Of Innovation and Research Cross-Border Networks in The "Triangle" Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova

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TITLE INNOVA TRIANGLE - Promotion, Stimulation and Development

of Innovation and Research Cross-border Networks in the triangle

Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova
Total duration of the 24 months
Overall objectives: 1) To contribute to the improvement of
Objectives of the action
competitiveness across the economy, particularly for Innovation and
Research and Development (R&D) in the Projects area. 2) To contribute
to the support of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME`s) growth through
stimulating innovative entrepreneurship in the Projects area. 3) To
contribute to the development of attractiveness of the euro-regions Lower
Danube, Siret-Prut-Dniester and Upper Prut for foreign direct
investments (FDI); 4) To develop and establish INNOVA-TRIANGLE as
an umbrella and as catalyst for future activities, as a means for cross-
border branding, marketing etc.
Specific Objectives:
1. To identify the potential innovative capacities in the representative
sectors of economy in the Projects area.
2. To promote and strengthen innovative regional culture in the Projects
area and to build cross-border consensus of the key-actors on
development issues.
3. To develop cross-border networking between public authorities,
academic/research/know-how and technology transfer related
institutions and business community in the Projects area.
4. To stimulate innovation aspirations and demands of the SME`s in the
Projects area.
5. To facilitate the access of the SME`s from the Projects area to
financial sources for the realisation of their innovative projects.
6. To generate innovative approach towards entrepreneurship among
young people, especially students, in the Projects area.

Applicant Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Centre for Studies in

European Integration (Republic of Moldova)

Partner no.1 University Alexandru Ioan Cuza from Iasi, (Romania)

Partner no.2 Dunarea de Jos University from Galati (Romania)

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine)
Partner no.3
Association for Ethnic and Regional Studies (Republic of Moldova)
Partner no.4

Target group(s) 1) academic and administrative staff of the universities; 2) members of

regional authorities and Chambers of Commerce; 3) representatives of
R&D institutions, agencies of science and technology, institutions of
know-how transfer; 4) representatives of SMEs, young entrepreneurs and
their respective associations/ organisations; 5) Representatives of financial
institutions (mainly pre-seed, seed, risk capital and venture capital funds);
6) Students of last years of the universities.
Final beneficiaries 1) Universities; 2) Regional and local authorities; 3) R&D institutions,
agencies of science and technology, institutions of know-how transfer; 4)
Business Incubation centres; 5) SMEs, young entrepreneurs and their
respective associations/ organisations; 6) Chambers of Commerce; 7)
Financial institutions (mainly pre-seed, seed, risk capital and venture
capital funds); 8) National and International experts for specific topics in
the Project issues; 9) Journalists; 10) The wide public, which could not be
1) About 450 Trained and educated regional public authority
Estimated results
representatives; 2) About 450 Informed and trained academic and
administrative staff of the universities; 3) About 200 Informed and
educated young people, especially young entrepreneurs and students; 4)
About 250 Informed and educated SME`s representatives; 5) Established
dialogue and cooperation between government-academic-business
societies in Projects area; 6) Improved understanding of stakeholders in
the EU of the actual development problems and tendencies in the Projects
area; 7) Better informed national governments and the relevant EU bodies
on the view-points and opinions; 8) Better advised and informed wider
public in the Projects area on the Projects` topics.
GA 1: Project Management and Communication Strategy
Main activities
GA 2: Research Desk
GA 3: Innovating Border Regions
GA4: Innovating SME`s
GA5: Developing Innovative Approach for Entrepreneurship
Identify clearly the specific problems to be addressed by the action and the perceived
needs and constraints of the target groups.
On the basis of the JOP Romania-Ukraine- Republic of Moldova SWOT analysis and of the
documents of the national governmental organisations in Romania Ukraine- Republic of
Moldova the following common problems and needs were identified:
1. Low innovative potential in the Project`s area. There is the need to identify the potential
innovative capacities in the representative sectors of economy in the Programme area.
2. Low level of involvement of public administration, universities and business community in
the fields of policy development related to innovative culture. Therefore, there is the need
to promote and strengthen the innovative regional culture in the Project`s area, in general,
and among the specific target groups (young entrepreneurs, etc.), in particular.
3. Lack of formulation and implementation of a policy related to innovation development.
The project therefore will address the needs to assess the state-of the-art and to stimulate
the cross-border transfer of know-how on innovation policy development in the Project`s
4. Absence of cross-border networks between public authorities, academic/research/know-
how and technology transfer related institutions and business community in the
Programme area. There is the need to develop cross-border cooperation and networking
between public authorities, academic/research/know-how and technology transfer related
institutions and business community in the Project`s area in the Project`s issues.
5. Passive attitude due to lack of information, counselling and supporting of SME`s, young
entrepreneurs, students of the Programme area as potentials promoters/ bearers of
innovation. It is necessary to stimulate innovation aspirations and demands of the SMEs in
the Project`s area.
6. Low level of capacity, information, ability of SME`s and other identified potentials
promoters/ bearers of innovation to access the financial sources for Research,
Development and Innovation (RDI). This needs to be addressed by facilitating the access of
the SMEs from the Project`s area to financial sources for the realisation of their innovative
7. Complete lack of attitude and inspirations of students to become innovative entrepreneurs
in order to start cross-border businesses. There is the need to generate an innovative
approach towards entrepreneurship among young people, especially students in the
Project`s area, and to identify and create a portfolio of pilot-projects for establishing and
developing innovative cross-border start-ups.

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