Flyer ISO 9001 PDF
Flyer ISO 9001 PDF
Flyer ISO 9001 PDF
ISO 9001
Quality Management Systems
Independent assessment and certification of your Quality • Previous versions of ISO 9001 were tailored to the
Management System by DNV provides assurance to the manufacturing industries and called for extensive system
market that you work to apply an effective quality documentation. The current version is more generic and
management system in your organisation. applies equally well to all organisation, regardless of type,
size, and product provided.
What is the ISO 9001 standard?
• ISO 9001 provides a model for a Quality Management
System which focuses on the effectiveness of the Why is quality management system certification good for
processes in a business to achieve desired results. my business?
• The standard promotes the adoption of a process Certification to ISO 9001 demonstrates to potential
approach emphasising the requirements, added value, customers your organisation’s ability to meet their
process performance and effectiveness, and continual requirements and needs. This results in:
improvement through objective measurements. • Enhanced customer confidence and satisfaction, which
in turn can lead to increased business.
• A significant competitive advantage because more and
more companies require management system
certification from suppliers and sub-contractors in order to
conduct business with them.
An ISO 9001 certificate proves that the Quality • Identifying customer requirements.
Management System of your company has been • Identifying applicable legal requirements.
measured against the standard and found compliant. • Establishing objectives, goals, and improvement
Issues by a third party certification body, the certificate programmes.
demonstrates your commitment to quality management
and customer satisfaction. Before certification starts your company must
demonstrate having performed internal audits and
ISO 9001 is not designed to tell you how to run your management reviews as part of the quality management
business, but rather to allow you to be compliant in a way system implementation.
that best suits how you run your business processes. The
standard helps you to promote an internal culture of
continual improvement. Risk Based Certification™ – tailored to your company's
unique needs
ISO 9001 is particularly strong on seeking to reduce DNV's Risk Based Certification methodology aims to
errors, both in preventing mistakes recurring and by provide more value to you and your company through
identifying potential mistakes before they occur. This focused audits. We start by asking you to tell us what
reduction in errors brings associated benefits in terms of your most significant quality management risks are. Then,
cost savings. after discussions to agree on certain focus areas, we
tailor the audit to address especially these identified
How can I prepare for certification? processes. This is vital in assisting your company to
It is important that you and your company are positive, identify key improvement areas.
committed, and set clear targets for implementation and
assessment. This includes: By providing focused and structured information to top
management on the organisation’s ability to meet
objectives, we offer more value than any other
certification body.
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