Design Report Sy
Design Report Sy
Design Report Sy
Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
A Report On-
Chapter-1 Introduction 3
6.2 Conclusion.
Chapter-8 Reference 21
What is Design Thinking?
Design thinking refers to creative strategies designers utilize during the process of
designing. Design thinking is also an approach that can be used to consider issues, with a
means to help resolve these issues, more broadly than within professional design practice
and has been applied in business as well as social issues.
1. Technical system
2. Education system
3. Aesthetic system
4. Legal situation
5. Social, religion or cultural system
6. Theories, models, etc.
Design thinking gives student a task of the rich internal remuneration associated with knowledge
creation and in curiosity and problem driven contexts.
Domain Details:-
Our domain is City and it’s Utility. In this, we will be seeing different problems faced by the
residents of city and will try to solve them.
We analysed the details about the components of a city. It includes schools, colleges,
offices, hospitals and many more.
Interaction with the different places were observed by site seeing.
Finally a particular part was selected from a vast range of selection. We started to focus
mainly on colleges and schools.
Product development canvas will give details about the modifications of the site we will
Ideation canvas will be about activities, situation, context, location & possible solution.
Work done in Semester-3
AEIOU Canvas
1. Security
2. Writing
3. Reading
4. Eating
5. Working
6. Studying
Environment: -
Because we had a wide domain, we observed all types of environmental conditions. Mostly the
conditions were common at all the places, but they were not same at all the times.
Interaction basically means the relations between the non-living things and also between the living
At study centres the interactions take place between various objects like chalk, dusters and
stationary items. Also between teachers and students.
Mostly observed objects were stationary items, electrical appliances and household goods.
There are a wide range of users in the domain. The type of user changed when we changed the
locations. Users always seeks out for the comfort of themselves.
Mind Mapping
In Mind Mapping canvas basic idea about the domain is shown. The problems in every area of the
city are discussed in art form with some creativeness.
Empathy Canvas
We started to think like the user, so that we get an overview of the problems that they find and try
to relate it with personal experience.
In Empathy Canvas there are five details we have filled in which are users, stakeholders, activities
and two happy stories and last two sad stories.
In user we wrote the users of our domain
And in activities we wrote the same activities that we have discussed before in AEIOU canvas.
At last we wrote four stories. Two happy stories of domain and two sad stories of domain.
Ideation Canvas
In this canvas we have discussed about the peoples which will be using the product. Also activities
are discussed which are same as in AEIOU canvas but are in more detail.
The then the possible situations are discussed with the location. The situations might be
dangerous or not that depends on how the user is using the product.
At last Props and Possible Solutions are discussed which might help the user to overcome the
Reverse Engineering
Here We did the reverse engineering of the RFID Tag. Also we found that the RFID Tag is
made up of thin metallic Material. The chip on the MI fare Classic tag is very small with a
total area of roughly one square millimetre.
About a quarter of the area is used for 1K of flash memory (a 4K version is also available);
another quarter is occupied by the radio front-end and outside connectivity, leaving about
half the chip area for digital logic including cryptography.
The cryptography functions make up about 400 2-NAND gate equivalents (GE), which is
very small even compared to highly optimized implementations of standard cryptography.
For example, the smallest known implementation of the AES block cipher (which was
specifically designed for RFID tags) requires 3400 GEs.
The cryptography on the MI fare tags is also very fast and outputs 1 bit of key stream in
every clock cycle. The AES circuit, by comparison, takes 1000 clock cycles for one 128-bit
AES operation (10 milliseconds on a tag running at 106 kHz).
Research Papers
Title: IDSense: A Human Object Interaction Detection System Based on Passive UHF RFID
In recent years, there have been rise in the number of applications based on Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and have been successfully applied to different
areas as diverse as transportation, health-care, agriculture, and hospitality industry to
name a few.
RFID technology facilitates automatic wireless identification using electronic passive and
active tags with suitable readers.
In this paper, an attempt is made to solve recurrent lecture attendance monitoring problem
in developing countries using RFID technology.
The application of RFID to student attendance monitoring as developed and deployed in
this study is capable of eliminating time wasted during manual collection of attendance and
an opportunity for the educational administrators to capture face-to-face classroom
statistics for allocation of appropriate attendance scores and for further managerial
In this paper the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is applied to the basic attendance
system in a class room. A portable device is designed, where in every student can feed
his/her attendance during each lecture. The student verification is done using R-305 Finger
Print module.
The student data is fed already in the finger print module. Once successful recognition of
finger print pattern is done, the student’s attendance is ready to be pushed to the web-
This data is sent through the serial interface to the Arduino. Arduino provides a data
sequence, which is a combination of the student ID, teacher ID and device ID i:e a unique
no. of the hardware, so that the attendance cannot be forged.
This combination is then sent to the web-server using Wi-Fi Module esp8266-01. This
combination is to be sent to the web-server, where it will be decoded. In order for this value
to reach the web-server, esp8266 provides wireless connection to the access point, which
is in the range, and whose credentials are available.
Esp8266 gets access to the internet from the access point(AP), whose Service Set
Identifier (SSID) and password is fed in the esp8266 module already. Once the combination
reaches the web-server, a PHP script does the subsequent work, to interpret the data, and
the MySQL database is updated.
Data from the database is retrieved and sent to the website for easy viewing by the student.
The whole system is implemented on a dedicated web-server.
As a result, the real-time behaviour can be analysed, which helps us to understand the
latency and efficiency of the entire system.
Date: 26-08-2016
Attendance for the students is an important task in class. When done manually it generally
wastes a lot of productive time of the class. As it the repetitive, Student authentication can
be automated using various methods available in the market like biometric attendance. This
proposed solution for the current problem is through automation of attendance system
using face recognition. Face is the primary identification for any human.
This project describes the method of detecting and recognizing the face in real-time.
Raspberry Pi 2 model B is used for computation in the detection and recognition modules.
This project describes an efficient algorithm using open source image processing
framework known as OpenCV.
This system is built by five modules – Face Detection, Face Pre-processing, Face Training,
Face Recognition and Attendance Database. The face database is collected to recognize
the faces of the students. The system is initially trained with the students faces which is
collectively known as student database. The system uses user friendly User interface to
maximize the user experience while both training and testing which are collecting student
images and taking attendance with the system.
This project can be used for many other applications where face recognition can be used
for authentication. Raspberry Pi usage helps in minimizing the cost of the product and the
usability as it can be connected to any device to take the attendance. This project uses
modified algorithm of haar’s cascades proposed by viola-jones for face detection and uses
Eigen faces, fisher faces with LBP histograms for face recognition and uses MySQL to
update the database. The system will automatically update the student’s presence in the
class to the student’s database.
Title: A Comparative Study of Arduino, Raspberry Pi and ESP8266 as IoT Development Board
Internet of Things is a striding platform where every day devices are transformed into an
automated informative system with intelligent means of communicating protocols.The
available development boards for deploying elementary Internet of Things systems and
programming them pave conformation of related fields.
The lack of overall functional knowledge and the capabilities of the available means of
development boards is presently resisting the engineers to get through the scope of Internet
of Things centric approaches.
This paper provides Internet of Things oriented comparison of various boards with suitable
selection of the hardware development platforms that are capable enough to improve the
understanding technology, and methodology to facilitate developer’s requirements. This
paper also summarizes various capabilities of available hardware development platforms
for IoT and provides a method to solve real-life problems by building and deployment of
powerful Internet of Things notions.
In the recent years there has been rise in the number of application based on raspberry pi
and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) cards and has been successfully applied to the
attendance tracking system.
This project will be used for automatically managing the student attendance process for any
given learning organization. This system facilitates automation in terms of aggregating the
number of head count and is managed completely by an automated system. In this paper,
an attempt is made to solve the current problem of inconsistency, time consumption and
also elimination of paper work.
The current system has various flaws like class attendance are not secure, time consuming
and it can be prone to errors if it is taken verbally or visually. There also persists the issue
of proxy as well as a nuisance is created when the attendance is taken manually which
ultimately ruins the discipline.
There are many ways in which this is performed today such as a sign up sheet which is
passed around, attendance taken verbally, or sometimes not taken at all. All of these will be
eliminated with the implementation of the system using Raspberry pi. The configuration of
the project will consist of a Raspberry pi with an attached RFID card and RFID reader. By
using raspberry pi an accurate process will be maintained which will take attendance
automatically when the student enters the room.
Each student will be required to have their student ID card (RFID card) which will ensure
consistency. The Attendance Tracking system will rely heavily on computer hardware and
its backend database and an RFID card which does all the processing tasks when the
system is interconnected and made ready for implementation.
This system facilitates automation in terms of aggregating the number of head count and is
managed completely by an automated system.
Title: Attendance Management and User Security System’s based on Eigen Faces Algorithm
using Raspberry pi 2 and Ethernet
Over the years the manual attendance management has been carried across most of
educational institutions. To overcome the problems of manual attendance, I have
developed “web-based attendance Management System”.
Attendance Management System is based on web server, which can be implemented on
any computer. In This application, PHP is server-side language, MySQL and PHP is used
as back-end design and HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used as front-end tools.
The system communicates with database residing on a remote server. It calculates
automatically, the attendance percentage of students without any manual paper-based
work. The system facilitates the end users with interactive design and automated
processing of attendance management.
This project concerns the development of a solution for visualizing and storing different
types of data using a single board computer. This replaces a system that currently uses
Windows-based laptops.
To do this, a suitable single board computer has been selected, with price and performance
in mind. The one selected is the Raspberry Pi, due to it having good performance for its
cost and the external stakeholder desiring its use.
For database functionality a MySQL system is implemented because of its network and
concurrency capabilities. In terms of results, the external party’s performance requirements
are that data from sixty different sensors must be read and saved once per second. These
have been met.
For visualization, various frameworks and related tools are implemented, and the user
interacts with the system through a touch interface.
LMN Canvas
Prototype | Description
Here in this project we have used Raspberry Pi attached with the RFID Module.
Now as the RFID matches the identity number given to each card it sends a TRUE signal to
the program.
Now the Program puts the ID into the Database with Present Column.
As soon as the database is updated the Student is Present in The Class.
Also the students get an Email update regarding their monthly attendance and
The UI Shown in the above figure is the Admin Panel that showcases the data interpreted
from the Raspberry Pi and the RFID Module.
The UI then shows the data in form of the Graphs and bar diagrams.
It has the User access of different types like HOD, Prof., Student, Coordinator etc.
Hence Security is maintained for the Data.
Conclusion :-
By implementing this project there would be a whole lot of time – Saving.
Papers can be saved in a huge amount.
The system will be organized.
The attendance data will be in well- readable and sharable format.
The system is fast compared to the manual attendance system.
Also, the data I secure compared to the file storage system.
Data Manipulation is decreased.
Future Work
For Future Aspects, we can develop a portal wherein the students can directly see their
performance, achievements & other stuff from One Place.
Also, the RFID Cards can be made more secure by adding a sheath layer upon them.
We can add ID Sense technology to the ID-Cards so that No One wear two ID-Cards at a
time, hence there will be decrease in cheating cases.
The Future systems can track the student’s movement throughout the College-Campus so
that they may not Bunk their Classes.
Also, the Hall Ticket Number is not needed for the exam. Just link your RFID with it and pay
fees online your data will be updated.