MIS and Credit Monitoring Project

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Ankita rathod
ROLL NO: - 104

ACADEMIC YEAR: - 2016 2017



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MIS and Credit Monitoring


This is to certify that the project entitled, MIS AND CREDIT

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of "Third
year of Bachelors of banking and insurance" at the
ECONOMICS" is an authentic work carried out by him under
my supervision and guidance.
To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the project
has not been submitted to any other University / Institute for the
award of any Degree or Diploma.

(Designation, Name of Institution)

MIS and Credit Monitoring


I hereby declare that the project entitled MIS AND CREDIT

MONITORING submitted is my original work and the project has not
formed the basis for the award of any degree, associateship, fellowship or
any other similar titles.

Signature of the Student:



MIS and Credit Monitoring


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to (Name of your Organization Guide) for their guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the
project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of (Organization

Name)for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of
this project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving
me such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and

people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities."

MIS and Credit Monitoring


Serial number Topics Page number

1. Introduction 7
2. Research methodology 26
3. Analysis-1 36
4. Summary finding and recommendation 43

5. Bibliography 50

MIS and Credit Monitoring

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Our History
"MIS at The University of Arizona is at the intersection of two superlatives: MIS is one
of the 'hottest' fields in America in terms of demand from students and employers; and
MIS is one of the most highly-ranked programs at this University." Peter Likins, Past
President, The University of Arizona
The MIS Department at Eller College of Management is proud of its successes and
accomplishments over the last four decades:

Our program has been a top-5 MIS program for over 26 years according to US News
& World Report.
We generated over $85 million in grants and other monies to fund research in
collaborative systems, artificial intelligence, data management and decision making
We have educated over 200 doctoral students, over 1,500 Master's in MIS students and
over 4,000 undergraduate MIS majors.
We have been a pioneer in establishing the first MIS curriculum in collaboration with
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and other schools.
As information technology has evolved over the decades, our program, research, and
successes have too evolved. We continue to re-invent to meet the new challenges of
In the 70's, the field focused on the use of information technology to improve a firm's
operational efficiency and costs. However, we learned that gathering data and generating
reports does not necessarily lead to better decisions.

In the 80's, we built databases and decision support systems to help managers make better
decisions. However, we realized that the systems need to be integrated if they are to help a
firm remain competitive.

In the 90's we integrated systems to support process integration across the value chain.
However, the Internet made a firm's value chain borderless and brought many more systems
and stakeholders (customers, suppliers and global and regional partners) into a firm's view.

Now, in the 2000's, we recognize that management of the "borderless and connection rich"
value chain poses many new challenges. A firm has to meet the needs of customers it never
meets, manage suppliers far away across the globe, support partnerships with those that
manage a firm's business processes, and remain flexible to meet the changing business and
technology market place.

2016 - MIS Department head - Dr. Paulo Goes - becomes Eller College's ninth dean. Read
about his appointment here. MIS Professor, Dr. Sue Brown becomes the interim department

2000 - The Mark and Susan Hoffman E-Commerce Lab opens with a $1 million gift from
alumnus Mark Hoffman of CommerceOne. Dr. Hsinchun Chen is the Director of the lab. The
lab established one of the best enterprise computing environments in business schools.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

2000 - Dr. Chen founded the Knowledge Computing Corporation, a UA spin-off company that
commercializes the COPLINK system. KCC has become one of the largest law enforcement
information sharing and data mining systems in US and has been adopted in more than 1,600
agencies. In Fall 2011 Dr. Chen's spinoff was acquired by IBM for $500 million dollars.

2004 - Dr. James F. LaSalle retires. Jim started teaching at the UofA in 1964 and his
"specialty" class was MIS111. According to UAs Alumni Association Jim has taught over
50,000 students during his UA teaching career! As a result of his outstanding contributions to
students, the MIS department has initiated two student awards on his behalf. The James F.
LaSalle Teaching Award and the LaSalle-Chen Scholarship. In addition, he was named the
first University Distinguished Professor.

2008 - National Center for Border Security and Immigration opens. Jay Nunamaker co-leads a
team of research Universities and receives $15 million over six years. BORDERS is a
consortium of 14 premier institutions that is dedicated to the development of innovative
technologies, proficient processes, and effective policies that will help protect our Nations
borders, foster international trade, and enhance long-term understanding of immigration
determinants and dynamics.

2009 - Dark Web Research Center, part of the AI Lab, opens funded by a multi-million dollar
NSF grant. The lab mission is a long-term scientific research program that aims to study and
understand the international terrorism (Jihadist) phenomena via a computational, data-centric

2009 - National Center for Border Security and Immigration (BORDERS) opens. A multi-
million dollar, multi-university research center whose research will be led by Jay F.
Nunamaker Jr. The center will focus on new technologies such as surveillance, screening, data
fusion and situational awareness using sensors, unmanned aerial vehicles and other
technologies. The center also will provide research on population dynamics, immigration
administration and enforcement, operational analysis, control and communications,
immigration policy, civic integration and citizenship, border risk management and
international governance.

2009 - iPlant Collaboration grant received. Funded by a $50 million NSF grant making it one
of the largest NSF grants ever awarded to an Arizona entity. Principal project personnel
includes Drs. Sudha Ram (as Co Principal Investigator and Cyberinfrastructure Development,
Integrated Solutions Team co-leader) and Sue Brown as Social Networking lead. The project
will entail a global center and computer cyberinfrastructure within which to answer plant
biology's grand challenge questions, which no single research entity in the world currently has
the capacity to address. The project will unite plant scientists, computer scientists and
information scientists from around the world for the first time ever to provide answers to
questions of global importance and advance all of these fields.

2009 - National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education opens.

The goal of this center is to help reduce vulnerability in the national information infrastructure
by promoting higher education and research in information assurance. The center was
approved by the National Information Assurance Education and Training Program under the
authority of the U.S. National Security Agency.

2009 - MIS Department Celebrates it's 35th Anniversary.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

2011 - INSITE (Business Intelligence and Analytics Center) is formed.

2012 - MicroAge Lab and MIS Commons Dedicated.

2013 - 1.) Dr. Hsinchun Chen Appointed and Inducted as UA Regent's Professor, 2.) Dr.
Hsinchun Chen Named UA's 2013 Innovator of the Year, 3.) Dr. Hsinchun Chen Named the
Thomas R. Brown Endowed Chair in Management and Technology, 4.) Sudha Ram Named
Anheuser-Busch Endowed Chair

Department receives $5.4M cybersecurity and big data grants.

2014 - MIS Celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a two day celebration. Dr. Hsinchun Chen
named NSF Lead Program Director of the NSF (National Science Foundation) Smart and
Connected Health (SCH) Program.

2016 - MIS Department Head, Paulo Goes, named new Eller College Dean

Management Information System can be defined as a formal method of collecting timely

information in a presentable form. in order to facilitate effective decision making and
implementation, in order to carry out organizational operations for the purpose of
achieving the organizational goal. A management information system is a system design
to provide selected decision orientation information needed by ma kance planning and
control at all levels. It complemeate integration of required business information sub
system both financial with in the company.

Professor Allen S. Lee states that research in the informaystem field examines more than
the technological system,or just social system or even the two side by side in addition it
investigates the phenomena that emerge when the two interact.

An information system can be any organized combination of people, hardware, software,

communication network and data resources that collects, transforms and disseminates
information in an organization.

Information processing is a major social activity. A significant part of an individuals

working and personal time is spent in recording, searching for, and absorbing
information, as much as 80% of a typical executives time is spent on processing and
communication information. Their duties involve the production and use of information
outputs documents, reports, analysis, plans, etc.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

The system provides information on past, present, and project future and on relevant
events inside and outside the organization in the society. it may be define as planned and
integrated system for gathering relevant data,conveconcert kmconcert mumborting it in
to right time. The main purpose of management information system is to provide the
right and correct information to the right people at right time.

Another important purpose of management information system is that it is needed by all

business organization because of increased complexity and rate of change of todays
business environment foe example marketing manager needs information about sales
performance and trends financial manager needs information on returns, production
manager needs information analyzing resources requirement and workers productivity
and personnel manager needs information analyzing resources requirements and
workers productivity and personnel manager needs information concerning employee
compensation and professional development. thus effective managers with the specific
marketing,financial,production and personnel information, and products they require to
support their decision making responsibilities.

Management information system concept is a vital to effective computer use in business

of two or major reason:

1- It serves as a system framework for organizing business computer applications.

business application of computer should be viewed as interrelated and integrated
computer based information system and not as independent data processing job.

2- It emphasized the management orientation of electronics information processing in

business the primary goal of computer based information should be the processing of
data generated by business operations.

Advantages of Management Information system

1. Management information system helps the managers to make planning and control

MIS and Credit Monitoring

2. Facilitated planning- management information system improves the quality of plants

by providing relevant information for sound decision making due to increase in size and
complexity of organization managers have lost personal contact with the scenes of

3. Minimize information overload- management information system changes the larger

amount of data into summarized form and thereby avoids the confusion which may arise
when manager are flooded with detailed facts.

4. Bring coordination-management information system facilities integration of

specialized activities by keeping each department aware of the problem and requirement
of their department. it connect all decision centers in the organization.

5. Make control easier-it serves as a link between managerial planning and control. It
improves the ability of management to evaluate and improve performance. The use of
computers has increased the data processing and storage capability and reduces the cost.

6. Management information systemassembles, processes.stores, retrie, evaluate, and

disseminate the information.

7. It insure that appropriate data is collected from the various sources, processed, and
sent further to all the needy destinations.

8. Management information system helps in strategic planning, management control,

operational control and transaction processing.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

9. It helps the clerical personnel in the transaction processing and answer their queries
on the data pertaining to the transaction the status of a particular record and reference
on a variety of documents.

Objectives of Management Information System

1. Management information system main objective is to attain the transaction processing

of data of an organization effectively. Transaction processing is applied in conversion
and analysis of raw data.

2. Management information system is the management of marketing, fianc, production,

and the personnel becomes better trained which result in his efficiency.

3. Management information system is in making the forecasting and long term

prospective planning more effective.

4. It tries to create a structured database in knowledge base for all the people in the

Characteristics of Management Information System

Management information system and top management - management information

system is a comprehensive and coordinated set of information subsystems which are
rationally integrated and which transform data information in a variety of a ways to
enhance productivity in conformity with the managers style and characteristics on the
basis of established quality.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

1. Management oriented - the system is designed from top to bottom. This does not mean
that the system will be geared to providing information directly to top management
rather it means that the system development starts from an appraisal of management
needs and overall business objectives it is possible that top management is the focus of
the system such as their needs cornerstone on which the system is built for example- a
marketing information system basic sales order processing the shipment of goods to the
customers and the billing of the goods are fundamental operation control activities.
however if the system is designed properly this transaction information can be traced by
salesman, sales territory, size of order, geography and product line furthermore if
designed with strategic management needs in mind external competition market and
economic data can be created to give a picture of how well the companys product are
faring in their marketing environment and to serve as a basic of new product or
marketplace introduction the initial application can be geared to the operational and
management control areas but in such a way as not preclude its integration into a
strategic planning subsystem for upper management.

2. Management directed - because of the management information system it is

imperative that management actively directs the system development efforts to
determine what information is necessary to improve its control of operation it is rare to
find an management information system where the manager himself or a high level
representative of his department is not spending a good deal of time in system design it it
not a non-time involvement for continued review and participation are necessary to
ensure that the implemented system meets the specification of the system that designed
therefore management is responsible for setting system specification and it must play a
major role in subsequent trade off decision that inevitably occur in system development.
An important element of effective system planning is the process for determining the
priority of application development. Management must control this process if a
management information system is the objectives. A company without a formal
application approval cycle and a management steering to determine priorities will never
develop an management information system.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

3. Integrated - integration is significant because of the ability to produce more

meaningful management information for example in order to develop an effective
production scheduling system we must balance such factors as:

A. Set up cost.

B. Work force.

C. Overtime rates.

D. Production capacity.

E. Capital requirement

D. Customer service.

4. Common data flows - Because of the integration concept of management information

system there is an opportunity to avoid duplication and redundancy in data gathering
storage and dissemination for example customer orders are the basic for billing the
customer for goods ordered setting up the accounts receivable initiating production
activity sales analysis sales forecasting and so on it is prudent to capture this data closest
to the source where the event occur and use it throughout the functional area it is also
prudent to capture it once and thus avoid the duplicate entry of sources data into several

5. Heavy planning elements -Management information system do not occur overnight

they take from three to five years and longer to get established firmly within a company
a heavy planning element must be present in management information system
development the management information system designer must have the future
objectives and needs of the company firmly in mind. the designer must avoid the
possibility of system obsolescence before the system planning is an essential ingredient to
successful management information system the management information system
provides meaningful direction towards which one strives.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

6. Sub-system concept - In tackling a project as broad and complex in scope as a

management information system, one just avoid losing sight both the forest and the
trees. Even though the system is viewed as a single entity, it must be broken down into
digestible sub-system that can be implemented one at a time. The breakdown of
management information system into meaningful subsystems set the stage for prioritized
implementation. The subsystem analysis is essential for applying boundaries to the
problem, thus enabling the designer to focus on manageable entities that can be assigned
and computerized by selected system and programming team.

7. Flexibility and ease of use - Despite a careful analysis of the future management
information needs it is impossible to predict what is desire their to five year hence. This
is true in most industries and especially in industries with rapid change patterns, it is
nave to think that if anyone possesses the omniscience to predict the future with this aa
a premise, the next best thing an management information system developer can do is to
built in the flexibility to incorporate as many manufacture nuances as possible.

8. Data base - The data is the mortar that holds the functional system together each
system requires access to a master file or data covering inventory, personnel, vendors,
customers, general ledger, work in progress and so on. If the data is stored efficiently
and with common usages in mind one master file can provide the data needed by any of
the functional system. It seems logical to gather data once, properly validate it and place
it on a central storage medium that can be accessed by any system. However it is not
unusual to find a company with multiple data files, one serving one functional system
and another serving another system.

9. Distributed data processing - The majority of the companies implementing

management information system have a geographic network of sale office, distribution
channel, manufacturing plants,divison,subdivision and so on some of these entities are
operated in a completely independent fashion and therefore may not be part of the

MIS and Credit Monitoring

integrated management information system more often than not, the remote site to have
the connection with each other and with a host of operation in order to create a effective
management information system with geographical boundaries some from of distributed
data processing is necessary. Distributed data processing can be thought of as the
delivery system, placing information in the hands of those who need it when they need it.

10. Information as a resource - Providing the entire organization must be a concept that
information is a valuable resource particularly in the management control and strategic
planning areas must be properly managed. This is a subtle but important change in
thinking. It was a common in the past to view the data processing.

Models/ Types of Management Information Systems

1. Accounting management information systems - All levels of accounting managers

share all accounting reports. 2. Financial management information systems - It provide
financial information to all financial managers within an organization include the chief
financial officer. The chief financial officer. The chief financial officer analyzes historical
and current financial activity.

3. Manufacturing management information systems - More than any functional area

great advance in technology have impacted operations, as a result manufacturing
operations have changed. For instance, inventories are provided just in time so that
great amounts of money are not spent for warehousing huge inventories in some instance
raw material are even proceeds on rail load cars waiting to be sent directly to the factory
thus there is no need for warehousing.

4. Marketing management information system - A marketing management information

system support managerial activity in the area of product development, distribution,

MIS and Credit Monitoring

pricing decision, promotional effectiveness and sales forecasting more than any other
functional area.

5. Human resource management information system - It concern with activity related

workers, managers and other individual employed by an organization because the
personnel function relates to all other areas in business the human resource management
information system playa a valuable role in ensuring organization system include work-
force analysis and planning, hiring, training, and job assignment.

6. Structure of management information system - The management information system

has been described in terms of support for decision making management activity and
organization functions.

7. Conceptual structure - The conceptual structure of a management information system

is defined as a federation of functional subsystem each of which is divided into four
major information processing components transaction processing, operational control
information system support, manag Mumjerial control information system, managerial
control information system and strategic planning information system which has some
unique data files which are used by only that sub system.

8. Physical structure - The physical structure of an management information system

would be identical to the conceptual structure of all applications consisting of completely
separate programs used by only one function but this is frequently not the case
substantial information can be achieved from

1 - Integrated processing

2 - Use of common modules

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Integrated processing is achieved by designing several related applications as a single

system in order to simplify the interconnection and reduce the duplication of input. A
good example is an order entry system. The recording of an order initiates a sequence of
processing. Each step using new data but also most of the data from prior processing. In
other words, an integrated order entry system crosses functional boundaries.

Management Information System Planning, Controlling and Limitations

Planning - The top level management is mainly concerned with strategic planning for
example the strategic planning activities of top management involve future interaction
between the organization and its external environment.

Computational support for planning:

1. An analysis of historical data to obtain relationship useful for projection.

2. Various projection and forecasting techniques to estimate future value.

4. Computations internal to the plan and computation required for outputs.

5. Output of the results in a meaningful planning format.

Historical data analysis techniques

Historical data analyzed to discover pattern or relation that will be useful in projecting
the future value of significance variables. Even when the quantitative relations are not

MIS and Credit Monitoring

sufficiently stable to use in forecasting data analysis is useful for input into the
judgmental forecast.

Historical extrapolation techniques

Historical data describes the past planning that involve the future estimating is generally
based on analysis of past history combined with various technique to generate data for
planning purposes.

Financial planning computation

Models that involve financial plan need to provide for various computation and analyses
commonly required for measuring or evaluating profitability example are depreciation
computation rate of return analysis and break even analysis. Depreciation is a
significant computation in most financial planning it affects profit computation because
it is an expense and it affect cash flow because of its impact on taxes. There are several
methods for computing deprecation all of which should be available to the planner.
These methods are straight line double declining balance sum of the year digits and
production or use basis.

Controlling - At the middle level management, information is management control.

Middle level managers such as departmental heads are concerned with the current and
future performance of their units. Therefore they need aggregate information on the
sales, profit etc. of their units such information is available from both within the
organization as well as outside the organization, for example, financial data for budgets
and ratio analysis are available from the companys records. However market data can
be collected through special surveys and reports from outside the organization. Top level
managers also require management control information. But these information must be
more detailed narrower in scope and more accurate than information required for
strategic planning. It should also generate at more frequent because the time horizon of
decision is shorter.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

At the supervisory level of management operational control is exercised production

scheduling, cost and credit control, etc. are examples of operational control. Therefore a
detailed report on a daily and weekly basis is required, inventory report, operating cost,
production rate, etc. are examples of such information. Such information available from
with in the organization.

The control feedback loop is basic to system design. The computer can improve the
control process in several ways:

1. The standard can be complex. Computational simplifications are not necessary.

2. The computation of deviation and identification of cause can be more sophisticated.

3. Reporting with computers can use irregular time interval which is very difficult with
manual processing and can be done more frequently.


1. Aggression - The people may hit back at the system and may even sabotage it by using
equipment incorrectly by putting incomplete information into the system or buy actual
destruction of hardware or software.

2. Projection - It is a psychological mechanism of blaming difficulties on someone or

something else. When employees blame the management information system for

MIS and Credit Monitoring

problems caused by human error or other factors unrelated to the system, projection is
taking place.

3. Avoidance - It occurs when individuals defend themselves by withdrawing from or

avoiding a frustrating situation. Managers may avoid the system by ignoring its output,
in favour of their own information sources.

Management Information System Planning - Management information system general

business planning initiates from the following concepts :

1. Mission of the corporate.

2. Objectives and goals for the corporate in all key performance areas. These are in line
with the mission of the corporate.

3. Strategic planning for general approach on how to achieve long term objectives.

4. Operational planning for specific guideline on how to transverse short term


credit monitoring is one of the best example of application of MIS

In today's world, a lot of things depend on your creditloan approvals, insurance

premiums, even the success of job applications. Having a good grasp on your credit can
help you get ahead in life and save you time and money. While checking your free
annual credit report is always a good idea, year-round credit score and report
monitoring is equally important.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Credit monitoring is the process of periodically reviewing your credit reports for
accuracy and changes that could be indicative of fraudulent activity. Credit monitoring
can be done either manually or by using a passive credit monitoring service, such as
SmartCredit. The purpose in either case is to identify credit report errors and as
protection from identity theft.

In this day and age, with the technology available, consumers can't avoid monitoring
their credit and identity - it's just too easy for criminals to take advantage of you.
Having a service that monitors your credit and identity activity "24/7" by checking
thousands of databases for misuse of your personal information can give you the peace
of mind you desire. Smart Credit will monitor the databases, and tell you if there's any
key changes to your credit report, new application for credit, misuse of your identity, as
well as filling you in on any creditors that have responded to actions you've taken using
Smart Credit's Smart Actions Button. This gives you the ease of use and control over
your credit and its monitoring you need.

Credit monitoring services generally look for any suspect changes to your credit reports
including name changes, new addresses, new account information, new inquiries and
new delinquencies. If the credit monitoring system identifies any of these items the
consumer receives an alert. The alerts are generally in the form of a text message or an
email. Once you've been alerted to potentially fraudulent activity you can take steps to
correct any credit report mistakes and close down fraudulent accounts.

A credit monitoring service acts as both a personal assistant and watchdog when it
comes to your credit. Credit monitoring service gives you frequent access to your credit
history, so you can check your credit report as often as you like. It watches your credit
reports and alerts you whenever there are changes to any of your accounts, such as new
accounts being opened in your name, a credit card balance increase, or negative
information like a late payment reported by one of your creditors. This helps you stay on
track with maintaining a healthy credit score


One of the big advantages of credit monitoring is that you can help prevent identity
theft. By looking at your credit reports, you are going to be able to tell if someone is

MIS and Credit Monitoring

trying to access your credit. If you see accounts that are open that you did not have
anything to do with, you know that someone else is opening them.

Another good reason to monitor your credit is so that you can tell if the financial actions
you are taking are hurting or helping your credit score.


When you are monitoring your credit, one of the disadvantages of this process is that it
is going to be costly. You are entitled to one free credit report from each of the three
major credit bureaus every year, but you are going have to pay for the credit reports
beyond that. This process can be very expensive if you do it frequently enough.

Another potential disadvantage is that you are going to over-analyze everything in your
credit report. You will spend too much time trying to make small tweaks that may not
actually be doing any good.

MIS and Credit Monitoring


MIS and Credit Monitoring


The design of any research project requires considerable attention to the research
methods and the proposed data analysis. Within this section, we have attempted to
provide some information about how to produce a research design for a study. We offer
a basic overview of the research methods portion of a research proposal and then some
data analysis templates for The design of any research project requires considerable
attention to the research methods and the proposed data different types of designs. Our
goal is not to answer every question, but provide a head start

Research Methods:-
The methods section of any proposal must address several fundamental design
components. The research method documents describes a number of components
required for a fundable proposal.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Data Analysis Methods

Data analysis methods vary considerably from and even within the types of research
designs. Some methods, such as single-subject designs, do not necessarily need
aaustralian pokies online statistical analysis to convey experimental control over the
dependent variables. Most quantitative designs, such as randomized trials and many
quasi-experimental designs, require statistical analysis. The statistical analysis templates
cover quantitative methods and include the following design and analysis combinations:

Randomized controlled trial with a nalysis of covariance.

Scope of RM:-

Study of credit monitoring helps prevent identity theft. By looking at your credit
reports, you are going to be able to tell if someone is trying to access your credit. If
you see accounts that are open that you did not have anything to do with, you know
that someone else is opening them.

Another good reason to study credit monitoring is so that you can tell if the financial
actions you are taking are hurting or helping your credit score.

it helps to make planning and control decision.

It improves the quality of plans by providing relevant information for sound decision
making. due to increase in size and complexity of organization managers have lost
personal contact with the scenes of operations so it helps them to regain it.

It awares about problem and requirement of company.

It helps to improve working of mis and credit monitoring

Objective of RM:-

o to understand working of MIS and credit monitoring

o To study about problems faced by credit monitor

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Information processing beyond doubt is the dominant industry of the present century.
Following factors states few common factors that reflect on the needs and objectives of
the information processing:

o Increasing impact of information processing for organizational decision making.

o Dependency of services sector including banking, financial organization, health care,

entertainment, tourism and travel, education and numerous others on information.

o Changing employment scene world over, shifting base from manual agricultural to
machine-based manufacturing and other industry related jobs.

o Information revolution and the overall development scenario.

o Growth of IT industry and its strategic importance.

o Strong growth of information services fuelled by increasing competition and reduced

product life cycle.

o Need for sustainable development and quality life.

o Improvement in communication and transportation brought in by use of

information processing.

o Use of information processing in reduction of energy consumption, reduction in

pollution and a better ecological balance in future.

o Use of information processing in land record managements, legal delivery system,

educational institutions, natural resource planning, customer relation management
and so on.

The goals of an MIS are to implement the organizational structure

and dynamics of the enterprise for the purpose of managing the
organization in a better way and capturing the potential of the
information system for competitive advantage.

Following are the basic objectives of an MIS:

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Capturing Data: Capturing contextual data, or operational information that will

contribute in decision making from various internal and external sources of

Processing Data: The captured data is processed into information needed for
planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling functionalities at
strategic, tactical and operational level. Processing data means:

o making calculations with the data

o sorting data

o classifying data and

o summarizing data

Information Storage: Information or processed data need to be stored for future use.

Information Retrieval: The system should be able to retrieve this information from
the storage as and when required by various users.

Information Propagation: Information or the finished product of the MIS should be

circulated to its users periodically using the organizational network.

o To study about solution for it

Limitations of RM:

Due to limited time the study is not accurate

The study is purely based on secondary data so the field of study gets limited

Literature review :-
Review of OPM (Mis)Spends $133M on Credit Monitoring(news)

Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has awarded a $133 million contract to a

private firm in an effort to provide credit monitoring services for three years to nearly
22 million people who had their Social Security numbers and other sensitive data stolen

MIS and Credit Monitoring

by cybercriminals. But perhaps the agency should be offering the option to pay for the
cost that victims may incur in freezing their credit files, a much more effective way of
preventing identity theft.

Not long after news broke that Chinese hackers had stolen SSNs and far more sensitive
data on 4.2 million individuals including background investigations, fingerprint data,
addresses, medical and mental-health history, and financial history OPM announced
it had awarded a contract worth more than $20 million to Austin, Texas-based identity
protection firm CSID to provide 18 months of protection for those affected.

Soon after the CSID contract was awarded, the OPM acknowledged that the breach
actually impacted more than five times as many individuals as originally thought. In
response, the OPM has awarded a $133 million contract to Portland, Ore. based ID

No matter how you slice it, $133 million is a staggering figure for a service that in all
likelihood will do little to prevent identity thieves from hijacking the names, good credit
and good faith of breach victims. While state-sponsored hackers thought to be
responsible for this breach were likely interested in the data for more strategic than
financial reasons (recruiting, discovering and/or thwarting spies), the OPM should not
force breach victims to pay for true protection.

As Ive noted in story after story, identity protection services like those offered by CSID,
Experian and others do little to block identity theft: The most you can hope for from
these services is that they will notify you after crooks have opened a new line of credit in
your name. Where these services do excel is in helping with the time-consuming and
expensive process of cleaning up your credit report with the major credit reporting

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Many of these third party services also induce people to provide even more information
than was leaked in the original breach. For example, CSID offers the ability to monitor
thousands of websites, chat rooms, forums and networks, and alerts you if your personal
information is being bought or sold online. But in order to use this service, users are
encouraged to provide bank account and credit card data, passport and medical ID
numbers, as well as telephone numbers and drivers license information.

The only step that will reliably block identity thieves from accessing your credit file
and therefore applying for new loans, credit cards and otherwise ruining your good
name is freezing your credit file with the major credit bureaus. This freeze process
described in detail in the primer, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace the
Security Freeze can be done online or over the phone. Each bureau will give the
consumer a unique personal identification number (PIN) that the consumer will need to
provide in the event that he needs to apply for new credit in the future.

But theres a catch: Depending on the state in which you reside, the freeze can cost $5 to
$15 per credit bureau. Also, in some states consumers can be charged a fee to
temporarily lift the freeze.

It is true that most states allow consumers who can show they have been or are likely to
be a victim of ID theft to obtain the freezes for free, but this generally requires the
consumer to file a police report, obtain and mail a copy of that report along with
photocopied identity documents, and submit an affidavit swearing that the victim
believes his or her statement about identity theft to be true.

Unsurprisingly, many who seek the comprehensive protection offered by a freeze in the
wake of a breach are more interested in securing the freeze than they are untangling a
huge knot of red tape, and so they pay the freeze fees and get on with their lives.

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The OPMs advisory on this breach includes the same boilerplate advice sent to
countless victims in other breaches, including the admonition to monitors ones
financial statements carefully, to obtain a free copy of ones credit report from
annualcreditreport.com, and to consider filing a free and/or fraud alert with the three
major credit bureaus. Nowhere does the agency mention the availability or merits of
establishing a security freeze.

Information system security refers to the way the system is defended against
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection,
recording or destruction.

There are two major aspects of information system security:

Security of the information technology used - securing the system from malicious
cyber-attacks that tend to break into the system and to access critical private
information or gain control of the internal systems.

Security of data - ensuring the integrity of data when critical issues, arise such as
natural disasters, computer/server malfunction, physical theft etc. Generally an
off-site backup of data is kept for such problems.

Guaranteeing effective information security has the following key aspects:

Preventing the unauthorized individuals or systems from accessing the


Maintaining and assuring the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire

Ensuring that the computing systems, the security controls used to protect it and
the communication channels used to access it, functioning correctly all the time,
thus making information available in all situations.

Ensuring that the data, transactions, communications or documents are genuine.

Ensuring the integrity of a transaction by validating that both parties involved

are genuine, by incorporating authentication features such as "digital

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Ensuring that once a transaction takes place, none of the parties can deny it,
either having received a transaction, or having sent a transaction. This is called

Safeguarding data and communications stored and shared in network systems.

Information Systems and Ethics

Information systems bring about immense social changes, threatening the existing
distributions of power, money, rights, and obligations. It also raises new kinds of
crimes, like cyber-crimes.

Following organizations promote ethical issues:

The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP)

The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR


1.Since credit monitoring is the most important part of the post sanction stage, the
banks have put in place an effective post-sanction process to facilitate the efficient
and effective credit management and to maintain a high level of standard asset.
Most of the banks have installed multiple monitoring mechanism and inspection at
different levels. .
2. Stricter credit monitoring will ensure the advances from becoming
non-performing i.e., another way of saying that the lapses in credit
monitoring will turn advances into NPA

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When companies need help improving their current information system or creating a new one,
they turn to the expertise of management information systems analysts, or computer systems
analysts. These data professionals offer their services as either outside consultants or working
in-house. Either way, long hours are common because computer issues can happen at any

MIS analysts examine how an organizations staff uses information, what tools they have
available, and how they want to improve their methods. They then research the best solutions
to existing issues by reading industry literature and consulting with colleagues. Analysts may
recommend simple changes to existing processes so information flow improves. More likely,
however, they implement the latest hardware technology and software applications. They test
their solution to ensure it is working correctly and then train existing staff to work with the
new developments.
The growing complexity of information systems compels many MIS analysts to specialize in
either specific industries, such as aerospace or finance, or in specific job types. For example,
systems analysts focus on creating new systems or improving existing ones. System architects
plan long-term goals for organizations, and bring in specific types of hardware and software.
Software quality-assurance specialists concentrate on testing newly designed systems to
discover all the bugs. Finally, programmer analysts write the actual code or customize an
existing application, and then test their creation to ensure it meets the needs of their


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2.2 Logframe Analysis

Timely data available to view and analysis in

real-time anytime anywhere.

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An efficient information system creates an impact on the organization's

function, performance, and productivity.

Nowadays, information system and information technology have become

a vital part of any successful business and is regarded as a major
functional area like any other functional areas such as marketing, finance,
production and human resources, etc.

Thus, it is important to understand the functions of an information

system just like any other functional area in business. A well maintained
management information system supports the organization at different

Many firms are using information system that cross the boundaries of
traditional business functions in order to re-engineer and improve vital
business processes all across the enterprise. This typical has involved

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

Executive Information System (EIS)

Decision Support System (DSS)

Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

Content Management Systems (CMS)

The strategic role of Management Information System involves using it to

develop products, services, and capabilities that provides a company
major advantages over competitive forces it faces in the global

We need an MIS flexible enough to deal with changing information needs

of the organization. The designing of such a system is a complex task. It
can be achieved only if the MIS is planned. We understand this planning
and implementation in management development process.

Decision support system is a major segment of organizational information

system, because of its influential role in taking business decisions. It help
all levels of managers to take various decisions.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

Information/Data Collection Techniques

The most popular data collection techniques include:

Surveys: A questionnaires is prepared to collect the data from the field.

Secondary data sources or archival data: Data is collected through old records, magazines,
company website etc.

Objective measures or tests: An experimental test is conducted on the subject and the data is

Interviews: Data is collected by the system analyst by following a rigid procedure and collecting
the answers to a set of pre-conceived questions through personal interviews.

Classification of Information
Information can be classified in a number of ways and in this chapter, you
will learn two of the most important ways to classify information.

Classification by Characteristic
Based on Anthony's classification of Management, information used in
business for decision-making is generally categorized into three types:

Strategic Information: Strategic information is concerned with long term policy decisions that
defines the objectives of a business and checks how well these objectives are met. For example,

MIS and Credit Monitoring

acquiring a new plant, a new product, diversification of business etc, comes under strategic

Tactical Information:Tactical information is concerned with the information needed for

exercising control over business resources, like budgeting, quality control, service level,
inventory level, productivity level etc.

Operational Information: Operational information is concerned with plant/business level

information and is used to ensure proper conduction of specific operational tasks as
planned/intended. Various operator specific, machine specific and shift specific jobs for quality
control checks comes under this category.

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3. Conclusion and Recommendations Despite the positives associated with the role of MIS in
decision making process, there are a few challenges that are believed to limit the efficacy of
MIS. These include: The dynamic nature of MIS makes it difficult for some organizations to
keep up with the principles, strategies, propositions or even ideas. Different situations call
for different decisions to be made. This poses challenges to MIS theorists since some MIS
tend to not be adaptable The institutionalization, programming, monitoring and evaluating
MIS requires a lot of expertisesomething which numerous organizations lack. The running
of MIS programs tends to be relatively costly for some organization especially small ones
who are not well-endowed financially. MIS is more of a science-oriented field while
business is art-oriented. Consequently, finding a middle ground where the two can be linked is
quite challenging to some people. Most organizations do not a well-defined decision making
system. So even with the right MIS tools, very little can be achieved in terms of improving
decision-making. Based on these limitationsplus other underlying issues that arise from the
main discussion, the following recommendations are suggested: There should be an
increased monitoring of MIS so as to avoid falling victims of unobserved MIS which has dire
ramifications. Managers and business owners should find a way of tailoring information in a
way that it fits various decision making processes in variant businesses. The management
should encourage the effectuation of a mutually interdependent and balanced MIS where
workers and automated systems are handled with due respect. Business entities should find a
way inculcating teachings about new MIS in order to reduce the trend of businesses being left
behind on new inceptions. A well-defined decision making system should be fledged in
businesses so as to provide a viable working environment for MIS. A good place to start here
would be the inception of a centralized place where all decisions in businesses are channeled
through Business managers must ensure that they employ (or alternatively outsource)
professional personnel who are able to ardently run both MIS and the decision making

Principally, it is inherent to note that in spite of the fact that this paper is expressively
analytical, more research needs to be done in order to bring more information into public
knowhow. Moreover, business owners must learn to cope up with the ever changing trends in
MIS and decision making, without which it will be very challenging to make positive progress
in decision making. Finally, it is vital to remember that improvement in decision making is
fundamentally meant to ensure customer satisfaction while businesses continue to flourish in
success. All MIS strategies should therefore be tailored in a way that the above business goals
are achieved.

Management Information Systems provides accurate, timely, relevant and complete

information necessary to facilitate decision making in an organization. It helps in planning,
control and operational functions to be carried out effectively and efficiently. It provides a
wide range of decision alternatives for the decision makers, enabling them to make their

MIS and Credit Monitoring

choice depending on the system and the situation. It ensures that the choice results in more
often, a positive outcome. These are the major reasons why MIS is chosen by renowned
organizations for decision making and for management of information. MIS with all of its
advantages has a few challenges that needs to be overcomed. Organizations should ensure top
level International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 10,
October 2015 5 ISSN 2250-3153 www.ijsrp.org management involvement for smooth
functioning of the organization when it comes to MIS. Decision making inn such
organizations would be faster and in line with the modern and efficient business practices.
Business owners must learn to cope up with the ever changing trends in MIS and decision
making, without which it will be very challenging to make positive progress in decision
making. Finally, it is vital to remember that improvement in decision making is fundamentally
meant to ensure customer satisfaction while businesses continue to flourish in success [3].
The MIS strategies should be adopted as per the requirement and should aim to achieve the
business goals. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would sincerely like to thank our professors for
the constant mentorship. We are grateful towards our peers for the encouragement and
constructive criticism.

MIS and Credit Monitoring

G.Satyanarayana Reddy, Rallabandi Srinivasu, Srikanth Reddy Rikkula,Vuda
Sreenivasa Rao, Management Information System to help managers for providing
decision making inan organization, in International Journal of Reviews in

Gabriel, Justin Mgbechi Odinioha,Management Information Systems and

Corporate Decision-Making : A literature Review,The International Journal of
Management, Vol.2 Issue 3,July,2013.

Srinivas Nowduri,Manageent information systems and business decision making:

review, analysis, and recommendations,Journal of Management and Marketing
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http://archive.mu.ac.in/myweb_test/MCA%20study%20material/M.C.A.(Se m%20-
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Management Information Systems and Decision Making Process in Enterprise ,

Economics Management Information Technology,Vol. 1,No. 2, 2012.





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