Morphological Analysis - Introduction

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Morphological analysis. HOW TO SEARCH ON A PRAYER?

The noun. It is the word used to name people, animals or things. For example, ta
ble, pencil. To know where the noun in a sentence we must ask "what" or "who", t
he word answer to that question is the noun of the sentence. Sometimes nouns are
replaced by personal pronouns. Example: "The machine is broken." What's broken?
. Answer: the machine. The word machine is the noun of the sentence. The adjecti
ve. It is the word that tells us what the noun. For example: beautiful, blue. To
know where the adjective in a sentence, the noun must ask "how is it?" The word
that answers to that question is the word of prayer. Example: "The brave army d
efeated." How is the army?. Answer: brave. The word brave is the word of prayer.
The verb. It is the word that indicates an action taken by the noun. For exampl
e: running, talking. To know where the verb in a sentence, we must ask the noun
"what does?" Word answer to that question is the verb of the sentence. Example:
"The students are studying." What do the students. Answer: study. The word study
is the verb of the sentence. Determinants. They are words which determine the n
oun. The determinants may be of various kinds: a) Articles, 2) demonstration, 3)
possessive, 4) numerals and 5) permanent. Are easily found in prayer because th
ey are next to the noun. For example: the car, the mountains. Arti
cles: the, the, the, the, what (Article neutral) Demonstration (closeness): this
, that, these, these. (Middle distance): this, that, these, those. (Of distance)
: this, that, those, those. Possessive: my job, yours / a, his job, our job, you
r job, my, your, his, mine / as Yours, / as, his / as, our / as, your / as, my,
your, their. Numerals: one, two, three, four, etc. Indefinite: a, a, a, a, some,
any, some, some.
Adverbs. These words express circumstances of place, time, manner or quantity. T
here are words that are converted into adverbs by adding the suffix-ing. For exa
mple: sweet, sweet. (Sweetly would be an adverb of manner). Adverbs of p
lace: here, here, here, near, far, inside, outside ... Adverbs of time: today, y
esterday, tomorrow, soon, later, later, now ... Adverbs of manner: Well, slowly,
badly, quickly ... (Words ending in the suffix-ing) adverb of quantity: a lot,
little, very, almost, more, less ...
Links. They are words that join other words or groups of words together. Links c
an be prepositions or conjunctions. Prepositions: a, at, under, with, against, f
rom, in, from, to, to, to, for, as without, over, upon, through, over. Conjuncti
ons: and, and, no, o, u, but.
Before a morphological analysis, it is good that I've found first identified in
the most important prayer. To this end, stresses and mark the words in this orde
r: 1) substantive, 2) verb, 3) adjective / s, 4) determinants, 5) adverbs, 6) bo
nds. Look at the example
Good players arrived yesterday.
art. adj. her. vrb. adv.
You see, before you start to analyze it word for word from the beginning, and kn
ow where each of the elements of prayer, helping the underscore.
We begin the analysis.
The. The word "the" is an article and, as we know, the articles agree in gender
and number with the noun. To analyze it we must say that belongs to the family o
f determinants, which is an article, as well as gender and number. Good. The wor
d "good" answers the question "How are the players?", Ie it is an adjective. To
analyze it, we must say their gender and number. Later, we learn to say more abo
ut adjectives. Players. The word "players" answered the question of "who arrived
yesterday?", Ie it is a noun. Nouns may be common or specific to individual or
collective, concrete or abstract, and we must also indicate their gender and num
ber. Arrived. The word "came" in response to the question "what good players did
yesterday?", Ie it is a verb. The verbs should be analyzed as follows: infiniti
ve from which, conjugation, person, number, verb form and mood. Yesterday. The w
ord "yesterday" is an element that indicates a circumstance and therefore is an
adverb in this case of time.€The written analysis of the sentence would read: Th
e: a determinant - Article - male - plural good: adjective - masculine - plural
players: noun - common - individual - individual - male - plural arrived: verb -
infinitive: to arrive - 1st conjugation - 3rd person - plural - Present Perfect
Simple - Indicative. Thursday: adverb of time
Remember the following points to help you look better:
1) noun, adjective and determinant have the same gender and same number, ie have
matching. 2) the noun must say: noun - common or proper - individual or collect
ive - concrete or abstract gender and number. 3) The word must be said: verb - i
nfinitive to which it belongs - conjugation - person - number - verbally - mode
(indicative / subjunctive). Verbs have neither male nor female.
Remember also that, as we learn new content in the 5th and 6th grade, we will be
adding new things to morphological analysis of words, so you have to take these
notes as a starting point of all that you have left to learn.

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