NOE0415380416 ch064
NOE0415380416 ch064
NOE0415380416 ch064
ABSTRACT: Understanding of diffusive mass transport through porous rocks is essential for many applications
in geomechanics and environmental engineering (e.g., the assessment of contaminant transport through porous
rocks or the development of ore deposits). Such systems are generally characterized by aqueous solutions
containing multiple ions filling the pore space of the porous material. However, the surfaces of the porous rock
may be charged leading to anion/cation exclusion depending on the charge of the ion transported through the
In this paper, the fundamental equations describing coupled multi-ion diffusion and migration through charged
porous rocks are given for ideal solution systems (i.e., the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations. This system
of governing equations is applied at the nanoscale. The PNP equations are generalized for the description of mass
transfer in porous rocks using the volume averaging method applied to periodic media. This volume averaging
procedure accounts for the geometry, the porosity, and the tortuosity of the material. The influence of various
effects such as multiple ions, particle size, and size of surface charge on particles of the porous material on ion
transport behaviour under steady state conditions is examined in detail using numerical simulation tools.
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
derive the transport equations for ideal solutions (i.e., E is the electric field. Eqns. (4)(6) only hold for
we neglect the influence of activity). special situations depending on the problem of inves-
The constitutive equation describing multi-ion dif- tigation (for example electroneutrality is observed in
fusion in the presence of electrochemical forces is the all solutions except in thin double-layers near elec-
Nernst-Planck (NP) equation (Cussler, 1997), that is, trodes and charged particles in porous materials). The
most rigorous way is to relate the variation of the
electric potential to the spatial distribution of the elec-
tric charges. This relationship is given by the Poisson
equation (Helfferich, 1962):
where ji , ci , and ci is the molar flux density, the
concentration of the i-th ion, and the concentration gra-
dient of the i-th ion, respectively. Di is the free-solution
diffusion coefficient of the i-th ion. The quantities zi where the permittivity is the product of the permit-
and are the valence of the i-th ion and the voltage tivity of free space, 0 , and the relative permittivity
gradient. F, R and T are the Faraday constant, gas con- of water w . q is the electrical charge density. For
stant, and the absolute temperature, respectively. The the special case of a binary electrolyte (i.e., N = 2)
NP equation is a generalization of Ficks first law, tak- the influence of these assumptions on the numerical
ing into account electrical effects on charged solutes. results were reported in (Kato, 1995). It was found
In Eqn. (1) the voltage may arise from the application that the electro-neutrality condition (4) and the con-
of an external electrical field and/or from an inter- stant electric field assumption (5) are asymptotic cases
nal electrical field caused by interactions of ions. This of the Poisson Eqn. (7) (see (MacGillivray, 1968)
internal electrical field (also called diffusion potential) (Kato, 1995) for details). In the literature the coupled
is generated by different self-diffusion coefficients of Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations are often denoted as
individual ions, which leads to the formation of time PNP equations. Because of the complexity of the PNP
averaged ion dipoles during diffusion. However, the PDEs numerical methods are employed for their solu-
ions in solution are influenced by the electric potential tion. A comprehensive review on numerical models
irrespective of its origin, so the two voltages can be for solving the PNP system of equations is given in
summed and represented by a single quantity . (Samson et al., 1999).
The flux Eqn. (1) are supplemented by mass con- For the case of a binary electrolyte, i.e., a solution
servation equations. Mass conservation for each ion of a single salt composed of one kind of cation and one
species is expressed by, kind of anion, in the absence of net current flow (nil
current condition) the gradient of the electric potential
can be expressed as (Newman, 1991):
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
where ji are the molar flux densities of cations and where Dapp,i and app denote the homogenized (appar-
anions and DNP denotes the salt diffusion coefficient. ent) diffusion coefficient and permittivity of the REV.
Eqn. (10) indicates that a salt dissolved in a solu- X is the fixed volumetric surface charge density related
tion behaves like a single ionic species because of to particle surface charges and is the sign of the
the electro-neutrality requirement. However, at the surface charge (i.e., negative for negatively charged
molecular level, different self-diffusion coefficients of particles and positive for positively charged particles).
cations and anions result in separation of the species. For uncharged porous materials X equals zero. For
This leads to creation of a minute dipole density which this case the apparent diffusion coefficient can be
then prevents further separation. The dipole density estimated as (Bear and Bachmat, 1991):
creates a potential (the diffusion potential, Eqn. (9))
which acts to speed up the ion with the smaller self-
diffusion coefficient and slow down the ion with the
larger self-diffusion coefficient. with the porosity and the (purely geometrical) quan-
tity representing the tortuosity of the pore space of
the material.
2.2 Macroscopic diffusive transport: volume
averaging approach
Eqn. (1), (2), and (7) describe electro-diffusive trans-
port of ions at the microscale. However, most engi- In the following, two steady state diffusive trans-
neering applications deal with the investigation of port problems are considered: diffusion of a binary
macroscopic transport properties such as measure- electrolyte (NaCl) in a pure solution system (Sub-
ment of macroscopic diffusion coefficients, conduc- section 3.1) and in a porous medium contain-
tivities, and membrane potentials. There are various ing charged particles (Subsection 3.2). Parameters
alternatives to describe diffusive transport quantities used for the coupled PNP system of equations
of porous materials at the macroscale. Given the intrin- are given as: 0 = 8.85e12 C2 /(J m) , w = 78,
sic complexity of the pore structure of most geo- and D+ = 1.33e09 m2 /s, D = 2.03e 09 m2 /s, F =
biomaterials, modeling of the complete pore struc- 96500 C/mol, T = 293 K, and R = 8.31 J/(K mol).
ture constitutes a formidable task (Bear and Bachmat,
1991). A commonly applied procedure is the vol-
ume averaging method (Bear and Bachmat, 1991) 3.1 Diffusive transport in pure solution system
(Whitaker, 1999), where microscopic quantities are The first example deals with (one dimensional) diffu-
averaged over a representative volume element (RVE). sive flow of a binary electrolyte (NaCl) in a 2D domain.
The notion of the RVE forms the basis of the volume The length L of the unit cell is 150 nm. The electro-
averaging method (homogenization). The RVE must static boundary conditions (for Eqn. (7)) where chosen
be large enough in order to capture material properties such that zero charge density was applied at the left
(such as the porosity, aggregate fraction, and thickness and right boundary, whereas voltage boundary condi-
of double layers) correctly. In the following, a volume tions were specified at the upper and lower boundary
averaged quantity is defined as: (see Figure 1). Zero reference voltage was applied
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Figure 4. Diffusive transport in charged porous media: peri-
odic microstructure and unit cell with spherical inclusion
(figures not to scale).
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Figure 7. Diffusive transport in charged porous media: volt-
Figure 5. Diffusive transport in charged porous media: age along cross-section x = 0.75e 7 m for charged and
dependence of cation (anion) flux density on concentration uncharged particle.
gradient and surface charge.
x 10-3
= -0.001
flux [mol/(m2 s)]
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 6. Diffusive transport in charged porous media: Figure 8. Diffusive transport in charged porous media:
concentration of cations (anions) along cross-section dependence of ion flux density on porosity for charged and
x = 0.75e 7 m for charged and uncharged particle. uncharged particle.
shows that for a surface charge s = 0.001 the cation keeping the surface charge constant leads to a com-
concentration at the upstream side of the particle is pression of the (diffuse) double layer and, hence, to an
approximately 1.10 mol/m3 compared to a concentra- increase in flux density (see Figure 5).
tion of 0.70 mol/m3 for the uncharged case. This is Finally, we investigate the influence of particle size
an almost 1.6 fold increase in concentration on the (i.e., porosity) on the ion flux density for a constant
particle surface. On the other hand, the anion concen- concentration gradient. Figure shows the dependence
tration (at the upstream side) is reduced 1.7 fold, from of ion flux on the porosity. Increasing the particle size
0.70 mol/m3 to 0.42 mol/m3 . This exclusion of anions (i.e., decreasing the porosity) leads to a rather strong
from the pore space is commonly referred to as anion reduction of ion flux. For the investigated case the
exclusion (see (Westermann-Clark and Christoforou, influence of surface charge on the ion flux is not very
1986) for details). pronounced.
The change of ion concentration around the charged
particle is accompanied by a strong increase of the
voltage near the particle surface (see Figure 7). The 4 CONCLUSIONS
length defined as the (normal) distance from the par-
ticle surface at which the voltage reduces to 1/e of the From the numerical results obtained from the cou-
surface voltage is generally denoted as double-layer pled PNP equations the following conclusions can be
thickness. Increasing the concentration gradient while drawn: It was found that the gradient of the electric
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK