Mitsubishi Compressors
Mitsubishi Compressors
Mitsubishi Compressors
Compressors for ethylene plants are the leading machines of the Turbomachinery & General Machinery Depart-
ment of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI). In recent years, the size of ethylene plants has been increasing
and, following this trend, the size of compressors and steam turbines has increased proportionally. This report
introduces some examples of the application of highly efficient large-sized centrifugal compressors and steam tur-
bines that have been installed in ethylene plants, and the technologies applied to increase the efficiencies and
reliabilities of these large-sized machines. A proposal is then presented regarding a train configuration of very large-
sized centrifugal compressors and steam turbines.
: Size of plant
2 000 : High-pressure steam consumption
Steam consumption (tons/hour)
Volume of ethylene production
: Inquiry
1 000 1 000
500 500
0 0 0
85 90 95 00 05 92 94 96 98 00 02 04
Year of delivery Year
Fig. 1 Trend in size of ethylene plants Fig. 2 Trend in steam conditions in ethylene plants
Plant size tends to increase year by year. The amount of steam in low-pressure supply lines increases smoothly,
whereas pressure in high-pressure supply lines tends to increase dramatically.
(2nd generation)
sized compressors. Fig. 5 shows one example of an
Improvement of
2% impeller that is capable of coping with large flows.
This new impeller has the following characteristics.
Improvement of (1) High efficiency
Efficiency of 5%
The high efficiency impeller has been developed us-
conventional machine
Fig. 6
ing CFD (Fig. 6), and polytropic efficiency is increased
Second oil shock
by 2%. Fig. 7 shows the results of performance tests
70 80 90 00 on the system.
Fig. 4 Configuration of compressor and steam turbine for mega ethylene plants Fig. 5 Large flow impeller
MHI's maximum class centrifugal compressor and steam turbine for ethylene plants This photo of an impeller capable of coping with large flow
are introduced. rates shows that the impeller has a wide suction flow
passage and a shape that is nearly cylindrical in form.
: Conventional impeller
Polytropic efficiency
Diffuser by 2%
Flow coefficient
Impeller Fig. 7 Comparison of impeller efficiency
The efficiency of impellers has increased by
2% compared with that of conventional systems.
Fig. 6 Analysis of impeller CFD
A highly efficient impeller has been developed using CFD in order
to realize a high performance impeller. Control Extraction
valve steam control valve
Compressor casing
Steam inlet
Fig. 8 Design of casing using FEM Extraction mouth
In order to cope effectively with the increase in size, highly reliable
design is carried out using FEM analysis. Fig. 9 Steady temperature distribution
of high-pressure casing
(2) High pressure coefficient
To cope with an increase in large flow due to the ture, when designing the turbines used for mega ethyl-
increased size of plants, MHI has developed highly ene plants, effective solutions need to be found for the
efficient impellers with a high pressure ratio. following technical areas:
(3) High boss ratio (1) large capacity and high-pressure/high-temperature
In order to reduce shaft vibration, which causes casings;
problems with large rotating bodies, the impeller shaft (2) large capacity and high-load speed control stage
diameter is increased by 5 to 10% (high boss ratio). blades; and
This results in the realization of a highly rigid rotor. (3) high load and high centrifugal force, low pressure
(4) Improvement of manufacturing method stage blades.
To achieve predicted performance by preventing de- MHI has solved these problems as summarized
formation due to welding, the number of weld points below.
for the impeller is reduced, and the manufacturing 4.1 Development of large capacity and high-pressure/
accuracy is increased. Development of this impeller high-temperature casings
makes it possible to provide compressors with supe- In order to prevent abnormal strain and deforma-
rior performance and high reliability. tion caused by transient temperature distributions
3.2 Design of large-sized compressor casings when the turbine is started and stopped or the load
The increase in size of compressors also results in a varies due to high pressure and high temperature
demand for more advanced technologies for the design steam, a nozzle box structure is adopted. In addition, a
of compressor casings. In order to improve the reliabil- stress deformation analysis was performed using a
ity of the compressor casing, MHI has carefully examined three-dimensional solid model for verification in order
increases in weight, the effects of thermal expansion, and to evaluate the structure after planning and design, as
deformations due to internal pressure using FEM analy- shown in Fig
Fig.. 9 .
sis techniques at the design stage, as shown in Fig. 8 8. In evaluating the leakage of steam from the horizon-
tal joint surface which may occur under conditions of
4. High efficiency steam turbines for mega ethylene
high-pressure/high-temperature and large capacity, bolt
materials with small relaxation against bolt tightening
In order to tackle the problem of scaling up the present force are used, and a thermal shield is also adopted in
design concept and expanding the present design struc- order to ease the abrupt temperature gradient.
Steam turbine
4.2 Development of large capacity and high load speed cascade using a three-dimensional solid model, as shown
control stage blades in Fig. 11.
To meet the requirements of large capacity and high An analysis of static stress was performed under
load, Integral Shrouded Blade (ISB) type speed control multipoint boundary conditions for each blade. An analy-
stage blades are adopted to increase reliability. In order sis of vibration characteristics and stress was also
to design these blades in detail, as shown in Fig
Fig.. 10
10, vari- conducted using the Cyclic symmetry method. It was
ous effects and design factors were verified using FEM confirmed that stresses at all sections satisfy the require-
analysis, and rotor stability tests, cascade tests, and ments specified in the design criteria.
running tests with air were also conducted. By trial-manufacture of actual blades and a rotor sta-
Adoption of the ISB blades confirmed that the fre- bility test, it was also verified that the trial-
quency of the minimum mode was eliminated, and the manufactured blade group had the static and vibrating
reliability of the speed control stage blades was increased characteristics obtained in the above analyses.
to a level greater than that of conventional shrouded
blades. 5. Test equipment
4.3 Development of high load and high centrifugal As can be seen in Fig. 12
12, MHI already has test equip-
force low pressure blocks ment capable of performing string tests for various
It was essential to develop a variable speed, low-pres- combinations of compressors and steam turbines for eth-
sure block capable of withstanding high loads and high ylene plants of the 1.5 million tons/year class. To supply
centrifugal forces that were not seen in the past. highly reliable products, performance can be verified
First, the specifications of the blades were determined before delivery by carrying out a string test and perfor-
using one-dimensional row-by-row calculation and mance test.
axisymmetrical flow pattern analysis, while the basic For ethylene plants of the two million tons/year class,
blade shape was determined by examining the strength demand for which is expected to increase in the future,
of the resulting system using shell models. Then, a de- MHI is planning to construct new test equipment, larger
tailed evaluation of strength was performed for the than any existing test stand. Once this new test stand is
Fig. 13 Train configuration of very large-sized charge gas centrifugal compressor and steam turbine
This figure shows an example of a very large train in the future. MHI has been examining such systems in
great detail and has been preparing basic plans for these systems.
Hiroaki Ohsaki Kei Hashizume Eiji Hiraishi Sumio Noda Jyou Masutani