genes:
structural, operator, and regulator. Structural genes code for the synthesis of
specific polypeptides. Operator genes contain the code necessary to begin the
process of transcribing the DNA message of one or more structural genes into
mRNA. Thus, structural genes are linked to an operator gene in a functional unit
called an operon. Ultimately, the activity of the operon is controlled by a
regulator gene, which produces a small protein molecule called a repressor. The
repressor binds to the operator gene and prevents it from initiating the synthesis
of the protein called for by the operon. The presence or absence of certain
repressor molecules determines whether the operon is off or on. As mentioned,
this model applies to bacteria. Gene regulation in higher organisms is less clearly
The Cell
This article discusses the cell both as an individual unit and as a contributing
part of a larger organism. As an individual unit the cell is capable of digesting its
own nutrients, providing its own energy, and replicating itself in order to
produce succeeding generations. It can be viewed as an enclosed vessel
composed of even smaller units that serve as its skin, skeleton, brain, and
digestive tract. Within this vessel innumerable chemical reactions take place
simultaneously, all of them controlled so that they contribute to the life and
procreation of the cell. In a multicellular organism cells specialize to perform
different functions. In order to do this each cell keeps in constant communication
with its neighbours. As it receives nutrients from and expels wastes into its
surroundings, it adheres to and cooperates with other cells. Cooperative
assemblies of similar cells form tissues, and a cooperation between tissues in
turn forms organs, the functional units of an organism.
Special emphasis is given in this article to animal cells, with some discussion of
the energy-synthesizing processes and extracellular components peculiar to
plants. For detailed discussion of the biochemistry of plant cells, see
photosynthesis. For full-length treatment of the genetic events in the cell
nucleus, see heredity.
The nature and function of cells
The cell as a self-replicating collection of catalysts
The structure of biologic catalysts
Coupled chemical reactions
Photosynthesis: the beginning of the food chain
ATP: fueling chemical reactions
The cell as a replicator of information
DNA: the genetic material
RNA: replicated from DNA
The cell as an organized unit
Intracellular communication
Intercellular communication
The plasma membrane
Chemical composition and structure of the membrane
Membrane lipids
Membrane proteins
Membrane fluidity
Transport across the membrane
Membrane channels
Facilitated diffusion
The glucose transporter
The anion transporter
Secondary active transport
Primary active transport
The sodium pump
Calcium pumps
Hydrogen ion pumps
Transport of particles
Internal membranes
General functions and characteristics
Cellular organelles and their membranes
The vacuole
The lysosome
The endoplasmic reticulum
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum
The rough endoplasmic reticulum
The Golgi apparatus
Secretory vesicles
Sorting of products by chemical receptors
The nucleus
Structural organization of the nucleus
DNA packaging
Nucleosomes: the subunits of chromatin
Organization of chromatin fibre
The nuclear envelope
Genetic organization of the nucleus
The structure of DNA
Rearrangement and modification of DNA
Genetic expression through RNA
RNA synthesis
Processing of mRNA
Regulation of genetic expression
Regulation of RNA synthesis
Regulation of RNA after synthesis
The mitochondrion and the chloroplast
Mitochondrial and chloroplastic structure
Metabolic functions
The mitochondrion
Formation of the electron donors NADH and FADH2
The electron-transport chain
The chemiosmotic theory
The chloroplast
Trapping of light
Fixation of carbon dioxide.
Evolutionary origins
The mitochondrion and chloroplast as independent entities
The endosymbiont hypothesis
The cytoskeleton
Actin filaments
Intermediate filaments
Structural relation of the filaments
The cell matrix and cell-to-cell communication
The extracellular matrix
Matrix polysaccharides
Matrix proteins
Cell-matrix interactions
Intercellular recognition and cell adhesion
Tissue and species recognition
Cell junctions
Adhering junctions
Tight junctions
Gap junctions
Cell-to-cell communication via chemical signaling
Types of chemical signaling
Signal receptors
Cellular response
The plant cell wall
Mechanical properties of wall layers
Components of the cell wall
Matrix polysaccharides
Intercellular communication
Oligosaccharides with regulatory functions
Cell division and growth
Duplication of the genetic material
Cell division
Mitosis and cytokinesis
The cell division cycle
Controlled proliferation
Failure of proliferation control
Cell differentiation
The differentiated state
The process of differentiation
Embryonic differentiation
Adult differentiation
Errors in differentiation
The evolution of cells
The development of genetic information
The development of metabolism
The history of cell theory
Formulation of the theory
Early observations
The problem of the origin of cells
The protoplasm concept
Contribution of other sciences
General works
Nature and function of cells
Special studies in cell morphology
Special studies in cell biology
In biology, the basic unit of which all living things are composed. The cell is the
smallest structural unit of living matter that is capable of functioning
independently. All cells are similar in composition, form, and function. A single
cell can be a complete organism in itself, as in bacteria and protozoans. Groups
of specialized cells are organized into tissues and organs in multicellular
organisms such as the higher plants and animals.
Cells were first observed in the 17th century, shortly after the discovery of the
microscope. Their significance, however, was not understood until the early 19th
century, when improvements in microscopy permitted closer observation.
Important among the smaller molecular components of cells are lipids, ATP
(adenosine triphosphate), cyclic AMP(adenosine monophosphate), porphyrins,
and water. Lipids are fatty substances that are a major component of cell
membranes. ATP is the energy currency of the cell; this energy-rich molecule is
formed when the cell needs to store energy and is broken down when the cell
requires energy. Cyclic AMP functions as a regulator of cell activities; porphyrins
are pigments essential for oxidation and photosynthesis. About 70 to 80 percent
of a cell is water, which is vital to the chemistry of life.
There are two distinct types of cells: procaryotic cells, found only in blue-green
algae and in bacteria, and eucaryotic cells, composing all other life forms. A
eucaryotic cell consists of an outer membrane, cytoplasm that contains various
membrane-bound structures (organelles), and a membrane-bound nucleus that
encloses the gene-bearing chromosomes. Procaryotic cells have a cell membrane
and cytoplasm, but they have no nucleus (their genetic material is organized
into a single chromosome) and they lack membrane-bound cytoplasmic
organelles. The molecular composition and activities of the two types of cells,
however, are very similar.
The space between cells is filled with the extracellular matrix, a gel of
polysaccharides swollen with water molecules in which are suspended protein
fibres that hold cells together to form tissues.
Within the cytoplasm of both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells are ribosomes,
small bodies that are the sites of protein synthesis. In addition, eucaryotic cells
have a variety of separate membrane-bound cytoplasmic organelles with special
functions. These organelles include the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus,
lysosomes, mitochondria, and plastids. The endoplasmic reticulum is a network
of channels that functions in the movement of materials within the cell.
Associated with these channels is the Golgi apparatus, which is composed of
sacs that bud off from the endoplasmic reticulum. These sacs transport cell
products from the endoplasmic reticulum to their appropriate locations either
inside or outside the cell. Lysosomes are sacs filled with digestive enzymes; they
are capable of digesting worn-out cell parts or extracellular debris, such as dead
cells or foreign microorganisms that have been engulfed by the cell.
Mitochondria serve as the power plants of the cell; it is within these organelles
that ATP is synthesized. Plastids are found in the cells of most plants but are
absent from animal cells. Of immense importance are the plastids known as
chloroplasts; they contain the machinery for photosynthesis, the process by
which the energy of sunlight is captured to produce carbohydrates.
The nucleus is the control centre of eucaryotic cells. Within this membrane-
bound structure lie the chromosomes, which carry the hereditary material. The
DNA of the chromosomes directs protein synthesis in the cell; the DNA
instructions are carried from the nucleus to the cytoplasm by messenger RNA
(mRNA). Procaryotic cells have no membrane-enclosed nucleus. They do,
however, have nuclear matter consisting of a single chromosome.
Procaryotic cells reproduce in various ways, the most common being binary
fission. This process involves replication of the cell's lone chromosome and the
subsequent splitting of the parent cell into two daughters. It thus resembles
mitosis in eucaryotes, but it lacks the special apparatus involved in true mitotic
The two main types of cell death are necrotic cell death, or coagulative necrosis,
and apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Necrosis occurs in a variety of
contexts produced by disease, injury, or accident and is cell death imposed by
external factors. A cell undergoing necrosis typically swells in size before its
lysosomes rupture and the cell's internal contents spill out into extracellular
Water 70
Inorganic ions (sodium, potassium, magnesium, 1
calcium, chloride, etc.)
Miscellaneous small metabolites 3
Proteins 18
RNA 1.1
DNA 0.25
Phospholipids and other lipids 5
Polysaccharides 2
Biological Development
The progressive changes in size, shape, and function during the life of an
organism by which its genetic potentials (genotype) are translated into
functioning mature systems (phenotype). Most modern philosophical outlooks
would consider that development of some kind or other characterizes all things,
in both the physical and biological worlds. Such points of view go back to the
very earliest days of philosophy.
The philosophers who charted the transition from the nondevelopmental view,
for which time was an accidental and inessential element, were Henri Bergson
and, in particular, Alfred North Whitehead. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, with
their insistence on the difference between dialectical and mechanical
materialism, may be regarded as other important innovators of this trend,
although the generality of their philosophy was somewhat compromised by the
political context in which it was placed and the rigidity with which their later
followers have interpreted it.
The scope of development
Types of development
Quantitative and qualitative development
Progressive and regressive development
Single-phase and multiphase development
Structural and functional development
Normal and abnormal development
General systems of development
Development of single-celled organisms
Open and closed systems of development
Blastogenesis versus embryogenesis
Constituent processes of development
Morphogenesis by differential growth
Morphogenetic fields
Morphogenesis by the self-assembly of units
Control and integration of development
Phenomenological aspects
Analytical aspects
Development and evolution
Effect on life histories
Length and timing of the reproductive phase
Recapitulation of ancestral stages
Adaptability and the canalization of development
Genetic assimilation
Human anatomy and physiology are treated in many different articles. For
detailed coverage of the body's biochemical constituents, see Proteins;
Carbohydrates; Lipids; Nucleic Acids; Vitamins; and Hormones. For information
on the structure and function of the cells that constitute the body, see Cells. For
detailed discussions of specific tissues, organs, and systems, see Blood;
Circulation and Circulatory Systems: The human cardiovascular system;
Digestion and Digestive Systems; Endocrine Systems: The human endocrine
system; Excretion and Excretory Systems: The human excretory system;
Integumentary Systems: The human skin; Muscles and Muscle Systems; Nerves
and Nervous Systems; Reproduction and Reproductive Systems: The human
reproductive system; Respiration and Respiratory Systems: Human respiration;
Sensory Reception: Human sensory reception; Supportive and Connective
Tissues: The human skeletal system. For a description of how the body
develops, from conception through old age, see Growth and Development,
Biological: Human growth and development.
Many entries describe the body's major structures. For example, see abdominal
cavity; adrenal gland; aorta; bone; brain; ear; eye; heart; kidney; large
intestine; lung; nose; ovary; pancreas; pituitary gland; small intestine; spinal
cord; spleen; stomach; testis; thymus; thyroid gland; tooth; uterus; vertebral
Characteristic of the vertebrate form, the human body has an internal skeleton
that includes a backbone of vertebrae. Typical of mammalian structure, the
human body shows such characteristics as hair, mammary glands, and highly
developed sense organs.
Beyond these similarities, however, lie some profound differences. Among the
mammals, only human beings have a predominantly two-legged (bipedal)
posture, a fact that has greatly modified the general mammalian body plan.
(Even the kangaroo, which hops on two legs when moving rapidly, walks on four
legs and uses its tail as a "third leg" when standing.) Moreover, the human
brain, particularly that part called the neocortex, is far and away the most highly
developed in the animal kingdom. As intelligent as are many other mammals--
such as chimpanzees and dolphins--none have achieved the intellectual status of
the human species.
Proteins also serve as a major structural component of the body. Like lipids,
proteins are an important constituent of the cell membrane. In addition, such
extracellular materials as hair and nails are composed of protein. So also is
collagen, the fibrous, elastic material that makes up much of the body's skin,
bones, tendons, and ligaments. Proteins also perform numerous functional roles
in the body. Particularly important are those cellular proteins called enzymes,
which catalyze the chemical reactions necessary for life.
Carbohydrates are present in the human body largely as fuels, either as simple
sugars circulating through the bloodstream or as glycogen, a storage compound
found in the liver and the muscles. Small amounts of carbohydrates also occur in
cell membranes, but, in contrast to plants and many invertebrate animals,
humans have little structural carbohydrate in their bodies.
Nucleic acids make up the genetic materials of the body. Deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) carries the body's hereditary master code, the instructions according to
which each cell operates. It is DNA, passed from parents to offspring, that
dictates the inherited characteristics of each human being. Ribonucleic acid
(RNA), of which there are several types, helps carry out the instructions encoded
in the DNA.
Along with water and organic compounds, the body's constituents include
various inorganic minerals. Chief among these are calcium, phosphorus, sodium,
magnesium, and iron. Calcium and phosphorus, combined as calcium-phosphate
crystals, form a large part of the body's bones. Calcium is also present as ions in
the blood and interstitial fluid, as is sodium. Ions of phosphorus, potassium, and
magnesium, on the other hand, are abundant within the intercellular fluid. All of
these ions play vital roles in the body's metabolic processes. Iron is present
mainly as part of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment of the red blood
cells. Other mineral constituents of the body, found in minute but necessary
concentrations, include cobalt, copper, iodine, manganese, and zinc.
The cell is the basic living unit of the human body--indeed, of all organisms. The
human body consists of more than 75 trillion cells, each capable of growth,
metabolism, response to stimuli, and, with some exceptions, reproduction.
Although there are some 200 different types of cells in the body, these can be
grouped into four basic classes. These four basic cell types, together with their
extracellular materials, form the fundamental tissues of the human body: (1)
epithelial tissues, which cover the body's surface and line the internal organs,
body cavities, and passageways; (2) muscle tissues, which are capable of
contraction and form the body's musculature; (3) nerve tissues, which conduct
electrical impulses and make up the nervous system; and (4) connective tissues,
which are composed of widely spaced cells and large amounts of intercellular
matrix and which bind together various body structures. (Bone and blood are
considered specialized connective tissues, in which the intercellular matrix is,
respectively, hard and liquid.)
The next level of organization in the body is that of the organ. An organ is a
group of tissues that constitutes a distinct structural and functional unit. Thus,
the heart is an organ composed of all four tissues, whose function is to pump
blood throughout the body. Of course, the heart does not function in isolation; it
is part of a system composed of blood and blood vessels as well. The highest
level of body organization, then, is that of the organ system.
The body includes nine major organ systems, each composed of various organs
and tissues that work together as a functional unit. The chief constituents and
prime functions of each system are summarized below. (1) The integumentary
system, composed of the skin and associated structures, protects the body from
invasion by harmful microorganisms and chemicals; it also prevents water loss
from the body. (2) The musculoskeletal system (also referred to separately as
the muscle system and the skeletal system), composed of the skeletal muscles
and bones (with about 206 of the latter in adults), moves the body and
protectively houses its internal organs. (3) The respiratory system, composed of
the breathing passages, lungs, and muscles of respiration, obtains from the air
the oxygen necessary for cellular metabolism; it also returns to the air the
carbon dioxide that forms as a waste product of such metabolism. (4) The
circulatory system, composed of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, circulates a
transport fluid throughout the body, providing the cells with a steady supply of
oxygen and nutrients and carrying away such waste products as carbon dioxide
and toxic nitrogen compounds. (5) The digestive system, composed of the
mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines, breaks down food into usable
substances (nutrients), which are then absorbed from the blood or lymph; this
system also eliminates the unusable or excess portion of the food as fecal
matter. (6) The excretory system, composed of the kidneys, ureters, urinary
bladder, and urethra, removes toxic nitrogen compounds and other wastes from
the blood. (7) The nervous system, composed of the sensory organs, brain,
spinal cord, and nerves, transmits, integrates, and analyzes sensory information
and carries impulses to effect the appropriate muscular or glandular responses.
(8) The endocrine system, composed of the hormone-secreting glands and
tissues, provides a chemical communications network for coordinating various
body processes. (9) The reproductive system, composed of the male or female
sex organs, enables reproduction and thereby ensures the continuation of the
aging process
Tissue cell loss and replacement
from aging
blastema formation
animal development
from animal development
Cell reproduction
from reproduction
cellular components
from morphology
Early development
from animal development
from clone
epidermal differentiation
The epidermis
from skin
vitamin deficiencies
from nutritional disease
Historical background
from physiology
aging process
human aging
from human aging
from aging
Internal environment: consequences of metabolism
from aging
cellular metabolism
Endocrine system
from human aging
fluid regulation
Regulation of water and salt balance
from excretion
genetic behaviour
from genetics
Hormone chemistry.
from hormone
circulatory system
Main features of circulatory systems
from circulation
human body
Organization of the body.
from human body
metabolic disease
metabolic disease
from metabolic disease
Disorders of porphyrin metabolism
from metabolic disease
Characteristics of cell and tissue changes
from animal disease
from cancer
ref. [cancer] passim to
ref. [cancer20]
cell death
The "point of no return"
from death
growth inhibition
Abnormal growth of cells
from human disease
from virus
radiation damage
Radiation injury
from human disease
Major types of radiation injury
from radiation
scientific study
from cytology
morphology of cells
The study of structure
from biology
observations by
Braun, Alexander Carl Heinrich
from Braun, Alexander Carl Heinrich
Claude, Albert
from Claude, Albert
Goodsir, John
from Goodsir, John
Mohl, Hugo von
from Mohl, Hugo von
Müller, Johannes Peter
from Mller, Johannes Peter
Palade, George E.
from Palade, George E.
human respiration
Peripheral chemoreceptors
from respiration, human
Figure 3: A
parsing graph. Information Processing
Query languages
The main types of popular query modes are the "menu," the
Figure 2: "fill-in-the-blank" technique, and the structured query.
Document Particularly suited for novices, the menu requires a person to
imaging. choose from several alternatives displayed on the video
terminal screen. The fill-in-the-blank technique is one in which
the user is prompted to enter key words as search statements.
The structured query approach is effective with relational
databases. It has a formal, powerful syntax that is in fact a
programming language, and it is able to accommodate logical
Figure 5: The operators. One implementation of this approach, the
Structured Query Language (SQL), has the form
architecture of
a networked
select [field Fa, Fb, . . . , Fn]
from [database Da, Db, . . . , Dn]
The most flexible query language is of course natural language. The use of
natural-language sentences in a constrained form to search databases is allowed
by some commercial database management software. These programs parse the
syntax of the query; recognize its action words and their synonyms; identify the
names of files, records, and fields; and perform the logical operations required.
Experimental systems that accept such natural-language queries in spoken voice
have been developed; however, the ability to employ unrestricted natural
language to query unstructured information will require further advances in
machine understanding of natural language, particularly in techniques of
representing the semantic and pragmatic context of ideas. The prospect of an
intelligent conversation between humans and a large store of digitally encoded
knowledge is not imminent.
Key-word searches can be made either more general or more narrow in scope by
means of logical operators (e.g., disjunction and conjunction). Because of the
semantic ambiguities involved in free-text indexing, however, the precision of
the key-word retrieval technique--that is, the percentage of relevant documents
correctly retrieved from a collection--is far from ideal, and various modifications
have been introduced to improve it. In one such enhancement, the search
output is sorted by degree of relevance, based on a statistical match between
the key words in the query and in the document; in another, the program
automatically generates a new query using one or more documents considered
relevant by the user. Key-word searching has been the dominant approach to
text retrieval since the early 1960s; hypertext has so far been largely confined
to personal or corporate information-retrieval applications.
The exponential growth of the use of computer networks in the 1990s presages
significant changes in systems and techniques of information retrieval. In a
wide-area information service, a number of which began operating at the
beginning of the 1990s on the Internet computer network, a user's personal
computer or terminal (called a client) can search simultaneously a number of
databases maintained on heterogeneous computers (called servers). The latter
are located at different geographic sites, and their databases contain different
data types and often use incompatible data formats. The simultaneous,
distributed search is possible because clients and servers agree on a standard
document addressing scheme and adopt a common communications protocol
that accommodates all the data types and formats used by the servers.
Communication with other wide-area services using different protocols is
accomplished by routing through so-called gateways capable of protocol
translation. The architecture of a typical networked information system is
illustrated in Figure 5. Several representative clients are shown: a "dumb"
terminal (i.e., one with no internal processor), a personal computer (PC), and
Macintosh (trademark; Mac), and NeXT (trademark) machines. They have
access to data on the servers sharing a common protocol as well as to data
provided by services that require protocol conversion via the gateways. Network
news is such a wide-area service, containing hundreds of news groups on a
variety of subjects, by which users can read and post messages.
General considerations
Basic concepts
Information as a resource and commodity
Elements of information processing
Acquisition and recording of information in analog form
Acquisition and recording of information in digital form
Recording media
Recording techniques
Inventory of recorded information
Primary and secondary literature
Organization and retrieval of information
Description and content analysis of analog-form records
Description and content analysis of digital-form information
Machine indexing
Semantic content analysis
Image analysis
Speech analysis
Storage structures for digital-form information
Query languages
Information searching and retrieval
Information display
Microfilm and microfiche
Dissemination of information
Information systems
Impact of information technology
Analysis and design of information systems
Categories of information systems
Management-oriented information systems
Administration-oriented information systems
Service-oriented information systems
Computer-integrated manufacturing
Transaction-processing systems
Expert systems
Public information utilities
Impact of computer-based information systems on society
Effects on the economy
Effects on governance and management
Effects on the individual
Concepts of information and information systems
Information processing
Organizational information systems
Public information utilities
Impact of information systems
Bibliographic sources
Information only adds value to your organization if people can find the content
they need, when they need it. Your users need the tools to search, navigate and
view mission-critical information—whether it’s stored in a structured database
down the hall, on a Web server across the street, or in a word processing
document saved on a file server half-way around the world. They need an
intuitive solution that can keep up with the increasing amount of information
they create and use every day. They need the power of Verity K2 Enterprise.
Connects the Right Users with the Right Content at the Right Time
Advanced Search
If your users can’t find information, they can’t act on it. That’s why the
advanced Verity search, navigation, and viewing technologies that K2 Enterprise
incorporates are so important to the success of your business. Using the robust
Verity Query Language, you can implement these transparently to put the power
of sophisticated queries behind simple, one-word searches. Novice users can get
accurate results without using complex query syntax or understanding your
corporate taxonomy. Features like smart correction of user errors, stemming
expansion, query-by-example and automatic summarization guide your users to
the information they need—even if they misspell search terms or don’t know
where to start looking.
Intelligent Classification
Portals powered by Verity K2 Enterprise can do more than search and retrieve
specific information for your users. They can automatically organize your
information assets to make them easier for your users to browse. Unlike
automatic classification methods that rely solely on statistical clustering
algorithms to group documents, Intelligent Classification combines machine
efficiency with human intellect. Subject matter experts can refine the rules
created by computers to apply business logic that can only be understood by the
human mind.
Effective portal solutions make information as easy to find and retrieve for
novice users as it is for experts familiar with advanced search techniques and
corporate taxonomies. Verity K2 Enterprise provides your users with advanced
user interfaces that make both unstructured and structured information assets
readily accessible. For example, you can create directories based on your
corporate terminology through which users can navigate and restrict searches to
find unstructured content. Or you can utilize K2 Enterprise’s parametric search
to let users sort, filter and drill through structured information.
Unlimited Growth
Verity K2 Enterprise’s brokered search ensures your site will always be up and
running by routing queries to servers that are best suited to the task. This
distributes load evenly, ensuring that response time never suffers because one
server is sitting idle while others are overloaded and isolating hardware failures
to deliver uninterrupted service to your users enterprise-wide—24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
Global Support
Behind the shelves of your e-store, Verity K2 Catalog’s open design ensures
rapid integration with your existing e-business environment. And its scalable
architecture gives your e-commerce solution the capability to accommodate
unlimited growth of both your catalog and customers with zero performance
degradation. This means your customers can fill their shopping carts fuller and
faster with Verity K2 Catalog—24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Intelligent Merchandising
Site stickiness isn’t just about keeping customers on your site longer. It’s about
keeping them longer because they’re spending more money. Verity K2 Catalog
profitably increases your site’s "stickiness" with intuitive, accurate search. This is
one of the key advantages of portals powered by Verity—because if your
customers can’t find what they’re looking for with a few clicks of their mouse,
you’ll lose them to a site where they can.
Adaptive Personalization
Instead of relying on static user profiles, Verity personalizes the online shopping
experience by dynamically adapting to each search based on past queries and
customer preferences. Specific products can be promoted based on previous
purchasing history to provide the right match between products and customers—
whether they’re shopping for themselves or someone else.
Unlimited Growth
SIM is ideally suited to web site content management, especially for web sites
that have a need for;
• Management of structured documents,
• Large data volumes (up to millions of documents),
• Web based workflow and release control, including the ability to preview
changes and additions in place in the web site,
• Tightly integrated searching and table of contents support,
• Media asset management, where multimedia objects are Dublin Core
metadata cataloged and managed as a collected resource for the site.
• Dynamic presentation of documents which allows for customization based
on user needs,
• Hypertext link creation and multimedia object embedding that is
implemented in a completely word-processing package independent
manner, greatly reducing integration costs for new editing packages,
• Hypertext link management that tracks all links, allowing change impact
analysis and easy "what points at me?" checking,
• A choice of editing packages and approaches including MS Word, XML
editors, SGML editors, HTML fill-in form support, and Direct XML editing
through a fill-in form (for administrators!)
To see the output of this web management system, visit the Textile Clothing and
Footwear Australia site at TCFOZ
Another web site running with SIM Web site content management is Standards
Australia , who wrote extensions to the SIM system in the ACE programming
language to meet their particular needs. Standards Australia use MS Word as
their editing package, using the SIM RTF->XML translator to convert and
manage those documents in XML format.
Key Characteristics
Web Server: SIM Web server – multithreaded server – ACE used for application
Code Base: ACE (SIM scripting language – object oriented java-like language
with SGML/XML support).
User Interface: All user interfaces are provided with a standard web browser.
Editing package is configurable.
Documentation Components
Managing database content is more than just storing the raw text of documents
and their accompanying figures. Documents can have internal structure, and
there can be an external structure relating separate documents. For example,
documents are often interlinked in a number of ways and these links are
essential parts of the document content. When searching for documents, users
often scan indexes to browse the terms contained in the document repository;
these terms constitute the vocabulary of the document collection. Sophisticated
users may also require to know the frequency of each of these terms in the
document collection when conducting searches, in order to produce more
effective queries. Documents can also have associated metadata that provides
information about the document, such as author, or status, or security level.
Metadata, too, can be used to drive more productive searches.
It is essential that the electronic publishing system deliver the correct document
content, links and vocabulary to each class of users accessing the system. The
need to provide an accurate snapshot of the database contents (i.e. text,
figures, links and vocabulary and term frequencies) for each particular class of
users is referred to as effectivity . Efficient provision of effectivity requires very
sophisticated text database support.
Dynamic Update
Key Points
Amendments to Legislation
Although only the principal Acts and the amending Acts have legal force, lawyers
and legal researchers need access to the law as it existed during the time period
relevant to their particular problem. From time to time, authorized Government
bodies issue consolidations of particular Acts. A consolidation represents current
law, presenting the principal Act as modified by the relevant amending Acts;
that is, with all additions, deletions, and changes to wording applied, and with all
new components inserted. However, lawyers are often interested in the state of
the law at times other than those for which officially released consolidations are
available. Ideally, they would like to access consolidations of the law at arbitrary
points in time .
Long-term Availability
For information like legislation that continually changes over time, XML provides
a safe format for the archiving of documents. Utilities such as word processors
often use proprietary formats and are unable to read legacy documents, even
those authored by a pervious version of same word processor. These problems
do not exist if XML is used, because only the content and structure of documents
are represented by XML; the presentation of documents is treated separately.
The EnAct system exemplifies the direction that legislation databases will
develop in the future, namely providing accesses to the correct state of the law
at any point in time. EnAct is able to achieve this goal because the legislation is
maintained in XML, allowing access to the structure and content of data, and
because the SIM document management system, used for the development of
EnAct, efficiently performs the operations on XML content required to achieve
automatic consolidations.
SIM Intelligence Applications
In intelligence applications, it is normal to build and maintain an information
repository fed from a number of sources and then conduct searches in order to
locate relevant information. Such information repositories are in use in both
military and commercial applications. Where the information is highly structured,
conventional database management systems are used to maintain these data
warehouses. Where the information consists of text and metadata, systems with
advanced text database capabilities are required.
In these applications, the information repository can range from a few gigabytes
in size to hundreds of gigabytes or more. The repository may be static or, more
typically, continually growing. For example, in the case of a news feed more
than one gigabyte of new data can arrive over the course of every day. Other
application areas may need to handle even greater dataflow. Some applications
also need to migrate non-current data for archiving. For all large-scale high-load
intelligence applications, high performance hardware/software architectures,
such as multiprocessor Unix workstations, have to be deployed.
The most important task when building an intelligence application is building and
maintaining the information repository. When a new document is inserted into
the repository, every word in the document must be extracted and indexed. This
is a very expensive operation as a document may contain several thousand
words. And, as noted, the amount of information to process can be very large
indeed. SIM has been optimized for just such high volume environments,
handling the update process as efficiently as is possible.
Another problem is that new documents may be arriving at the same time as the
database is in use for searching. Although many existing text database systems
support fast batch loading of data as an overnight operation when the database
is off-line, they do not allow updates of the repository during the day when the
database is in use. However, for any organization that requires up-to-date
access to the most recent data, or access to its intelligence 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, this is not acceptable. SIM has been specifically designed to
support concurrent updates and queries, thereby providing 24 hour access to
up-to-date information.
The reason for building an information repository is to provide access to the data
it contains. Since the document collection can be very large, advanced search
techniques are needed to locate desired information. SIM has been developed to
support just such sophisticated searching. Queries can use Boolean logic, word
position information (such as "same sentence", "same paragraph", "within n
words"), document structure, and ranked relevance queries (where the
documents are returned in order of relevance to the query) to locate target data.
Each query type can combined as required. For example, to achieve high
accuracy when querying a collection, a searcher could combine a Boolean query
with a ranked query to identify a subset of the collection that can then be ranked
against a set of ranking terms. Fuzzy matching is also important: for example, it
can be common to have several alternative spellings (or misspellings) of a word.
SIM provides support for fuzzy matching by computing a distance measure
between two terms, so that the presence of alternate spellings need not
frustrate the user's task.
Repository Management
Consider an organization that builds two databases over time and matches the
documents from one against the contents of the other. One database represents
knowledge, the other needs. This simple model of a knowledge base is
applicable to many practical situations.
Sample Applications
A Detailed Example
Another example that fits this model is the administration of grant applications
by a research body that is responsible for determining which grant applications
should receive funding. A panel of experts has overall responsibility for
recommending applications for funding. In order to do so, it is necessary to
assess each application; accordingly, the panel must assign each application to
an appropriate expert assessor. There are many types of interaction with such a
system. Grant applications are submitted by applicants or by their organizations.
Assessors, possibly from all over the world, must submit their reports and
update their personal details. Members of the panel require full access to
information about applications and assessors. A team of administrators may
need access for general system maintenance or to generate reports.
SIM, the Structured Information Manager, delivers the enabling technology for
the key components of knowledge management: storing knowledge, ensuring
that it can be located, and delivering it to where it's needed, when it's needed.
SIM Metadata Repository Management Solution.
Both a simple and advanced Web searching interface are provided with the SIM
MetaSite product, to satisfy the needs of the general public or specialized users.
Also, two lower level system interfaces are provided to the repository (one using
http and one using Z39.50) to allow integration of the SIM MetaSite product into
existing environments.
Metadata Repository
The Metadata repository is searchable and brows able on all Dublin Core fields.
The Metadata repository can also support non-Dublin Core fields in a dynamic
manner – allowing the system to change or evolve as standards change –
without programmer intervention.
SIM MetaSite can handle metadata databases of very large size (>20 Gbytes).
The Metadata repository includes fields for tracking of popularity/usage of
metadata records. This information can be used to improve the visibility of
metadata resources that are visited most often.
SIM MetaSite is supplied with a user interface which allows metadata and full
text searching along with thesaurus browsing, all in an easy to use HTML
The interface allows frames or no-frames, java script or no-java script operation.
The provided user interface is highly configurable, which allows the MetaSite
interface to evolve along with changing or clarified user requirements.
The interface is stateless, yet allows user customization of the operation of the
interface (for example in selection of the thesaurus to be used).
The MetaSite crawler collects resources from the web in order to build the
metadata repository. Its operation can be controlled in many ways;
Thesaurus Support
MetaSite allows the management of multiple thesaurus databases. These are
used for validation of metadata records, and for browsing and searching within
the user interface. Where multiple Thesauri are loaded, users can dynamically
choose which thesaurus to use, depending on their preferences.
Thesaurus access is tightly integrated into the user interface, and helps
significantly in targeting user queries, and helps in giving the user a sense of the
overall content of the metadata repository. When the user browses through the
thesaurus, the number of records within the metadata repository that
correspond with each category in the thesaurus are displayed. When the user
conducts a search the search results for each thesaurus category are shown.
Thesauri are also used for validation of records during the loading process, for
example for checking that restricted vocabularies are adhered to. This can also
be used to map large vocabularies down to restricted vocabularies using the
"alternate" field in the thesaurus. Thesaurus entries are stored in a standard
XML format, making it easy to export and import new Thesauri. The thesaurus
records are completely dynamically maintainable on-line – through a
administration web interface. The thesaurus databases themselves are fully
accessible via Z39.50, and the schema used for that access is configurable for
the particular site requirements.