Count Up

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Gabriela Toyos

LEI 4724
Title: Count Up
Source: CTRS, C. C. (n.d.). Therapeutic Recreation Activities & Tx Ideas:
Challenging Warm-up Activities. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from
Equipment needed: none

Activity Description:
This is a good activity for 6 to 10 people. The idea is for the group to count to 10.
Here are the rules for 10 people in the group:
1 Someone in the group starts out by saying "one"
2 The next person (at random) says "two." This continues until all 10 numbers are
3 Once a person says a number, they are out of the current game.
4 If two or more people yell out the same number, the group must re-start the
5 If there 3 or 4 seconds passes between numbers, the group has to start over.
6 The group cannot setup a pattern or signal someone to say a number. The same
person cannot start the game each time. Participants take turn yelling out a
number at random.
7 The group "wins" when they count from 1 to 10 successfully within the given

Leadership Consideration:
Facilitator must make sure that players do not plan a strategy. This game
focuses on social skills, communication and frustration. The expected outcome
are better social skills, communication skills and problem solving skills. After
the game process how each person felt. Did this activity frustrate them? Why
or why not? How does planning and preparing help you succeed? Depending
on if the patients have hearing loss the size of the group can be adjusted
accordingly, such as having a much smaller group instead of a larger one, and
having everyone say the numbers as loud as they can. If the patient or patients
have Multiple Sclerosis and cannot stand for very long this activity can be done
sitting down to accommodate their needs.

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