Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
April 2002
City of Nanaimo Official Community Plan Policy Section of Reference Document was adopted as part of
the City of Nanaimo Official Community Plan on 2002-May-27 in Bylaw No. 6000.038
Amendments approved 2004-Dec-13 for Sections 3.2, 4.9.3, 4.9.4, 4.9.10, 5.1 and 5.2
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Table of Contents
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Introduction 1
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Introduction 2
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
The Downtown and Character Area boundaries are shown on the map below. The Plan builds on the
diversity in the Downtown by recognizing and reinforcing the strengths of each particular character area.
Twelve distinct areas have been defined with the boundaries based on historic, geographic, land use,
demographic and functional characteristics.
Introduction 3
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Introduction 4
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Introduction 5
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Context 6
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Context 7
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Context 8
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Context 9
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Context 10
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
finally, promote the Downtown as an important heritage buildings for residential use in early
community place that must be experienced by 2002.
residents and visitors, and business owners
and employees. With the completion of this Plan in the spring of
2002, work will begin on new Downtown zones
A vision identifying Downtown Nanaimo as a and design guidelines for each of the character
people-friendly unique heart of the city was areas for guiding development into the future.
confirmed by residents and work began on the
three strategies intended to assist in achieving
the vision:
develop the Downtown as an arts, culture
and entertainment centre;
increase the number of people living
Downtown; and
increase the number of people working
Context 11
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Many downtowns across the country have Also, businesses are promoting the Downtown
experienced boom and decline periods by combining efforts to advertise and promote
throughout their history. In many cases, Downtown businesses. These recent trends
decisions to locate malls on the edges of town are positive initiatives which should intensify
have contributed significantly to the failing the land use activity Downtown over time.
health of downtowns and the need to rethink
the downtown economic structure and its The issues identified as needing attention in
market niche. the Downtown are similar to many declining
downtowns. Parking is almost always cited as
Over the last 15 years, an economic decline a problem (too few spaces; payment required
occurred in Nanaimo’s Downtown as by user rather than shop owner as required at
businesses followed the residential market to mall locations). Safety is a concern to some
the north end of the city. Businesses were also since there are fewer people on the streets,
attracted to the larger regional market in the properties and streets often look dirty and
northern half of Vancouver Island. This market unkempt, and declining economies often result
shift was accompanied by a lengthy slumping in social issues such as loitering and
provincial economy. The perception of prostitution becoming more visible. Poor
Downtown as a decaying, unsafe environment signage increases the frustration of visitors
with nothing to offer was fanned by the lack of who have difficulty finding their way around.
attention focused on the Downtown as the The loss of necessary services to meet the
centre of the community. needs of the local population force Downtown
residents to go to other shopping areas and
Recently, considerable effort has been made the deteriorating business environment does
to return the focus to the Downtown with not encourage new businesses to move
municipal investments into a new theatre and Downtown.
library complex, a proposed convention centre
and the purchase of the CIBC building for a Despite trends of decline and issues
Centre of the Arts. Council has made discouraging Downtown activity, Downtown
additional capital dollars available for 2002. As Nanaimo has important opportunities unique to
well, public/private initiative have resulted in Downtown. It is well connected to
the upgrade of Wesley Street’s infrastructure transportation and communication linkages
and the creation of the Downtown Nanaimo with fibre optic cables in place, seaplane
Partnership. connections to Vancouver and a foot
passenger ferry to Vancouver expected in the
The revitalization effort has many near future. There is a wide variety of unique
organizations pooling their resources and shopping, dining, and arts and culture activities
providing quality events in the Downtown. within walking distance of each other. The
amphitheatre topography and siting on the
harbour gives Downtown Nanaimo an
Context 12
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Context 13
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
The new Downtown Concept Plan describes a The Plan is described in map form and its
Downtown that integrates the aspirations of the intentions are summarized under the following
many stakeholders and public who have seven directions.
contributed their ideas over the last several
years. This is an interpretation of the Vision for 1. Encourage living Downtown. Provide for
Downtown. the intensification of housing development
in many forms throughout Downtown. This
Downtown is the heart of the city and its will include locations for infill, townhouses,
region. It is also the place where the history of live/work accommodations and medium
Nanaimo began. The Bastion at the waterfront and high density apartments, including
symbolizes the beginnings of the city and also locations for high-rise towers. It also
provides the centre-piece and focal point of the includes creating livable environments for
Concept Plan. those various residential communities.
They will vary from quiet enclaves to infill
housing above stores in the heart of the
commercial and entertainment core. They
will vary from student housing and singles
to housing for families, and seniors.
Housing should be inclusive of all income
levels and strive to meet the special needs
of those populations identified in the
Housing Study, “Building Capacity: A
Housing Needs Assessment (1999)”.
4. Enhance the Enjoyment of the The Concept will take many years to come
Waterfront and the Natural to fruition and will take a great deal of
Environment. Orient new developments energy by many people to realize the
to the waterfront and the expansive views vision. It will require a variety of actions,
of the surrounding ocean and mountains. from negotiating and marketing, to
Preserve existing and create new public designing and building, and through
views of the ocean and mountains. monitoring and updating the policies that
Improve access to the waterfront and are driving it.
increase and improve pedestrian links
between the waterfront walkway and the
rest of Downtown especially the core
commercial areas.
development, arts, culture
and entertainment, housing
and community development
transportation systems
pedestrian and cycle move
Downtown Plan
municipal services, parks, op Boundary
space and recreation, historic
preservation, natural environment
urban design, character areas and neigh
economic development, arts , culture an
entertainment, housing and comm
development, transportation
1. Economic Development
2. Arts, Culture and Entertainment
3. Housing and Community Development
4. Transportation Systems (including
pedestrian and cycle movement)
5. Parks, Open Space and Recreation
6. Historic Preservation
7. Natural Environment
8. Urban Design
9. Character Areas (Neighbourhoods)
Emphasis is on encouraging the safe and efficient movement of vehicular traffic to, from and within
Downtown, while providing a safe, efficient and pleasant environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
4.4.5 Parking
Employee Parking
Policy 3 Place a higher priority on customer
Emphasis is on providing a sufficient supply of parking over employee parking.
convenient parking and to implement programs
and processes to make parking more attractive Action 1 Work towards reducing on-site
and easier for the customers of the Downtown parking needs through the promotion of other
shops, offices, restaurants, arts, cultural and practical and efficient travel modes.
entertainment facilities.
Residential Parking Requirements
Policies and Actions Policy 4 Maintain present residential
Downtown Parking parking requirements.
Policy 1 Ensure coordinated management
of Downtown parking. Action 1 Maintain reduced parking
requirements for residential development in the
Action 1 Provide efficient and effective Downtown to help foster redevelopment.
management of Downtown parking through
coordinated customer oriented information,
pricing and advertising programs.
Action 2 Include parking signage in an overall
signage study for Downtown.
By Rail
Policy 3 Encourage ongoing and improved
rail service to provide commuter and
tourism access to Downtown.
To ensure that the Downtown offers high
quality parks, open spaces and recreational
facilities to serve both the active and passive
recreational needs of residents, workers and
visitors, throughout the year.
Action 1 Develop public open space to The Downtown has a rich history. This can be
accommodate uses such as open air markets, seen particularly well in its unusual street
street vendors, sidewalk cafes, artwork and layout and in many older buildings of
exhibits. architectural and cultural interest. As well, the
changes that have been made to the natural
Park Safety topography by successive generations,
Policy 3 Ensure park safety and security for whether it is the filling of the ocean inlet to
residents and visitors. create Terminal Avenue, the numerous mining
shafts below, or the several remaining rock
Action 1 Ensure plans for new parks and for outcroppings, remain to be conserved in one
the redevelopment of existing parks follow way or another so that the Downtown of the
design guidelines for crime prevention. future has memories of the past.
To protect and manage the historic resources
in the Downtown area so as to enhance the
quality of the urban environment for the
cultural and economic benefit of existing and
future residents of the City of Nanaimo.
To enhance the quality of the natural
environment by taking steps to reduce
pollution, reduce energy consumption and
minimize waste production, protect the
remaining natural features, increase the stock
of urban vegetation and provide opportunities
to experience nature in the Downtown area.
Downtown is the core of the region and the The unique characteristics consist of these
focus of the community. It exhibits the historic elements:
beginnings of the city in its street configuration The waterfront setting with outstanding
and its numerous distinctive historic buildings easterly views.
and places. As well, the present shape of A natural amphitheatre – an amphitheatre
urban development has occurred in response formed by the Old City Area and a
to the unique topographical features which it succession of layers reaching from the Old
occupies. These features provide Nanaimo City Area to the top of Mount Benson.
with its uniqueness, its sense of time and its The topography of the raised centre of
basic attractiveness. Sound urban design Downtown contrasting with the valley
policies will ensure that as development formed by Terminal Avenue and the rest of
continues these features are respected and the vestiges of the historic ocean inlet.
enhanced while new urban forms provide for The various sized giant outcrops of rock
the future livability of the people who live, work occurring randomly around the Downtown
and visit Downtown. New developments area, some of which are already partially
should also have regard for view preservation, exploited to public advantage, such as the
the penetration of natural lighting to public and museum.
private spaces, weather protection, privacy The unusual street pattern formed by the
and safety, public art, attractive landscaped fan shaped roads of the Old City and the
public places, comfortable and convenient curving narrow roads in the centre of
accessibility, as well as creating an overall Downtown.
attractive image for Downtown in the future.
The urban design policies and actions set out in Section 4.9 apply to all areas of Downtown. However,
Downtown is characterized by a variety of geographic areas and spatial and functional experiences.
Some of them, like the commercial core, are readily identifiable and generally pleasant places. Others,
like Terminal Avenue, while presently having a less pleasant environment, have the potential through
future development of becoming especially attractive places with their own identifiable characteristics.
This section describes the way to draw out and strengthen the special characteristics of these different
areas. In so doing, future development will create a variety of distinct neighbourhoods thereby further
enriching the Downtown experience. Desired actions are identified for each area.
Tucked in the north west corner of the The central waterfront is one of the major
Downtown, this area is in transition. It is physical assets of Nanaimo. Over the years
separated from the rest of town by the river responsible authorities have established it as a
bordering its northern boundary and is well major public attraction based on a sequence of
linked to Downtown through the green walkways and open spaces with commercial
walkways along the river to the waterfront, and uses, all incorporated into a vital working port.
Comox Road. It also has a major future role The many activities and attractions of the area
situated at a major Gateway entry to will be further enhanced with the development
Downtown. However, further study is needed of the new convention facility on Front Street
before the land use, form and accessibility and extending over the waterfront walkway.
potential of the site are determined. Clearly the The whole of Downtown relates strongly to the
pedestrian linkage along the river, under the physical amenities of the waterfront and
Island Highway and connecting to the central developments next to the area should fully
waterfront will be a major component of future exploit and respect that relationship. While the
urban development as will the requirement that waterfront is a major public attraction, much
the development enhances this important can be done in the form of new and enhanced
intersection at the entry to Downtown. connections to other Downtown areas to
encourage and facilitate the extension of that
Action attractiveness to the core commercial areas.
Planning Study
Action 1 Undertake a study of the area to
determine planning guidelines for its future
development enhancing the pedestrian
connection through the greenway system
along the river and its Gateway location.
Waterfront/Downtown Relationship
Action 2 Develop design guidelines which
enhance and express a strong visual and
functional relationship between Downtown and
the Waterfront buildings and open spaces and
the design details of those elements.
Develop and Integrate with Terminal Avenue
A New High Density Residential Area
Action 1 Prepare new zoning and design
Action 1 Prepare new zoning and design
guidelines to encourage the development of
guidelines to accommodate a mix of low rise
the Chapel Front area as a high density mixed
housing and office development along Wallace
use urban neighbourhood incorporating well
Street and encourage the integration of sites
located high-rise apartment towers.
on the east side of Wallace Street with sites on
Terminal Avenue to create terraced forms of
development fronting Terminal Avenue.
Terminal as Greenway
Action 1 Prepare a design plan and
implementation strategy to convert Terminal
Avenue into an attractive urban greenway
environment and encourage medium rise,
terraced and mixed use developments along
its edges.
4.9.7 Core
Encourage Intensification while Retaining
Scale and Character
Action 1 Prepare zoning and design
guidelines to permit conversion and infill
development of a variety of uses while
ensuring that the scale and character of the
area is maintained and enhanced.
4.9.8 Fitzwilliam
Reinforce the Fitzwilliam Character
Action 1 Prepare design guidelines to
reinforce the emerging character of Fitzwilliam
as an old style shopping street flanked by
mixed, but mainly residential medium rise
street oriented uses, and serving as a major
entry way to Downtown.
Already established as an attractive mixed-use
area focused on an old style shopping street, A Streetscape Plan
the policy here is to encourage and strengthen Action 2 Prepare and implement a
this character with infill medium rise streetscape plan for Fitzwilliam Street as a
apartments and townhouses and the primary character area and entry way to
consolidation of the shopping street. Downtown.
Fitzwilliam also functions as a major entrance
way to Downtown and is the significant link
between Downtown and the old railway station
which has significant potential for future
commuter and tourist traffic serving the
Downtown area.
Comprehensive Vision for a New Community
Action 1 Encourage the owners of the
Harbour Park mall centre to develop their
lands for a major retail centre with an
integrated high density residential community.
Planning Study As the main entrance route from the south
Action 1 Prepare a concept plan and approaches Downtown it takes a sharp turn to
implementation strategy for this area when it is the west before proceeding along Terminal
apparent that it will undergo change. Avenue ravine. Here is another Gateway
opportunity to add to the enjoyment and
recognition of Downtown. This could be
expressed by locating significant Gateway
buildings on either side of the entry and by
creating a new major public urban square
framed by a new Harbour Park and the street
walls of the new Gateway buildings and the
crescent of Terminal Avenue.
Gateway to Downtown
Action 1 Develop Design Guidelines, zoning
and implementation strategies to encourage
the creation of a special Gateway experience
at this location.
New Zoning
Action 1 Amend the Zoning Bylaw to
accurately prescribe permitted land uses to
reflect the intentions of the Downtown Plan.
The Downtown Concept Plan and the Policies Design guidelines will also be prepared and
and Actions describe the intended densities made available to guide new developments.
and form of development for Downtown. Key These are not mandatory requirements but
to the future shape of Downtown are the Urban provide numerous design suggestions for
Design Policies and the description of each of those preparing or approving developments
the twelve character areas. Downtown. The designer has to use
judgement in balancing the guidelines against
The distinctiveness of the twelve character the particular site conditions of the actual site
areas will be derived from the regulations and where development is proposed.
guidelines which control the density and form
of new developments. Some of these Action
directions will be contained as mandatory New Zoning
regulations in the Zoning Bylaw with which Action 1 Amend the Zoning Bylaw to
new developments must conform. accurately prescribe permitted densities and
forms to reflect the intentions of the Downtown
Action 2 Adopt specific urban design
guidelines to reflect the intentions of the
Downtown Plan.
Plan Implementation 55
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
The Downtown Plan financing strategy is that: 4. many of the actions in the Downtown Plan
1. the City of Nanaimo designate funds from are currently on the Downtown Nanaimo
its Capital Budget Plan to implement the Partnership’s work plan. Those actions to
major projects, studies and programs be initiated by the Downtown Nanaimo
identified in the Downtown Plan. These Partnership but not on a work plan, will be
designated funds are currently available as discussed by the Partnership, prioritized
an operating contribution to the Downtown and an annual work plan developed to be
Nanaimo Partnership and capital funds approved by the Partnership under its
managed by Council for special projects existing operating budget. Related to the
Downtown. overall actions in the Downtown Plan,
those actions not to be initiated by the
Additional budgets for specific actions in Partnership may be discussed by the
the Plan where the City is the initiator Partnership and a recommendation
and/or takes the lead role, will be funded regarding implementation forwarded to the
from existing budgets where appropriate Downtown Centre Standing Committee for
and appear in the Five-year Financial Plan consideration.
or come before Council as a higher service
level request.
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Nanaimo Downtown Plan
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Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Plan Implementation 58
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Economic Development
An Economic Vision for Downtown
Policy 1 Action 1 Encourage investment and attract people, actively promote the Downtown. DNP DNP E
Action 5 Identify policies and actions that will encourage existing businesses and community DNP DNP E
services to remain in the core area.
Action 6 Continue to explore opportunities for incentives. City City
Action 7 Develop a market identification that advertises the Downtown as the heart of the DNP DNP E
Action 8 Remove unintentional policy barriers that may discourage investment. City DSD E
Quality Development
Policy 3 Action 1 Adopt land use regulations, guidelines and administrative processes that support quality City DSD E
development in the Downtown, encouraging flexibility and design innovation.
Concentration of Government Offices
Policy 4 Action 1 Actively market Downtown to both levels of government. DNP DNP E
Action 2 Work with Malaspina University College (MUC) to identify public/private partnerships DNP DNP E
Action 3 Encourage supportive services, programs and facilities for Downtown residents, staff DNP DNP/City E
and students.
Action 4 Coordinate with the convention centre and Downtown hotels, to promote regionally DNP DNP E
based educational opportunities.
Tourism Infrastructure
Policy 6 Action 1 In conjunction with Tourism Nanaimo prepare and implement a Downtown Tourism DNP/Tourism DNP/Tourism E
Plan Implementation 59
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Action 3 Develop programs to encourage artists, arts and cultural groups, and related DNP/Community DNP E
professionals to find working and living space in the Downtown. Groups
Action 2 Encourage private developers to incorporate public art into their projects. City DSD Cost of dev.
Action 4 Provide strong support in principle for Downtown (through letters of support) City City E
Plan Implementation 60
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Action 6 Explore options for funding and implementing improvements to the residential DNP/City Eng. N (City) or
environment through public improvements to streets, parks and open spaces. E/grant (DNP)
Action 7 Discuss Local Area Improvement cost share formulas and methods for implementation City Com.Pln./Finance E
where there is a Downtown community benefit and no adjacent property owners.
Downtown Residents
Policy 2 Action 1 Encourage a wide range of housing choice. DNP/City City Policy E
Action 2 Develop an action plan to address the housing needs of low income and special needs City Com.Pln./SPAC E
households in the Downtown.
Action 3 Consider the use of incentives to ensure opportunities for the development of DNP DSD N
affordable and special needs housing.
Community Development in the Downtown
Policy 3 Action 1 Establish a community development program in the Downtown. City Com.Pln./SPAC E
Action 3 Determine, in consultation with Downtown stakeholders, the need for new community City E
amenity space. Com.Pln./PRC/D
Policy 4 Action 1 Support the development of a crime prevention program. City/DNP City/DNP/RCMP E
Action 2 Maintain a Community Police Station in the Downtown and operate crime prevention City/Neigh. E
Assoc. RCMP/Com.Pln./
Neigh. Assoc.
Action 3 Ensure that all designs for residential buildings are reviewed using CEPTED. City DSD E
Plan Implementation 61
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Transportation Systems
Policy 1 Action 1 Develop a Downtown Transportation Plan. City Eng./Com.Pln. N
Pedestrian Emphasis
A Quality Pedestrian Environment
Policy 1 Action 1 Provide amenities for pedestrians throughout the Downtown, by implementing City DSD/DNP N
streetscape plans and design guidelines.
Action 2 Establish a policy and procedures whereby improvements to the pedestrian City Com.Pln./DSD/ E
environment are incorporated as a significant component in funding and implementing roadway Eng.
improvements in the Downtown.
Action 3 Encourage continuous weather protection on main pedestrian routes, especially on Dev. Dev. Cost of dev.
shopping streets.
Action 4 Improve and expand the pedestrian circulation network to link important destinations. City/Dev. PRC Cost of dev./N
Public Transit
Transit First
Policy 1 Action 1 Develop an easy-to-use Downtown transit route network that integrates with other DNP/RDN RDN E
transportation modes.
Action 2 Improve bus stops with better shelters and route information displays. DNP/RDN RDN E/N
Action 3 Develop options for and implement a shuttle bus to connect high traffic destinations in DNP/RDN RDN E
the Downtown.
Plan Implementation 62
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Road Network
Policy 1 Action 1 Review the hierarchy of roads to ensure that Downtown oriented traffic needs are met. City Eng.
Action 2 Provide a comprehensive signage system to clarify the road system and access to and City Eng./Com.Pln. E
within Downtown.
Action 3 Enhance the following major entry routes to Downtown: Fitzwilliam Street, Nicol Street, City Eng./Com.Pln. N
Terminal Avenue, Comox Road and Albert Street.
Plan Implementation 63
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Downtown Parking
Policy 1 Action 1 Provide efficient and effective management of Downtown parking. City Clerk’s E
Action 2 Include parking signage in an overall signage study for Downtown. City Com.Pln. E
Truck Routes
Truck Route Network
Policy 1 Action 1 Assess adequacy of the truck route network and its operations. City Eng. E
Action 2 Provide clear truck route information and signage. City Eng. E
By Water
Policy 2 Encourage the development of a passenger ferry connection to Downtown Vancouver. Port Auth./private Port Auth./private E/N
By Rail
Policy 3 Encourage the improvement of rail service to provide commuter and tourism access to VIA/Min. of Municipalities N
Downtown. Transp./Transport along rail corridor
Plan Implementation 64
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Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Historic Preservation
Encourage Preservation
Policy 1 Action 1 Develop programs providing financial and administrative support to promote the City NCHC/DSD E
rehabilitation and re-use of historic resources.
Promote the Benefits of Historic Preservation
Policy 2 Action 1 Provide information and advice to owners, developers, interest groups, individuals and City NCHC/DSD E
the media to foster a sense of ownership and pride in Downtown buildings and history.
Action 2 Maintain a communication program to promote the benefits of historic preservation. City NCHC/DSD E
Heritage Organizations
Policy 3 Action 1 Involve the local community in historic preservation activities. City NCHC/DSD E
Action 2 Provide advice and assistance to undertake rehabilitation initiatives. City DSD E
Natural Environment
A Greener Downtown
Policy 1 Action 1 Maintain and expand the quality and quantity of natural vegetation and trees. City/Dev. PRC/Property E/N
Stormwater Management
Policy 2 Action 1 Continue to employ best stormwater management practices. City Eng. E/N
Action 2 Initiate further study for additional approaches for dealing with stormwater. City Com.Pln. E/N
Plan Implementation 66
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Urban Design
An Attractive and Livable Downtown
Policy 1 Action 1 Prepare a specific urban design strategy for Downtown. City/DNP DSD E
Action 3 Provide guidelines for the design and integration of new developments. City DSD E
Action 4 Ensure that new developments incorporate human scale design principles. City DSD E
Action 5 Ensure that where a building fronts onto the street, it is designed to minimize blank City DSD E
Action 6 Ensure the design of a building complements its neighbouring structures to create a City DSD E
coordinated streetscape.
Action 7 Ensure that the design of any new development does not create adverse wind City DSD E
Action 8 Ensure that new developments allow sun penetration to streets and open spaces. City DSD E
Action 10 Ensure that the siting of new developments maintains and enhances existing views, City DSD E
vistas and visual corridors, and where possible, creates new ones.
Action 11 Locate artwork in prominent public spaces and encourage the inclusion of artworks City/DNP PRC E
and/ or performing arts programs in public and private developments.
Action 12 Provide a system of distinctive, clear and well designed public signs in the Downtown. City/DNP Com.Pln/PW E
Action 2 Identify and retain the special topographical features of Downtown Nanaimo. City DSD/Com.Pln. E
Action 3 Encourage the development of special buildings to distinguish the main entrances. City DSD N
Policy 3 Action 1 Develop a program of streetscape improvements for the main approach routes to City/DNP Com.Pln/Eng/ E/N
Downtown. DNP
Action 2 Strengthen the special identity of each Downtown character area. City DSD E
Action 3 Develop streetscape and urban design concepts and implementation strategies for City/DNP cost Com.Pln./DNP N/E
special streets. share
Action 4 Provide for high quality amenities and the visual interest of the pedestrian. City/DNP DSD/Eng. N
Action 6 Encourage activities like sidewalk cafes, open air markets, street vendors and year City/DNP DSD/Eng/DNP E/N
round programmed events on sidewalks and open spaces in commercial areas.
Plan Implementation 67
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Character Areas
Future Study Area 1
Planning Study
Action 1 Undertake a study of the area to determine planning guidelines for its future City Com.Pln. N
Waterfront Walkway
Action 1 Protect and enhance the waterfront walkway. City/Port Auth. CIty/Port Auth.
Linkages to Downtown
Action 3 Develop a strategy to create stronger more attractive and convenient pedestrian City/Port Auth. Com.Pln./PRC Pedestrian
linkages. Master Plan
North Gate
Gateway to Downtown
Action 1 Permit higher densities on these sites on condition that the buildings express the City DSD E
Gateway theme.
Chapel Front
A New High Density Residential Area
Action 1 Prepare new zoning and design guidelines. City DSD E
Develop and Integrate with Terminal Avenue Developments
Action 1 Prepare new zoning and design guidelines. City DSD E
Terminal Parkway
Terminal as Greenway
Action 1 Prepare a design plan and implementation strategy. City Com.Pln. N
Encourage Intensification while Retaining Scale and Character
Action 1 Prepare zoning and design guidelines to permit conversion and infill. City DSD E
Plan Implementation 68
Nanaimo Downtown Plan
Reinforce the Fitzwilliam Character
Action 1 Prepare design guidelines to reinforce the emerging character of Fitzwilliam as an old City DSD E
style shopping street flanked by mixed, but mainly residential medium rise street oriented uses,
and serving as a major entry way to Downtown.
A Streetscape Plan
Action 2 Prepare and implement a streetscape plan for Fitzwilliam Street as a primary character City PW E
area and entry way to Downtown.
Quennell Square
A New Mixed Use Neighbourhood
Action 1 Prepare a comprehensive phased plan for the development. City DSD N
Harbour Park
Comprehensive Vision for a New Community
Action 1 Encourage the owners of the Harbour Park mall centre to develop their lands for a major City/Property Property owner
retail centre with an integrated high density residential community. owner
South Gate
Gateway to Downtown
Action 1 Develop Design Guidelines, zoning and implementation strategies to encourage the City DSD E
creation of a special Gateway experience at this location.
Land Use
New Zoning
Action 1 Amend the Zoning Bylaw to accurately prescribe permitted land uses to reflect the City DSD E
intentions of the Downtown Plan.
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APPENDIX A - Downtown
APPENDIX B - Residential
Market Analysis
APPENDIX C - Indicators of