WCC Youth Need Your Help!: W O O D M O N T
WCC Youth Need Your Help!: W O O D M O N T
WCC Youth Need Your Help!: W O O D M O N T
Growing Disciples of
Christ by Seeking God,
Sharing Love, and
Serving Others.
Woodmont Christian Church 615.297.8563 www.woodmontchristian.org 3601 Hillsboro Road Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Roy and Anne Stauffer with newlyweds John Stauffer & Emilie Wilson, September 21. CLICK HERE to see
more photos from Roys birthday celebration
This Weeks
But the Bible also says (Proverbs 16:31) that gray/silver/white hair is a
reward for righteous living. Now Ill take that one, even literally! I also
like what someone said about that - Just because theres snow on the
roof, it doesnt mean theres not a fire inside.
So on this occasion of my 70th, Ill take the privilege of sharing with
you some of my favorite quotations and thoughts about aging:
Come grow old with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life for which
the first was made. - Robert Browning
Growing old is great! It sure beats the alternative.
There are three stages of life: 1) youth, 2) middle age, and 3) Youre
looking good.
The more life experiences you have across the years, the wiser you
None are as old as those who lack enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
Thank you for all your birthday wishes, cards, and gifts, and the birthday
dinner at church. Youve made it a good one! So lets do it again in ten
years on my 80th! Ill close with my favorite poem from Dora Johnson:
You Tell Me Im Getting Old by Dora Johnson
You tell me Im getting old, I tell you not so;
The house I live in is worn out--and, that, of course, I know,
Its been in use a long, long while, its weathered many a gale;
Im really not surprised you think its getting somewhat frail.
The colors changing on the roof, the windows getting dim,
The walls a bit transparent, and looking rather trim.
The fountains not so steady as once it used to be.
My house is getting shaky, but my house isnt me!
My few short years cant make me old--I feel Im in my youth;
Eternity lies just ahead, a life of joy and truth,
Im going to live forever there; life will go on--its grand!
You tell me Im getting old? You just dont understand!
The dweller in my little house is bright and young and gay-Just starting out on a life to last throughout eternal day.
You only see the outside, which is all that most folks see.
You tell me Im getting old? Youve mixed my house with me!
pg 3
Its Pumpkin
Time Again!
by Katie Sheridan Gossage
The biggest change this year is that we will
be unloading the pumpkins on SUNDAY,
Oct. 16, immediately following the 11:00 a.m
service. Anyone willing to help the Youth may
join us for a quick chili lunch and then head up to South
Hall with us to unload a semi-truck of 70% of its pumpkin load. All
volunteers will be appreciated and loved on!
Cant unload pumpkins but still want to help? Heres how you can!:
- CLICK HERE to volunteer for a 3-hour shift selling pumpkins at the
Patch October 17th-31st
- CLICK HERE to sign up to bake a set of pumpkin bread to be sold at
the Patch
- Buy your holiday decor to support Woodmonts own Pumpkin Patch!
We will have tiny to humongous orange pumpkins, blue pumpkins,
swan gourds, star gourds, flint corn, and more!
It takes a community to make the Pumpkin Patch happen. All the
volunteering time and energy can be seen in the over $6,000 raised
each year that goes directly to the Woodmont Youth Mission Fund,
benefiting our work with Unbound in Guatemala.
Join me in my excitement for the great things the Pumpkin Patch will
Room In the Inn officially begins the 1st of November and runs
through the end of March and Woodmont hosts on Friday
nights. The new sign-up is currently available at www.bit.ly/
RITIWCC. We are asking for small groups, Sunday School classes,
Prayer groups, women and men's group as well as families
and individuals to start signing up for dates to serve. Please
prayerfully consider serving. This is a wonderful opportunity to
serve those who have a need within our community and
have a great time doing so.
Room In the Inn Clothes Closet is also looking for donation
of new socks, boxers, tee-shirts (in sizes L, XL and 2XL), and
individually packaged toothbrushes, as well of new or gently
used men's winter hats, gloves, coats and winter clothing.
Now is a great time to clean out your winter clothes and donate
to the RITI Clothes Closet. These items can be dropped off at
the church office or contact Deb LaForge to arrange pickup if
you have a large donation.
If you should have any questions regarding sign-up or
donations, call Deb LaForge at 615-496-8183 or email at
[email protected]
pg 4
Sunday Services
9:45 a.m.
The Bridge Worship, Drowota Hall
11:00 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service, Sanctuary
Sunday School Classes
Sunday, Oct. 2
8:15 a.m.
Seekers Bible Study, Room 105
6:15 p.m.
Youth Group, Youth Wing
Monday, Oct. 3
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 4
9:00 a.m.
Womens Prayer Group,
11:00 a.m.
CWF Meeting, Room 105
12:00 p.m.
CWF Lunch, Drowota Hall
6:00 p.m.
Handbell Practice, Choir Room
Wednesday, Oct. 5
6:15 a.m.
Men's Small Group, Room 100
7:00 a.m.
Mens Bible Study, Room 105
7:00 a.m
Younger Men's Bible Study,
5:30 p.m.
Grace Notes Childrens Choir, Kids
5:35 p.m.
Fellowship Dinner, Drowota Hall
6:15 p.m.
DivorceCare, The Bay Room
6:30 p.m.
Choir Practice, Choir Room
6:30 p.m.
Roys Class, Room 105
6:30 p.m.
Political Series: Professor John Greer,
Making Some Sense of the 2016
Presidential Election, Drowota Hall
Two Words
by Andra Moran
A man joins a monastery and is
only permitted to say two words
every 7 years.
After the first 7 years, the elders call
him in and ask for his two words. Cold
floors, he says. They nod and send him away.
7 more years pass, and the young monk is called in. He clears
his throat, Bad food, he says. They nod and send him away.
7 years pass, and the young monk is called in. When asked for
his two words, the monk replies, I quit.
Thats not surprising, the elders say. Youve done nothing
but complain since you got here.
I read this joke in an email that my dad sent to meand of
course, I laughed. Later, as I thought this joke through, it
became particularly poignant, because both of my parents
always harped on us to be mindful of the words we said in our
family, and in our lives.
If you had to sum up your life in two words right now, what
would they be? Some guesses: Im tired. Im content. Im
anxious. Good life. Change stressful.
For me personally, I would say all those two word phrases
would be my choices on different days in the last week.
There are two words, though, that are on my mind and in my
heart so often, that its surprising I didnt think of them first
in my musings about my own two words. How about this 2
word phrase:
Thank you.
These simple words are powerhouses of change and promise
a renewed perspective of the goodness of God, even in the
most trying times.
1st Thessalonians 5:18 reads, Give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Consider trying out this phrase in your prayers today. Use
it with your family and your friends. Spend a few moments
wondering about whether there are ways you need to thank
or encourage yourself. Breathe in gratitude, breathe out
peace and hope.
pg 6
Grace Notes performs God Is So Good, directed by Catie Pratt & accompanied by Gail Reese, piano.
Deacons Serving
Sun. School Total Atd.
September 4
September 11
September 18
September 25
Elders Serving
9:45 a.m.
Jonathan Farmer
Chip Hooper
Sara Kate Hooper
Kristen Newman
Christy Brown
11:00 a.m.
Emily Carpenter
Jim Batson
Pam Groom
Jeremiah Pyron
Shepley Smith
Jenny Holder
Mike Wright
Nick Forlidas
9:30 a.m.
Tim Perry
Jack Derryberry
9:45 a.m.
Anne-Marie Farmer
11:00 a.m.
John Hobby
Jack Derryberry
Hospital Pam Richardson
Support Staff
Chris Beck Business Administrator
Mandy Barton Brown Executive Assistant
Russell Davis Accompanist
Martha Duff Director of Preschool
For assistance, please call the church office at 615.297.8563 or email [email protected]
Get the most up-to-date information at www.woodmontchristian.org
Our Mission Statement: Growing Disciples of Christ by Seeking God, Sharing Love, and Serving Others.