1.1 Origin of The Report: 1.4.1 Study Design
1.1 Origin of The Report: 1.4.1 Study Design
1.1 Origin of The Report: 1.4.1 Study Design
The internship report is a basic requirement for the BBA program. The proposed topic is
Performance Appraisal of Bank Asia Limited. The topic is assigned by Mr. Tanbir Ahmed
Chowdhury, Chairperson& Dean of Department of Business Administration, East West
University and supervised by A.B.M Burhan Uddin, AVP & In-charge, Shantinagar Branch
Islamic Window, Bank Asia Limited.
This report consists of job experiences during internship in Bank Asia Limited. The report
mainly emphasizes the sequential activities involved in customer service, cash, credit and
investment approval process used by Bank Asia. The report also focuses on 5year (2008-
2012) financial analysis, comparative growth rate and overall performance analysis of Bank
Asia Limited. Finally the report incorporates an evaluation of the different aspects of the
lending process and monitoring techniques and findings problems and makes some
recommendations. This study is mainly based on secondary data available from the various
divisions and departments of Bank Asia Limited, in addition to these other necessary
information have been collected from the daily news papers, relevant journals, annual reports
of Bank Asia Limited, Bangladesh bank, Ministry of Finance and Planning and publications
of other relevant institutions have also been taken into consideration. Collected data have
been analyzed using different financial and statistical tools. Tools for analysis used are
Growth Rate (percentage change over the years), Ratio analysis, Pie chart, and Line chart in
graphical presentation.
Short of time
Time shortage is a big constrains. So the time constraint of the study hindering the course of
vast area and time for preparing a report within the mentioned period is really difficult.
The officials had some times been unable to provide information because of their
huge routine work.
Lack of enough cooperation due to high workload.
Collected data and information and analytical part have been ascended in different chapter
based on the relation to the topic of the report.
It is very important to have a practical application of the knowledge acquired from any
academic course of the study. Only a lot of theoretical knowledge will become fruitless if it is
not applied in the practical life. So I need proper application of our knowledge to get some
benefit from our theoretical knowledge to make it more fruitful. Such an application can be
possible through internship.
Bank Asia has been launched by a group of successful entrepreneurs with recognized
standing in the society. The management of the Bank consists of a team led by senior bankers
with decades of experience in national and international markets. The senior management
team is ably supported by a group of professionals many of whom have exposure in the
international market.
It set milestone by acquiring the business operations of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Dhaka,
first in the banking history of Bangladesh. It again repeated the performance by acquiring the
Bangladesh operations of Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. (MCB), a Pakistani bank.
In the year 2003 the Bank again came to the limelight with oversubscription of the Initial
Public Offering of the shares of the Bank, which was a record (55 times) in our capital
market's history and its shares commands respectable premium.
The asset and liability growth has been remarkable. Bank Asia has been actively participating
in the local money market as well as foreign currency market without exposing the Bank to
vulnerable positions. The Bank's investment in Treasury Bills and other securities went up
noticeably opening up opportunities for enhancing income in the context of a regime of
gradual interest rate decline.
Bank Asia Limited started its service with a vision to serve people with modern and
innovative banking products and services at affordable charge. Being parallel to the cutting
edge technology the Bank is offering online banking with added delivery channels like ATM,
Tele-banking, SMS and Net Banking. And as part of the bank's commitment to provide all
modern and value added banking service in keeping with the very best standard in a
globalized world.
Bank Asias vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in the new
millennium, reflecting the national dream. Their vision is to build a society where human
dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of poverty.
2.4 Mission of Bank Asia Limited
Place customer interest and satisfaction as first priority and provide customized
banking products and services.
Value addition to the stakeholders thorough attaining excellence in banking
Ensure higher degree of motivation and dignified working environment for our human
capital and respect optimal work-life balance.
Sustainable growth
Synergies between new knowledge and human capital for sustainable economic growth.
Capital stewardship
Preservation and enlargement of multiple forms of capital, like intellectual, natural, financial,
organizational, social; all of which contribute to long term value creation.
Going Green
Quantification of in-house facilities and energy consumption to promote paperless office and
enhance energy efficiency. Greater emphasis on green banking projects.
Leader in business
Create new dimension in the syndication and structured financing.
Grow with export.
Well diversified portfolio.
It is the pioneer in introducing and launching different customer friendly deposit
schemes to tap the savings of the people for channeling the same to the productive
sectors of the economy.
For uplifting the standard of living of the limited income group of the population, the
Bank has introduced Consumer Credit Schemes by providing financial assistance in
the form of loan to the consumers for procuring household durables, which have had
encouraging responses.
The Bank is committed to continuous research and development so as to keep pace
with modern banking.
The operations of the Bank are computer oriented to ensure prompt and efficient
services to the customer.
The Bank has introduced camera surveillance system (CCTV) to strengthen the
security services inside the Bank premises.
The Bank has introduced customer relations management system to assess the needs
of various customers and resolve any problem on the spot.
Deposit Accounts
Consumer finance
Agricultural/ Rural finance
Deposit product
Deposit scheme
Profit on deposit
Investments products
Corporate Banking
SME finance
Retail Finance
Secured product
Unsecured product
Women entrepreneur special product
Locker services
Centralized Trade services
Bank Asia securities limited
International Division
Foreign Remittance Department
Treasury Services
Business Banking
Secured Overdraft
Secured OD (Earnest Money)
Working capital finance
Loan against Trust Receipt
Loan against Cash Incentives
Bill discounting
Loan syndication and structured finance
Packing credit
Demand loan
Demand loan (Work order)
Time loan
Transport loan
House building loan
Term loan
Lease finance
Letter of Guarantee
Letter of Credit
Back to back Letter of Credit
Term Loan
Subidha - Unsecured Trading
Sondhi - Secured Trading
Sristi - Unsecured Manufacturing
Shombridhi - Secured Manufacturing
Shofol - Unsecured Service
Sheba - Secured Service
Over Draft
Somadhan - Secured
Special Products
Utshob - Seasonal Business
Subarno - Women Entrepreneur
Consumer Finance
Auto Loan
Consumer Durable Loan
Unsecured Personal Loan
House Finance
Loan for Professionals
Senior Citizen Support
Credit Card
Money Market
Overnight Call
Repo and Reserves Repo
Sale and Purchase of Treasury Bill & Bond
Term Placement
Term Borrowing
Deposit Accounts
Saving Account
Current Account
Short Notice Deposit
Fixed Term Deposit
Foreign Currency Account
Deposit Pension Scheme
Monthly Benefit Scheme
Double Benefit Scheme
Triple Benefit Scheme
Bank Asia Sanchoy Plus
Islamic Banking
Deposit Products
Al-Wadiah Current Account (AWCA)
Mudarba Savings Account (MSA)
Mudarba Special Notice Deposit Account (MSNDA)
Mudarba Term Deposit Account (MTDA) of different Tenure
Mudarba hajj Savings Scheme (MHSS)
Mudarba Deposit Pension Scheme (MDPS)
Mudarba Monthly Profit Paying Deposit Scheme (MMPPDS)
Smart Junior Saver (SJS)
Investment Products
Bai Mudarba Muajjal
Hire Purchase Shirkatul Melk (HPSM)
Quard against Accepted Bills
Service Products
ATM Services
Remittance Service
Locker Service
Online Banking
Internet Banking
Phone Banking
Mobile Banking
Remote Banking (EBEK)
Centralized Trade Services
Student File
Travelers Cheque
Bill Discounting
Capital Finance
Working Capital Finance
Trade Finance
On-shore Export Bill Discounting
Brokerage Operation
Margin Loan
2.11 Corporate Culture
While conducting due diligence on requests for credit facilities, Bank Asia will strive to
ensure that environmental impacts are appraised with the same care as any other business
factors. To the extent deemed practical, Bank Asia will raise and recommend compliance with
local environmental laws to all its borrowing relationships. They firmly believe in long-term
sustainable development, and investment decisions will only be supported when the bank is
convinced, taking into account all relevant feedback, that any adverse environmental impact
will be minimal or will be avoided altogether.
Teamwork and co-operation is an important aspect of the work ethics in Bank Asia. They
leverage on the dynamics of their collective skills, knowledge and experience to achieve the
best for their customers. Bank Asia views its employees as its greatest asset and recognizes
the pivotal role that meritocracy plays in setting rewards and penalties for safeguarding the
interests of its employees. It respects the incidence of conflicts arising in the workplace and
seeks amicable resolution of contentious issues in a manner that is constructive, open, honest
and ultimately beneficial to all parties involved.
BAL respects all employees as unique individuals with fundamental human rights and
supports the cultural and ethnic diversity of its workforce. It is their belief that creating a
work environment that enables them to attract, retain and fully engage diverse talents leads to
enhanced innovation and creativity in their services. BAL takes all allegations of harassment
seriously, including sexual, communal etc and prohibits all forms of discrimination.
2.12 Management Hierarchy
Managing Director
Vice President
Executive Officer
Senior Officer
Junior Officer
Assistant Officer
Banking Officer
Trainee Officer
Mr. A Rouf Chowdhury
Vice Chairman
Mr. Mohd. Safwan Choudhury
Mr. Mohammed Lakiotullah
Ms. Hosneara Sinha
Mr. A M Nurul Islam
To manage and operate the bank in the most efficient manner to enhance financial
performance and to control cost of fund.
To strive for customer satisfaction through quality and control and delivery of timely
To identify customers credits and other banking needs and monitor their perceptions
towards our performance in meeting these requirements.
To review and update policies, procedure and practices to enhance the ability to
expand better services to customers.
To train and develop all employees and provide them adequate resources so that
customers needs can be responsibly addressed.
Year Deposit (Tk in Growth in
Millions) %
2007 30,004,090,000 -
2008 42,435,238,986 41.4315%
2009 54,832,818,230 29.2152%
2010 83,601,263,368 52.4657%
2011 95,131,098,609 13.7914%
2012 110,061,775,383 15.6948%
In the graph it shows that deposit growth of Bank Asia has fluctuated every year. The highest
growth is in 2010. 2011 & 2012 the growth rate is very small compare to last 3years.
Bank Asias loan & advance is also fluctuated every year. From 2008-2012 the growth rate is
40.47%, 25.74%, 58.16%, 4.17% & 11.38%. In the graph it shows in 2011 the growth rate is
very few compare to other years.
2007 4,203,135,875 -
2008 6,133,814,349 45.9342%
2009 9,663,097,538 57.5381%
2010 12,075,700,932 24.9671%
2011 15,950,511,189 32.0876%
2012 25,114,904,514 57.4551%
Above analysis shows that investment growth of Bank Asia Limited is fluctuated every year.
It increased from 45.93% to 57.53% in 2009. Again it falls down in 2010 to 24.96% & in
2011 and 2012 increase by 32.08% and 57.45%. That indicates that they cannot make their
investment efficient and also show less profitability and performance efficiency.
2007 39,218,700,000 -
2008 50,985,000,000 30.0017%
2009 67,378,300,000 32.1531%
2010 110,417,890,000 63.8775%
2011 99,414,200,000 -9.9654%
2012 106,746,150,000 7.3751%
The graph shows that Import growth is very much fluctuating in Bank Asia. Even they have
negative growth in 2011 which is -9.96%. The highest growth rate is 63.87% in 2010.
2009 30,953,400,000 23.0492%
2010 57,281,670,000 85.0577%
2011 74,794,500,000 30.5731%
2012 66,478,340,000 -11.1186%
The graph shows that Bank Asia has very small export growth except in 2010. In 2010 it has
highest rate of growth which is 85.05%. In 2012 it has negative growth rate which is
Assets growth of Bank Asia has average rate from 2008-2010. But in 2011 and 2012 it falls
down which is 11.91% & 19.22%.
2009 2,617,037,702 37.3860%
2010 4,248,864,804 62.3539%
2011 4,041,969,139 -4.8694%
2012 5,051,805,176 24.9837%
Above analysis shows that operating profit growth of Bank Asia has fluctuated every year. In
2008 it 20.96% & 2009-2010 it increases treamandously. Again it falls down in 2011 by
-4.86%. In 2012 it again increase 24.98%.
Return on equity or return on capital is the ratio of net income of a business during a year to
its stockholders' equity during that year. It is a measure of profitability of stockholders'
investments. It shows net income as percentage of shareholder equity.
Year ROE
2008 23.00%
2009 32.03%
2010 32.12%
2011 19.61%
2012 7.11%
Figure No. 8: Return on Equity shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
Return on equity is an important measure of the profitability. Generally higher values of ROE
indicate favorable meaning. Above analysis shows that the return on equity of Bank Asia
Limited has been increased from 2008-2010. The return on equity from 2008 to 2010 is
23.00%, 32.03% and 32.12% respectively. This indicates that bank is efficient in generating
income on new investment. In 2011 ROE is 19.61% and in 2012 it is 7.11%, which are more
less than previous years ROE. This result is due to the banks greater use of debt.
Return on assets is the ratio of annual net income to average total assets of a business during
a financial year. It measures efficiency of the business in using its assets to generate net
income. It is a profitability ratio.
Year ROA
2008 1.87%
2009 2.18%
2010 2.22%
2011 1.72%
2012 0.70%
Figure No. 9: Return on Assets shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
Bank Asias returns on total assets are 1.87%, 2.18%, 2.22%, 1.72% and 0.70% respectively
from 2008-2012. The percentage of return on asset is increased in an increasing manner from
2008-2010 but the value of ROA is very low. It shows that they earned a little from their
investment. In 2011 and 2012 the value of ROA falls to 1.72% and 0.70%. A decreasing trend
means that profitability is deteriorating. This low return may results from the banks above
average use of debt. Its very weak for the organization.
Year ROI
2008 13.88%
2009 18.61%
2010 15.79%
2011 13.98%
2012 5.20%
Figure No. 10: Return on Investment shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
Above analysis shows that return on investment of Bank Asia Limited is fluctuated every
year. It increased from 13.88% to 18.61% in 2009. But after that the value of ROI decreased
at a huge percentage in 2012. That indicates that they cannot make their investment efficient
and also show less profitability and performance efficiency.
The portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock.
Earnings per share serve as an indicator of a company's profitability.
Table No. 11: Earning per Share from the year 2008-2012
Year EPS
2008 3.94
2009 6.19
2010 6.43
2011 3.65
2012 1.44
Figure No. 11: EPS shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
From the above analysis we can see that the Earning per Share of BAL from 2008 to 2012 are
3.94, 6.19, 6.43, 3.65, 1.44 respectively. EPS increased from 2008-2010 but it decreased in
2011 and 2012. There is no rule of thumb to interpret earnings per share. But there is a
common assumption that the higher the EPS figure, the better it is and a higher EPS is the
sign of higher earnings, strong financial position and, therefore, a reliable organization. So,
depend on that assumption it can be said that the condition of EPS of Bank Asia is not too
Debt-to-Equity ratio is the ratio of total liabilities of a business to its shareholders' equity. It is
a leverage ratio and it measures the degree to which the assets of the business are financed by
the debts and the shareholders' equity of a business.
Table No. 12: Debt Equity Ratio from the year 2008-2012
Figure No. 12: Debt Equity Ratio shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
Debt equity ratio of Bank Asia Limited from 2008-2012 is 15.01%, 12.86%, 13.9%, 8.43%
and 9.76% respectively. The value of debt equity ratio is fluctuated every year. Lower values
of debt equity ratio are favorable indicating less risk. Higher value is unfavorable because it
means that the business relies more on external lenders.
The amount of a bank's loans divided by the amount of its deposits at any given time. The
higher the ratio, the more the bank is relying on borrowed funds, which are generally more
costly than most types of deposits.
Table No. 13: Loan Deposit Ratio from the year 2008-2012
Figure No. 13: Loan Deposit Ratio shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
From the above analysis it can see that the loan deposit is very high that is 94.20%, 91.67%,
95.10%, 87.16% and 83.89% from 2008-2012.Higher ratio indicate that the bank is relying
more on borrowed fund which are generally more costly than most types of deposits.
3.14 Price Earnings Ratio
A valuation ratio of a company's current share price compared to its per-share earnings.
Table No. 14: Price Earnings Ratio from the year 2008-2012
Figure No. 14: Price Earnings Ratio shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
Here we can see that price earnings ratio is 9.73, 6.9, 8.34, 10.48 and 14.93 respectively from
2008-2012.P/E Ratio decrease in 2009 but after that it increased every year. It tells whether
the price of share is fairly valued, undervalued or overvalued.
Table No. 15: Capital Adequacy Ratio from the year 2008-2012
2008 11.25%
2009 12.27%
2010 8.11%
2011 14.88%
2012 13.05%
Figure No. 15: Capital Adequacy Ratio shown in the graph from the year 2008-2010
Above analysis shows that capital adequacy ratio is fluctuated every year. It is 11.25% in
2008, 12.27% in 2009, 8.11% in 2010, 14.88% in 2011 and 13.05% in 2012.Higher capital
adequacy ratio protect the depositors.
In 2011 & 2012, Bank Asias deposit and loan & advance growth is very less. If
deposit and loan & advance are less, the bank cannot perform well.
In 2012 Bank Asia has negative export growth which shows companys export
position is very weak.
Bank Asias operating profit growth is not in good condition. It has also negative
growth in 2011.
In 2011 & 2012, ROE of Bank Asia is less than previous year (2008-2010) which
shows that, it occurs because of banks greater use of debt.
In 2012, ROA of Bank Asia is very few which means they cant use their assets
efficiently. Its very weak for the organization.
ROI is fluctuated every year but in 2012 it has tremendous fall. It indicates that they
cannot make their investment efficiently and shows less profitability and performance
The loan deposit ratio is very high of Bank Asia. It indicates that bank is relying more
on borrowed fund.
Bank Asia limited has huge amount of loan, for this reason they might face liquidity
crisis which will largely influence their business growth.
For financial security, every financial institution has to reserve some fund. But in
2012 Bank Asia Limited had very less reserve fund.
Political unrest has hampered the economic growth for last few years to a large extent.
There should be more number of risk taker and long term investor. So that company
can grow, can make profit, increase the value of the firm. It will generate confidence
among the investors as well as it will increase the EPS of the company.
Bank Asia Limited should reserve more fund for their future orientation.
In the face of competitive and borrower dominated credit scenario Bank Asia must
come up with innovative loan products to meet up the demand of time. In this
connection Bank Asia can focus on some more loan products like:
Apartment loan
Marriage loan
Education loan
To combat the problem of mobilizing deposit in the form of credit, Bank Asia should
focus on intensive marketing effort.
Loan monitoring is a continuous task and requires expert manpower. Therefore it is
suggested that Bank Asia should set up a separate loan monitoring cell, which will be
responsible for monitoring its total loan portfolio with special care to the problem
Appraising method should be unbiased & the aims and objectives of performance
appraisal need to be well communicated from top level to bottom level management
Banking industry is inevitable for a country. Bank mobilizes savings helps the operation of
trade and business, participates in the economic development activities and so on. Banking
evolution happens to keep pace with the advanced stage in social development.
The bank should care again in manpower and its capital to use these in such a way that will
produce a maximum output in future and motivated the client and investor for deposit and
investment. The bank should take care to reduce unnecessary expenses. If the bank keeps its
expenses at satisfactory level it produces a maximum output in future.
There are many benefits to implementing a regular and systematic performance appraisal
system within an organization. In order to gain the most benefit from performance appraisals
it is recommended that a system is developed in consultation with workers and managers, and
clear links are established between appraisals and valued rewards and outcomes. If resources
permit, information on work performance should be obtained from multiple sources.
Performance appraisals can be a powerful tool for increasing motivation and improving work
practice if conducted in a constructive, open and supportive manner.
Finally if the Bank Asia Limited control their expense and take proper steps to overcome
their little limitations, they will become a first rows bank of Bangladesh.