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Industries & Commerce Department – Incentives for setting up of New

Industries in Andhra Pradesh- Industrial Investment Promotion Policy for
2005-2010- Orders- Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.178 Dated:21-06-2005

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Ms.No.108, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department, Dated 20-5-96.

2. G.O.Ms.No.241, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department, Dated:15.7.98
3. G.O.Ms.No.9, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department, Dated:5-1-2001
4. G.O.Ms.No.141, Industries & Commerce(IP)Department,Dated:3-7-2004

O R D E R:
Government is extending various Incentives for encouraging
establishment of new industrial units in the State since 1961. In the reference
3rd read above, Government have issued new Industrial Policy 2000- 2005,
which was concluded by 31.3.2005.

2) After detailed examination and after having discussions with various industrial
Organisations such as CII, FAPSIA, FICCI and taking into consideration of
recommendations of Industrial Associations, a policy of various States viz., Karnataka,
Maharastra, Gujarat, West Bengal and to make a policy with emphasis on Creation of
Quality Infrastructure, Incentivising Investments, Building Industrial Competency in
Women, Quality Competitiveness, Export Promotion, Environmental Friendly Climate,
Attracting Mega Investments, Attracting Foreign Direct Investment, Access to Market,
Intellectual Property Rights, Fostering Industrial Clusters, Prevention of Industrial
Sickness, Preventing Migration, Permitting Industries to Exit, towards better Regulation,
Policy Measures, Thrust Sectors, the Government approved a new “Industrial Investment
Promotion Policy 2005-2010” as appended at Annexure-I.

3) Under the new “Industrial Investment Promotion Policy 2005-2010”, the

Government approved the following fiscal benefits covering the categories of a) SSI/Tiny
units b) SC/ST Entrepreneurs c) Women Entrepreneurs d) Units other than SSI/Tiny
(Large & Medium Scale Industries) and e) Mega Projects:
3.1.0 SSI/Tiny units
Small Scale Industry (SSI) means a Unit having the investment on plant and machinery
(Productive only) up to limit as defined by the Government of India from time to time.

Tiny Industry means an industry in which Investment plant and machinery (Productive
only) up to limit as defined by the Government of India from time to time.

3.1.1. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the industry on
purchase of land meant for industrial use.

3.1.2. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for Lease of Land/Shed/ Buildings.

3.1.3. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the industry on
financial deeds and mortgages etc.

3.1.4. 25% rebate on land cost in IEs/IDA’s limited to Rs.5.00 lakhs.

3.1.5. Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75 per unit during the first year of
the policy and thereafter for the remaining four years the rate of
reimbursement would be so regulated on yearly basis, keeping in view of
the changes in the tariff structures to ensure that power cost to the
industry is pegged down to the first year’s level.

3.1.6. 15% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment will be given subject to a
maximum of Rs.15.00 lakhs

3.1.7. An additional investment subsidy of 5% on fixed capital investment limited to

Rs.5.00 Lakhs for SC/ST entrepreneurs.

3.1.8. 25% of the tax paid during one financial year will be ploughed back as a grant by
the Government towards the payment of tax during next year. Benefit will be
available for 5 years from the date of commencement of production i.e., upto 6th

3.1.9. 3% interest subsidy on Prime Lending Rate (PLR) will be given on the term loan
taken by new Tiny/SSI industrial units subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 lakh per
year for a period of 5 years.

3.1.10. 5% of project cost will be provided as seed capital assistance to SSI/Tiny Units
started by SC/ST Entrepreneurs as a grant for industries, which were sanctioned
seed capital assistance by Prime Lending Institutions under National Equity Fund
Scheme limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.1.11. 8% subsidy on capital equipment for technology upgradation.

3.1.12. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification

limited to Rs. 1.00 Lakh.

3.1.13. 25% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.1.14. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for patent registration
limited to Rs. 5.00 Lakhs.

3.2. 0. Women Entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs mean those units established as sole Proprietress or invariably
having 51% share in Partnership/Private Limited Companies.

3.2.1. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the industry on
purchase of land meant for industrial use.

3.2.2. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for Lease of Land/Shed/


3.2.3. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the industry on
financial deeds and mortgages etc.

3.2.4. 25% rebate in land cost in IEs/IDA’s limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.2.5. Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75 per unit during the first year of the
policy and thereafter for the remaining four years the rate of reimbursement
would be so regulated on yearly basis keeping in view of the changes in the tariff
structures to ensure that power cost to the industry is pegged down to the first
year’s level.

3.2.6. 15% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment will be given to SSI/Tiny
Units subject to a maximum of Rs.15.00 lakhs

3.2.7 5% Additional Investment subsidy on fixed capital investment

limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.2.8 Another 5% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment limited to

Rs.5.00 Lakhs for women belongs to SC/ST Community.

3.2.9. Upto 25% of the tax paid during one financial year will be ploughed back
to Industries as a grant by the Government towards the payment of tax
during next year. However, such grant shall not remit in net cash outflow
to Government. Benefit will be available for 5 years from the date of
commencement of production i.e. upto 6th year. of project cost will be provided as seed capital assistance to SSI/Tiny

Units as a grant for industries, which were sanctioned seed capital
assistance by Prime Lending Institutions under National Equity Fund
Scheme limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.2.11. 5% interest subsidy on Prime Lending Rate (PLR) will be given on the term loan
taken by new Tiny/SSI industrial units subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 lakh per
year for a period of 5 years.

3.2.12. 8% subsidy on capital equipment for technology upgradation.

3.2.13. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification limited to Rs. 1.00

3.2.14. 25% subsidy on cleaner production measures limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.2.15. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for patent registration limited to Rs. 5

3.3.0. Units other than SSI/Tiny units (Large & Medium Scale

Other than SSI/Tiny units (Large & Medium Scale Industries) means an industry in
which the investment on plant and machinery (Productive only) less than Rs 100 crores
except SSI Units.

3.3.1 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by

the industry on purchase of land meant for industrial use.

3.3.2. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for Lease of Land/Shed/


3.3.3. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and Transfer duty paid by the industry
on financial deeds and mortgages etc.

3.3.4. 25% rebate in land cost in IEs/IDA’s limited to Rs.5.00 Lakhs.

3.3.5. Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75 per unit during the first year of the
policy and thereafter for the remaining four years the rate of reimbursement
would be so regulated on yearly basis keeping in view of the changes in the tariff
structures to ensure that power cost to the industry is pegged down to the first
year’s level.

3.3.6. 25% of the tax paid during one financial year will be ploughed back to the units
as a grant by the Government towards the payment of tax during next year.
Benefit will be available for 5 years from the date of commencement of
production i.e. upto 6th year.

3.3.7. Infrastructure like roads, power and water will be provided at door step of the
industry for stand alone units by contributing 50% of the cost of infrastructure
from IIDF with a ceiling of Rs.1.00 Crore, subject to (a) the location should be
beyond 10 kms from the existing Industrial Estates/IDA’s having vacant
land/shed for allotment and (b) cost of the infrastructure limited to 15% of the
eligible fixed capital investment made in the industry.

3.3.8. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification limited to Rs. 1.00

3.3.9. 25% subsidy on cleaner production measures limited to Rs.5 Lakhs.

3.3.10. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for patent registration limited to Rs. 5

3.4.0. Mega Projects

Mega Project means the Industrial unit, which sets up with a capital investment of Rs.100
Crores or above.

3.4.1. Mega projects i.e. projects with an investment of Rs.100 Crores and
above are eligible for all the incentives available for Large and Medium
Scale Industries.

3.4.2. Further, the Government will also extend tailor-made benefits to suit to particular
investment requirements on case to case basis.

3.5.0. Existing Tiny/SSI/Large & Medium Scale Industries other than

Mega projects

3.5.1. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification

limited to Rs. 1.00 Lakh.

3.5.2. 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for patent registration

limited to Rs. 5.00 Lakhs.

3.6.0. Existing Large Industries and Mega projects

3.6.1. In order to address the specific problems of existing Large industries, Government
may offer special package of fiscal benefits on case to case basis. Exact fiscal
benefits would be decided by SIPB from time to time depending on the nature of
the project, investment, location, employment etc. An Industrial Promotion fund
with adequate provision will be created for the purpose. Guidelines and
Modalities for operating the fund will be decided by the SIPB.

3.7.0. Other benefits (to all categories)

3.7.1. Land conversion from Agriculture use to industrial use will continue to
be automatic on payment-required fee as per the rules in vogue.

3.7.2. All industrial units continue to be exempted from payment of NALA tax,

3.7.3. Government will ensure stable prices of Municipal water for 3 years for industrial

3.7.4. Reservation of 10% of water for industrial use from the existing projects as well as
future projects will continue.

4) To promote Andhra Pradesh as attractive and competitive
destination for industrial investments, the State Government have offered
various incentives/benefits to all eligible new industrial units set up in the
State except in the Municipal Corporation limits of Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada
and Hyderabad and commence commercial production on or after 1.4.2005
but before 31-3-2010. Projects involving substantial Expansion/
Diversification of existing industries in the eligible lines of activities are also
entitled for benefits offered under the policy. The list of ineligible Industries/
activities as per G.O.Ms.No.9, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department, Dated:
5-1-2001 read with G.O.Ms.No.141, Industries & Commerce (IP) Department,
Dated: 3-7-2004 is appended to, as Annexure II, till further modifications of the

5) Necessary amendments/ Orders will be issued by the concerned

Departments. Detailed guidelines will be issued by the Commissioner of
Industries separately.

6) This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Exp.I&C) Department,

vide their U.O.No . 12970/447/Exp.I&C/05, Dt.19-05-2005.


The Commissioner of Industries, Hyderabad.
The Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Chief Secretary to Government, Hyderabad.
The Prl.Secretary to Chief Minister.
All Private Secretaries to the Ministers.
Copy to:
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
All District Collectors.
All Heads of Departments.
All Departments of Secretariat.
All Govt. Companies/Corpns.
The Fin.(Expr.Inds) Dept.
All General Managers, District Industries Centre in the State.
All Sections in the Dept.




1. All process of Edible Oil Seeds/Cakes viz., 1. Groundnut 2. sesam

3.Safflower 4. Rape Seed/Mustard 5. Coconut (both tender & dry)
6.sunflower, Niger Cotton Seed.

(All processes include Decorticating, Expelling, Crushing, Roasting,

Parching, Frying)

2. Rice, Dall and Flour Mills including Roller Flour Mills, Modern Rice Mills
and Parboiled Mills, Idli Rava, Parched/Flaked Rice (Poha & Murmura).

3. Coffee Roasting, Grinding.

4. Ice Cream, Ice Candy, Kulfy, Ice Fruit, Pepsy, Tuty Fruity etc.

5. Chacolates, Peppe rmints and Confectionery, Chewing gum except those

having ISI, AG Mark or FPO Mark.

6. Aerated Waters including soft drinks.

7. Nut Powder including Raw nut processing, Chikini Power and Pan

8. Khandasari Sugar and Sugar Mills.

9. Powders of Chilly, turmeric, Masala, Spices, Curry, Sambar etc.

10. Sweets.

11. Pickles & Chutnys other than 100% EOUs.

12. Beer and other Alcoholic Drinks.

13. Rectified Spirit (Alcohol) from out of Molasses.

14. Alcohol based Industries except Pharmaceuticals and Drug Industries.

15. Cotton Ginning Mills.

16. Cotton/Jute/Iron Scrap Bailing processes.

17. All table meat, animal rearing/farming like poultry, piggery etc.

18. Hatchery (Other than Duck hatchery).

19. Slab Polishing except Granite and Marble curring & Polishing.

20. Soap making units not operated by power driven machinery.

21. Manure mixing industry.

22. Chloral Hydrate.

23. Products of Camphor.

24. Naphthalene Balls.

25. Shampoos and other cosmetic items except those having ISI mark.

26. Tooth Power/paste.

27. Distilleries, Breweries.

28. Varnishes and Thinners.

29. Lime Kiln / Burnt Lime/ Hyderabad Lime.

30. Treadle operated conventional printing presses including Off-set, litho


31. Power laundries.

32. Beedi/cigaratte manufacture and other tobacco products.

33. Tobacco barons/tobacco re-drying/processing.

34. Saw-mills and all types of wooden furniture manufacturing including

wood based laminated products.

35. Road Metal/ Stone Crushing / Coal Pulverising/ Ready concrete wise.

36. Drinking Straws.

37. Cinematography/ Video Parlours /Theatres & Videography.

38. Book Binding/ Note Books / Exercise Note Books / Registers Ledgers/
File Pads / Office files etc.

39. Tailoring other than readymade garments.

40. Steel Structural and fabrication works other than heavy structurals.

41. Aluminum re-rolling rods, and utensils manufacturing.

42. Stainless Steel utensils.

43. Steel re -rolling mills, rolling rods, including Tor steel Angles, Channels,
Flats etc.

44. G.I. Buckets, Gamelas, Boiling pans, Trunks, Spades, Mamotees, Shovels
and Bins.

45. Steel furniture except units set up in town/village with population below
1,00,000 per 1991 census.

46. Corrugated Sheets from GP/BP shets.

47. Hamilton poles and Tubular Poles.

48. Steel Gates/Grills and Bright bars.

49. Mangalore Tiles/Asbestos Products.

50. Hotels except (a) motels (b) Hotels set up in State Government approved
tourist centres of Districts.

51. X-ray clinics and clinical/ pathological laboratories and scanning, M.R.I.

52. Photo Studios and colour Film Laboratories.

53. All industries of mobile nature like rigs, concrete mixing plants, road
metal mixing etc., including site oriented industries.

54. Servicing and/ or Repairing units, excluding: a) Auto Servicing and/or

repairing units; b) Retreading units; c) Industrial material testing
laboratories; d) General engineering machining workshops; e) Common
effluent treatment plants; f) CAD and/or CAM; g) Cold storage; h) Heat
treatment, Electroplating and Galvanising units; I) Seed processing units;
j) Xerox units set up with institutional finance only and k) Desk top
printing units.

55. Composite units set up for manufacture of an eligible item along with
ineligible item.

56. Mini Steel Plants.

57. Steel Ingots/Billets.

58. Alloy Steel Castings Manufacturing units with induction furnace more
than 500 KVA capacity.

59. Ferro Alloys Manufacturing.

60. Calcium Carbide and Silicon Carbide Manufacturing




POLICY 2005-2010




1. Introduction

2. Andhra Pradesh – An Attractive Investment Destination

3. Road Map

4. Objectives

5. Strategy

5.1 Creation of Infrastructure

5.2 Incentivising Investments

5.3 Building Industrial Competence in Women

5.4 Quality Competitiveness

5.5 Export Promotion

5.6 Environment Friendly Climate

5.7 Attracting Mega Investments

Attracting Foreign Direct Investments

5.9 Access to Market

5.10 Intellectual Property Rights

5.11 Fostering Industrial Clusters

5.12 Prevention of Industrial Sickness

5.13 Preventing Migration

5.14 Permitting Industries to Exit

5.15 Towards Better Regulation

5.16 Policy Measures – Thrust Sectors

6.0 Abstract Statement of Fiscal Benefits


1.1. Government accords highest priority to the industrial sector on

account of the vital role it plays in balanced and sustainable economic

growth. It plays a crucial role in the process of economic development by

value addition, employment generation, equitable distribution of national

income, regional dispersal of industries, and mobilization of capital,

entrepreneur skills and contribution to exports.

1.2. To drive industrial growth by attracting private investments, an

industrial policy statement of the State which sets out clear and credible

specific measures to improve the investment climate towards better

regulation by removing barriers to competition.

1.3. The investment climate is central to growth and improves outcomes

for society as a whole. It reflects the many location specific factors that

shape the opportunities and incentives for firms to invest productively,

create jobs, and expand.

1.4. Against this back drop, Government have introduced Industrial Policy

to drive industrial growth by clearly spelling out various components of

incentives being offered, supply of quality power, improved infrastructure

facilities etc. To remove the existing barriers; and for creation of congenial

and hassle-free investment climate and also to boost investor confidence, a

series of proactive measures are being proposed.


2.1. Andhra Pradesh is the fifth largest State in the country with an area
of 2, 76,754 sq. km, accounting for 8.4 % of India’s territory with 76.7
million population. Andhra Pradesh is strategically located in the Indian sub-
continent and the State has the longest coastline (972 km) among all the
States in India. Its capital Hyderabad occupies a central location and is well
connected with the rest of the world through its seaports on the eastern
coast and its international airport. Well-established air, road, and railway
networks link it to the rest of India.

2.2. Andhra Pradesh has bountiful natural resources. Endowed with fertile
land, water, and conducive agro-climatic conditions and it is an agriculturally-
prosperous state. Nearly 75% of its area is covered by the river basins of
the Godavari, Krishna and Pennar, and their tributaries. There are 17 smaller
rivers like the Sarada, Nagavali and Musi, as well as several streams.
Godavari and Krishna are the two major perennial rivers, and with their
extensive canal system, provide assured irrigation.

2.3. Andhra Pradesh is the only State with abundant energy. It has an
installed capacity for generating 10 273.44 MW, the second highest in the
country and many projects are under implementation to generate 4715 MW
by 2009. Among all Indian States, Andhra Pradesh has progressed furthest
in reforming its energy sector (privatisation, separation of generation from
transmission and distribution).

2.4. Vast natural gas reserves found in Krishna–Godavari basin with 47

million standard cubic metres per day have opened up immense possibilities
for environment-friendly industrial and socio-economic development in
Andhra Pradesh. In terms of industrial development, Andhra Pradesh has
progressed rapidly. Its gross state domestic product (in PPP) was $150
billion during 2002-03. It has thus emerged as one of the most attractive
investment destinations, ranking third in India

High Potential Sectors

2.5. Andhra Pradesh’s strength lies in its fully diversified industrial base,
with the thrust on high-tech sectors including information technology,
pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and Nano Technology. Traditional sectors
such as textiles, leather, minerals, and food processing are also being
further developed for high value addition.
Competitive Investment Climate

2.6. The state has an exclusive financial institution APSFC for providing
finance to small industry. Apart from this 5288 commercial banks are
functioning in the state in rural and urban areas. The state has a good
network of specialized SSI branches for extending assistance to small and
tiny industry.

2.7. In the Industrial infrastructure front, the State has taken lot of
initiatives for development of industrial infrastructure for the consistent
growth. Government in association with APIIC has initiated a set of
prestigious projects that include industrial infrastructure, social
infrastructure and infrastructure for the specific sectors. The state owned
corporation APIIC has already set up 272 industrial estates and specialized
parks like ICICI Knowledge Park, SP Bio-tech Park, Marine Bio-tech Park,
Agri Bio-tech Park, Special Economic Zone, Pharma City, Hardware Park,
HITEC city, Leather Parks, Food Processing Park, Agri Export Zones etc.

2.8. The state has one major port at Visakhapatnam which handles largest
tonnage among all Indian ports and minor ports at Kakinada, Krishnapatnam,
Vadarevu and Gangavaram.

2.9. The State has undertaken wide-ranging measures to nurture its

industries: simplified, less restrictive regulations, labour and fiscal reforms,
incentives. In line with this objective, the State has enacted a law for
single-window clearances. It is the first Sate in the country to have a law
for single-window clearances, which ensures that all clearances to investors
are given within a set period. The State has been qualified as "flexible" in its
approach to labour regulations and "good" for its simplification of rules and
regulations. It introduced the self-certification concept, common annual
returns in place of multiple returns with simplified registers, and zero
inspection regime through accredited agencies.

2.10. As part of its continuing search for ways to ensure a better quality of
life, the State has been in the forefront in building its intellectual capital.
Andhra Pradesh offers a high quality of life for expatriates and other
members. Hyderabad the capital city of A.P has wide ranging facilities for
leisure and cultural activities, and entertainment. It has a long culture of
social clubs, some of which are over a hundred years old. Swimming Clubs,
Golf course and race courses, Food Courts, Shopping malls and floating
restaurants provides much needed recreation to the local and foreign people.
2.11. Andhra Pradesh Tourism has much more to offer with an ever-
expanding infrastructure and array of facilities to take in the beauty of
nature and creativity of a vibrant civilization. Cities across the State
compete with the best in the country and rich past contributes to the
resplendence of its people and culture.

2.12. Communal harmony, peaceful industrial relations, lower crime rate and
low cost social infrastructure with safety and security make the State a
right destination for any business venture.

2.13. The State provides better and advanced health care facilities with
presence of Super Specialty Hospitals. Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra
Pradesh has been recognized as the Health Capital of the country.

2.14. The Government has helped to establish, in collaboration with some of

the well-known institutions in the world, a number of centres of excellence
for training and research: the Indian School of Business, the Indian
Institute of Information Technology, the National Academy for
Construction and the Knowledge Park are part of this knowledge revolution.
Every year, 350 000 skilled graduates pass out from universities, and 81000
engineering graduates from engineering schools, another 10 078 management
students graduate from management institutions every year. About 23% of
India’s software professionals within and outside the country are from
Andhra Pradesh.

2.15. To provide suitable atmosphere for setting up asset management,

venture capital companies, insurance companies, commercial banks, Financial
District is being set-up in Hyderabad. With the establishment of Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority head quarters in Hyderabad, the
State has been recognized as Insurance Capital.

2.16. It is the endeavour of the Government of Andhra Pradesh to create a

conducive environment for industrial growth by providing necessary support
and services.


• To make Andhra Pradesh a strong base for manufacturing sector

• To increase industrial investment by 10% every year with an objective

to reach Rs.170 billions by 2010 by promoting rapid growth of market

driven, knowledge based, efficient and competitive industrial


• Contribution to the State GDP (GSDP) from industrial sector to be

increased from 12.9 % to 15 %.

• Creation of additional employment opportunities

• To improve exports from the State by increasing the present share of

exports in India from 4.39% to 10% by 2010

• Rural Industrialization with emphasis for promoting cottage and micro



• Promote Andhra Pradesh as an attractive destination for industrial

• To market Andhra Pradesh as competitive investment destination for
Foreign Investments
• To create enabling environment for ensuring maximum value addition
to the abundant locally available resources
• To enhance quality of life in the State to suit to the needs of the
• To attract and develop appropriate entrepreneurial leadership,
management and HRD systems
• Alleviate regional disparities in economic growth
• Improving infrastructure by facilitating investment in industrial
infrastructure in private sector.
• To encourage establishment of New Tiny and Small Scale Industries
particularly in rural areas to achieve the twin objectives of
employment generation and utilization of local resources
• To encourage, attract and involve women entrepreneurs in industrial
capacity building
• To withstand global competition, Special Emp hasis on qualitative
competitiveness through Technology upgradation and protecting
Intellectual Property Rights
• To arrest environmental degradation
• Encourage cluster concept to make the industries in the Clusters
Globally Competitive
• To develop effective regulatory mechanism for entry and operation of
• Create a market driven environment with the private sector being the
primary engine for growth.
• Special Emphasis for restructuring and consolidation of sick industrial


















Applicability of the Policy

5.0 In order to achieve the objectives envisaged, Government offers

the following incentives/benefits to all eligible industrial units set up in
the State except in the Municipal corporation limits of Visakhapatnam,
Vijayawada and Hyderabad and commence commercial production on or
after 1.04.2005 but before 31.03.2010. Projects involving substantial
Expansion/Diversification of existing industries in the eligible lines of
activities are also entitled for benefits offered under the policy. The
list of ineligible lines of activities/industries is appended. Operational
guidelines of the policy will be notified separately.

5.1. Creation of quality Infrastructure

5.1.1 Development of quality infrastructure for industrial growth has been

given highest priority through private participation. In line with this
objective, Government has constituted Infrastructure Authority (IA) for
the rapid development of physical and social infrastructure in the State and
to attract private sector participation in the Designing, Financing, and
construction of, operation and maintenance of infrastructural projects.

5.1.2 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and Transfer duty paid
by the industry.
5.1.3 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty paid by the industry on
the deeds executed for lease of land/shed and buildings in
favour of new industrial units.
5.1.4 100% reimbursement of the Stamp duty and Transfer duty
paid by the industry on execution of deeds by the industrial
units for securing loans, advances, mortgages and
hypothecation from financial institutions/ Nationalized
Commercial banks
5.1.5 Reimbursement of 25% of the land cost purchased for
industrial purpose limited to Rs.5 Lakhs in case of Industrial
Estates/Industrial Development Areas of APIIC. The units
availing this benefit should implement the project within a
period of 24 months from the date of purchase of the land.
The extent of the land will be limited as per the statutory

5.1.6 Land conversion from Agriculture use to industrial use will
continue to be automatic on payment required fee as per the
rules in vogue.
5.1.7 All industrial units continue to be exempted from payment
of NALA tax.


5.1.8 Government will ensure stable prices of Municipal water for

3 years for industrial use.
5.1.9 Reservation of 10% of water for industrial use from the
existing projects as well as future projects will continue.

5.1.10 Uninterrupted quality power supply plays a crucial role in the

production process and any voltage fluctuations disrupt the
whole process resulting in loss of money and time. To ensure
uninterrupted power supply, dedicated feeders will be
provided for units located in industrial estates and industrial
areas through IIDF.

5.1.11 Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75 per unit during the
first year of the policy and thereafter for the remaining
four years the rate of reimbursement would be so regulated
on yearly basis keeping in view the changes in the tariff
structures to ensure that power cost to the industry is
pegged down to the first year’s level.

5.1.12 Feeders having more than 50% of the industrial loads will be
converted as dedicated industrial feeders and they will be
exempted from power cuts

Critical Infrastructure

5.1.13 Government besides creating quality infrastructure,

emphasis is being given for creation and maintenance of
critical infrastructure required in the industrial estates.
Ongoing schemes like Industrial Infrastructure Development
Fund (IIDF) and Critical Infrastructure Balancing Fund
(CIBF) will be continued

5.1.14 The service Societies will be permitted to contribute 30%
from the revenue earnings towards their share to get the
assistance under Critical Infrastructure Balancing Fund
(CIBF), if the revenue collection of the service society is
more than 50% of the demand continuously for a period of 2
5.1.15 Industrial Infrastructure Development Fund of Rs 175
crores created to provide infrastructure at the door step of
the industry.
5.1.16 Infrastructure like roads, power and water will be provided
at door step of the industry for stand alone units by
contributing 50% of the cost of infrastructure from IIDF
with a ceiling of Rs.1 cr subject to (a) the location should be
beyond 10 kms from the existing Industrial Estates/IDA’s
having vacant land/sheds for allotment and (b) cost of the
infrastructure limited to 15% of the eligible fixed capital
investment made in the industry.
5.1.17 Interest Subsidy will be provided to APTRANSCO/
DISCOMs/Local Bodies/Water Boards on the loans raised
by them for creation of infrastructure like power and water
at the door step to the industries located in Industrial
Estates and Clusters. Equated Monthly Installments (EMI)
on the loans raised by these organisations will be paid by the
Government till such time industrial units are established
and revenue inflows start to these agencies /utilities.
5.1.18 In order to ensure optimum utilization of the new gas find of
47 MSCMD at Krishna Godavari basin, pipeline and other
infrastructure will be developed to encourage gas based
power generation as well as individual industries.

Development of Industrial Corridors

5.1.19 To capitalize the natural resources and other advantages

available in the sub-regions, Government is proposed to
develop industrial corridors in various parts of the State for
sustainable and equitable industrial development.

Special Economic Zone

5.1.21 Government of India is coming out with a Special

Economic zone Act for streamlining the development of Special
Economic Zones in the Country. The State Government will take full
advantage of the Act for promoting Special Economic Zones in various
parts of the State for balanced trade and commerce with liberal tax,
fiscal and administrative regime.

Government of Andhra Pradesh is promoting an SEZ at Visakhapatnam

over an area of 1400 hectares in the first phase and another one is
under contemplation in Kakinada.

5.2.0. Incentivising Investments

a. Investment subsidy

5.2.1. To provide support to the investors at entry level and to give fillip
to industrial growth, Government is considering the Small/Tiny
industrial units for providing cash subsidy.

5.2.2. 15% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment will be given to

SSI/Tiny industrial units subject to a maximum of Rs.15 lakhs

5.2.3. An additional subsidy of 5% on fixed capital investment subject to

a maximum of Rs.5 lakhs will be provided to SC/ST entrepreneurs.

b.Growth enabling incentives:

5.2.4 25% of the tax paid during one financial year will be ploughed back
to Tiny/SSI/Large & Medium Industries as a grant by the
Government towards the payment of tax during next year. Benefit
will be available for 5 years from the date of commencement of
production i.e upto 6th year. This will act as impetus for sustained
growth of industrial production.

c. Credit Support
5.2.5 Finance has been identified as the most important factor
determining the survival and growth of small and medium
enterprises. Access to finance allows industrial units to undertake
productive investments to expand their businesses and to acquire
the latest technologies, thus ensuring their competitiveness and
that of the nation as a whole.
5.2.6 Lowering interest rates is often proposed as the best way to spur
investment and the Government of AP will provide subsidy for
Small and Tiny industrial units.
5.2.7 A 3% interest rebate on Prime Lending Rate (PLR) will be given on
the term loan taken by new Tiny/SSI industrial units subject to a
maximum of Rs.5.00 lakh per year for a period of 5 years.
5.2.8 5% of the project cost will be provided as seed capital assistance
to SSI/Tiny industries started by SC /ST entrepreneurs as a
grant for the industries which were sanctioned seed capital
assistance by Prime Lending Institutions under National Equity
Fund Scheme subject to a maximum of Rs.5 lakhs
5.2.9 Under Credit Guarantee Fund (Scheme) operated by SIDBI, credit
will be provided without any collateral security for industrial units
upto a limit of Rs.25 lakhs of investment. To support this initiative
and also to improve credit flow to small scale sector, a corpus fund
will be provided matching the contribution made by the consortium
of industries in IE’s/Clusters subject to a maximum limit of Rs.25

c. Scarce Raw Materials

5.2.10 Industries Department has taken initiative to simplify the

procedures for allotment of scarce raw materials like coal, alcohol
etc for timely and easy allotment of these materials on the
recommendation of the Industries Department.

5.3.0 Building Industrial Competence in Women

5.3.1. According to the National Foundation for Women Business

Owners (NFWBO), women Entrepreneurs represent one-quarter to one-third
of the total business population in the world. Nevertheless, several studies
have shown that women in developing and developed countries have serious
difficulties to access finance especially for start-ups, but also for the
expansion of established enterprises. Studies have shown that women
entrepreneurs who deal with financial institutions are often confronted with
problems of gender bias. Besides, loan requests will require additional and
unnecessary documentation, additional guarantees or co-signers or other
conditions different from male applications.

5.3.2. As per figures available from 3rd All India Census of Small Scale
Industries, women entrepreneurs in Andhra Pradesh account for
5.4 % of the total number of units and 0.05% of the total
5.3.3. To create a level playing field for the women entrepreneurs to
establish new industrial units, Government gives special treatment
by providing special incentives.
5.3.4. This facility provided to the units started by the women as sole
proprietrix or having 51% share in partnership private limited
5.3.5. An additional investment subsidy of 5% on fixed capital investment
subject to a maximum of Rs.5 lakhs will be provided to women
entrepreneurs over and above the general investment subsidy.
5.3.6. Women belonging to SC/ST community will be given another 5%
investment subsidy on fixed capital investment subject to a
maximum of Rs.5 lakhs
5.3.7. 5% of the project cost will be provided as seed capital assistance
to SSI/Tiny industries started by women entrepreneurs as a grant
for the industries which were sanctioned seed capital assistance
by Prime Lending Institutions under National Equity Fund Scheme
subject to a maximum of Rs.5 Lakhs.
5.3.8. Women entrepreneurs will be provided with 5% interest rebate on
Prime Lending Rate (PLR) subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 lakh per
year for a period of 5 years.

5.4.0 Quality Competitiveness

Technology upgradation
5.4.1. Technology is the key element, contributing to productivity,
quality, competitiveness and market acceptability of
products. In rapidly changing global scenario, technology and
business incubators have emerged as useful instruments for
5.4.2. To provide technology support to the local industries,
Government of Andhra Pradesh, Confederation of Indian

Industry and TIFAC jointly promoted Andhra Pradesh
Technology Development and Promotion Centre (APTDC) for
transfer of technologies, providing technological know how,
commercialization of technologies, technology upgradation
5.4.3. In line with this objective, APTDC is in the process of
developing “T” Incubator – a technology incubation
programme is an innovative system designed to assist
entrepreneurs in the development of new technology based
firms, both start-ups and fledglings linking talent,
technology, capital and know how to leverage entrepreneurial
talents in the State.
5.4.4. This apart, the Indian School of Business “K-hub” was
developed to create linkages among the technology
providers, academicians, incubators, business development
service, leverage existing infrastructure and centers to
promote development of high quality of entrepreneurship
and to pool and share international best practices in
incubation/mentoring processes.
5.4.5. To make the industries technically competitive and also to
adopt latest technologies, SIDBI is operating Credit Linked
Capital Subsidy Scheme. To further accelerate the process
of technology upgradation, the State Government offers
5.4.6. An additional subsidy of 8% over and above 12% subsidy
provided by SIDBI under Credit Linked Capital Subsidy
Scheme(CLCSS) for new industrial units
5.4.7. Industries will be facilitated in getting assistance from the
funding agencies like NEDCAP, IREDA etc in implementing
the Energy conservation and non-conventional energy
equipment in their manufacturing Process

b. Quality Promotion
5.4.8. Quality is the standard acceptable by the customer.
Qualitative competitiveness plays crucial role in marketing
the products due to the image its products have or due to
higher quality and / technological or market specifics. To
encourage quality manufacturing, industrial units will be
considered for incentives to obtain quality certification.
5.4.9. Reimbursement of 50% of the expenditure incurred by the
industrial units in getting the BIS, ISO 9000 / 14000 or any

other national or international certification subject to a
maximum of Rs.1.00 lakhs
5.4.10. Motivation campaigns for quality upgradation in association
with BIS, Ministry of Food Processing and other reputed
agencies will be organized and a special cell will be created
for providing necessary guidance.
5.4.11. Best entrepreneurs from SSI/Tiny units will be honoured
with awards in recognition to their best performance

5.5.0. Export Promotion

5.5.1. Export plays major role in the industrial and economic development.
In view of the trends in the world market, exports gained much
significance and long term export opportunities emerged besides
opening up of avenues for exports. To capture this opportunity, the
State needs to actively develop export markets. In order to boost
exports from Andhra Pradesh Government is offering a special
package of incentives to Export oriented units
5.5.2. Sales tax exemption on Purchase of raw materials for export
oriented units
5.5.3. For export oriented units, APSFC will extend financial assistance
at a concessional rate of interest
5.5.4. Export Industries will be given a 30% grant for ground rent for
participation in the international trade fairs subject to a maximum
limit of 9 sq mts
5.5.5. To Sensitize Exporters, programmes will be conducted with the
assistance of EAN India and SISI about the bar-coding.
5.5.6. Export Awards will be provided to EOUs to recognise best
performing units in regard to quality, R &D and Performance.
5.5.7. Government will set up a State-of-Art external information centre
in collaboration with local chamber of commerce and associations
like CII, FAPCCI, FAPSIA, FIEO etc. and with the assistance of
reputed National/International organizations for dissemination of
information and assistance to export fraternity of the State.

5.6.0. Environment Friendly Climate

5.6.1 Adopting a pollution prevention progrmamme as a way of doing

business can yield a number of significant benefits for a company.
The major benefit is improved quality of the environment and the
result of reduced generation and discharge of hazardous
pollutants. Pollution prevention programmes in addition offer other
benefits in four basic categories: Economic, potential future
liability, competitive advantage, and positive public image.
5.6.2 The role of Government agencies in promoting pollution prevention
is to provide incentives that help overcome technical and financial
barriers to waste reduction.
5.6.3 To provide more and more effective assistance for environmentally
sustainable industrial growth, Government supports the industry in
implementing the regulatory enforcement and technical and
economical assistance mechanisms
5.6.4 Entrepreneurs would be assisted to set up new units according to
the environmental zoning maps prepared by the A.P. Pollution
Control Board.
5.6.5 Waste Minimization circles will be promoted by the Pollution
Control Board in centralized locations where there is a
concentration of industries for providing necessary inputs in
reducing the wastages in their plants. Pollution Control Board will
create awareness about these measures to the industrial
5.6.6 All objections for the establishment of industrial projects will be
informed by the A.P.Pollution Control Board before a project is
sanctioned to avoid abandonment of projects after substantial
investment made by the investors .
5.6.7 APPCB will conduct awareness programmes to disseminate
information regarding the environmental issues as lack of
information can cause needless panics./regret
5.6.8 To encourage environment friendly technologies, 25% subsidy will
be provided on specific cleaner production measures adopted in
new industries subject to a maximum of Rs.5 Lakhs.
5.6.9 Changes in the climate are occurring naturally and also due to
human activities. Due to industrial revolution the environment and
climate altering through changing agricultural and industrial
practices resulting in increase of green house gas emissions. As per
the International Energy Agency, emissions of carbon dioxide to
the global atmosphere by 2010 is about 29575 million tons.
5.6.10 The Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in 1997 for stabilization of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at levels that would prevent
dangerous changes to the global climate. Under the Kyoto Protocol,
industrialized countries and those in transition to a market
economy have agreed to limit or reduce their emissions of these
green house gases. Under the protocol international emission
trading of carbon credit is allowed between the countries who have
surplus and who have difficulty in complying with their restriction
5.6.11 The State Government will take initiative to see that eco-friendly
industries are facilitated to sell their carbon credits in consuming
markets like European Union, Canada and Japan etc. The Nodal
Agency for this activity will be the Environment & Forest
Departments and the APPCB will support awareness windows,
workshops and promotion measures to facilitate new industries
avail this opportunity.
5.6.12 Government will facilitate for setting up of Effluent Treatment
plants and Hazardous waste treatment plants in various industrial
estates and cluster with private sector participation.
5.6.13 Government will facilitate studies on carrying capacities in various
industrial agglomeration areas to bring about eco-compatible
industrial growth.

5.7.0 Attracting Mega Investments

5.7.1 All industrial units with a capital investment of Rs.100 crores or

above will be treated as Mega Projects. Preference will be given to
the units which use environment friendly technologies and offering
employment to local people. Mega projects will be provided
assistance as Development Assistance for investment growth and
government will decide the quantum of incentives on case to case

Growth enabling incentives:

5.7.2 25% of the commercial tax paid during one financial year will be
ploughed back to Industry as a grant by the Government for
payment of tax during next year. Benefit will be available for 5
years from the date of commencement of production i.e upto 6th
year. This will act as impetus for sustained growth of industrial

5.7.3 Further, the Government will also extend tailor-made benefits to

suit to particular investment requirements on case to case basis
including growth enabling incentives.

Special Package for Existing Large Industries

5.7.4 In order to address the specific problems of existing Large

industries, Government may offer special package of fiscal
benefits on case to case basis. Exact fiscal benefits would be
decided by SIPB from time to time depending on the nature of the
project, investment, location, employment etc. An Industrial
Promotion fund with adequate provision will be created for the
purpose. Guidelines and modalities for operating the fund will be
decided by the SIPB

5.8.0 Attracting Foreign Direct Investments

5.8.1. Foreign Direct Investment is an important way of transmitting skills,

knowledge and technology to the State and it is an important driver of
industrial performance. Such investors should be given highest priorities in
implementing the project. In line with this objective, an autonomous body
“AP Invest” is created for needs assessment and road mapping of FDI’s and
to give special care in providing timely clearances and assistance for such
units and also to remove the administrative obstacles and managerial

5.9.0 Access to Market

5.9.1. SSI units are provided with certain reservations in marketing their
products by imposing regulatory barriers over large scale
industries and non-local units to give protection. An exclusive
marketing policy for Small Scale Industrial units has been
formulated to create better opportunities for marketing the goods
especially to Government Organizations
5.9.2. Assistance by way of grant will be provided towards ground rent
for participation of Small Scale Industries in the National
Exhibitions and trade fairs subject to a maximum limit of 9 sq mts.
5.9.3. The Government is rendering valuable assistance for the Small
Scale Industries to recover their dues of goods or services sold to
buyers along with interest under Delayed Payment Act
5.9.4. Vendor Development programmes cum buyer seller meets to
provide common plat form for buying and selling organizations are
organized in the State regularly at different places to assist Small
Scale Industries in identifying appropriate market sources.
5.9.5. To conduct exhibitions and trade fairs to promote sales of
Industrial Goods manufactured by the local industry an exclusive
Centre “HITEX” has been established with all amenities.
5.9.6. A booklet incorporating items required by State Government
Corporations/ Boards and large companies will be published from
time to time for the benefit of small-scale industries.

5.10.0 Intellectual Property Rights

5.10.1. Intellectual Property refers to creation of the mind: inventions,

literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, and images used in
commerce and includes patents for inventions, trade marks, industrial design
and geographical indications.

5.10.2. Intellectual property rights like any other property rights – they
allow the creator, or owner, of a patent, trade mark, or copy right to benefit
from his or her own work or investment.

5.10.3. To encourage industries to go for innovation in product development,

50% of the expenditure limited to Rs 5 lakhs incurred in getting the patent
will be reimbursed to enable the industry to protect the invention made by
5.10.4 In order to encourage innovation, units having patens for products
would be given purchase preference in all purchases made by Government

5.11.0 Fostering Industry Clusters.

5.11.1. Clusters are groups of inter-related and inter-linked industries

located in close proximity to one other. Clustering is one of the key
drivers of economic growth and 60% of country's manufactured
exports are from the units in clusters only. Cluster concept
provides opportunity for firms to draw together complementary
skills in order to bid for large pieces of work that as individual
units unable to compete. Clusters allow local small producers to
make more effective use of underutilized resources, such as small
scale savings or family labour, generating incomes that they could
not avail by operating in isolation.

Government of Andhra Pradesh identified 6 industrial clusters for

development under “Industrial Infrastructure Up-gradation
Scheme”. Of which, two clusters namely Pharma Cluster near
Hyderabad and Auto Components Cluster in Vijayawada have
already been approved by Government of India for assistance and
they are in process of development.

The other 4 clusters, viz. Marine food Processing Cluster in

Bheemavaram, Power loom Cluster in Sircilla, Leather Cluster in
Hyderabad and Precision Engineering Tools and Components in
Ranga Reddy are under consideration by the Government of India.

Apart from the above, 14 more clusters are in the process of

development under DCSSI assistance.

5.11.2. Due to the importance of cluster concept, Government gives

highest priority for promotion of clusters in the State. The
individual units in the clusters are eligible for the general
incentives offered by the Government under the policy. This apart,
they are also eligible for special package of incentives for which
the State Government has created a fund under cluster
development programme. The components of the package are
• Enhance international competitiveness
• Quality infrastructure through public private partnership
• Physical infrastructure
• ICT infrastructure
• R&D infrastructure
• Quality certification & Bench marking centre
• Promotion of Common Brand image
• Common facility centre

5.12.0. Prevention of Industrial Sickness

5.12.1. Industrial sickness is a major hindrance to economic growth as

it results in locking up resources, wastage of capital assets, loss of
production and increase in unemployment. A number of factors both internal
and external are responsible for industrial sickness.

5.12.2. A detailed survey was made to identify the reasons for sickness
in small scale industries in the state and an exclusive policy for rehabilitation
of sick units has been prepared for providing special package of incentives.

5.12.3. Besides the above, continuous monitoring will be made to
identify incipient sickness for prevention of industrial sickness

5.13.0 Preventing Migration

5.13.1 The State will impose appropriate tariff barriers against entry
of products into the State by the manufactures in the excise holiday zones
of other States notified by Government of India, if it is assessed that entry
of such products jeopardize the marketability of the local products.

5.14.0. Permitting Industries to Exit

5.14.1 Exit Policy aims at disposal of surplus lands and assets by industrial
units in the State for better utilization of scarce resources. The
policy provides way out for the units in the following areas.
5.14.2 Industries existing in industrial estates which are opting for exit
are permitted to dispose their assets provided that the land
should be used either for industrial purpose or for service
activities only. In case of involvement of large areas requests may
be considered on case to case basis
5.14.3 In case of units located outside the industrial estates opting for
exit are permitted to dispose their assets with a condition that
the land should be used as per the zoning regulations of the
development authority
5.14.4 In order to provide a facility for change of land use from
industrial use to commercial / residential in respect of surplus
lands held by the industries, Government will come out with a
specific policy to consider the specific cases.

5.15.0. Towards better regulation

5.15.1. Single Window Scheme

Regulation also affects the investment climate through its impact on
competition. Providing firms with appropriate assurances on the stability of
the regulatory regime can reduce their risks and thus encourage investment.

At entry level investors do not necessarily understand all rules and

regulations. Firms have to receive approvals from a range of different
agencies before they can start operating: one to register the business,
another to register for taxes, another to get environmental approvals,
another for power and so on. The geographical remoteness of agencies
requires investors to put extra effort to get the required permissions to
start a business. All these regulations can impose costs on firms, delays in
obtaining regulatory approval, or to spend management time dealing with

To reduce this burden on investors, the State has enacted Single

Window clearances Act in 2002, whereby all clearances required to start,
operating an industry are processed through a Single point within a set time
period. There is a provision of Deemed approvals in certain cases, if the
competent authority fails to communicate the decision within the set time

Small and Tiny industries can find all the information from the
District Industries Centre and they can secure the required industrial
clearances both for establishment and operation from them under Single
Window concept. In case of Large and Medium Scale industries,
Commissionerate of Industries is the access point for getting the required
clearances and information.

State Board, Empowered Committee created for review on monthly

basis at highest level

Government is also contemplating to bring some more approvals like

Mining leases, Electrical Inspectorate Approval, Forest License etc under
the purview of the Single Window.

Government is making efforts, to provide all clearances on-line.

5.15.2. Removing barriers to competition

Regulation also affects the investment climate through its impact on

competition. Challenge of regulatory improvement is ongoing process and
requires continuing efforts to review in line with changes. State also reviews
regulations periodically with an aim to create a congenial environment for
industrial growth. In line with this objective, the State has introduced

• Self Certification concept for all industrial units except hazardous

industries as notified by the GOI from time to time in respect of
labour and factories regulations
• Common Annual Return in place of multiple returns

• Maintenance of only two registers – Wage Register and Attendance
• Systematization of labour inspections and introduction of Joint annual
inspections with a prior intimation to the industry
• Export oriented units and units in parks declared as public utility
• Flexible women working hours
• E-governance is being implemented progressively to make the
Government efficient, effective, and transparent and citizen friendly.
• Arrangement were made to make available the information online
• On-line Services
o Registration of small / tiny industries
o Status of monitoring of Single Window proposals.
o Monitoring of production data
o Citizen Charter – Citizen Charter prepared to provide
services to Industry.

5.16.0. Policy measures- Thrust sectors

5.16.1. Bio-technology

Andhra Pradesh is now shifting its focus to one of the most promising
industry of the future biotechnology, which is seen as a high growth
potential industry in India. AP with its vast resources can create a good
environment for biotech companies. Andhra Pradesh’s advantage is its vast
reservoir of scientific human resource with reasonable costs, wealth of R&D
institutions, centres of academic excellence in biosciences. A vibrant
pharmaceutical industry, and fast developing clinical capabilities collectively
points to a promising biotechnology sector and has placed AP favourably in
the global market.

In view of this potential, A Separate Directorate for Bio technology is

being created. This apart, Government will out with a new bio-tech policy
with attractive benefits soon after announcement of Bio-tech policy by the
Government of India to accelerate the growth of bio-tech industries in the

5.16.2. Information Technology

Information Technology is a tool that will enable Andhra Pradesh to

achieve the goal of becoming a strong prosperous and self-confident state.
IT has been the greatest change agent of this century and promises to play
this role even more dramatically in the coming decades.

Andhra Pradesh’s pre-eminent role as a global software provider creates

impetus and significant opportunities to catapult the state in to the future.
In order to capture the potential of the IT sector, Government have
announced an exclusive policy for IT sector with attractive package of

5.16.3 Tourism
The travel and Tourism Industry is well on its way to become one of
the most powerful sector in the coming Millennium and is anticipated to
generate nearly 338 mil jobs by the year 2005 with an annual growth rate of

Acknowledging this potential, Government is focusing on Tourism for

generating greater employment and achieving higher economic growth. The
State Government has formulated an exclusive Tourism Policy to translate
Andhra Pradesh Tourism Potential into reality, highlight attractive
destinations and make Andhra Pradesh a tourist friendly State.


Abstract of Fiscal Benefits

S.No Category of Industry Fiscal Benefits

1a. SSI/Tiny units o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and
transfer duty paid by the industry. (5.1.2)
o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for
lease of land/shed /buildings (5.1.3)
o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and
transfer duty paid by the industry on
financial deeds and mortgages etc (5.1.4)
o 25% rebate in land cost in IEs/IDA’s
limited to Rs.5 lakhs (5.1.5)
o Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75
per unit during the first year of the
policy and thereafter for the remaining
four years the rate of reimbursement
would be so regulated on yearly basis
keeping in view of the changes in the
tariff structures to ensure that power
cost to the industry is pegged down to
the first year’s level (5.1.11)
o 15% Investment subsidy limited to Rs.15
lakhs (5.2.2)
o An additional subsidy of 5% limited to
Rs.5 Lakhs for SC/ST entrepreneurs
o 25% of the tax paid during one financial
year will be ploughed back to Tiny/SSI/
Large & Medium Industries as a grant by
the Government towards the payment of
tax during next year. Benefit will be
available for 5 years from the date of
commencement of production i.e upto 6th
year. (5.2.4)
o 3% interest rebate limited Rs.5 Lakhs per
year for 5 years (5.2.7)
o 5% of the project cost will be provided as
seed capital assistance to SSI/Tiny units
started by SC/ST entrepreneurs limited
to Rs.5.00 Lakhs (5.2.8)
o 8% subsidy on capital equipment for
technology upgradation (5.4.6)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
quality certification limited to Rs. 1 Lakh
o 25% subsidy on cleaner production
measures limited to Rs.5 Lakhs (5.6.8)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
patent registration limited to Rs. 5 Lakh
1b. Women Entrepreneurs o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and
transfer duty paid by the industry. (5.1.2)
o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for
lease of land/shed /buildings (5.1.3)
o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and
transfer duty paid by the industry on
financial deeds and mortgages etc (5.1.4)
o 25% rebate in land cost in IEs/IDA’s
limited to Rs.5 lakhs (5.1.5)
o Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75
per unit during the first year of the
policy and thereafter for the remaining
four years the rate of reimbursement
would be so regulated on yearly basis
keeping in view of the changes in the
tariff structures to ensure that power
cost to the industry is pegged down to
the first year’s level (5.1.11)
o 15% Investment subsidy limited to Rs.15
lakhs (5.2.2)
o 5% Additional Investment subsidy limited
to Rs.5 lakhs (5.3.5)
o Another 5% Investment subsidy limited
to Rs.5 lakhs for women belong to SC/ST
community (5.3.6)
o 25% of the tax paid during one financial
year will be ploughed back to Tiny/SSI/
Large & Medium Industries as a grant by
the Government towards the payment of
tax during next year. Benefit will be
available for 5 years from the date of
commencement of production i.e upto 6th
year. (5.2.4) 36
year. (5.2.4)
o 5% of the project cost will be provided as
seed capital assistance limited to
Rs.5Lakhs (5.3.7)
o 5% interest rebate limited Rs.5 Lakhs per
year for 5 years (5.3.8)
o 8% subsidy on capital equipment for
technology upgradation (5.4.6)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
quality certification limited to Rs. 1 Lakh
o 25% subsidy on cleaner production
measures limited to Rs.5 Lakhs (5.6.8)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
patent registration limited to Rs. 5 Lakh

2. Units other than o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and

SSI/Tiny units transfer duty paid by the industry. (5.1.2)
o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for
lease of land/shed /buildings (5.1.3)
o 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and
transfer duty paid by the industry on
financial deeds and mortgages etc (5.1.4)
o 25% rebate in land cost in IEs/IDA’s
limited to Rs.5 lakhs (5.1.5)
o Power cost will be reimbursed @ Rs.0.75
per unit during the first year of the
policy and thereafter for the remaining
four years the rate of reimbursement
would be so regulated on yearly basis
keeping in view of the changes in the
tariff structures to ensure that power
cost to the industry is pegged down to
the first year’s level (5.1.11)
o 25% of the tax paid during one financial
year will be ploughed back to Tiny/SSI/
Large & Medium Industries as a grant by
the Government towards the payment of
tax during next year. Benefit will be
available for 5 years from the date of
commencement of production i.e upto 6th
year. (5.2.4)
o Infrastructure assistance to stand alone
units by contributing 50% of the cost of
infrastructure from IIDF subject to a
maximum of Rs.1 cr. (5.1.16)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
quality certification limited to Rs. 1 Lakh
o 25% subsidy on cleaner production
measures limited to Rs.5 Lakhs (5.6.8)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
patent registration limited to Rs. 5 Lakh

3. Mega Projects o Mega projects are eligible for all the

incentives available for large and medium
scale industries.
o 25% of the tax paid during one financial
year will be ploughed back to Industry as
a grant by the Government towards the
payment of tax during next year. Benefit
will be available for 5 years from the date
of commencement of production i.e upto
6th year. (5.2.4)
Ø Further, the Government will also extend
tailor-made benefits to suit to particular
investment requirements on case to case
basis. ( 5.7.4)

4. Existing Tiny/SSI o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for

units and other than quality certification limited to Rs. 1 Lakh
Mega projects (5.4.9)
o 50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for
patent registration limited to Rs. 5 Lakhs
5 Existing Large o In order to address the specific problems
Industries and Mega of existing large industries, Government
projects may offer special package of fiscal
benefits on case to case basis. Exact
fiscal benefits would be decided by SIPB
from time to time depending on the
nature of the project, investment,
location, employment etc. An Industrial
Promotion fund with adequate provision
will be created for the purpose.
Guidelines and modalities for operating
the fund will be decided by the SIPB


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