Lab 12 - Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma Rays

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Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-1

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Lab 12 - Radioactivity, Beta, and

Gamma rays

Classic atomic and radioactive symbol


Learn about radioactivity.

Understand the random nature of radioactivity.

Investigate the 1/r2 dependence of particle decay.

Investigate the interaction of radiation with matter.

Measure the range of rays in matter.

Measure the attenuation of particles in matter.

Determine the relative efficiency of detecting and rays in a Geiger-Muller detector.

In 1896 Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium salts emitted a penetrating radiation
that was able to blacken photographic plates. Soon other elements were found that were similarly

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-2 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

radioactive. As is often the case in science, when a new field is discovered a terminology
evolves before things are properly understood. The names given to phenomena persist even if,
in the light of later knowledge, they turn out to be inappropriate, as is the case in this field. The
early investigators found that radioactive nuclei emit three different kinds of radiation that they,
lacking an understanding of their nature, named alpha (), beta (), and gamma () rays. We
will discuss these three kinds of radiation in sequence although not in that order.

E = mc2 (12.1)

This famous law, discovered by Albert Einstein in 1905, tells us that it is possible to convert
mass into energy and vice versa. The law is universally valid but it is in nuclear physics that
its effects first become noticeable. When we burn 2 g of hydrogen with 16 g of oxygen the
resulting amount of water will have a mass that is less than 18 g by a small amount m. This
mass difference m multiplied by c2 , the square of the velocity of light does equal the amount
of heat energy released in the process. However, m is so small that even the best chemical
balances cannot detect it.
In nuclear processes the energies involved are typically a million times larger than chemical
energies and routinely, we include the energy, divided by c2 , in the mass balance. Energy is
measured in Joule [J]. One J is the energy that is needed to move a charge of one Coulomb [C]
against a potential difference of one Volt [V]. In atomic and nuclear physics it is customary to
measure energies in electron volts [eV]. One eV (e-vee) is the energy that is needed to move
a particle with one elementary charge [e] against a potential difference of one Volt [V]. The
binding energies of the (outer) electrons in an atom are of the order of eV, whereas the binding
energies of the nucleons in a nucleus are of the order of MeV, (1 em-e-vee = 1 million electron

Gamma Rays
Atomic electrons can go from states of higher to those of lower energy by emitting photons,
which is simply electromagnetic radiation (just as visible light, radar, microwave, etc.). This
produces the familiar line spectra that you observed last week in the spectroscopy experiment.
Similarly the excited state of an atomic nucleus can decay to a state of lower energy by emitting
a photon, customarily referred to as a rays or particles or simply a . One can think of
this process as a change of the quantum state of one of the nucleons (neutrons and protons) that
make up the nucleus. The chemical nature of an element is determined by the electric charge
of its nucleus, the atomic number Z. Photons are neutral which means that -ray emission does
not change the chemical nature of an element. The nucleons in a nucleus are bound much more
tightly than the electrons in an atom. As a result up to a million times more energy is released in
nuclei when they go from one quantum state to another than in atoms. That makes the photons
emitted in the process that much more energetic. But, they are photons all the same.
Beta rays
Another mechanism by which a nucleus can lose energy is the emission of an electron; this
process is called beta decay and the emitted electrons are called beta rays. Since a ray carries
with it one unit of negative charge, the remaining nucleus, called the daughter (nucleus), must
have one more unit of positive charge than the parent nucleus. The atomic number of the
daughter is thus one higher than that of the parent; the chemical nature of the atom has changed.

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-3

Figure 12.1: Typical decay- spectrum

The beta decay presented its discoverers with a puzzling problem: While the parent and the
daughter nucleus are in well-defined energy states, the energy of the electron emitted in beta
decay varies between zero and a maximum value. This maximum value Emax, often called the
end point energy, is exactly equal to the energy difference between the parent and the daughter
nucleus. A typical beta energy spectrum is shown in Figure 12.1. If the electron has energy other
than Emax , where is the rest of the energy? On the face of it, this seems to defy one of the most
fundamental laws of physics, the conservation of energy. Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) came up
with the correct solution in 1931: He concluded that, together with the electron, another particle
had to be emitted that carried away the missing energy. He gave a detailed description of the
properties of this other particle, named the neutrino by Enrico Fermi:

It had to be neutral because parent and daughter differed by just one charge unit, accounted
for by the simultaneous emission of the electron.

Its mass had to be very small, perhaps zero, because the maximum electron energy was,
within experimental errors, equal to the energy difference between parent and daughter.

The conservation of angular momentum required it to carry the same intrinsic angular
momentum (spin) as the electron.

It could have almost no interaction with other matter or it would have shown up in one of
the many different detectors employed to observe nuclear particles.

Despite this detailed description it took experimentalists until 1957 to find the neutrino. This
was not for lack of trying: The neutrino is incredibly elusive, a neutrino could travel through
a layer of lead one light year thick without colliding with any of the electrons or nuclei in it.
Neutrinos are constantly passing through Earth with no interaction.
Alpha Particles
Last we mention particles, although you will not study them in this experiment. An particle
is a helium nucleus. Nuclei do not emit individual neutrons and/or protons because the emission
of a bound system i.e. a He nucleus is energetically favored. Alpha particles, because of their
double electron charge and slow speeds, are easily stopped by matter. A 5 MeV particle
is easily stopped by a few sheets of notebook paper! Alpha particles produced by radioactive
sources will not penetrate human skin. However, it would be very dangerous to ingest particle
emitting radioactive sources.

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-4 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

The Detector

Figure 12.2: Geiger Muller counter

To detect both and rays, you will use a Geiger-Muller (GM) tube in this lab. The apparatus
that includes a Geiger-Muller tube is often called a Geiger counter. The tube is simply a gas filled
metal cylindrical tube through which runs, concentrically, a fine wire. This wire is insulated from
the tube and maintained at a high positive voltage with respect to it, as shown in Figure 12.2. The
length of the active area is 3.30 cm, and the diameter is 9.14 mm. When a charged particle, such
as a ray, enters the tube through the thin window at one end, it ionizes some gas atoms. The
electrons, thus freed, are accelerated toward the positive central electrode wire by the electric
field around it. In the process the electrons themselves gain enough energy to ionize more gas
atoms and an avalanche results. This causes a burst of current, a pulse, that can be detected by a
suitable circuit. The pulse can be used to produce an audible signal in a speaker and can also be
counted in an electronic scaler.A Geiger-Muller counter is a very efficient detector for rays.
Gamma rays, on the other hand, are more difficult to detect because they have no electrical
charge. They must first produce electrons by other processes (that will be discussed in Investi-
gation 3) before they can be counted. The GM counter gas has a low density, and the average
path length of a ray in the detector is quite large. Indeed, most of the rays that are detected
are those that knock an electron out of the wall of the tube and into the gas. As a result a Geiger
counter is not a very efficient detector of rays; most of them will pass right through the tube
without being registered. This difference in counting efficiency will become very apparent to
you. We will investigate the interaction of rays in matter in Investigation 4.
During the Cold War of the 19501980 eras, millions of Geiger counters were produced for civil
defense purposes in the United States. They had a characteristic yellow color. Almost all such
counters had a meter to denote the radioactive intensity, and most had a connection for a speaker.
We will try to have one available in the lab for you to try with your radioactive source. Such
Geiger counters are still used for health physics monitoring.

Radioactive decay is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The time it takes an individual
nucleus to decay is uncertain, only the probability that it will decay in a given time is determined
by nature. This leads to an exponential decay law

N = N0 et/ , (12.2)
where N0 is the initial number of parent nuclei, is the lifetime, and N is the number of parent
nuclei that is still left after the time t. This means that after one lifetime (t = ), N0 /e remaining
nuclei will be left of an initial population of N0 nuclei (e = 2.71828 is the basis of the natural
logarithms). The lifetime is related to the decay constant by = 1/. The half-life t1/2 is the
time it takes for half of the nuclei to decay. It is related to the lifetime and decay constant by

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-5

ln 2
t1/2 = = ln 2 (ln 2 = 0.693) (12.3)

All three terms , ,and t1/2 are used. The decay constant is related to the probability per unit
time that any given nucleus will decay. The activity R, which is the number of decays per unit
time, is given by

Activity = decay/unit time = N (12.4)

where N is the number of nuclei at the time t (see in Equation (12.2)).
Nuclear lifetimes range from the incredibly short (10-20 s) to billions of years. The lifetimes
of -emitters is usually very short although it may not seem that way: Following an or
decay with a long lifetime, the daughter nucleus is often left in an excited state from which it
immediately decays to the ground state by emission. If one observes only the ray, it will look
as if the decay itself had a long lifetime.

PASCO Geiger-Muller counter SN-7927A

Two stands and associated pieces to hold radioactive source and counter

137Cs radioactive source (in plastic disk)

3-m measuring tape

Your radioactive source is a little plastic red disk that contains a small amount of radioactive
cesium, 137Cs. Its strength is about 10 Ci (microcuries). The decay scheme of 137Cs is shown
in Figure 3. This isotope has a half life of 30.174 years. Most of the time (94%) it decays to
137 Ba by emitting a beta particle with an end point energy of 0.514 MeV. The 137 Ba nucleus

with a lifetime of 2.55 minutes, is left in an excited state, which decays to the ground state by
emitting a -ray of 0.662 MeV energy. Your source thus emits and -rays in approximately
equal numbers. Because of energy taken by the neutrinos and also energy losses of the rays
through the plastic cover and air, the electrons emitted by your 137Cs source cover a continuous
spectrum from 0 to 0.514 MeV (plus a small admixture of electrons with energies between 0 and
1.176 MeV). (Do not be concerned if the energies here and in the figures are slightly different.
They are not precisely known.)
Question 1-1: A few percent of the beta decays lead directly to the 137 Ba ground state
(6%) and are thus not accompanied by a -ray. What is the end point energy of these
rays? Explain how you determined this value.

1. Place the the GM counter into the stand as shown in Figure 12.4. The counter will be
horizontal. Plug the counter into digital channel 1 of the PASCO interface. Take the
cap off the counter (if it is on) and be careful not to touch the entrance membrane. You
probably will hear an (annoying) beep coming from the GM counter. This is due to the

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-6 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

Figure 12.3: Decay scheme of 137 Cs

counter actually detecting radioactive particles entering the counter. We have tried to
disconnect this sound, but the manufacturer said it was not possible. These beeps are
due to radioactivity in the walls of the laboratory and cosmic rays, high-energy particles
coming in from outer space. It will become more annoying when you count at a high

Figure 12.4: Photo of the experimental setup

2. Open Data Studio experimental file L12.A1.Radioactivity.CountRate.ds. You will see

both a meter and digit counter. Start counting.

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-7

3. Hold the source near ( 5 cm) the GM tube entrance while you are counting. Flip the
source to determine which side of the source is stronger. Place the source in the lens
holder on the other stand with the stronger source side facing the GM tube. Move the lens
holder so that the source is about 5 cm from the GM tube.



4. Open experimental file L12.A1.Radioactivity.StatisticalData.ds on DataStudio. You

will count for twenty periods of 10 s each the number of decays N detected by the GM
tube. That will be for a total of 200 s. You should detect a few thousand counts during
each 10 s period. Write down your data in Table 12.1 while collecting data and stop data
taking after 200 s.
5. Open the Excel file named L12.A1.Radioactivity.StatisticalData.xls. You can enter your
data easily into Excel by highlighting the data you have taken in Data Studio, copy it, and
then go to cell A2 in the Excel file and paste the data. Your data should be placed in the
appropriate columns. The number of counts for the first 10 s period should be located in
cell B4 and the last 10 s period data should be placed in cell B23.
6. Print out one copy of your Data Studio data for your group.
7. Before coming to lab you should have refreshed your knowledge in Appendix C on sta-
tistical uncertainties. We have calculated the average number of counts hNi and various
other values in the Excel file. The average number of counts hNi is given by
i Ni
hNi = (12.5)
8. Find the square root of hNi and check how many of your runs (i.e. measurements) gave a
result within, respectively, the intervals:
p p p
hNi hNi, hNi 2 hNi, and hNi 3 hNi. (12.6)

The results should be, approximately, 67%, 95%, and 99.5%. This has been done in the
Excel file.
9. Write down below the number and percentage of times your results fall within

hNi Number: Percentage:

2 hNi Number: Percentage:

3 hNi Number: Percentage:
Question 1-2: Discuss whether your results are consistent with the expectations given in
step 7. How concerned are you that they dont agree?

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-8 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

Run Number Number of Counts N


Table 12.1:

10. Print out your data in Excel and include it in your group report.

Question 1-3: Why are we not able to measure the half life of the 137Cs source in this


In the previous investigation we looked at the statistical interpretation of radioactive decay.
When the decay particles are emitted they have equal probability of decaying in any direction. If

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-9

we have a detector of constant area, we will detect more particles the closer we are to the source.
As we move further away, we will count fewer, because we are subtending a smaller solid angle
of the source. We believe there should, therefore, be a 1/r2 dependence of the count rate as we
move further away from the source with a detector of constant area.
To verify the 1/r2 dependence of the radiation intensity, we vary the distance between the source
and detector by moving the source (held by the lens holder on the stand) along the table. Keep
the GM counter fixed, because its cable is short. You will not need any additional material for
this investigation.

1. The radioactive source should still be mounted on the lens holder. Vary the distance r
between source and counter starting at 5 cm and measure the counting rate at the distances
given in Table 12.2. The distance should be measured from the front of the cesium source
to the center of the GM tube, which is approximately the green line on the tube.

2. Open the experimental file L12.A2.Radioactivity.DistanceDependence.ds in Data Stu-

dio, which is set to count for an interval of 60 s. This will probably produce a number of
counts more than 30,000 at the 5 cm separation. Measure for all the distances given in
Table 12.2.

3. Put your data results in Table 12.2 and in the appropriate column of the Excel file

4. Remove the 137Cs far away from the GM tube and take a background measurement for
60 s.

Distance between source Number of Counts

and GM tube (cm)
Background (60 s)

Table 12.2: Distance Data

Question 2-1: If we had more lab time, we would have you take the background
measurement for 600 s instead of 60 s. Why would that be better?

5. Subtract the number of background counts for 60 s from each of your values measured in
step 3. Do this in Excel. This is the number of actual rays and rays detected at each

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-10 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

distance. Call this number NR to denote the fact that the background has been subtracted.
We plot NR versus the distance on a graph in Excel.

6. Print out your data and graph and include it in your group report.
Question 2-2: Does the graph look like the 1/r2 dependence that you expect? If not,
explain. What would you plot NR versus if you wanted to see the data represented by a
straight line? Explain.

7. In order to see whether the data indeed are dependent like 1/r2 , plot the number of counts
NR versus 1/r2 . We have done this for you in Excel. Add a linear trendline and under
Options click on Display equation on chart and Display R-squared value on chart.
You might also try Set intercept = 0 to see if better results are obtained.

Question 2-3: Does the data agree with this function? If not, explain. Write down the
best fit equation and the value of R2 below.

Question 2-4: Between what two points is your measurement of the distance r taken?
Think carefully about the interaction of the rays and rays inside the GM tube. Can you
think of more accurate positions to measure between? If so, explain.


The main objective of this investigation will be to study the interaction of radiation with matter.
Electrons ( rays), because they are charged, interact very strongly with matter. Along their
path in matter they knock other electrons out of the atoms they encounter, ionizing them in the
process. In this way they lose energy rapidly and come to rest after they have traveled a distance
R called the range. The exact theory of the energy loss of electrons in matter is very complicated
and will not be discussed here. Former UVa President and physics professor Frank Hereford did
definitive work in this subject (see Physical Review, vol. 78, p. 727 (1950)). Figure 12.6 shows
the range energy curve or range curve for electrons in copper. Gamma rays, on the other hand,
interact much less strongly with matter, because they have no charge.
It is customary (and convenient) to express R not in units of length, e.g. cm, but in units of
g/cm2 . This is because the range expressed in these units is independent of the absorber material,
whether it is a solid, liquid or gas. To convert from a range given in g/cm2 to a range given in

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-11

cm, we divide by the density of the material (g/cm3 ). Thus, in a layer of matter with a thickness
of, say 1 g/cm2 , there is 1 g of matter behind every square centimeter of surface, regardless of
the density of the material.
Range curves such as that shown in Figure 5 give the range of mono-energetic electrons. Re-
member that the electrons emanating from your 137Cs source holder cover a continuous spectrum
from 0 to 0.514 MeV (plus a small admixture of electrons with energies between 0 and 1.176
MeV). It will thus not be possible for you to verify a given range curve in this experiment.
In this investigation you will determine the energy of rays by allowing the particles produced
by the 137Cs source to pass through a series of thin brass foils. Brass consists mostly of copper,
so we will be using the properties of copper when needed.
The setup for this experiment is

here is a collection of 14 thin brass

each foil is 0.001" (1 mil)
hick. Be careful not to touch the
hin foils, because it is easy to poke
holes through them. Insert all 14 Cu
foils into the wide slot of the plastic
Cs source into
he holder with the recessed circle
holder with the radioactive source
below the thin foils with the source

Take the GM tube off the mount

from the previous experiment and
place it down into the cylindrical
ou want
uite close to the
op of the Cu foils. This will allow
a maximum count rate, because you
are minimizing the distance between

Open the experimental file

Figure 12.5: Rangemeasurement source and detector

In addition to the material you have already used, you will need the following material:

14 thin brass (Cu) foils

plastic holder for source, foils, and GM tube

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-12 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays





Range (g/cm2)





0.05 Energy (MeV)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Figure 12.6: Range-energy relation for electrons in copper

1. The setup for this experiment is shown in Figure 12.5.

2. There is a collection of 14 thin brass (Cu) foils; each foil is 0.001 (1 mil) thick. Be
careful not to touch the thin foils, because it is easy to poke holes through them. Insert all
14 Cu foils into the wide slot of the plastic holder. Place the 137Cs source into the holder
with the recessed circle that holds the source. Slide the holder with the radioactive source
below the thin foils with the source as close as possible.

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-13

3. Take the GM tube off the mount from the previous experiment and place it down into the
cylindrical hole of the plastic holder. You want the GM tube to be quite close to the top
of the Cu foils. This will allow a maximum count rate, because you are minimizing the
distance between the source and detector.

4. Open the experimental file L12.A3.Radioactivity.Range.ds in Data Studio. Open the

Excel file L12.A3.Radioactivity.Range.xls. With all 14 foils in place take your first mea-
surement and enter your data in Table 12.3 and in the Excel file. Each measurement will
be for 10 s. Measure the count rate as a function of Cu foil thickness by removing one
or two foils at a time as given in Table 12.3. The detector and radioactive source must
remain fixed as you remove foils.

5. Remove the 137Cs source and set it far away. Open experimental file
L12.A3.Radioactivity.Range.Background and take the background for 120 s. Enter your
data into Table 12.3 and in the Excel file.

6. Subtract a background in Excel for 10 s from each of the measurements with the foils.

Number of Foils Number of

Background (120 s)

Table 12.3: Range Data

Question 3-1: Why do you think the number of 14 foils was chosen? Why not 6 foils or
25 foils? The total thickness of the 14 foils is 0.014 inches. Is this important? Explain.

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-14 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

7. The rays are more easily stopped in material than rays, which are much more pene-
trating through matter. In the present experiment there is only a small probability that a
ray will be absorbed or scattered enough to miss the detector. However, the 14 Cu foils
should be enough to stop all the 0.51 MeV rays. If we plot the number of counts versus
the number of foils, we should see a change in slope of the data. Make a plot in Excel of
the natural logarithm of the number of counts (minus the background) ln (NR) versus the
number of foils.
Prediction 3-1: You will be plotting your experimental data on a semi-log plot in Excel,
that is, ln (NR) versus the number of foils. Explain in detail what the shape of the data
should look like both before and after all the rays are stopped. Make a sketch of ln(NR)
versus the number of foils. Do this before coming to lab.

8. You should be able to see a clear break in slope of the data when all the rays have been
absorbed. Write down the number of foils when you believe this has happened. Write
down the thickness of the foils when this occurs.

Number of foils that stop rays:

Thickness: cm
Question 3-2: Does the plot of your data agree with your Prediction 3-1? Discuss the
shape of your data.

9. The range is the material thickness required to stop all the particles of a given energy and
is normally quoted in terms of g/cm2 or mg/cm2 . Use the density of Cu (8.92 g/cm3 ) to
calculate the foil thickness in units of mg/cm2 and write it below.

Range: mg/cm2

10. Use Figure 12.6 5 to obtain the b-ray energy that corresponds to this range and write it

-ray energy: MeV

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-15

Question 3-3: Does this energy agree with what you expect? If not, explain. Do you
need to take into account the absorption by the air between source and GM tube?

11. Print out your Excel file and include the graph.


A ray, having no charge, interacts much less with matter than does a ray. Indeed, it does
not interact at all ... until it does. You might liken an electron traveling through matter to a man
fighting his way through underbrush, constantly having to push branches out of the way. A
ray is like a man running at night through a open field populated by a very few tall trees. The
going is smooth ... until he runs against a tree trunk. If the trees are widely spaced, the average
distance he travels between bumps, his mean free path , will be large; in a dense forest the
mean free path will be small. In an open field, the mean free path will be long. We can think of
the mean free path as being related to the mass that the gamma ray passes through. There are
three principal mechanisms, by which a ray can interact with matter:

Photoelectric absorption, in which it loses all its energy to one of the inner, i.e. more
tightly bound, atomic electrons of an atom, thus ionizing the latter.

Compton scattering, in which the -ray is scattered by one of the loosely bound (or free)
electrons, losing only part of its energy, and

Pair production, in which the -ray converts into an electron-positron pair in the field of
the nucleus.

Pair production requires the ray to have an energy that is at least 1.022 MeV, the rest-mass of
the electron-positron pair multiplied by c2 . It is not important in our case where the maximum
-ray energy is 0.662 MeV. When a beam of rays with an initial intensity I0 passes through an
absorber of thickness x, its intensity will be reduced to a value I(x) given by

I(x) = I0 ex = I0 ex/ , (12.7)

where is the linear attenuation coefficient and the mean free path. You will measure
and for brass in this experiment. Intensity is related to the number of particles per unit area
per unit time. We will measure the number of counts N for a given time period for a given
fixed geometry; in this case the number of counts N is directly proportional to the intensity I, so
Equation (12.7) becomes

N = N0 ex = N0 ex/ , (12.8)
The number of counts N for a fixed time period clearly depends on the thickness x of the absorber
brass. We expect to see an exponential decrease of the number of counts with thickness x. Lets
take the natural logarithm of Equation (12.8).

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-16 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

ln(N) = ln(N0 ex ) = ln(N0 ) + ln(ex ) = ln(N0 ) x (12.9)

In addition to the material you have already used, you will need the following material:

Seven pieces of brass plates, different thicknesses.

1. We will again use the plastic holder. Remove everything in the plastic holder. There are
seven pieces of brass of three difference thicknesses. Insert all of the brass plates in and
around the wide space in the plastic holder. Then insert the 137Cs source in its holder as
close as possible below the brass. Then insert the GM tube as in the last investigation in
the top as close as possible to the brass (but with a little space so the brass can be slid out).
You may be able to move the brass pieces around a little to make the distance between
source and detector as small as possible.

Prediction 4-1: You will measure the number of counts versus the total brass thickness.
What shape curve do you expect to see if you plot ln (NR) versus thickness x? (Remember
that NR is the number of counts with the background subtracted.) Explain. Do this before
coming to lab. Hint: see Equation (12.9).

2. Open the experimental file L12.A4.Radioactivity.Attenuation.ds in Data Studio. You

will now measure the number of counts as a function of total brass thickness x for five mea-
surements. We would do more measurements if we had time. Use a time interval of 60 s.
Enter your data in Table 12.4 and into the Excel file L12.A4.Radioactivity.Attenuation.xls.

Number of Number Number Total thick- Number of

1/8 pieces of 1/16 of 1/32 ness (inches) Counts
pieces pieces
5 1 1 0.71875
4 1 1 0.59375
2 1 1 0.34375
1 0 1 0.15625
0 0 1 0.03125
(120 s)

Table 12.4: Attenuation Coefficient Data

3. Use the background measurement you made in the last investigation for 120 s. We subtract
the background for 60 s from your data in Excel and put the results NR for each thickness

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays L12-17

in the next column in Excel. In the next column in Excel we take the natural logarithm of
the number of counts less background. We make a plot in Excel of the ln (NR) versus the
brass thickness x (in cm).
Question 4-1: The thinnest piece of brass used was 1/32 in. Why was this chosen? Are
beta rays reaching the GM tube?

Question 4-2: Does the plot of your data agree with your Prediction 4-1? If not, explain.

4. Fit the data shown on your Excel plot with an appropriate function. Show the trendline of
your fit, the equation, and the R2 function on the plot. Write the values of your equation
and the value of R2 below:


R2 value:
Question 4-3: Look at Equation (12.9) and discuss how to find the linear attenuation
coefficient and the mean free path from the information found in step 4. Write down
the values of and . Pay attention to units.

Linear attenuation coefficient:

Mean free path:

Question 4-4: Look at ln(N0 ) of Equation (12.9). Can you experimentally measure N0 ?
Why or why not? How can you determine the value of N0 ? Explain and show how you do
it. Write the value down below.

N0 :

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000
L12-18 Lab 12 Radioactivity, Beta, and Gamma rays

Question 4-5: The density of air is 1.3 x 103 g/cm3 , and the density of copper is 8.92
g/cm3 . If the mean free path of gamma rays in a material depends on the mass a gamma
ray passes through (see the trees in the forest argument earlier), estimate what you would
expect for the mean free path in air of the gamma rays used in this measurement. Show
your calculations below. Do we have to be concerned about the attenuation of gamma rays
in air in this experiment? Explain.

5. Print out your data and graph from Excel and include it in your group report.

Before Leaving make sure you have :

1. Put the GM tube back in the holder
2. Given the 137Cs source back to the TA
3. Checked with you TA that above tasks
have been completed

University of Virginia Physics Department Modified from P. Laws, D. Sokoloff, R. Thornton

PHYS 2040, Spring 2014 Supported by National Science Foundation
and the U.S. Dept. of Education (FIPSE), 1993-2000

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