Reflection at An Interface Between A Free Fluid and A Porous Material: Theory Versus Experiment
Reflection at An Interface Between A Free Fluid and A Porous Material: Theory Versus Experiment
Reflection at An Interface Between A Free Fluid and A Porous Material: Theory Versus Experiment
Boris Gurevich
Curtin University of Technology, Department of Exploration Geophysics, Perth, Australia
ABSTRACT: According to the recent study by Denneman et al., (2002), the poroelastic reflection coefficient for
a plain interface between free fluid and an air-filled porous medium at low frequencies exhibits the significant
difference compared with the reflection from fluid/solid interface. In order to understand the nature of this
difference and to explore implications for reflections from an interface between two porous media, we derived
simple analytical expressions for poroelastic reflection coefficients at normal incidence. These expressions show
that the large difference between poroelastic and elastic reflection coefficients at low frequencies is due to the
large contrast between compressibilities of the pore fluid and the free fluid. In the low-frequency limit, the
poroelastic reflection coefficient reverts to the elastic value. However, this only occurs at frequencies as low
as 0.001 Hz. For the purpose of exploring whether the effects predicted by the theoretical analysis are real, we
conducted laboratory measurements of the reflection coefficient for an interface between a free fluid and an
air-saturated porous sandstone. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions within
experimental error and these measurements confirm the validity of theoretical expressions derived.
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
In order to understand the nature of this differ-
ence and to explore implications for reflections from
an interface between two porous media, Gurevich
et al., (2004) derived simple analytical expressions for
poroelastic reflection coefficients at normal incidence.
These expressions show that the large difference
between poroelastic and elastic reflection coefficients
at low frequencies is due to the large contrast between
compressibilities of the pore fluid and the free fluid.
In the low-frequency limit, the poroelastic reflection
coefficient reverts to the elastic value. However, this
only occurs at frequencies as low as 0.001 Hz. Thus
we have a counter-intuitive situation that frequencies
Figure 1. Reflection and transmission from an interface of
of 10100 Hz are not low with respect to this problem. porous medium/fluid.
The main purpose of this paper is to explore whether
the effects predicted by the theoretical analysis are coefficients from an interface between a free fluid and
real. We conducted laboratory measurements of the a porous medium is
reflection coefficient for an interface between a free
fluid and an air-saturated porous sandstone. Piezo-
electric transducers were used to provide a pulsed
ultrasonic source at a controlled frequency. The out-
put from the transducers used for these experiments where the parameters Y is
have a dominant frequency of 50 kHz and a bandwidth
between around 10 kHz and 70 kHz. The transducers
were specially made for these experiments because the
frequency required is an order of magnitude lower
than that traditionally used in the laboratory. The
sandstones were made using a process known as the and v1a represents P-wave velocity in the poroelas-
Calcite In-situ Precipitation System (CIPS), which is tic half-space, v1b denotes P-wave velocity in the free
a method of cementing particulate soils through the fluid, is frequency. Poroelastic parameters Ca , Ha
injection of aqueous solutions and the precipitation and Na are related as
of calcite cement around sand grains and their con-
tacts. The technology was developed at the CSIRO to
improve the geotechnical properties of porous sedi-
ments and rocks (Kucharski et al., 1996). Laboratory
tests have shown that CIPS cemented sands closely
reproduce the acoustic and mechanical properties of
natural sandstones.
where is Biots effective stress coefficient. To ana-
lyze the parameter Y , which is the main difference
between elastic and poroelastic reflections coefficient,
2 OVERVIEW OF THEORETICAL ANALYSIS we follow further Gurevich et al., (2004).
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
1 o Several key observations may be drawn from this
poroelastic plot and the analytical expressions (1) and (2):
0.9 elastic
The results at 10 Hz and at 10 kHz are in agree-
0.8 ment with the results of Denneman et al., (2002,
o Figure 8, p. 289) for normal incidence, and indeed
are very different from the elastic reflection coeffi-
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Table 5. Physical properties of the two synthetic CIPS
sandstones used for reflection measurements.
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
two CIPS samples and the experiments were successful experimentally obtained values of reflection coeffi-
using water as the non-wetting fluid. cients measured at particular frequencies is shown
in these figures. In both examples the theoretical
curves are in good agreement with the experimental
Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK