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Chapter 18

Quiet Converter Design

The author would like to thank Dr. V. Vorperian, Senior Engineer, Power and Sensor Electronics Group,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), for his help with the Quiet Converter design equations.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Voltage-fed Converter
3. Regulating and Filtering
4. The Current-fed Converter
5. The Quiet Converter
6. Regulating and Filtering
7. Quiet Converter Waveforms
8. Technology on the Move
9. Window Utilization Factor, Ku
10. Temperature Stability
11. Calculating the Apparent Power, P,
12. Quiet Converter Design Equations
13. Transformer Design, Using the Core Geometry, Kg, Approach
14. Design Review
15. References

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A few designers have known about the Resonant Converter described here for many years. This type of
Resonant Converter has been built mainly in the range of 200 watts to 2 kilowatts, and has been used as a
static inverter. However, it has remained relatively obscure in the general literature. The Quiet Converter
was developed at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Division 38, to power very sensitive instruments. The
Quiet Converter produces a sinusoidal voltage across a parallel resonant tank. The dc output voltage is
obtained after rectification and filtering of the sinusoidal secondary voltage. The regulation is achieved by
controlling the duty-cycle of the switching transistors. A comparison of the standard type of PWM control
with the Quiet Converter and its amplitude modulation (AM), is shown in Figure 18-1. The inherent low
noise from this converter is how the nickname, Quiet Converter, came about. The low noise can easily be
reduced, even further, by the addition of a Faraday Shield and common-mode inductors. Programs at Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) that have successfully used the low noise environment of the Quiet Converter
are, WF/PC-II, Articulated Fold, Mirror Actuators, (Hubbell Space Telescope), MISR (Earth Orbiting
System), Raman, and Mars 05 ONC, CCD Camera.

Square wave with PWM control Sine wave with amplitude control

Figure 18-1. Comparing PWM and Amplitude Control.

The Voltage-fed Converter

The voltage-fed converter circuit is the most widely-used, converter topology. In a voltage-fed converter,
the powder source, Vjn is connected directly to the transformer through a transistor, Ql, as shown in Figure
18-2. When the transistor, Ql, is switched on, the full source voltage is applied to the transformer, Tl,
primary, (1-2). The transistor saturation will be ignored. Conversely, when Q2 is switched on, the full
source voltage is applied to the other half of the transformer, Tl, primary, (2-3).

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Figure 18-2. Typical, Voltage-fed Power Converter.

In Figure 18-2, the switching drive circuit alternately saturates and cuts off the semiconductors' switches,
Ql and Q2, causing an alternating voltage to be generated across the primary winding of transformer, Tl,
and then delivered to the secondary to be rectified and filtered before going to the load. The primary
source voltage, Vin is directly impressed onto the primary of the transformer, Tl, and therefore, the voltage
across the transformer, Tl, is always a square wave.

Regulating and Filtering

The most effective method of regulation for a voltage-fed converter is pulse width modulation (PWM). A
constant output voltage can be obtained for a changing input voltage, by reducing the on time, Ton of Q1
and Q2, as shown in Figure 18-3. The pulse width voltage is applied to the output filter, L1C2, averaging
circuit to provide the proper output voltage, V0.

A 0
Low Line


B 0 t

High Line

Figure 18-3. Primary Voltage of a PWM Controlled Converter.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Current-fed Converter
The main difference between a voltage-fed converter and a current-fed converter is the series inductor, LI,
shown in Figure 18-3. The inductor, LI, is commonly called a feed-choke or series inductor. It has an
inductance large enough in value to maintain a continuous current through the circuit under all conditions
of line and load.

CR1 _^ T
PI ~
4 \
5 C2
6 v0

Figure 18-4. Typical Current-fed Power Converter Circuit.

The Quiet Converter

Simple additions to the circuit, in Figure 18-4, change the performance dramatically, and it becomes a
whole new converter. The new converter is shown in Figure 18-5. The changes are: 1. The transformer,
Tl, core material has been changed to molypermalloy powder core, (MPP). The reason for using a powder
core is because it has a built-in gap required for the tank circuit and these cores are available with
temperature stabilized permeability. The use of a gap ferrite would perform just as well, but the design
must be stable over temperature. 2. A commutating winding has been added to the series inductor, LI.
3. A capacitor, C3, was added for the required parallel tuned tank. The tuning capacitor, C3, should be of
high quality with a low ESR and stable. The capacitors that were used in the flight power supplies, were
plastic film, type CRH, to MIL-C-83421.

1.L1 2
>j +
5 C2
S v
6 o

CR3 1

Figure 18-5. Current-fed Parallel Resonant Converter.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

With properly designed components, the output voltage of transformer, Tl, will always be a sine wave.
The sine wave is accomplished by using a tuned parallel resonant tank circuit, (T1C3), to the natural
running frequency of the converter. The series inductor, LI, isolates the input dc source from the sine wave
voltage across the primary of the transformer, Tl.

Regulating and Filtering

The current-fed resonant converter, shown in Figure 18-5, requires a minimum of dead time, (dwell), for
the circuit to function properly. The series inductor, LI, when connected, as shown in Figure 18-4, requires
continuous conduction of both Ql and Q2, along with a small amount of overlap. In this way, there would
always be continuous current flowing in LI. If there is any disruption of current in the series inductor, LI,
no matter how small, it would destroy the switching transistors, Ql and or Q2.

In order to incorporate pulse width modulation (PWM), or a drive circuit that has inherent dead time that
neither transistor is conducting, there must be a means to commutate the current in the series inductor, LI.
Adding a winding to the series inductor, LI, is a simple way to commutate the current. When the current
flowing in winding, (1-2), is interrupted, the current will now be commutated to the added winding, (3-4).
This is done when connected with proper phasing, through a diode CR1, then, back to the dc source to
complete the path, as shown in Figure 18-5. Now, when either transistors, Ql or Q2, are interrupted, the
added winding of the series inductor, LI, commutates the current back into the dc source, thus preventing
the destruction of the switching transistors Ql and Q2.

Quiet Converter Waveforms

The current-fed, sine wave converter waveforms will be referenced from Figure 18-6. In Figure 18-7
through Figure 18-15, refer back to (A)-(J) points in Figure 18-6. The waveforms presented here are
copies drawn from an actual photo taken with an oscilloscope camera.

1.L1 2


Figure 18-6. Quiet Converter Schematic with Reference Points.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Dr ain t 3 Ground Volt,ige
iX" "*" X" "N

Af NN A/

(n, f
Horizontal = 5|isec/cm
Figure 18-7. Drain to Ground, Voltage Waveform of Ql and Q2.

The drain voltage waveform of Ql is shown in Figure 18-7. Waveform is taken between points A and G.
The converter is properly tuned to the natural frequency.

Drain to Ground Voltage

Horizontal -- 5usec/cm

Figure 18-8. Drain to Ground, Voltage Waveform of Ql and Q2.

The drain voltage waveform of Ql is shown in Figure 18-8, with minimum dead time. Waveform is taken
between points A and G. The converter is properly tuned to the natural frequency.

* 1
eadiiig Power Factc

/ K N

hi\l / NIN

Ho rizorital ='- 5|is ec/crn

Figure 18-9. Drain to Ground, Voltage Waveform of Ql and Q2.

The drain voltage waveform of Ql is shown in Figure 18-9. Waveform is taken between points A and G.
The converter is improperly tuned to the natural frequency. The resonant tank capacitor is too small in

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

I i
T a gging Power ] 7acto

<v N \[\
'V N
H Drizontal == 5^ sec/c m

Figure 18-10. Drain to Ground, Voltage Waveform of Ql and Q2.

The drain voltage waveform of, Ql, is shown in Figure 18-10. Waveform is taken between points A and G.
The converter is improperly tuned to the natural frequency. The resonant tank capacitor is too large in
Voltaj*e Across Primary or Tank Circuit

N /
v~^ \

/. A' "\ \ : /'

^ ^
H<>iizo ital ~-- JSn
M 56C/C1

Figure 18-11. Voltage Waveform Across Transformer Primary.

The primary voltage waveform is shown in Figure 18-11, across transformer, Tl. Waveform is taken
between points A and B. The converter is properly tuned to the natural frequency.

Voltage Across Secondary

\f ^^ \ / ^
L An \ \
y ii
^; J \
Hr)rizoiital == 5[is ec/cr

Figure 18-12. Voltage Waveform Across Transformer Secondary.

The secondary voltage waveform of transformer, Tl, is shown in Figure 18-12. Waveform is taken
between points D and E. The converter is properly tuned to the natural frequency.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rec tifie dOu tpuf v^olta ge ,

\/ x*"x

\,f 1 /
, V,

V .V
Horizontal = 5usec/cm
Figure 18-13. Secondary Rectified Voltage Waveform at CR2 and CR3.

The secondary, rectified voltage waveform, at the cathodes of, CR2 and CR3, is shown in Figure 18-13.
Waveform is taken at point H. The converter is properly tuned to the natural frequency.

4- 1
Secondary Current

' ~ ' - '-- -~.

Horizontal == 5usec/cm

Figure 18-14. Secondary Current Waveform.

The secondary current waveform is shown in Figure 18-14. The current waveform is taken at point F.

j 1 i
Current Through the Commutating Diode

n r n n
Horizontal = 5usec/cm

Figure 18-15. Current Through the Commutating Diode, CR1.

Commutating diode current waveform is shown in Figure 18-15. The current is through the series inductor
LI winding (3-4). Waveform is taken at point C. The converter is properly tuned to the natural frequency.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Technology on the Move

As technology moves ahead, instruments become more sophisticated, smaller in size, and require less
power. Less power normally relates to lower current. Lower current requires smaller wire to carry the
current. There is a practical point where the wire size can no longer be reduced, even though the current is
very small. Reliability is affected when the wire size becomes very small. It becomes a handling and
termination problem. If a larger wire size can be tolerated, and it does not impact the size a great deal,
then, the larger wire should be used. The smallest wire size that seems to be tolerable, depending on the
application, ranges from #35 to #39 AWG and this would be from a specialty house.

Window Utilization Factor, Ku

When designing a transformer or inductor, the window utilization factor, Ku, is the amount of copper that
appears in the window area. See Chapter 4. The window utilization factor, Ku, is influenced by five main

1. Wire insulation, S,.

2. Wire lay fill factor, S2.
3. Effective window area, S3.
4. Winding insulation, S4.
5. Workmanship.

These factors multiplied together will give a normalized window utilization factor of Ku = 0.4.

(5 3 )(S 4 ) = 0.4 [18-1]

The design of the current-fed sine wave converter is much more detailed and complex, compared to the
simple voltage-fed, square wave converter. The sole reason to use the Quiet Converter is because of its
inherent low noise, (EMI). The noise of the Quiet Converter can be, reduced even further by adding a
primary and a secondary Faraday Shield. When a Faraday Shield is added between the primary and
secondary, the transformer must be designed to accommodate the shield. Transformer size is, mainly
determined by the loads. The window utilization, Ku has to be adjusted during the design to accommodate
the Faraday Shield. When the core size is selected for the transformer, it will be a little larger core, do to
the added space required by the Faraday Shield.

After the preliminary design, the engineer will select the proper core size for the power transformer. The
core geometry, Kg will select the molypermalloy powder core size. After the molypermalloy powder core
size has been selected, the engineer will now select a core with a permeability best-suited for the
application. The molypermalloy powder cores come with a range of permeability from 14 to 550, all with
the same core geometry, Kg.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Temperature Stability

For the Quiet Converter to function properly over a wide temperature range, the components must be stable
over that temperature range. The components that control the oscillator frequency must be stable. The LC
tank circuit must be stable and not drift with temperature. Molypermalloy powder cores are offered with
stabilized permeability, with code letters M, W, and D from Magnetics, Inc. The W material temperature
stability is shown in Figure 18-16.

0. V/ - Material Stabilization +/- 0.25%
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Temperature, Degrees C

Figure 18-16. Typical, Stabilized Molypermalloy Material.

Calculating the Apparent Power, Pt

The apparent power, Pt is the power associated with the geometry of the transformer. The designer must
be able to make allowances for the rms power in each winding. The primary winding handles, P^, the
secondaries handle, P0, to the load. Since the power transformer has to be designed to accommodate the
primary power, Pin and the secondary, P0, then by definition,

P,=P+PL> [watts]

Pin=, [watts] [18-2]


P,=~ + Pi, [watts]

77 = efficiency

The designer must be concerned with the apparent power-handling capability, P, of the transformer core
and winding. The apparent power, P, may vary by a factor ranging from 2 to 2.828 times the input power,
Pj n , depending upon the type of circuit in which the transformer is used. If the current in the transformer
becomes interrupted, such as a center-tapped secondary or push-pull primary, its effective rms value
changes. Transformer size is thus determined not only by the load demand, but also by application,
because of the different copper losses incurred owing to current waveforms.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Because of the different winding configurations, the apparent power, Pt, of the transformer will have to be
summed to reflect these differences. When the winding has a center tap and produces a discontinuous
current, then the power in that winding, whether it is primary or secondary, has to be multiplied by the
factor, U, to correct for the rms current in that winding. If the winding has a center tap, then, U = 1.41; if
not, then, U = 1. Summing the output power of a multiple-output transformer would be:


Quiet Converter Design Equations

The transformer secondary voltage, Vs, is:

V0 = Output voltage
Vd = Diode Drop

The maximum secondary true power, PS(max), is:

The minimum secondary true power, PS(min> is:

The secondary apparent power, Psa, is:

U = 1 .4 1 , center tapped winding
U = 1.0, single winding

If, there is more than one output, then, sum the total secondary maximum apparent load power, Psal.

^1=^01+^02 +........., [watts] [18-8]

If, there is more than one output, then, sum the total secondary maximum load power, Pot(max)-

^(max) = ^0, (m ax) + ^02 (max) + .......... . [Was] [18-9]

If, there is more than one output, then, sum the total secondary minimum load power, P0t(min>

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The maximum reflected secondary load resistance, R<max), is:
R<max) = Resistance Value
r) = Efficiency

R,(max) -, [ohms] [18-11]

The required series inductor inductance, LI, is:

f = fundamental frequency

> [henrys]

The total period, T, is:

= , [seconds] [18-13]

The maximum transistor on time, ton(max), is:

Transistor drive circuits such as a pulse width modulator (PWM), will have a minimum of dead time,
Dead time or dwell is shown in Figure 18-17.

Dead Time or Dwell

Q2 l

Figure 18-17. Transistor Drive Waveforms, Showing Dead Time or Dwell.

The conversion ratio, Ka, is:

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The peak voltage, Vc(pk), on the resonant capacitor, C3, as shown in Figure 18-5, is:
Kb = 2, center tapped winding.
Kb = 1, single winding.

V = U\ " '" b
', [volts] [18-16]

The primary rms voltage, Vp(mis), is:

Kb = 2, center tapped winding.
Kb = 1, single winding.


The primary maximum reflected secondary current, Ips, is:

pon max)

The secondary reflected loads to the primary, RSR, is:

Kb = 2, center tapped winding.
Kb = I, single winding.

_ ii
,, \ b, J
p(rrns) -, noir\i
r l
RSR= -!!- , [ohms] [18-19]

Note: The capacitance reactance affects the total percentage of harmonic distortion when:

coRSRC = \, [12%], a>RSRC = 2,

As a general rule:

The resonant capacitance, Cx, is:

QT, is a variable that provides the engineer a little latitude with the capacitance value. (1 < Qj < 3)


The reactance, Xcx, of capacitor, Cx, is:

Use a standard capacitor.

[ohms] [18 22]

' "

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The capacitor rms current, I CX (rms)> is;

. [amps)

The total primary current, 1^,), is:

The primary tank inductance, Lx, is:

The total transformer apparent power, Pt, is:

P, =(Primary VA) + (Secondary VA) + (Capacitor VA), [watts]


The core geometry, Kg, is:

Kf is the waveform factor = 4.44
Bac is the operating flux density and its value is an engineering judgment based on the frequency and core

, [cm5] [18-27]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Transformer Design, Using the Core Geometry, Kg, Approach
The following information is the Design specification for a 2.2 watt push-pull transformer, operating at
32kHz, using the Kg, core geometry approach. For a typical design example, assume a push-pull, full wave
bridge circuit, with the following specification:

1. Input voltage, V(rnin) ................................................................................................. = 22 volts

2. Output voltage #1, VS(M ........................................................................................... = 5.0 volts
3. Output current #1, I s0 i( m ax) ......................................................................................= 0-2 amps
4. Output current #1, I s oi(min) ....................................................................................... = 0.1 amps
5. Output voltage #2, Vs02 ............................................................................................ = 12.0 volts
6. Output current #2, Iso2(max) ...................................................................................... = 0.1 amps
7. Output current #2, Iso2(min) ....................................................................................... = 0.05 amps
8. Frequency, f ............................................................................................................. = 32 kHz
9. Switching dead time, td ............................................................................................ = 0.625usec
10. Efficiency, r) .......................................................................................................... = 95%
11. Regulation, a ......................................................................................................... = 1.0 %
12. Diode voltage drop, Vd .......................................................................................... = 0.5 volt
13. Operating flux density, Bac .................................................................................... = 0.05 tesla
14. Core Material ........................................................................................................ = MPP
15. Window utilization, Ku .................................................... ...................................... = 0.4
16. Temperature rise goal, Tr ....................................................................................... = 15C
17. Waveform coefficient, Kf ...................................................................................... = 4.44
18. Notes:

Using a center tapped winding, U = 1 .41

Using a single winding, U = 1.0

Step 1 . Calculate the total secondary voltage, Vs for each output.

), [volts]
K J 0 1 =(5.0) + (1.0) = 6.0, [volts]
K S 0 2 =(12) + (1.0) = 13.0, [volts]

Step 2. Calculate the maximum secondary true power, P S(max)-

= 6.0(0.2) = 1.2, [watts]

= 13.0(0.1) = 1.3, [watts]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 3. Calculate the minimum secondary true power, Ps(inin).

^o, ( m ,n>= 6-0(0.1) = 0.6, [watts]

^02( m i n ) = 13-0(0.05) = 0.65, [watts]

Step 4. Calculate the secondary apparent power, Psa.

P M01 =6.0(0.2)(1.0) = 1.2, [watts]

Psa02 = 13.0(0.1)(1.0) = 1.3, [watts]

Step 5. Calculate the secondary total maximum apparent load power, Psay.

P s f l 2 =(l.2) + (l.3), [watts]

P sflS =2.5, [watts]

Step 6. Calculate the secondary total maximum load power, Pot(max)-

^rf(max) ^oOl(max) + Po02(mm)' [watts]

^ ( x ) = ( l - 2 ) + (l-3), [watts]
fymax) = 2-5, [watts]

Step 7. Calculate the secondary total minimum load power, Pot(min)-

^(n)=l-25, [watts]

Step 8. Calculate the secondary maximum reflected load resistance, R(max).

R(max> = Resistance Value
r) = Efficiency

of (min)

(22) 2 (0.95)
125 '

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 9. Calculate the inductance of the series inductor, LI.

L1= V^
3co [henrys]
= i / w vT > [henrys]
Ll = 0.000610, [henrys]

Step 10. Calculate the total period, T.

T = , [seconds]

T= , [seconds]
T = 31.25, [micro-seconds]

Step 11. Calculate the maximum transistor on time, Ton(max). Dead time is shown in Figure 18-17.

> [usec]

^ (max) =15,

Step 12. Calculate the conversion ratio, Ka.

T )

K (4(15)~(32.25))
' (32.25)54^^
v 32.25

AT,, =0.866

Step 13. Calculate the peak voltage, Vc(pk), on the resonant capacitor, C3, as shown in Figure 18-5.
Kb = 2, center tapped winding.
Kb = 1, single winding.

V, Kh\
Vc(pk)= 2'" b), [volts]

= (3.1415)(0.866)(22)(2)

^)= 59.85, [volts]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 14. Calculate the primary rms voltage, Vp(mlS).
Kb = 2, center tapped winding.
Kb = 1, single winding.

^(-)=JT^-' tvolts]
Vp(rms)= \ -, [volts]
yp(rms)=2l.2, [volts]

Step 15. Calculate the primary maximum reflected secondary current, Ip

, o/(max) r -.
/ = , [amps]

/ = 0.124, [amps]

Step 16. Calculate the secondary reflected loads to the primary, RSR.
Kb = 2, center tapped winding.
Kb = 1, single winding.

*= 7' V ' , [ohms]

/?=- ^- -, [ohms]
^ = 592, [ohms]

Note: The capacitance reactance effects the total percentage of harmonic distortion when:

coRSRC = l, ~ [12%], coRSRC = 2,

As a general rule:
C = ^ ,, [farads]

Step 17. Calculate the resonant capacitance, Cx.

C = -;-- , [farads]
~ (6.28)(32000)(592)'
Cx =1.68(lO' 8 ), [farads]
Cx = 0.0168 use a 0.015, [micro-farads]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 18. Calculate the reactance, Xcx, of capacitor, Cx. Use a standard capacitor. Let, Cx, equal 0.015(if.

, [ohms]

a -~i- ; -^
Xcx = 332, [ohms]

Step 19. Calculate the capacitor current, I CX (nns)-

( n ) - ^ >

/ cx(rms)
, , =0.127,' L[amps]

Step 20. Calculate the total primary current, Itp(m,S).

Step 2 1 . Calculate primary tank inductance, Lx.

, [henrys]

L = ---.-r, [henrys]
(6.28) (32000) (0.015 (lO-
^=0.00165, [henrys]

Step 22. Calculate the total transformer apparent power, Pt.

Pt = (Primary VA) + (Secondary VA) + (Capacitor VA), [watts]

(Pl( ,(U\\ : ,

P, = -^^ + (P^) + KbV Ici , [watts]

P,=ll.6, [watts]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 23.Calculate the core geometry, Kg. Bac is the operating flux density and its value is an engineering
judgment based on the frequency and core material.

, [cm5]
0.000029 (Kf)

[0.000029(4.44) (32,000) (0.05) (l)J

^=0.00793, [cm5]

Design Review
Conversion factor, Ka 0.866
Tank Capacitance, Cx 0.015 uf
Tank Capacitance Peak Voltage, Vcx 59.85 volts
Tank Capacitance rms Current, ICX(rms) 0.127 amps
Primary Inductance, Lx 0.00165 henrys
Series Inductor, LI 0.000610 henrys
Primary Reflected Current, Ips(mis) 0.124 amps
Primary rms Voltage, Vp(m)s) 21.2 volts
Primary Total rms Current, Itp(rms) 0.177 amps
Secondary Total Load Power, P0t(max) 2.5 watts
Transformer Total Apparent Power, Pt 11.6 watts
Transformer Core Geometry, Kg 0.0107 cm2

Step 24. From Chapter 3, select a MPP powder core, comparable in core geometry, Kg.

Core part number 55848-W4

Manufacturer Magnetics
Magnetic path length, MPL = 5.09 cm
Core weight, Wtfe = 9.4 gm
Copper weight, Wtcu =11.1 gm
Mean length turn, MLT = 2.8 cm
Iron area, Ac = 0.226 cm2
Window area, Wa = 1.11 cm2
Area product, Ap = 0.250 cm4
Core geometry, Kg = 0.008 cm5
Surface area, At = 22.7 cm2
Permeability, ja = 60
Millihenrys per 1000 turns, AL = 32

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 25. Calculate the total number of primary turns, Ntp.

/, =1000 \-^L L[turns]

IP \\ , 1

V 32
|f, B*.]
N, = 226, round-down [turns]
Np =113, [each side center tap]

Step 26. Calculate the operating flux density, Bac.

. , [tesla]
K,NpfAc '
(21.2)(10 4 )
"c " (4.44)(1 13)(32000)(0.226) '
Bac = 0.0587, [tesla]

Step 27. Calculate the watts per kilogram, WK, using the MPP 60 perm loss equation in Chapter 2.

WK = 0.788(lO'3 )(/) 41) (Bac ) (224) , [watts/kilogram]

WK = 0.788(lO"3)(32000) 41) (0.0587)(224) , [watts/kilogram]

WK = 3.09, [watts/kilogram] or 3.09, [milliwatts/gram]

Step 28. Calculate the core loss, Pfc.

f milliwatts | TT , /. 1, \
Pfe = W,fe 10- , [watts]
^ grams )
P /e =(3.09)(9.4)(lO' 3 ), [watts]
Pfe = 0.0290, [watts]

Step 29. Calculate the volts per turn, K N/


KNIV=?-, [turns/volt]

' [turns/volt]
"" (21.2)'
KN/V = 5.33, [turns/volt]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 30. Calculate the secondary number of turns Ns. a is regulation in percent. See Chapter 6.

,o, = KNIV VM K = (5.33)(6.0)(1.01) = 32, [turns]
.0)(l.Ol) = 70, [turns]

Step 31. Calculate the current density, J, using a window utilization, Ku = 0.4.

J = -'-- , [amps per cm2 ]

J = --- ,, --- , [amps per cm" ]
7 = 139, [amps per cm 2 ]

Step 32. Calculate the secondary required wire area, Aws.

A oi
01 = y = 139 = 1.44*10-3, [cm2]

. - , [cm2]

Step 33. Then select the wire from the Wire Table, in Chapter 4. Record uQ/cm.

Awsm = 1.44xlO"3, use #26 = 1.28*1 (T3, [cm2]

#26,^ = 1345
A,o2 = 0.7 1 9*1 (T3, use #29 = 0.647*10"3, [cm2]

#29,^ =

Step 34. Calculate the primary required wire area, A wp.

. tp(rms) i
Aup = -j- ,, [cm
L 1J

u ,=~--.
m [cm2]
" 139
Awr= \.27x\Q-\ [cm2]

Step 35. Then select the wire from the Wire Table, in Chapter 4. Record u,fi/cm.

Awp = 1.27*1 (T3, use #26 = 1.28*1 0~3, [cm2]

#26,^ = 1345

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 36. Calculate the total secondary window utilization, Kuts.

(N0.A0,) (32)(0.00128)
A: s01 = v "' "m> = ^ 1 = 0.0369
" Wa 1.11

s _ V( N 002
, A . ,O, Jo)2 7 _ v(70)(0.000647)
A i = 0.0408
"- wa 1.11
Klltt=KusOI+Klls02= 0.0777

Step 37. Calculate the primary window utilization, Kup.



Step 38. Calculate the total window utilization, Ku.

Ku =0.261 + 0.0777
K,, = 0.339

Step 39. Calculate the primary, winding resistance, Rp.

x lO-6, [ohms]
Rr =2.80(113)(1345)(10- 6 ), [ohms]
Rp = 0.426, [ohms]

Step 40. Calculate the primary, copper loss, Pp.

p> [watts]

Pp =(0.177) 2 (0.426), [watts]

^=0.0133, [watts]

Step 4 1 . Calculate the secondary, winding resistance, Rs.

| | ( l Ov - 6 ) , [ohms]
Vcmj '
RsOI =2.80(32)(l345)(lO" 6 ) = 0.121, [ohms]
Ri02 =2.80(70)(2664)(lO- 6 ) = 0.186, [ohms]

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Step 42. Calculate the secondary, copper loss, Ps.

Psm = (0.2)2 (0.121) = 0.00484, [watts]

Psm = (o.l) 2 (0.186) = 0.00186, [watts]

Step 43. Calculate the total secondary, copper loss, Pts.

P,s=Psm+P^ [watts]
Pts =0.00484 + 0.00186, [watts]
Pa = 0.0067, [watts]

Step 44. Calculate the total loss, core and copper, Pz.

Pz=P,,+Pa+Pfi, [watts]
Pz =(0.0133) + (0.0067) + (0.0290), [watts]
Pz = 0.049, [watts]

Step 45. Calculate the watts per unit area, \\i.

- r[watts per cm2-,]
yr ==-,
w = .-~- , [watts per cm" ]
y = 0.002 1 6, [watts per cm2 ]

Step 46. Calculate the temperature rise, Tr.

Tr =450(0.00216) ( 826) ,
Tr= 2. 83, [C]

Step 47. Calculate the, Qt, of the tank.

Q, = (6.28)(32000)(o.015(lO- 6 ))(592)
For more information see Equation [18-20].

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


1. V. Vorperian, and C. McLyman, "Analysis of a PWM-Resonant DC-to-DC Converter." IEEE

2. S. Lendena, "Current-Fed Inverter." 20th Annual Proceedings Power Sources Conference, May 24
3. S. Lendena, "Single Phase Inverter for a Three Phase Power Generation and Distribution System."
Electro-Optical-System, Contract #954272, from Jet Propulsion Laboratory, January 1976.

Copyright 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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