Problem Set 6: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Physics

Physics 8.033 Out: Friday 20 October 2006

Due: Friday 27 October 2006

Problem Set 6
Due: Friday 27 October 2006 at 4:00PM. Please deposit the problem set in the appropriate 8.033 bin,
labeled with name and recitation section number and stapled as needed (3 points).

Readings: Chapter 3 in Resnick and Chapter 6 and 7 in French.

Problem 1: (2004 Exam Question) (5+3+1+1+1 points)

(a). A particle of rest mass m0 moving with Lorentz factor collides with an identical particle
that is initially at rest. Compute the total (rest+kinetic) energy Etot of the two-particle
system both in the lab fram S and in the CM frame S . Compute the ratio Etot /Etot

(b). CERNs Large Hadron Collider will use colliding particle beams rather than beams hitting
xed targets to make new forms of matter in one sentence, why is this a good idea based
on your result in (a)?
(c). In the Hindenburg blimp disaster, the re was dominated by the chemical reaction 2H2 +O2
2H2 O. Based on this fact, the combined rest masses of two hydrogen molecules and one
oxygen molecule is (circle one) SMALLER/LARGER than that of a two water molecules.
(d). Order the following particles by increasing rest mass:
proton, neutron, photon, Z-boson, electron.
(e). You consist of quarks called and and leptons called .

Problem 2: (2003 Final Question) (4 points)

Consider the following reactions:
(a). An isolated 1 GeV photon decays into an electron-positron pair.

(b). A neutron decays into a proton and an electron

(c). A neutron decays into an electron-positron pair

(d). A neutron decays into a proton and a photon

For each one, write one of the letters from the option list below.
L violates lepton number conservation

B violates baryon number conservation

P violates parity conservation

E violates energy-momentum conservation

Q violates charge conservation

N violates none of the above conservation laws

Problem 3: Concept questions (6 points): For each of these pairs, circle the one with the largest rest
(a). (A) a proton
(B) a neutron

(b). (A) a proton

(B) 1000 electrons at rest far from each other

(c). (A) a 10 GeV muon
(B) a 100 GeV electron
(d). two neutrons and two protons in a xed arrangement where all pairs are separated by of
(A) 1 m
(B) 1010 m
(e). two neutrons and two protons arranged so that all pairs are separated by of order
(A) 1 m
(B) 1015 m (bound as an -particle, i.e., a Helium nucleus)

(f). (A) two hydrogen molecules (H2 ) at rest and one oxygen molecule (O2 ) at rest

(B) two water molecules at rest

For the systems involving more than one particle, interpret the rest mass of the system as its total
relativistic mass E/c2 in the frame where the total momentum is zero. When answering these
questions, you can ignore any kinetic energy due to internal motions (from the particles in the
system moving relative to each other).

Problem 4: Transforming a photon (3+3+3+3+3 points):

(a). Write down the momentum 4-vector P for a photon of angular frequency traveling in an
arbitrary direction specied by angles and in polar coordinates.
(b). Write down an equation relating P to the wave 4-vector K for light of the same frequency
traveling in this same direction.
(c). Compute the momentum 4-vector P in a frame S that is moving with velocity v = c in
the z-direction.
(d). Derive the energy ratio E /E and the new direction of motion ( and ) in terms of ,
and .
(e). Comment on any similarities between your results and the Doppler eect and aberration
formulas that we derived in class.

Problem 5: This problem appeared on the second 8.033 quiz in 2001. (6+3 points)
A particle with rest mass M0 is kept moving in a circular orbit of xed radius R, by a magnetic
eld, B, whose eld lines are perpendicular to the orbit. A force of constant amplitude F is applied
to the particle in a direction that is always along its velocity vector (i.e., in the direction). As the
particle is accelerated to higher (, ), the magnetic eld strength is adjusted so that the particle
continues to move in its orbit with constant radius R.
(a). Starting with F = d
p/dt, derive an equation for the increase in particle speed, u, with time.
Express your answer in terms of du/dt equals a function of , M0 , and F . You need not solve
the equation.
(b). Find how the magnetic eld must change as a function of . Note, this part of the problem
can be done independently of part (a).

Problem 6: Photoelectric eect: Calculating the Planck Constant and More: (3+3+3 points)
In a photoelectric experiment in which a sodium surface is used, one nds a stopping potential of
1.85 V for a wavelength of 300 nm and a stopping potential of 0.82 V for a wavelength of 400 nm.
From these data nd (a) a value for the Planck constant, (b) the work function for sodium and
(c) the cuto wavelength for sodium.

Problem 7: Photon Rocket(9 points): Review and discuss Frenchs Photon Rocket problem on pages
183-184. Derive a quadratic equation for f , the payloads mass as a fraction of the rest mass of
the rocket. How feasable is the photon rocket? Note that he seems to have written this in a hurry
and gets into lots of totally unneccesary algebra towards the end.

Optional Problem 8: More on the Calculus of Variations: Consider two points in the x y plane
as shown in the sketch: (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ). The two points are connected by a curve specied by
y(x). This curve is then rotated about the y axis to form a surface. Find the shape of the curve
y(x) that minimizes the area of the resultant gure of rotation.

(a). Show that the innitesimal arc length along the path is ds = dx 1 + (dy/dx)2 .
(b). Show that the integral for the surface area of the gure of rotation is:
A = 2 x 1 + y 2 dx, (8.1)

where y = dy/dx.
(c). Apply the appropriate Euler equation:
f d f

=0 (8.2)

y dx y
to nd the dierential equation for the shape of the curve y(x). Show that
= a = constant. (8.3)
1 + y 2

(d). Solve for dy/dx and show that the result is:

y= dx. (8.4)
x a2

(e). Look up the integral and show that it can be written as:
y = a cosh1 + b, (8.5)

x = a cosh , (8.6)
where b is a second constant of integration. This function is called a catenary. It has the
same shape as a exible chain hanging freely between two points of support.

Feedback: Roughly how much time did you spend on this problem set?

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