Administrative Assistant Kemenko Marves and ToR

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Mangrove for Coastal Resilience (M4CR) Project

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services for

Administrative Assistant - Indonesian Environment Fund
Sub-Component 1.4 Preparation of Mangrove Blue Carbon Offset Readiness

I. Background
Indonesia holds the largest extent of mangrove ecosystem in the world with 3.31 million
hectares, accounting for around 20 percent of the total global mangrove area; an estimated
51 percent of Southeast Asia’s coral reefs; and expansive, biodiverse seagrass meadows
covering an estimated 30,000 km2. These coastal ecosystems play an important role in
mitigating and adapting to climate change and protecting the country’s vulnerable
communities from natural hazards. Mangroves and seagrass in Indonesia store around 3.14
billion metric tons of carbon, which is equivalent to 17 percent of the carbon stored in Earth’s
coastal ecosystems. The ecosystem service benefits provided by Indonesia’s mangrove
ecosystems are estimated at USD $1.5 billion annually through supporting commercial
fisheries, with a coastal protection value of at USD $387 million annually. Despite these
benefits, more than 50 percent of Indonesia’s mangroves have been degraded or lost, and
current estimates show that Indonesia stands to lose ecosystem services valued at USD
$1.7 billion per year in projected monetary value due to continued mangrove loss.
Recognizing the scale of multiple challenges relating to ocean and maritime development,
Indonesia developed an Indonesia Ocean Policy (IOP) which is currently entering the
second period 2021-2025 anchored in IOP first period in 2016-2019 and the 2020-2024
National Medium-Term Development Plan to manage, protect, and harness the value of
coastal and marine resource and human resource development, and promote the
sustainable growth of Indonesia’s blue economy. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has
also set out an ambitious target to restore 600,000 ha of mangrove until 2024.
The World Bank supports the GoI through the Mangrove for Coastal Resilience Project
(M4CR). The project is intended to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation,
support the GoI to enhance mangrove management, improve the livelihoods of local
communities, and restore degraded areas back to mangroves.
The M4CR project has four components with sub-components as listed below:
1. Component 1. Strengthening policy and institutions for mangrove management
● Subcomponent 1.1: Strengthening policy, governance, and coordination
● Subcomponent 1.2: Improving and updating the national mangrove map
● Subcomponent 1.3: Registration and monitoring of mangrove rehabilitation and
sustainable mangrove management
2. Subcomponent 1.4: Preparation of mangrove blue carbon offset readiness
3. Component 2. Rehabilitating and promoting sustainable mangrove management
● Subcomponent 2.1: Large-scale community-based mangrove rehabilitation
● Subcomponent 2.2: Sustainable mangrove management
4. Component 3. Improving livelihood opportunities for mangrove communities
● Subcomponent 3.1: Promoting community-based livelihoods
● Subcomponent 3.2: Coastal enterprise development
5. Component 4. Operation management
This assignment will focus on sub-component 1.4 “Preparation of Mangrove Blue Carbon
Offset Readiness”. This sub-component will support GoI’s readiness to access blue carbon
finance by developing a blue carbon program for the M4CR project aligned to best practice
and relevant international standards starting with one province as a pilot project of
sub-component 1.4.

Specifically, sub-component 1.4 is expected to provide support on:

● Meeting readiness requirements to facilitate payments for blue carbon which includes
assessments of (1) reference emissions level (REL) for the program area, (2) existence
of a framework to monitor and report on mangrove cover change, (3) development of a
benefit sharing mechanism for a blue carbon program, and (4) preparation of a program
design document in accordance with an internationally recognized standard (e.g.,
● Developing a blue carbon pilot program eligible for payments in international markets
and designed according to internationally recognized standards (e.g., baseline
development, policy, regulatory and legal arrangements, monitoring, reporting, and
verification (MRV) mechanisms, registry, benefit-sharing mechanism, etc.), analysis and
research on carbon economic valuation of mangroves and costs/benefits of blue carbon
finance options, establishment of permanent sample plots, development of key policies
and instruments for blue carbon finance, and capacity building for blue carbon finance
readiness. Support will also be provided to GoI to identify potential buyers/financiers of
carbon credits arising from mangroves restoration and conservation activities.

II. Objective of the assignment

Objective of this assignment is to support the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and
Investment (CMMAI) as Administrative Assistant of Project Implementing Unit (PIU) for
M4CR sub-component 1.4. S/he is responsible to support Financial Management Specialist
and other PIU’s members to manage the administrative matter of the project, closely working
with Project Management Office (PMO) and other PIU of the project.

III. Main task and responsibilities

In close collaboration with the CMMAI as PIU, Ditjen PDASRH MOEF as PMO, and IEF for
M4CR sub-component 1.4, the World Bank, and other stakeholders. S/he will carry out the
following main task:
• Coordinate with other PIU personnel on the implementation of the project.
• Prepare administration documents needed for the project.
• Prepare administrative support for meetings, conferences, and workshops.
• Arrange travel reservations and require documents.
• Collect information for Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA), travel agencies and
other administrative surveys, support the organization of common services.
• Manage office equipment supplies including maintenance of its stock.
• Manage material and documents related to the project, including confidential
• Support preparing the reports.
• Provision of support for the maintenance of common services.

IV. Work modality and reporting

The Administrative Assistant is based in the CMMAI’s office in Jakarta and will require
occasional travel within M4CR targeted provinces. S/he will work for the period of March
2024 - March 2025 and report directly to the Project Coordinator and Assistant Deputy for
Climate Change and Disaster Management, CMMAI. Institutional arrangement of M4CR
shows as below.
Picture 1. Institutional arrangement M4CR

V. Qualification (based on CCMAI)

● Minimum bachelor’s degree, business administration, finance or accounting is
preferable, or any other fields
● Minimum 3 year’s experience in relevant practice or equivalent combination of
education and experience.
● Understanding of GoI administrative, financial, and procurement regulation and
● Experience and familiarity on working with GoI administrative, financial, and
procurement regulation, process, and administration documents would be an asset.
● Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
● Willing to travel to the project site.

Asisten Deputi Bidang Pengelolaan

Perubahan Iklim dan Kebencanaan,

Kus Prisetiahadi

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