8th Grade Science Parent Letter 14

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Earth Science

8th Grade
8th Grade Earth Science Content
In this course students will investigate the many ways the four
Earth systems are interconnected by complex cycles and altered
by human activities. Students will be earning High School
credit (toward graduation) upon successful completion in this
class. The four main areas of study are:
Earth Systems

Earth Systems Overview

Energy in Earth Systems
Biogeochemical Cycles
Resources and Human Impacts on Earth

The Solid Earth

Advanced Rock Cycle

Interior of the Earth
Plate Tectonics Theory
Earthquakes and Volcanoes

The Fluid Earth

Oceans and Climate
Severe Weather

The Earth in Space and Time

The Earth in Space

The Sun
Stellar Evolution
Earth History and Geologic Time
Geologic Dating
Climate Change

Daily Work - 30% (projects, in-class assignments, labs, homework)
Tests - 50%
Quizzes - 20%

Classroom Policies and Procedures

ABSENT WORK - If you child is absent from school, it is their responsibility to check the
class Moodle page for the days bell work, classwork, and homework. This page will be updated
by the end of the school day. Students should do their best to get this work completed as soon as
possible. You may email me to request work. I strongly encourage students to complete
classwork, as well as any other assignments completed in class while they were absent.

MISSING WORK/LATE WORK Students are allowed to turn in assignments late

until we change Units. A point deduction will occur based on the number of points for
the total assignment. This will vary due to the length/point value of the assignment.

Earth Science
8th Grade
REDO WORK - Students are strongly encouraged to redo any work that they received a
poor score. If a score below a 70% occurs on tests or quizzes, students will have the
opportunity to retake the test or quiz within one week of the day it was returned. They
will need to set up a date for the retake.
HOME INTERNET - All assignments that must be completed at home do not require a
home internet connection. Students have the ability to save all information to their Ipad
here at school and complete the assignment at home.
Remind101This is a great new program that we will be using this year to communicate on
Phone Number- (517) 756-4593 Text Message- @earthsc8

Needed Materials:
Writing Utensil

Three ring binder- 1 inch

*There are times that poster board, pizza box, or other supplies might be needed for a project.

Classroom Behavior Guidelines:

Guideline #1: I will allow you to stay in this classroom as long as you dont cause
problems for yourself or someone else.
Guideline #2: If you cause a problem for yourself or someone else, I will ask you to fix it.
Guideline #3: If you cannot or will not fix it, I will do something.
Guideline #4: Each person in this classroom is different. What I do depends on the
individual situation.
*Science Labs- During experiments you are required to follow all of the safety rules that we
have talked about at the beginning of the year. If you choose not to follow the safety rules you
will not be allowed to continue in the lab and will receive a No Credit for the lab. If you
continues to be disruptive your parents will be notified and we will decide the next step to be

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