Museum Field Trial
Museum Field Trial
Museum Field Trial
Robotics and Automation
Roma, Italy, 10-14 April 2007
Robovie M
talking robots
Figure 4: RFID reader, antenna attached to ceiling, and tag
42 [m]
RFID reader
Robot with RFID reader
84 [m]
Figure 2: Interaction scene with a humanoid robot, Robovie-II Figure 5: Placement of RFID tags
would assume that the visitor had tried it. The robot might say,
Yamada-san, thank you for trying magnetic power. What
did you think of it? Participants enjoyed such interaction
with robots, particularly when personally greeted by name.
Visitors not wearing RFID tags were also free to interact with
the robots outside of experiencing such greeting behavior.
Figure 3: Interaction scene with other humanoid robots The other Robovie-II and one of the Robovie-M explained
using the elevator shown at the bottom left of the plan, and at about exhibits behaved as if they were talking (Figure 3, left).
the reception desk they were invited to participate in the field The remaining RobovieM did not provide guidance but
trial. Participants were asked to wear RFID tags. If a visitor instead interacted with visitors by using their names from
decided to participate, he/she completed a registration form visitor tags and registered information, saying goodbye,
whose information was stored in a database server. Visitors and asking visitors to return their tags (Figure 3, right). The
were free to look around the museum as they wished. For this other Robovie-II was also equipped with an RFID reader and
purpose, 400 RFID tags were prepared; at most 172 RFID the remaining Robovie-M utilized a nearby RFID reader
tags were simultaneously active (worn by visitors). embedded in the environment. In the figure, the boy is show-
Four humanoid robots, RobovieII and RobovieM, were ing his RFID tag to the robot so that the robot will call his
placed in the environment at positions R and M shown in name. This behavior was frequently observed during the field
Figure 1. The robots had three roles. One RobovieII guided trial. Finally, participants returned RFID tags at the exit desk
people to museum exhibits while it is moving around, where near the entrance and completed a questionnaire about their
its position is revised by infrared sensor attached to the robot impressions of the robots (Details were explained in [12], a
and ceiling. This robot can engage in such behavior as field survey about impressions and anxieties).
handshaking, hugging, and the rock-paper-scissors game, as B. RFID tags and readers
shown in the left of Figure 2. It can also guide people to four Active-type RFID tags and readers were used (Figure 4).
kinds of exhibits, as shown in Figure 2 on the right. When We installed 18 RFID readers in the floor (Figure 5). RFID
bringing visitors to the telescope, the robot says, I am tak- tags were embedded in a nameplate (5 cm in diameter) so
ing you to an exhibit, please follow me! It then approaches that participants were easy to carry. Each RFID tag peri-
the telescope and explains it. odically transmitted its ID, which was received by each of
Robovie-II is equipped with an RFID reader (the detail of the readers. The reader has eight degrees of attenuation (a
which are explained in section 2.2). When it detects an RFID mechanism that increases electrical resistance to weaken
tag worn by a participant, it uses the registered information received radio signals) that reduces the maximum gain of the
stored in the database to promote interaction with visitors, receiver by 12.5% with each step. This enables us to esti-
such as greeting them by name. Robovie-II also used the mate the rough distance between tags and readers. Detection
amount of time that visitors spent near particular exhibits to areas were affected by the antenna positions of the RFID
judge whether visitors had used the exhibits. For example, readers and signal reflections from walls. We measured the
when an RFID-tagged visitor had lingered around the mag- detection area of each RFID reader to adjust the distance
netic power exhibit more than a predefined time, the system parameters for each attenuation parameter. Each RFID
the n-th sampling point (X-Y coordination) and its weight at colors the position pink. If less than average minus 2, it
t-1 (that is, the probability of tag existence at position st 1 ).
colors it white. Two green triangles and 18 green circles rep-
(2) Calculate cumulative weights ct 1 as
resent the locations of RFID readers. The following findings
ct(01) = 0, and ct(n1) = ct(n11) + t(n1) , (3) were produced regarding visitor movement in the museum:
and select sample set {st'(n1) } by iterating the following steps: - The upper left area was crowded because this is where the
(a) Generate a random number r [0,1] , uniformly distributed. robots and child-friendly exhibits were placed, such as
(b) By binary subdivision, find the smallest j for which ct(j1) r .
(c) Set s = st 1 .
'( n ) ( j)
(n ) The trial was actually performed for two months, but since we changed
(3) Measure observation features at new sample position st , locations of the RFID readers after one month, we only used the data from
the second month (Aug. 7 to Aug. 31, 2003).
- Positions in the areas that were not surrounded with RFID where An is the partition the point in trajectory p belongs.
readers were inaccurate (particularly, in the planets area).
- Our method did not accurately estimate positions if partici-
pants are positioned upon exhibits because some exhibits are
partly made of iron, such as centrifugal force and gravita-
tion, which offered people rides to experience the force.
2) Spatial partitioning Figure 10: State chain model
To analyze the use of space, we conducted spatial parti-
tioning, which was also used in the following trajectory We calculate the distance between two state chains, S i
analysis to reduce calculation cost. A k-means algorithm and S j , by using a DP matching method, which is identical
was applied to all trajectories to divide the museum into k to the comparison of strings known as the Levenshtein dis-
areas. Figure 8 and Table 1 show the results of spatial par- tance. Figure 11 compares trajectory works. Here, we set
titioning with different k values. As Figure 8 shows, areas in the distance between partitions as the distance between the
which visitors remained for significant amounts of time, centers of the partitions. Thus, insert and delete opera-
such as the robot area, are represented by small clusters. This tion costs partition distance plus a constant parameter, which
reflects the center of balance of each cluster; a more represents the tradeoff cost between time and space.
crowded point is likely to be the center of a cluster, and an
uncrowded point is likely to be the periphery of a cluster.
Regarding appropriate k value, there is a tradeoff. If the
number of clusters is large, we can gather more precise
information about trajectories, but these results will be more (a) two trajectories (b) comparison of state chains of trajectories
influenced by errors of position estimation (error is about 2.8 Figure 11: Comparison of trajectories based on DP matching
4 17.5 10362.9 18
5 14.6 7278.8 16
6 14.7 7208.0 14
7 12.8 9493.3 12
8 14.1 8789.4 10
9 12.4 6449.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k
10 12.2 6691.7 (1) Directly going to robot area (2) Going around and staying at robot area
Table 2: Standard deviation Figure 12: Illustration of stan-
and calculation costs [sec.] dard deviations
based on the distance between each trajectory as a spring registered people during their stay. For example, if there are
force. Due to the heavy calculation of the spring model, we 10 other registered visitors during a registered persons stay,
only used 10% of the trajectories. We can see the relation- the crowdedness for the person is calculated as 10.0. We
ships among the visiting patterns. For example, pattern 2 and compared upper quartile (crowdedness of more than 78.6,
4 are connected together while pattern 1 and 5 are placed in 1275 visitors) and lower quartile (lower than 20.4, 1275
the both ends: which means they are very different. visitors), but the difference was also small.
3) Identification of non-typical visiting behaviors
Based on trajectory distance from the closest cluster
center, we retrieved atypical visiting behavior, as shown in
Figure 14. Figure 14(a) is one notable atypical visiting
behavior, whose distance to the closest cluster center was
34.0. As shown in Table 2, the standard deviation of distance
from the closest cluster center was 14.6 at k=5; therefore,
34.0 is a large value. This person left the field trial by re- Low High
turning his tag to a staff member who immediately per- Figure 15: Interest in robots
formed his exit process at the robot area. As a result, his
trajectory disappeared. In the cases of (b) and (c), the
participants only stayed around the entrance, which is un-
usual as people usually tried to interact with the robots. In the
case of (d), the person stayed around the floor for 6776 sec
while the average length of stay was 1990 sec.
Low: less than 20.4 visitors High: more than 78.6 visitors
Figure 16: Crowdedness of environment
4) Analysis of attributions Without a child in groups (201 visitors) With a child in groups (4901 visitors)
We used a visualization technique to analyze how peo- Figure 18: Whether accompanying a child
ples interests and attributions affected their visiting be-
havior. Figure 15 shows the results for attributions with We also analyzed participant attributions; that is, whether
respect to the robots. At the exit desk, some participants a participant is an adult or a child. Figure 17 shows the
filled out questionnaires that asked about their interest in the results of adult-child comparisons, which revealed a slight
robots on 1-to-5 scale [12]. Figure 15 on the left is the visiting difference of staying time around the robot and planet areas.
pattern of people who answered low interest, and Figure 15 on Moreover, we only retrieved people who came in with an
the right is the visiting pattern of people who answered high adult. Figure 18 shows the comparison of adults without a
interest. As the figure shows, the difference was very small. child in the group and people in the group including a
Figure 16 illustrates the museums crowdedness as an child. It shows a large difference in the visiting of the robot
environmental factor affecting visiting patterns. From reg- and planets areas. A comparison of the left figure with the
istration information, we calculated the crowdedness of right shows a smaller staying time around the robot area and
each visitors environment, based on the average number of larger staying time around the planet area when without
lyzing peoples trajectories obtained by ubiquitous sensors formed participants that the recorded and obtained informa-
and an RFID tag system. The method consists of analysis tion would be carefully managed and only used for research
function and visualization support function. Regarding the purposes. We only provided RFID tags to visitors who com-
analysis, it converts trajectories to state chains based on pleted a consent form. When a system that employs this
partitions, calculates similarities between two trajectories technology is used, people must have a choice to participate,
based on the DP matching method, and makes clusters of which balances privacy concerns and benefits from system.
thousands of trajectories with the k-means method. It also
E. Limitations
accurately estimates group-membership between visitors by
observing co-visiting behavior. Regarding the visualization This study was conducted in a science museum where
support, the software displays staying times and transitions humanoid robots were exhibited. Thus, limitations exist
based on partitions, our software enabled us to visualize the about the degree to which we can generalize its findings. We,
following: trajectories, how the space was used, typical and however, expect to find similar trends in other exhibition
atypical visiting patterns, and the relationships between environments, since the presence of specific robots can
trajectories and attributions. probably be generalized as other popular exhibits.
To explore optimal algorithm will be our future work. Our
method is combination of available straight-forward meth- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ods. The k-means clustering with DP matching worked well We wish to thank the staff at the Osaka Science Museum
but its calculation cost is heavy. Several methods analyze for their highly appreciated cooperation. We also with to
time-sequence data; however, note that an appropriate al- thank people at ATR for their cooperative support: H. Te-
gorithm also depends on the quality of position estimation. rauchi, T. Shibata, K. Hayashi, M. Kakio, T. Tajika, F. Ya-
In our case, position estimation based on RFID resulted in maoka, D. Eaton, T. Tasaki, K. Sugahara, and B. Noorani.
2.8 m error. Although we tried to apply a method based on
Bayesian clustering with a Markov-chain model, it failed REFERENCES
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