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The key takeaways are that the Masters Boxing Division has grown significantly in members participating in the Ringside World Championships in Kansas City and the editor's goal is to help the division grow and give boxers a platform to tell their stories.

The Masters Boxing Division is for older boxers to continue competing and it has grown larger than expected at tournaments. The goal of the editor is to help the division grow and give boxers a platform to be recognized and tell their stories.

The magazine and website cover the Ringside World Championships tournament featuring close to 100 Master Boxers, interviews with boxers, photo shoots, and more about boxers' stories and training.



MASTERS editorial


The Masters Boxing Division has grown in
numbers that no one expected and has become
a main show at the Ringside World Champion-
ships in Kansas City. This year there will be
close to 100 Master Boxers participating at the

My goal from day one has been to help the divi-

sion grow and give these great athletes a plat-
form to be recognized and to be able to tell their
story. The fact that we are able to create this
Magazine and also the attention the website has
EDITORIAL received has truly been a blessing. It is an honor
Editor Manny Fernandez to meet and get to know each and everyone one
[email protected] of you Master Boxers.

Art Director Manny Fernandez I want to personally thank Mr. John Brown and
Mr. Dave Lubs of Ringside. Their support and
[email protected]
knowledge of the Masters Division has been in-
credible. They truly are gentlemen who love the
ADVERTISING sport of boxing and do all they can to support it
Advertising Manager Manny Fernandez with actions.
[email protected]
In the near future I am working on a winter
contact Manny at (818) 610-9202
camp for Masters that will have some of the
top trainers sharing their knowledge and help
PHOTOGRAPHY sharpen ones skills. Im working with some of
Head of Photography Manny Fernandez USA Boxing officials to come and go over the
USA Boxing rules. I know there is a lot of ques-
[email protected]
tions out there, we want to make sure you are
all getting the right information.
Contributors Peter Wallburg Studios I hope you all enjoy the Magazine, the website
and most of all, the Masters Boxing. You are
the people that have made this possible and I
Bergeron Studio & Gallery
am truly grateful for all the support I have re- ceived. Ive spent a lot of time organizing inter-
views, photo shoots, designs and more. I got to
Andre Dantzler say, it has all been worth it and look forward to
[email protected] interviewing more of you and getting to know
you. One thing I learned about what you all
represent. You are what boxing should be all
Aaron Hogan about. Its not about money or fame, it is about
(225) 772-4051 the sport and the challenges it brings inside that
squared circle. From the physical challenges of
training to the mental challenges of doing your
ADDRESS best even when you are agents the ropes. Thank
Masters Boxing Magazine you for letting me be a part of it.
19755 Napa St.
Canoga Park, CA. 91306 Manny Fernandez

The Big Dream 08 The Road Warrior 15

Chris Reinke Wins The Title John Disterdick Staying Fit 4 Life

The Gentlemans Journey 10 The Showman 20

The Gerry Cooney Story Ron Guidry The Master Showman


J ust wondering what motivates you
guys? What drives you? knockout1969
Mon, Tues, Thurs (sometimes Sat) Boxing - technique,
drills, sparring.

Romanwild: For me its the most satisfying sport. I rest when I feel I hit a wall then take off again but I
Win or lose. can testify that it works. I was 258 in January and in
a cast from a spiral fracture...Got out of the cast at the
The competition itself is very intense. Very challeng- end of January and began light training in Feb. Today,
ing. Very primal and basic to human nature imo. It June 4, I am 239lbs with some muscle gain and I am
takes guts and courage and confidence. shooting for 215 to 220lb.

The training is also very intense. Preparing for battle is Sat night -beer or sometimes a nice red wine and a
harder then the battle itself. When you get done with a thick juicy steak.
training session you know you have done something.
Something that most at a normal gym can not say. Sunday.....ahhhh lazy day.

Boxing gives me so much in the form of physical and This quote seemed to apply: The fight is won or
mental benefits that I truly love it and want to share lost far away from witnesses behind the
it with others so they can feel good too. That being
lines, in the gym and out there on the road,
said its not for everyone but there are many that do
not realize that this sport is their sport until being long before I dance under those lights. Mu-
hammad Ali
properly introduced to it.
Romanwild: 3-4 days at the gym for skill training and
Puffy1: Ive always thought boxing was truth. So pure conditioning. 3 mornings a week for roadwork. 2 days
in that you will be find out if you shortcut your workouts,
a week for strength training.
true in that if you prepare properly the punches and the
movement will be as you wish it to be, as you have prac-
ticed them to be. The wind will be there, you will be able
to fend off your opponents assault. And if your opponent
has been true it will be a contest like no other, where when
you are done you can shake each others hands like men
knowing you gave everything and the truth won.

How many days a week does everyone

workout? knockout1969
boomboom: Six mornings at the gym:

Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri - Weights with aerobic car-

dio for 45min. Wed & Sat - Core and traps plus hard
70/30 anaerobic cardio (round simulation exercises)
for 30min/15min areobic.

Three evenings per week at the Boxing CLub:


oxings unlikely to ever be what it was in its heyday too The torchbearer has to have it in his blood.
much extreme-sport competition. Dave Mirras this eras
Ray Robinson. I ran across that guy by chance one afternoon with my videog-
rapher, Jim Edwards, killing time before shooting some sparring
Nothings forever: the dinosaurs learned that. The writings been and interviews at the La Brea Gym in Los Angeles.
on the wall for decades. But boxing hangs in like a fighter on the
ropes. He was about 40, sweating against the far wall, sandwiched be-
tween two others, drumming on a speed bag. He continued hit-
All the P.T. Barnums have razzle-dazzledem to lure the gym ting the bag, answering how he felt about boxing. The impact of
rats back: Ring walks to rival Caesars entrance, more fireworks what he said -- how he said it -- didnt strike me until I saw the
than a Great White concert, pole dancers shimmying round cards, footage in the editing room.
fighters costumed for Mardi Gras, cornermen in paintball camo,
and the Star Spangled Banner tortured beyond recognition, but It was mesmerizing as many times as I viewed it. He was the
still boxing gets shunted aside by the X-Games and badminton. embodiment of what it means to be a boxing fan. His spirit
More and more The Sweet Science is a Victrola in an MP3 age. not lasers and smoke -- will keep the sport alive. Watching him
search for words adequate enough to express the depth of his
feeling for the sport, the life lessons, the discipline, the sacrifices,
and the men who proved themselves

all to the drumfire of the bag -- was as iconic as Ali standing

over Liston.

He flubbed some boxers names, to be sure, but theres no

mistaking where his heart is, and he couldnt have said it more
He agreed to let me show this. (didnt get his name; it was so
spur of the moment, and Ive not seen him since) I hope some-
one brings it to his attention.

So, for all of you that get chills at LETS GET READY TO
view the video at:

Joe Rein trained at Stillmans Gym in New York in

the late 1940s and 50s. He fought at the University
of Miami, for Angelo Dundees 5th St. Gym, and in
the U.S. Army. In the 70s and 80s, he sponsored
an amateur team with trainer Tommy Gallagher that
won New York Golden Gloves championships. Rein
is a 2005 CJ Award winner for the best in boxing
Promoters dont get it. Its not about the glitz to glue the lost journalism, a member of the Boxing Writers As-
generation to the TV. Thats only an adrenaline rush. The candle sociation of America and has an essay in the book
burns the brightest just before it goes out. Shadow Boxers, and stories in Bouncers. Hes
Like the little ol lady demanded in the hamburger commercial: written for FightNews, Eastside Boxing, Irish Box-
Wheres the beef?
ing, The Sweet Science and CyberBoxingZone. In
Boxing survives and always will -- because its values are as old 2003, he became the Executive Editor of FightBeat.
school as black-n-white trunks: character and pain -- as heroic com. Rein is a TV commercial producer and teaches
as a man taking care of his family just not too sexy. at UCLA.


by Steve Fantina


44-year old world boxing champion with a female trainer? amateur fight has turned into eight along with a world champion-
At first glance it sounds like some Hollywood concoction ship.
that quickly wound up in the discount DVD rack where it
belonged. Yet upon closer scrutiny, it summarizes the true story The relentless training was necessary to prepare for the Ringside
of Chris Reinke a married father and fire captain who embarked competition. Unlike big-name professional boxers who might
on a rather unusual mid-life odyssey and found tremendous suc- have one or two bouts a year, At ringside masters tournament,
cess. As a young all-round athlete he had pondered donning box- Chris had fights on three consecutive nights.
ing gloves, but as he explained in Michigan everybody played ice
hockey; boxing was a spectator sport, so he put away his dream His first night match-up pit Reinke against a young inexperienced
of winning a world titleat least for a few decades. fighter with a lot of heart. Reinke won handily with a second round
stoppage. The second night he faced David Cruz from Texas, who
Last summer at the Ringside Championship in (RWC), Reinke at the age of 36 was nearly ten years Reinkes junior. Cruz was
won a world championship title. In this day of the alphabet soup skilled and powerful and Reinke recalled a very challenging first
boxing organizations a title in and off itself is not as impressive as round that left the future champion with a bloodied nose. Halfway
it once was. However Reinkes win is truly awe-inspiring because through the second round Cruz was disqualified on a technicali-
the 44-year old amateur had only been boxing for about three years tyhitting after a break, giving Reinke the fight, but the champ
at the time of his victory. Reinke has described his boxing journey admits that final round would have been a beauty. I would like to
in pretty simple but accurate terms: Dream big, work hard, be fight him again someday.
grateful and good things will happen in any aspect of your life.

Dream big, work hard, be grateful and good things will happen in any as-
pect of your life. Chris Reinke

some thought I was crazy,

Although, he began boxing later than most pugilists, his training
regimen is no less rigorous than fighters half his age. He regularly
trains 5 or 6 days a week and says that his routine includes a
variety of bag work, hand pads, footwork, sparring and standard
conditioning. Additionally, he runs 2-3 miles a day. This standard
training intensifies in the five or six weeks before a fight. And as Now with a world champion title under his belt, what is next for
if this story wasnt improbable enough, throw in the added wrinkle Chris Reinke the 44-year old husband and father andyes--avid
of Reinkes female trainer Rachel Schley. Despite any stereotypes, boxer. Despite the middle-aged victory, the champ is not ready to
she navigated him to the championship belt so they are obviously rest on his laurels. Chris readily admitted I would like to defend
doing something right. my title once or twice at Ringside if I stay healthy, keep improving
and the passion is still there. And hastily adds so far, so good.
Reinke was aware that commencing a boxing career after turn- Another goal for the champ is to play a part in furthering mas-
ing forty would raise some eyebrows and originally kept his new ters boxing. Even many fans of the Sweet Science are probably
avocation concealed. I didnt want it to be viewed as a novelty, a unfamiliar with the Masters Division. He lauded the unheralded
wild hair, a mid life crisis, he said, but eventually let his family efforts of Manny Fernandez, who has created both website and the
and friends in on his adventure. Although he readily admits some magazine. Chris commended
thought I was crazy, after some initial reluctance his wife and
children were very supportive. After his wife first viewed a spar- Manny has done tremendous things for our sport in regards to
ring match, she encouragingly commented, you certainly dont exposure and really getting the word out. With inspiring tales of
look out of place and if this is what you want to do, go for it. Her admirable athletes like Chris Reinke the masters division is sure to
imprimatur only furthered Reinkes ambition and as he said one grow exponentially in the coming years.
he hunger for fortune and fistic fame has always been the
driving force for boxing hopefuls. Determination and
the will to win have captivated fans since the Marquis of
Queensbury. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat mirror
our own fight for a better life.

People pay good money to see a boxing match, because life is

a fight, explains former heavyweight contender, Gentleman
Gerry Cooney. We can all relate to that. Cooney was mowing
everyone down in the 1980s. His accessibility and good humor
made him a fan favorite.

I think people could relate to me, you know the underdog. It was
like the Rocky movie, only this was real.

His is The Gentlemans Journey, a road less traveled to a historic


He grew up in Huntington, NY, a tough, Irish Catholic neighbor-

hood. His father, Arthur Cooney, who ruled the household with an
iron fist, controlled much of his childhood. My father was a tough
guy and he always wanted to be a fighter. Unfortunately, he never
could be, so he kind of built a ring in the backyard. He used to box

I think people could relate to me, you know the under-
dog. It was like the Rocky movie, only this was real.
with us himself. My father hit me probably the hardest Ive ever his family. After things got straightened out, I realized I needed
been hit. to start looking for ways to make money. It became evident that
boxing was his best chance.
Gerry was introduced to the sweet science at 15 in a town not

known for boxing or its history. The lanky 64 160-pounder be-
came the New York Golden Gloves Middleweight Champion at
16. Boxing was a way for me to express the anger I felt from the
house I grew up in, Gerry continued. It made me somebody, it
fed me and it kept me alive. With a decorated amateur career, Gerry began receiving offers
from would-be managers to turn pro, finally signing with Dennis
The buzz was instant. Gerry would often see his picture splashed Rappaport and Mike Jones, two real estate moguls whose inter-
across local sports pages. est was money and how fast they could make it. They introduced
Gerry to trainer Victor Valle Sr. It was love at first sight, and Team
Inspired by the newly found attention, Gerry successfully repre- Cooney was formed.
sented the United States in international competition and won a
second N.Y. Golden Gloves title, moving up to heavyweight. Guided by Victor Valle, Gerry quickly established himself as a
force in the heavyweight division. He was undefeated in his first
He received an invitation to the 1976 Olympic trials by Col. Don- 24 fights, 21 ending in knockouts. Though skeptics questioned his
ald Hull, President of the AIBA (Amateur International Boxing opposition, A determined Gerry announced himself to the world in
Association), only to have tragedy strike two days into the compe- his next bout. Taking what many experts considered a risk, Gerry
tition. Gerrys father passed away, losing his battle with cancer. was matched with the former Heavyweight Champion, Ken Nor-
ton. The same Ken Norton that took Larry Holmes the distance,
Boxing was no longer important; his only concern was being with and lost a split decision to him three years earlier.


It was May 10th, 1981, in Madison Square Garden, the Mecca of
boxing, Cooney faced his toughest challenge yetso it seemed.

I figured this guy is built like a monster; Im in trouble, Gerry

recalled. I get in to the center of the ring and I think to myself,
hes not that big.

Gerry quickly jumped on Norton and landed a right that sent him
to the corner. With a barrage of left and right hooks, he finished
Norton in 54 seconds of the first round. Many consider this one of
the most brutal knockouts in boxing history.

Winning over the critics and solidifying himself as the number one
contender to Holmes title, a showdown with the Easton Assas-
sin was a lock.

Anticipation grew, but negotiations and Holmes mandatory de-

fenses delayed the fight for over a year. This left Gerry inactive
during that time. He had one fight in 18 months -- 54 seconds of

You learn every time you get into the ring; it keeps you sharp.
I should have had a few more bouts before the Holmes fight. I
couldnt get the fights because if I signed to fight one of Kings
guys, I would be signed to him. I chose not to do that. In hindsight,
that might have been a mistake Gerry explained.

The blockbuster bout was finally signed and set for June 11, 1982.
The public embraced Gerrys soft-spoken, easy-going manner. He
graced the cover of Time Magazine with Sylvester Stallone, fur-
ther likening him to the ROCKY hero.

He hurt me with a left hook to

the body at the end of the fourth
round; I leaned on the ropes.
Thank god the bell went ding,
Larry Homes
Holmes recalls, It hurt because everyone was talking about Gerry, tioned if he still had enough for the young challenger.
I was the Champion; I felt disrespected. Promoter Don King only
added fuel to the fire, labeling Gerry The Great White Hope., sink- The speculation and racial furor made it one of the biggest draws
ing the promotion into a black-white war. An infuriated Holmes ever. The fight took place in Caesars Palace, in front of a sold out
said, If it wasnt for the black and white thing, Gerry Cooney crowd of 33,000, with millions more watching on pay per view
wouldnt be up here talking about multi million dollars. TV.

I never thought about the white hope thing, it was just never a part Both fighters started tentatively, neither landing a significant punch
of me, said Gerry. I was knocking everybody out. I deserved a in the first round. In the middle of the second. Holmes landed a
shot at the title and I never thought about that. stiff jab, followed by an overhand right that sent Gerry stumbling
to the canvas. The challenger got to his feet, making it through the
Even though promoters hyped the black vs. white issue, the real round.
intrigue was the classic boxer-puncher match-up: Cooney, the
young, devastating left-hooker; Holmes, the wily, ring general. In the third and fourth, Gerry pressed forward, landing some of his
signature left hooks, jarring Holmes. He hurt me with a left hook
Little was known about Gerrys chin or stamina. He hadnt taken to the body at the end of the fourth round; I leaned on the ropes.
a hard shot or gone past the eighth round. Holmes, 33, going in to Thank god the bell went ding, said Holmes.
the bout, had tasted the canvas twice during his reign. Some ques-


The fight stayed close and competitive. Gerry lost two points in the
ninth and one more in the eleventh for low blows.

In the twelfth round, I said to myself, you know, I really cant

win. I started to lose hope. I just wanted to show him: Look, you
cant hurt me, man.

In the fading seconds of the thirteenth round, Holmes landed a

barrage of headshots that made Victor Valle throw in the towel.
He stepped into the ring, hugged Cooney, saying, Thats enough,
son, thats enough.

The fight lived up to expectations, both men leaving everything

in the ring. Gerry fought valiantly that night, but still was disap-
pointed and despondent.

He kept apologizing to the fans, haunted his childhood. Listen, I

grew up in a household where I learned five things from my old
man, you want to know what they are? Youre no good, youre a
failure, youre not going to amount to anything, trust nobody and
dont tell anyone your business. When I lost to Larry Holmes in
82, I felt all five of those things smack me right across the face. I
had to deal with them.

Feeling lost and depressed, he began to drink heavily. He fought

only five times in the next eight years. Being insecure, not know-
ing what he wanted out of life, he questioned the people around
him. He hit rock bottom before realizing he needed help. It took
another shot at the title to set him straight.

In 1987, Gerry faced Michael Spinks for the Heavyweight title.

I stepped into the ring with Spinks very, very mixed up, and not
believing that the fight was ever going to take place and not taking
care of myself, and the fight showed it that night, that I really kinda
fell apart. At that point, it helped me turn a page in my life and real- he didnt win, it helped him close the door on this chapter of his
ize that I got to find some different choices. life.

Realizing when its time to hang up the gloves is something most

Gerry took on the challenge life gave him and began to fight back.
Facing his problems head on, Gerry knocked out his alcohol ad- ers struggle with. Boxing is their livelihood the only thing they
diction and depression. Though no longer fighting, he stayed close know -- and arent prepared for life after the limelight
to the sweet science as a promoter. I did some Camacho bouts. I
co-promoted Duran/Leonard III. I promoted some of Foremans There are countless stories of former boxers who have ended up in
fights. the street, with no future or addicted to drugs and alcohol, because
they had no where to turn. The sport produces billions of dollars a
In 1990, Foreman approached Gerry, planting the seed for what year, but the moneymakers the fighters- usually have nothing to
became The Preacher vs. The Puncher. At first, Gerry was hesitant, show for it after their careers are over.
thinking of the years he abused his body, drinking, partying. The
more he thought about it, the more he believed he could beat Fore- When Mike Tyson was fined three million by the Las Vegas Ath-
man, and took the fight. letic Commission, the money was used to pave Vegas streets, not
giving a helping hand to the fighters, who need it most.
I got myself in shape, and going in to the fight, I thought, `Im
gonna take him out. I almost did, but thats what hurt me. Once I Motivated, Cooney started a non-profit foundation called Fighters
hurt him, I thought I could take him. My Irish took over and I Institute for Support and Training (FIST). I wanted to help fight-
got caught with a shot. My timing was off, but that helped me to ers in need.
realize that now I have to move on.
The fight answered questions for him. He was excited by the chal- FIST has programs to help with aptitude tests to find where a mans
lenge, got in shape, and was in a good state of mind. Even though continued on page 26


Ringside World Championships | Senior Olympics | Triathlon | Cycling | Rowing | Weight Lifting



I grew up being the youngest and least athletic,

so I was the last one picked for most everything
- Now as a multi-sport athlete hes the number one pick!
ON THE ROPES His father was six-foot-six -- an imposing, denigrating
presence and John grew up with zero self esteem
and was afraid of being hurt in sports.

But, by 17, he could endure it no longer when he

headed off to Purdue University, never to allow him-
self to be picked on or intimidated again.

He tried out for freshman football as a walk-on, but

didnt measure-up. There where so many huge play-
ers, and I was still skinny and tall. I had played a little
end trying out, but just the pure size of these guys and
how hard they where hitting, I just realized this is go-
ing to be a disaster.

But he was tenacious, and in spite of never having

competed in swimming, he managed to make the team
and become cocaptain by his senior year. That was
my big jump into the sports world.

He was hooked! The adrenalin rush when his name

was announced, the butterflies before a meet, the trav-
eling, and the ultimate, winning. He never wanted it

Theres always that frustration when youre

a young kid and you want to be a part of the
J group and youre not picked ... John Disterdick
ohn Disterdick, an athletic 65-year-old former
paratrooper and triathlete, will not go quietly into
the good night. Hes a fierce Road Warrior moti-
vating baby boomers to stay Fit for Life. to end.

Half of the Americans currently in their baby-boom- Eager to test himself even more after college, he en-
er years, reports The National Center for Health Sta- listed in the 82nd Airborne and ran track for the 3rd
tistics, have high blood pressure and 40 percent of Army, where a Sergeant training in the gym intro-
them are obese. Only a third of adults exercise ac- duced him to boxing
tively and 20 percent of patients older than age 59
suffer from diabetes. I just started meeting with him, mainly learning how
to hit the bag and doing a little bit of speed work,
Mr. Disterdicks on a mission to change that. I was while boxing in some local meets. He learned the val-
kind of the youngest kidskinniest kid, so in sport- ue of boxing, how intense and demanding 3-minute
ing events I used to be picked last, recalled the North rounds of boxing could be. He enjoyed it, the workout,
Hollywood native. the atmosphere and the challenges.

Hard to imagine with all the medals and champion- Anxious to tackle something else after his stint in the
ships hes won since. It was his tough childhood that army, John embarked on an acting career, returning to
molded him into the man he is today. He was tall and California.
skinny, the target of bullies at school, and I had no
relationship with a father, growing up, playing ball, At a casting call he met Sonny Shields, a stunt man.
doing stuff, talking about things; it just didnt exist Sonny had a group that went over to his home in
North Hollywood that trained in his backyard ring.
His life lessons came from the street. Sonnys invitation to work out was exactly what John


MIND, BODY, SPIRIT Northridge earthquake.

I really like Chattanooga, enthuses John, theres so

much orientation here for sports-minded people. They
have the triathlons, and they have the water sports,
and they have the mountains for mountain biking. Its
a very sports oriented town.

Once in Chattanooga, John quickly found a rowing

club down the road from him, and joined and started
sculling. In 07, the 63, 178-pounder qualified for
the Indoor Rowing World Championships to compete
in Boston with the top rowers in the world in08.

It was in Chattanooga that John heard about the Ring-

side World Championships. Though he hadnt trained
for boxing in some time, hed continued hitting the
heavy bag; and the many sports he participated in
kept him in great shape to make a good showing at
the tournament.

I hadnt been in the ring; I was always just on my

own. Theres a gym here, Westside gymin Chatta-
nooga; they call it Jabbing for Jesus. I met a guy by
the name of Jack Godwin, who is actually in the hall
of fame here in Chattanooga as a boxer. Training

needed. He was now training with a large group that

included the Goossen brothers, Windmill Ray White
and a young Randy Shields, who would become a
world-rated welterweight contender.

Randy and I did a lot of running together, train, then

we would come back and spar. I became a fairly con-
sistent sparring partner for Randy for the next five or
six years, all the way through his amateur bouts and
through some as a professional.

John wasnt content just with boxing, he competed in

speed skiing, (winning the Nationals in 1975), cycling
and the triathlon, which was perfect for him, with his
background in swimming, running and cycling.
I started doing the triathlons and got real enamored
by it. I had a financial company out there in Burbank,
so I sponsored a couple of triathlons and got real in-
terested in competing andthe whole governing body
of the sport. The first time it was formed was in my
office building in Burbank, California.

And it was through a fateful response to a job ad from

his company, he met his future wife, a beautiful young
singer from Chattanooga, Tenn. They have five chil-
dren, and moved back to Chattanooga after the 94


THE UNDISPUTED with Jack prepared him to win his age and weight-
division titles in the 07 Ringside Tournament.

After competing in a couple of Triathlons, cycling

and rowing events this year, Johns now changing
his training regime to boxing for this years Ringside
World Championship Tournament.

John put on such a good showing, said John Brown,

President of Ringside Inc., we really look forward
to seeing him compete again this year. Its gentlemen
like John that have increased the interest in Masters

Johns an amazing, inspirational athlete whose strong

beliefs in the Lord have made him a Road Warrior
shattering all notions of aging. Hes easy to root for
as he lacesem up.

To this Man of La Mancha, there are no Impossible



Fit For Life is televisions newest and most dis-
tinctive reality show. The long-neglected segment top public health issue. Studies indicate that the cur-
of Americas population, the Baby Boomers, are rent cost of obesity is some $100 billion per year, with
showcased on location throughout the United States industry losing $40 billion to lost productivity.
in weekly episodes, highlighting unique individuals
overcoming disease, sickness or a debilitating physi- Fit For Life boldly confronts todays misguided
cal condition through exercise, fitness, and proper nu- American lifestyle by featuring real people who ac-
trition. cept the challenge to return to health, get off the couch
and embrace a personal commitment to becoming
In a society that celebrates fast-food and super-sized healthy, happy, and physically fit. In our pilot episode,
meals over good health and physical fitness, obesity, well introduce you to Richard, a 60-year-old clini-
diabetes, cancer, and heart disease are quickly becom- cal counselor who was told by his doctor that without
ing the new epidemic in our country. The responsibil- drastic changes in his lifestyle, he would die. His dia-
ity for our own health - yours and mine - has been betes and high-blood pressure were potentially lethal.
relegated to the medical community, with costs in- Richard faced a choice: he could live or he could die.
creasing at an astounding rate - month after month, Richard resolved to not only live, but live a full and
year after year. As a nation, were displaying no signs abundant life.
of reversing this trend.
Restructuring his diet and starting a daily regimen of
The latest statistics show 6 out of 10 Americans are walking - then running, biking, and finally swimming
overweight. Sixty percent! Obesity has been shown - Richard lost over 130 pounds, dropping from 367
to be responsible for many of the diseases plaguing pounds to 235. His diabetes essentially vanished, and
modern civilization, including diabetes, high-blood his blood pressure is now normal.
pressure, stroke, cancer and cardiovascular problems.
Clearly our lack of daily exercise combined with What compelled Richard? What was it that moved
faulty eating habits are a contributing factor to todays him to alter his lifestyle and ultimately his life? How
continued on page 26
his tournament is the largest amateur boxing
tournament held in the world. We expect nearly
1,500 athletes from throughout the world in a to-
tal of 14 divisions. We offer the opportunity to compete
to more athletes than any other tournament. The Ring-
side World Tournament provides the finest in awards
explained John Brown, CEO of Ringside Ink.

Ringside has truly stepped up for the Masters Division

as they host the largest gathering of Master Boxers at the
yearly event, Ringside World Championships. Thanks
to the support from John Brown and Dave Lubs, these
great master boxers have had a platform to perform and
really a place to call their own.

This year Ringside has released their 16oz gloves that

are truly fit for a master. The Masters competition gloves
feature injected molded foam, which distributes shock
more efficiently than traditional padding techniques. Ray Foster awaits the decision in a 2007 masters bout

Us here at masters boxing division will also be looking

to release a T-shirt line for the masters so keep an eye
out for that in the near future.

The Ringside Tournament in 08 promises to be one of

the best as more master boxers sign up to compete. We
look forward to recording, interviewing and getting to
know more of these great masters.

We want to thank Mr. John Brown and the staff at Ring-

side for their hard work and commitment to the Masters
Division. Teaming up with Ringside has made the web-
site, the magazine and the Masters Documentary a real-
ity. We look forward to working closely with Ringside
to keep improving the masters.

For more information on Ringside and their products,

please visit where you will find the
Two master boxers trade punches at the 2007 Ringside World finest boxing gear. Teamed up with Grant, Addidas,
Championships Cleto Reyes, Top Contender and more.
I came back from the service in
61, and won the golden gloves,
the state golden gloves in Lafay-
ette in 1961 Ron Guidry


he date was August 4th when he first took up boxing. It was
2007. The place was Kan- no coincidence that Ron and his older
sas City, Missouri The brother got the itch to lace up the glove
event was the Ringside World Box- and follow in their fathers footsteps.
ing Championships that a 71 year
old man waited patiently for his Ron was nine years old when he began
turn to enter the ring. Nerves, boxing and would give it up after a year.
butter flys in the stomach and Only to lace up the gloves once again
the not knowing whether he in High School at the age of 16. The
had enough training was go- following year, the state of Louisiana
ing through his mind but nev- would eliminate boxing as a required
er self-doubt. In front of him athletic course. It was at that time that
stood Paul Soucy, the two the Golden Gloves would start and both
time defending champion. Ron and his older brother would enter
the state tournament.
The gentlemans name
is Ron Guidry, a tough In 1956 Ron won his first State of Lou-
fighter from Baton isiana Golden Gloves Championship
Rouge, Louisiana and would be runner up in 1957 and
who put on a fight 1958.
for the ages, liter-
ally. It was three I left and went in to the service after
rounds of action that. I was in the service for three years
with both fighters and I fought in the service said Ron.
showing incredible
skill slipping punches While in the service he accumulated an
and countering with thun- impressive record of 12 victorys and
derous combinations to the only one defeat. It was obvious that he
body and head. had talent, with quick hands and not
being afraid to mix it up, Rons success
Ron would prevail as the would continue in the squared circle
victor and the new Ring- when he got back home.
side World Champion.
We caught up with Ron I came back from the service in 61,
as he began his training and won the golden gloves, the state
to defend his Ringside golden gloves in Lafayette in 1961
title in August. Ron recalled.

Ron Guidry was in- After winning the golden gloves for
spired to learn the sport the second time. Ron moved to a small
of boxing from his fa- town in Louisiana that had no boxing
ther. Rons father activity. Combined with the fact that
was in the the Golden Gloves at that time had an
service age limit of 25, Ron decided to hang up


the gloves.

When asked if he ever thought he could have made box-

ing a career he responded Im a do a little bragging, I
was a pretty boy in high school. I was voted best looking
in high school so I didnt want to get hit, I didnt want
to get cut up, Ive seen too many fighters, professional
fighters that had the busted up ears and the busted up
noses. That never crossed my mind said Ron.

For the next ten years Ron would move through out
Louisiana doing different jobs. He moved through out
the state 22 times with in those ten years and it was un-
til one of his kids was going to start first grade that he
decided to settle down back in Baton Rough.

Being in his mid 30s and no longer boxing, Ron picked

up Golfing as a sport. He won some local events in golf-
ing but it was when he turned 56 years of age that Ron
got involved in the Senior Olympics. His medal collec-
tion is currently at 30.

Though boxing seemed like it had long passed Ron, it

would be an article in Geezer Jock Magazine that would
rekindle his boxing flame and get him back in the ring.
I had seen an article about this guy that I had fought in
the Championship had won it two years in a row and he
was 68 years old Ron explained. It would be an article
on Paul Soucy that would inspire Ron to lace up the
gloves once again.

Ron would be matched up agents Paul Soucy in what

became one of the best fights of the night. It was a big
right hand in the first round by Ron that set the tone for
the fight as Paul staggered on the ropes. Paul quickly
recovered and the two would trade punches in an action
packed three round bout having Ron winning the fight
by small margin.

Ron has begun his boxing training to defend his title at We will be writing a second part to this article on our
this years Ringside. A rematch seems likely and both next issue that will give detail results on the grudge
are geared up to put on a show. Ron truly demonstrates match in the 2008 Ringside World Championships
what a 71 year old can do when he puts his mind to it. when Ron faces off agents Paul Soucy for the sec-
Not only a World Champion, also a role model for the ond time. Will Ron Guidry over power the slick skilled
younger generations. Paul Soucy? Find out next issue.


uy Miera grew up in a tough neighborhood in
Grand Junction, Colorado & was introduced to
Boxing as a means of survival. My desire to
fight was born out of peer pressure and the need to fit
in with all the other street fighters that I was growing
up around says Mr. Miera. To make it in these mean
streets you had to have a reputation of being able to
fight and defend yourself, Mr. Miera was no exception.

After building a reputation around the neighborhood as

a street fighter, Mr. Miera was approached by a friends
father who was in the process of opening up a boxing
gym. He came to my house one day and asked if I
wanted to go spar with one of his fighters.

I said yes, and off we went. After meeting and spar-

ring with this young man, Mr. Miera went home with
a black eye, bloody nose and broken ego. This young
fighter of his, whipped me like a weak puppy! I had a
choice to make. Go back and do it again, or go hide for
the rest of my life

Mr. Miera was in the cross roads of his fighting career,

The truth is, I wanted to go hide, but my pride said
something different. Like most fighters, Mr. Mieras
competitive spirit & wanting to win would not allow
him to walk away from this challenge. Preparing him-
self each time he stepped in to the ring, he continued
to improve and groom his skills. We became regular
sparring partners, and by the time I quit fighting several
years later, he couldnt hit me. I was lean (147 lbs), fast
and packed a knockout punch with either hand.

Mr. Miera began competing at the local Boys club. Mr.

Miera started attracting attention of trainers and pro-
moters alike. I must have had some talent worth look-
ing at, because by the time I was 21 years old, I received
an offer from a man in Sacramento, California, to train
there and turn pro.
Just Married and awaiting the birth of his first daughter,
Mr. Miera never responded to the gentlemans offer. I
dont regret this, even though he made me an offer that
I really had to think about for awhile.

He told me that if I went to his gym to train, that he

would pay for my apartment, my food, and all I had to
do was train and fight. He also told me that he would
make me the welterweight champion of the world.
Yeah, I turned it down

Focusing on his Family, Mr. Miera decided to step

away from boxing but the love for the sport never left
him. He is presently working on opening his gym, The
KnockOut Boxing Club Nevada, but in the mean time
he currently trains some young talent in the comfort of
his home.

He speaks with excitement when he talks about his

talented prospects, If you visit my website, you will
see young boxers that I am training, with many more
to come, Im sure. A few have a desire to turn pro
someday, others want to fight in amateur tournaments,
and some just like to train and spar.

Mr. Miera would like to help train any local Masters

Division Boxers & looks forward to get in competition
shape to enter the ring once again as a Masters pugilist.
About the Masters Boxing. I think Manny is doing
something great here for those of us who quit fighting
for awhile, but still have competition in our blood.

Who knows, maybe Ill get back into shape and fight in
a few of these myself. It sounds like fun. By the way,
in great shape Ill be coming in at 178 lbs...I may not
always win, but I never lose...ha ha

Mr. Guy Miera is located in the Reno & Sparks, Nevada

area. You can contact him threw e-mail (oldfighter@ or visit his website at.... http://www.knock-

Thank you Manny, for remembering us old timers who

can still fight. Youre doing a great job, and I hope God
blesses you tremendously in all of your endeavors my

And a huge thank you to all of the Master Boxers. I

hope to meet you someday and, call you friends


Continued from page 11

strength lies; apprenticeship programs, counseling for alcohol and

drugs, and committed doctors, lawyers and accountants to help ex-
fighters get back on track.

We want to let these guys know that we care about them, that
there is help out there. I wanted someone there for me, so I want to
be there to help these guys. So many of todays great stars want to
do something to help out ex-fighters. Guys like Oscar DeLaHoya
and Shane Mosley want to help but dont know where to go. Now
theres a place to go, F.I.S.T. Foundation.

Gerry also participates in over 45 charity events a year to help raise

money for children. Hes still a gym rat, sparring 35 to 40 rounds
a week to keep in shape, and is often seen at exhibition matches
through out the country.

Gerry and his wife Jennifer are the proud parents of two children.
I have had a great life. I keep myself very busy: Ive been in the
horse business, I had a telephone company and I have a foundation
that helps fighters go back to school and get trained in skills that
they like and get good jobs.

Gerry Cooney is one of the good guys, always willing to help

those that want to help themselves. His work with children, ex-
fighters and those in need, has been an inspiration.
This gentle, positive man is truly a gentleman. His difficult odys-
sey has made Gerry Cooney a heavyweight champion of life.

If youd like to assist THE FIST FOUNDATION you can call

1-908-389-0900 or 1-888-765-3478, your support is welcomed.

Continued from page 22 FIT FOR LIFE

did he accomplish his goals and become Fit For Life? Well show
you as we tell Richards story as well as many others.

Fit For Life celebrates special people who demonstrate the return
to good health, underlining the concept that good health is possible
at any age. In fact, many of the individuals who appear on Fit For
Life are well into their 70s, 80s, and some even 90 years old!
With their commitment to physical fitness no matter what their
age, todays chronologically blessed exhibit in every episode of
Fit For Life that were redefining the way we perceive aging as
we journey into the 21 st century.

Our host John Disterdick, is a 60-plus lifelong athlete with a rich

experience in personal fitness. Weekly he welcomes guests whose
stories will amaze and inspire you. Youll learn how to Get In-
volved in good health and fitness. And maybe you too will accept
the challenge, find your special activity and begin the first step to
becoming Fit For Life.


The 58-year-old pugilist is off to the 2008 Ringside
World Boxing Championships in Kansas City, Mis-

Last year, Witzu stormed the event and fought his way
to second place. His final bout was voted Best Fight
of the entire tournament, which routinely attracts hun-
dreds and hundreds of fist throwers.

I only want one thing and thats the championship

belt, said the dentist by trade. Ive been training hard-
er than I have ever before. I stepped up my training to
a professional level...It adds huge value to my cardio
output and my frequency of punches and strength.

Terry will be featured in next months Masters Boxing

Magazine as we bring you results from the 2008 Ring-
side World Championships.


Uppercut Gym fills the demand for a different kind
of workout that features cardiovascular conditioning,
strength, and technical training, as well as self-disci-
pline and self-defense. Uppercut is committed to hard
and honest training for men, women, and teens with all
skill and fitness levels. We know that getting in the ring
is not for everyone, so whether your goal is to compete,
or to achieve excellent physical conditioning, Uppercut
will get you there.

Uppercut Boxing Gym trains two Master Boxing World

Champions in Steve McComas and Chris Reinke who
is featured in this months Masters Boxing Magazine.
With a great atmosphere and superb trainers, Uppercut
is one of the top gyms in the Country for your boxing

Visit the uppercut boxing gym website at....


W ith the growth of Masters Boxing, we decided
we needed to highlight each month master box-
ers that show the love and passion for the sport like it
is supposed to be. Masters Boxing is the purest form
of the art as the Master Boxers are not competing for
money nor world wide fame. The Masters compete for
the true love.

Here are four of these great athletes who we will be do-

ing articles on.

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