E413146 PDF
E413146 PDF
E413146 PDF
This paper introduces an outline of the structures, features, development, examples of actual deliveries, and
the future outlook for integrally geared centrifugal compressors (hereafter called geared compressors) that have
been delivered by MHI to various markets since 1967. In this paper, a detailed explanation is presented of large
size geared compressor trains used for PTA (purified terephthalic acid) plants and geared compressors used for
feeding fuel gas to gas turbines.
Shaft seal
ion shaft within the gear unit. The pinion shafts are lo-
cated around the circumference of a bull gear that rotates Casing
at a low speed [Fig.2(b)].
The speed of each pinion shaft can be set by matching Gas flow
the number of teeth in each pinion to conform to the op- Impeller Load
timum speed of each impeller. Direction of
When designing a geared compressor, it is very im- eccentricity
portant to conduct an overall technical evaluation of all
the basic mechanical components of the compressor such
as the impellers, gears, bearings, shaft seals, casing, etc., : The eccentricity of the shaft
since each impeller is directly installed onto pinion shafts generates an impeller exiting force.
that rotate at high speeds. MHI can produce and supply : Case in which the exciting force is not considered.
: Case in which the exciting force is considered.
all the geared compressors to high levels of mechanical
reliability, by designing each component based on design
Logarithmic decrement
0.25 Larger
criteria established through extensive tests carried out
within the company.
Fig. 3 shows the results of an analysis for the vibra- 0.15
E2 E1 Pre-heater
Third step intercooler Steam
C4 C3
C2 C1
Second stage intercooler
C2 C1
Second stage intercooler
Center of vortex
Flow lines
Flow rate distribution
passing through
(color contours) and
the vortex center
total pressure loss
(line contours)
Critical flow
(a) Conventional impeller and large capacity impeller
lines on
Suction surface
of rotation
(c) Pinion shaft equipped with a large capacity impeller (b) Flow analysis of large capacity impeller
Fig. 7 shows the results of torsional vibration analy- at the inlet is less than that of a conventional impeller.
ses for various shafts, which were conducted to verify The height of each vane is about 50% greater than the
the mechanical reliability of the PTA plant compressor height of vanes on a conventional impeller, in order to
train. In these analyses, the overall torsional vibration increase the capacity of the impeller. In addition, the
analysis is carried out through the train as a whole, in- number of vanes at the outlet of the impeller is increased,
cluding the pinion shaft, wheel shaft, and the shafts of to reduce the load on each vane by about 30%, so that
all the drive units. the efficiency of the impeller under high-pressure ratios
Fig.8(a) shows a large capacity impeller developed to is improved. Fig.8(b) shows the flow analysis for a large-
cope with the needs of larger sized plants such as PTA scale impeller. This is the result of a vortex analysis for
plants, in place of conventional package type geared com- complex three-dimensional flow inside the impeller,
pressors. The large-scale impeller is made up of main which is obtained using critical point theory. This is just
vanes and intermediate vanes, and the number of vanes one example of how MHI improves impeller performance