5) Chapter Iii
5) Chapter Iii
5) Chapter Iii
In this chapter the researcher presents some points related to this research
variable, research instrument, the validity and reliability testing, normality and
A. Research Design
research, the researcher identifies variables and may look for relationship among
This study will conduct in experimental research to find out the students’
understanding on simple past tense taught by using snake and ladder and those
provides control of when and to whom the measurement is applied, but because
random assignment both of them has not been applied, the equivalence of the
the experimenter cannot artificially create groups for the experiment.” It means in
this research, the researcher does not have an authority to choose the sample.
This study will use quasi-experimental research design with two group
pre-test – post-test design, that consist of pre-test, treatment and post-test. Based
on Lodico et al., (2006: 183) stated that the control group is a separate group that
group which will receive a treatment. So, the researcher used two intact classes in
which one of them was as experimental class and another was controlled class.
Experimental class is class which got treatment or being taught by using Snake
and Ladder game and control class is class which is not got treatment or using
conventional strategy.
Both classes were given a pre-test before giving a treatment and post-test
after giving a treatment. The pre-test and post-test were given to take the score of
the students’ achievement on simple past tense by using snake and ladder game
and for another without using snake and ladder game. Then, both of the sources
were computed by using t-test to find out if there is any significant difference of
teaching simple past tense by using snake and ladder game and those taught
without using snake and ladder game. The design of the research can be
summarized as follows:
Note :
E : Experimental group
C : Control group
Y1 : Pre-test in experimental group before treatment (Dependent Variable)
Y1 : Pre-test in control group before treatment (Dependent Variable)
X1 : Treatment in Experimental group by using Snake and Ladder game
(Independent Variable)
- : The group without treatment or using conventional strategy
(Independent Variable)
Y2 : Post-test in experimental group after treatment (Dependent Variable)
Y2 : Post-test in control group (Dependent Variable)
1. Population
people, event or object (Ary et. al, 2010: 148). Population is object that has some
researcher (Louis: 2005). It means that population is large group of the research.
No Class Total
1 VIII A 31 students
2 VIII B 31 students
3 VIII C 32 students
4 VIII D 31 students
5 VIII E 33 students
6 VIII F 30 students
7 VIII G 32 students
8 VIII H 32 students
9 VIII I 31 students
10 VIII J 33 students
11 VIII K 35 students
12 VIII L 16 students
Total students 367 students
2. Sample
population. Ary et. al, (2010: 148) defined sample as a small portion of
individuals in a population.
In this research, the researcher took 2 classes those were chosen based on
the English teacher’s recommendation. The total number of the sample was 67
students and it was divided into two groups, where class VIII H with 32 students
Sample Total
Male Female
VIII H 19 students 13 students 32 students
Control group VIII K 20 students 15 students 35 students
Total participants 67 students
3. Sampling
insuch a way that the individual represent the larger group from which they are
selected (Gay, 1992: 123). It means that sampling is the process of taking sample.
subjective sampling. This type of sampling can be very useful in situations when
the researcher need to reach a targeted sample quickly, and where sampling for
from certain people who know well which sample is appropriate to be choosen by
K suggested the researcher to take two classes VIII H and VIII K as sample to be
researched. It was depend on some reasons. For the first, all of the students have
similar characteristics which are their mastery on English is average. Then, snake
and ladder have never been used in teaching grammar especially on simple past
C. Research Variable
that the researcher can measure or observe and varies among individuals or
characteristic of something that will be researched. There are two variables in this
1. Independent Variable
conditions are under the control of the researcher and typically are
a variable that has function to cause the other variable that will be
2. Dependent Variable
D. Research Instrument
simple past tense. The test was in the form of writing test to see the
Snake and Ladder game and for another without using Snake and Ladder
game. The researcher administered two kinds of test, pre-test and post-test.
past tense, while post-test which was a test conducted after the treatment to
choices and 5 completion tests. For 25 multiple choices, each number have
same score 4 points. So, every correct answer gets four points to each
number and gets zero for incorrect answer. Then, for 5 completion tests
that consist of (a) and (b) point have same score 5 points for each point
then will be summed. It means that if the answer of number 1 in point (a)
and (b) is correct, it will be got 10 points. Otherwise, if the answer in point
(a) is correct and point (b) is incorrect, it will be got just 5 points. Then,
the result of the tests was compared to know whether there was significant
difference before and after the students given the treatment whether who
are taught by using snake and ladder game and another taught without
1. Validity
claimed to measure (Ary et al, 2009: 225). It means that the test will be valid
and face validity. To ensure whether the test has a good validity, the
a) Content Validity
al. (2010: 226) content validity involves the test’s content and its
the content domain. A good content of test is looked at from the content of
test. It means a test named valid, if the content of test represented lesson
given. The researcher will combine both the content of test and the
material of test to know the test is valid or not. In this study, the content
validity refers to the Curriculum of 2013 which was applied for eight
grade students’ level. The test was designed based on main competence
and basic competence in the Curriculum 0f 2013. The content validity can
Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi Inti
Test Items
Competence Indicators
Pre-test Post-test
Students are able to
understand about simple Simple past tense test Simple past tense test
past tense
From the table above, the test has a content validity because there
b) Construct Validity
on the theory above the researcher creates the test based on the material
use the test that suitable for the student at second grade of SMP Negeri 1
Sumbergempol. The test is about simple past tense. This test is to measure
Construct validity shows how far the tests are suitable with the
other word, the form of the test must suitable with the theory of grammar
the researcher made a blueprint. The blueprint of the test could be seen in
the appendix 4.
c) Face Validity
content (Ary, 2010: 228). Face validity refers to a test can looks measure
what is supposed to be measured. It means that the test should look clear
instructions on the paper test to ask students to answer it. In this study, the
face validity was done through validator by the expert. The purpose of face
validity which is used in this research is to check some aspects that are
the students
2. Reliability
After having tested the validity of the instrument, the next step is to
examine the reliability. A test is considered reliable if the same test is given to
the same subjects or matched subjects in two different occasions, the test
should yield similar result (Brown, 2004: 20). Wiersman and Jurs (2009: 255)
the second chances or more, the instrument is reliable. To know how far the
In this case, before the researcher conduct try-out in the class, the
choices and 5 completion tests. Then, the researcher asked to the two experts
to give correction about the test that the researcher have done before. They
Sumbergempol. After that, the researcher revises the test. Then, the
researcher conducted a try-out for the test to the different subject before it be
the pre-test and post-test for the subject of research, to know how far the
was done on February 20th 2019. The try-out was held to know how far the
reliable of the test. After the researcher got the score from try-out, to find out
the reliability of the score obtained either from the pre-test and post-test, the
researcher will calculate two scores of the students to calculate the correlation
compute the reliability of instruments. Here the researcher got the result as
Table 3.7 showed that Pearson Correlation of both rater 1 and 2 were
0.872. Meanwhile, table 3.8 showed that Pearson Correlation of both rater 1
and 2 were 0.815. In this case, if the Pearson Correlation was closer to 1, it
can be said has strong correlation. Based on the both of table above, the result
1. Normality Testing
Arumsari (2014: 56) said that the normality of data is important because
in IBM SPSS Statistic 16.0 with the significance level (α) = 0.050. Basic
distribution is normal
2. Homogeneity Testing
out the variance score of the sample. In this case to measure the
homogeneity testing, the researcher used Levene statistic with SPSS 16.0
If the significance value < 0.050, then the data distribution is not
the data. Data collecting is a systematic and standardized procedure to obtain the
necessary data. To collect the data, the researcher used instrument. Instrument is a
tool which used to get the data. In this research, the instrument was only a test.
According to Ary et al. (2010: 201) the tests were valuable measuring instruments
numerical score can be assigned. It meant that by conducting the test, the
In this research, the test consisted of pre-test, treatment and post-test. The
function of pre-test was to know students’ mastery on simple past tense before
getting the treatment. Whereas, the function of post-test was to know the result of
the experiment after the treatment had been given. The following are the steps in
1. Pre-Test
Pre-test was undertaken for the first step in a form of simple past
given before the students were given the treatment. Pre-test was
way. The aim of the pre-test was to know the basic or prior knowledge
February 26th 2019 in experimental and control class. There was no one
absent on that date, so the students could passed the pre-test. The test
wast consist of 30 number item and the material about simple past
tense. The form of the test was objective test that consist of point A and
2. Treatment
treatment. The treatment of this study was given three times in every
Ladder game while the control group would be taught without using
are taught by using Snake and Ladder game. The first treatmment had
done on March 5th 2019. The steps on this treatment were: 1) The
researcher shared the material about simple past tense especially about
“regular and irregular verbs” for the first. 2) Then, divided the students
into six group, for each group consist of 5 – 6 students. 3) After that,
the researcher read the rule of Snake and Ladder game and the students
was listened. 4) On the Snake and Ladder board game, there were some
verbs 1, then the students asked to change it into simple past form
depend on the number of the group got in playing Snake and Ladder
game. 5) And the other groups or the researcher was decided that the
answer was correct or not. 6) The winner of this game was not the
group who got the highest square on the board but the highest scores or
the most point got. The second treatment had done on March 9 th 2019.
The steps on this treatment were: 1) The researcher shared the material
about simple past tense especially about “verbal sentences” for the first.
2) Then, divided the students into six group, for each group consist of 5
– 6 students. 3) After that, the researcher read the rule of Snake and
Ladder game and the students was listened. 4) On the Snake and Ladder
board game, there were some verbs 1, then the students asked to change
it into simple past form depend on the number of the group got in
playing Snake and Ladder game. After changing the verbs, the students
asked to make it into a simple sentence. 5) And the other groups or the
researcher was decided that the answer was correct or not. The third
treatment had done on March 12th 2019. The steps on this treatment
were: 1) The researcher shared the material about simple past tense
especially about “nominal sentences” for the first. 2) Then, divided the
After that, the researcher read the rule of Snake and Ladder game and
the students was listened. 4) On the Snake and Ladder board game,
there were some verbs 1, then the students asked to change it into
simple past form depend on the number of the group got in playing
Snake and Ladder game. After changing the verbs, the students asked to
While, class VIII K was choosen as control group who are taught
February 27th 2019. The steps on this treatment were: 1) The researcher
shared the material about simple past tense especially about “regular
and irregular verbs” for the first. 2) Then, divided the students into six
group, for each group consist of 5–6 students. 3) After that, the
then the students asked to change it into simple past form. 5) After that,
the leader of group asked to come forward and read 5 verbs. She or he
asked the other group to change it, if the answer was wrong the other
group could asnwer it. If the answer was correct, then continued to the
next questions. In this case tranformation drill was applied. The second
treatment had done on March 5th 2019. The steps on this treatment
were: 1) The researcher shared the material about simple past tense
especially about “verbal sentences” for the first. 2) Then, divided the
students into six group, for each group consist of 5–6 students. 3) After
that, the researcher gave the example of transformation drill before the
asked to come forward and read 3 sentences. She or he asked the other
group to change it, if the answer was wrong the other group could
asnwer it. If the answer was correct, then continued to the next
treatmment had done on March 6th 2019. The steps on this treatment
were: 1) The researcher shared the material about simple past tense
especially about “nominal sentences” for the first. 2) Then, divided the
students into six group, for each group consist of 5–6 students. 3) After
that, the researcher gave the example of transformation drill before the
asked to come forward and read 3 sentences asked to come forward and
read 3 sentences. She or he asked the other group to change it, if the
answer was wrong the other group could asnwer it. If the answer was
3. Post-Test
students’ mastery after given treatment. It was done on March 12th 2019
in VIII K as control class. While, for VIII H as control class was done
on March 16th 2019. There was no one absent on that date, so the
students could passed the post test whether on experimental class and
control class. In this study, the post-test was conducted in the last
meeting. The test wast consist of 30 number item and the material about
simple past tense. The form of the test was objective test that consist of
point A and B. The time allocation was 60 minutes for finishing the
H. Data Analysis
Data analysis is used by researcher to analyze the collected data. The data
is taken from students’ score in pre-test and post-test. Then, to investigate the
effectiveness of Snake and Ladder game on the students’ mastery on simple past
tense. According to Ary (2010: 32) the analysis provides evidence that supports of
fails to support the hypothesis of the study. The researcher determined it by using
statistical computation to analyze the collected data and the researcher uses
Independent Sample T-test through SPSS 16.0. The purpose is the researcher
wants to know the result of the students’ who are taught by using snake and ladder
game and those taught without using snake and ladder game at the second grade
1. Descriptive Statistic
and the lowest score. After got the description of the scores, the
teaching simple past tense that taught by using Snake and Ladder game
and those taught without using Snake and Ladder game at the second