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Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management (SLM) project in Somaliland is a 3.5
year (September 2015- February 2019) project designed to support the
Government of Somaliland filling a critical gap supporting programs that are fully
aligned to the National Development Plan and other relevant guiding Documents.
The goal of the SLM programme is to improve service delivery by relevant
stakeholders (sectors and regional authorities in the areas of agriculture,
environment and water, agro-pastoralists, clan elders etc.) towards a sustainable
land management in the upper part of Biji water catchment. The sustainable use of
natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity are the basis of food security
and for adaptation to climate change in the region.
The population in the Biji catchment is adversely affected by food insecurity, which
has been aggravated by more frequent and intensified natural disasters (droughts
and floods), to which the population responds insufficiently or even with destructive
adaptation strategies.
Land degradation in Somaliland and in particular in Biji catchment occurs due to
lack of use of sustainable land management practices. In particular soil and water
erosion causes major agricultural constraints within the agricultural domain. Severe
soil and water erosion has led to the deterioration of the agricultural base in many
areas that were originally major grain producers of the region.
The GIZ SLM Project aims at contributing to on-going projects from the Ministry of
Agriculture (MoA) that has been identified in its strategic plan/master plan among
others the improvement of crop productivity (low crop yields and crop production)
and increase farmers incomes through establishment of adaptive field crop
research under dry land farming conditions. Poor crop varieties, low seed quality,
and a lack of adoption of improved technologies are some other bottle necks for the
regional agricultural development. Therefore, the GIZ SLM programme aims at first

II. Key Tasks and scope of the work

The consultant will assess and identify
1. What key challenges and opportunities are prevailing towards agriculture
sectors and in particular the small scale farmers with in the GIZ SLM project
intervention areas under Arabsiyo and Gabiley administrations.
2. What agriculture producers do need to develop to be able to sustainably
manage the agriculture natural resource concerned?
3. Provide proposal(s) on how Arabsiyo center can contribute in alleviating in
the question One mentioned challenges and facilitate in the implementation
of community led good agricultural practices activities;

In undertaking this assignment, the consultant will carry out but not limited to the
following tasks:
- Conduct an assessment of the current agricultural practices in the Biji Upper
catchment in particular the Arabsiyo administration and determine their
suitability for the environment;
- Determine the main stable crop grown in the area and the average yield for per
- Establish the level of awareness of the farmers on basic knowledge on good
agriculture practices through-out the production cycle (land preparation,
planting, weeding, harvesting, post - harvest management and marketing;
- Establish the level of crop diversification and use of best practices in small
holder agricultural production;
- Assess the capacities of training needs assessment of regional and local level
actors in the agriculture intervention area
- Draft how to guide for use by the GIZ SLM project in supervising the
implementation of good agricultural practices activities;
- Make proposals for revision of the project indicators in relation to good
agricultural practices; and
- Establish a baseline against the project indicators as outlined in the project
logical framework or revised logical framework .

Arabsiyo Land Use Training Center

- Conduct an assessment the status quo of the above mentioned center.
- Provide proposals on how Arabsiyo center can significantly contribute in the
implementation of good agricultural practices activities; facilitate
implementation of community led soil and water conservation plan;
- Provide clear proposals on how community structures should be organized and
trained to participate fully in the project activities;
- Identification the institutional set up for the Arabsiyo land use training center
- Provide input into ToR for assessment of curriculum development on Arabisyo
land use training center

The consultant will work closely with the GIZ SLM Project Manager and the technical
officers assigned throughout the entire consultancy process to the respective
intervention areas as well as other partners on national and district level. The
consultant will coordinate and work closely with the GIZ SLM.

III. Deliverables
The following deliverables or outputs are expected.
- Analysis of challenges and opportunities towards agriculture sectors and in
particular the small scale farmers
- Action plan prioritizing capacity development in community led good practices
- Action plan on role and contribution of Arabsiyo land use planning center in
the implementation of community led good agricultural practices activities;

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