Va 14 05
Va 14 05
Va 14 05
VA 2014:05
Foreword ____________________________________________________________________ 5
Summary ____________________________________________________________________ 6
1 A personal introduction __________________________________________________ 9
2 Innovation a process of searching, experimenting and learning_______________12
2.1 Not just high tech .............................................................................. 13
2.2 Not just applied science ..................................................................... 15
2.3 Innovation in constant interaction innovation systems ......................... 16
2.4 Often a long process........................................................................... 19
2.5 An experimental search process ........................................................... 20
2.6 Innovations are not born fully formed ................................................... 20
2.7 Open and closed technologies ............................................................. 21
2.8 Are small firms more creative?............................................................. 22
2.9 Value often accrues to the users of new technology................................ 23
3 The role of research in innovation and new technology _______________________26
3.1 Human resources ............................................................................... 26
3.2 No linear innovation chain ............................................................... 28
3.3 Increasing importance of research-based competence ............................ 28
4 Cooperation with academic research ______________________________________31
4.1 Industrial motives for cooperation ........................................................ 32
4.2 Impacts on academic research ............................................................ 34
5 The need for innovation policy ___________________________________________38
5.1 An evolutionary foundation for innovation policy .................................... 38
5.2 Focus on system failures..................................................................... 40
5.3 Broadening industrys competence base ............................................... 41
5.4 Defining new research agendas............................................................ 43
5.5 Making room for business experiments ................................................. 44
5.6 Keeping options alive? ........................................................................ 45
5.7 Innovation addressing social challenges ............................................... 47
5.8 Globalisation changed the policy playing field ....................................... 47
6 Lessons for an innovation-oriented R&D policy ______________________________50
6.1 Focus on learning .............................................................................. 50
6.2 Policymaking must also be a learning process ....................................... 51
6.3 The need for policy coordination .......................................................... 52
6.4 Looking forward ................................................................................. 53
6.5 Can we measure the impacts of policy? ................................................ 55
6.6 What about the research paradox? .................................................... 57
7 Conclusions ___________________________________________________________59
References _________________________________________________________________62
The ability to create and benefit from innovation plays a central role in income,
employment and quality of life. Not only do innovations contribute to prosperity, they
are increasingly important in addressing the many social challenges created by our quest
for prosperity. This was emphasised in the Innovation Strategy adopted by OECD finance
ministers in 2010.
The main message is that we need to think of innovation not as a sudden flash of
inspiration, but as a long process of searching, experimenting and learning. Publicly
funded research can contribute in many different ways and at all stages of the
innovation process. For this to become a reality requires policies that allow for
continuous interaction so that researchers and companies can learn from each other. We
hope this publication may help stimulate innovation efforts through increased
understanding of the long-term effects and the complex relationship between public
investment in research and sustainable growth.
The author of this report, Lennart Elg, has spent the past 40 years analysing science,
technology and innovation policy at VINNOVA and its predecessors. He has also served as
an expert for OECD and the European Commission. This report is the result of a long
learning process on the interaction between policy research and practice.
This report aims to give a brief summary of what we have learned about the ways in
which research-based competence contributes to innovation and new technology. It also
describes how the competence base of innovation can be strengthened by policy
measures which support an interaction between business and research.
Innovation is the process by which new products, processes, methods or services are
created. Innovation offers added value for end users by providing better and/or cheaper
functionality than previous options. Innovation combines changes in technology,
business models, organisation etc. The basic idea may be a new technical solution, a new
business model or a change in organisation. More often than not, however, changes in all
aspects are required in order to realise the full potential.
In a competitive economy, no business can survive long term without updating its
products and services or the ways in which they are produced or delivered. Innovation
policy must promote renewal across all business sectors and not just focus on high tech
Since most innovations are complex and each subsystem has its own limitations, an
important part of the innovation process is finding the right balance between conflicting
demands. In most cases, there are several possible ways of providing a new function to
users, or possible applications of a new technology. Which combination of features the
market will prefer cannot be predicted with any certainty. The ultimate value of an
innovation is also built through adaptation and improvement, often accumulated over
decades. Whether the origin was a market opportunity or a new technological capability,
innovation can best be thought of as an iterative, experimental search process.
Innovation systems is our way of summarising the patterns of interaction and mutual
dependence we observe between businesses and public actors. The capacity to innovate
depends on how well different parts of this system are adapted to each other and how
well they work together.
Historically, new technology was developed on the basis of practical experience. A
scientific understanding of how and why a technology works has often paved the way for
later improvements, but was not always necessary for the original innovation. Today, the
relationship between science and innovation is more complex and interdependent.
Science-based technologies such as microelectronics or biotechnology could not have
been developed without scientific understanding but modern science is equally
dependent on advanced technology.
Innovation is a long search process before as well as after a new product or process is
launched, rather than a sudden flash of inspiration. Research-based competence can
help this search process in many ways, but the initial product idea is rarely the most
important contribution. An important strategic role is helping identify long-term
threats and opportunities; areas in which a company needs to invest in new competence.
With the increased globalisation of industry, support for research and development has
become a policy tool to make countries or regions into attractive locations for
investment. For Sweden, such a policy cannot aim at building a closed and more or less
complete national innovation system. Our task is instead to determine which roles we
can aspire to in globalised innovation systems.
Economists tend to think of innovation as a production process whereby knowledge is
transformed into new products or processes. A more productive metaphor describes
innovation as an experimental learning process in which organisations and individuals
build new competence. This competence enhances their competitiveness with new
products, processes or business models.
As there are no simple prescriptions for optimal policies, an ability to learn is also
important in policy development. This means the ability to learn from others, taking into
account differences of policy context. It also means the ability to learn from our own
experiences, taking these into account as we develop new policy instruments.
Programmes differ according to the characteristics of the knowledge field, actors
involved, prospective users etc. Policy must take this into account and not try to apply a
one-size-fits-all model.
1 A personal introduction
This report focuses on the first aspect - how the competence base for innovation can be
enhanced by policies that contribute to effective interaction between business and
research. This does not mean the conditions for entrepreneurship are less important;
simply that they are beyond the scope of this report. Policy has an important role in
facilitating interaction between public research and innovation, but the political rhetoric
is often based on simplistic ideas about how these relationships work.
Throughout this report, I will try to make use of the term research-based competence
rather than science-based knowledge or scientific information. Science implies the
passive use of an existing body of knowledge, while research suggests an active process;
I will argue that this active process is a better way of thinking about the relationship
between industry and academic research. Secondly, competence implies more than
merely having access to information. Its most important aspect is a capacity to make use
of the tools and results of research in addressing real-world problems.
The issue of the relationship between innovation and research is not a new one. In 1975,
when I was a young policy analyst at the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, I
was asked to do a literature search to find out if there were any research findings
available on this topic. My report formed part of a public inquiry into the organisation of
public sector support for research and development. This issue has followed me
throughout my career at various government agencies in the innovation policy field.
At the time that report was commissioned, innovation research was in its infancy. It was
possible to gain a reasonably quick overview of this field; the early pioneers were
pleasantly surprised when an outsider wanted to listen to them. Thus I was able to meet
and discuss with many of this fields founding fathers: Chris Freeman, Roy Rothwell,
Dick Nelson, Nathan Rosenberg, and Jim Utterback. When I started working for the
North (1987).
government in 1980, I was given the opportunity to start a programme which funded
Swedish research into this field.
The main concern at the time was whether research and innovation were essentially
different activities which should be supported in different ways, or whether it was
important to deal with both aspects together since they were interdependent. We now
know that the question was framed too simply. Research-based competence plays an
important role in business innovation, but successful innovation requires knowledge,
competence and initiative from many other sources as well. Moreover, there is no
automatic way from outstanding research to innovation. A successful interaction
depends on the specific circumstances of each case, and is usually more about taking
advantage of the expertise of researchers than exploiting specific research results.
Throughout my career, Ive been able to integrate new concepts from innovation
research, policy issues and my experience of trying to translate policy into practice. This
report is my attempt to summarise what weve learned about how research-based
expertise can contribute to innovation and new technologies, and how these insights
can influence the design of policies that promote innovation capacity.
In Chapter 3 The role of research in innovation, I discuss what weve learned about the
roles of research-based competence in innovation processes.
In Chapter 4, Cooperation with academic research, we look in more depth at the ways
in which publicly funded research can contribute to that process.
In Chapter 5, The need for innovation policy, I discuss the rationale for innovation
policy in order to build a competence base for future innovations.
Chapter 7 Conclusions, sums up the main lessons I have learned from writing this
This report may be read in conjunction with Impacts of Innovation Policy (VINNOVA
VA2012: 01) in which Staffan Hkansson and I discuss some of the same questions, based
on a meta-analysis of a number of impact studies of R&D programmes at VINNOVA and
its predecessors.
This is a revised version of a report originally published in Swedish in 2013. This revision
has also been enhanced by comments received after publication of the Swedish version.
Moreover the process of translating the text into English has, in itself, encouraged me to
clarify some points. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr John Barber, former chair
of the OECD Committee on Science and Technology Policy, for valuable comments on
this version of the report.
2 Innovation a process of
searching, experimenting and
The introduction or implementation of a new or
significantly improved product, service or process, new
marketing methods or new ways of organising business,
work organisation or external relations.
(OECD, Oslo Manual for the measurement and comparison of innovation in
Observed from a comfortable distance, and with the benefit of hindsight, innovations
can give the illusion of sudden flashes of inspiration, defining moments which
transform the economy, almost overnight. For a long time, economists treated the
appearance of innovations and new technologies as exogenous acts of God which,
whilst certainly having an impact on the economy, could not be explained by economic
As innovations and new technology have emerged as the primary driving force of
economic development, viewing them as inexplicable acts of God gives little guidance
to policymakers concerned with the performance of the economy. I will attempt to argue
that, taking a closer look, innovation is best viewed as a process over time characterised
by searching, experimenting and learning.
Searching: for better ways of doing worthwhile things. Experimenting: because we cant
see in advance the best way of accomplishing a desired outcome (or indeed what users
really want or need). Learning: because actors involved in an innovation process will
learn from it. The kind of learning which changes their ability to tackle future challenges
and opportunities.
A closer study of these processes of searching, experimenting and learning can help us
identify various ways in which public policy can help or hinder them. While inspiration
certainly plays an important role, it tends to come to those who are prepared, and as
Thomas Edison reminds us, innovation is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
Innovation refers to the process of developing a new product, process, method or service
that provides value-added to its users, by providing a function that is better and/or
cheaper than previous options. The concept of innovation is also used for the outcome of
a process, but I will argue that process should be the focus of policy.
However, this metaphor is problematic in several ways. A more productive mental model
may be to think of innovation as a form of learning for organisations and on an
individual level.
Professor Richard Nelson, probably the worlds leading expert on innovation from an
economic perspective defines innovation as:
An idea or invention becomes an innovation only if the added value means it actually
gets put into practical use. This is often described as reaching the market, but
innovations are also created and used internally, within firms and in the public sector.
The meaning of new in this context is not set in stone. An innovation may be new to
the world, new to a particular branch of industry, etc. The problems in putting an
innovation to use are similar because an innovation can rarely be used without
modification; of both the innovation and the milieu of its use. The bulk of the value is
also created in this adaptation process. Most innovations are therefore improvements
and adaptations of earlier innovations.
technology, business models, organisation, etc. The basic idea can be a new technological
solution, a new business model or a new way of organising your business, but innovation
usually requires changes in all respects.
IKEA is usually described as a new business model and the products do not look very high
tech. However, behind IKEAs success are also advanced logistics, IT systems and so on.
Similarly, new technology often requires changes in an organisation and its business
models, and the like, in order to realise their full potential. The American economic
historian Paul David has pointed out that it took 40 years before one could see the
impact of electric power in American industrial productivity. It required major changes
in the way production was organised before industry took full advantage of the new
technology 2.
Production in the high-tech industries is often an input to other industries - but there
is no passive transfer. Taking advantage of the opportunities that, say, information and
communication technology offers require substantial investment in innovation.
Companies in industries classed as low-or medium-tech make extensive use of R&D
results and codified knowledge, but in ways that are often not recorded as research and
development in national statistics.
Economic development cannot be driven solely by the small sector classified as high
technology. Innovation policy must promote innovation in all industries, not just focus
on high technology. The OECD definition of high technology is also problematic as a
basis for drawing far-reaching policy conclusions. The definition classified a number of
industries (at a high aggregation level) as high-tech in the early 1990s, based on how
much the industry invested globally in R&D at that time, relative to its value added.
The definition does not capture differences between companies in the same industry. A
subcontractor in Vietnam engaged in simple assembly of electronic components is
classified as high technology even if it does not conduct any research and development at
all. Meanwhile, the worlds most advanced steel plants and paper mills can never be
classified as high-tech, because of their complementary need for high levels of
investment in fixed capital, and aerospace manufacture is classified as medium tech.
David (1990).
Hirsch-Kreinsen et al (2005).
The standard definition of high tech measures R&D intensity not the generation or use
of advanced technology as such. A far better measure is the proportion of scientists,
engineers and highly qualified technicians in the labour force.
Is it possible to make the proposed solution work in practice, away from a carefully controlled
laboratory milieu?
What is needed to make it work in terms of equipment, support systems, quality of input and
services, etc?
Is the proposed product/service safe? No unpleasant side effects?
Is it cost-effective compared to existing alternatives (or is there a reasonable chance of it becoming
Why would anyone be willing to buy this instead of existing alternatives? How can we convince
To answer all these questions, we need to combine knowledge from a variety of sources:
technology and marketing, design, finance and so on. The technical content usually
integrates a variety of technologies. Each technology can draw on a variety of sources,
including engineering design and development, learning by doing and new software. Of
increasing importance are technologies such as computer-aided design and simulation
Landes (1998).
See e.g. Denison (1967), Fagerberg (1994), Fagerberg et al (2011).
which enhance the engineering process 6. A particular technology may also need to
incorporate knowledge from several different fields of research.
As Nathan Rosenberg has noted, the technical problems we solve are just a fraction of
those we could attempt. Which ones we choose to address is governed more by
technical/market needs and problems than by the latest scientific findings. 7 Moreover,
an innovation does not come to the market as an idea; it is incorporated into a product,
in which the company has had to make trade-offs between differing (and sometimes
conflicting) demands. Such demands arise from a range of potential users; from different
application areas and different stages of the manufacturing process.
Success comes from striking the right balance between conflicting requirements and
making subsystems function well together. The correct balance cannot be calculated
on any scientific basis. Metcalfe 8 notes that such knowledge can only be gained in
context of a competitive market process. Innovation is a means of gaining competitive
advantage but, at the same time, competition shapes the innovation process.
Even the simplest innovation, a Neolithic stone axe from 5000 BC, proves surprisingly
complex. It utilises the property of certain rocks which shatter to form sharp edges; the
momentum of a piece of sharpened rock is then converted into force when the
downward stroke hits its target and so on. It took skill to use it effectively and experience
to find the right type of stone and then process it. The stone axe is perhaps the oldest
example of Adam Smiths division of labour. Archaeologists have found large
accumulations of stone axes being manufactured, far from where the mineral occurred
naturally. This means that, thousands of years ago, someone specialised in
manufacturing axes, a skill which they exchanged for other necessities. Furthermore,
they were prepared to search far and wide to find the right material (or it may mean that
another group became merchants and specialised in providing the coveted raw material.)
The need to combine expertise in many different areas (and with constant renewal of the
competence base) makes it difficult to gather all the necessary competences in one
organisation. This would be expensive as competences quickly become obsolete and so
opportunities to learn from others experiences are lost.
Dodgson et al (2005).
Rosenberg (1969).
Metcalfe (2005).
For this reason, innovation typically takes place in an interaction with: existing or
prospective customers; suppliers of inputs, components or sub-systems; competing
firms, consultancies and public research institutions.
Different analysts have used different terms for this interaction: Development blocks,
networks, clusters, innovation systems, open innovation and so on. These concepts come
from different research traditions and emphasise different aspects of the interaction.
Nevertheless, their common core is the fact that development or innovation is
something which happens in an interaction between firms and their milieus.
Braunerhielm et al (2012).
Metcalfe (2005).
The answer that emerged from this research was that innovation/development capacity
was affected by a number of factors/institutional relationships and so on which
supported or offset each other: the innovation system. Its performance relies on all parts
of the innovation system functioning and interacting positively. This is also affected by
the rules (institutions) set by society and the actors themselves.
From this standpoint, there is no best model for organising social institutions. What
matters is that different parts of the innovation system are well adapted to each other
and open to collaboration. The emphasis is not on improved performance for one
particular factor. Excellent public research is not enough if companies lack the ability to
exploit this competence, or if researchers lack the motivation to interact with the outside
An important lesson has been that it is not enough to think of a national innovation
system. Even within a specific country, the innovation processes and internal systems it
develops will differ substantially; between sectors, innovation lifecycle phases and so on.
This is something policy makers must understand and take into account, and needs us to
be familiar with the circumstances in different sectors. Furthermore, innovation systems
are not bounded by national borders. Primarily, it is the rules of the game that are
defined nationally. Rules for knowledge creation and entrepreneurship, how public R&D
institutions are organised and so on. 11
Innovation system research does not claim to explain why innovations appear. Its focus is
on understanding the context in which innovators and entrepreneurs can choose to act.
It has been developed at the intersection of institutional and evolutionary economics.
Institutional economists emphasise the fact that an economy does not merely consist of
atomistic firms and the invisible hand of the market. Companies and other actors
interact and the societys rules also play an important role. Evolutionary economists
assume that the economy is constantly changing in ways that cannot be described as
temporary deviations from a stable equilibrium.
Research into innovation systems was developed in close cooperation with policy
development. Several of the leading researchers, including Christopher Freeman and
Richard Nelson had close contacts with policy thinkers at OECD, and Bengt ke Lundvall
was for some years head of the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry,
For the sake of simplicity, I will sometimes refer to the Swedish (or national) innovation system in the singular.
This should be interpreted as that part of a relevant sectoral innovation system which can be influenced by national
which analyses member countries innovation policies, using the innovation system
The further away from existing technology we find building blocks to combine, the more
radical we consider the innovation which they form. The jet engine, for example, has
nothing in common with the piston engine other than its purpose. Its development
cannot be explained as a gradual improvement of the piston engine. However, the jet
engine inherited existing technologies from other fields of application, including the
steam turbine 13.
An innovation may often remain up in the air for a long time as a concept of what
should be possible to achieve. Einstein described the scientific principles behind the laser
more than 60 years before its first application. The competences needed to realise an
innovation is far more complex than the scientific foundations of its basic principle.
The time from patented invention to a useful product may also be long (see Table 1).
Table 1 A long time from invention to commercial product
Arthur (2009).
The first Swedish jet engines were developed by Stal Laval. It had a long experience in building steam turbines for
power generation, but no prior experience with piston-powered aircraft engines. In a similar development, General
Electric became a major supplier of jet engines in the US.
Starting in the early 1920s, a number of inventors and companies experimented with the
jet engine as an idea. This was before Frank Whittle was awarded a patent for his
turbojet engine in 1928 and the first practical use of the jet engine came only at the end
of World War II. This long search process also explains why history is full of parallel
inventions. Alexander Graham Bell was not alone in experimenting with voice
transmission, but we only remember the one who was first to the patent office, or had
commercial success.
As we will discuss later, the first useful product is still only the first tentative step in a
long process of development and diffusion.
Since innovations are generally complex with each component or subsystem having its
own limitations, much of the innovation process is about finding the right balance
between conflicting requirements. It is not possible to predict in advance which
combination of properties the market will prefer. This is not just a matter of preferences
(which can be difficult for the client to articulate without prior experience); the optimal
choice may also depend on how other customers are acting in regard to, say, the choice
between competing standards. Which operating system other clients choose when
buying a mobile phone affects how many apps will be developed; this in turn will affect
what I can do with my own mobile phone, and so on.
mouse 14. At the same time it had 128 KB of internal memory and no hard drive. The first
innovation in a new field sows a seed which, given the right milieu and interaction with
the outside world, may sometimes grow into something significant. The ultimate
significance of an innovation depends largely on how well this interaction develops. 15
It is these accumulated changes and improvements, often over several decades, which
create the long-term value of an innovation. An innovation often stimulates other
innovations. Competitors are forced to improve their products and a technology
developed in one context may find applications in others.
It is not always the original innovator who ultimately draws the longest straw. Being
first to innovate can be important in building a market share and thus affecting the
standards that are set. However, it is the ability to consistently identify and realise needs
and opportunities that creates winners. Sony introduced its Betamax video cassette
recorder in 1975 and the competing VHS standard was introduced in 1976. According to
many analysts Betamax provided better image quality, but could only record for an hour.
VHS could provide 2-4 hours; enough to record an entire feature film. Video rental stores
chose VHS and it became the dominant standard until it was replaced by the DVD. Of
course Sony realised its mistake and extended the capacity of Betamax; but it was too
late, the market was already locked into VHS.
Neither the mouse nor the graphic user interface were the result of any basic research at Apple. Both had been
developed at Xerox PARC laboratory, but Xerox failed to see their significance. They were copied by Apple initially in
their Lisa II model, which was a commercial failure.
Rosenberg (1982).
Abernathy & Utterback (1978).
technologies combined in a single product increases and thus the number of
competences needed to develop, manufacture and distribute them 17.
The role of new, entrepreneurial firms seems particularly important to the early
exploration of a new generic technologys possibilities 18. In cases where large companies
have managed to create more radical innovations, we can often identify internal
entrepreneurs who played a major role. Ericssons development of mobile telephony
started in a small development company called Svenska Radio Aktiebolaget (SRA); SRA
was then acquired by Ericsson and, later on, renamed Ericsson Radio Systems (ERA).
Work could proceed at a safe distance from the main Ericsson office, which was
preoccupied with becoming a player in the early personal computer market 19. Astras
Losec for a while the worlds best-selling drug was developed by a small team at
Hssle, a subsidiary at safe distance from headquarters. The success came about despite
active resistance from Astras scientific advisory board which on several occasions
recommended cancelling the project. In both cases, public R&D support also played a
small but important role in keeping these projects alive until top management decided
to invest in them.
Large firms seem to have the advantage once market preferences become clearer and
resources can be focused on streamlining production and gaining market share.
Henderson & Clark relate this to the issue of whether the necessary competences are
Oskarsson (1993).
Abernathy & Utterback (1978), Eliasson (1993).
See Arnold et al (2008), also discussed in sections 5.4 and 6.4 of this report.
consistent with existing corporate competence (especially the organisational
competence embedded in established contact patterns, etc.) 20.
The division in roles between large, established firms and new, entrepreneurial startups
also varies between industries. In information services, a company like Google can grow
into a global company in a few years and replace established competitors. In the
pharmaceutical industry, on the other hand, new bio-based companies evolve into
specialised partners of established big pharma rather than replacing them.
Another early issue was the sources of innovation. Is market demand or new
technological opportunities the main driver of innovation?
Today, research on innovation agrees that most innovation projects start with someone
identifying a need, whereupon the search begins for ways to meet that need. Radical
innovations are more likely to originate in new technological and scientific possibilities -
but as we will see later the bulk of the value is created when the original innovation is
elaborated and adapted to different needs. But identifying a need is not enough. To
create an innovation, we must also find a way to meet the need - the world is full of
needs that are waiting for their solution.
Most empirical studies show that firstly a companys customers and secondly its
suppliers are the main innovation partners. Connections with public research play an
important role in some industries; a role that is increasing in importance. However,
customers and suppliers dominate when it comes to the number of contacts. As we will
see, research-based competence is playing an increasingly important role but it is a
mistake to focus primarily on research as a source of product ideas. Some inventions
have been created ahead of any identified need (e.g. the laser 21) but these are rare
exceptions, not the general rule.
Henderson & Clark (1990).
The device, not just the principle.
Bhid (2005).
unimportant. These skills are equally important in capturing the opportunities provided
by new research results.
A separate survey estimates total expenditures for innovation in the business sector for
2012 to be 161 820 MSEK, or about twice their investment in research and
Other industrial counties show similar patterns. Differences are mainly in the size of
business sector R&D compared to public research, and the division of labour between
universities and other public sector research institutions.
There are a number of problems in applying these distinctions in practise, and a
recurring theme of this report is that research, development and innovation processes
interact in complex ways and all depend on each other.
While we can assume that development and innovation mainly is the domain of business
enterprises, and that universities mainly do research, usually without a particular use in
mind, there is no clearcut mapping of the categories on the various actors. Companies
do invest in research, and when this is done to explore and build competence in a field
ahead of any particular use it fits the Frascati definition of basic research, even
though companies may be wary of describing it as such.
Whether a research effort should be seen as basic or applied can vary depending on
whether we ask the researchers involved or the agent funding the research. Bell
Laboratories, an industrial research lab, have famously produced more Nobel Prize
winners than many medium-sized nations, and while its staff enjoyed considerable
freedom to pursue new knowledge without a particular use in mind, Bell Telephone no
doubt expected to benefit from its investment.
As we will see in this report, a major contribution of academic researchers to industry is
as consultants and discussion partners, rather than as a source of specific research
Industrial development and innovation can also not easily be delineated from the day-to-
day operations of the firm. The way R&D expenditures are measured assumes that this
is an activity which takes place separate from normal operations. This mainly applied to
to large, massproducing manufacturing firms of the 20th century. Drawing the line is
much harder for small firms, service production, or firms manufacturing complex
systems adapted to each specific client.
3 The role of research in
innovation and new technology
The previous chapter noted that innovation needs to combine competences from many
different sources. Research-based competence is an important part of this, but is not
sufficient as the sole basis for innovation. In this chapter we will look more closely at the
ways in which research can contribute.
Studies of the role of research in innovation and change is not new, see Alfred North
Whiteheads Science and the Modern World (1925), or Robert Mertons Science,
Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England (1938) 23. The authors of these
studies emphasise that the relationship between scientific discovery and application is a
complex interaction which cannot be simplified into a one-way information flow.
Historically, new technology first developed based on practical experience. Once the
technology had seen its first use, a scientific understanding of how and why the
technology works was able to help refine it beyond what was possible by blind
experimentation. For example, Carnot formulated the principles of thermodynamics
when he tried to improve the efficiency of contemporary steam engines.
Today the relationship between research and innovation is far more complex. Science-
based technologies such as microelectronics and biotechnology could not have developed
without scientific understanding. However, neither could modern science have evolved
without modern technology in the form of ever more sophisticated instruments.
Moreover, the extreme performance requirements of such instruments can, in turn,
drive further technological developments.
This tight linkage becomes especially clear in technical research, which often alternates
between building model systems in the laboratory, donning the engineers hat, and then
(in the research role) studying the properties of the system.
See also Schmookler (1950), Musson o. Robinson (1969).
need to keep undergraduate education connected to research in order to keep its
content up to date. However, most postgraduates today are also employed outside the
academic system. In Sweden, 58% of professionals with postgraduate education in
engineering science are employed in the private sector, with a further 10% in state-
owned enterprises. Only 21% were employed by academic institutions24. Not only does a
higher proportion of graduates and postgraduates in industry provide a brain gain when
these people are hired, it is also a prerequisite for other forms of active collaboration
between companies and academic research. If we take this role seriously, it is not enough
for a few students to reach the highest levels of academic excellence; it is equally as
important for there to be enough people throughout the system with academic
Figure 1. PhDs employed in industry (2009) by company size, knowledge intensity 25
Hgskoleverket (2012). Statistics refer to 2007. The same observation applies, although not quite as strongly, to other
fields than engineering. Here, 32% of PhDs remain in academia.
Knowledge intensive firms are defined here as firms in which at least 30% of employees have at least three years of
post-secondary education.
graduate level is remarkably similar, with about 6-7 graduates to each PhD. Knowledge
intensive business services play an important role as competence nodes in the
innovation system 26.
Basic Research > Applied Research > Development > Production >
It is of course difficult to apply research findings that do not yet exist, or distribute
products that are not yet manufactured. However, as discussed above, research into
innovation processes shows that this conceptual model gives a poor description of the
relationship between research and innovation, in a number of ways:
Most innovation processes start from a market idea 27. A small section originate in a new
technological opportunity, and an even smaller proportion is based on new research.
An innovation is not just application of a scientific principle. It combines knowledge from many
different sources and the difficulty lies in combining these competences and striking the right
balance between conflicting requirements of the product.
Research contributes to the innovation process in many ways but product ideas are not the most
important contribution.
Science and technology are interdependent. The direction of research is often determined by what
instruments technology can offer. An important role of science is also to explain how and why
existing technologies work (which can in turn indicate how they could be improved).
Practical problems sometimes lead to fundamental insights. In 1964, Penzias and Wilson were
looking for sources of interference to radio communications at Bell Laboratories (an industrial
laboratory) when they discovered cosmic background radiation. This discovery changed our whole
view of the universe. For this, they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978.
Hauknes (1999).
Need is not a good term for this. The world is full of needs which are not met because no-one is prepared to pay
the cost of addressing them.
Research plays an important strategic role in identifying future threats and
opportunities wherein companies need to upgrade their competences. They do this long
before there is any idea to commercialise.
Kline and Rosenberg 28 describe the relationship between research and innovation as an
interaction between two parallel processes, each with its own goals, its own evaluation
criteria and its own social contexts. Both contribute to and draw inspiration from a
shared bank of knowledge and experience (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Knowledge flows in the innovation process
New results are not the only thing of interest in this context. Old results may gain new
prominence in a new context. Knowledge is useful, not only as a source of ideas, but to
help identify and solve problems at every stage of the innovative process. Taking
advantage of this knowledge requires an existing familiarity with the field. It also
requires (to the extent that knowledge is not codified and documented) access to the
right contacts. This applies not least of all to meta-knowledge: What are the key issues
at the moment? Which research groups or companies excel at certain types of problems?
And other such questions.
Kline and Rosenberg (1986).
Scientists seek to isolate the phenomena being studied so as to find general relationships
and identify basic mechanisms. Basic research cannot be directly translated into
practical applications; industry has to consider how a mechanism works outside the pure
laboratory milieu and in the specific context to which it will be applied.
Once a company has an early product or service on the market for practical use, it is also
easier to see sufficiently well-defined problems and opportunities for improvement so
that a research agenda may be drafted. One consequence of this is that innovation leads
to new research perhaps as often as research leads to innovation. As Nathan Rosenberg
noted Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science. 30
Direct interaction and dialogue between industry and public research is an important
prerequisite for the effective transfer of knowledge. Such a dialogue assumes, in turn,
that sufficient internal expertise exists within companies to identify the right partners
and formulate the right questions.
Abernathy & Utterback (1978).
Rosenberg (1982).
4 Cooperation with academic
An extensive body of research demonstrates an interaction that is far more complex and
reciprocal than handing over research results for commercialisation. Academic
research and its contribution to business development is much broader than originating
new product ideas or new technology-based companies 32.
In the earlier stages, academic researchers can also serve as discussion partners to a
business in its search for knowledge. This uses the researchers overall expertise and
network of contacts, giving an overview of their field but not necessarily of their research
results. A publishing record is an entry ticket to the academic network; this makes
academics useful as a guide to the broader research base. It provides access to research
networks and thus an overview of what is about to happen within a field of knowledge
and so on.
Barber (2014).
See e.g. Jacobsson & Perez (2011), Martin & Tang (2007), Salter et al (2000), Brostrm (2009), Hughes (2010).
4.1 Industrial motives for cooperation
A Swedish study of companies experienced in working with academic research shows
various different reasons why companies choose to collaborate with universities: 33
Even in regard to the first point (the direct results of R&D collaboration), companies
consider soft results to be equally as important as directly usable results.
Collaboration with academic research provides a broader perspective on the potential of a
technology. It thus highlights new ways to solve current problems as well as new
business opportunities. Research collaboration can help with understanding customer
needs better and suggest appropriate directions to seek solutions to technical problems
(Figure 3).
Collaboration also opens direct business opportunities for companies which package and
sell academic expertise (consultancies). This also applies to enterprises in which
scientists are an important market (instrument manufacturers, computers) and
companies for which scientists are key opinion leaders (medical technology).
Figure 3. Anticipated results of cooperation with public research
Brostrm, ed (2007).
Lester (2005).
Etzkowicz (1998), Faulkner & Senker (1994).
These findings are consistent with views expressed by Swedish companies on the
benefits of participating in EU framework programmes. 36 Moreover, a study by
Technopolis of industrial research institutes points to a division of roles whereby
companies are increasingly turning to industrial research institutes for immediately
useful results problem-solving etc. and to universities for horizon scanning. 37
Academic research (and researchers themselves) contribute in many different ways 38 and
product ideas are not the most important contribution. An important role is to help
identify new directions in which to search. In this role, academic scientists can help
provide an overview of the whole knowledge field not just their own research results
as they have an ability to interpret and evaluate what is happening in their field. This
overview is not just about new results; it also involves seeing where interesting things
are happening and identifying the key actors.
In this context it is important to note that also many university spinoff companies start
in this role; selling expertise as consultants, problem-solvers and discussion partners,
rather than developing and marketing their own product. 39
The nature and extent of the contribution from academic research also differs between
fields of knowledge. An important distinction is the difference between technologies
that Rikard Stankiewicz has called discovery-driven and design-driven 40. In the case
of discovery-driven fields such as pharmaceutics, innovation is a process of discovery,
verification and refining of natural materials or systems with promising features. This is
where academic research can play a direct role as a source of new ideas and methods. In
design-driven fields such as the engineering industry, the emphasis is on constructing a
function by combining known elements into new and complex systems. In these fields, a
universitys role is more one of delivering a highly skilled workforce and assisting with
problem solving, rather than serving as a source of ideas.
The distinction between the two modes is not clear-cut. As innovation is complex, there
is often room for elements of both processes. The development of new semiconductor
materials is largely a discovery-driven process, while the functions encoded in an
integrated circuit are the result of a design process. New materials can play an important
role in the choice and design of components in a system design.
Elg (2006).
Arnold et al (2006).
Jacobsson & Perez Vico (2010).
Bullock (1983).
Stankiewicz (2000).
Jacobson and Perez Vico emphasise the diversity of pathways for utilising researcher
expertise. Through education, universities can provide avantgardists who broaden a
companys search for opportunities in new areas. When prominent scientists start a
spinoff company to exploit a new technology, this can legitimise the technology and
lower the threshold for other companies to dare to try it. Not only do cleanrooms and
other specialised research infrastructure provide new opportunities to conduct research,
they are also places where new informal networks develop. These networks may
subsequently form the basis of new innovation.
Silicon Valley did not become the centre of the worlds semiconductor industry because
Stanford was a leading centre for semiconductor research. Around 1950, the transistor
was invented by William Shockleys research team at Bell Labs, an industrial laboratory
in New Jersey. In 1956 Shockley chose to leave Bell and found Shockley Semiconductor
Laboratory in Palo Alto, south of San Francisco the other side of the US. This area
afforded him well-educated students, a pleasant climate and space to expand in the
Stanford Research Park. There were also potential customers in the form of a cluster of
electronics companies, with the US Air Forces missile programmes as an important end
user. Soon, a group of employees followed Shockleys example, leaving his laboratory to
start their own company, Fairchild Semiconductor. This later became the springboard for
another generation of start-up semiconductor companies. The growth of these
companies created a demand for students from Stanford University whilst collaboration
with industry helped Stanford build up its competence in the semiconductor field.
See Elg & Hkansson (2012) for a summary of these studies.
Cooperation with industry can improve academic quality
A recurring concept in the science policy debate is that academic quality is somehow
opposed to cooperation with external stakeholders; that we must choose between
academic quality and practical relevance.
Contrary to the above, an early study at Chalmers University of Technology showed that
those professors who ranked highest in scientific citations were the same ones who had
the highest number of patent applications. 42
A study by the Swedish Research Council also shows that articles produced in
collaboration with industry were cited more often than those produced solely by
academic researchers (Figure 4) 43.
Figure 4. Citation rates for articles with authors from industry, universities or in industry/university
An Italian study also showed that close cooperation between universities and companies
contributed to scientific quality. 44 Direct interaction in cross-border networks of
academic and industrial researchers contributed to increased productivity in terms of
both scientific discoveries and new industrial solutions.
McQueen & Wallmark (1984).
Karlsson & Wadskog, (2007).
Balconi & Laboranti (2006).
Science historian Donald Stokes argues that research findings must be evaluated
according to two different dimensions: Scientific excellence, as judged by other
researchers, and practical relevance, with the results helping solve practical issues. 45
In Bohrs quadrant, we find what we like to call free basic research where the focus is
all on scientific excellence. In the opposite corner, Edisons quadrant, the emphasis is
fully on practical use with little concern for whether the research is deemed to be at the
scientific forefront.
The interesting aspect of Stokes model is that it draws attention to a third quadrant:
Pasteurs. Louis Pasteur laid the foundations of microbiology as a research field but this
work was inspired by practical problems which he helped to solve. Stokes was tactful
enough not to label the lower left corner, where the research neither advances research
frontiers nor addresses significant practical problems. The fact that a majority of
scientific papers are never cited by anyone other than the author (or his students)
suggest that this box is not entirely empty. 46
Stokes (1997).
This quadrant is sometimes associated with taxonomy, e.g. Audubons work on American birds. (Barber, 2014).
Another way of thinking about the relationship between excellence and relevance is to
recognise that the concept of quality has two components:
Scientific quality means, first, that state-of-the art methodology has been used to
address the question that was set. However, quality also implies that this methodology
has been applied to a question which is interesting; the answer adds valuable new
The first requirement applies to Bohr, Pasteur and Edison, all of whom created valuable
new knowledge. The difference lies in whether the expected results are intended
primarily to be of interest to fellow scientists (Bohr), practitioners (Edison) or both
(Pasteur). Note that this criterion refers to the purpose of a research effort, a fact often
defined by who pays the bill. However, exploring the unknown does sometimes yield
surprises. Scientists who believe themselves to be operating in Bohrs spirit suddenly find
themselves in demand by practical men and Edisons laboratory can find paradoxes that
overturn established theories.
Obviously, the probability of this happening is greater if the doors between Stokes
different quadrants are not closed.
5 The need for innovation policy
Nobel prize-winner Kenneth Arrows arguments about market failure have been used to
justify government support to public research. Economists also discuss whether the state
might in some cases have reason to support R&D in individual companies. The theory of
market failure has been used to argue for such support under certain conditions.
However this theory provides little guidance as to how or in what extent governments
should act, since the socially optimal level is not only unknown but is, in principle,
incalculable. 48There is an even more fundamental flaw in discussing market failures as
an unfortunate exception to an ideal perfect market. Any investment decision becomes
impossibly difficult in perfectly competitive markets, as current market prices contain
no information about the investment plans of rivals 49.
The second problem is that not only are companies unable to calculate the value of the
knowledge diffused to others. Companies cannot, even in principle, calculate their own
benefits from an innovation project. The long-term value will depend on how others
Arrow (1962a).
Barber (2009a).
Richardson (1961).
choose to act in a long process where different actors try to assess their position and
manoeuvre to improve it.
The strength of the evolutionary research tradition lies in interpreting what happened,
but it is not easy to derive simple and unambiguous policy recommendations since
reality is complex. What can/should be done is almost always due to the specific
circumstances of the individual case, there is no standard prescription.
Evolutionary economists emphasise that those who make economic decisions are
limitedly rational and influenced by previous experience. Companies and other actors
may act competently based on the available knowledge, but that knowledge is limited. It
costs time and money to expand the knowledge base and explore options for action. The
competences one has today also affect the opportunities for taking advantage of new
knowledge. This means companies will differ in their ability to make wise decisions
about the future. There is no such thing as the representative firm. Different actors
have different access to knowledge, different capacities for evaluating it and varying
ability to act on it.
North (1993).
See e.g. Barber (2003), Edquist & Malerba (2004), Lipsey & Carlaw (1998), Lundvall (2007).
Taking the lessons learned from evolutionary economics, one can also see that a
companys decision-making problems are far more fundamental than just choosing
between options where the benefits of each alternative can be calculated in advance:
An R&D investment is associated with genuine uncertainty 52. An investor does not know if a
project will achieve its intended result, does not know what will happen in the outside world which
might change the conditions and cannot predict how potential customers will value and use the
projects results. The uncertainty in these respects is genuine. It is not possible, even in principle,
to calculate the probability of success and so forth.
Capturing and absorbing new knowledge is not free. It takes time and costs money to keep up with
what is happening in the outside world.
As discussed above, companies abilities to absorb and evaluate new knowledge differ depending
on previous experience. One consequence of this is that a company will primarily search for new
knowledge in the vicinity of its current competence base.
To promote the two-way exchange of knowledge between research and practice. Both
need to learn from each other.
Shaping stable framework conditions that provide space and incentives for
entrepreneurial experiments.
In a Financial Times column (Kay 2010), British economist John Kay argues that the rational decision modes
modelled by economists can only be applied to problems that are well defined, which is seldom the case in real life.
Real problems are ill-defined, not only because we lack data, but because we do not understand the structure of the
problem. The problem is not only that we do not know what will happen, but that we do not understand the range of
possible outcomes. Such problems, Kay argues, can only be addressed through an experimental search process in which
the goals are also subject to revision along the way.
Barber (2009a).
Rosenberg (1992).
From this perspective, innovative capacity depends on how well the whole innovation
system works together, not on an individual component being world-class.
Innovation occurs in interaction between actors who each have their own agendas, goals,
reward systems, etc. Each actor also has a limited view of the whole. They usually dont
see themselves as part of an innovation system, but know that success depends on the
interaction with external actors; they are also aware that these, in turn, are connected to
other relationships.
For effective interaction to take place, different actors need to coordinate their actions
despite the above limitations. 55 This requires there to be: other competent actors within
reach; links to these actors (or the possibility of developing such links); rules that allow
coordination; incentives which mean all parties have something to gain by coordinating
themselves. Such collaboration must be built from the ground upwards. It cannot be
directed, but there is no certainty it will come about spontaneously; at least not right
here, right now. This is a paradox which policymakers need to address. Policy can create
better or worse conditions for interaction. Policymakers can foster the creation of new
networks, but they will only survive if participants find it is worth their while to
participate. 56 The task of a policy promoting interaction is to facilitate stakeholders in
coordinating their agendas for the future. It is not there in order to transfer research
results after the fact.
We must also keep in mind that innovation systems need to evolve. The members of a
system and the connections between them will change over time as various competence
needs come into focus. Likewise, systems will dissolve when they have served their
purpose. Policy needs to take this into account so we do not preserve structures that were
designed for yesterdays problems. 57
Companies do not have time or resources to build up internal competence in all fields
and investments in knowledge run the risk of quickly becoming obsolete. Business R&D
Metcalfe (2005).
Barber (2014).
Walker (2000).
activities are increasingly dependent on cooperation with external experts; with other
businesses and with publicly funded research.
A sceptical finance minister is likely to ask whether the market will not resolve this on
its own. If there is a clear benefit then cooperation will probably be achieved someday,
but not necessarily today nor in his country.
The majority of todays public R&D support for businesses is not given as additional
funding for an internal project within a single company, but as programmes intended to
engage companies in joint R&D programmes with academic research and other
businesses. Such support may be viewed, at least in part, as compensation for companies
willingness to share their expertise. It may also be viewed a way of motivating them to
broaden their own search for knowledge and competences, rather than as a subsidy of
the marginal cost of internal projects. Studies of companies motives for participation in
joint R&D also highlight motives such as exploring new areas of knowledge, identifying
potential partners and so on.
Experience shows that companies primarily search for new solutions in the proximity of
their current competence base. This affects both the information which the company
takes in and how it evaluates this. Since the competence base is built into the companys
organisation and contact patterns, it is difficult to broaden the search process, even
when the company is aware that its competence base is threatened.
Kodak was among the first companies to manufacture digital cameras. Despite this, the
company was unable to establish a competitive position in this market; neither could it
utilise its photochemistry expertise in the paper copies market.
Ericsson was successful in transforming and developing its expertise in phone systems to
become a world-leading supplier of digital mobile systems. However, Ericsson was forced
to give up its business in mobile handsets, a fast moving consumer market far from the
companys experience base.
As we have seen above, an important motive for industry to collaborate with academia is
broadening the search for new knowledge. Studies of the impacts of needs-driven R&D in
Sweden also indicate a number of obstacles to such cooperation. It is hard to make an
advance assessment of the value to companies of engaging in long-term R&D
collaborations. Not only is the outcome genuinely uncertain but equally often,
companies find it difficult to forecast what long-term competences they will need. The
academic peer review system also has difficulty evaluating and rewarding needs-driven
R&D as this usually spans established disciplinary boundaries.
5.4 Defining new research agendas
An active dialogue between companies and academic research can help identify and
define new agendas of research for needs-driven knowledge. This is demonstrated by a
number of impact studies of R&D programmes supported by VINNOVA and its
Sweden was late turning its attention to the new opportunities offered by the growth of
microelectronics. The former Swedish Board for Technical Development (STU) played an
important role in building electronics competence at universities when the universities
themselves were slow in responding to the new technological possibilities. STUs
contribution was mainly in providing a basis for expanding education in the field, rather
than in any specific research results. 58
STU also accounted for more than half the academic biotechnology research funding in
Sweden in the first half of the 1980s and was a key actor in getting Swedish
biotechnology research off to a good start. The peer review-based Research Councils did
not get involved in this field until after the public debate about the ethics of
biotechnology had subsided, in around 1995. 60
These were areas which for various reasons were not given priority in the academic peer
review system. However, there was also no articulated industrial demand when research
efforts were initiated. Neither did they spring from any superior strategic foresight at
the public funding agency. Rather, the programmes were brought about by a financier
who was willing to listen to visionaries in both business and academia, who was
prepared to invest in new research fields and who had the political capital to get away
with it.
Jacobsson (1997).
Arnold et al (2008) See also section 2.4. Being located at a distance from Ericsson headquarters also enabled Svenska
Radio to maintain its own corporate culture, with a stronger emphasis on collaborating with academic research.
Granat et al, (2002).
The purpose of such a dialogue is not to prioritise between different areas already on the
agenda. The aim is to develop jointly new agendas for research and development, in a
process that Gibbons et al described as Mode 2 research 61. According to the authors,
Mode 2 research is typically based on a problem context and carried out in networks
which include multiple academic disciplines as well as problem owners.
In the Swedish debate, Mode 2 has sometimes been dismissed (especially by those who
dislike the concept) as just another label for applied research. However, one of its key
points is that the concept describes a process in which new knowledge is created in
dialogue with use and can only be created in such a context. It does not entail knowledge
previously produced in academia being subsequently adapted to an application. At the
same time, other authors have criticised the idea that Mode 2 is something new. They
argue that, on the contrary, this has historically been the normal form of academic
knowledge production and that the post-WW2 focus on scientific autonomy is the
exception that needs to be justified 62.
An important prerequisite for these efforts was that, at the time, a single funding agency
could act across the whole range between basic research and technology development.
Today, public funding is divided among a larger number of actors, each with narrower
responsibilities. To initiate similar processes in the current situation requires several
actors to be willing to coordinate their actions. It is not enough to enter a requirement
for collaboration in an agencys appropriations in order to achieve this; the various
actors need to develop common visions of the future which permeate throughout the
organisations. How this can be achieved will be revisited in chapter 6, Lessons for an
innovation-oriented R&D policy.
Any policy which tries to define research agendas risks being accused of picking
winners. Public agencies cannot predict whether any particular technology will succeed,
but they should be better placed than an individual agent to consult a broad range of
opinion in order to develop a portfolio of program, some of which might succeed. 63
New businesses play an important role in long-term industry dynamics. They serve as
experimental workshops for new business ideas that do not fit into existing corporate
portfolios and for testing different ways of exploiting new technological opportunities.
Gibbons, Michael et al (1994).
Etzkowiz & Leydesdorff (2000).
Barber (2014).
As has been demonstrated by information and communications technology and
biotechnology, this role is particularly important when a new generic technology opens
up a broad range of possibilities.
The role of such companies as experiments with something new and untried makes it
difficult for private investors to assess their risks and development potential. In most
countries therefore, the government has taken on a special role in financing the early
stages of their development. An example is the U.S. Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR) programme, a programme in which federal agencies allocate research contracts to
small, knowledge-based service companies. A study shows that SBIR serves as an
incubator in which companies qualify for possible downstream funding from private
venture capitalists. About 10 times more companies participate in the SBIR programme
than those receiving private equity investments. 64 In Sweden, 22 of the 33 companies
identified as Swedens hottest technology companies 2014 by a major business
publication had received some form of support from VINNOVA.
Block (2009).
Deiaco et al (2008).
David (1997).
Earlier, it was noted that a new technology or radical innovation is often born in
embryonic form. It can rarely compete directly with established alternatives, as long as
competition takes place on the terms of those established alternatives. To survive and
develop, innovations must often first gain a foothold in niches where they can offer
particular advantages.
The first digital cameras were expensive and offered poor image quality. Photographic
trade journals agreed that digital offered no threat to real photography (this was only
20 years ago.) However, digital cameras had one unique advantage. A news photographer
could take a picture and within a few minutes transfer the image over the phone to the
editors. At that time, image quality was less important to newsprint.
This raises the question of whether there is a role for innovation policy in helping more
options to be further developed, in order to allow the best long-term options to have a
better chance of being tested in the market. 67 This question becomes especially relevant
when society has an interest in moving ahead with solutions to pressing problems, such
as environmental issues. 68
Meanwhile, the question remains as to how long policy can or should keep its options
open? If we are too impatient, we run the risk of not reaching a possible breakthrough;
but with limited resources there has to be a prioritisation at some stage.
Technology historian Joel Mokyr describes new technologies rather radically as hopeful
monstrosities 69. Monstrosities because in their early incarnation they are often
expensive and impractical, but hopeful because they extend the hope of future
possibilities. After more than 60 years, it is still expected that fusion power research is
decades from finding any practical application; still, its potential benefits make the
world go on investing billions in fusion research.
In the early 1980s the UK government gave 2 million to support the development of the BBC Micro. This helped
Acorn Computers to establish a UK capability in RISC chips. Acorn developed into ARM Holdings, today a major
international chip design business (Barber, 2014).
Geels et al (2008).
Mokyr (1990).
5.7 Innovation addressing social challenges
Innovation policy has been viewed primarily as a means to strengthen the development
capability/long-term competitiveness of countries or regions. Over the past few years,
increased interest has also developed in using innovation to address other major social
challenges. When OECD was commissioned to develop an innovation strategy in 2007,
work focused on how increased innovation can meet grand societal challenges such as
climate, health, access to food and combatting poverty whilst contributing to sustainable
growth. The project was initiated by OECDs highest governing body, consisting of the
member states finance ministers.
Innovation as a means of achieving other policy goals is not in itself new. Technology
procurement for defence or healthcare are both examples of this. What is new in todays
discourse is partly the magnitude and global nature of the challenges, but also the
realisation that innovations experimental search processes can sometimes lock us into
dead ends that subsequently prove unsustainable.
As an example, breaking our dependence on fossil fuels requires not only that newly
developed powertrain technologies must compete with 150 years of experience with
internal combustion engines, which can be difficult enough as discussed in the previous
section. It also requires large areas of automotive innovation systems to be replaced or
rebuilt and entails a need for a variety of complementary innovations plus a whole new
infrastructure for distributing alternative energy carriers and for maintenance and
repairs etc.
The political challenge is that we need to develop new innovation systems, not just
innovations. We also need to do it quickly if we are to avoid the catastrophic evolution of
global warming. Meanwhile, previous experience underlines how new innovation
systems cannot be designed from the top down but must be allowed to emerge
organically. What policy can still do to promote such a development is the subject of a
new OECD project on Systems Innovation which started in 2012.
creation and growth of new knowledge-based businesses and on motivating existing
companies to choose Sweden as a base for skilled parts of their value chain. In the past
twenty years, these companies have largely come to be part of larger international
groups. Today about 30% of business R&D in Sweden is conducted by companies
headquartered outside Sweden. 70 Other European countries are in a similar position.
Large firms tend to carry out research close to centres of excellence, while development
work tends to be located close to major markets.
Enterprises which are still Swedish-owned also have a significant portion of their
operations outside Sweden and foreign market demands are more important today than
the domestic market. Meanwhile other countries, particularly in Asia, have caught up or
surpassed Europe in terms of investment in education and research. Globalised
companies can choose freely where they want to locate their R&D and other high value-
added activities. This applies to companies own operations as well as their selection of
external partners. Globalised companies have a different relationship to the national
innovation system than companies that were clearly Swedish 30 years ago; they can
choose to relocate R&D to countries with better conditions.
This temporary advantage can be eradicated when a shift of technology base turns the
old tacit knowledge into a liability rather than an asset. 71 In this case, an international
company can seek cooperation with the strongest knowledge milieus wherever they are,
rather than having to settle for the best available partners at home. The threshold for
this has been lowered, on the one hand by an increased use of information and
communication technologies, and on the other by companies gaining experience in
networking and operating internationally.
For a small country like Sweden, such a systems-based innovation policy can no longer
attempt to optimise a more or less complete national system of innovation. Rather, the
Tillvxtanalys (2011).
See e.g. Henderson & Clark (1990).
task for policy is to decide what roles we will aspire to in various globalised innovation
systems. This also requires specialisation. We must become the best in the world at
something instead of being good enough at everything. Saab Aerospace can no longer
build an entire aircraft (like the SF 340) and so today tries to position itself to take roles in
international aircraft consortia and to become the best in the world at a few subsystems.
6 Lessons for an innovation-
oriented R&D policy
Learning is also a prerequisite for innovation. Ideas do not come as a flash of genius from
a clear blue sky. New combinations of existing knowledge require a large toolbox of
knowledge elements which can be combined. 72
Furthermore, as noted earlier innovations are not born fully formed. Interacting with
early users is an important part of the innovation process. This process involves learning
to better understand the needs of different users and see how an innovation works out in
As Bengt-ke Lundvall notes, R&D is just one of several sources of knowledge for
innovation. Lundvall discusses two modes of learning which interact with each other in
the innovation process: ST (Science & Technology), research & development within or
outside the company, and DUI (Doing, Using, Interacting), learning in production,
learning from users/customers and learning through interaction with a broader base of
knowledge sources. 73 In addition to Lundvalls discussion, learning in production was
described by Kenneth Arrow 74; and learning from users as previously mentioned by
Arthur (2009).
Lundvall (1988).
Arrow (1962b).
Rosenberg 75. All three authors build on a broad empirical literature describing
phenomena. The works in question have mainly tried to link empirical data to economic
Another way to describe this is that policies should aim to strengthen the capacity of
actors to take advantage of new knowledge (absorptive capacity) 76 and turn knowledge
into new processes, products or companies (dynamic capability) 77.
Creating venues for interaction between industry and academic research (and processes
to create shared visions of the future) has become an important task of innovation policy.
Contributing in this way requires research policy to put a premium on openness to
contacts and interaction with the surrounding community. So it can seem in political
rhetoric, but academic incentive systems do not always pull in the same direction. For a
continuous interaction to be meaningful and perceived as valuable by both parties, those
parties need to get to know each other and build trust. R&D programmes in active
collaboration create venues where this can happen.
Policymaking needs to be based on learning. An important lesson of this paper is that the
scope for meaningful political actions (and how these should be designed) cannot be
determined once and for all based on theoretical considerations. The only way forward is
to test various options and be honest in assessing the results. Moreover, be prepared to
reconsider measures that worked poorly and be prepared to learn from mistakes instead
of trying to bury them.
Rosenberg (1982).
Cohen o. Levinthal (1990).
Teece et al (1997).
When there is no simple recipe for the optimal design, the ability to learn becomes an
important element of policy development. This applies when it comes to drawing
sensible lessons from the experiences of others (where we take into account differences
in conditions) and when it comes to learning from your own experiences and allowing
these to affect future policies. It is important to avoid uncritical imitation of policy
initiatives from other countries without allowing for differences in policy context.
There are two reasons why getting this broad set of actors to pull together does not
happen simply by including the word collaboration in various agencies briefs: firstly,
the roles of such agencies are too complex to be followed up with a single indicator of
effectiveness, and secondly, successful cooperation requires the involvement of various
independent actors, each with their own goals and strategic agendas. No single actor has
command over all the others.
A better way to help coordinate the actions of various participants is to have mutual
understanding of each others world views. This allows the identification of collaborative
opportunities by:
In some cases, a process in which each actor makes their own decision in the light of a
common world view may lead to sharper local decisions than if a joint decision were to
be forced upon them which would necessarily be a compromise. This can create a
stimulating competition between actors.
OECD project on the coordination of innovation policy (MONIT) 78 as well as an important
element in the Swedish governments recent innovation strategy. 79
A number of different strategy tools have been developed to build common views of the
current situation, future threats and opportunities: Roadmaps, Foresight, SWOT
analyses and the like. Such tools have two functions in that 1) they generate findings and
recommendations that others can take advantage of and 2) experience has shown an
equally important function is as a joint learning process for those involved in the process.
By involving key stakeholders their collective learning contributes directly to the
strategy process.
R&D policy has long lead times and needs to be proactive. R&D priorities today will affect
what competences university graduates will bring to the labour pool some years later.
Building up a new research field with critical mass takes at least 10 years. Such
competence development cannot be based exclusively on public-private partnerships
with current business, or upon their current preferences. Businesses are normally
preoccupied by todays competence needs. Moreover, when new competence needs
become evident, globalised companies can pick and choose where to locate R&D
cooperations or new business activities.
The study of digital radio communications mentioned earlier 80 shows how a number of
different mechanisms combined to build a knowledge base for Ericssons development of
OECD (2006).
Den nationella innovationsstrategin, Regeringskansliet N2012:27.
Arnold et al (2008).
digital radio technology. Its origin was in an informal network of R&D managers at
Ericsson Radio Systems and a couple of university research groups. The contribution of
public policy evolved through a variety of efforts over a long period; more than 30 years.
These included individual projects, programmes and initiatives to create national
programmes (The National Microelectronics Programme). An important point of
Arnolds analysis is that the early competence development evolved in dialogue with
odd visionaries in both Ericsson Radio Systems and academia. Early demands for a
formal commitment from Ericsson would have killed this process.
How companies capture new knowledge as well as how and with whom they interact in
this differs between different areas/industries etc. One aspect discussed earlier is the
difference between industries in which innovation is based on new product
configurations (such as engineering) and industries in which the basis for innovation is
to search for substances with new and improved features, such as new materials or
drugs. 82 In an influential taxonomy, Keith Pavitt describes how some industries acquire
new knowledge primarily from their suppliers, while direct contact with research plays a
major role for others. 83 However, even companies in the same industry (and in the same
country) may have chosen different strategies.
Policies must take into account these different conditions and not attempt to apply a
standard policy design to all areas. A British meta-analysis of a number of programme
evaluations emphasises that success of a programme or policy is determined by how well
adapted it is to the target groups needs and innovation strategies. 84 In addition to the
need to tailor programme design to the target groups characteristics, the study
emphasises the importance of a programme addressing problems and needs that are
seen as important and relevant by the target audience. Both of these factors require a
good knowledge of, and continuous dialogue with, the actors one wishes to involve.
Elg & Hkansson (2012).
Stankiewicz (2000).
Pavitt (1984).
Barber (2009b).
Things seldom go as planned staying flexible
It is important to be flexible, not only in the original design of a programme, but also
throughout the process. Several of the above mentioned studies have shown that even in
cases where a programme yielded valuable results, they were not always of the character
initially anticipated.
For example, the Swedish National Microelectronics Programme (1981) was intended to
develop national manufacturing capability in microelectronics components. As this
capability was deemed strategically important, similar programmes were launched in
several countries at around the same time. These aims severely underestimated the
economies of scale in the production of such components, with the result that
production of standard integrated circuits was concentrated in a few, very large facilities
(or fabs) for the global market. Instead, the programme built up research capacity in
the field. This helped make Ericsson a more competent buyer of components and gave it
expertise in digital signal processing; an important prerequisite for Ericssons success in
mobile communications. 85
Long-term impact studies (done for VINNOVA by external researchers and consultants)
show the impacts of public support for R&D on industry and society to be the result of
processes over time. Various private and public actors will have interacted, with the
impact of public support depending on how and when policy intervened, not just on
subsidy levels. 86
Taking a historical approach, we can form reasonably credible views as to whether public
support played an important role, how this happened and what factors were important
in order for such impacts to occur. This provides valuable lessons to consider when
designing and implementing future programmes. Lessons cannot be directly translated
into simple recipes for success because the conditions will be different. However, they do
provide a better understanding to help with interpreting new situations.
Bergek et al (2008).
For a meta-analysis of these studies, see Elg & Hkansson (2012).
Econometric studies of the impact of R&D support have mainly focused on quantitative
Does R&D support lead to more R&D, or is it a pure subsidy of investments that businesses would
have done anyway (input additionality)?
Does R&D support contribute to faster growth than that of a control (output additionality)?
Studies of this kind provide a limited view of policy impact, in several different ways. As
noted earlier, innovations develop in a complex interplay between private and public
actors. One important consequence of this view is that the innovation systems
performance depends on how well its different components work together. There is no
automatic link between R&D and growth investment in R&D is not a homogeneous
product. More important than how much you invest is whether there was investment in
the right areas and how these investments were leveraged.
According to OECD a more important role for policy is innovation policies affecting the
qualitative content of corporate R&D (behavioural additionality). R&D support can
facilitate participation in longer-term R&D, increase interaction with external sources of
knowledge, or influence where businesses choose to locate their R&D activities. 87 Public
support can induce firms to consider a wider range of technological options and/or opt
for more radical technological solutions. This increases the chances of significant
commercial success but increases the risk of technological and financial failure, with the
latter being partly offset by the funding provided. Innovations which are more radical in
nature tend to be accompanied by greater externalities and therefore by a larger excess
of social over private returns. 88
(OECD (2005).
Barber (2014).
By measuring the effects on enterprises which have received support, we also fail to
capture the indirect impacts on customers, suppliers and competitors.
The main measure of usefulness is probably the fact that a number of businesses find it
worthwhile to invest money and their staffs time in long-term cooperation.
Far more problematic is retrospectively attempting to quantify the size of effects, or how
much different actors contributed to them and, on that basis, determine whether a
specific action has been cost-effective. This is in part because of the long time periods
involved and the difficulty allocating impacts between interventions by different actors.
Whether a specific type of support has played a role depends on when and how the policy
intervention was provided, not only (or even solely) on the volume of support.
Policymakers will still continue to expect answers on whether public support has been
profitable. In this context, the deeper understanding provided by impact studies can
help specify econometric analyses based on a more realistic picture of the process being
modelled. Innovation processes involve multiple actors over long periods of time. For this
reason the closer in time we measure, the more likely it is we can allocate effects to a
specific cause, but the fewer long-term effects we can capture.
Governments are not alone in grappling with this problem. Industry is no better able to
calculate how much it should invest in R&D than which projects would provide the
greatest return. It looks at how much competitors invest and how much it can afford.
The selection of projects invested in is based on how a project complements other
projects in the long-term strategy, not on the marginal return from individual projects.
Ejermo et al (2011).
that corporate R&D investments by large multinationals with roots in Sweden result in
production in other countries, in a globalised business.
Although Sweden stands out primarily in terms of large corporate R&D investments, the
debate soon came to be interpreted as poor returns on public investments in university
research. Granberg & Jacobson note there is no empirical basis for asserting either that
we get a poor return on public R&D investment, or for arguing the opposite case. 90
Attempts made to measure the return cover only a small part of the mechanisms by
which universities interact with society. Similarly the available crude indicators, such as
the number of companies started as spin-offs from academic research, do not support
the claim that Sweden would do worse than other countries. 91
This does not mean there is no room to improve Swedens ability to benefit from
investments in R&D, but the talk of a paradox is not a good starting point for analysing
what improvements can be made, or need to be made.
Granberg & Jacobsson (2006).
Jacobsson, Dahlstrand & Elg (2013).
7 Conclusions
What the reader should take away from this report is that innovation is fundamentally
about long-term learning, and the main challenge for an innovation-oriented R&D
policy is creating a good milieu for such learning, within and between enterprises,
research groups and other stakeholders. A long-term learning that requires sustained
cooperation, in close contact with real applications.
Innovation cannot be created by government actions; they emerge organically and are
constantly evolving. Still, with forward-looking measures innovation policies can
improve the conditions for such processes by removing administrative obstacles and
through programmes that increase awareness of the expertise available and demonstrate
the benefits of cooperation.
Historical studies of how innovations have been created demonstrate that innovation
does not occur as a sudden brainwave which is then simply commercialised. In most
cases, innovations have been preceded by a lengthy search process whereby different
actors have searched for solutions, tried and failed. Neither are innovations born fully
developed. Value is created when the original seed is nurtured and developed.
Innovation is a complex process, based on expertise from many sources which needs to
be integrated. Research is one of these sources but often reaches the application stage
embodied in manuals, consulting or subcontracted components/subsystems and
advanced materials.
The necessary competences also have a limited lifespan. It is neither possible nor
desirable for a company to internalise all competences. Innovations are therefore based
on collaboration with others customers, suppliers, consultants, researchers in
networks that we call innovation systems.
Academic research is one of these sources of expertise, and its importance is increasing
in many fields. However, in order to contribute it is not enough to transfer research
results after the fact. Researchers can contribute more than their own recent results
and at many stages of the innovation process. However, if this is to happen, it requires
companies and researchers to understand each others concerns and world views and to
trust each other.
These are all learning processes: The parties involved learn over time where to find
expertise, which solutions work, which ones dont (at least as important to know), or
what characteristics customers really want.
Another way to describe this is as two parallel experimental search processes, seeking
answers to the questions of, what are we going to accomplish? and, how could we do
Each innovation represents a compromise between different requirements that are often
in conflict. What trade-off between various characteristics of a product or service which
is the best cannot be predicted a priori. We do not know in advance what compromises
we will need to do and users find it difficult to articulate what they really want before
they have the opportunity to try.
Furthermore, there are usually several possible ways to deliver a desired function. Before
such solutions are fully developed, it is difficult to assess the level of performance that is
achievable in the longer term with each solution. Sometimes what is the best option
depends on how competitors act; for example, which operating system will win the most
users and therefore be able to offer the widest selection of applications.
Each innovation project yields results of two kinds. In the best case (and with luck) a new
service or product on the market, to strengthen the innovators competitiveness.
Whether or not that goal is reached, the actors involved will have learned things which
will affect how they evaluate future threats and opportunities and their ability to meet
those threats and seize those opportunities. In the long run, the most important results
are these lessons.
To answer the question of what policy can do to promote this, we can return to Nathan
Rosenbergs three tasks for an innovation-oriented R&D policy: 92
Rosenberg (1992), see also section 5.2.
Research and practice both need to learn from each other. Policies must therefore
promote a continuous, mutual exchange of knowledge and experience, not seek to
retrospectively transfer knowledge.
Policy must also create stable framework conditions that provide space and incentives to
experiment with new business ideas. This is also the main reason for supporting start-
up companies. Not to subsidise individual companies but to broaden the range of
experiments that the market selection process can then work on and to inspire others to
dare to try.
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