Group 7 Scope Statement

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Scope Statement


Sinatra Digital
Corporate Training
Evaluation &
Table of Contents

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................ 3

2. BUSINESS OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1. BUSINESS NEED/OPPORTUNITY/OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................... 4
2.2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. DELIVERABLES................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. STATEMENT OF WORK........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS........................................................................................................................ 5

4. HIGH-LEVEL WBS................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE...................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 MILESTONES.................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 WBS DICTIONARY........................................................................................................................................... 6

5. RISKS.................................................................................................................................................................... 7

6. PROJECT ESTIMATES......................................................................................................................................... 8
6.1. HIGH-LEVEL BUDGET........................................................................................................................................ 8
6.2. STAKEHOLDERS............................................................................................................................................... 8
6.3. PROJECT RESOURCES..................................................................................................................................... 8
7. AUTHORIZATION.................................................................................................................................................. 9
7.1. DOCUMENT VERSION....................................................................................................................................... 9


Sinatra Digital Corporation is a Canadian technology organization that currently has 2000

employees, which is double the amount since opening in 2010. The organization has rapidly

increased their employees due to the significant increase in sales. Sinatra Digital Corporation

mission statement is: To be the leader in the production of high quality digital music using our

employees expertise in innovation and technology for our customers worldwide. Furthermore,

the goal of the organization is to improve productivity and profitability by creating advanced

products and providing excellent customer service.

The purpose of the training project is to reinforce and teach all the employees the dynamics

of the organization and the competencies that are relevant to their position. The training will be

completed through both e-learning and in a classroom settings. This training of employees will

allow the company to stay competitive and continue to increase sales and productivity.


2.1. Business Need/Opportunity/Objectives

Recently, an analysis of Sinatra Digital Corporation was completed to determine the

critical behaviours that certain employees were performing to contribute to the success of

the organization. The CEO of the organization has determined that due to the rapid

increase of employees the mission and vision of the company needs to be reinforced in

order to ensure that the company remains competitive. A training program has been

developed to assist all the employees in understanding the dynamics of the organization,

the skills relevant to their positions and how to effectively communicate. Furthermore, the

training program will train the management team on the competencies of team orientation,

customer focus, and innovation. The non-management will be trained on the competencies

of adaptability and technical expertise.

2.2. Product Description

The initial goal for this project is to analyse, implement, and evaluate the training processes

which will increase competencies among employees at Sinatra Digital Corporation. Strategic

vision and missions of the organization must be enforced, developed, and realized in order to

maintain the projected growth targets for the corporation. The proposed solution for maintaining

the growth trajectory while adhering to company vision is to implement a combination of E-

Learning and In-House training to develop existing staff and further the potential within each

branch of the company.

The main business goal is to adhere to company policy and vision without losing out on the

projected growth targets for Sinatra Digital. The combination style training will compliment

business goals because this training style allows for employees to rotate between working and

training, ensuring that there is always someone available to provide the customer service

standards that are so integral to the company, and which have attributed greatly to its rapid growth

and development.

The training milestones proposed in this report will allow employees every opportunity to

help the company meet business goals. The training style focusses heavily on information follow-

up analysis, which allows employees to practise the knowledge they retain and test their skills.

Personal development ensues, which will drive employees to better themselves on the next round

of follow-up quizzes, and generate the innovation and adaptability that are so integral to Digital


The benefits of conducting this project, as outlined in this report, include the successful

implementation of the training program developed within. The project will outline the most

successful strategytailored to Digital Sinatrawhich will have the greatest return on investment.

Training that is company-specific will ensure that all original goals and visions are realized to their

full potential. The training style developed in this project will allow for normal company

functionality to be maintained while employees develop and foster the integral skills necessary to

push Digital Sinatra even further into its growth bracket.

The successful completion of this project will also allow for further projects to be conducted.

Upon completion, this project will provide a data reference on successful training techniques,

procedures, and costs analysis that can be used as references or templates for future

development projects.

2.3. Deliverables
All employees will understand the corporate vision, strategies and goals of Sinatra Digital

Corporation, therefore more capable of working ergonomically towards their communal goals.

There will be affective companywide communication that keeps all departments up to date using

the companys intranet system.

Managers will approach their employees and tasks with a team oriented mindset that will

encourage dynamic problem solving.

Managers first priority will be customers and ensuring that all customers receive the

highest level of customer service in all their interactions.

Non-managers will be prepared to adapt to rapid change in their industry and within Sinatra

Digital Corporation.

All non-management staff will be able to confidently employ Microsoft Excel at an expert level.


3.1. Background
Sinatra Digital Corporation is a Toronto based tech company that specializes in digital music.

Founded in 2010, by Diana Sinatra, the CEO, the company has experienced rapid growth over the

last seven years, doubling in size. There are now offices in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa.

Because of the companys rapid growth, and large increase in staff, Ms. Sinatra is now concerned

about ensuring that all employees are properly trained on the corporate mission and vision to

ensure that positive growth continues and is in line with the companys values.

3.2. Technical description

The training plan for Sinatra Digital will focus on an online and in class training

simulation, which is aimed at developing the core skills and characteristics among existing

employees detailed as integral to company development by the CEO. From conception to

completion, the project timeline runs January 23, 2017 to December 20, 2017, allowing

time for employees to practice and utilize their newly acquired skills in the workplace before

final follow-up testing occurs.

Tier 1 training and quiz follow-ups staggered on dates throughout 2017 allow for

employees to practice the skills they are being exposed to in the simulations. Each

department and location will rotate training schedules to allow the company to maintain the

core customer service basis which has made it so profitable.

E-learning simulations and online testing will occur at company facilities during

regular working hours, no at home training will be required of employees unless voluntary.

Simulations will be led by supervisors or managers of each department and respective

location. Quiz analysis and scoring will be conducted by the company Human Resource

department, with supervisors and managers being included in the evaluation to oversee

areas that have opportunity for improvement. The final presentation of results, which will

be submitted to the CEO for evaluation, will occur on the project completion date, following

a final assessment of employees who have undergone training to gage effectiveness,

highlight areas for improvement, and provide cost analysis.

3.3. Limitations and constraints

Some of the possible limitations and constraints include the existing knowledge of the

employees coming into the program which may skew the test results or hinder engagement in

the program, any unanticipated questions that come up during the training program which

may not yet have an answer, possible absences and tardiness from those involved in the

program (employees, trainers, etc.), and not selecting the absolute best program due to

budget constraints.

The work breakdown structure for the proposed project is as follows in the detailed WBS
chart. Key milestones are listed and available in section 4.2.

4.1. Work Breakdown Structure


5. Analyze
1. Initiate 3. Implement 4. Monitor
2. Plan Training Training
Program Training Training

1.1 ABC
2.1 Identify 3.1 Set training 4.1 Computer 5.1 Review
Training Areas schedule based quizzes quiz results
Firm Analysis

3.2 Review 5.3 Add results

1.2 Select 2.2 Identify 4.2 Feedback
schedule with to employee
group roles Training Tiers on quiz results
Sinatra records

2.3 Develop 3.3 Begin 4.3 Review 5.2 Present

1.3 Develop results to
web based computer based areas with
Group Rules Sinatra
learning learning lower results

2.4 Develop 3.4 Use 4.4 Retest to

web based activities to aid ensure
activities learning understanding

4.2. Milestones
Date Milestone Description
January 23, 2017 Planning Starts Roles developed, scope statement initiated
February 5, 2017 Gantt Chart Chart initiated and developed
Training All online learning programs completed and ready
March 31, 2017
Development Ends to be used for Sinatra employee learning
Test runs of the learning systems, activities and
April 1-30, 2017 Trial Runs
Tier 1 training begins for all employees, staggered
to leave some workers available to work at any
Employee Training
May 1, 2017 given time. Employees complete the e-learning as
Begins Ottawa
their department time constraints allow, given 2
weeks to complete
Tier 1 Testing All employees have one week to complete online
May 15, 2017
Ottawa testing to gauge learning levels
Individuals have quiz scores analyzed, those who
Quizzes Analyzed
May 19, 2017 meet the threshold for success are done with Tier 1
Tier 1 training begins for all employees, staggered
to leave some workers available to work at any
Employee Training
June 5, 2017 given time. Employees complete the e-learning as
Begins Montreal
their department time constraints allow, given 2
weeks to complete
Tier 1 Testing All employees have one week to complete online
June 19, 2017
Montreal testing to gauge learning levels
Individuals have quiz scores analyzed, those who
Quizzes Analyzed
June 23, 2017 meet the threshold for success are done with Tier 1
Tier 1 training begins for all employees, staggered
to leave some workers available to work at any
Employee Training
July 3, 2017 given time. Employees complete the e-learning as
Begins Toronto
their department time constraints allow, given 2
weeks to complete
Tier 1 Testing All employees have one week to complete online
July 14, 2017
Toronto testing to gauge learning levels
Individuals have quiz scores analyzed, those who
Quizzes Analyzed
July 17, 2017 meet the threshold for success are done with Tier 1
Tier 1 Training
July 28, 2017 Companywide tier one training complete
Tier 2 Training
August 2, 2017 At all sites, tier 2 employees begin online training
All tier 2 employees have one week to compete
August 21, 2017 Tier 2 Testing Begins
testing on second set of learned competencies
August 28, 207 Quizzes Analyzed All tier 2 quizzes analyzed
September 5, Tier 3 Training
At all sites, tier 3 employees begin online training
2017 Begins
September 18, All tier 3 employees have one week to compete
Tier 3 Testing Begins
2017 testing on second set of learned competencies
September 25,
Quizzes Analyzed All tier 2 quizzes analyzed
October 2, 2017 Extra Training All tiers, all sites, any employee who did not
succeed on quizzes in training will complete

another round of training during October
Testing for any employees who completed extra
October 30, 2017 Final Testing
Testing employees to ensure training has been
November 2017 Follow up Testing successful, begin a final report on the success of
December 15, Final Result Finished results analysis of all results reported to
2017 Presentation CEO of Sinatra
December 20,
Project Completion

4.3. WBS Dictionary

Risk Mitigation Plan Name (Who is responsible)
Lack of engagement from the To ensure that the training Jilliane, Quality Manager
employees throughout the program is interactive in order
training. to engage the employees and
monitor their retention to
confirm that they are learning
by testing their knowledge. The
trainers should also be
selected carefully and highly
experienced at delivering
similar programs.
Spending more than the Start by deducting the cost of Paige, Cost Manager
budget allows. paying the employees,
trainers, and necessary
supplies, then, using a cost-
benefit analysis, find the best
training program for the
remainder of money that we
have been granted to spend.
Not having enough time to Performing test runs of the Jaclyn, Time Manager
deliver the entire program and training program to gauge how
meet all anticipated deadlines. long it is expected to run prior
to releasing the program and
leaving adequate time for
questions which can be cut
short if need be and/or
answered at another time.
Missing or defective resources. Prior to training, all computers Kristine, Procurement Manager
must be checked to verify that
they are able to run the
program smoothly, we should
have enough for all the
employees being trained plus
extra resources (computers,
writing utensils, paper) in case
of any malfunctions or property
Ineffective testing procedures. During the test run of the Jilliane, Quality Manager
Tests must be reliable and program we will have a
valid. They should be able to randomly selected group which
measure the variable(s) that sits in on the program and a
we are interested in, notably control group which does not.
the knowledge acquired from We will have both groups take

this program. the same test to verify that the
training program has facilitated


6.1. High-level budget

Understanding the corporate vision, strategies and goals: $45 000

Company intranet system: $20 000

Team oriented mindset training: $12 000

Customer Service Training: $12 000

Microsoft Training, Programs, and Practice: $20 000

6.2. Stakeholders
Name Role
Diana Sinatra, CEO Project Sponsor
Kenna Richardson Project Manager
Risk Manager Amber Lang
Time Management Jaclyn Payne
Cost Management Paige Meloche
Quality Management Jillaine Lupetina

6.3. Project Resources

Name Role
Senior Managers In charge of overseeing tier three training.
Project manager Oversee entire training program to ensure

Equipment Reason
Computer To use for training
Pens/Pencils To use in case computers malfunction
Whiteboards To use to teach


Authorized by: Diana Sinatra

Date: January 27th 2017

Signature: ____________________________________________

6.4. Document Version

Ver # Date Name Description
1.0 January Amber Creation
2.0 January Paige Update
3.0 January Kristine Update
4.0 January Dianna Update
5.0 January Kenna Update/Complete

Prepared by:

Tel. No: Cell:

Email ID:


McMurrey, D. (n.d.). Technical Description. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

5 Killer Examples of How to Write Product Descriptions. (2016, May 10). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from


What is cost estimate? definition and meaning. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

(n.d.). Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from


Larson, E. A. (n.d.). 10 Steps to Creating a Project Plan. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from


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