Research Method A. The Time and Location of The Study
Research Method A. The Time and Location of The Study
Research Method A. The Time and Location of The Study
Table 3.1
Development Proposal
Ratification of
Preparation of Thesis
The method this research namely experimental research. Here, the research will
observe two variables. The first, which was given assignments, is the experimental group and
the second without being given assignment was the control group.
The procedure of administering the assignments is that the test is administered to both
groups of students before they are taught the reading. Then the same assignment is also
administered to both sample groups after they are taught the reading.
all seventh year students of SMK Swasta Setia Budi Binjai, of the academic year of
Class Population
X-1 31 Students
X-2 31 Students
Total 62 Students
2. Sample
For just then square off when the subject is less than 100, are best taken all of
his research is to study the population.2
Based on the opinion above, the sample in this study will explained on the table
Population Experimental Group Control Group
X-1 X-2
62 students 31 students 31 students
a) Independent variables
Independent variables is variabel affecting. The Use Of Picture As Media, with the
code (X).
b) Dependent variable
The dependent variable is the variable that influenced the investigation or related.
In this research, the data are collected by giving the test to the student. The test is
given to the students in other to know the development of students achievement in reading.
The students will be given the assignments that consist of multiple-choice tests. The test
consists of 20 items.
The material of test is related to the English text book for SMK and it is concerned to
In procedure for collecting data, the writer uses 2 steps. They are pre-test, and post-
1. Pre Test
The pre test is conduct to finding out the homogeneity of sample and the result is
available arrange to the group as suppose. Pre test function is to know the mean score of
experimental group and control group. The time given to finish the text is 45 minutes and
2. Post Test
Post-test will give after the treatment. Post-test is use to know the effect of giving
assignment to the students. The answers of the post-test are correct accurately to find the
a. Normality test.
important to know the provisions relating to the selection of statistical tests that will be used.
Test parametik for example, suggests data should be normally distributed. If the data
normal. In other words, if there is a theory which states that a variable that is being
meticulous is normal, it is not in need of further testing the normality of the data.
Having collected the data of this study are the results of tests given, the data will be
X i
2) Standard Deviation
n X 2 X
n n 1
n Y 2 Y
n n 1
3) Test of Normality
Xi X
( and S respectively are the average and standard deviation of the sample)
b. To that end each of these raw numbers and use distribution lists
variance and test burlett. Homogeneity test is done to determine whether the data in the
To test whether the two groups of homogeneous, the following hypothesis will be
tested :
Ho : 1 = 2
Ho : 1 2
S 21
Fhitung = S 22
Creteria of test
acept Ho if Fhitung< Ftabel
with the dependent variable (Y) in proving whether or not the proposed hypotheses, we
N XY ( X )( Y )
r xy
N X ( X ) N .Y ( Y )
2 2 2 2
Explanation :
= Raw Score Variables X
= Raw Score Variables Y
N = the number of respondents / sample
= After X number of scores squared
= After Y number of scores squared
To test the significance level 4 formula above, then use the t-test formula:
r N 2
1 r 2
Explanation :
t = result of t table
r = Amount of correlation between the variables X and Y
N = Number of samples