Bank Asia Limited: Executive Summary
Bank Asia Limited: Executive Summary
Bank Asia Limited: Executive Summary
study on Motijheel Branch I tried to divide this report into different like, in organization part-1 discussed about Bank Asia business activities, their products and services and about their financial position, SWOT analysis of BAL shows its strong position among different Commercial Banks of Bangladesh. In case of foreign international trade in BAL. Part1 mainly focuses on the banking activities, procedures and precaution take to conduct export & import and general banking activities. On the other hand I tried to focus on the performance of BAL General Banking & Foreign Exchange Business Between these three months of my internship program I have also find out some matters, like; Bank Asia Ltd follows the rule and regulations of import-export policy and Bangladesh Bank Exchange Control regulation Act. And as per instruction of Bangladesh bank, BAL has to maintain some rules. So I have recommended here that, BAL should concentrate on collection information for the customers and creating new information for the customer of the foreign exchange transaction and general banking process. I have recommendation that, BAL can increase their investment in different non conventional or diversified items of export to increase foreign exchange earning. In this branch there is another problem that I have find out that is, some employees are careless about their task but they are efficient. As a result some time clients need more time to do their transaction rather than other bank. But in overall condition the employees are so much friendly with their clients. In BAL the employees are always in pressure for their duties. And some time pressure becomes burden for the employees also. And for this reason, Bank Asia Ltd should recruit minimum 15 employees more in this branch for the customer and also foe the employees. As the final point it could summarized that, if Bank Asia authority could fine-turn its functioning through some changes in overall banking performance, changes in providing other facilities with adaptation of modern business practices through upgrading and expansion of the range of dealing in the banking sector and simultaneously take advantages of modern technological breakthroughs in area such as electronic communication, proper online services etc. 1.1 Introduction: The word Bank refers to the financial institution that deals with money transaction. Banks collect deposit at lowest possible cost and provide loans and advances at highest Cost. The spread between the two is the profit for the bank. There are two different types of banking. One is commercial banking and investment banking. The commercial bank is types of bank which is engaged in banking activities, like; deposit and making loans and other fee based services. It also byes corporate markets activities. In todays world, technological and financial advancement is influencing every human activity. Commercial banks have been playing a vital role in the world economy. Bank is not only a financial institution, but also a helping hand for the common people, different organization and also foe the government countrys prospect and future economic conditions largely depends on the commercial banks. In todays business world, few financial organizations have made a strong place in the market and Bank Asia is one of those names. 1.2 Origin of the report: This report on General Banking & Foreign Exchange Activities Of Bank Asia Ltd (Motijheel Branch) was initiated as part of the internship program which is a BBA Degree requirement of the Department of Business Administration, Northern University Bangladesh. A three (3) months internship at Bank Asia Ltd, Motijheel Branch, Dhaka, preceded the preparation of the report.
During the internship a student has to undertake as area of investigation of any organization for in depth study. 1.3 Objectives of the Report: The objective of this report can be summarized as follows: Specific: To fulfill the academic requirement. To gain practical Knowledge in banking. To focus on the brief description of foreign trade. To examine banks performance in foreign exchange risk. Give a functional overview in general banking sectors of Prime Bank. To identify major strength and weakness of BAL in respect of other Bank. 1.4 Methodology: 1.4.1 Sources of information: This Report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the period of internship. I also acquired information from the Annual report and website of the Bank Asia Ltd. I have presented my experience and findings with the help of different diagrams and tables in the analysis part. To make the report more meaningful and presentable, two sources of data and information has been used(a) Primary sources Practical desk work (b) Secondary sources Files and Folders Websites Annual Report of Bank Asia 1.5 Limitations: There were some problems while I have undergone the internship program. An unconditional effort was applied to conduct the internship program and to bring a reliable and prolific result. Sufficient record, publications were not available as per my requirement. All types of previous information are not processed through computer. Large-scale research was not possible due to constraint and restriction posed by the organization. Some of the relevant papers and documents were strictly prohibited. Time constraint Three months are very short time to prepare this. 1.6 Rationale of the Study The word bank refers to the financial institution that deals with money transaction. Commercial banks are the primary contributors of the economy of this country. On one hand they are borrowing money from the locals and on the other hand lending the same to the locals as loans and advances. So the people and the government are very much dependent on banks. Moreover, banks are profit earning concerns, as they collect deposits at the lowest possible cost and provide loans and advances at higher rate. The difference between two is the profit for the bank. This report basically deals with the General Banking & Foreign Exchange Activities of Bank
Asia covering the areas like General Banking, Loan and Advance, Foreign Exchange, Remittance, Financial Performance, Online Banking, etc. CHAPTER-02 ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE & STRUCTURE OF BANK ASIA LIMITED 2.1 Background of the Organization The economy of Bangladesh has been experiencing a rapid growth since the 90s. Industrial and agricultural development, international trade, inflow of expatriate Bangladeshi workers remittance, local and foreign investments in construction, communication, power, food processing and service enterprise ushered in an era of economic activities. Urbanization and lifestyle changes concurrent with the economic development created a demand for banking products and services to support the new initiatives. A group of highly acclaimed businessmen of the country grouped together to respond to this need and established Bank Asia Limited in the year 1999. The Bank Asia incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act. 1994. The bank started its commercial operation on November 1999 with an authorized capital of Tk.800 million and paid up capital of Tk.218 million. The paid up capital of the bank stood at Tk.1116 million as on 31st December 2006. Within a short span of time Bank Asia has established itself as one of the fast growing local private banks. It has at present a network of 26 branches serving many of the leading corporate houses and is gradually moving towards retail banking. Its other significant delivery channel is the shared ATM Network. Bank Asia has 25 ATMs as a member of ETN along with eleven other banks. Since its humble beginning in 1999, it set milestone by acquiring the business operations of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Dhaka, first in the banking history of Bangladesh. It again repeated the performance by acquiring the Bangladesh operations of Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. (MCB), a Pakistani bank. Last year the Bank again came to the limelight with over subscription of the Initial Public Offering of the shares of the Bank, which was a record (55 times) in our capital markets history and its shares commands respectable premium. The asset and liability growth has been remarkable. By December 2006 the total asset of the Bank grew to Tk. 30,478 million, increase of almost 30% comparing to 2005. As of December 2006 deposits increased to Tk. 25,289 million, an increase of 37% over that of 2005, and Loans & Advances reached Tk. 22,255 million, an increase of 25% over that of the year 2005. Bank Asia has been actively participating in the local money market as well as foreign currency market without exposing the Bank to vulnerable positions. The Banks investment in Treasury Bills and other securities went up noticeably opening up opportunities for enhancing income in the context of a regime of gradual interest rate decline. Bank Asia is maintaining its competitiveness by leveraging on its Online Banking Software and modern IT infrastructure. It is the pioneer amongst the local banks in introducing innovative products like SMS banking, and under the ATM Network the Stellar Online Banking software enables direct linking of a clients account, without the requirement for a separate account. Bank Asia has successfully established a transparent process of recruitment seeking the best talent. In its efforts towards continuous development of the human resources of the Bank, it arranges training programs throughout the year.
2.2 Vision Bank Asias vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in the new millennium, reflecting the national dream. Our vision is to build a society where human dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with reduction of poverty. 2.3 Mission To assist in bringing high quality service to our customers and to participate in the growth and expansion of our national economy. To set high standards of integrity and bring total satisfaction to our clients, shareholders and employees. To become the most sought after bank in the country, rendering technology driven innovative services by our dedicated team of professionals. 2.4 Corporate Governance: The Bank tries to achieve balance between increasing value of the shareholders investments and maintaining high standards of ethics as a socially responsible corporate entity, within the framework of regulatory norms. Continued improvement in the quality of service to the depositors and borrowers remains the link between these objectives. A successful business is defined by its relationship with its shareholders, customers, employees, business partners and the community in which it operates. BAL aims to tap into the synergy of these relationships and create a collectively beneficial business environment. Its responsibilities are as follows: Shareholders To safeguard shareholders investment and to create and add economic value. Customers To satisfy the unique needs of our customers by offering safety to their trust, provide innovation and flexibility in delivered service, that creates value for their business thereby enhancing their commercial success and, in turn, ours. To take due care and diligence in ensuring that regulatory norms are not breached in extending service to customers and other constituents. Employees: To recognize that employees are our greatest asset and to ensure that they have a safe and conducive working environment with equitable and competitive terms and conditions of service. The Bank promotes a culture of trust, and the development and best of human talent and resource. Business partners: To cultivate meaningful, mutually beneficial and successful long-term relationship with our partners, suppliers and contractors based on trust and understanding. Community: To be a responsible corporate citizen and conduct business in a manner that promotes sustainable development for both BAL and the community it serves. This involves full compliance with local laws and regulatory authorities, and giving due consideration to cultural, social and environmental impact in all commercial decision