Matta, Thad - Men's Basketball - 2012-2019 + Addendum 1

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1 to
July 1, 2012 Employment Contract

On July 1, 2012, The Ohio State University ("Ohio State") and Thad M. Matta ("Coach") entered
into an employment agreement (the "Agreement"). Capitalized tetms used and not othetwise
defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Agreement. The parties hereby
desire to modify the Agreement as follows:

1) Section 2.1 -Since Coach earned one (1) additional year added to the term ofthis
agreement (for Exceptional Achievements as set forth in Section 3.5) dming the
2012-13 year, the term shall be extended from June 30,2019 to June 30,2020.

2) Section 3.l.a- Since Coach eamed one (1) additional year added to the term of this
agreement (for Exceptional Achievements as set folih in Section 3.5) during the
2012-13 year, Coach's base salary for the period fi:om July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020
shall be Eight Hundred Seventy-Seven Thousand Dollars ($877 ,000).

3) Section 3.2- Since Coach eamed one (1) additional year added to the te1m of this
agreement (for Exceptional Achievements as set forth in Section 3.5) duting the
2012-13 year, Coach's compensation in cotmection with media, promotions and
public relations services for the period fi:om July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 shall be
One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000).

4) Section 3.4 - Since Coach eamed one (1) additional year added to the tenn ofthls
agreement (for Exceptional Achievements as set f01ih in Section 3.5) during the
2012-13 year, Coach's additional compensation in connection with apparel, shoe or
equipment contracts for the period fi'om July 1, 2019 to June 30,2020 shall be Eight
Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($875,000).

5) Section 3.12- Ohio State agrees to fly Coach by private (not commercial) aircraft
when Coach is making recruiting visits and for other, mutually-agreed upon, Ohio
State business. When such recruiting visits or Ohio State business are more than two
hundred {200) miles from the City of Columbus, Ohio State agrees to fly Coach by
private (not commercial) jet aircraft. Coach's use of such private aircraft for
recmiting use shaH not exceed twenty five (25) hours of such jet aircraft use. As
additional compensation, Ohio State agrees to arrange for twenty (20) hours of such
jet aircraft use by the Coach for his personal use each year during the te11n of tllis
agreement. Each hour the aircraft is contracted for such llse, including but not limited
to, empty "deadhead" legs of the flight, will count toward the twenty (20) hours per
year (except Ohio State shall only count the "deadhead" hours if Ohio State is
charged for such "deadhead" hours.). Coach recognizes that the fair market value of
such personal use will be treated as taxable compensation.

5) Section 3.13- A fifth sentence at tbe end of paragraph one in Section 3.13 shall be
added as follows:

Addendum No.1 to July 1, 2012 Matta Employment Contract
Ohio State shall also pay Coach Six Hundred 1\venty-Five Thousand Dollars
($625,000.00) on Apri130, 2020 provided that he is employed as Head Basketball
Coach tlu-ough the end of the 2019-20 season including any post-season play by
the Team.

Other than as modified above, the Agreement remains in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum on the dates
written below.


Assoc e VIce Pres1dent and
Thad M. Matta~

Director of Athletics

Date: ---'~=--'"~IX_,~:..:;..-....11_~-=--- Date: .s- L) +. J :13

Geoffrey S. Chatas
Senior Vice President for Business and Finance
and CPO


Senior Vice President and

Executive Officer
Date: $' ~ 1_ 1- f3

Addendum No. 1 to July 1, 2012 Matta Employment Contract

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