D77005 en
D77005 en
D77005 en
1. General
The directional spool valves types PSL and PSV serve to Basic data
control both, the direction of movement and the load-inde- Design Proportional directional spool valve
pendent, stepless velocity of the hydraulic consumers. In according to the Load-Sensing principle
this way several consumers may be moved simultaneously, Versions Valve bank design
independently from each other at different velocity and Pressure pmax 400 bar
pressure ratings, as long as the sum of the partial flows Flow Qmax 160 (240) lpm
needed for this is within the total delivery supplied by the
pump. The proportional spool valves of this pamphlet are
designed as valve banks and consist of three functional
Table of contents
; < => ?@ A B C D E F G H I J K
A total of max. 10 valve sections, in one or more valve bank(s), can be connected in series via the internal LS-duct.
External piping is required, if more are requested (see also note at sect. 6.1g).
; Basic type code for the connection block @ Tool adjustable, piloted pressure limiting valve (main
(for more details see sect. 3.1) pressure limitation) in the connection block
PSL Supply with pressurized oil by means of (see table 9, sect. 3.1.4)
constant delivery pump (open center). (no coding) Without pressure limiting valve (only type
PSV Supply with pressurized oil by means of PSV)
variable displacement pump with a delivery /... Pressure limiting valve, factory set to ... bar
/flow controller (closed center), as a second, A Size (dep. on the hole-pattern of the mounting area for the
separate unit, or if both valve banks are spool valves to be added)
connected to a constant pressure system. 5 Size 5
PSM Supply of pressurized fluid either via constant (for size 2, see D 7700-2)
delivery or variable displacement pump. For (for size 3, see D 7700-3)
external circuitry, see sect. 3.1)
< Ports at the connection block for P and R
B Ports at the directional spool valve for A and B
5 G 1 (ISO 228/1)
5 G 1 (ISO 228/1) (BSPP) A Suited for mounting of ancillary blocks acc.
6 G 1 1/4 (ISO 228/1) (BSPP)
UNF 6 1 5/8-12 UN-2B (SAE-20, SAE J 514) to I or
Add-on intermediate plates (see sect. 3.2.2) Position C ... H
= Additional elements (see table 2 and 4 in section 3.1) are omitted
(no coding) Basic version ZPL 5 S(V)/H Hydraulically actuated shut-off valve
S, W Additional damping device in gallery LS ZPL 5 S(V)/E Solenoid actuated shut-off valve
B, B 4...7 Orifice in gallery LS ZPL 5 P6 R6 Additional pump and return port G 1 1/4 (BSPP)
G Restrictor check valve ZPL 55/9 Spacer plate 9 mm
H Raised circulation pressure of the 3-way flow ZPL 50 T.. Blocking intermediate plate
controller (approx. 14 bar, type PSL)
U, UH Automatic reduction of the pump idle C Directional spool valve (see table 13, sect. 3.2.1)
circulation pressure by means of a by-pass 2 (standard) Spool valve with inflow controller for each
valve (only type PSL) consumer
Y, YH Separate, pressure resistant port for the 1 Spool valve without inflow controller, suitable
excess oil from the 3-way flow controller for consumers, which are actuated individu-
(type PSL) ally and successively but not simultaneously
N function integrated for the P gallery, (only (no additional functions possible)
type PSV) 5, 7 Inflow controller with enforced spring for
higher flow
> Control oil supply (see table 7, sect. 3.1.4) 8, 81 4/3-way directional spool valve (pre-selector
(no coding) Without pressure reducing valve, if control oil spool valve)
is supplied externally (min. 20 bar up to max. R 2, R 5, R 7 like 2, 5, 7 but with check valve function
40 bar)
1 With integrated pressure reducing valve for D Coding for the flow pattern (see sect. 3.2.1, table 14)
the internal supply with control oil L, M, F, H, J, B, R, O, Y, I, Z, G, V, W
2 With integrated pressure reducing valve for E Flow coding for ports A and B (see table 15, sect. 3.2.1)
the internal supply with control oil (control .../... Coding for port A or B (independently
pressure approx. 40 bar). selectable) 16, 25, 40, 63, 80, 120, 160
? Optional 2/2-way solenoid valve for arbitrary idle pump F LS-pressure limitation (deviating from the main pressure
circulation (see table 8, sect. 3.1.4) setting, lower pressure for the connected con-
(no coding) Without directional valve, but prepared for sumer) no shock valves (see sect. 3.2.1, table
retrofitting 16) (doesnt apply to spool valve types without
F, Z, ZM De-energized open = Idle pump circulation inflow controller)
when valve is de-energized (with valve WN 1F (no coding) No LS-pressure limitation
or EM 21 DSE) A... Only for consumer port A
D, V De-energized closed = Idle pump circulation B... Only for consumer port B
when valve is energized (with valve WN 1 D or A...B... For consumer ports A and B
EM 21 DE) C... Joint for consumer port A and B (not in con-
F... or D If a pressure is specified, with pressure
limiting valve which can be activated as a junction with G F. or S.)
second pressure stage (e.g. F80)
PA, PB, PD Prop. pressure limiting valve with various
pressure ranges
D 7700-5 page 3
G Functional cut-off (see table 17, sect. 3.2.1), doesnt apply J End plate (see sect. 3.1.5, table 11)
to spool valve types without inflow controller, E. Ports conf. ISO 228/1 (BSPP)
F 1 Electrical cut-off, consumer port A E. UNF Ports conf. SAE-4 acc. to SAE J 514
F 2 Electrical cut-off, consumer port B E 1 With T-port for external control oil return to the
F 3 Electrical cut-off, consumer port A and B tank (standard)
FP 1(2, 3) Like F 1(2, 3), however with electro-proporti- E 2 Like E 1, with additional port Y for connection
onal pressure limitation to the LS-port of a further, separately
FPH 1(2, 3) Like FP 1(2, 3), however with additional located PSV spool valve
push-button for manual emergency actuation E 3 Like E 1, with additional 3/2-way directional
S, S 1 External hydraulic load signal pick-up from solenoid valve for arbitrary shut-off of pump
the control signal port U (consumer port A) circulation during idle position of the valve
and W (consumer port B) spools
X External load pressure pick-up via control port E 4 Like E 1, however internal return control oil
X (common for A and B) return, max. pressure 10 bar!
E 5 Like E 2, however internal return control oil
H Types of actuation (see sect. 3.2.1, table 20) return, max. pressure 10 bar!
/A Manual actuation
E 6 Like E 3, however internal return control oil
/E Electro-hydraulic actuation
return, max. pressure 10 bar!
/EA Electro-hydraulic and manual actuation
E 7 with E 16 Variations, see table 11, sect. 3.1.5
/E0A Like /EA, however without actuation solenoid
E 7 A 1(2) Like E 1, however with additionally integrated
(prepared for retrofitting)
pressure reducing valve
/H Hydraulic actuation
(control pressure: 1 = approx. 20 bar,
/H UNF Like /H, however with port thread 7/16-20
2 = approx. 40 bar) similar connection block,
UNF-2B SAE-4 (conf. SAE J 514)
see table 6 in sect. 3.1.3
/HA, /HEA, /FA Hydraulic, (solenoid) and manual actuation
E 8 A 1(2) Like E2, however with additionally integrated
/HA UNF Like /HA, however with port thread 7/16-20
pressure reducing valve
UNF-2B SAE-4 (conf. SAE J 514)
(control pressure: 1 = approx. 20 bar,
/C, AR Detent (stepless), 3-step detent
2 = approx. 40 bar) similar connection block,
/ER, /EAR Electrical, 3-step detent
see table 6 in sect. 3.1.3
/P Pneumatic actuation
/PA Pneumatic and manual actuation E 1(E 4) PSV 56 (Additional) inlet section instead of the end
/K Mechanical joy-stick (2-axis) E 1(E 4) PSL 56 plate
/... Suffix 1 without hand lever ZPL 53, Adapter plate enables combination with
WA, WA-EX Integrated travel indicator ZPL 53 RB valve sections size 3 acc. to D 7700-3
U Lift monitoring (side indication) ZPL 52 Adapter plate enables combination with valve
I Ancillary blocks (acc. to table 19 in sect. 3.2.1), into sections size 2 acc. to D 7700-2
combination with coding A of B K Solenoid voltage and version (see table 10, sect. 3.1.4)
/5, /UNF 5 Ancillary blocks without additional functions G 12.. 12V DC connection conf. EN 175 301-803 A
/5 AS.. BS.., Ancillary blocks with shock valves at A G 24.. 24V DC connection conf. EN 175 301-803 A
/UNF 5 AS.. BS.. and B (routed to the opposing side), with G 24 EX 24V DC, explosion-proof version, conforming
pressure specification (bar) G 24 TEX 70 24V DC, explosion-proof version, conforming
/5 AN.. BN.. Ancillary blocks with shock and suction (ambient temperature 70C)
/UNF 5 AN.. BN.. valves at A and B, with pressure specifica- G 24 MSHA 24V DC, explosion-proof version, conforming,
tion (bar) fire-damp protected (mining)
/4 ASN.. BSN.., With shock and suction valves A or B G 24 M2 FP 24V DC, explosion-proof version, conforming,
/5 AN.., /5 BN.. fire-damp protected (mining) (Australien)
/5 AL.. Ancillary blocks with over-center valves at A, G 12 IS 12V DC, explosion-proof version, conforming,
with pressure specification (bar) fire-damp protected (mining)
/5 BL.. Ancillary blocks with over-center valves at B, AMP 12 K 4 12V DC connection via AMP Junior Timer
with pressure specification (bar) AMP 24 K 4 24V DC connection via AMP Junior Timer
/5 VV(VX, XV) Ancillary blocks with blocking function via S 12.. 12V DC electr. connection via quarter turn
EM 42 V plug
/UNF 5 VV(VX, XV)Ancillary blocks with shut-off valves S 24.. 24V DC electr. connection via quarter turn
EM 42 V acc. to D 7490/1 (one or both sided) plug
blocking the consumer with zero leakage DT 12 12V DC electr. connection via plug
(Qmax approx. 160 lpm) Co. DEUTSCH
/5 DRH, Ancillary blocks with releasable check DT 24 24V DC electr. connection via plug
/UNF 5 DRH valves Co. DEUTSCH
/54 DFA, Ancillary blocks for re-generative circuit
/54 DFB
/54 DEA, Ancillary blocks switch able regenerative
/54 DEB circuit
/5 R VV Ancillary blocks with Bypass-valves
Intermediate plates (acc. to table 11, sect. 3.2.1)
/Z 30 Spacer plate
D 7700-5 page 4
PSL 5 G1 250 Standard, integrated 3-way flow controller, can be converted in a version
PSL 6 G 1 1/4 300 for variable displacement pumps (corresponding type PSV) any time, see
sect. 6.3.3
PSL UNF 6 1 5/8-12 UN-2B (SAE-20) 300
PSL 5 U G1 250 Automatic reduction of the idle pump circulation pressure by means of a
PSL 6 U G 1 1/4 300 by-pass valve (see also sect. 6.1a, Qpu 150 lpm with solenoid actuation)
Additional pressure resistant port for excess of from the 3-way flow con-
PSL 6 Y G 1 1/4 300 troller (see also sect. 6.1a). This version also includes the by-pass valve like
with type PSL 5(6) U
Note: A spacer plate type SL 5-ZPL 55/9 (see table 22, sect. 3.2.2) has to be installed right after the connection block whenever
type PSL 5(6), PSV 5(6) and PSM 6 is combined with a valve section with ancillary block (coding SL 5-A.. acc. to table 12
and 19) as otherwise it is not possible to mount a fitting in port R.
Table 2: Coding for additional elements (for notes and descriptions, see sect. 6.1a)
Coding Description
no coding Standard Featuring a combination of orifice, check valve, pre-load valve (pre-load pressure approx. 25 bar)
W Like standard, but with increased throttle effect
G Restrictor check valve (without sequence valve), increased throttling effect
H Coding for 3-way flow controller with raised circulation pressure (see sect. 4.2), otherwise similar flow pattern symbol
as the standard version. Intended e.g. for valve spools with increased flow (coding 5 acc. to table 15)
3.1.2 Connection blocks for variable displacement pump systems / constant pressure system or for other more separately,
parallel connected directional spool valve banks type PSV
Order example: PSV 6 S 1 - 5 -...- E 1
PSV 5 1 F/300 - 5 -...- E 1 - G 24
Nominal voltage, see table 10
see table 4
Table 3: Basic type and port size Symbols (see also sect. 3.1.3)
Coding Port P and R conf. Max. pump
ISO 228/1 (BSPP) delivey flow
or SAE J 514 (lpm)
Table 3 a: LS-relief
Coding Description
no coding Without arbitrary relief, prepared for retrofitting of a directional seated valve
type EM 11 S(V) acc. to D 7490/1
V With 2/2-directional seated valve type EM 11 V acc. to D 7490/1 (closed
when deenergized)
Z With 2/2-directional seated valve type EM 11 S acc. to D 7490/1 (open when
The high control pressure of variable displacement pump controllers may lead to unintentional
movements of consumers with low load pressure even while the respective valve is in its idle PSV 5 N..V.../...
position. The pump gallery is completely blocked with type PSV 5 N to ensure a definitive
separation of pump and consumer circuit. This takes place by means of a solenoid valve. The
LS-gallery together with the LS-controller may be additionally relieved via a separate 2/2-way
directional seated valve.
Table 4: Codings for features within the LS-signal duct to dampen the pump flow controllers
(For notes and explanation, see sect. 6.1 a).
Additional features only suitable where variable displacement pumps are used
(limitation of the control oil flow). See also note at table 8 !
Coding Description PSV 5 N..Z.../...
no coding Standard, no additional feature
S Integrated combination of orifice, check valve, pre-load valve (pre-load
pressure approx. 25 bar); like standard with type PSL
W Like S, however increased throttle effect
B Orifice # 0.8 mm within LS-duct (to limit control oil flow).
Table 5: Basic type and port size Flow pattern symbols (see also sect. 3.1.4)
Coding Ports P and R acc. to Max. pump Connection appropriate for Connection appropriate
ISO 228/1 (BSPP) delivery flow constant delivery pump for variable displacement
or SAE J 514 (lpm) systems pump systems
Coding Description
Standard (damping like type PSL)
Table 7: Coding for control oil supply (for symbol, see sect. 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3)
Coding Description
no coding Without pressure reducing valve for actuation A, C or P acc. to sect. 3.2 table 17 or in the case of external control oil
supply (20-40 bar) for other actuations
1 With integrated pressure reducing valve for internal control oil supply for actuations H(HA), HEA).. and E(EA).. or as
pick-up for other control valves (max. permissible control oil flow approx. 2 lpm)
2 Control pressure: Coding 1: approx. 20 bar (+ return pressure at R)
Coding 2: approx. 40 bar (+ return pressure at R)
Table 8: Arbitrary idle pump circulation of all consumers by Note: To limit the control oil flow, when using the idle pump
means of 2/2-way solenoid valve type WN 1 acc. to circulation with type PSV an additional element coding
D 7470 A/1. S, W or B 4, B 5, B 6 acc. to table 4 is required.
2/2-way solenoid valve type EM 21 DE (DSE) acc. to Attention: Observe note in sect. 6.1 a when using the valves for an
D7490/1 E and prop. pressure limitation. emergency stop function!
Doesnt apply to PSV 5 N..-5 !
Table 9: Tool adjustable pressure limiting valve for the main pressure. Adjustable from 50 up to 420 bar, after slackening the lock-nut
(for symbol, see sect. 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3).
Coding Description
no coding Version without pressure limiting valve (only type PSV)
With pressure limiting valve at PSL and PSV, if pressure specification in bar is added
/... non piloted: PSV 5 N
piloted: All others
G 24 C 4 Electr. connection conf. EN 175 301-803 C, via plug (MSD 6-209), 4-pin actuation solenoid
X 12 . Electr. connection conf. EN 175 301-803 A, without plug. For options, see coding G...
X 24 .
S 12 . Electr. connection via quarter turn type plug (Bayonet PA 6, Co. SCHLEMMER D-85586 Poing, suited for taper
S 24 T with bayonet 10 SL), 3-pin actuation solenoid
without Suffix:
T Manual emergency actuation (standard with functional cut-off FP., table 17)
AMP 12 K 4 Vertical connection via plug AMP Junior Timer, solenoid features 4 terminals
AMP 24 K 4
AMP 24 H 4 T Lateral connection via plug AMP Junior Timer, solenoid features 4 terminals and manual emergency actuation
DT 12 Connection via plug Co. DEUTSCH DT 04-4P, suited for socket DT 06-4S
DT 24
G 24 EX For use in areas with explosion hazardous atmosphere. Suited for category 2 and 3, zone 1, 21, 2, 22.
G 24 EX-10 m Protection class EEx m II 120 (T4)
with cable length 3 m (no coding) or 10 m
G 24 MSHA For use in mines and its on-surface systems, where a ATEX (EU), IEC, MSHA (USA) or MA (China) approval is
G 24 MSHA-10 m mandatory.
Protection class I M2 Ex d I (fire-damp protected) with cable length 3 m (no coding) or 10 m
G 24 M2 FP For use in mines and its on-surface systems, where a IEC or ANZE (Australien) approval is mandatory.
G 24 M2 FP-10 m Protection class I M2 Ex d I (fire-damp protected) with cable length 3 m (no coding) or 10 m
Note: o Solenoids of explosion-proof design are only available for actuation E, EA or HE(A) (table 20).
o An intermediate plate ZPL 33/5 (see table 22) has to be provided between the valve sections when using solenoids
G 12 IS.., G 24 MSHA... and G 24 M2 FP.
o Coding G 24 C4 (X 24 C4) is only available for solenoids of the electrical actuation (table 20) where there is no manual
emergency actuation.
o Coding AMP..., DT... not available for idle circulation valves coding D, F, PA, PB, PD (table 8), intermediate plates ZPL 5
S(V)E (table 22), end plates E 3, E 6 (table 11), functional cut-off coding F., (table 17)
o Coding S.. Not available for functional cut-off coding F. (table 17) and comparator coding U (table 21)
D 7700-5 page 8
PSL 5(6).1./..-5 PSL 5(6)U.1./..-5 PSL 6Y.1./..-5 PSV 5(6).1.-5 PSV 5(6).1./..-5
PSL UNF 6.1./..-5 PSV UNF 6.1./..-5
D 7700-5 page 9
E 1 E 2 E3 E 4 E 5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E 10
5 With inflow controller (for symbol, see coding 2) but with reinforced spring at the 2-way flow controller (control
pressure approx. 9 bar). Only usable in conjunction with connection block type PSL.H./... or type PSV with
variable displacement pump / constant pressure system. (For note, see sect. 6.1a and b)
7 With inflow controller (for symbol, see coding 2) but with reinforced spring at the 2-way flow controller (control
pressure approx. 13 bar). Only usable in combination with connection block type PSV with variable displacement
pump / constant pressure system. (For note, see sect. 6.1b)
8 4/3-way directional spool valve, utilized as pre-selector (also, see symbol page 13), only available with ports
G 1*, (acc. to table 12) coding -58. This version is only recommended with flow coding L or H and max. flow.
Only usable in conjunction with connection block type PSL.H../... or type PSV with variable displacement pump
/ constant pressure system. (* = BSPP) (For note in sect. 6.1c)
81 Like coding 8, but without LS-input from consumer port B to the main LS-gallery (For note in sect. 6.1b)
82 Like coding 8, but without shuttle valve. The LS-signal for subsequent valve sections is gnerated at the P-gallery
(For note in sect. 6.1b).
R2 Like coding 2, 5, 7, but with additional check valve functionality (spool valve = slight leakage),
R5 (For note in sect. 6.1b)
R7 Only usable in conjunction with connection block type PSL.H./... or type PSV with variable
displacement pump / constant pressure system.
D 7700-5 page 11
Table 15: Max. flows PdA(B) acc. to the coding Table 16: LS-pressure limiting valves, no shock valves (only
availably for spool valves featuring a inflow controller,
Valve spool Flow coding QA, B (lpm) coding 2, 5 and 7 acc. to table 13 !)
coding acc. at consumer port A and B 1)
Tabelle 17: Functional cut-off (only avail. for spool valves with
inflow controller coding 2, 5 and 7 acc. to table 13!)
Not in combination with flow pattern symbol N!)
Coding Description
no coding Without functional cut-off
S, S 1 Load signal ports U and W (G 1/8)
(BSPP) for external piping
X Common load pressure signal port
(G 1/8) (BSPP) for an external activati-
on, only in combination with coding 5
(G 1 (BSPP), table 12)
FP 1, FP 2, FP 3 Like F1, F2, F3 but add. prop. pressure
FPH 1, FPH 2, FPH 3 limitation at A or B as well as A and B,
version FPH. with additional pushbut-
ton for manual emergency actuation
without tool
F 1, F 2 Electric functional cut-off at A or B
/5 XV
/5 AN.. With shock and suc-
tion valves at A and B,
with pressure specifi-
cation (bar)
- 6 - A 6 - 250 -
Pressure setting (bar) Intermediate plates for parallel connection
/Z 30 Spacer plate 30
Flow (lpm) / Release ration
mm to compensate
Coding A 6 B 6 C 6 D 6 E 6 F6 height differences
between differing
(lpm) 250 200 150 100 50 25
ancillary blocks or
Bypass-throttle D2 to prevent collisi-
ons of neighboring
Coding 0 4 5 6 7 8 ancillary blocks
when combined
(# mm) plugged 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 with other interme-
Serie diate plates
ratio 1:6 1:4.26 1:3 1:1.95 1:1.56 1:0.79
Standard version
acc. to table 13
Additional function:
Secondary pressure limi-
tation acc. to table 16 for
spool valves with inflow
controller (no shock valve!).
..X ..S (S 1) ..F 1, FP 1, FPH 1 (X) ..F 2, FP 2, FPH 2 (X) ..F 3, FP 3, FPH 3 (X)
Possible com- A..X A..S A..F 1, FP 1, FPH 1 (X) A..F 2, FP 2, FPH 2 (X) A..F 3, FP 3, FPH 3 (X)
binations: B..X B..S B..F 1, FP 1, FPH 1 (X) B..F 2, FP 2, FPH 2 (X) B..F 3, FP 3, FPH 3 (X)
A..B..X A..B..S A..B..F 1, FP 1, FPH 1 (X) A..B..F 2, FP 2, FPH 2 (X) A..B..F 3, FP 3, FPH 3 (X)
D 7700-5 page 14
Table 20: Types of actuation (for further explanations, see sect. 4.3)
Manipulated Actuation angle Control current Control pressure (bar) Control pres- Actuation
variables min. approx. 5 ratio I/IN min. approx. 5 sure (bar) min. angle
max. approx. 30 min. approx. 0.2 max. approx. 18 approx. 2.5 approx.
max. approx. 1 max. perm. 50 max approx. 7 5...19
Note: o Approximate figures for start of flow (= min) at A or B up to the max. consumer flow according to the flow coding table 15,
see curves in sect. 4.2.
o Hydraulic actuation type F.. acc. to D 7700 F has to be selected when combined with ancillary blocks! Difference between
actuation H.. and F.. is the position of the control line ports. With actuations HE(A) or FE(A) observe also notes and circuit
examples in sect. 6.1i!
o Type E0A, E0C, E0AR is prepared for retrofitting solenoid actuations
o Type AR, ER and EAR come with detent in the end positions, stroke limitation not possible
o Type EI - Version without stroke limitation
o Order example for type K, see sect. 6.1 h
o Type EM and EAM: Version with pressure gauge ports at the actuation heads
o Type E 9, E 9 A: Actuation torque like with H, HA
A, EA, C, PA, WA Integrated position sensor (Hall-sensor) with analogous signal EAWA,
K, H, HA WA-EX output (lift monitoring) A1WA
Version WA-EX, explosion-proof version
WA-M2 FP Coding WA-M2 FP with fire-damp protected version (mining) WA
A, C, E, E0A (G) Reinforced version of the spring cover, intended when high pressure
no surges are expected in the T-line.
D 7700-5 page 15
ZPL 5 S/H The shut-off valve can arbitrarily block the Directional seated
ZPL 5 V/H pump gallery for all subsequent consumers. valve type WN 1 H
ZPL 5 S/E The switching signal can be either hydrauli- acc. to D 7470 A/1
ZPL 5 V/E cally (/H) or electrical (/E). The connection to
all subsequent valve sections can be either
open (S) or blocked (V) if not actuated.
The main application is with circuits where it
is necessary to lock (block) one or more con-
sumers due to functional or safety reasons.
pswitch % 12 bar (pmax S = 400 bar)
4. Characteristic data
4.1 General and hydraulic
Type coding PSL, PSV or PSM see sect 3.1
Design Spool valve of block design, up to 10 spool valves, all-steel
Mounting Tapped holes: M10; see dimensions sect. 5++
Installation position Arbitrary
Ports P = Pressure inlet (pump) / lead-on M = Pressure gauge connection (pump side)
R = Return Z = Pilot pressure connection (20 ... 40 bar
A ,B = Consumer ports inlet, 20 or 40 bar outlet)
F = Pressure resistant return T = Control oil return port
U, W, X = Load-signal outlet at the indiv. spool Y = Load-signal inlet port (end plate E 2, E 5,
valve section E 8, E 10, E 14 (UNF) and E 16 (UNF)
LS, DW = Load-signal outlet e.g. connection of
pump metering valve at PSV.
Attention: no pressure input!
4.2 Curves
Pressure limiting valve
Connection block Prop. pressure limitation at the connection block
type PSL (PSV) ..V (Z, ZM)
Pressure setting (bar)
Type EM 21 DE
Type EM 21 DSE
Flow Q (lpm)
Control current I (A)
Back pressure |p
c 24 V DC
c 12 V DC
Flow Q (lpm) Flow Q (lpm)
Control current I (A)
Directional spool valve section Back pressure (full elevation)
2-way inflow controller
Back pressure |p (bar)
Back pressure (bar)
l va
4.3 Actuations
For other data, such as codings, symbols etc., see sect. 3.2
Actuation A Actuating moment (Nm)
Idle position End position
Version A approx. 3.0 approx. 7.5
Version HA, HEA, PA approx. 5.0 approx. 16.5
Version EA, E0A approx. 3.0 approx. 12.0
Actuation C Version with detent, fixation of the valve spools at any desired position
(idle position with special notch)
AR, ER, EAR Version with detent, fixation of the valve spool at idle and both end positions
Pulse duration for the switching process approx. 1 sec.
Actuation E, EA, HE(A) Proportional solenoid, manufactured and tested acc. to DIN VDE 0580
Twin solenoid with armature chambers sealed to the outside and internally con-
nected to the return duct. Thereby the armature is maintenance-free lubricated and
protected against corrosion by the hydraulic fluid.
Additional notes: Specifications apply to all solenoid versions if not stated otherwise.
See also Sk 7814, as well as for additional Rated voltage UN 24 V DC 12 V DC
components sect. 6.1 j ! Coil resistance cold R20 26.6 { 6.3 {
Current,cold I20 0.9 A 1.9 A
Lim. current IG (Ilim) 0.63 A 1.26 A
Cut-off energy WA 0.3 Ws 0.3 Ws
Rel. duty cycle S 1 S1
(reference temp. }11 = 50C)
Required dither frequency 40...70 Hz
(best 55 Hz)
Dither amplitude 1) 20% AD 50%
I - stroke- curve
Ipeak- peak
1) AD (%) = 100
3 1 2 4 (with coding
...H 4 and ...C 4)
The IP-specification only applies when the plug is mounted as specified.
D 7700-5 page 19
Actuation suffix E, EA, HE(A) Letter of conformity ATEX TV-A 02 ATEX 0007 X
Explosion-proof version of actuation Ex-proof level O II 2 G Ex mb II 120C (T4)
Voltage specification G 24 EX, G 24 TEX O II 2 D Ex mbD 21 T120C
Duty cycle (ED) S 1, one coil energized per solenoid housing
Attention: Protection class IP 67 (IEC 60529)
Additionally observe operating manuals Nom. voltage UN 24 V DC
B 01/2002 and B ATEX Coil resistance cold R20 26.6 {
Current, cold I20 0.88 A
Protect against direct sunlight. Lim. current IG 0.63 A
Residual ripple 15% of the supply voltage
Conditions of use:
Not available in combination with other sole- Ambient temperature -35 ... +40C
noids at the connection block (table 3a and 8), max. fluid temperature +70C
ancillary blocks (table 19), intermediate plates Fuse IF < 1.8 A each solenoid must be safe guarded
(table 22), end plates (table 11) and functional against overload and short-cut by fuse conforming
cut-off F.. (table 17). IEC 60127 medium
Surface coating Housing galvanically zinc coated
Coil and connection cavity are moulded
Coil a (1) Coil b (2) Electrical design and testing conforming EN 60079, VDE 0170/0171 T 1 and T 9
Electrical connection 4 x 0.5 mm2
Cable length 3 m or 10 m (cable LFLEX-440P Co. LAPP,
D-70565 Stuttgart)
For connection scheme, see Actuation E, EA (standard version)
Actuation suffix E, EA, HE(A) Letter of conformity ATEX TV-A 02 ATEX 0007 X
Explosion-proof version of actuation Ex-proof level O II 2 G Ex mb II 120C (T4)
Voltage specification G 24 EX 4, G 24 TEX 4 O II 2 D Ex mbD 21 T120C
Duty cycle (ED) S 1, one coil energized per solenoid housing
Attention: Protection class IP 67 (IEC 60529)
Additionally observe operating manuals Nennspannung UN 24 V DC
B 01/2002 and B ATEX Coil resistance cold R20 26.6 {
Nom. voltage I20 0.88 A
Protect against direct sunlight. Current, cold IG 0.63 A
Residual ripple 15% of the supply voltage
Conditions of use:
Not in combination with functional cut-off Ambient temperature -35 ... +40C
F(FP).. (table 17) or all other solenoids mounted max. fluid temperature +70C
on connection blocks (table 3 a and 8), ancillary Fuse IF < 1.8 A each solenoid must be safe guarded
blocks (table 19), intermediate plates (table 22) against overload and short-cut by fuse conforming
and end plates (table 11) IEC 60127 medium
Surface coating Housing galvanically zinc coated
Coil and connection cavity are moulded
Coil a (1) Coil b (2) Electrical design and testing conforming EN 60079, VDE 0170/0171 T 1 and T 9
Electrical connection 4 x 0.5 mm2
Cable length 3 m or 10 m (cable LFLEX-440P Co. LAPP,
D-70565 Stuttgart)
For connection scheme, see Actuation E, EA (standard version)
Actuation suffix E, EA, HE(A) Letter of Conformity IEC IEC Ex IBE 09.0005 X
Explosion-proof version of actuation Letter of conformity ATEX IBEx U07 ATEX 1089 X
(fire-damp protected (mning), intrinsic save) Coding O II 2 G Ex d IIB T4
Voltage specification G 24 TEX 70 O II 2 D Ex tD A21 T135C
Attention: Duty cycle (ED) S 1, one coil energized per solenoid housing
Additionally observe operating manuals Protection class IP 67 (IEC 60529)
B 09/2006 and B ATEX Nom. voltage UN 24 V DC
Power, cold R20 80 {
Protect against direct sunlight. Lim. current IG 0.24 A
Residual ripple 15% of the supply voltage
Not in combination with functional cut-off Conditions of use:
F(FP).. (table 17) or all other solenoids mounted Ambient temperature -20 ... +70C
on connection blocks (table 3 and 8), ancillary max. fluid temperature +70C
blocks (table 19), intermediate plates (table 22) Fuse IF < 0.5 A each solenoid must be safe guarded
and end plates (table 11) against overload and short-cut by fuse conforming
IEC 60127 medium
Surface coating Housing galvanically zinc coated
Coil a (1) Coil b (2) Coil and connection cavity are moulded
Electrical design and testing conforming EN 60079, VDE 0170/0171 T 1 and T 9
Electrical connection 4+1 x 0.5 mm2
Cable length 3 m or 10 m (cable LFLEX-440P Co. LAPP,
D-70565 Stuttgart)
D 7700-5 page 20
Actuation suffix E, EA, HE(A) Letter of Conformity IEC IEC Ex IBE 09.0006 X
Explosion-proof version of actuation Letter of conformity ATEX IBEx U05 ATEX 1116 X
(fire-damp protected (mining), intrinsic save) Ex-proof level O I M1 Ex d ia I
Voltage specification G 12 IS O I M2 Ex d ib I
Duty cycle (ED) S 1, one coil energized per solenoid housing
Attention: Protection class IP 67 (IEC 60529)
Additionally observe operating manuals Nom. voltage UN 12V DC
B 04/2005 and B ATEX II 1.7 A
Lim. current IG 0.4 A
Not in combination with functional cut-off F(FP).. Power, cold R20 22 {
(table 17) or all other solenoids mounted on con- Conditions of use:
nection blocks (table 3 a and 8), ancillary blocks Ambient temperature -20 ... +40C
(table 19), intermediate plates (table 22) and end max. fluid temperature +70C
plates (table 11) Surface coating Housing galvanically zinc coated
Coil and connection cavity are moulded
Coil a (1) Coil b (2) Electrical design and testing conforming EN 60079-0 (general requests),
EN 60079-25 (intrinsic save i),
EN 60079-1 (pressure resistant encapsulation d)
Electrical connection 4 x 0.5 mm2
Cable length 3m or 10m (cable LFLEX-EB Co. LAPP,
D-70565 Stuttgart) Coded leads: 1-4,
insulation color: fair blue)
The complete circuit has to be designed and get approved acc. to EN 60079-25.
Note: Due to the utilized clamp diodes at the pulsed prop. amplifier PWM it is
not possible to measure the coil current during operation. Readings will
usually be too low and are additionally dependent on the supply voltage
Attention: Take polarity into account! and the coil resistance.
Actuation suffix E, EA, HE(A) Letter of conformity ATEX IBEx U05 ATEX 1115 X
Explosion-proof version of actuation Letter of conformity ANZEx ANZEx 10.3019X
(fire-damp protected (mining)) Electrical connection 4 x 0.75 mm2, shielded cable
Voltage specification G 24 M2 FP For add. specifications see coding G 24 MSHA
Coil a (1) Coil b (2)
Actuation suffix H, HA, HEA Control pressure approx. 5 bar (start of stroke)
approx. 18 bar (End position), max. perm. pressure 50 bar
The remote control lines to the control port 1 and 2 have to be piped externally.
Supply is via proportional piloting valve e.g. type FB 2/18 etc. or KFB 2/18 (both
acc. to D 6600).
Actuation suffix WA, WA-EX Postion sensor supervision of the valve spool stroke via a Hall-sensor
UB = Supply voltage
Signal voltage
UB max = 76%
UB min = 24%
* 9%(UB)
3 +UB 10 ... 32 V DC
Residual ripple 10%
Signal table
1) Note: The duty cycle refers to one coil only of each twin solenoid. The perm. duty cycle is only
50%, when both coils are energized simultaneously
Nom. voltage UN 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 12 V DC
- Ancillary blocks
coding /5 VV(VX, XV), /UNF 5 VV
(VX, XV), /5 DEA(DEB)
Additional documentation D 7490/1 (type EM 4)
Nom. voltage UN 24 V DC 12 V DC
Nom. power PN 30 W 30 W
Electrical connection
2 1
D 7700-5 page 23
5. Unit d imensions
All dimensions are in mm and are subject to change without notice!
10 deep
PSV 5 38.5
Directional spool valve PSV 6 36.5
sections, see sect. 5.3 ++
P R LS, Z, M
PSV 5 G 1 G 1 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
PSV 6 G 1 1/4 G 1 1/4 G 1/4 (BSPP)
PSV UNF 6 1 5/8-12 UN-2B 7/16-20 UNF-2B
(SAE-20) (SAE-4) SAE J 514
D 7700-5 page 24
Type PSV 5(6) ../.. -5, PSL 5(6). (F, D)/...-5, PSM 6. (F, D)/...-5 Ports ISO 228/1 (BSPP)
P, R LS, Z, M, DW
PSL 5../.. G 1 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
PSL 6../.. G 1 1/4 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
PSL UNF 6../.. 15/8-12 UN-2B 7/16-20 UNF-2B SAE J 514
(SAE-20) (SAE-4)
PSV 5../.. G 1 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
PSV 6../.. G 1 1/4 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
PSV UNF 6../.. 15/8-12 UN-2B 7/16-20 UNF-2B SAE J 514
(SAE-20) (SAE-4)
PSM 6../.. G 1 1/4 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
PSM UNF 6../.. 15/8-12 UN-2B 7/16-20 UNF-2B SAE J 514
(SAE-20) (SAE-4)
Pressure limiting
valve (a/f 12, a/f 13)
a b
PSV 5./., PSL 5./. 22 75
10 deep PSV 6./., PSL 6./.
26 74
PSM 6./.
PSV UNF 6./.
PSL UNF 6./. 26 72
PSM UNF 6./.
Directional spool
valve sections,
see sect. 5.3 ++
Type PSV 5 N
approx. 80
10 deep
D 7700-5 page 25
a b
PSL 5 U 22 75.5
PSL 6 U 26 74
10 deep
Directional spool
valves, see sect. 5.3 ++
10 deep
Directional spool valves,
see sect. 5.3 ++
View from bottom is
like illustrated above ! Ports
P, R, F LS, Z, M
PSL 6 Y../.. G 1 1/4 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
D 7700-5 page 26
approx. 56
optional ZM
approx. 78
D 7700-5 page 27
Port Y is only
apparent with
E 2 and E 5 !
a/f 19 max.
M10, 10 deep
torque 60 Nm
10 deep
Port Y is
For missing specifications plugged with
see above ! version E 7,
E 9 and E 7
For missing specifications A 1(2)
see above !
Type E 13 to E 16
E 13 UNF to E 16 UNF
Port T is plugged with version Ports ISO 228/1 (BSPP)
E 15 (UNF) and E 16 (UNF)
E1, E3, E4, E6 G 1/4 - ISO 228/1
E2, E5 - - G 1/4 G 1/4
E1 UNF, - - 7/16-20 - SAE J 514
E7, E7 A., E9 - G 1 1/4 G 1/4 - ISO 228/1
E8, E8 A., E11 - G 1 1/4 G 1/4 G 1/4
E13, E15 G 1 - G 1/4 - ISO 228/1
E14, E16 G 1 - G 1/4 G 1/4
E13 UNF, 15/8-12 - 7/16-20 -
E15 UNF UN-2B UNF-2B SAE J 514
E14 UNF, 15/8-12 - 7/16-20 7/16-20
P R LS, Z, M, DW T
E1 PSL 56 G 1 G 1 1/4 G 1/4 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
E4 PSL 56 G 1 G 1 1/4 G 1/4 - (BSPP)
E1 PSV 56 G 1 G 1 1/4 G 1/4 G 1/4 ISO 228/1
E4 PSV 56 G 1 G 1 1/4 G 1/4 - (BSPP)
M10, 10 deep
M 10,
10 deep
Elevation stop
Actuation type
Connection plate
block side side
approx. 58
plug PA 6
approx. 24.5
D 7700-5 page 31
approx. 37
approx. 37
1) Intermediate plate only in combination with actuation ER and EAR
Type a
WA 36.4
U 49.5
Type WA-EX
D 7700-5 page 32
approx. 63
For elevation
stop, of the
actuation A,
see sect. 5.3
Solenoid with
type HEA..
approx. 77
1) Lever housing at EA and HA (FH) can be angled at 180 in
the same manner as described at sect. 6.3.4 Travel stop for flow limitation at B Port 1 and 2:
= G 1/4 (ISO 228/1) (BSPP)
= 7/16-20 UNF-2B (SAE-4,
SAE J 514)
5.9 Spool valves with LS-pressure limitation, functional cut-off and prop. pressure limitation
Type A... Type B... Type A...B... Type C...
Type F 1, F 3, F 3
FP 1, FP 2, FP 3
Type S FPH 1, FPH 2, FPH 3 Type X
(manual emer-
gency actuation)
with type FPH..
approx. 68
Con- End
nection plate
block side
Type S 1
l e f g h
/5 121.5 31.5 90 47 13
/UNF 5 119.5 30.5 89 19.5 40.5
Ports A and B :
/5.. = G 1 (ISO 228/1) (BSPP)
/UNF 5.. = 1 5/16-12 UN-2B (SAE-16, SAE J 514)
approx. 82
B-side with type /..AN.. BN is omitted with
B-side with type /..BN.. /5 VX
approx. 32
approx. 82
approx. 31
approx. 76
Typ /5 AL.. 1)
approx. 76
Type /5 DRH 1)
/UNF 5 DRH Type /5 R VV 1)
approx. 77
approx. 77
Socket head screws
ISO 4762-M10x70-A2-70
Ports A and B:
Max. torque 40 Nm
/5.. = G 1 (ISO 228/1) (BSPP)
/UNF 5.. = 1 5/16-12 UN-2B (SAE-16)
1) Note: Not all lever positions are possible.
Port BR
G 1/8 (BSPP) or 7/16-20 UNF-2B
Type ZPL 5 P6 R6
ZPL 5 P6 R6 ER Type ZPL 50 T
6. Appendix
6.1 Notes for selection and lay-out of
a) The connection block b) Spool valve sections
There are additional damping variations available for the LS- To coding 1 (example SL 5-51 L 120/63...)
signal duct listed in table 2 (apart from the standard versions acc. On the one hand, there is a higher consumer flow with directional
to sect. 3.1.1). These are required, if strong (load-) oscillations spool valves without an inflow controller (coding 1) in compari-
are externally induced on the control circuit. However, a general son with one having a 2-way flow controller (coding 2, 5), as the
rule concerning the use of the one or the other variation can not flow is then directly dependent on the control pressure of either
be given. Both versions may be retrofitted any time. the connection blocks 3-way flow controller (type PSL approx.
10 bar), or the metering valve of a variable displacement pump
To coding U (or UH) (approx. 14 to 20 bar) for type PSV. On the other hand, the load-
The pump idle circulation pressure is reduced by means of an independence is lost, if several consumers are actuated simulta-
additional by-pass valve, if all directional spool valves are in idle neously, because the consumer with the highest load pressure
position (see also curves in sect. 4.2). The valve opens automa- rules the pressure level of the LS-signal given to the 3-way flow
tically if the occurring load pressure (LS pressure) drops below controller and therefore defines the available flow in the system.
25% of the (still remaining) pump pressure. As soon as another valve with higher load pressure is actuated
Attention: A minimum pump delivery flow of approx. 150 lpm now, the flow for the first consumer can only be regulated by
must be maintained for electro-hydraulic actuation throttling, i.e. if the highest load pressure varies, the spool elevati-
with internal control oil supply. The control pressu- on (= throttling) of the first valve section has to be reset to maintain
re (& pump circulation pressure) is not sufficient for a constant delivery flow to the consumer. This consumer flow can
elevating the spool at lower delivery flows. be calculated approximately by:
QA, B , Qnom 0.2 |pcontroller
To coding Y and YH
Additional, pressure resistant port F for the excess oil from the To coding 2 (example SL 5-52 0 63/63...)
3-way flow controller. This enables to control separately located The standard version of the spool valve section is load compen-
consumers by making use of the excess delivery flow not con- sated and is equipped with an inflow controller (coding 2). Due
sumed by the prop. directional spool valve bank. to the control pressure of the inflow controller (approx. 6 bar), it
It is important that the pressure induced via port F is minimum regulates a constant flow related only to the spool elevation
15 bar lower than the load pressure applied to the 3-way flow (groove edges at the spool act like a metering orifice), making
controller of the first valve bank, if a consumer connected to this its delivery independent of other consumers or system pressure:
valve bank is simultaneously operated. Otherwise the LS control Q , |pcontroller Avalve spool
system will fail, and the excess flow might be forced via the main
pressure limiting valve. To coding 5 (example SL 5-A 5 H 160/160...)
This version features an increased control pressure enabling
To coding G higher consumer flows (see also above coding 1 and 2). The
This version lacks the sequence valve at the damping element pressure of this flow controller (coding 5) is approx. 10 bar resul-
which is apparent at the standard version to enable quick ting in a 1.3 higher flow when compared to the standard version
depressurization down to the pre-load pressure during idle posi- (coding 2).
tion of the valve spool. This results in a stronger damping effect
than with the standard version, as all fluid from the spring cavity To coding 7 (example SL 5-A 7 H 160/160)
of the 3-way flow controller must pass the thread type throttle. Like coding 5. To be used only together with variable displace-
Main application is with consumers prone to low-frequent ment with connection block type PSV and variable displacement
oscillations - drawback is the delayed depressurization down to pump / constant pressure system because of the necessary
the pre-load pressure during idle position of the valve spool pressure drop.
(pro-longed run-down).
To coding R 2, R 5 and R 7
To coding H Beside its control function the flow controller acts also as a
When on account of the required consumer velocity at least one check valve. Thus preventing a possible flow reversal in case of
spool valve with reference number 5 (raised circulation pressu- insufficient supply from the pump.
re) is utilized, then, in order to maintain the necessary pressure
difference between 2- and 3-way flow controller, the circula- To coding 8, 81, 82 (example SL 5-58 L 120/160...)
tion pressure of the 3-way flow controller must be raised to To ensure max. flow for all subsequent valve sections, the
approx. 14 bar. This means, of course, greater power dissipation. highest flow rating (.../160) must be selected for the B side
(continuation of P).
To coding Z, ZM, V and PA, PB, PD (see table 8)
When using these valves for an emergency stop function, it has
to be taken into account that there will be a certain min. residual
pressure during pushing load while a valve spool is elevated!
Viscosity $ 60 mm2/s
D 7700-5 page 41
Qmax A, B
Available versions:
SL 5 - I 25/25
I 120/120
I 140/140
I 160/160
SL 5 - Y 150/150
SL 5 - Z 80/80
SL 5 - V 25/25
V 120/120
V 140/140
D 7700-5 page 42
Load-holding valves
Load-holding valves type LHT acc. to D 7918 or type LHDV acc.
to D 7770 and note sect. 6.1 f, type LHK acc. to D 7100 only with
very stiff systems and directional spool valves without inflow
controller (coding 1 acc. to table 15, sect. 3.2.1)
Other valves
Proportional spool valve type PSL(V) size 2 acc. to D7700-2
(can be combined via intermediate plate ZPL 32 with size 5)
Proportional spool valve type PSL(V) size 3 acc. to D7700-3
(can be combined via intermediate plate ZPL 53 with size 5)
Proportional spool valve type PSL(V)F size 3 and 5 acc. to D7700-F
(manifold mounting spool valves)
Proportional pressure reducing valve type PMZ acc. to D 7625
Hydraulic joy-stick type KFB01 acc. to D 6600-01
D 7700-5 page 44
6.2 Schaltungsbeispiele
The diagrams show a typical valve bank for cranes with hydraulic control.
Connection block Add-on spool valves Add-on spool valves Add-on spool valves Add-on spool valves End-
PSL 51/300-5- 5 2L 120/120 C200/A 5 2L 40/63 A100 F1/EA 5 2H 120/63 F 3/A 51M 40/80/A plate
Example 2:
ExampleControl by PSV; Pressurized oil supply by
variable displacement pump without pressure limi-
ting valve, but with solenoid valve for arbitrary idle
pump circulation.
Only difference to example 1 is the connection block
with similar versions and arrangement of the add-on
6.3.1 Mounting
The mounting of the valve bank must be performed in such
a way that no stress is induced.
Three screws and elastic washers between valve assembly
and frame are recommended for fastening.
6.3.2 Piping
All fittings used must utilize deformable seal materials.
Do not exceed the specified torque!
Notes for converting the connection block
The connection blocks type PSL 5(6)...-5 and PSL UNF 6..-5
can be converted any time into a connection block for varia-
ble displacement pump systems (correct type then PSV 55
S../..-5 or PSV UNF 6 S). This requires replacing the parts
listed below.
Attention: The screw (parts No. 6380 013) D Dor carburetor
jet M4x0.6 E Eare secured with liquid screw lock,
which must be applied again when replacing these
This conversion cannot be carried out at the
type PSL 5(6) U(H) and PSL 6 Y since the inte-
grated valve combination forbids a combination
with variable displacement pump systems.
It is necessary to replace the tapped plug by
the damping screw S F (7778 301), while
converting a type PSV to type PSL (does not
apply to type PSV 5(6) S..-5 and PSV UNF 6 S..-5;
as these are already equipped with it).
D The screw (parts No. 6380 013)
Tapped edge filter
D 7700-5 page 46
6.3.4 Notes on changing the spool Advice on changing the valve spool
The valve spools are not mated to one spool housing. The 1. Slacken screws ; (ISO 4762-M6x8-8.8-A2K), remove
refore valve spools can be changed at any time to adapt to spring cover
changing consumer consumption. The following routine is to
2. Remove screw < (M8x40, machined flat head screw
be followed particularly:
drawing DIN 7991)
3. Remove spring assembly including spring cap =
4. Slacken screws > (ISO 4762-M6x60-8.8-A2K)
5. Lift lever housing including spool out of spool housing,
drawing ? @
6. Remove circlip DIN 6799-3,2 and remove bolt A B
7. Assemble with (new) spool in reverse sequence
Note: The control grooves of the valve spool should
always be installed towards the end plate!
Exception: Valve spools with flow coding 160 do
not show control grooves
Lever housing
angled at 180