22.101 Applied Nuclear Physics (Fall 2006) Lecture 8 (10/4/06) Neutron-Proton Scattering
22.101 Applied Nuclear Physics (Fall 2006) Lecture 8 (10/4/06) Neutron-Proton Scattering
22.101 Applied Nuclear Physics (Fall 2006) Lecture 8 (10/4/06) Neutron-Proton Scattering
where K'= m (Vo + E) / h and k= mE / h . Applying the interface condition we obtain
which is the relation that allows the phase shift to be determined in terms of the potential
parameters and the incoming energy E. We can simplify the task of estimating the phase
shift by recalling that the phase shift is simply related to the scattering length by δ o = −ak
(cf. (7.22)). Assuming the scattering length a is larger than ro, we see the RHS of (8.3) is
approximately k cot(δ o ) . For the LHS, we will ignore E relative to Vo in K', and at the
same time ignore EB relative to Vo in K. Then K' ~ K and the LHS can be set equal to
−κ by virtue of (6.4). Notice that this series of approximations has enabled us to make
use of the dispersion relation in the bound-state problem, (6.4), for the scattering
calculation. As a result, (8.3) becomes
k cot(δ o ) = −κ (8.4)
which is a relation between the phase shift and the binding energy.
Once the phase shift δ o is known, the differential scattering cross section is then
given by (7.20),
1 1
sin 2 δ o = = (8.6)
1 + cot δ o
1+ κ 2 / k 2
1 h2 1 h2
σ (θ ) ≈ = ≈ (8.7)
k2 +κ 2 m E + EB mEB
The last step follows because we are mostly interested in estimating the scattering cross
section in the energy range 1 - 100 eV. Putting in the numerical values of the constants,
h = 1.055 x 10 erg sec, m = 1.67 x 10-24 g, and and EB = 2.23 x 106 x 1.6 x 10-12 ergs, we
This value is considerably lower than the experimental value of the scattering cross
section of H1, 20.4 barns, as shown in Fig. 8.1.
Fig. 8.1. Experimental neutron scattering cross section of hydrogen, showing a constant
value of 20.4 barns over a wide range of neutron energy. The rise in the cross section at
energies below ~ 0.1 eV can be explained in terms of chemical binding effects in the
scattering sample.
potential is different, and therefore the phase shifts also would be different. Following
this idea, one can write instead of (8.7),
1 ⎛1 2 3 ⎞
σ (θ ) = 2 ⎜
sin δ os + sin 2 δ ot ⎟ (8.9)
k ⎝4 4 ⎠
We have already mentioned that the ground state of the deuteron is a triplet state at E =
EB. If the singlet state produces a virtual state of energy E = E*, then (8.9) would
π h2 ⎛ 3 1 ⎞
σ≈ ⎜ + *⎟ (8.10)
m ⎝ EB E ⎠
Taking a value of E* ~ 70 keV, we find from (8.10) a value of 20.4 barns, thus bringing
the theory into agreement with experiment.
In summary, experimental measurements have given the following scattering
lengths for the two types of n-p interactions, triplet and singlet configurations, and their
corresponding potential range and well depth.
Notice that the scattering length for the triplet state is positive, while that for the singlet
state is negative. This illustrates the point of Fig. 7.3.
As a final remark, we note that experiments have shown that the total angular
momentum (nuclear spin) of the deuteron ground state is I = 1, where I = L + S, with L
being the orbital angular momentum, and S the intrinsic spin, S = sn + sp. It is also
known that the ground state is mostly 1s ( l =0), therefore for this state we have S = 1
(neutron and proton spins are parallel). We have seen from Lec 6 that the deuteron
ground state is barely bound at EB = 2.23 Mev, so all the higher energy states are not
bound. The 1s state with S = 0 (neutron and proton spins antiparallel), is a virtual state; it
is unbound by ~ 60 Kev. An important implication is that nuclear interaction varies with
S, or, nuclear forces are spin-dependent.
ψ (1,2) = ψ 1 (r 1 )ψ (r 2 )
sin k1 r1 sin k 2 r2
= A (8.11)
r1 r2
where ψ 1 (r) is the wave functrion of electron 1 at r. But since we cannot distinguish
between electrons 1 and 2, we must get the same probability of finding these electrons if
we exchange their positions (or exchange the particles),
For fermions (electrons, neutrons, protons) we must choose the (-) sign; because of
Fermi-Dirac statistics the wave function must be anti-symmetric under exchange. Thus
we should modify (8.11) and write
ψ (1,2) = ψ 1 (r 1 )ψ 2 (r 2 ) - ψ 2 (r 1 )ψ 1 (r 2 ) ≡ ψ −
+ ψ+
If we now include the spin, then an acceptable anti-symmetric wave function is
For the symmetry of the wave function in configurational space we recall that we
u l (r) m
ψ (r) ~ Pl (cos θ )e imϕ
which is even (odd) if l is even (odd). Thus, since Ψ has to be anti-symmetric, one can
have two possibilities,
These are called T = 1 states (T is isobaric spin), available to the n-p, n-n, p-p systems.
By contrast, states which are symmetric (T = 0) are
l even, S = 1
l odd, S = 0
These are available only to the n-p system for which there is no Pauli Exclusion
The ground state of the deuteron is therefore a T = 0 state. The lowest T = 1 state
is l = 0, S =0. As mentioned above, this is known to be unbound (E ~ 60 Kev). We
should therefore expect that the lowest T = 1 state in n-n and p-p to be also unbound, i.e.,
there is no stable di-neutron or di-proton.
Essential Features of Nuclear Forces
In closing we summarize a number of important features of the nucleon-nucleon
interaction potential, several of which are basic to the studies in this class [Meyerhof,
Chap. 6].
1. There is a dominant short-range part, which is central and which provides the
overall shell-model potential.
2. There is a part whose range is much smaller than the nuclear radius, which tends
to make the nucleus spherical and to pair up nucleons.
3. There is a part whose range is of the order of the nuclear radius, which tends to
distort the nucleus.
4. There is a spin-orbit interaction.
5. There is a spin-spin interaction.
6. The force is charge independent (Coulomb interaction excluded).
7. The force saturates.