Lesson Plan Template: Date Subject Number of Students Grade

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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of Grade

8-3-2017 Story 18 KG2

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Get students attention.
Let them understand what I said.
To let students understand the story.
Learning Outcomes: Materials for circle time
(Link to the ADEC / MOE K-5 curriculum document)
-By the end of the lesson students will Story book - puppets
be able to:
- to know new words and some phrases.
-they will know where is the title of the story.
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time__ 15 Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
Remembering (low level):
Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points) - Who know what the story that we
What will you do in order to introduce the read it last class?
concept to the students?
- Show them the title of the story. Understanding (low level):
- Ask them what they see in the cover
Active Engagement: (Bullet points) page? Or what the characters they
After youve modeled the concept, what see in the story.
activity will you have the students perform
Applying (low level):
while on the carpet to ensure that they
- Show them the puppets and ask them
understand it?
some questions.

- Show them the puppets and ask Analyzing (high level):

them about the things they can - Ask them questions while I read the
see in the cover page. story.

Link: (Bullet points) Evaluating (high level):

Remind the students in kid friendly language - Show each students pictures about
how they can apply what they did whole the story and ask him about it.
group in their independent learning centers

- Observe them while they do the

Learning Center Resources or Materials
Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2

Worksheets Worksheet
Colors Pencils

Small Group Learning Centers: Time____15 minutes__

Learning Center 1 Title: (Bullet points) Learning Center 2 Title: (Bullet points)

They will color the character they like in the They make a circle of the characters that
story. they see in the story.

Closing activity: Time: ___5 minutes ___

Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning centers and how it relates to
the lesson outcome

Remember that. (restate outcome using kid friendly language)

-Sing a song with them and them about the story.

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning
outcome? What evidence will you show to prove this?
-By ask them questions to know if they understand what I read for them.

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