Proposed Spectrum Management Policy For Uganda
Proposed Spectrum Management Policy For Uganda
Proposed Spectrum Management Policy For Uganda
5. IMPLEMENTATION................................................................................ 12
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
This radio spectrum management policy sets out the key objectives
and principles that shall guide the management of the radio frequency
spectrum in Uganda for the next five years.
The long term plan seeks to strengthen the following fundamentals of the
economy to harness the abundant opportunities around the country
such oil and gas, tourism, minerals, ICT business, abundant labour
force, geographical location and trade, water resources, industrialization,
and agriculture;
The usable spectrum currently ranges from 9kHz to 300GHz.
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
In the case of ICT, the country, under the fundamentals for development,
looks to continuously build robust ultra-high speed, pervasive, intelligent
and trusted high speed ICT infrastructure all over the country in line
with the changing technologies.
The plan recognized the continued need to reduce costs of doing business
by investing in infrastructure (transport, ICT and energy), improve public
sector management, deliver basic services effectively and improve skills
and innovation.
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
In 2015, the Ministry of ICT then developed an ICT sector Strategy and
Investment Plan (ICT-SIP) with a vision of a knowledge-based Uganda
enabled by a vibrant ICT Sector. The overall goal of the ICT-SIP is to
increase access and usage of ICT in the country so as to transform the
economy and improve service delivery. Three (3) strategic themes were
identified, and these are:
Foundational Support for ICT Development comprising all
components that render foundational support to the initiatives of
the sector
Enabling Environment to spur ICT growth and utilization
comprising the initiatives that will inspire trust and confidence in
the use of ICTs and thereby bring about growth in ICT and its
utilization; and
ICT for Service Delivery comprising all interventions aimed at
harnessing the potential of ICTs as an enabler of growth and
service delivery.
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
Further, Section 7(1) of the 2013 Act on Powers of the Minister provides
that the Minister may, in writing, give policy guidelines to the
Commission regarding the performance of its functions. Subsection (2)
of this section requires the Commission to comply with the policy
guidelines given by the Minister under this section.
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
principles that form the key basis for the management of the
spectrum in the country.
f) UCC has also, over the years, acquired equipment and established
infrastructure across the country towards strengthening its
capacity to plan and monitor the use of the radio spectrum in
Uganda more effectively.
PIP public infrastructure provider, NTO national telecommunications operator
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
The graph has been compiled based on the following:
1) Broadcasting: Television service and FM Radio
2) Public protection and disaster relief
3) Telecommunications (based on CDMA, LTE, UMTS, GSM, WIMAX, McWILL, & Point to Point)
4) Private Radio Network (Two Way services)
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
b) The total of Spectrum fees (consisting of the spectrum access fees and
spectrum usage fees) shall aim to:
i. Facilitate the proper management of the spectrum resource, and
ii. Promote the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum.
4.7 Compliance
a) UCC shall implement an inspection regime to ensure that any
equipment deployed conforms to the respective standards and that the
equipment is installed and operated as per the authorization and
assignment conditions.
UCC shall develop a Spectrum Master Plan that shall highlight the
Spectrum Management priorities and set the respective goals over the next
five years. UCC shall develop secondary frameworks and guidelines on any
aspect of spectrum management to complement this Policy in ensuring the
achievement of the policy objectives above.
Radio Spectrum Management policy for Uganda
UCC shall monitor and review the policy to ensure its continued relevance.