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Chapter 9

DC Inductor Design Using Powder Cores

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Molybdenum Permalloy Powder Cores (MPP)
3. High Flux Powder Cores (HF)
4. Sendust Powder Cores (Magnetics Kool MH)
5. Iron Powder Cores
6. Inductors
7. Relationship of, Ap, to Inductor's Energy-Handling Capability
8. Relationship of, Kg, to Inductor's Energy-Handling Capability
9. Fundamental Considerations
10. Toroidal Powder Core Design Using the Core Geometry, Kg, Approach
11. Toroidal Powder Core Inductor Design, Using the Area Product, Ap, Approach

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Powder cores are manufactured from very fine particles of magnetic materials. The powder is coated with
an inert insulation to minimize eddy current losses and to introduce a distributed air gap into the core
structure. The insulated powder is then compacted into toroidal and EE cores. The magnetic flux in a
toroidal powder core can be contained inside the core more readily than in a lamination or C core, as the
winding covers the core along the entire magnetic path length. The design of an inductor also frequently
involves consideration of the effect of its magnetic field on devices near where it is placed. This is
especially true in the design of high-current inductors for converters and switching regulators used in

Toroidal powder cores are widely used in high-reliability military and space applications because of their
good stability over wide temperature ranges, and their ability to withstand high levels of shock, vibration,
and nuclear radiation without degradation. Other applications for these cores are:

1. Stable, high-Q filters operating in the frequency range of 1kHz to 1 MHz.

2. Loading coils used to cancel out the distributed capacitance in telephone cables.
3. Pulse transformers.
4. Differential mode EMI noise filters.
5. Flyback transformers.
6. Energy storage, or output inductors, in circuits with large amounts of dc current flowing.

Molybdenum Permalloy Powder Cores (MPP)

Molybdenum Permalloy Powder Cores (MPP) are manufactured from very fine particles of an 81 % nickel,
17% iron, and a 2% molybdenum alloy. The insulated powder is then compacted into EE and toroidal
cores. The toroidal cores range in size from 0.1 inch (0.254 cm) to 5 inches (12.7 cm) in the outside
diameter. MPP cores are available in permeabilities ranging from 14 up to 550. See Table 9-1

High Flux Powder Cores (HF)

High Flux Powder Cores (HF) are manufactured from very fine particles of a 50% nickel, and 50% iron.
The insulated powder is then compacted into EE and toroidal cores. The toroidal cores range in size from
0.25 inch (0.635 cm) to 3 inches (7.62 cm) in the outside diameter. HF cores are available in permeabilities
ranging from 14 up to 160. See Table 9-1.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sendust Powder Cores (Magnetics Kool

Sendust powder cores are manufactured from very fine particles of an 85% iron, 9% silicon, and 6%
aluminum. The insulated powder is then compacted into EE and toroidal cores. The toroidal cores range in
size from 0.14 inch (0.35 cm) to 3 inches (7.62 cm) in the outside diameter. Sendust cores are available in
permeabilities ranging from 26 up to 125. See Table 9-1

Iron Powder Cores

The low cost iron powder cores are typically used in today's low and high frequency power switching
conversion applications for differential-mode, input and output, power inductors. The distributed air gap
characteristic of iron powder produces a core with permeability ranging from 10 to 100. This feature, in
conjunction with the inherent high saturation point of iron, makes it very difficult to saturate. While iron
powder cores may be limited in their use because of low permeability or rather high core loss at high
frequency, they have become a very popular choice in either EE or toroidal as a core material for high-
volume commercial applications. They are popular due to their low cost compared with other core
materials. The toroidal cores range in size from 0.3 inch (0.76 cm) to 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) in the outside
diameter. See Table 9-1

Table 9-1. Standard Powder Core Permeability

Standard Powder Core Permeabilities

Powder Material MPP High Flux Sendust Iron Powder
(Kool Mu)
Initial Permeability, Uj
10 X
14 X X
26 X X X
35 X
55 X
60 X X X X
75 X X
90 X
100 X
125 X X X
147 X X
160 X X
173 X
200 X
300 X
550 X

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Inductors that carry direct current are used frequently in a wide variety of ground, air, and space
applications. Selection of the best magnetic core for an inductor frequently involves a trial-and-error type
of calculation.

The design of an inductor also frequently involves consideration of the effect of its magnetic field on other
devices in the immediate vicinity. This is especially true in the design of high-current inductors for
converters and switching regulators used in spacecraft, which may also employ sensitive magnetic field
detectors. For this type of design problem, frequently it is imperative that a toroidal core be used. The
magnetic flux in a powder core can be contained inside the core more readily than in a lamination or C
core, as the winding covers the core along the entire magnetic path length. The author has developed a
simplified method of designing optimum dc carrying inductors with powder cores. This method allows the
correct core permeability to be determined without relying on the trial and error method.

Relationship of, Ap, to Inductor's Energy-Handling Capability

The energy-handling capability of a core is related to its area product, Ap, by the equation:

2(Energy)(l0 4 )
Ap = n r v- '-, L[cm4J] [9-1]

Where: Energy is in watt-seconds.

Bm is the flux density, tesla.
J is the current density, amps-per-cm2.
Ku is the window utilization factor. (See Chapter 4)

From the above factors, such as flux density, Bm, window utilization factor, Ku, (which defines the
maximum space that may be used by the copper in the window), and the current density, J, which controls
the copper loss can be seen. The energy-handling capability of a core is derived from:

Energy = , [watt-seconds] [9-2]

Relationship of, Kg, to Inductor's Energy-Handling Capability

Inductors, like transformers, are designed for a given temperature rise. They can also be designed for a
given regulation. The regulation and energy handling ability of a core is related to two constants:

g= ( nergy)
If V

Where a is the regulation, %.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The constant, Kg, is determined by the core geometry:

W A2 K
K g = " c " , [cm5] [9-4]

The constant, Ke, is determined by the magnetic and electrical operating conditions:


The output power, P0, is defined in Figure 9-1.

P ~- Po(L2) ~-VI

+O i
CR1 y CR2 C2 +
V. n 7 f^ -> 2 ^ V
(02) f~ Vr

1 \
\ I \ i

Figure 9-1. Defining the Inductor Output Power.

The operating flux density, Bm, is:

, [tesla] [9-7]

From the above, it can be seen that the flux density, Bm, is the predominant factor in governing size.

Fundamental Considerations

The design of a linear reactor depends upon four related factors:

1. Desired inductance, L.
2. Direct current, Idc.
3. Alternating current, AI.
4. Power loss and temperature, Tr.

With these requirements established, the designer must determine the maximum values for, Bjc, and Bac,
that will not produce magnetic saturation and must make trade-offs that will yield the highest inductance
for a given volume. The core permeability chosen dictates the maximum dc flux density that can be
tolerated for a given design.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If an inductance is to be constant with the increasing direct current, there must be a negligible drop in
inductance over the operating current range. The maximum H (magnetizing force) then is an indication of a
core's capability, as shown in Figure 9-2.

100 i i i i i r
Powder Cores

Low Permeability

I 60 High Permeability
I 40


i i i i i d.
1.0 10 100 1000
DC Magnetizing Force, (oersteds)

Figure 9-2. Typical Permeability Versus dc Bias Curves for Powder Cores.

Most manufacturers give the dc magnetizing force, H in oersteds:


Some engineers prefer amp-turns:

= 0.8//(MPL), [amp-turns] [9-9]

Inductance decreases with increasing flux density, B, and magnetizing force, H, for various materials of
different values of permeability. The selection of the correct permeability for a given design is made using
Equation [9- 10].

B (MPL)fl

It should be remembered the maximum flux, Bm, depends upon, Bdc + Bac, in the manner in Figure 9-3.

-, [tesla] [9-11]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

0.4;r7V/ ffc /,(lO- 4 )
, [tesla] [9-12]

B,,,= , [tesla] [9-13]



H (oersteds)

Figure 9-3. Inductor Flux Density Versus Idc + AI Current.

The flux density for the initial design for Molypermalloy powder cores should be limited to 0.3T maximum
for, Bdc + Bac, as shown in Figure 9-4.



5 80



0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0

Polarized Flux Density, tesla

Figure 9-4. Inductance Versus dc Bias.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Toroidal Powder Core Design Using the Core Geometry, Kg, Approach
This design procedure will work with all powder cores.

Step No. 1 Design a linear dc inductor with the following specifications.

1. Inductance, L ........................................................................................................... = 0.0025 henrys

2. dc current, I0 .............................. . ............................................................................. = 1.5 amps
3. ac current, AI ........................................................................................................... = 0.2 amps
4. Output power, P0 ..................................................................................................... = 100 watts
5. Regulation, a ........................................................................................................... = 1.0 %
6. Ripple Frequency .................................................................................................... = 20 kHz
7. Operating flux density, Bm ...................................................................................... = 0.3 tesla
8. Core Material .......................................................................................................... = MPP
9. Window utilization, Ku ............................................................................................ = 0.4
10. Temperature rise goal, Tr ....................................................................................... = 25C

Step No. 2 Calculate the peak current, lp^.

, [amps]

, [amps]

Ipk =1.6, [amps]

Step No. 3 Calculate the energy-handling capability.

Energy = , [watt-seconds]

Energy = -- , [watt-seconds]

Energy = 0.0032, [watt-seconds]

Step No. 4 Calculate the electrical conditions coefficient, IQ.

^ e =0.145(lOO)(0.3) 2 (lO" 4 )
K =0.0001305

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 5 Calculate the core geometry coefficient, Kg.

(Energy) 5
Kea '
(0.0032)2 5
Kg= 0.0785, [cm5]

Step No. 6 Select a MPP powder core from Chapter 3. The data listed is the closest core to the calculated
core geometry, Kg.

1. Core Number = 55586

2. Magnetic Path Length, MPL = 8.95 cm
3. Core Weight, Wtfe = 34.9 grams
4. Mean Length Turn, MLT = 4.40 cm
5. Iron Area, Ac = 0.454 cm2
6. Window Area, Wa = 3.94 cm
7. Area Product, Ap = 1.79 cm4
8. Core Geometry, Kg = 0.0742 cm5
9. Surface Area, A, = 64.4 cm2
10. Permeability, n = 60
11. Millihenrys-per-lk, AL = 38 mh

Step No. 7 Calculate the current density, J, using the area product Equation, Ap.

J = ---- , [amps-per-cm 1
2(0.0032)(l0 4 )
J =-,r;-r,r> [amps-per-cm 1
J = 298, [amps-per-cm2 ]

Step No. 8 Calculate the rms current, \rnK.

/ M O = > /0-5) 2 +(0.2) 2 , [amps]

/,=!. 51, [amps]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 9 Calculate the required bare wire area, Aw(B).

/ rms rpTYl
W ( R\ J I Ull I

A rL C m2 iJ
4^=0.00507, [cm2]

Step No. 10 Select a wire from the Wire Table in Chapter 4. If the area is not within 10%, take the next
smallest size. Also, record micro-ohms per centimeter.

AWG = #20
Bare, AW(B} =0.00519, [cm2]
Insulated, Aw = 0.00606, [cm2 ]
- = 332, [micro-ohm/cm]
cm )

Step No. 11 Calculate the effective window area, Wa(eff). Use the window area found in Step 6. A typical
value for, 83, is 0.75, as shown in Chapter 4.

, [cm2]

Step No. 12 Calculate the number turns possible for, N. Use the insulated wire area, Avv, found in Step 10.
A typical value for, 83, is 0.6, as shown in Chapter 4.

N = "<e-y) , [turns]
N = ^&-i, [turns]
N = 293, [turns]

Step No. 13 Calculate the required core permeability, u.

= 5 m (MPL)(l0 4 )
i A

'" A ~(l.26)(3.94)(298)(0.4)

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The permeability of 45.4 is close enough to use a 60u core. Also note that there are other permeabilities
available, See Table 9-1. Because of size, Chapter 3 has listed only 60u Tables for MPP, High Flux,
Sendust and a 75 |i Table for Iron powder. For cores with other than 60u, use the manufacturer's catalog.

Step No. 14 Calculate the number of turns, NL, required.

^ =1000 , [turns]

f 2 5}
AT,1 = 1 0 0 0 ,
3 8 , [turns]
VI /
NL = 256, [turns]

Step No. 15 Calculate the winding resistance, RL. Use the MLT from Step 6 and the micro-ohm per
centimeter from Step 10.

RL =(MLT)(7V i )|^|(lO- 6 ), [ohms]

RL =(4.4)(256)(332)(lO" 6 ), [ohms]
RL = 0.374, [ohms]

Step No. 16 Calculate the copper loss, Pcu.

^ = C ^ , [watts]
P CU =(1.51) 2 (0.374), [watts]
Pcu = 0.853, [watts]

Step No. 17 Calculate the regulation, a.

a =^(100), [%]

a = V
a =0.853, [%]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 18 Calculate the ac flux density, Bac.

Bac = -- - - , [tesla]

B flc =0.0215, [tesla]

Step No. 19 Calculate the watts per kilogram for the appropriate MPP powder core material in Chapter 2.
Watts per kilogram can be written in milliwatts per gram.

mW/g = kf(m}B?
mW/g = (0.0055 1) (20000) U) (0.021 5) <2 ' 2)
mW/g = 0.313

Step No. 20 Calculate the core loss, Pfe.

P / e =(mW/ g )(w^)(lO- 3 ), [watts]

/> /c =(0.313)(34.9)(lO' 3 ), [watts]
Pfe= 0.011, [watts]

Step No. 21 Calculate the total loss copper plus iron, Pv.

/> =(0.011) + (0.853), [watts]

PZ = 0.864, [watts]

Step No. 22 Calculate the watt density, vj/. The surface area, At can be found in Step 6.

y/ = , [watts/cm2 ]
w = -. ) r[watts/cm
, 2,]
i// = 0.0134, [watts/cm2]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 23 Calculate the temperature rise, Tr.

r r =12.8, [C]

Step No. 24 Calculate the dc magnetizing force, H.

OAxN, I k
H = -L-^- , [oersteds]
H = ^-^-r^'- , [oersteds]
H = 57.7, [oersteds]

Step No. 25 Calculate the window utilization, Ku.

A =

Ku = 0.337

The big advantage in using the core geometry design procedure is that the current density is calculated.
Using the area product design procedure, the current density is an estimate at best. In this next design the
same current density will be used as in core geometry.

Toroidal Powder Core Inductor Design, Using the Area Product, Ap, Approach

Step No. 1 Design a linear dc inductor with the following specifications.

1. Inductance, L = 0.0025 henrys

2. dc current, I0 = 1.5 amps
3. ac current, AI = 0.2 amps
4. Output power, P0 = 100 watts
5. Current Density, J = 300 amps-per-cm2
6. Ripple Frequency = 20 kHz
7. Operating flux density, Bm = 0.3 tesla
8. Core Material = MPP
9. Window utilization, Ku = 0.4
10. Temperature rise goal, Tr = 25C

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 2 Calculate the peak current, lp^.

I 1
pk= o+ > [amPs]

/ p t =(l.5) + ^, [amps]

/ M =1.6, [amps]

Step No. 3 Calculate the energy-handling capability.

Energy = , [watt-seconds]

Energy = -- , [watt-seconds]

Energy = 0.0032, [watt-seconds]

Step No. 4 Calculate the area product, Ap.

2(Energy)(lQ 4 )
A = ----, [cm]

= 2(0.0032)(104)
L m J
" (0.3)(300)(0.4)'
4, =1.78, [cm ]

Step No. 5 Select a MPP powder core from Chapter 3. The data listed is the closest core to the calculated
core geometry, Kg.

1. Core Number .................................................................................................................. = 55586

2. Magnetic Path Length, MPL ......................................................................................... = 8.95 cm
3. Core Weight, W,fe ........................................................................................................... = 34.9 grams
4. Mean Length Turn, MLT ................................................................................................ = 4.40 cm
5. Iron Area, Ac .................................................................................................................. = 0.454 cm2
6. Window Area, Wa .......................................................................................................... = 3.94 cm2
7. Area Product, Ap ............................................................................................................ = 1.79 cm4
8. Core Geometry, Kg ......................................................................................................... = 0.0742 cm5
9. Surface Area, A, ............................................................................................................. = 64.4 cm2
10. Permeability, u ............................................................................................................. = 60
11. Millihenrys-per-lk, A L ............................................................................................... = 38 mh

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 6 Calculate the rms current, Irms.

^=V/o+A/2' [amPS]

/,ms=1.51, [amps]

Step No. 7 Calculate the required bare wire area, AW(B).

<Vo= [cm2]

W(B) ^y I J

AW(B)= 0.00507, [cm2]

Step No. 8 Select a wire from the Wire Table in Chapter 4. If the area is not within 10%, take the next
smallest size. Also, record the micro-ohms per centimeter.

AWG = #20
Bare, AW(B)= 0.00519, [cm2]
Insulated, 4,, =0.00606, [cm2 ]

= 332, [micro-ohm/cm]

Step No. 9 Calculate the effective window area, Wa(eff). Use the window area found in Step 5. A typical
value for, 83 is 0.75 as shown in Chapter 4.

a e
\ JJ} a J
W,=(3.94)(0.75), [cm2]
0^=2.96, [cm2]

Step No. 10 Calculate the number turns possible, N. Use the insulated wire area, Aw found in Step 8. A
typical value for, S2, is 0.6, as shown in Chapter 4.

-, [turns]
N=--^-+, [turns]
N = 293, [turns]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 11 Calculate the required core permeability, u.

5 m (MPL)(l0 4 )

(0.30)(8.95)(l0 4 )

The permeability of 45.4 is close enough to use a 60u core. Also note there are other permeabilities
available, See Table 9-1. Because of size, Chapter 3 has listed only 60^ tables for MPP, High Flux,
Sendust and 75u, table for Iron powder. For cores with other than 60u, use the manufacturer's catalog.

Step No. 12 Calculate the number of turns, NL, required.

JVL =10001^, [turns]

^ -^(1000)

^=1000. , [turns]

NL = 256, [turns]

Step No. 13 Calculate the winding resistance, RL. Use the MLT from Step 6 and the micro-ohm per
centimeter from Step 10.

RL =(MLT)(jV t )j^j(lO~ 6 ), [ohms]

RL =(4.4)(256)(332)(lO~ 6 ), [ohms]
RL = 0.374, [ohms]

Step No. 14 Calculate the copper loss, Pc

Pc^'L^L, [watts]
^=(1.51) (0.374), [watts]
Pcu = 0.853, [watts]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 15 Calculate the ac flux density, Bac.

Bac= - - , [tesla]
Bac= -r-^T- '
Bac= 0.0215, [tesla]

Step No. 16 Calculate the watts per kilogram for the appropriate MPP powder core material in Chapter 2.
Watts per kilogram can be written in milliwatts per gram.

mW/g = (0.00551)(20000)23) (0.0215)(1'2)

mW/g = 0.313

Step No. 17 Calculate the core loss, Pfe.

^ /e )(lO" 3 ), [watts]
/} e =(0.313)(34.9)(lO- 3 ), [watts]
Pfe= 0.011, [watts]

Step No. 18 Calculate the total copper loss plus iron, Py.

PI. = Pfe + Pcu > [watts]

/> =(0.011) + (0.853), [watts]
Pz = 0.864, [watts]

Step No. 19 Calculate the watt density, v|/. The surface area, At can be found in Step 5.

y/ = , [watts/cm2]
(0-864) ^
(64.4) '
^ = 0.0134, [watts/cm2]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step No. 20 Calculate the temperature rise, Tr.

Tr = 450(0.0134)(826) , [
?;= 12.8, [C]

Step No. 21 Calculate the dc magnetizing force, H.

0.47T NLI,
H = -^ , [oersteds]
H = -^-^'- , [oersteds]
H = 57.7, [oersteds]

Step No. 22 Calculate the window utilization, K u .


K.. = 0.337

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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