50% Break Load
50% Break Load
50% Break Load
First of all it is recommended to read the Technical Information regarding steel wires by Fyns
Kran Udstyr / Randers Reb. These information make the foundation for the following “Good
Advises and Guidelines”.
The wire-thread, which is used in the production of a steel wire, has a very high tensile strength
compared by ordinary steel.
Trade steel (“Steel 37”) has a tensile strength at app. 37 kp/mm2 (362 N/mm2)
Wire steel has a tensile strength from app. 140 to 220 kp/mm2 (1370 – 2160 N/mm2)
The fact that the wire-thread is so strong has the disadvantage that the bending strength will be
reduced. The wire-thread breaks easily, if it is bent – especially under the circumstances as a
“Work wire” is working under.
Below different subjects concerning or are used in connection with steel wire will be covered.
Especially the negative influence on the steel wire will be covered.
When a steel wire is under load it opens and at the same time it will be
extended. The swivel “makes” it easier for the wire to open, stress failure
will occur and the life expectancy will be reduced.
Working Load: A steel wire must maximum be loaded with 50% of the breaking load.
The material reaches the yield point at 50% of the breaking load. The wire-
threads get stiff and will break when they are bent. The life expectancy will
be reduced.
If the load constantly is about the 50%, the steel wire will break.
M:\ANCHOR HANDLING\Course Material\Training Manual New\Chapter 08\1.0 Wire 2001.11.UK.doc Chapter 8 / 1 Page 1
Ved valget af det rette ståltov til et givent formål skal der tages hen- In selecting the right steel wire rope, the properties of the various
syn til de forskellige ståltoves egenskaber, som f.eks.: types of steel wire rope must be considered, e.g.:
Ved udvælgelsen af det rette ståltov er det vigtigt at fastlægge, hvor In selecting the right steel wire rope, it is important to determine how
vigtige de forskellige egenskaber er for anvendelsen og derefter få important the various properties are in relation to the application and
dem prioriteret. Desuden er det også vigtigt, at man er opmærksom then to assign priorities to these. It is also important to be aware of
på relevante standarder og regulativer. the relevant standards and regulations. If you are in any doubt, plea-
se contact our sales consultants or our Technical Department.
Hvis du er i tvivl, så kontakt din konsulent eller vores tekniske
afdeling. Tensile Strength
The tensile strength of the steel wire rope depends on the rope's
Brudstyrke dimensions, the tensile strength of the wires and the construction.
Brudstyrken på ståltovet afhænger af tovets dimension, trådbrudstyr- The minimum guaranteed tensile strength for the different kinds of
ke og konstruktion. Minimum garanteret brudstyrke for de forskellige rope is shown in the Randers Reb product catalogue.
tovtyper er angivet på vores datablade.
A steel wire rope should never be subjected to a load exceeding
Belast aldrig et ståltov til mere end 50% af brudstyrken. 50% of its breaking load.
Selve designet af dugterne påvirker ikke brudstyrken væsentligt The design of the steel wire rope does not significantly affect the ten-
(max. ca. 5%). En ændring af hjertetypen fra fiber til stål giver lidt sile strength (up to approx. 5%). A change of core from fibre to steel
større ændring (ca. 10%). Den største ændring fås ved at ændre makes slightly more difference (approx. 10%). The greatest change
dimension eller trådbrudstyrke (se også fig. 28). is achieved by changing the dimensions or the tensile strength of the
wires (see also fig. 28).
Ståltove må kun belastes til en given SWL-værdi (Safe Working
Load), også kaldet WLL-værdi (Working Load Limit). Hermed forstås It is often required that the steel wire rope must have a specific SWL
ståltovets brudstyrke divideret med den for anvendelsen krævede value (Safe Working Load), also known as a WLL value (Working
sikkerhedsfaktor (se tabel 1). Load Limit). This means the steel wire rope's tensile strength divided
Tabel 1 by the safety factor required for the relevant application.
Til mange formål er der udarbejdet nationale og internationale normer NB: There are a number of national and international norms and
og standarder, der fastsætter minimumskravet til sikkerhedsfaktoren. standards that define the minimum requirements for the safety factor.