Katsir Syllabus-Lecture Lab Chemistry 1B W17

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CHEMISTRY 1B Winter 17- Foothill College


INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Katsir Email: [email protected]

Lecture: MW 6:00 - 7:15 PM | Room 5702
Lab: Section B5 MW 7:30 10:20 PM | Room 4814 Section B6 TTH 6:30 9:20 PM | Room 4814
OFFICE HOURS: TH at 5:30 6:30 pm in 4814 and F at 10:30 am - noon | Room 4431 or by appointment

Text: Chemistry, Silberberg & Amateis, 7th ed, McGraw Hill, 978-0-07-351117-7.
Connect access code (http://connect.mheducation.com/class/ g-katsir-section-5 or
http://connect.mheducation.com/class/ g-katsir-section-6-2)
Lecture Materials: The same chapter slides that will be projected during lecture will be
available through Dropbox.
A scientific or graphing calculator: TI83, 84 , -85, or 86 are acceptable. No
calculators with web browser abilities are allowed during exams or quizzes. The
chemistry stockroom has calculators available for checkout during lab time only, not
for your use during the quarter.
1B experiments and handouts. These are downloaded and printed by you from the Foothill College
Student 1B Labs DropBox (I will send you the link)
LoggerPro software: Details in Dropbox page (Lab folder).
Safety goggles (not glasses) or Visorgogs (Bookstore).


You will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of scientific inquiry.
You will understand the behavior of chemicals in different physical states and the forces that form
these states.
You will understand acids and bases and the extent to which they dissociate.
You will gain insight into the nature of a chemical reaction, i.e. what drives a reaction to occur and how
fast and far it will proceed.
You will apply the scientific method in lab experiments to collect and analyze data, and draw
You will demonstrate the quantitative skills needed to succeed in General Chemistry.

READING & HOMEWORK: We will cover Chapters 5, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20 of the textbook in order. Connect
assignments will count as homework points towards your grade; LearnSmart assignments are for practice
only and will not contribute to your grade. Connect access is required! Expect to spend an average of about 5
hours a week on the online homework. The access code is specific for the textbook, is valid for 18 months and
follows you from course to course (Chemistry 1A to 1B to 1C). You only need one access code. You can
purchase access separately online from the publisher, McGraw-Hill. Each assignment will indicate the due date
and have a link detailing the grading settings for the assignment.
Exams 63%
Homework 12% A+ 97% B- 79%
Lab Quizzes 12% A 90% C+ 78%
Lab assignments 13% A- 89% C 65%
Total = 100% B+ 88% D 55%
B 80% F < 55%

Your two highest scored exams are worth 22%, and the lowest scored exam is worth 19%.
You must pass the laboratory part of the class to pass the class.


See the calendar for exam/quiz dates.
Make-up exams/quizzes will not be given. Therefore, if you have plans that will prevent you from
taking ANY exam at its scheduled time, you should not take this course. Accommodations will be
made ONLY for VERIFIED illness or VERIFIED legitimate emergencies.
All electronic devices must be turned off or put in silent mode (vibrate mode is still noisy), or student
risks a significant deduction of points. Any device with internet access is not permitted during any
exam or quiz.
Bring your ID to the exam


You are responsible for all the material covered in this course, and it is expected that you arrive on time and
participate in all of the lecture and laboratory sessions. Students who are habitually late may be asked to
leave instead of being allowed to join the lecture or lab. Be polite to your instructor and fellow students. Any
type of vulgar or rude language toward the instructor or another student may result in dismissal from the
course. This rule applies to emails and phone messages as well. Additionally, it is your responsibility to
understand what constitutes academic dishonesty in accordance with the Foothill College Academic Honor
Code (www.foothill.edu/services/honor). If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing at any time, then your
violation will be reported and you may be dropped from the course.


If you stop attending class during the first two weeks, I will drop you on Friday of week two as mandated by
state law. After the second week you are responsible for initiating the official drop process. Failure to
officially drop classes will result in assessed enrollment fees for which you are financially responsible, as well as
failing grades on your college transcript. Any student that has three (or more) unexcused lab absences prior to
the end of the 8th week will be advised to drop. Additional absences may result in a non-passing course grade.

Dr. Katsir - See me regularly during office hours (or make an appointment) for help.
STEM (or PSME) Center: Tutors and computers are available during the day at the STEM Center (Room
4213), www.psme.foothill.edu
Disability Resource Center: To obtain disability-related accommodations, students must contact
Disability Resource Center (DRC) as early as possible in the quarter. DRC contact information: Room
5400, [email protected], or 650-949-7107. If you already have an accommodation
notification from DRC, please contact me to discuss your needs.
Week Monday Wednesday
Jan 9 Jan 11
1 Intro Ch. 5 Gases

Jan 16 Apr 18 Jan 22

2 HOLIDAY no lecture Ch. 5 Gases Deadline to drop without a grade
Jan 23 Jan 25
3 Ch. 5 Gases Ch.12 Intermolecular Forces

Jan 30 Feb 1
4 Ch.12 Intermolecular Forces Ch.12 Intermolecular Forces
Exam 1 Review
Feb 6 Feb 8
5 EXAM 1 Q & A Ch. 16 Kinetics

Feb 13 Feb 15
6 Ch. 16 Kinetics Ch. 16 Kinetics
Ch. 17 Equilibrium
Feb 20 Feb 22
7 HOLIDAY no lecture Ch. 17 Equilibrium
Feb 27 Mar 1 Mar 3
8 Ch. 17 Equilibrium Ch. 18 Acid-Base Rxns Deadline to drop with a W-mark
Ch. 18 Acid-Base Rxns
Mar 6 Mar 8
9 Ch. 18 Acid-Base Rxns EXAM 2 Q & A
Exam 2 review
Mar 13 Mar 15
Ch. 18 Acid-Base Rxns Ch. 20 Thermodynamics
Ch. 20 Thermodynamics

Mar 20 Mar 22
11 Ch. 20 Thermodynamics Ch. 20 Thermodynamics
Final Exam Review
Mar 27 & 28 Final Exam
6pm 8pm in Lab Room
Supplies: See lecture syllabus.
Drawer: You will check-in to a locker drawer. Once checked-in, you are responsible for checking out of this
Safety Contract: Please read the Foothill Chemistry Department laboratory policies and safety and
housekeeping rules. You must complete a Student Contract given in the laboratory.


Lab safety expectations will be emphasized the first week of class. Students who are not present in lab
the first week of the course will be dropped. It is your responsibility to comply with all of the safety
and housekeeping rules.
You must complete and turn in the Student Contract (provided by instructor).
As a concern for the environment and to follow county, state and federal law, proper chemical disposal
is essential. Check with the instructor if you have any questions. NOTE: Repeated failure to comply
with directed safety and/or chemical disposal procedures may because for dismissal from this course.
Clean up your mess in lab. This includes cleaning and organizing your immediate lab bench area, as well
as shared areas such as hoods, balances, the bench tops around the balances, etc. Failure to clean up
may result in a lab penalty.

Lab Notebook Preparation (The Notebook Duplicate): For all experiment activities you will submit a
short pre-lab due BEFORE lab lecture begins, no later than 5 minutes into the laboratory for full credit.
This will include a title, reagents, safety and a short outline of the purpose of the lab and its
Some pre-labs may also entail a group activity that I will provide at the beginning of the lab session.
No pre-labs are required for worksheet or data analysis days.

The beginning of each laboratory session is designated as a laboratory lecture period, which is used to
outline important details of the procedure, overview theory and calculations, and emphasize safety hazards
and proper chemical disposal. You must arrive on time for lab lecture. If you are more than 10 minutes
late for the start of lab lecture, it is at the instructors discretion as to whether you will receive a

Pre-lab (see above).
Your attendance in actually performing the experiment.
Collection and presentation of data in your notebook. After your experiment is completed, you will
hand-in the duplicates of your data collection, with the date and your initials. Mistakes during data
collection should be crossed out with a single line through the data. All writing must be legible.
INCLUDE UNITS on all data, graphs, calculations, etc!
The report (neatness counts).
2. A WORKSHEET activity consists of
Attendance (unless otherwise indicated)
The quality of the completed worksheet


The due date of each laboratory assignment/report will be specified during the laboratory lecture.
Laboratory assignments are usually due and collected BEFORE the start of laboratory lecture.
Reports must reflect your own work even though you may be collecting and sharing data with a partner.
If students are found to have copied from one another, points will be deducted from the grade of ALL
those who are involved!
Lab activities can be turned in a maximum of one lab period late but at the expense of a 15% penalty.
There are no make-up labs, instead a missed lab will count as your lowest lab score that is dropped. In
certain cases, I may allow you to use another groups data for partial credit.

There will be 3 laboratory quizzes. There are no make-up quizzes.


You may be dropped if 3 or more unexcused absences are counted. Please do not talk on the phone during
lab. If you receive a truly urgent call or message, quietly leave the classroom to respond to it. Lap top
computers may be used during class ONLY for class business. Students who do not adhere to the safety rules
or do not display professional conduct may incur deductions to their laboratory assignments. Worksheets and
data analysis days are mandatory unless otherwise stated by your instructor.

Your overall lab grade is based on pre-labs, data collection, reports, attendance, and a 1% subjective
grade based on overall performance and adherence to the lab safety rules.

Week Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday

Jan 9 Jan 11
1 Intro, Lab Safety, Notebook Requirements Chemistry 1A Review
Chemistry 1A Review Drawer Check In
Jan 16 Monday Jan 17 Tuesday Jan 18
2 NO LAB - Holiday No lab - Office 01-Experiment, Gas Behavior
Hours only
Jan 23 Jan 25
3 Graphing of Gas Behavior Data (bring your Quiz 1
laptop with Logger Pro (Installed) 02-Experiment, H Fusion of H2O
Jan 30 Feb 1
4 03-Experiment, Investigating 04-Worksheet: Crystal Lattice & Unit
Intermolecular Forces Cells
Feb 6 Feb 8
5 Exam 1 05-Experiment, Crystal Violet Kinetics
Data Collection
Feb 13 Feb 15
6 Analysis & Graphing of Crystal Violet Kinetics 06-Experiment, Iodination of Acetone
Data (bring your laptop) Kinetics, Parts 1 & 2
Feb 20 Monday Feb 21 Tuesday Feb 22
NO LAB - Holiday No lab - Office Quiz 2
Hours only Analysis & Graphing of Acetone Kinetics
Data (bring your laptop)
Feb 27
Mar 1
8 07-Experiment, The Keq Equilibrium
08-Acids, Bases, & Equilibrium
Mar 6 Mar 8
9 Exam 2 Review Exam 2

Mar 13 Mar 15
10 09-Worksheet: An Introduction to 10-Experiment, Equilibrium &
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics
Mar 20 Mar 22
Quiz 3 Wrap-Up
Analysis of Equilibrium & Thermodynamics Drawer Check Out-REQUIRED
Data (bring your laptop) Final Exam Review
Continue Worksheet: An Introduction to
Mar 27 Mar 28
12 Final Exam 6-8 pm Final Exam 6-8 pm

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